„It is still not clear why the mother has weird sexual phantasies.”
MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, Viennese family judge in the Sadegh case concerning the horrific flashbacks of Luki Dara Sadegh, then 2 ½ years old, despite of having scientific literature on SRA mind control on his desk
Satanic holidays have been mentioned in scientific literature on satanic ritual abuse or trauma based mind control [1] on one hand because of the confessions of victims, and on the other hand because of the registered crimes (abductions, rapes, mutilations of children) around these “festive” dates, meaning ritual abuse (physical, psychological and spiritual abuse).
Satanists are obsessed with rituals, symbols, numerology, and so these festive days overlap with the dates of all religions, which is one of the most important satanic/psychopathic characteristics, besides infiltration and silence, betrayal and deception. While holding solid, “respectable” jobs and attending their – official – churches, they celebrate their own “festive days” right afterwards.
1 | Neujahr; Druidenfest | New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day |
6 | Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) | Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian) |
7 | St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. | St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation. |
7 | Taufe Jesu (Christlich) | Baptism of the Lord (Christian) |
11 | Neumond (12:57 MEZ/MESZ) | New Moon (3:57 PST) |
13 | Satanisches Neujahr | Satanic New Year |
14 | Laylat al Raghaib (muslimisch) | Laylat al Raghaib (muslim) |
17 | Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) | Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels |
20 | St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. | St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions. |
20-27 | Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess | Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas |
24 / 25 | Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) | Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring) |
25 | Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern | Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children |
25 | Vollmond (18:55 MEZ/MESZ) | Full Moon (9:54 PST) |
2 | Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer | Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice |
2 | Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) | Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law) |
4 | Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) | Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim) |
7 – 8 | Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) | Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return) |
9 | Neumond (23:59 MEZ/MESZ) | New Moon (14:59 PST) |
12 | Rosenmontag (Karneval) | Rose Monday (German Carnival) |
13 | Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag | Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras |
14 | Valentinstag | Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg |
14 – 30 (3) | Beginn der Fastenzeit (christlich) | Days of Fasting (Christian) |
14 | Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 30.3 (Christlich) | Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 3/30 (Christian) |
24 | Vollmond (13:32 MEZ/MESZ) | Full Moon (4:30 PST) |
25 | St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga (AD 779); Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen | Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga (AD 779); communion of blood and dismemberment |
25 | Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi | Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi |
1 | St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen | St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons |
8 | Internationaler Frauentag | International Women´s Day |
9 – 8 (4) | Ramaadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) | Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth) |
10 | Neumond (10:00 MEZ/MESZ) | New Moon (1:00 PST) |
12 | Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings | Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox |
16 | Tag von Montsegur (AD 1244), Verfolgung der Katharer | Montsegur Day (AD 1244), persecution of the Cathars |
17 | St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) | St. Patrick´s Day (Irish) |
20 | Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) | Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year) |
20 – 21 | Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen | Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice |
23 | Ta´anit Esther – Estherfasten bis Purim zu Sonnenuntergang beginnt | Ta´anit Ester – Fast until the beginning of Purim at sunset. |
23 / 24 | Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) | Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia) |
24 | Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest | Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan |
24 – 30 | Karwoche (Christlich) | Easter (Christian) |
24 | Palmsonntag (Christlich) | Palm Sunday (Christian) |
25 | Vollmond (08:02 MEZ/MESZ) | Full Moon (0:00 PDT) |
28 | Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) | Last Supper (Christian) |
29 | Karfreitag (Christlich) | Good Friday (Christian) |
30 | Ostersamstag (Christlich) | Holy Saturday (Christian) |
31 | Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) | Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday) |
1 | Ostermontag (Christlich) | Easter Monday (Christian) |
1 | Der 1. April | April Fool´s Day |
5 | Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) | Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad) |
7 | Sonntag der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit (christlich) | Divine Mercy Sunday (Christian) |
8 | Neumond (20:21 MEZ/MESZ) | New Moon (11:21 PDT) |
8 | Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) | Annunciation (Christian) |
8-10 | Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat | Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley) |
9 | Chaand Raat (moslimisch) | Chaand Raat (muslim) |
10 | Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) | Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan) |
17 / 18 | Yom HaAliyah (Jüdisch): „das jüdische Volk in das Land Israel kommt“ | Yom HaAliyah (Jewish): „the Jewish people come to the land of Israel” |
20 | Hitlers Geburtstag | Hitler´s actual birthday |
21 -26 | Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. | Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants |
22 / 30 (4) | Passover/Pessach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) | Passover/Pessach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices) |
23 | Full Moon (16:49 PDT) | |
24 | Vollmond (01:50 MEZ/MESZ) | |
26 – 1 | Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer | Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice |
30 | Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag | May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death |
30 | Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ | Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride” |
MAI | MAY | |
1 | Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag | Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat |
1 | Tag der Arbeit | Labour Day in Europe |
5 / 6 | Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) | Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day) |
7 | New Moon (20:22 PDT) | |
8 | Neumond (05:22 MEZ/MESZ) | |
9 | Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) | Ascension Day (Christian) |
12 / 13 | Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) | Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory) |
13 / 14 | Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag | Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence |
19 | Pfingsten (Christlich) | Pentecost (Christian) |
23 | Vollmond (15:54 MEZ/MESZ) | Full Moon (06:53 PDT) |
24 | Aldersgate oder Wesley Tag (Methodistisch) | Aldersgate Day, or Wesley Day (Methodist) |
25 / 26 | Lag BaOmer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden | Lag BaOmer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people |
26 | Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) | Trinity (Christian) |
30 | Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs | Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc |
30 | Fronleichnam (Christlich) | Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian) |
4 / 5 | Yom Yerushalayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) | Yom Yerushalayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish) |
6 | Neumond (14:38 MEZ/MESZ) | New Moon (05:38 PDT) |
7 | Herz Jesu Fest (Christlich) | Feast of the Sacred Heart (Christian) |
11 / 13 | Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) | Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai) |
14 – 19 | Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) | Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca) |
15 | Arafah (Muslim) | Arafah Day (Muslim) |
16 | Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) | Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving) |
20 – 21 | Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern | Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children |
21 | Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) | Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom) |
21 | Full Moon (18:08 PDT) | |
22 | Vollmond (03:09 MEZ/MESZ) | |
23 | Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; | Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals |
24 | Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) | St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717) |
30 | Eid al-Mubahala (muslimisch) | Eid al-Mubahala (moslim) |
1 | Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen | Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons |
4 | US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag | US Independence Day |
5 | New Moon (15:57 PDT) | |
6 | Neumond (00:57 MEZ/MESZ) | |
7 | Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) | Muharram (Muslim: New Year) |
16 / 17 | Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) | Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein) |
17 – 26 | Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung | Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals |
21 | Vollmond (12:18 MEZ/MESZ) | Full Moon (03:17 PDT) |
23 | Schiwa Assar beTammus (Fasten zur Erinnerung an den Mauerdurchbruch in Jerusalem, auf den die Zerstörung des Tempels folgte; Trauertage bis Tisha B´Av) | Shiwa Assar beTammus (fasting to remember the breaking of the wall in Jerusalem, following the destruction of the Temple; Days of Mourning until Tisha B´Av) |
25 | Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern | St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs |
26/27 | Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt | Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax |
1 | Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer | Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice; |
1 | Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) | Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility) |
3 | Satanische Feierlichkeiten | Satanic revels |
4 | Neumond (13:13 MEZ/MESZ) | New Moon (04:13 PDT) |
12 | Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut | Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride |
12 / 13 | Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) | Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning) |
15 | Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) | Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian) |
18 / 19 | Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe | Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love |
19 | Vollmond (20:27 MES/MESZ) | Full Moon (12:26 PDT) |
24 | St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk | St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival) |
25 / 26 | Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali | Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali |
2 | New Moon (18:56 PDT) | |
3 | Neumond (03:55 MEZ/MESZ) | |
5 – 7 | Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan | Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations |
14 | Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) | Holy Cross Day (Christian) |
15 | Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten | Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet |
17 | Full Moon (19:34 PDT) | |
18 | Vollmond (04:36 MEZ/MESZ) | |
20 – 21 | Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium | Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox |
21 | Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens | Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge) |
29 | Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel | Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels |
2 | Neumond (20:49 MEZ/MESZ) | New Moon (11:49 PDT) |
2 / 4 | Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) | Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement) |
3 | Tag der Deutschen Einheit | German Unification Day |
5 / 6 | Zom Gedalja (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an Ermordung Gedaljas, infolge dessen der Tempel Salomons zerstört wurde) | Zom Gedalja (Jewish: Remembrance of murder of Gedalja, which led to the destruction of Solomon´s temple) |
6 | Erntedankfest (Christlich) | Thanksgiving (Christian) |
11 / 12 | Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) | Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement) |
12 | Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley | Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley |
13 | Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) | Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October) |
13 – 29 | Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung | Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations |
16 – 23 | Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) | Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival) |
17 | Vollmond (13:27 MEZ/MESZ) | Full Moon (04:26 PDT) |
22 / 23 | Hoschana Rabba (Jüdisch: „Hilf mir doch“ – beten für „a gutt kwittel“) | Hoschana Rabba (Jewish: „Help me” – praying for “a gutt kwittel”) |
23 – 25 | Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) | Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly) |
24 / 25 | Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) | Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah) |
26 | Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren | Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals |
26 | Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag | National holiday of Austria |
29 – 30 | „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag | “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day |
30 | Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). | Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain) |
31 | Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres | Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year |
31 | Reformationstag (Evangelisch) | Reformation Day (Protestant) |
1 | Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest | All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day |
1 | Neumond (13:47 MEZ/MESZ) | New Moon (05:47 PDT) |
1 – 6 | Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris | The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris |
2 | Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen | All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices |
4 | Allerheiligen (alt) | (Old) All Saint´s Day |
4 | Satanische Feierlichkeiten | Satanic Revels |
7 | Wiedergeburt von Osiris | Rebirth of Osiris |
9 | Kristallnacht | Kristallnacht |
15 | Vollmond (22:30 MEZ/MESZ) | Full Moon (13:28 PST) |
20 – 22 | Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) | Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954) |
20 | Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) | Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church) |
24 | Christkönig (Christlich) | Feast of Christ the King (Christian) |
24 | Totensonntag (Evangelisch) | Sunday of the Dead (Protestant, Germany) |
28 | Erntedankfest (Amerik.) | Thanksgiving (USA) |
29 / 30 | Sigd (Jüdisch: Gott offenbart sich Mose) | Sigd (Jewish: God reveals Himself to Mose) |
30 | New Moon (22:21 PST) | |
1 | Neumond (07:21 MEZ/MESZ) | |
1 | Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley | Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s “Greater Feast” – Death of Crowley |
1 | 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) | 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian) |
5 | Krampus / St. Nikolaus | |
8 | Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) | Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian) |
8 | 2.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) | 2nd Sunday of Advent (Christian) |
12 – 19 | Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern | Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time |
16 – 23 | Entführung, Opfervorbereitung | Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice |
15 | Vollmond (10:03 MEZ/MESZ) | Full Moon (01:02 PST) |
15 | 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) | 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian) |
20 – 23 | Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende | Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice |
21 | St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen | St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil |
22 | 4.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) | 4th Sunday of Advent (Christian) |
22 | Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) | Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“ |
24 | Weihnachten (Christlich) | Christmas Eve (Christian) |
24 | Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk | Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants |
25 | Christtag (Christlich) | Christmas Day (Christian) |
25 – 2 (1) | Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) | Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights) |
26 | Stefanitag (Christlich) | Boxing Day (Christian) |
30 | Neumond (23:27 MEZ/MESZ) | New Moon (14:27 PST) |
31 | Silvester | New Year´s Eve |
The holidays, as well as the “language” of the respective calendars, is “old” and again underlines the centuries-old tradition of celebrating these festivals, together with bestial child sacrifices. The perpetrators, one remembers XAVAS and several other artists, do not usually dress up in devil’s horns, but are “in suit and robe” – that is, in highly respectable, bourgeois professions. These calendars also show how obsessed many Satanists appear to be with “sexuality”, preferably S / M – BDSM [2], as well as with body fluids (blood, semen, urine), as described in detail in the scientific literature on ritual abuse or artistically processed by artists such as Kim Noble, herself a trauma based mind control and ritual abuse victim. In his novel “eleven minutes”, the life-story of the Brazilian prostitute Maria, famous writer Paolo Coelho also outlines not only BDSM, but also reveals details of “holy prostitution / sacrifice”: power – powerlessness, sadomasochism (submission, subjugation), tormenting and killing “those unworthy of life”, especially “guilt-transference rituals”, as secret initiation rituals seem to be the main attraction for these groups. Due to the bestial crimes against children, in particular, one can imagine how many perpetrators want to break out of this vicious circle, as documented in the literature, but cannot, since they are caught on photos and video recordings and are therefore in the hands of the Satanists / psychopaths, and thus tend to conduct these festive days “in a spiritual manner” and try to seduce others to join.
Subsequently, one can observe the machismo of these networks, in which again only the proven stereotypes of femininity are allowed (witch-whore-saints), the feminine element is to be destroyed or suppressed, and also the obsession of Satanists / psychopaths with “interbreeding”, so that inter-generational “dynasties” are sometimes built in secret, in which women are used only as “breeders”, and due to potentially hidden cases of paternity, more people are in turn blackmailable. Due to the “changing of children” often mentioned in scientific literature, and reported by all former Illuminati and Illuminati-related persons – especially Fritz Springmeier, John Todd or Svali – intergenerational breeding can be better understood: bonds of flesh and blood are thus subordinated to the “satanic” goals. The experience of heartbreak, if it remains unreflected upon and unhealed, makes it easier to dehumanize others, and therefore to torture or torment also small children and babies. Again, this brings to mind the words of English specialists in this field: “No one wants to know that it’s happening next door”, because that means it isn’t a crime perpetrated “somewhere” upon “poor orphans” in a “distant continent” by “primitive natives”, but right in our immediate neighborhood in our western world. The bestial atrocities that people can carry out against other people, especially to children, simply take one’s breath away: American psychologist Colin A. Ross also states in his book “Satanic Ritual Abuse” that this ritual abuse is the most horrific thing that can happen to a child, as the damage is irreversible, and also explains why these atrocities must be concealed and denied at all costs: victims must be “disposed of”, as well as witnesses – “death to traitors” is the top priority of such groups.
[1] Sources
Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011 enthält einen Ritualkalender, etliche andere wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur ebenso.
Notes: Every culture/nation/circle has different holidays – here is an old, in the sense not updated, list of such possible additional festive days. The experience is, that many of these festive days, still are hidden, for example, “Adolph Hitler´s “real” death date on 13th of February” etc.:
Eastern Orthodox holidays 1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 2/27 Beginning of Lent 3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 4/9 Palm Sunday 4/13 Holy Thursday 4/14 Holy Friday 4/15 Holy Saturday 4/16 Pascha/Easter 5/25 Ascension Day 6/4 Pentecost 6/26 All Saints Day 8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 9/14 Elevation of the Cross 12/25 Nativity of Christ
Hindu holidays 1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu
Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22 Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia
Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/
[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM
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