Festen 2024

„It is still not clear why the mother has weird sexual phantasies.”

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, Viennese family judge in the Sadegh case concerning the horrific flashbacks of Luki Dara Sadegh, then 2 ½ years old, despite of having scientific literature on SRA mind control on his desk

Satanic holidays have been mentioned in scientific literature on satanic ritual abuse or trauma based mind control [1] on one hand because of the confessions of victims, and on the other hand because of the registered crimes (abductions, rapes, mutilations of children) around these “festive” dates, meaning ritual abuse (physical, psychological and spiritual abuse).

Satanists are obsessed with rituals, symbols, numerology, and so these festive days overlap with the dates of all religions, which is one of the most important satanic/psychopathic characteristics, besides infiltration and silence, betrayal and deception. While holding solid, “respectable” jobs and attending their – official – churches, they celebrate their own “festive days” right afterwards.



1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
7 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
11 Neumond (12:57 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (3:57 PST)
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
14 Laylat al Raghaib (muslimisch) Laylat al Raghaib (muslim)
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
24 / 25 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children
25 Vollmond (18:55 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (9:54 PST)
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
4 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
7 – 8 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
9 Neumond (23:59 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (14:59 PST)
12 Rosenmontag (Karneval) Rose Monday (German Carnival)
13 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
14 – 30 (3) Beginn der Fastenzeit (christlich) Days of Fasting (Christian)
14 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 30.3 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 3/30 (Christian)
24 Vollmond (13:32 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (4:30 PST)
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga (AD 779); Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga (AD 779); communion of blood and dismemberment
25 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
8 Internationaler Frauentag International Women´s Day
9 – 8 (4) Ramaadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
10 Neumond (10:00 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (1:00 PST)
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
16 Tag von Montsegur (AD 1244), Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day (AD 1244), persecution of the Cathars
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
23 Ta´anit Esther – Estherfasten bis Purim zu Sonnenuntergang beginnt Ta´anit Ester – Fast until the beginning of Purim at sunset.
23 / 24 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
24 – 30 Karwoche (Christlich) Easter (Christian)
24 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
25 Vollmond (08:02 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (0:00 PDT)
28 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
29 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
30 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
31 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
1 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
5 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
7 Sonntag der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit (christlich) Divine Mercy Sunday (Christian)
8 Neumond (20:21 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (11:21 PDT)
8 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
9 Chaand Raat (moslimisch) Chaand Raat (muslim)
10 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
17 / 18 Yom HaAliyah (Jüdisch): „das jüdische Volk in das Land Israel kommt“ Yom HaAliyah (Jewish): „the Jewish people come to the land of Israel”
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants
22 / 30 (4) Passover/Pessach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pessach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
23   Full Moon (16:49 PDT)
24 Vollmond (01:50 MEZ/MESZ)  
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
5 / 6 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
7   New Moon (20:22 PDT)
8 Neumond (05:22 MEZ/MESZ)  
9 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
12 / 13 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
13 / 14 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
19 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
23 Vollmond (15:54 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (06:53 PDT)
24 Aldersgate oder Wesley Tag (Methodistisch) Aldersgate Day, or Wesley Day (Methodist)
25 / 26 Lag BaOmer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag BaOmer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
26 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
30 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
4 / 5 Yom Yerushalayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushalayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
6 Neumond (14:38 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (05:38 PDT)
7 Herz Jesu Fest (Christlich) Feast of the Sacred Heart (Christian)
11 / 13 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
14 – 19 Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
15 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
16 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
21   Full Moon (18:08 PDT)
22 Vollmond (03:09 MEZ/MESZ)  
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
30 Eid al-Mubahala (muslimisch) Eid al-Mubahala (moslim)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
5   New Moon (15:57 PDT)
6 Neumond (00:57 MEZ/MESZ)  
7 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
16 / 17 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
21 Vollmond (12:18 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (03:17 PDT)
23 Schiwa Assar beTammus (Fasten zur Erinnerung an den Mauerdurchbruch in Jerusalem, auf den die Zerstörung des Tempels folgte; Trauertage bis Tisha B´Av) Shiwa Assar beTammus (fasting to remember the breaking of the wall in Jerusalem, following the destruction of the Temple; Days of Mourning until Tisha B´Av)
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
4 Neumond (13:13 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (04:13 PDT)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
12 / 13 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
18 / 19 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
19 Vollmond (20:27 MES/MESZ) Full Moon (12:26 PDT)
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
25 / 26 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
2   New Moon (18:56 PDT)
3 Neumond (03:55 MEZ/MESZ)  
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
15 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet
17   Full Moon (19:34 PDT)
18 Vollmond (04:36 MEZ/MESZ)  
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
2 Neumond (20:49 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (11:49 PDT)
2 / 4 Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
5 / 6 Zom Gedalja (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an Ermordung Gedaljas, infolge dessen der Tempel Salomons zerstört wurde) Zom Gedalja (Jewish: Remembrance of murder of Gedalja, which led to the destruction of Solomon´s temple)
6 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
11 / 12 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
16 – 23 Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
17 Vollmond (13:27 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (04:26 PDT)
22 / 23 Hoschana Rabba (Jüdisch: „Hilf mir doch“ – beten für „a gutt kwittel“) Hoschana Rabba (Jewish: „Help me” – praying for “a gutt kwittel”)
23 – 25 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
24 / 25 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 Neumond (13:47 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (05:47 PDT)
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
15 Vollmond (22:30 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (13:28 PST)
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
20 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
24 Christkönig (Christlich) Feast of Christ the King (Christian)
24 Totensonntag (Evangelisch) Sunday of the Dead (Protestant, Germany)
28 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
29 / 30 Sigd (Jüdisch: Gott offenbart sich Mose) Sigd (Jewish: God reveals Himself to Mose)
30   New Moon (22:21 PST)
1 Neumond (07:21 MEZ/MESZ)  
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s “Greater Feast” – Death of Crowley
1 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
5 Krampus / St. Nikolaus  
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
8 2.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice
15 Vollmond (10:03 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (01:02 PST)
15 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 4.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 4th Sunday of Advent (Christian)
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
25 – 2 (1) Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
30 Neumond (23:27 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (14:27 PST)
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve


The holidays, as well as the “language” of the respective calendars, is “old” and again underlines the centuries-old tradition of celebrating these festivals, together with bestial child sacrifices. The perpetrators, one remembers XAVAS and several other artists, do not usually dress up in devil’s horns, but are “in suit and robe” – that is, in highly respectable, bourgeois professions. These calendars also show how obsessed many Satanists appear to be with “sexuality”, preferably S / M – BDSM [2], as well as with body fluids (blood, semen, urine), as described in detail in the scientific literature on ritual abuse or artistically processed by artists such as Kim Noble, herself a trauma based mind control and ritual abuse victim. In his novel “eleven minutes”, the life-story of the Brazilian prostitute Maria, famous writer Paolo Coelho also outlines not only BDSM, but also reveals details of “holy prostitution / sacrifice”: power – powerlessness, sadomasochism (submission, subjugation), tormenting and killing “those unworthy of life”, especially “guilt-transference rituals”, as secret initiation rituals seem to be the main attraction for these groups. Due to the bestial crimes against children, in particular, one can imagine how many perpetrators want to break out of this vicious circle, as documented in the literature, but cannot, since they are caught on photos and video recordings and are therefore in the hands of the Satanists / psychopaths, and thus tend to conduct these festive days “in a spiritual manner” and try to seduce others to join.


Subsequently, one can observe the machismo of these networks, in which again only the proven stereotypes of femininity are allowed (witch-whore-saints), the feminine element is to be destroyed or suppressed, and also the obsession of Satanists / psychopaths with “interbreeding”, so that inter-generational “dynasties” are sometimes built in secret, in which women are used only as “breeders”, and due to potentially hidden cases of paternity, more people are in turn blackmailable. Due to the “changing of children” often mentioned in scientific literature, and reported by all former Illuminati and Illuminati-related persons – especially Fritz Springmeier, John Todd or Svali – intergenerational breeding can be better understood: bonds of flesh and blood are thus subordinated to the “satanic” goals. The experience of heartbreak, if it remains unreflected upon and unhealed, makes it easier to dehumanize others, and therefore to torture or torment also small children and babies. Again, this brings to mind the words of English specialists in this field: “No one wants to know that it’s happening next door”, because that means it isn’t a crime perpetrated “somewhere” upon “poor orphans” in a “distant continent” by “primitive natives”, but right in our immediate neighborhood in our western world. The bestial atrocities that people can carry out against other people, especially to children, simply take one’s breath away: American psychologist Colin A. Ross also states in his book “Satanic Ritual Abuse” that this ritual abuse is the most horrific thing that can happen to a child, as the damage is irreversible, and also explains why these atrocities must be concealed and denied at all costs: victims must be “disposed of”, as well as witnesses – “death to traitors” is the top priority of such groups.


[1] Sources

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011 enthält einen Ritualkalender, etliche andere wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur ebenso.










Notes: Every culture/nation/circle has different holidays – here is an old, in the sense not updated, list of such possible additional festive days. The experience is, that many of these festive days, still are hidden, for example, “Adolph Hitler´s “real” death date on 13th of February” etc.:

Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ


Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu


Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia

Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/

[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM




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Festen 2023

„It is still not clear why the mother has weird sexual phantasies.”

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, Viennese family judge in the Sadegh case concerning the horrific flashbacks of Luki Dara Sadegh, then 2 ½ years old, despite of having scientific literature on SRA mind control on his desk

Satanic holidays have been mentioned in scientific literature on satanic ritual abuse or trauma based mind control [1] on one hand because of the confessions of victims, and on the other hand because of the registered crimes (abductions, rapes, mutilations of children) around these “festive” dates, meaning ritual abuse (physical, psychological and spiritual abuse).

Satanists are obsessed with rituals, symbols, numerology, and so these festive days overlap with the dates of all religions, which is one of the most important satanic/psychopathic characteristics, besides infiltration and silence, betrayal and deception. While holding solid, “respectable” jobs and attending their – official – churches, they celebrate their own “festive days” right afterwards.



1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
3 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
6 Vollmond Full Moon
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
9 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
21 Neumond New Moon
23 Rosh Chodesh Sh´vat (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sh´vat (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 Laylat al Raghaib (muslimisch) Laylat al Raghaib (muslim)
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
4 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
5 Vollmond Full Moon
6 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
17 – 18 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
20 Rosenmontag (Karneval) Rose Monday (German Carnival)
20 Neumond New Moon
21 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
22 – 8 (4.) Beginn der Fastenzeit (christlich) Days of Fasting (Christian)
22 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 3.4 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 4/3 (Christian)
22 Rosh Chodesh Adar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga (AD 779); Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga (AD 779); communion of blood and dismemberment
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
6 Ta´anit Esther – Estherfasten bis Purim zu Sonnenuntergang beginnt Ta´anit Ester – Fast until the beginning of Purim at sunset.
7 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
7 Vollmond Full Moon
7 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
8 Internationaler Frauentag International Women´s Day
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
16 Tag von Montsegur (AD 1244), Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day (AD 1244), persecution of the Cathars
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
21 Neumond New Moon
23 Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Nisan (Jewish; beginning of month)
23 – 22 (4.) Ramaadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
25 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
1 Yom HaAliyah (Jüdisch): „das jüdische Volk in das Land Israel kommt“ Yom HaAliyah (Jewish): „the Jewish people come to the land of Israel”
2 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
5 – 13 (4.) Passover/Pessach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pessach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
6 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
6 Vollmond Full Moon
7 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
8 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
9 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
10 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
16 Sonntag der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit (christlich) Divine Mercy Sunday (Christian)
17 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
20 Neumond New Moon
18 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
20 Chaand Raat (moslimisch) Chaand Raat (muslim)
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants
21 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
22 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Iyyar (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
26 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
5 Vollmond Full Moon
9 Lag B´Omer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag B´Omer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
18 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
19 Yom Yerushelayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushelayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
19 Neumond New Moon
21 Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sivan (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 Aldersgate oder Wesley Tag (Methodistisch) Aldersgate Day, or Wesley Day (Methodist)
25 Vorabend zu Shavuot Eve before Shavuot
26 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
28 – 29 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
3 Vollmond Full Moon
4 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
8 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
16 Herz Jesu Fest (Christlich) Feast of the Sacred Heart (Christian)
18 Neumond New Moon
20 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tamuz (Jewish; beginning of month)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
26 – 1 (7) Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
27 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
28 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
3 Vollmond Full Moon
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
6 Schiwa Assar beTammus (Fasten zur Erinnerung an den Mauerdurchbruch in Jerusalem, auf den die Zerstörung des Tempels folgte; Trauertage bis Tisha B´Av) Shiwa Assar beTammus (fasting to remember the breaking of the wall in Jerusalem, following the destruction of the Temple; Days of Mourning until Tisha B´Av)
6 Eid al-Ghadeer (muslimisch) Eid al-Ghadeer (moslim)
12 Eid al-Mubahala (muslimisch) Eid al-Mubahala (moslim)
17 Neumond New Moon
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
18 – 19 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
19 Rosh Chodesh Av (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Av (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
27 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
28 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
1 Vollmond Full Moon
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
2 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
16 Neumond New Moon
18 Rosh Chodesh Elul (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Elul (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
30 Vollmond Full Moon
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
6 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
14 Neumond New Moon
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
16 Rosh Chodesh Tischri (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tischri (Jewish; beginning of month)
16. – 17. (9.) Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
18 Zom Gedalja (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an Ermordung Gedaljas) Zom Gedalja (Jewish: Remembrance of murder of Gedalja, which led to )
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
24 Eid-e-Shuja’ (Muslimisch): ritueller Festtag, Ende der Trauerzeit nach dem Karbala Massaker Eid-e-Shuja’ (Moslem): ritual festival, end of mourning after the events of the Karbala massacre
25 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
27 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
29 Vollmond Full Moon
29 Vorabend zu Sukkot (Jüdisch) Evening before Sukkot (Jewish)
30. – 6. (10.) Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
1 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
6 Hoschana Rabba (Jüdisch: „Hilf mir doch“ – beten für „a gutt kwittel“) Hoschana Rabba (Jewish: „Help me” – praying for “a gutt kwittel”)
7 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
8 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
14 Neumond New Moon
16 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Cheshvan (Jewish; beginning of month)
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
28 Vollmond Full Moon
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
13 Neumond New Moon
13 Sigd (Jüdisch: Gott offenbart sich Mose) Sigd (Jewish: God reveals Himself to Mose)
14 Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Kislev (Jewish; beginning of month)
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
22 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
23 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
26 Totensonntag (Evangelisch) Sunday of the Dead (Protestant, Germany)
26 Christkönig (Christlich) Feast of Christ the King (Christian)
27 Vollmond Full Moon
30 Heiliger Andreas (Christlich) St. Andrew’s Day (Christian)
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s “Greater Feast” – Death of Crowley
3 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
5 Krampus / St. Nikolaus Full Moon
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
8 – 15 Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
10 2.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
12 Neumond New Moon
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
13 Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tevet (Jewish; beginning of month)
16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice
17 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
22 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
26 Vollmond Full Moon
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve


he holidays, as well as the “language” of the respective calendars, is “old” and again underlines the centuries-old tradition of celebrating these festivals, together with bestial child sacrifices. The perpetrators, one remembers XAVAS and several other artists, do not usually dress up in devil’s horns, but are “in suit and robe” – that is, in highly respectable, bourgeois professions. These calendars also show how obsessed many Satanists appear to be with “sexuality”, preferably S / M – BDSM [2], as well as with body fluids (blood, semen, urine), as described in detail in the scientific literature on ritual abuse or artistically processed by artists such as Kim Noble, herself a trauma based mind control and ritual abuse victim. In his novel “eleven minutes”, the life-story of the Brazilian prostitute Maria, famous writer Paolo Coelho also outlines not only BDSM, but also reveals details of “holy prostitution / sacrifice”: power – powerlessness, sadomasochism (submission, subjugation), tormenting and killing “those unworthy of life”, especially “guilt-transference rituals”, as secret initiation rituals seem to be the main attraction for these groups. Due to the bestial crimes against children, in particular, one can imagine how many perpetrators want to break out of this vicious circle, as documented in the literature, but cannot, since they are caught on photos and video recordings and are therefore in the hands of the Satanists / psychopaths, and thus tend to conduct these festive days “in a spiritual manner” and try to seduce others to join.


Subsequently, one can observe the machismo of these networks, in which again only the proven stereotypes of femininity are allowed (witch-whore-saints), the feminine element is to be destroyed or suppressed, and also the obsession of Satanists / psychopaths with “interbreeding”, so that inter-generational “dynasties” are sometimes built in secret, in which women are used only as “breeders”, and due to potentially hidden cases of paternity, more people are in turn blackmailable. Due to the “changing of children” often mentioned in scientific literature, and reported by all former Illuminati and Illuminati-related persons – especially Fritz Springmeier, John Todd or Svali – intergenerational breeding can be better understood: bonds of flesh and blood are thus subordinated to the “satanic” goals. The experience of heartbreak, if it remains unreflected upon and unhealed, makes it easier to dehumanize others, and therefore to torture or torment also small children and babies. Again, this brings to mind the words of English specialists in this field: “No one wants to know that it’s happening next door”, because that means it isn’t a crime perpetrated “somewhere” upon “poor orphans” in a “distant continent” by “primitive natives”, but right in our immediate neighborhood in our western world. The bestial atrocities that people can carry out against other people, especially to children, simply take one’s breath away: American psychologist Colin A. Ross also states in his book “Satanic Ritual Abuse” that this ritual abuse is the most horrific thing that can happen to a child, as the damage is irreversible, and also explains why these atrocities must be concealed and denied at all costs: victims must be “disposed of”, as well as witnesses – “death to traitors” is the top priority of such groups. Psychologist Ellen Lacter describes on her website http://endritualabuse.org/about/overview-of-the-differences-between-satanism-and-witchcraft/ the different types of abuse conducted by satanists a well as witches (satanism vs. witchcraft): I have not yet been able to find any (specialist) literature on how, above all, these oaths, vows, pledges and promises of guilt can be resolved; this knowledge seems to have disappeared. In my opinion, this knowledge of how to revoke this ritual transfer of guilt, vows and oaths is “the holy grail” in the field of “ritual abuse”, since satanists / psychopaths are evidently able to change karmic / spiritual laws through rituals, i.e. to offload their own burden onto others. Interestingly enough, most of the people who deal with the topic, from the high-level Illuminati to the hobby esotericist, are convinced that one must have earned his / her “karma” by choosing it for themselves in this lifetime: these arguments can be found on Satanic NWO-pages (argued by high-ranking Illuminati), and is also propagated in esoteric circles as well as in teaching institutions for coaching, training and counselling, and subsequently I was told quite often – even by perpetrators in the Sadegh case – that the crime against my son and also myself was therefore justified. Besides offering the chance to comfortably blame someone else, this also enables another goal to be achieved – namely, to obtain the “moral” legitimacy to dehumanize the victims (even more). Nevertheless:No one has the right or permission to torture (small) children. No child in the world, no matter what their colour, their nationality or belief system, deserves this suffering. No child in the world should be allowed to be used sexually, spiritually, mentally or physically. Every single child must be protected from such crimes.


[1] Sources

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011











Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ


Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu


Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia


Australia 1/26 –  Australia Day 3/6 –  Labour Day (Western Australia) 3/13 – Labour Day (Victoria, Tasmania) 3/13 –  Canberra Day (ACT) 4/25 –  Anzac Day 5/1  – Labour Day (Northern Territory, Queensland) 5/14 –  Mothers’ Day 6/12 –  Queen’s Birthday (all except Western Australia and Queensland) 9/3 –  Fathers’ Day 9/25 – Queen’s Birthday (Western Australia) 10/2 – Queen’s birthday (Queensland) 10/2 – Labour Day (most regions) 11/11 – Remembrance Day 12/26 – Boxing Day

Canada Holidays that are celebrated by all provinces are listed in the main calendar. Additional holidays: 2/20– Islander Day – PE 2/20 (2/13 in BC) – Family Day – BC, AB, SK, ON 2/20 – Louis Riel Day – MB 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day – NL 4/23 – St George’s Day – NL 5/22 – Victoria Day (National Patriots’ Day in QC) – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 6/21 – National Aboriginal Day NT 6/24 – Fete Nationale (St. Jean Baptiste Day) QC 6/24 – Discovery Day – NL 7/1 S Canada Day 7/9 – Nunavut Day – NT 8/7 – Civic/Provincial Day – AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU 10/10 – Thanksgiving – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 11/11 – Remembrance Day – Nationwide except ON, QC, NS, NL 12/26 – Boxing Day – ON Mexico 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 1/6 –  Dia de los Santos Reyes (Three Kings): exchange of Christmas presents 2/2 –  Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas) 2/5 –   Constitution Day 2/24 – Flag Day 2/22 – 2/28 Carnaval 2/1 – Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent 3/18  –  Oil Expropriation of 3/18/1938 3/20 – Benito Juarez’ Birthday Memorial 4/10 – 4/16 – Holy Week (end of Lent) 4/9 – Palm Sunday 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/30 –  Children’s Day 5/1 –  Labor Day 5/3 – Holy Cross Day 5/5 – Battle of Puebla 5/5 – Cinque de Mayo 5/10 –  Mothers’ Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/15 – Corpus Christi 6/18 – Father’s Day 8/15 – Assumption of Mary   9/16 –  Independence Day 10/12 – Dia de la Raza (arrival of Columbus to the Americas) 10/31 – Halloween 11/1 – 11/2 – Day of the Dead 11/20 – Revolution Day Memorial 11/26 – Christ the King Day 12/8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception 12/12 – Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe 12/25 – Christmas 12/28 – Day of the Holly Innocents 12/31 – New Year’s Eve South Africa 1/1 – New Years Day 3/21 – Human Rights Day 3/28 – Family Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/17 – Family Day 4/27 – Freedom Day 5/1 – Workers’ Day (Labour Day) 5/10 – Mothers’ Day 5/26 – Easter Sunday 6/26 – Youth Day 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/18 – Nelson Mandela’s Birthday 8/9 – Women’s Day 9/24 – Heritage Day (celebrated 9/25) 12/16 – Day of Reconciliation 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – Day of Goodwill The Netherlands 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 
4/27 – King’s Birthday 
5/4 – Remembrance Day 
5/5 – Liberation Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 12/5 -St. Nicholas Eve (Sinterklaas) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/25 – Second Day of Christmas 12/31 – New Year’s Eve United Kingdom 1/1 –  New Year’ Day (2/2 – Bank Holiday) 1/25 – Burns Night (Scotland) 3/1 – St. David’s Day (Wales) 3/6 – Mothering Sunday 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 4/23 – St. George’s Day 5/1 – May Day (Bank Holiday) 5/29 – Spring Bank Holiday 6/4 – Pentecost 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/12 – Battle of the Boyne 8/28 – Summer Bank Holiday 11/5 – Guy Fawkes Day 11/13 – Remembrance Sunday 11/30 – St Andrew’s Day (Scotland) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – St Stephen’s Day (Scotland, Ireland 12/26 – Boxing Day



Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/


[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM


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Festen 2022

«Det er fortsatt uklart hvorfor moren hadde rare seksuelle fantasier.»

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, dommer for Sadegh-saken i familieretten i Wien, vedrørende de grusomme flashbackene til Luki Dara Sadegh, da 2.5 år gammel, til tross for at dommeren hadde vitenskaplig faglitteratur om SRM tankekontroll på pulten sin.


Satanistiske høytider har blitt nevnt i vitenskapelig faglitteratur om satanistisk ritualmisbruk, eller traumebasert tankekontroll [1] på den ene hånd, på grunn av tilståelser fra vitner, på den annen hånd, fordi at registrerte kriminelle handlinger (bortføringer, voldtekter, lemlestelse av barn) finner sted rundt disse «gledelige» datoene, altså ritualmisbruk (fysisk, psykisk og åndelig misbruk).

Satanister er besatt av ritualer, symboler, numerologi, så høytidene deres overlapper med datoer hentet fra alle religioner – som er en av de mest viktige satanistiske/psykopatiske dyder sett bort ifra infiltrering og stillet: svik og bedrageri. De har gjerne sine solide, borgerlige jobber og besøker deres – offisielle kirker – så drar de videre og feirer sine egne «festlige høytider» rett etterpå.



1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
2 Neumond New Moon
3 Rosh Chodesh Sh´vat (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sh´vat (Jewish; beginning of month)
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
9 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
17 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
18 Vollmond Full Moon
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children
1 Neumond New Moon
1 Rosh Chodesh Adar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar (Jewish; beginning of month)
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
14 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
16 Vollmond Full Moon
22 – 16 (4.) Beginn der Fastenzeit (christlich) Days of Fasting (Christian)
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga (AD 779); Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga (AD 779); communion of blood and dismemberment
28 Rosenmontag (Karneval) Rose Monday (German Carnival)
28 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
1 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
2 Neumond New Moon
2 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 3.4 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 4/3 (Christian)
3 Rosh Chodesh Adar II (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar II (Jewish; beginning of month)
8 Internationaler Frauentag International Women´s Day
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
16 Tag von Montsegur (AD 1244), Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day (AD 1244), persecution of the Cathars
16 Vorabend zu Purim Evening of Purim
17 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
18 Vollmond Full Moon
18 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
25 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
27 Muttertag in UK Mother´s Day in UK
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
1 Neumond New Moon
2 Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Nisan (Jewish; beginning of month)
2 – 2 (5.) Ramadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
10 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
11 Yom HaAliyah (Jüdisch): „das jüdische Volk in das Land Israel kommt“ Yom HaAliyah (Jewish): „the Jewish people come to the land of Israel”
14 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
15 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
15 Vorabend zu Pessach Evening before Passover
16 – 23 (4.) Passover/Pessach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pessach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
16 Vollmond Full Moon
16 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
17 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
18 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants
24 Sonntag der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit (christlich) Divine Mercy Sunday (Christian)
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
27 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
28 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
30 Neumond New Moon
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
30 Partielle Sonnenfinsternis (Süd/West Südamerikas, Pazifik, Atlantik, Antarkis) Partial Solar Eclipse (South/West South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica)
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Iyyar (Jewish; beginning of month)
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
2 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
4 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
5 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
8 Muttertag (USA, Kanada, Südamerika, Afrika, etc, Deutschland, Österreich) Mothers´ Day (USA, Canada, South America, Africa, etc, Germany, Austria)
15 – 16 Totale Mondfinsternis (Süd/Westeuropa, Süd/West-Asien, Afrika, Großteil von Nordamerika, Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis) Total Lunar Eclipse (South/West Europe, South/West Asia, Africa, Much of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica)
19 Lag B´Omer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag B´Omer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
20 Vollmond Full Moon
24 Aldersgate oder Wesley Tag (Methodistisch) Aldersgate Day, or Wesley Day (Methodist)
26 Vatertag (Austria, Germany) Father´s Day (Austria, Germany)
26 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
29 Yom Yerushelayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushelayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
30 Neumond New Moon
31 Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sivan (Jewish; beginning of month)
4 Vorabend zu Shavuot Eve before Shavuot
5 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
5 – 6 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
12 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
12 Vatertag (Österreich, Belgien) Father´s Day (Austria, Belgium)
14 Vollmond Full Moon, Supermoon
16 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
19 Vatertag (USA, UK, Frankreich, Irland, Japan, Indien, Philippinen, Südafrika, China) Father´s Day (USA, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Japan, India, Philippines, South Africa and China)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
24 Herz Jesu Fest (Christlich) Feast of the Sacred Heart (Christian)
26 Vatertag (Deutschland) Father´s Day (Germany)
29 Neumond New Moon
29 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tamuz (Jewish; beginning of month)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
7 – 12 Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
8 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
9 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
13 Vollmond Full Moon
17 Schiwa Assar beTammus (Fasten zur Erinnerung an den Mauerdurchbruch in Jerusalem, auf den die Zerstörung des Tempels folgte; Trauertage bis Tisha B´Av) Shiwa Assar beTammus (fasting to remember the breaking of the wall in Jerusalem, following the destruction of the Temple; Days of Mourning until Tisha B´Av)
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
28 Neumond New Moon
29 Rosh Chodesh Av (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Av (Jewish; beginning of month)
30 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
7 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
8 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
12 Vollmond Full Moon
12 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
27 Neumond New Moon
27 Rosh Chodesh Elul (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Elul (Jewish; beginning of month)
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
10 Vollmond Full Moon
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
25 Neumond New Moon
25 Vorabend zu Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch) Evening before Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)
26 – 27 Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
26 Rosh Chodesh Tischri (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tischri (Jewish; beginning of month)
27 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
2 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
5 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
5 Eid-e-Shuja’ (Muslimisch): ritueller Festtag, Ende der Trauerzeit nach dem Karbala Massaker Eid-e-Shuja’ (Moslem): ritual festival, end of mourning after the events of the Karbala massacre
8 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
9 Vollmond Full Moon
9 Vorabend zu Sukkot (Jüdisch) Evening before Sukkot (Jewish)
10 – 16 Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
16 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
16 Vatertag in Russland Father´s Day in Russia
17 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
25 Neumond New Moon
25 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Cheshvan (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Partielle Sonnenfinsternis (Europa, Süd/West Asien, Nord/Ost Afrika, Atlantik) Partial Solar Eclipse (Europe, South/West Asia, North/East Africa, Atlantic)
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
7 – 8 Totale Mondfinsternis (Nord/Osteuropa, Asien, Australien, Nordamerika, Großteil von Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Arktis, Antarktis) Total Lunar Eclipse (North/East Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica)
8 Vollmond Full Moon
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
20 Christkönig (Christlich) Feast of Christ the King (Christian)
20 Totensonntag (Evangelisch) Sunday of the Dead (Protestant, Germany)
23 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
24 Neumond New Moon
24 Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Kislev (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
27 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
27 Muttertag in Russland Mother´s Day in Russia
30 Heiliger Andreas (Christlich) St. Andrew’s Day (Christian)
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s “Greater Feast” – Death of Crowley
4 2. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent
5 Krampus / St. Nikolaus Krampus / St. Nicholas´ Day
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
8 Vollmond Full Moon
11 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
14 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice
19 – 26 Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
18 4.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 4th Sunday of Advent (Christian)
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
23 Neumond New Moon
24 Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tevet (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve



Høytidene, så vel som «språket» brukt i disse kalenderne er «gammelt», som igjen understreker den århundre-gamle tradisjonen av å feire disse festivitetene sammen med bestialske barneoffer. Gjerningsmennene, man husker XAVAS og flere andre kunstnere, pleier ikke å ikle seg djevelens horn, men kler seg i «dress og kappe», noe som betyr at de holder svært respektable borgerlige yrker. Noe annet som kommer frem i denne kalenderen, som er allerede nevnt i den vitenskapelige faglitteraturen, er hvor besatte satanister virker å være delvis av seksualitet, men heller S/M – BDSM [2], samt av kroppsvæsker (blod, sæd, urin), og det finnes detaljbeskrivelser i faglitteraturen om rituelle overgrep som er kunstnerisk gjengitt av artister som Kim Noble, selv et offer for traumebasert tankekontroll og ritualmisbruk. Den berømte forfatteren Paolo Coelho beskriver også i sin roman «elleve minutter» under fortellingen om livshistorien til den Brasilianske prostituerte Maria ikke bare BDSM, men avslører også detaljer om «hellig prostitusjon / offer»: kraft – kraftløshet, sadomasochisme (underkastelse, undertrykkelse), tortur og drapene på «uverdige liv», og at spesielt «skyldsoverførelsesritualer» som en hemmelig opptaksprøve virker til å være hovedattraksjonen for disse gruppene. På grunn av de bestialske kriminelle handlingene, spesielt mot barn, kan man bare se for seg, som dokumentert i litteraturen, hvor mange gjerningsmenn som har lyst til å bryte ut av denne sirkelen, men ikke kan siden de er fanget på video og bilder og er derfor i hendene til satanistene/psykopatene, og velger derfor heller å delta i disse «åndelige» helligdagene, hvor de prøver å friste andre til å bli med.

Dermed er machismoet til disse nettverkene – hvor igjen kun de beviste stereotypene av femininitet er tillatt (heks, hore, helgen) – at kvinnen skal bli ødelagt eller undertrykt, samt besettelsen til satanister/psykopater for å utføre «interbreeding» (generasjonsoppdrett) slik at inter-generasjonelle «dynastier» noen ganger blir bygget i skjul, hvor kvinner kun brukes som «oppdrettere» og grunnet av mange skjulte farskap gjør at fler og fler mennesker igjen mulige offer for utpressing. På grunn av den ofte omtalte vitenskapelige faglitteraturen om «Barneskifte», som alle tidligere Illuminati og mennesker med forbindelse til Illuminati rapporterer – spesielt Fritz Spring Meier, John Todd eller Svali – kan generasjonsoppdrett bedre forståes: med bånd av kjøtt og blod blir de undertrykkede derfor underordnet de «satanistiske» målene, de har erfart knuste hjerter, og hvis de forblir ureflekterte og uhelbredede gjør det det enklere å dehumanisere andre, for så å torturere eller plage også små barn og babyer. Og igjen, som en påminnelse: «Ingen ønsker å vite at det skjer hos naboen», så hvis det ikke er en forbrytelse begått «ett eller annet sted» mot «stakkars foreldreløse» på et «fjernt kontinent» av «primitive innfødte» men at det er i vår umiddelbare nærhet i den vestlige verden.

De bestialske grusomhetene som folk kan gjøre mot andre mennesker, spesielt mot barn, tar pusten fra deg – den Amerikanske psykologen Colin A. Ross sier også i sin bok «Satanic Ritual Abuse» at dette rituelle misbruket er det mest forferdelige, hva som kan skje med et barn siden skaden er irreversibel, og forklarer også hvorfor disse grusomhetene må bli skjult og nektet for enhver pris, ofrene må «bortskaffes» så vel som vitner, «døden er forræderen» er den høyeste prioriteten for slike grupper. Han og flere andre forskere påpeker at MK Ultra inneholder delvis alltid elementer av SRM, ifølge den Amerikanske eksperten Carmen Holiday, og at det selv nå er en kontinuerlig utveksling mellom CIA og «kulter», som fortsatt er ivrige etter å skape en enda mer perfekt «programmert robot».

Psykolog Ellen Lacter beskriver på hennes nettsted http://endritualabuse.org/about/overview-of-the-differences-between-satanism-and-witchcraft/ forskjellige typer for misbruk utført at satanister og hekser (satanisme vs. heksekunst): «Jeg har fortsatt ikke klart å finne spesialisert faglitteratur på hvordan, høyst av alt, disse edene, løftene, besvergelsene og lovnader om skyld kan bli oppløst; denne kunnskapen virker til å ha forsvunnet. Etter min mening er denne kunnskapen om tilbakekallingen av denne rituelle overføringen av skyld, løfter og ed, «den hellige gral» i temaet «ritualmisbruk», siden satanister/psykopater åpenbart kan endre karmiske/åndelige lover gjennom ritualer, dvs- å overlegge sin egen byrde på andre.» Interessant nok er de fleste av de som håndterer emnet, fra Illuminati på høyt nivå til hobbyinteressenten, overbevist om at man vil fortjene sin egen karma ved å velge selv i dette livet: disse argumentene finnes på satanistiske NWO-sider (forsvaret av høyrankerende Illuminati), som også blir spredt i esoteriske sirkler, samt i undervisningsinstitusjoner for coaching, opptrening, rådgivning, og senere ble jeg ofte fortalt – selv av gjerningsmenn i Sadegh-saken – at de kriminelle handlingene min sønn ble utsatt for, og jeg også, ville derfor være berettiget, og det virker som at i disse omstendighetene, å kunne klandre noen andre komfortabelt for å kunne oppnå et annet mål; nemlig å oppnå «moralsk» legitimitet, å umenneskeliggjøre ofrene (enda mer), likevel: Ingen har rett eller tillatelse til å torturere (små) barn. Ingen barn i verden, uansett hva deres farge er, deres nasjonalitet eller trossystem er, fortjener denne lidelsen. Ingen barn i verden burde bli brukt seksuelt, åndelig, mentalt eller fysisk. Hvert eneste barn må beskyttes mot slike forbrytelser.


[1] Kilde

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011










Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ

Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu

Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia


Australia 1/26 –  Australia Day 3/6 –  Labour Day (Western Australia) 3/13 – Labour Day (Victoria, Tasmania) 3/13 –  Canberra Day (ACT) 4/25 –  Anzac Day 5/1  – Labour Day (Northern Territory, Queensland) 5/14 –  Mothers’ Day 6/12 –  Queen’s Birthday (all except Western Australia and Queensland) 9/3 –  Fathers’ Day 9/25 – Queen’s Birthday (Western Australia) 10/2 – Queen’s birthday (Queensland) 10/2 – Labour Day (most regions) 11/11 – Remembrance Day 12/26 – Boxing Day

Canada Holidays that are celebrated by all provinces are listed in the main calendar. Additional holidays: 2/20– Islander Day – PE 2/20 (2/13 in BC) – Family Day – BC, AB, SK, ON 2/20 – Louis Riel Day – MB 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day – NL 4/23 – St George’s Day – NL 5/22 – Victoria Day (National Patriots’ Day in QC) – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 6/21 – National Aboriginal Day NT 6/24 – Fete Nationale (St. Jean Baptiste Day) QC 6/24 – Discovery Day – NL 7/1 S Canada Day 7/9 – Nunavut Day – NT 8/7 – Civic/Provincial Day – AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU 10/10 – Thanksgiving – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 11/11 – Remembrance Day – Nationwide except ON, QC, NS, NL 12/26 – Boxing Day – ON Mexico 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 1/6 –  Dia de los Santos Reyes (Three Kings): exchange of Christmas presents 2/2 –  Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas) 2/5 –   Constitution Day 2/24 – Flag Day 2/22 – 2/28 Carnaval 2/1 – Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent 3/18  –  Oil Expropriation of 3/18/1938 3/20 – Benito Juarez’ Birthday Memorial 4/10 – 4/16 – Holy Week (end of Lent) 4/9 – Palm Sunday 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/30 –  Children’s Day 5/1 –  Labor Day 5/3 – Holy Cross Day 5/5 – Battle of Puebla 5/5 – Cinque de Mayo 5/10 –  Mothers’ Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/15 – Corpus Christi 6/18 – Father’s Day 8/15 – Assumption of Mary   9/16 –  Independence Day 10/12 – Dia de la Raza (arrival of Columbus to the Americas) 10/31 – Halloween 11/1 – 11/2 – Day of the Dead 11/20 – Revolution Day Memorial 11/26 – Christ the King Day 12/8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception 12/12 – Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe 12/25 – Christmas 12/28 – Day of the Holly Innocents 12/31 – New Year’s Eve South Africa 1/1 – New Years Day 3/21 – Human Rights Day 3/28 – Family Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/17 – Family Day 4/27 – Freedom Day 5/1 – Workers’ Day (Labour Day) 5/10 – Mothers’ Day 5/26 – Easter Sunday 6/26 – Youth Day 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/18 – Nelson Mandela’s Birthday 8/9 – Women’s Day 9/24 – Heritage Day (celebrated 9/25) 12/16 – Day of Reconciliation 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – Day of Goodwill The Netherlands 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 
4/27 – King’s Birthday 
5/4 – Remembrance Day 
5/5 – Liberation Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 12/5 -St. Nicholas Eve (Sinterklaas) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/25 – Second Day of Christmas 12/31 – New Year’s Eve United Kingdom 1/1 –  New Year’ Day (2/2 – Bank Holiday) 1/25 – Burns Night (Scotland) 3/1 – St. David’s Day (Wales) 3/6 – Mothering Sunday 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 4/23 – St. George’s Day 5/1 – May Day (Bank Holiday) 5/29 – Spring Bank Holiday 6/4 – Pentecost 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/12 – Battle of the Boyne 8/28 – Summer Bank Holiday 11/5 – Guy Fawkes Day 11/13 – Remembrance Sunday 11/30 – St Andrew’s Day (Scotland) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – St Stephen’s Day (Scotland, Ireland 12/26 – Boxing Day

Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/

[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM


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Festen 2021

«Det er fortsatt uklart hvorfor moren hadde rare seksuelle fantasier.»

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, dommer for Sadegh-saken i familieretten i Wien, vedrørende de grusomme flashbackene til Luki Dara Sadegh, da 2.5 år gammel, til tross for at dommeren hadde vitenskaplig faglitteratur om SRM tankekontroll på pulten sin.


Satanistiske høytider har blitt nevnt i vitenskapelig faglitteratur om satanistisk ritualmisbruk, eller traumebasert tankekontroll [1] på den ene hånd, på grunn av tilståelser fra vitner, på den annen hånd, fordi at registrerte kriminelle handlinger (bortføringer, voldtekter, lemlestelse av barn) finner sted rundt disse «gledelige» datoene, altså ritualmisbruk (fysisk, psykisk og åndelig misbruk).

Satanister er besatt av ritualer, symboler, numerologi, så høytidene deres overlapper med datoer hentet fra alle religioner – som er en av de mest viktige satanistiske/psykopatiske dyder sett bort ifra infiltrering og stillet: svik og bedrageri. De har gjerne sine solide, borgerlige jobber og besøker deres – offisielle kirker – så drar de videre og feirer sine egne «festlige høytider» rett etterpå.



1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
8 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
13 Neumond New Moon
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
14 Rosh Chodesh Sh´vat (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sh´vat (Jewish; beginning of month)
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children
28 Vollmond Full Moon
28 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
11 Neumond New Moon
13 Rosh Chodesh Adar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar (Jewish; beginning of month)
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
16 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
17 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 3.4 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 4/3 (Christian)
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga; Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga; communion of blood and dismemberment
25 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
25 Vorabend zu Purim Evening of Purim
26 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
27 Vollmond Full Moon
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
11 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
13 Neumond New Moon
14 Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Nisan (Jewish; beginning of month)
16 Tag von Montsegur, Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day, persecution of the Cathars
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
25 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
27 Vorabend zu Pesach Evening before Passover
28-4/4 Passover/Pesach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pesach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
28 Vollmond Full Moon
28 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
28 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
1 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
2 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
3 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
4 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
5 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
9 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
12 Neumond New Moon
13 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Iyyar (Jewish; beginning of month)
13 – 13 (5.) Ramadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
16 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
17 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
27 Vollmond Full Moon
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
30 Lag B´Omer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag B´Omer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
9 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
9 Muttertag (USA, Germany, Austria) Mothers´ Day (USA, Germany, Austria)
10 Yom Yerushelayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushelayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
11 Neumond New Moon
12 Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sivan (Jewish; beginning of month)
13 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
13 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
16 Vorabend zu Shavuot Eve before Shavuot
17 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
23-24 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
26 Vollmond, totale Mondfinsternis in Süd/Ostasien, Australien, Großteil Nordamerika, Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis Full Moon, total lunar eclipse in South/East Asia, Australia, most of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
30 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
3 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
10 Neumond New Moon
11 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tamuz (Jewish; beginning of month)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Vollmond Full Moon
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
10 Sonnenfinsternis (ringförmig), Großteil von Europa, Asien und Nordamerika, Nord/Westafrika, Atlantik, Arktis

Solar eclipse (annular), most of Europe, Asia and North America, North/West Africa, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean

10 Neumond New Moon
10 Rosh Chodesh Av (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Av (Jewish; beginning of month)
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
18 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
18 – 23 Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
19 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
20 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
24 Vollmond Full Moon
24 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
8 Neumond Vollmond
9 Rosh Chodesh Elul (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Elul (Jewish; beginning of month)
9 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
18 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
22 Vollmond Full Moon
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
6 Vorabend zu Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch) Evening before Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)
7-8 Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
7 Neumond Vollmond
7 Rosh Chodesh Tischri (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tischri (Jewish; beginning of month)
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
16 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
20 Vorabend zu Sukkot (Jüdisch) Evening before Sukkot (Jewish)
21-27 Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
21 Vollmond Full Moon
27 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
28 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
29 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
3 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
6 Neumond New Moon
7 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Cheshvan (Jewish; beginning of month)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
15 Eid-e-Shuja’ (Muslimisch): ritueller Festtag, Ende der Trauerzeit nach dem Karbala Massaker Eid-e-Shuja’ (Moslem): ritual festival, end of mourning after the events of the Karbala massacre
18 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
20 Vollmond Full Moon
23 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Shia Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Shia Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
4 Neumond New Moon
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
5 Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Kislev (Jewish; beginning of month)
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
17 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
18-19 Mondfinsternis (partiell), Großteil von Europa, Asien und Nordamerika, Nord/Westafrika, Atlantik, Arktis, Australien, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean Lunar eclipse (partial), most of Europe, Asia and North America, North/West Africa, Atlantic, Arctic, Australia, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean
19 Vollmond Full Moon
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
25 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
28 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
29-6 Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
30 Heiliger Andreas (Christlich) St. Andrew’s Day (Christian)
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s “Greater Feast” – Death of Crowley
4 Neumond New Moon
4 Sonnenfinsternis (total), Süden von Australien, Afrika, und Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis Solar eclipse (total), south of Australia, Africa, and South America, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Antarctica
5 Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tevet (Jewish; beginning of month)
5 Krampus / St. Nikolaus Krampus / St. Nicholas´ Day
5 2. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
12 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
14 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice
19 Vollmond Full Moon
19 4.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 4th Sunday of Advent (Christian)
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve


Høytidene, så vel som «språket» brukt i disse kalenderne er «gammelt», som igjen understreker den århundre-gamle tradisjonen av å feire disse festivitetene sammen med bestialske barneoffer. Gjerningsmennene, man husker XAVAS og flere andre kunstnere, pleier ikke å ikle seg djevelens horn, men kler seg i «dress og kappe», noe som betyr at de holder svært respektable borgerlige yrker. Noe annet som kommer frem i denne kalenderen, som er allerede nevnt i den vitenskapelige faglitteraturen, er hvor besatte satanister virker å være delvis av seksualitet, men heller S/M – BDSM [2], samt av kroppsvæsker (blod, sæd, urin), og det finnes detaljbeskrivelser i faglitteraturen om rituelle overgrep som er kunstnerisk gjengitt av artister som Kim Noble, selv et offer for traumebasert tankekontroll og ritualmisbruk. Den berømte forfatteren Paolo Coelho beskriver også i sin roman «elleve minutter» under fortellingen om livshistorien til den Brasilianske prostituerte Maria ikke bare BDSM, men avslører også detaljer om «hellig prostitusjon / offer»: kraft – kraftløshet, sadomasochisme (underkastelse, undertrykkelse), tortur og drapene på «uverdige liv», og at spesielt «skyldsoverførelsesritualer» som en hemmelig opptaksprøve virker til å være hovedattraksjonen for disse gruppene. På grunn av de bestialske kriminelle handlingene, spesielt mot barn, kan man bare se for seg, som dokumentert i litteraturen, hvor mange gjerningsmenn som har lyst til å bryte ut av denne sirkelen, men ikke kan siden de er fanget på video og bilder og er derfor i hendene til satanistene/psykopatene, og velger derfor heller å delta i disse «åndelige» helligdagene, hvor de prøver å friste andre til å bli med.

Dermed er machismoet til disse nettverkene – hvor igjen kun de beviste stereotypene av femininitet er tillatt (heks, hore, helgen) – at kvinnen skal bli ødelagt eller undertrykt, samt besettelsen til satanister/psykopater for å utføre «interbreeding» (generasjonsoppdrett) slik at inter-generasjonelle «dynastier» noen ganger blir bygget i skjul, hvor kvinner kun brukes som «oppdrettere» og grunnet av mange skjulte farskap gjør at fler og fler mennesker igjen mulige offer for utpressing. På grunn av den ofte omtalte vitenskapelige faglitteraturen om «Barneskifte», som alle tidligere Illuminati og mennesker med forbindelse til Illuminati rapporterer – spesielt Fritz Spring Meier, John Todd eller Svali – kan generasjonsoppdrett bedre forståes: med bånd av kjøtt og blod blir de undertrykkede derfor underordnet de «satanistiske» målene, de har erfart knuste hjerter, og hvis de forblir ureflekterte og uhelbredede gjør det det enklere å dehumanisere andre, for så å torturere eller plage også små barn og babyer. Og igjen, som en påminnelse: «Ingen ønsker å vite at det skjer hos naboen», så hvis det ikke er en forbrytelse begått «ett eller annet sted» mot «stakkars foreldreløse» på et «fjernt kontinent» av «primitive innfødte» men at det er i vår umiddelbare nærhet i den vestlige verden.

De bestialske grusomhetene som folk kan gjøre mot andre mennesker, spesielt mot barn, tar pusten fra deg – den Amerikanske psykologen Colin A. Ross sier også i sin bok «Satanic Ritual Abuse» at dette rituelle misbruket er det mest forferdelige, hva som kan skje med et barn siden skaden er irreversibel, og forklarer også hvorfor disse grusomhetene må bli skjult og nektet for enhver pris, ofrene må «bortskaffes» så vel som vitner, «døden er forræderen» er den høyeste prioriteten for slike grupper. Han og flere andre forskere påpeker at MK Ultra inneholder delvis alltid elementer av SRM, ifølge den Amerikanske eksperten Carmen Holiday, og at det selv nå er en kontinuerlig utveksling mellom CIA og «kulter», som fortsatt er ivrige etter å skape en enda mer perfekt «programmert robot».

Psykolog Ellen Lacter beskriver på hennes nettsted http://endritualabuse.org/about/overview-of-the-differences-between-satanism-and-witchcraft/ forskjellige typer for misbruk utført at satanister og hekser (satanisme vs. heksekunst): «Jeg har fortsatt ikke klart å finne spesialisert faglitteratur på hvordan, høyst av alt, disse edene, løftene, besvergelsene og lovnader om skyld kan bli oppløst; denne kunnskapen virker til å ha forsvunnet. Etter min mening er denne kunnskapen om tilbakekallingen av denne rituelle overføringen av skyld, løfter og ed, «den hellige gral» i temaet «ritualmisbruk», siden satanister/psykopater åpenbart kan endre karmiske/åndelige lover gjennom ritualer, dvs- å overlegge sin egen byrde på andre.» Interessant nok er de fleste av de som håndterer emnet, fra Illuminati på høyt nivå til hobbyinteressenten, overbevist om at man vil fortjene sin egen karma ved å velge selv i dette livet: disse argumentene finnes på satanistiske NWO-sider (forsvaret av høyrankerende Illuminati), som også blir spredt i esoteriske sirkler, samt i undervisningsinstitusjoner for coaching, opptrening, rådgivning, og senere ble jeg ofte fortalt – selv av gjerningsmenn i Sadegh-saken – at de kriminelle handlingene min sønn ble utsatt for, og jeg også, ville derfor være berettiget, og det virker som at i disse omstendighetene, å kunne klandre noen andre komfortabelt for å kunne oppnå et annet mål; nemlig å oppnå «moralsk» legitimitet, å umenneskeliggjøre ofrene (enda mer), likevel: Ingen har rett eller tillatelse til å torturere (små) barn. Ingen barn i verden, uansett hva deres farge er, deres nasjonalitet eller trossystem er, fortjener denne lidelsen. Ingen barn i verden burde bli brukt seksuelt, åndelig, mentalt eller fysisk. Hvert eneste barn må beskyttes mot slike forbrytelser.


[1] Kilde

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011










Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ

Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu

Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia


Australia 1/26 –  Australia Day 3/6 –  Labour Day (Western Australia) 3/13 – Labour Day (Victoria, Tasmania) 3/13 –  Canberra Day (ACT) 4/25 –  Anzac Day 5/1  – Labour Day (Northern Territory, Queensland) 5/14 –  Mothers’ Day 6/12 –  Queen’s Birthday (all except Western Australia and Queensland) 9/3 –  Fathers’ Day 9/25 – Queen’s Birthday (Western Australia) 10/2 – Queen’s birthday (Queensland) 10/2 – Labour Day (most regions) 11/11 – Remembrance Day 12/26 – Boxing Day

Canada Holidays that are celebrated by all provinces are listed in the main calendar. Additional holidays: 2/20– Islander Day – PE 2/20 (2/13 in BC) – Family Day – BC, AB, SK, ON 2/20 – Louis Riel Day – MB 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day – NL 4/23 – St George’s Day – NL 5/22 – Victoria Day (National Patriots’ Day in QC) – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 6/21 – National Aboriginal Day NT 6/24 – Fete Nationale (St. Jean Baptiste Day) QC 6/24 – Discovery Day – NL 7/1 S Canada Day 7/9 – Nunavut Day – NT 8/7 – Civic/Provincial Day – AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU 10/10 – Thanksgiving – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 11/11 – Remembrance Day – Nationwide except ON, QC, NS, NL 12/26 – Boxing Day – ON Mexico 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 1/6 –  Dia de los Santos Reyes (Three Kings): exchange of Christmas presents 2/2 –  Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas) 2/5 –   Constitution Day 2/24 – Flag Day 2/22 – 2/28 Carnaval 2/1 – Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent 3/18  –  Oil Expropriation of 3/18/1938 3/20 – Benito Juarez’ Birthday Memorial 4/10 – 4/16 – Holy Week (end of Lent) 4/9 – Palm Sunday 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/30 –  Children’s Day 5/1 –  Labor Day 5/3 – Holy Cross Day 5/5 – Battle of Puebla 5/5 – Cinque de Mayo 5/10 –  Mothers’ Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/15 – Corpus Christi 6/18 – Father’s Day 8/15 – Assumption of Mary   9/16 –  Independence Day 10/12 – Dia de la Raza (arrival of Columbus to the Americas) 10/31 – Halloween 11/1 – 11/2 – Day of the Dead 11/20 – Revolution Day Memorial 11/26 – Christ the King Day 12/8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception 12/12 – Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe 12/25 – Christmas 12/28 – Day of the Holly Innocents 12/31 – New Year’s Eve South Africa 1/1 – New Years Day 3/21 – Human Rights Day 3/28 – Family Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/17 – Family Day 4/27 – Freedom Day 5/1 – Workers’ Day (Labour Day) 5/10 – Mothers’ Day 5/26 – Easter Sunday 6/26 – Youth Day 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/18 – Nelson Mandela’s Birthday 8/9 – Women’s Day 9/24 – Heritage Day (celebrated 9/25) 12/16 – Day of Reconciliation 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – Day of Goodwill The Netherlands 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 
4/27 – King’s Birthday 
5/4 – Remembrance Day 
5/5 – Liberation Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 12/5 -St. Nicholas Eve (Sinterklaas) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/25 – Second Day of Christmas 12/31 – New Year’s Eve United Kingdom 1/1 –  New Year’ Day (2/2 – Bank Holiday) 1/25 – Burns Night (Scotland) 3/1 – St. David’s Day (Wales) 3/6 – Mothering Sunday 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 4/23 – St. George’s Day 5/1 – May Day (Bank Holiday) 5/29 – Spring Bank Holiday 6/4 – Pentecost 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/12 – Battle of the Boyne 8/28 – Summer Bank Holiday 11/5 – Guy Fawkes Day 11/13 – Remembrance Sunday 11/30 – St Andrew’s Day (Scotland) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – St Stephen’s Day (Scotland, Ireland 12/26 – Boxing Day

Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/

[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM

Festen 2020

«Det er fortsatt uklart hvorfor moren hadde rare seksuelle fantasier.»

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, dommer for Sadegh-saken i familieretten i Wien, vedrørende de grusomme flashbackene til Luki Dara Sadegh, da 2.5 år gammel, til tross for at dommeren hadde vitenskaplig faglitteratur om SRM tankekontroll på pulten sin.


Satanistiske høytider har blitt nevnt i vitenskapelig faglitteratur om satanistisk ritualmisbruk, eller traumebasert tankekontroll [1] på den ene hånd, på grunn av tilståelser fra vitner, på den annen hånd, fordi at registrerte kriminelle handlinger (bortføringer, voldtekter, lemlestelse av barn) finner sted rundt disse «gledelige» datoene, altså ritualmisbruk (fysisk, psykisk og åndelig misbruk).

Satanister er besatt av ritualer, symboler, numerologi, så høytidene deres overlapper med datoer hentet fra alle religioner – som er en av de mest viktige satanistiske/psykopatiske dyder sett bort ifra infiltrering og stillet: svik og bedrageri. De har gjerne sine solide, borgerlige jobber og besøker deres – offisielle kirker – så drar de videre og feirer sine egne «festlige høytider» rett etterpå.



1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
6/7 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
8 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
10 Vollmond Full Moon
10-11 Penumbrale Mondfinsternis (Asien, Australien, Europa, Afrika) Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Asia, Australia, Europe, and Africa)
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
24 Neumond New Moon
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children
27 Rosh Chodesh Sh´vat (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sh´vat (Jewish; beginning of month)
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
9 Vollmond Full Moon
10 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
23 Neumond New Moon
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga; Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga; communion of blood and dismemberment
25/26 Rosh Chodesh Adar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
26 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 11.4 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 4/11 (Christian)
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
8 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
9 Vollmond Full Moon
9 Vorabend zu Purim Evening of Purim
10-11 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
13 Freitag, der 13. (März) Friday the 13th (of March)
16 Tag von Montsegur, Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day, persecution of the Cathars
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
22 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
24 Neumond New Moon
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
25 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
26 Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Nisan (Jewish; beginning of month)
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
5 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
8 Vollmond Full Moon
8 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
8 Vorabend zu Pesach Evening before Passover
9-15 Passover/Pesach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pesach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
9 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
10 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
11 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
12 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
13 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
21 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants
23 Neumond New Moon
24 – 23 (5.) Ramadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
24/25 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Iyyar (Jewish; beginning of month)
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
28 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
29 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
7  Vollmond Full Moon
10 Muttertag (USA, Germany, Austria) Mothers´ Day (USA, Germany, Austria)
11-22 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
12 Lag B´Omer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag B´Omer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
21 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
22 Neumond New Moon
22 Yom Yerushelayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushelayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
24 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
24 Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sivan (Jewish; beginning of month)
28 Vorabend zu Shavuot Eve before Shavuot
29-30 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
31-1 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
5 Vollmond Full Moon
5-6 Penumbrale Mondfinsternis (Asien, Australien, Europa, Afrika) Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Asia, Australia, Europe, and Africa)
7 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
11 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
21 Neumond New Moon
21 Ringförmige Sonnenfinsternis (Teile von Afrika, so in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik, Kongo und Äthiopien; Südliches Pakistan und nördliches Indien, China) Annular Solar Eclipse (parts of Africa including the Central African Republic, Congo, and Ethiopia; south of Pakistan and northern India; and China)
22 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tamuz (Jewish; beginning of month)
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
4-5 Penumbrale Mondfinsternis (Südwesteuropa, große Teile Afrikas, große Teile Nordamerikas, Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis)

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (South/West Europe, Much of Africa, Much of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica)

5 Vollmond Full Moon
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
20 Neumond New Moon
22 Rosh Chodesh Av (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Av (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
29/30 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
29 – 3 (8.) Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
30 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
31 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
3 Vollmond Full Moon
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
5 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
19 Neumond New Moon
20 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
20/21 Rosh Chodesh Elul (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Elul (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
29 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
2 Vollmond Full Moon
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
17 Neumond New Moon
18 Vorabend zu Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch) Evening before Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)
19/20 Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
27/28 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
1 Vollmond Full Moon
2 Vorabend zu Sukkot (Jüdisch) Evening before Sukkot (Jewish)
3-9 Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
4 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
8 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
10 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
11 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
16 Neumond New Moon
18/19 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Cheshvan (Jewish; beginning of month)
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Eid-e-Shuja’ (Muslimisch): ritueller Festtag, Ende der Trauerzeit nach dem Karbala Massaker Eid-e-Shuja’ (Moslem): ritual festival, end of mourning after the events of the Karbala massacre
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
29 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Vollmond Full Moon
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
3 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Shia Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Shia Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
13 Freitag der 13. (November) Friday the 13th (of November)
15 Neumond New Moon
17 Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Kislev (Jewish; beginning of month)
18 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
26 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
29 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
29-30 Penumbrale Mondfinsternis (weite Teile Europas und Asien, Australien, Nordamerika, Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Arktis) Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Much of Europe, Much of Asia, Australia, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic)
30 Heiliger Andreas (Christlich) St. Andrew’s Day (Christian)
30 Vollmond Full Moon
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s “Greater Feast” – Death of Crowley
5/6 Krampus / St. Nikolaus Krampus / St. Nicholas´ Day
6 2. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
10-18 Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
13 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
14 Neumond New Moon
14 Totale Sonnenfinsternis (Südafrika, weite Teile Südamerikas, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis)

Total Solar Eclipse (South in Africa, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica)

16 Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn)

Rosh Codesh Tevet (Jewish; beginning of month)

16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
20 4.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 4th Sunday of Advent (Christian)
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
30 Vollmond Full Moon
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve



Høytidene, så vel som «språket» brukt i disse kalenderne er «gammelt», som igjen understreker den århundre-gamle tradisjonen av å feire disse festivitetene sammen med bestialske barneoffer. Gjerningsmennene, man husker XAVAS og flere andre kunstnere, pleier ikke å ikle seg djevelens horn, men kler seg i «dress og kappe», noe som betyr at de holder svært respektable borgerlige yrker. Noe annet som kommer frem i denne kalenderen, som er allerede nevnt i den vitenskapelige faglitteraturen, er hvor besatte satanister virker å være delvis av seksualitet, men heller S/M – BDSM [2], samt av kroppsvæsker (blod, sæd, urin), og det finnes detaljbeskrivelser i faglitteraturen om rituelle overgrep som er kunstnerisk gjengitt av artister som Kim Noble, selv et offer for traumebasert tankekontroll og ritualmisbruk. Den berømte forfatteren Paolo Coelho beskriver også i sin roman «elleve minutter» under fortellingen om livshistorien til den Brasilianske prostituerte Maria ikke bare BDSM, men avslører også detaljer om «hellig prostitusjon / offer»: kraft – kraftløshet, sadomasochisme (underkastelse, undertrykkelse), tortur og drapene på «uverdige liv», og at spesielt «skyldsoverførelsesritualer» som en hemmelig opptaksprøve virker til å være hovedattraksjonen for disse gruppene. På grunn av de bestialske kriminelle handlingene, spesielt mot barn, kan man bare se for seg, som dokumentert i litteraturen, hvor mange gjerningsmenn som har lyst til å bryte ut av denne sirkelen, men ikke kan siden de er fanget på video og bilder og er derfor i hendene til satanistene/psykopatene, og velger derfor heller å delta i disse «åndelige» helligdagene, hvor de prøver å friste andre til å bli med.

Dermed er machismoet til disse nettverkene – hvor igjen kun de beviste stereotypene av femininitet er tillatt (heks, hore, helgen) – at kvinnen skal bli ødelagt eller undertrykt, samt besettelsen til satanister/psykopater for å utføre «interbreeding» (generasjonsoppdrett) slik at inter-generasjonelle «dynastier» noen ganger blir bygget i skjul, hvor kvinner kun brukes som «oppdrettere» og grunnet av mange skjulte farskap gjør at fler og fler mennesker igjen mulige offer for utpressing. På grunn av den ofte omtalte vitenskapelige faglitteraturen om «Barneskifte», som alle tidligere Illuminati og mennesker med forbindelse til Illuminati rapporterer – spesielt Fritz Spring Meier, John Todd eller Svali – kan generasjonsoppdrett bedre forståes: med bånd av kjøtt og blod blir de undertrykkede derfor underordnet de «satanistiske» målene, de har erfart knuste hjerter, og hvis de forblir ureflekterte og uhelbredede gjør det det enklere å dehumanisere andre, for så å torturere eller plage også små barn og babyer. Og igjen, som en påminnelse: «Ingen ønsker å vite at det skjer hos naboen», så hvis det ikke er en forbrytelse begått «ett eller annet sted» mot «stakkars foreldreløse» på et «fjernt kontinent» av «primitive innfødte» men at det er i vår umiddelbare nærhet i den vestlige verden.

De bestialske grusomhetene som folk kan gjøre mot andre mennesker, spesielt mot barn, tar pusten fra deg – den Amerikanske psykologen Colin A. Ross sier også i sin bok «Satanic Ritual Abuse» at dette rituelle misbruket er det mest forferdelige, hva som kan skje med et barn siden skaden er irreversibel, og forklarer også hvorfor disse grusomhetene må bli skjult og nektet for enhver pris, ofrene må «bortskaffes» så vel som vitner, «døden er forræderen» er den høyeste prioriteten for slike grupper. Han og flere andre forskere påpeker at MK Ultra inneholder delvis alltid elementer av SRM, ifølge den Amerikanske eksperten Carmen Holiday, og at det selv nå er en kontinuerlig utveksling mellom CIA og «kulter», som fortsatt er ivrige etter å skape en enda mer perfekt «programmert robot».

Psykolog Ellen Lacter beskriver på hennes nettsted http://endritualabuse.org/about/overview-of-the-differences-between-satanism-and-witchcraft/ forskjellige typer for misbruk utført at satanister og hekser (satanisme vs. heksekunst): «Jeg har fortsatt ikke klart å finne spesialisert faglitteratur på hvordan, høyst av alt, disse edene, løftene, besvergelsene og lovnader om skyld kan bli oppløst; denne kunnskapen virker til å ha forsvunnet. Etter min mening er denne kunnskapen om tilbakekallingen av denne rituelle overføringen av skyld, løfter og ed, «den hellige gral» i temaet «ritualmisbruk», siden satanister/psykopater åpenbart kan endre karmiske/åndelige lover gjennom ritualer, dvs- å overlegge sin egen byrde på andre.» Interessant nok er de fleste av de som håndterer emnet, fra Illuminati på høyt nivå til hobbyinteressenten, overbevist om at man vil fortjene sin egen karma ved å velge selv i dette livet: disse argumentene finnes på satanistiske NWO-sider (forsvaret av høyrankerende Illuminati), som også blir spredt i esoteriske sirkler, samt i undervisningsinstitusjoner for coaching, opptrening, rådgivning, og senere ble jeg ofte fortalt – selv av gjerningsmenn i Sadegh-saken – at de kriminelle handlingene min sønn ble utsatt for, og jeg også, ville derfor være berettiget, og det virker som at i disse omstendighetene, å kunne klandre noen andre komfortabelt for å kunne oppnå et annet mål; nemlig å oppnå «moralsk» legitimitet, å umenneskeliggjøre ofrene (enda mer), likevel: Ingen har rett eller tillatelse til å torturere (små) barn. Ingen barn i verden, uansett hva deres farge er, deres nasjonalitet eller trossystem er, fortjener denne lidelsen. Ingen barn i verden burde bli brukt seksuelt, åndelig, mentalt eller fysisk. Hvert eneste barn må beskyttes mot slike forbrytelser.


[1] Kilde

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011










Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ

Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu

Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia


Australia 1/26 –  Australia Day 3/6 –  Labour Day (Western Australia) 3/13 – Labour Day (Victoria, Tasmania) 3/13 –  Canberra Day (ACT) 4/25 –  Anzac Day 5/1  – Labour Day (Northern Territory, Queensland) 5/14 –  Mothers’ Day 6/12 –  Queen’s Birthday (all except Western Australia and Queensland) 9/3 –  Fathers’ Day 9/25 – Queen’s Birthday (Western Australia) 10/2 – Queen’s birthday (Queensland) 10/2 – Labour Day (most regions) 11/11 – Remembrance Day 12/26 – Boxing Day

Canada Holidays that are celebrated by all provinces are listed in the main calendar. Additional holidays: 2/20– Islander Day – PE 2/20 (2/13 in BC) – Family Day – BC, AB, SK, ON 2/20 – Louis Riel Day – MB 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day – NL 4/23 – St George’s Day – NL 5/22 – Victoria Day (National Patriots’ Day in QC) – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 6/21 – National Aboriginal Day NT 6/24 – Fete Nationale (St. Jean Baptiste Day) QC 6/24 – Discovery Day – NL 7/1 S Canada Day 7/9 – Nunavut Day – NT 8/7 – Civic/Provincial Day – AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU 10/10 – Thanksgiving – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 11/11 – Remembrance Day – Nationwide except ON, QC, NS, NL 12/26 – Boxing Day – ON Mexico 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 1/6 –  Dia de los Santos Reyes (Three Kings): exchange of Christmas presents 2/2 –  Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas) 2/5 –   Constitution Day 2/24 – Flag Day 2/22 – 2/28 Carnaval 2/1 – Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent 3/18  –  Oil Expropriation of 3/18/1938 3/20 – Benito Juarez’ Birthday Memorial 4/10 – 4/16 – Holy Week (end of Lent) 4/9 – Palm Sunday 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/30 –  Children’s Day 5/1 –  Labor Day 5/3 – Holy Cross Day 5/5 – Battle of Puebla 5/5 – Cinque de Mayo 5/10 –  Mothers’ Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/15 – Corpus Christi 6/18 – Father’s Day 8/15 – Assumption of Mary   9/16 –  Independence Day 10/12 – Dia de la Raza (arrival of Columbus to the Americas) 10/31 – Halloween 11/1 – 11/2 – Day of the Dead 11/20 – Revolution Day Memorial 11/26 – Christ the King Day 12/8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception 12/12 – Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe 12/25 – Christmas 12/28 – Day of the Holly Innocents 12/31 – New Year’s Eve South Africa 1/1 – New Years Day 3/21 – Human Rights Day 3/28 – Family Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/17 – Family Day 4/27 – Freedom Day 5/1 – Workers’ Day (Labour Day) 5/10 – Mothers’ Day 5/26 – Easter Sunday 6/26 – Youth Day 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/18 – Nelson Mandela’s Birthday 8/9 – Women’s Day 9/24 – Heritage Day (celebrated 9/25) 12/16 – Day of Reconciliation 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – Day of Goodwill The Netherlands 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 
4/27 – King’s Birthday 
5/4 – Remembrance Day 
5/5 – Liberation Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 12/5 -St. Nicholas Eve (Sinterklaas) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/25 – Second Day of Christmas 12/31 – New Year’s Eve United Kingdom 1/1 –  New Year’ Day (2/2 – Bank Holiday) 1/25 – Burns Night (Scotland) 3/1 – St. David’s Day (Wales) 3/6 – Mothering Sunday 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 4/23 – St. George’s Day 5/1 – May Day (Bank Holiday) 5/29 – Spring Bank Holiday 6/4 – Pentecost 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/12 – Battle of the Boyne 8/28 – Summer Bank Holiday 11/5 – Guy Fawkes Day 11/13 – Remembrance Sunday 11/30 – St Andrew’s Day (Scotland) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – St Stephen’s Day (Scotland, Ireland 12/26 – Boxing Day

Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/

[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM

Guidelines for questioning young children in cases of suspected torture

“Now I’m going to tell you a little story. I heard it myself long ago, an old lady told it to me, and I’ve never forgotten it. If I remember rightly, this is how it went:

“I was young at the time when almost all children were often hit. People thought it was necessary to hit them, to make them well-behaved and obedient. All mothers and fathers were supposed to hit their children as soon as they did anything that mothers and fathers thought children shouldn’t do. My little boy, John, was a well-behaved, happy little chap and I didn’t want to hit him. Bu one day, the neighbour came to see me and said that John had been in her strawberry patch and had stolen some strawberries, and that if he did not get a beating he would certainly remain a thief for his whole life. Now, mothers tend to get very frightened and worried when someone comes and complains about their children. And I thought: maybe she’s right, now I really have to give John a beating.

John sat there and played with his building blocks – he was only five years old at the time – when I came in and said that he was going to get a beating and he should go out to cut a switch from a tree himself. John cried as he went. I sat in the kitchen and waited. It took a long time until he came, and he was still crying as he crept in at the door. But he didn’t have a switch with him.

“Mama,” he sobbed, “I couldn’t find a stick, but here is a stone that you can throw!” He handed me a stone, the biggest that he could hold in his hand. Then I began to cry as well, because I suddenly understood what he had thought: “My mummy wants to hurt me and she can do it even better with a stone.” I felt ashamed. And I took him in my arms, and we both cried till we could cry no more, and I thought to myself that I would never, never hit my child. And so that I would never forget it, I took the stone and laid it on a kitchen shelf, where I could see it every day. It lay there a long time, until John grew up. He never became a thief. I would have liked to tell my neighbour, but she had moved away.”

Yes, that is what the old lady said, who told me this when I was still very young. And I still remember thinking to myself: I won’t hit my children either, if I ever have any. I had two children and I never hit them. Despite this, they became good people. And they don’t hit their children either.

Why am I telling you all this? After all, we were supposed to be talking about peace. And how can there be peace in the world if there are no peace-loving people? I think it would be good if a stone lay on the kitchen shelves just about everywhere in the world, as a reminder.”

(Astrid Lindgren: On Peace)


This foreword written by Astrid Lindgren describes the reaction of a healthy child and a normal healthy mother. If you have the task of questioning a young child who is showing signs of torture based on the findings of medical MRT/CT/nuclear medical examinations (cf. Istanbul Protocol http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/istanbul-protokoll-fuer-kleinkinder-bei-folterverdacht/?lang=en/), then you are getting into territory that is not only dark but also deeply pathological and sick.


A criminal phenomenon

Signs of torture on the body of your child may indicate that your child is potentially a victim of satanic ritual abuse, also called SRA, or is a “training subject” of trauma-based mind control (MK). SRA can be understood as the combined application of physical, psychological and spiritual assaults. MK is mainly used in the military, intelligence and political areas, although the boundary line between these two forms of abuse is relatively fluid. MK contains an abundance of elaborately devised, complex psychological strategies, ultimately designed to achieve absolute control over the thoughts and feelings of your child. Finally, i.e. at the end of the state-run MK programme, the aim is for your child to be conditioned to such an extent that he/she can be ordered to carry out actions that go against his/her human nature, when “wearing” different fragmented personalities (or “alters”) that are artificially created through torture, ideally without being able to remember carrying out those actions. The means employed to achieve that final state are physical, sexual, psychological and emotional torture. The ability and declared willingness of the perpetrators to subject their child to these kinds of mistreatment and abuse, when ordered to do so by the state, is what distinguishes this group of people from all other living beings on our planet. State-organised torturers are not interested in publicising their criminal actions, which go completely unpunished. MK torture perpetrated on a young child is not the result of a superstitious belief in witchcraft: it is consciously and deliberately planned, organised and continuously perfected. There is basically no part of your child’s body for which a “suitable” torture method does not exist. There is no element (water, air, fire and earth), no ideology and no tool that cannot be used for torturing your child. Clear your mind of the propagandistic falsehoods propagated by western (criminal) cartel media that the torture of young children is only practiced in designated “rogue states”.

These crimes are of course kept secret. This is why it is ultimately very hard to find a definition that covers the “programming” of your child. Survivors describe it as an act designed to activate physical and psychological reactions to external stimuli. A person conditioned in this way is intended to finally be able to react in an intended way after receiving an auditory, visual or tactile signal (trigger), ideally without noticing anything about it themselves. If the conditioning brought about through torture is successful, the political system or network will have raised the perfect mental slave who carries out orders, without conscience and against all the standards of successful ethical coexistence. As the violence-induced raising of such a multiple personality ultimately involves the most serious violations imaginable of the child’s legal rights, in this area of crime the scientific overlaps between psychology, medicine, social sciences, philosophy, criminology and criminalistics are relatively fluid.

This final construction of a multiple personality outlined above is closely linked to the use of hypnosis. In the respective procedural modules, the programmers used, who are usually conventionally trained physicians, generate a torture-induced, selective intensification of perception in the child victim, whose attention in this respect is ratcheted up through the assaults. Due to the strained attentiveness thus induced, the child’s real state of awareness is clouded. In systematic collaboration, the psychopathic perpetrators described above open a way into the child’s mind by controlling his/her perceptions and memory, and by creating false memories. At the end of several years’ programming, the subject is able to obey like an automaton, receives all instructions uncritically and without question, and can carry out complex orders requiring a high intelligence, but is usually not aware of it all. In order to prevent people who are, from humanitarian motives, on the side of the tortured child from glimpsing the perfidious structures of the state-run torture programmes, false memories are implanted in the child victim and posthypnotic reaction patterns are instilled in order to produce false statements. This is why you should not be surprised if, when asked about the complex sequence of abuse, your child either maintains a consistent silence or behaves in a completely irrational way. The network of perpetrators is fully aware that, due to the ethnic heterogeneity of the police force, at least some police employees would not be indifferent to these severe violations of victims’ legal rights. Even though fully initiated perpetrators within the police ultimately cover up this abuse and actively work to prevent convictions, to begin with the „Police“ organisation is simply too big for the group of perpetrators to control. One cannot therefore rule out the possibility that, when you initially report the offence to the police, you may get a criminal investigator who takes the concerns of the protecting parent seriously. The more importance this officer accords to the parent’s report, the more quickly they will implement urgent measures to search for and secure clues and to determine the evidence. During this important phase, the ring of perpetrators is not yet able to attain ultimate control of the course of the proceedings. Therefore the perpetrators’ strategy must be to implant the suggestion in the police investigator’s mind, through conditioning the child, that the child or the protecting parent is suffering from mental illness. Where fathers are the protecting parent, a suspicion is usually fabricated that the father is the perpetrator. However, SRA or MK can only be carried out by groups of perpetrators, i.e. by several people, as a single individual could never manage to do it. Usually, these protecting parents are quickly separated from the children concerned – without securing evidence of any kind – in order to remove further traces and to falsify the overall impression, and the young child continues to be used without hindrance – usually lifelong.

The following serve as torture methods before the programme units (quoted from Ellen Lacter, 2017):

  • Rape: vaginal, anal rape, group rape, using sharp objects, weapons, etc.
  • Filming the torture
  • Verbal cruelty, mockery, making child ridiculous, laughing and enthusiasm as reactions to the pain and terror of the victim
  • Hanging the victim up, including with the head hanging downwards, in stress positions, during which they are tortured by spinning, etc.
  • Being fully immersed in water tanks filled with ice
  • Being buried alive with insects, snakes, rats, etc. with an oxygen source that is controlled by the perpetrators
  • Being hung up above fire or extreme heat
  • Extreme thirst and hunger
  • Leaving the victim in urine, excrement and vomit
  • Being forced to ingest poisonous substances
    Control of the victim’s surroundings – painfully hot or cold, dark or intensely bright, being
  • bombarded with loud noise, etc.
  • Mutilation, e.g. removing nails or fingers
  • Removal of body organs and dismemberment of victims kept in complete captivity (Ellen Lacter, 2017)


All the information that the victim receives during these torture sessions (“programming”) is stored in his/her deeper psychobiological levels. Therefore, pay close attention to such statements when questioning the child. One special feature of this crime, not just from the aspect of children’s statement psychology, is that it will be suggested to the child that the adults are able to access his/her body at any time and/or to control the individual environment – and this often corresponds to the unimaginable truth:

Besides the known monitoring technologies in the child’s household, persons are also placed in the child’s immediate vicinity in order to develop a professed emotional relationship with him/her. As soon as this has been firmly established and the child can be successfully deceived into trusting that person, the child is then betrayed. The subsequent messages are clear and unambiguous: “We know everything about you”, “You have betrayed us”, “You won’t escape us”. Other “game versions” involve the child’s being told that an all-hearing microphone has been implanted in his/her tooth, or even a bomb in the stomach, which can explode in the event of betrayal. Adult victims have in fact been able to ascertain the presence of real, i.e. (in)active, implants through conventional medical examinations. Nowadays there is in fact the possibility of ensuring that dementia sufferers or animals can be found by means of (electromagnetic) pulse-controlled implants. An additional – though still less researched – aspect is the assumption that parts of MK programming as well as the use of triggers can meanwhile be carried out via microwaves and radiofrequencies.

As the silence of the young child involved is so important in terms of criminal law, the techniques to ensure it are practically innumerable: threats that their beloved primary caregiver (usually the mother) will be killed; needles in the area of the gums as a “training in keeping silent”; and wiping conscious memories through deliberately caused concussion, electroshock treatment and psychoactive medication. An additional way of ensuring silence is the showing of the pretended or actual liquidation of a “traitor”. Above all, witnessing a real murder makes a particularly devastating impression on the child. Killings in the context of so-called “snuff pornography” (filmed torture, followed by the death of the victim) are also used for this purpose. It is likewise known that it is suggested to the young children that they have killed a person or else – far more dramatic for the child’s psyche – they have actually been forced to kill someone.

It is thus very easy to understand that you can only achieve a comprehensive account of all these circumstances with endless patience and absolute, benevolent neutrality. The child must deal with his/her shame about the fact that it has been the victim of a series of the most unimaginable acts of emotional, mental and physical violence and has thus displayed accompanying physical reactions and emotions, that no one has helped and that he/she was even laughed at by the group of perpetrators. These things have formed part of the child’s everyday experience. It is therefore your task to remain completely neutral during the questioning process.

Never forget the punishment with which the child has been threatened if he/she speaks out, which usually involves the murder of the primary caregiver or torture. The process of questioning the child must basically be done in several stages, and must therefore be planned to take place over a period of several months. As the investigators are generally left to their own resources when working out the course of the abuse as a whole, they must organise the questioning sessions themselves. If investigators know people with knowledge of criminology knowledge in their personal or professional circle (police detectives, juvenile court representatives, lawyers specialising in criminal law), these can of course be consulted and/or brought in too.

The person concerned must be clear in their mind about what they may ultimately be getting into. Regarding doing it oneself: even a poorly planned questioning session is better than leaving the child alone with the abuse.

Although MK/SRA as a criminal phenomenon has, for obvious reasons, not been made a specific subject of study in criminological research up to now, its individual torture methods have been. Sexual violence perpetrated on a child in a private context has meanwhile been relatively well studied. Because the sexual abuse is a cornerstone in the process of programming the child, one can therefore use it as a starting point. It is of course important to have an idea of the basic process of questioning a child victim before you start. Nevertheless, the essential difference here is that a child who has been through SRA/MK has undergone unimaginable torture with the aim of splitting their personality. The essential elements of this crime are therefore briefly described below:


Phenomenon of the split personality

The simplest form of split personality consists of a normal state (A) and the hypnotically controlled state (B).


Below: Visible change of personality in a child who is secretly enrolled a torture programme.

Source: “Luki” Dara Sadegh on a supervised visit to his mother Mag. Andrea Sadegh 2013: Change of personality within 10 seconds. Assumed posthypnotic command: “Whenever you’re near your mother, remember what you’ve done and said: if she knew, she wouldn’t love you anymore.”

The change of the child’s personality is based on a posthypnotic command or a trigger. To do this, planning, a trigger and implementation are needed. An effectively instilled posthypnotic command is not aimed just at generating the outward behaviour of the subject – it also has to create inner mental states in the controlled human tool. Using inculcated key stimuli or codes, it is possible to condition complex operative sequences. The programmer can thereby also command the victim to forget the key signal again as soon as they have carried out the ordered action. This method is intended to undermine the police investigation of the crime outlined above. An additional obfuscation strategy is what is called “posthypnotic amnesia”. Here, the contents of the child’s memory are fragmented through mentally traumatising the child. This perfidious tactic is deemed successful if an outsider does not notice that the victim’s memory is impaired. To achieve this, during the child’s programming the method of fear-based suggestion is used. One technique is to plant the idea that they have a headache when they are inwardly processing the abuse suffered that day.


Below: A child mentally processing the abuse suffered that day – a headache induced by suggestion, also called a “splitting headache”.

Source: “Luki” Dara Sadegh, taken by his mother Mag. Andrea Sadegh, in the summer of 2011, when the child had suffered the first flashbacks.

An observable headache can also be the result of an artificially induced neurosis, consisting of inculcated guilt or inferiority complexes intended to prevent the child from talking about their experiences.


Why is it done at such a young age?

Due to their highly imaginative minds, children can be more easily influenced than adults. In order to prevent prosecution, perpetrators exploit the fact that due to their still limited vocabulary, the child does not feel able to talk about the abusive assaults. Through the MK programming techniques a number of separate identities, called “alters”, are generated in the child. The group of perpetrators that installs, activates and controls these alters can ultimately also communicate with the respective individual alters. So that the child is outwardly able to cope with their everyday life, in addition to the alters, an “apparently normal personality” (ANP) must also be in place. The ANP is, so to speak, the facade for the programmed individual’s future role in the social system. The ANP, functioning as an outer shell, ensures that the multiple personalities finally remain hidden to non-initiates.

If investigators try to get the child to open up by showing him/her affection, a word of warning: perpetrators will deliberately create associations between natural interpersonal actions (kissing, caressing) or words (“love”, pet names, etc.) and dark threats against the child. You must therefore reckon with triggers deliberately implanted in the child to ensure that they are mentally imprisoned by an “inner guard” and their constant fear of the consequences of being a “traitor” i.e. of speaking the truth. The same applies to conditioning and hypnosis in connection with the initial routine procedures in a criminal investigation. In the presence of someone urgently suspected of being involved in the abuse, the child may for example in greet that person with joyful eagerness, while simultaneously rejecting their actual persons of trust, usually the protecting parent. Since enormous financial resources are available for the programming process, props, magic tricks, stage plays, special effects, film screenings, cameras and microphones are also used. The manipulation of the child’s thoughts is activated by means of roleplay and characters from fairy-tales or other adventure worlds (extra-terrestrials, demons). These are stored in the child’s mind linked to certain colours: i.e., during the programme unit concerned, the perpetrators show themselves to the child in identical costumes and colours. Thus, in time, it is possible to forge cross-connections in the mind of the child victim, which are accessible to the programmer through codes. For you, as an outsider, these are usually completely innocuous, everyday words or other triggers. Nevertheless, the child is prepared in such a way that, in the end, the “opening and closing” of the child’s personalities function appropriately. This process is considered successful if the trigger words have a certain rhythm and the treacherous word combination or other trigger chains are selected in such a way that an everyday situation cannot trigger a change of personality.

Multiple personality disorder (MPD), also called “dissociative identity disorder” (DID) is used in the international system for classifying illnesses (ICD 10), in this case concerning the psychiatric illnesses (DSM4). It would thus be a punishable offence for the perpetrator to deliberately create a sick person twice over (knowing the prohibition on simultaneous intention to perpetrate a crime and succeeding in perpetrating that crime). Consequently, there is a causal connection between dysfunctional family integration, the use of violence, mental trauma and disorders when processing experiences. It is thereby necessary for the child to be placed in the hands of the programmers at regular interviews. The above-described mental trauma of the child is devised based on a process of “internally running away”. Since the physically much weaker child is unable to justifiably defend itself against the assaults and can also see no way of physically escaping from the location of the abuse, it must finally choose the path of mental dissociation. The rule of thumb here is: “The earlier the traumatisation of the child occurs, the greater the probability of multiple personality disorder.” A decisive point is thereby the extent of control over the child’s defence mechanisms. In the specialist literature, one finds different instructions as to the most suitable time for this. After dissociation and violent training, children aged two and a half can already display a completely split personality. Under the supervision of a physician, tortures such as pinching fingers with pincers, violent blows to the head, rapes, and having fingers painfully trapped in a mousetrap while being locked in a room, etc. As soon as the child stops crying and is only whimpering in pain, it is released. Then the child receives their aversion conditioning through commands. Not all stages are the same here. Meanwhile, the following main programming procedures are known:


Alpha: Basic programme – the aims are the unresisting obedience and automatic reflexes of the child

Beta: Sexual programme activated by a key word

Delta: Assassin programme, fighter programme

Theta: Programme for integration in occult groups

Omega: Obscuration programme with the aim of maintaining the split psyche of the child


A typical technical method for creating multiple personalities is “spin programming”, “spinning” or the German term Rädern which (appropriately enough) means “being broken on the wheel”. The child is strapped to a rotating disc, and through extremely painful centrifugal forces, their personalities are polyfragmented. This kind of programming method already begins in earliest childhood. The child can either be spun on their own axis – as on a spit – or turned in a vertical direction.

Here too, one must of course take the rapid development of new technical possibilities into account. Seizure-inducing treatments, CT, as well as the influencing of the mind by means of electromagnetic fields are used here, and are still relatively little researched in relation to young children. The special feature is basically that the programming of the child relates to the generating of personality fragments. Therefore, a specific message is always conveyed to the child during programming. While being questioned, the child may thus give you answers that appear completely incoherent. The same applies if you thereby observe illogical ways of behaving. However, when you become more familiar with them, these are always connected to commands instilled through violence:

  • You deserve to be punished – we’ll find you wherever you are
  • No one believes what you say
  • You deserve the violence you have experienced
  • We’re watching you and can kill your parents
  • The police will come to get you – you’ll go to prison


Subsequently building on this, in the next stage the victim is usually indoctrinated with the following ideas (cf. Ellen Lacter, 2017):

  • You are evil.
  • You are a murderer.
  • You are an accomplice in crimes (often such scenes are filmed as evidence).
  • You are now one of us.
  • You are now a voluntary member of the network which commits rapes and abuse.
  • No one except us will ever want to have anything to do with you again.
  • The people who have been taking care of you can’t take care of you ever again.
  • No psychotherapist will ever want to help you.
  • The whole of the clergy will condemn you.
  • You are lost in the sight of God.
  • You now belong to: _____ (a god/goddess that demands blood sacrifices).


Certainly, the most ruthless method is brain surgery. Here, the surgeon deliberately damages the healthy tissue of the healthy child. Another possibility is medically influencing the amygdala (the part of the brain important for emotions and feelings) using electrical current. Other surgical interventions (scars on the brain stem, etc.), and the removal and mutilation of glands, are also known methods.

The child often remembers the torture in everyday life in flashbacks, usually triggered by associations while processing the experience. It can thereby quite possibly happen that the child reveals the abuse at this very moment: the young child experiences the torture as if it is happening again.

First of all, some good news: as soon as they have been able to relate one of the events in their entirety, the young child finds greater peace of mind: in every flashback or anxiety state, and in every recounting of the abuse, you are already helping the children to heal their unimaginable experiences to a great extent.

Finding out about the torturers’ world represents a particular challenge for you, but is everyday routine for the children, as is the often-staged, seemingly “fairytale-like” world of Satanism: Satanic rituals and the procedures conducted in an MK programme can definitely overlap. According to Michaela Huber (1995), victims have reported the following methods:

  • Strange smells […]
  • Men in black coats/cloaks, hoods, masks, etc.;
  • Cellars, painted black or their walls hung with black cloths;
  • […]
  • Rituals with oil, blood […]
  • Blood, that runs down one’s naked body […]
  • Eating raw animal or human flesh, or faeces, drinking urine and blood
  • […]
  • Vaginal, oral, anal gang rape; being penetrated with sticks, knives, crucifixes, etc.
  • Blows, kicks, electric shocks
  • Being locked in chests, coffins, water-tanks, etc.;
  • […]
  • Loud, sacral or Wagnerian music, “sacral” chanting […]
  • Extreme feelings of shame and guilt, the feeling of having to “sacrifice” oneself or of “being chosen to die”, to feel like “Satan” (or having “inner alters” who think they are Satan)
  • A vow that cannot be broken, otherwise someone will die (either they themselves or someone close to them, or their favourite animal)
  • The exaction of punishments upon them and/or other children or adults who have been “disobedient”
  • Invocations and curses; the feeling of being able to be killed by the words of a spell, etc.



Before starting a questioning session, you should therefore bear in mind the following patterns of reaction, which the child has already able to show an investigator or protecting parent on occasion in the past:

  • Fear of giving blood samples, and of dental examinations
  • Fear of being tied up
  • Ritualistic chanting
  • Nervousness at meals (cocoa: faeces; red fruit-juice: blood; barbecues in summer: burns/scalding)
  • Wanton destruction of toy figures and dolls (mutilations)
  • Fear of “harmless” everyday objects
  • etc.


The questioning session

Questioning young children is an essential skill in cases of suspicion of torture: it is made very clear to children through a wide variety of tortures, extreme drills and threats that they should never, ever talk about what has happened and never name names. The perpetrator networks are very aware of that particular danger and have usually infiltrated city-centre facilities such as child help centres, and medical, psychiatric and therapeutic services, to prevent possible further examinations of the child, and to usually forcibly remove the child from its protective primary care-giver (usually the mother, but in some cases also the father). If, after already having invested in a particular child, the torture of the child becomes visible due to injuries or flashbacks, the loss of the child to the perpetrator networks not only involves the risk that parts of the recognised and named network will be severely prosecuted under criminal law, but also means a massive financial loss. As the perpetrators of these networks have as a rule themselves gone through these kinds of torture-based programmes as young children, it is easy to verify this in the case of adults too, by means of radiological technologies like MRT/CT/nuclear medical examinations, based on unmistakeable characteristics (incapacity to empathise, dissociative tendencies, scars on the brain stem, etc.).


Triggers during questioning

Before asking questions, you need to be aware that touch triggers may have been implanted in the child: you should therefore be careful with touching and only touch the child with his/her permission. The most well-known here is the silence touch: for this painful lesson, the child is first encouraged to chatter. The child is then given an electric shock, or pricked in the gums or in the tongue. Another method is to use a silence trigger that is activated through stroking the child. It should thus be no surprise if, after being caressed or receiving any affection, immediately clams up towards the other person. Further triggers, which perpetrator networks often like using are pressure (stress, strict voice, accusing look, hand signs). Take care to ensure that your body language is congruent and explain to the child if anything irritates you. Openness, truth and – most importantly – the absolute benevolent neutrality of the investigator are the only way to attain reliable results.

Later on, two cameras will be needed: one camera should point at the child and the other at the questioner. Ideally, there should be a third camera filming you both from above (bird’s eye view). There is footage from the sadly notorious Hampstead case in which the police investigator, who offers behavioural training on a private basis, triggers the children during the “questioning session” using hand signs, see below:

Source and summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSOa6Siko-8


It is therefore essential that you remain neutral, no matter what you may hear or experience during the questioning session. Give the child as much space and freedom as possible during the interview: any pressure can put the child into states of fear and anxiety, and thus cause them to clam up or to feed you “well-rehearsed stories”.


Video recordings

As a general rule, every questioning session should be recorded on video: it is important to ensure that the physical reactions are also recorded – both those of the investigator and the child. The same applies if a question causes the child to suffer a flashback. For the purpose of giving evidence, it is therefore important to find out and record whether and how the flashback corresponds to the question posed. Take time to think about what you have heard. Don’t rule out any hypothesis and don’t be afraid of not being able to calm the child after a flashback: the only unforgivable mistake you can make is to abandon the child to the perpetrator network. If the questioning session is filmed, both the continuation of the session after the child has “calmed down” and a fully documented flashback have value as evidence. Bear in mind that all the recorded injuries (Istanbul Protocol) should be addressed and investigated in the interview.


A short digression: Personal evidence and material evidence

The evidentiary value of the child’s statement can vary; here is an overview:

A: Personal evidence

Personal evidence can come from the statement of a court-appointed expert, an accused party/defendant or a witness (your child).


B: Material evidence

Material evidence can consist of a document or what is called a “piece of visual evidence”. The document is a physical declaration of ideas and intentions (e.g. a written document). The piece of visual evidence contains no ideas, but may enable certain conclusions to be drawn (e.g. if the investigator finds an object used to commit the offense based on the child’s statement).

The reason that the material evidence is so important is because, detached from the series of criminal actions, it speaks for itself and enables non-involved people to draw conclusions about the course of the abuse and the perpetrators involved. The material evidence is thus basically objective and is therefore given preference over personal evidence in court. Although it is true that it can be checked using scientific methods, it can however yield a false trail to probative facts due to mistakes in securing evidence, in examinations, storage and analysis. Personal evidence is basically subjectively influenced. You should therefore try to check the truth of the child’s statements and to diligently follow up any indications given by the child as to potential material evidence. Questioning the child should make it easier for you to, for example:

  • identify suspects
  • determine that perpetrators belong to a group
  • reconstruct the assaults
  • seek/secure evidence


Legal information

If you subject the child to questioning, this is a private investigative procedure, not an official interrogation/hearing. In an official interrogation/hearing, the questioner is there in an official capacity, states the fact and makes a formal request for information required by the authorities.

As already explained, you should video all questioning sessions with the child from two, and ideally from three angles. After each questioning session you should transcribe the entire contents. You should ensure that in every questioning session you have at least one witness of good repute and good standing. Make suitable backup copies of every video recording and written record. [!] In addition, depending whether the laws in the country concerned permit it, the witness should consider making use of the possibility of affirmation in lieu of an oath. The video recording should document the complete conversation and also portray all the non-verbal reactions of the child – including you yourself. The questioning process itself should not be interrupted. Place the child in such a way that they can definitely be clearly seen in the video. The arms, hands and feet must also be fully visible. Take the necessary lighting conditions into account and switch off your mobile phone. Avoid being disturbed by third parties (put a “Don’t disturb” on the door). Make sure that the child has had enough sleep and has had a proper meal beforehand. If several children have potentially been abused, they should be questioned separately from one another.


Checklist & procedure

Don’t simply ask questions in an unmethodical way: instead, draw up a checklist beforehand. In cases of sexual assault, no individual questioning session should last longer than 30 minutes; any breaks should be documented. When questioning in cases of SRA or MK, follow your intuition, and also let the question last longer. You need to be aware that you are certainly not going to be able to clear up such a complex cluster of actions in a short time. Also, be aware that if perpetrator networks continue to assault the child, the child can be prepared relatively easily for 30-45 minutes, i.e. deliberately prepared.

All the important facts should then be worked through point by point. The checklist should contain the essential points, such as:

  • What is already known about the assaults, times of the abuse and perpetrators?
  • Driving routes to the scene of the abuse, means of transporting the child, instruments used in the abuse?
  • What patterns of injury have been ascertained in the visual examination of the child (Istanbul Protocol)?


Besides the specific characteristics of the case of a child in an MK programme, there are also basic features which apply to all child victims. Children are often taciturn and use short sentences. When putting the questions, you should therefore also take into account the child’s style of talking and linguistic deficiencies – which are often due to the complex trauma suffered. The statements display lack of vocabulary, and often lacks analogies and metaphors due to its lack of life experience. It is therefore possible that, in the course of assimilating the experience and in accordance with their mental capacity, the child describes an offense by referring to a familiar process (“he wetted” for ejaculation). If you ask the child intimate questions, explain in advance why it is necessary. The child still has a play world, which is not compatible with adult logic, while conversely adult logic can hardly grasp the experiences of the child. A child’s speech comprehension first starts to slowly develop after about 24 months. The child thereby believes that all actions and processes are purposeful (“The weather will be nice if I eat all the food on my plate”). Small children are unable to intentionally lie, as they lack the necessary cognitive preconditions to do this. If the child is not able to give you information on the chronology of events, objects, descriptions of people and distances, this is not a lie. It also does not yet have any pubescent self-interest, such as the desire for revenge or craving for recognition. Remember that the group of perpetrators likewise use a “fantasy vocabulary”, especially with young children – ask questions to clarify any expressions that are not clear to you.

It may of course also happen that, during a questioning session, a child from an MK programme will give you the false answers that have been instilled in them through violence, or from time to time reveals inauthentic reaction patterns. Nevertheless, because of their age, the child cannot consistently maintain this “myth”. Always bear in mind the child’s conditioned conflicts of loyalty and fear of punishment. The child may therefore refuse questions or give evasive answers. Make use of the child’s impulse to play. The use of children’s picture books and story cubes can likewise be very helpful in questioning sessions, particularly with children who are already “keeping quiet”.


Source: Andrea Sadegh – “Story Cubes from © Gigamic” (2017)


Beyond the imaginable

Even if a child describes an injury that you failed to see in the prior visual examination (compare the Istanbul Protocol http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/istanbul-protokoll-fuer-kleinkinder-bei-folterverdacht/?lang=en), you have no reason to doubt the truth of that information. Bear in mind that you must react by exploring new directions in accordance with a statement from the child (looking for the crime scene, searching for clues and evidence). Always remember that you can still find clues that you have overlooked in your immediate surroundings. Also, bear in mind that there are no limits to the evil imagination of the torturers. Thus, in the Sadegh case, the two-and-a-half-year-old child suffered massive flashbacks on seeing a toilet brush. In time, it emerged that the child had not been hit with it but had been anally penetrated with the handle. You should therefore never interrupt the flow of the child’s narrative: if need be, after documenting the questioning session, bring in an expert who specialises in SRA or MK, and also text researchers can be extremely helpful in putting the parts of the story into the right order, especially in the case of young children.


Forensic analysis of traces: a brief summary

Traces/clues are material objects and physical changes at the macro and micro levels. These arise through the series of actions perpetrated and can make it possible to reach conclusions about the perpetrators and their modus operandi. If there is no connection between a material change and the incident relevant to the crime, we speak of a false trail. However, when dealing with MK, you must reckon with changes that have been deliberately brought about. What one is dealing with in such a case is a fake clue, rather than a false trail. Clues that are significant with regard to child torture can be:

Evidence of a crime: That is, traces produced due to the criminal activities at the scene of the crime, and found either on the child themselves or on the perpetrator. Such traces can make it easier for you to reconstruct the course of the abuse. Some examples of this are, for example, defensive injuries on the child, or traces of secretions and blood connected to the abuse described by the child.

Traces of perpetrators: These are traces that the perpetrator has left on the instruments of abuse, on the child or at the scene of the crime (sperm, blood, vaginal secretions, hairs, textile fibres).

Traces are created interactively. You have to start from the assumption that the perpetrators will also find these traces.


Traces of blood:

“Blood is a special juice.” This statement has a special meaning in criminalistics. The special aspect is that the characteristics of human blood are preserved and are passed on genetically in accordance with the laws of nature, and that blood is serologically detectable and classifiable. After leaving the body, blood is at risk of being destroyed from bacteria, moulds and environmental influences. The analysability of a blood spot therefore gets more and more limited as time goes on. Blood rapidly changes colour and is therefore difficult to see. Nevertheless, even in the case of minute amounts, it is possible to prove in a laboratory that a substance found is in fact blood. Human blood has unalterable characteristics.

One such characteristic is the statistical classification in accordance with blood groups. The so-called ABO system is used for this purpose.

A: 44%

B: 11%

AB: 5%

O: 40%


A blood spot can thus be used to narrow the investigation down to a particular suspect as against other people with different blood groups. After the child makes a statement, it is therefore important to secure the specific instrument used for the abuse or their clothing. As, according to this elimination system, you are holding a means to single out a potential suspect from other persons, the blood spot enables considerably more, based on the DNA evidence. The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) contains the genetic information of the suspect. This particularly applies if you discover blood or sperm on the child’s body immediately after an assault. The probability of the chromosomal pattern of the DNA of two people being the same is less than 1 to 30 billion. For this reason, if several traces of a suspect’s DNA are found, the chances of being wrong basically become immeasurably small. It is now also possible to identify the DNA from hair roots and vaginal secretions.

A laboratory analysis can differentiate between the gender and origin of the blood (blood from the nose or anus). As in MK Ultra torture sessions, dogs can also be deployed as an instrument to abuse the children, a blood spot could also stem from a dog. It is likewise possible to differentiate between human and animal blood in a laboratory (using the so-called “Uhlenhaut method”). In addition to securing the trace carrier, while keeping it as sterile and germ-free as possible, you should first take a photograph of the trace (close-up, giving scale of length).


As the torture of the child encompasses the aspects of humiliation and degradation, you must also expect to possibly find traces of urine. The presence of urine is verified through the concentration of urea in the trace. However, larger quantities are needed for an examination. Verification is done on a microscopic and biochemical basis.

Sexual torture can result in traces of the saliva of a suspect being found. Here, verification is carried out through the enzyme ptyalin produced in the body. Following an assault, despite subsequently washing the child, saliva can nonetheless remain clinging to the child’s mucosal cells.

In actuality, there is no limit to the circumstances under which the hairs and flakes of skin of a suspect can remain or be transferred. Even if you thoroughly wash the child after the torture. Through microscopic examinations and biological comparisons, it is possible to distinguish human hairs from hair-like wool fibres and synthetic fibres. By way of qualification, it must be said that it is generally not possible to definitely allocate hairs to a perpetrator. However, it is a different matter if the found hair combines special attributes such as, for example, pathological changes through fungal infestation or residues of care products. However, it is possible to determine whether it fell out naturally or was torn out violently by magnifying the detachment point of a hair. This would be significant in cases where children are dragged along the floor by the hair or when the hair on the head is pulled violently.

Besides human traces, there is also the possibility of finding textile fibres. This includes plant fibres (cotton), animal fibres (wool), mineral fibres (glass fibres) and chemical fibres (nylon). The transfer of fibres in fact takes place everywhere every day. Above all, textile fibres are characterised by great durability. Such fibres are extremely tenacious and can hardly ever be completely removed. Studies (e.g. Aldermasten/GBR) show that about 80% of all fibres transferred from other people are lost within 48 hours. The rest continue to stick tenaciously. After every questioning session, you should therefore compare the child’s statements and check whether any corresponding trace carriers can be found and/or which people the child names to you as suspects.


Questioning intervals and techniques

Even if you question the child at intervals, you should not interrupt the video recording – otherwise the perpetrators would easily be able to say that you may have manipulated the child. Bear in mind that due to the torture suffered, the child was limited in its cognitive ability, was probably dissociated or that his/her personality may already be split. Unlike normal perception, the human brain stores traumatic events in an unordered memory fragment. You therefore have to constantly adjust your discoveries about the course of the abuse, depending on the situation.

You need to help the child understand that they are not being forced to take part in the questioning. It should be clear that they should only report what they have actually experienced.


“Now, before you tell me anything, you can just quietly think about what you would like to say. It is important that you tell me the truth. But it’s okay if you can’t say something. You can simply tell me that you don’t know.”

Show the child that you are extremely interested in them and help them to sharpen their capacity for remembering places, people and activities.


“Have you ever been to the Christmas market? –Oh, you were there last year.”


This helps to strengthen the child’s perceptions regarding a particular place.

“Were any other people with you at the Christmas market?”

“Aha, so you were at the Christmas market with Granny.”

“What does your Granny look like? – Aha, so Granny has glasses and short hair.”

This helps the child to focus their attention on a person more sharply.

“What did you do together at the Christmas market? – Wow cool, so you sat in a fire engine! But Granny didn’t? No, she’s already much too old. You’re right! Wouldn’t it be funny if grannies always came with the fire brigade? – Do you know all about what the fire brigade does? And did you even have candyfloss? So when do you always get candyfloss or other sweets?”

This helps to increase the child’s attention regarding activities. At this point, you should already focus on building a positive relationship with the child. Describing familiar surroundings, people and activities like this helps the child to feel more secure for the subsequent questioning about the scene of the abuse, the suspects and the abuse itself.

You can now begin to ask about the abuse. Try to get the child to describe the scene of the abuse, the abuse itself and the suspects as precisely as possible. Take time for this.

You should never pre-formulate answers for the child; never make any assumptions.

“So then X lay down on you and painfully forced his penis into your anus?” – A young child would never make such a statement.

You should also ask what the child means when it is describing the abuse and the respective body parts.


“What do you mean when you say ‘his wee-wee’?”

“What do you mean when you say ‘he did a banana in my botty’?”

“What do you mean when you say ‘wet and hit’?”


Make sure that you do not give the child any information that it has not already disclosed. Nevertheless, you should stick to the initial subject in your questions. Avoid conditioning the child and always be sparing with praise, maintaining a benevolently neutral but appreciative attitude.

It is up to you how you create a good relationship with the child. Here are some examples for how to build a relationship:

“What kind of children’s films do you watch on TV?”

“What’s your favourite toy?”

“Are you already going to Kindergarten?”


Then you can slowly get round to talking about the abuse.

“Can you tell me why you have such bad dreams?”

Avoid posing suggestive questions, even if you already have some idea of the basic underlying situation. The child should be permitted to formulate statements by themselves and independently.



Neutral questions: Such questions are free of implied suspicion: the child is not being fed any answers.

What? Where? How? How often? Who?


Contrary questions: Although such questions have a suggestive drift, in the end you can hardly be accused of having influenced the child.

“Did Mrs K say that you are allowed to tell your Mummy all about it?” (When you sense a command to keep silent)

“But how could X touch you there – after all, you had your trousers on, didn’t you?” (When you assume that the child had to take its clothes off.)


Multiple-choice questions: These enable you to narrow down the facts.

“Were you standing, sitting or lying down?”

“Was it on the bed or on the sofa?”


Leading questions (these are suggestive and should be avoided):

“So then X strangled you with the belt round your neck in the car?”


Use additional phrases to underpin important statements. Or use a counter-probe through counter-suggestion.

“I didn’t quite understand that bit. Can you explain it to me a little more exactly?”


If you reach a point where the child can betray their emotions, there is a risk of an emotional outburst or a flashback. At this point, you have two possible solutions to this. As you are recording the questioning session on video, the filmed flashback does of course have appropriate value as evidence. Or you can immediately distract the child and behave as if you haven’t noticed their state of agitation.

One possibility: The child is just about to burst into tears. You react as follows:

“There was something I absolutely wanted to ask you. You did tell me that you like playing with your Indian castle. Have you got some little Indians to play with? – Really? Lots and lots? You must show them to me some time!”


Pose the questions in such a way that you always have as complete a picture as possible of every single assault. Do not move on to the next incident of abuse until you have completely finished questioning the child about a course of events. You should thereby bear in mind that the child needs to be given the space and freedom to open up and talk about it.


Something else you should observe is also the way that the child may show the abuse in actions. This is certainly due to their inability to express the abuse in words, but also corresponds to the way that children relive experiences. So it may also happen that instead of making a statement, the small witness displays a physical position, a series of movements or accompanying mimicry. Make use of this childlike characteristic.



“Could you show me how X hit you?”


With questions as to the guilt of a suspect, the child can get into difficulties. A statement like “It was him” is not sufficient here. The child must be able to describe characteristics specific to the person. You should therefore try to get as accurate as possible a description of the person. The same applies to the times and durations of the abuse. You have to help the child here. As you proceed, you can show the child photos of different people, including suspected perpetrators.

Remember that being able to “recognise” perpetrators again has become essential for the survival of the young children: as a rule, these children recognise every detail of the torturers again and can also – depending on their age – describe them. In the Sadegh case, when looking through private photographs, the two-and-a-half-year-old child immediately recognised a former acquaintance of the mother and cried: “Kind! Kind!” and was pleasantly surprised to see that person again in a photo on her laptop. In answer to the question “Hey – that’s great! What kind thing did A do that makes you so excited, darling?” “She told Farrokh to stop. Stop. When it was ouchy.” – No doubt, Ms. A had been present at (at least) one torture ritual and had intervened. Although such complex procedures as these can be faked to deceive a young child, one cannot suggest such a series of events to a child of this age through programming.


Created/programmed confusion

When the child makes the simplest statements such as “my Mummy/my Daddy” or “my Granny/my Grandpa”, check who the child is talking about: on the one hand, the children are indoctrinated through torture who their “Mummy”, “Daddy”, etc. is, while on the other hand strangers can simply call themselves “Granny” or “Grandpa”. Here is an actual example of how young children can be forced to call other people “Daddy” or “Mummy” through torture:

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0A1Kb30IN0

When they are having flashbacks, in which they are remembering the torture and reliving it all 1:1, the screaming of young children sounds similar to, and sometimes even more heartrending than that heard in the above video.


There are no limits to the mind games, just as there are no limits to the torture methods or the triggers. Statements about location are also deliberately trained under torture:


“Where were you?” “At home with Daddy.”

– Here, in this context, you should ask whether the child means the familiar “Daddy” or whether they may be referring to some other “Daddy”, and also check the details of the location – “What did it look like there?” It is known from the Sadegh case that “At home with Daddy” sometimes also meant being tortured and raped by a series of other paedocriminals in strange apartments. Over a period of just under 9 months, it emerged that there had been a number of Daddies and quite a few Mummies too. “At home with Daddy” could mean in the child’s father’s apartment, but could also mean being forced into child prostitution in council flats, and in an attic which was obviously in the centre of Vienna, near the Vienna “Naschmarkt”.

Other mind games with names are also known to be played in cults: programmers sometimes take the name of deities (in the Sadegh case, one of the main programmers told the young child that he was called “Oka”), while Dr White, Dr Green, etc. are familiar names from the American programming scene.


A reminder

Remember that the child has survived the torture, is sitting in front of you and, being very young, can relatively quickly attain healing or huge relief, provided that they are protected from the perpetrator networks and not separated from the protecting parent. Due to their experiences, the young child has already lived through more trauma than you will probably ever experience, no matter how long you live. Therefore, bear in mind that you can’t do anything “wrong” as long as you act with benevolent, appreciative neutrality and openness, unless you abandon the child to its own resources and thus to the perpetrator networks, who not infrequently stem from the immediate family circle.



Bibliography (a selection)

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Habschick, Klaus: Erfolgreich Vernehmen: Kompetenz in der Kommunikations-, Gesprächs- und Vernehmungspraxis (Grundlagen der Kriminalistik, Band 46) (Successfully questioning witnesses: Competence in the practice of communication, conversation and questioning. In: Basics of Criminalistics, Volume 46) Kriminalistik Verlag: Heidelberg, 2016

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Hermanutz, Max; Hahn, Jürgen; Jorda, Lena: Leitfaden zur strukturierten Anhörung von Kindern im forensischen Kontext. (Guidelines for structuring hearings of child witnesses in a forensic context) Police academy: Baden-Württemberg, 2015

Hermanutz, Max; Litzcke, Sven Max; Kroll, Ottmar: Polizeiliche Vernehmung und Glaubhaftigkeit: ein Trainingsleitfaden. (Police questioning and credibility: a training guideline.) Boorberg Verlag: Stuttgart, Munich, 2005

Herrmann, Bernd; Saternus, Klaus-Steffen (Ed.): Kriminalbiologie (Band 1 der Reihe Biologische Spurenkunde). (Criminal biology. In: Vol. 1 of the series on biological trace evidence) Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006

Herrmann, Horst: Die Folter: eine Enzyklopädie des Grauens. (Torture: an encyclopaedia of horror) Eichborn Verlag: Frankfurt am Main, 2004

Hofmann, Anja: Personenidentifizierung durch Zeugen im Strafverfahren: Anforderungen an die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung von Wiedererkennungsverfahren und Beurteilung des Beweiswerts von Identifizierungsleistungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung rechtspsychologischer und kriminalistischer Aspekte. (Identification of persons by witnesses in criminal proceedings: Requirements regarding the proper conducting of identification procedures and appraisal of the evidential value of identification processes, particularly taking into account forensic psychology and criminalistics aspects.) Verlag Duncker & Humblot: Berlin, 2013

Huber, Michaela: Multiple Persönlichkeiten. Seelische Zersplitterung nach Gewalt. Durchgesehene Neuauflage. Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn 2010. (New, revised edition, first published in 1995, Fischer)

Lacter, Ellen: For Those Who Condemn Themselves for Acts Coerced Under Torture. Self-published: http://endritualabuse.org, 2017

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Sadegh, Andrea: Original records of Luki Dara Sadegh. 2011ff. Vienna, Graz: http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Beilage1_protokolle-interaktionen-2011-2012_strassburg2.pdf



Translated by Verity Speedwell.

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