Festen 2024


„Wie die Mutter zu ihren sexualbezogenen Phantasien kommt ist unklar“

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, Familienrichter am BG Hernals/Wien zu den Schilderungen des damals 2 1/2jährigen Luki Dara Sadegh, obwohl er die Fachliteratur zu (satanisch/sadistisch) rituellem Missbrauch vor sich liegen hatte. 


Die „satanischen“ Feiertage samt den dabei begangenen Gräueln haben bereits Einzug in die wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur [1] zu trauma based mind control und ritual abuse gehalten haben, einerseits durch Berichte von Opfern, andererseits durch das erhöhte Aufkommen von registrierten Verbrechen (Entführung, Vergewaltigung, Verstümmelung von Kindern), also von ritual abuse (physische, psychische und spiritueller Missbrauch) genau rund um diese Zeitpunkte.

Satanisten sind besessen von Ritualen, genauso wie von Symbolen, von Numerologie und decken sich die Feiertage mit denen von allen Religionsgemeinschaften, was auch die oberste satanische/psychopatische Tugend, neben der Infiltration und dem Schweigen beschreibt: die Täuschung: Während man in gut bürgerlichen Berufen tätig ist, durchaus in die jeweiligen – offiziellen Kirchen – geht, feiert man danach, seine eigenen „Feiertage“, wie im Detail von Svali und etlichen anderen beschrieben.



1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
7 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
11 Neumond (12:57 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (3:57 PST)
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
14 Laylat al Raghaib (muslimisch) Laylat al Raghaib (muslim)
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
24 / 25 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children
25 Vollmond (18:55 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (9:54 PST)
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
4 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
7 – 8 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
9 Neumond (23:59 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (14:59 PST)
12 Rosenmontag (Karneval) Rose Monday (German Carnival)
13 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
14 – 30 (3) Beginn der Fastenzeit (christlich) Days of Fasting (Christian)
14 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 30.3 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 3/30 (Christian)
24 Vollmond (13:32 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (4:30 PST)
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga (AD 779); Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga (AD 779); communion of blood and dismemberment
25 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
8 Internationaler Frauentag International Women´s Day
9 – 8 (4) Ramaadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
10 Neumond (10:00 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (1:00 PST)
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
16 Tag von Montsegur (AD 1244), Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day (AD 1244), persecution of the Cathars
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
23 Ta´anit Esther – Estherfasten bis Purim zu Sonnenuntergang beginnt Ta´anit Ester – Fast until the beginning of Purim at sunset.
23 / 24 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
24 – 30 Karwoche (Christlich) Easter (Christian)
24 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
25 Vollmond (08:02 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (0:00 PDT)
28 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
29 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
30 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
31 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
1 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
5 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
7 Sonntag der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit (christlich) Divine Mercy Sunday (Christian)
8 Neumond (20:21 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (11:21 PDT)
8 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
9 Chaand Raat (moslimisch) Chaand Raat (muslim)
10 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
17 / 18 Yom HaAliyah (Jüdisch): „das jüdische Volk in das Land Israel kommt“ Yom HaAliyah (Jewish): „the Jewish people come to the land of Israel”
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants
22 / 30 (4) Passover/Pessach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pessach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
23   Full Moon (16:49 PDT)
24 Vollmond (01:50 MEZ/MESZ)  
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
5 / 6 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
7   New Moon (20:22 PDT)
8 Neumond (05:22 MEZ/MESZ)  
9 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
12 / 13 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
13 / 14 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
19 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
23 Vollmond (15:54 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (06:53 PDT)
24 Aldersgate oder Wesley Tag (Methodistisch) Aldersgate Day, or Wesley Day (Methodist)
25 / 26 Lag BaOmer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag BaOmer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
26 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
30 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
4 / 5 Yom Yerushalayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushalayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
6 Neumond (14:38 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (05:38 PDT)
7 Herz Jesu Fest (Christlich) Feast of the Sacred Heart (Christian)
11 / 13 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
14 – 19 Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
15 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
16 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
21   Full Moon (18:08 PDT)
22 Vollmond (03:09 MEZ/MESZ)  
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
30 Eid al-Mubahala (muslimisch) Eid al-Mubahala (moslim)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
5   New Moon (15:57 PDT)
6 Neumond (00:57 MEZ/MESZ)  
7 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
16 / 17 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
21 Vollmond (12:18 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (03:17 PDT)
23 Schiwa Assar beTammus (Fasten zur Erinnerung an den Mauerdurchbruch in Jerusalem, auf den die Zerstörung des Tempels folgte; Trauertage bis Tisha B´Av) Shiwa Assar beTammus (fasting to remember the breaking of the wall in Jerusalem, following the destruction of the Temple; Days of Mourning until Tisha B´Av)
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
4 Neumond (13:13 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (04:13 PDT)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
12 / 13 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
18 / 19 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
19 Vollmond (20:27 MES/MESZ) Full Moon (12:26 PDT)
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
25 / 26 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
2   New Moon (18:56 PDT)
3 Neumond (03:55 MEZ/MESZ)  
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
15 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet
17   Full Moon (19:34 PDT)
18 Vollmond (04:36 MEZ/MESZ)  
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
2 Neumond (20:49 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (11:49 PDT)
2 / 4 Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
5 / 6 Zom Gedalja (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an Ermordung Gedaljas, infolge dessen der Tempel Salomons zerstört wurde) Zom Gedalja (Jewish: Remembrance of murder of Gedalja, which led to the destruction of Solomon´s temple)
6 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
11 / 12 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
16 – 23 Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
17 Vollmond (13:27 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (04:26 PDT)
22 / 23 Hoschana Rabba (Jüdisch: „Hilf mir doch“ – beten für „a gutt kwittel“) Hoschana Rabba (Jewish: „Help me” – praying for “a gutt kwittel”)
23 – 25 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
24 / 25 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 Neumond (13:47 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (05:47 PDT)
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
15 Vollmond (22:30 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (13:28 PST)
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
20 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
24 Christkönig (Christlich) Feast of Christ the King (Christian)
24 Totensonntag (Evangelisch) Sunday of the Dead (Protestant, Germany)
28 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
29 / 30 Sigd (Jüdisch: Gott offenbart sich Mose) Sigd (Jewish: God reveals Himself to Mose)
30   New Moon (22:21 PST)
1 Neumond (07:21 MEZ/MESZ)  
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s „Greater Feast“ – Death of Crowley
1 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
5 Krampus / St. Nikolaus  
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
8 2.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims, and sacrifice
15 Vollmond (10:03 MEZ/MESZ) Full Moon (01:02 PST)
15 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 4.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 4th Sunday of Advent (Christian)
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
25 – 2 (1) Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
30 Neumond (23:27 MEZ/MESZ) New Moon (14:27 PST)
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve


Die Feiertage als auch die „Sprache“ der jeweiligen Kalender ist „alt“ und unterstreicht nochmals die Jahrhundert alte Tradition, diese Festtage, samt bestialischen Kindesopferungen zu begehen. Die TäterInnen, man erinnere sich an XAVAS und etliche andere, zeigen sich in der Regel nicht mit Teufelshörnern, sondern sind „in Anzug und Robe“, also in hochanständigen bürgerlichen Berufen. Auch zeigt sich an diesen Kalendern nochmals, wie bereits in der wissenschaftlichen Fachliteratur ausgeführt, wie besessen Satanisten teilweise zu sein scheinen von „Sexualität“, besser S/M – BDSM [2], genauso wie von Körperflüssigkeiten (Blut, Sperma, Urin), wie ausführlich in der Fachliteratur zu ritual abuse beschrieben oder von KünstlerInnen wie Kim Noble, selbst ein trauma based mind control und ritual abuse Opfer künstlerisch verarbeitet. Auch Paolo Coelho skizziert in seinem Roman „11 Minuten“ am Beispiel der Lebensgeschichte der brasilianischen Prostituierten Maria nicht nur BDSM, sondern lässt auch die „heilige Prostitution/Opferung“ im Detail aufleben: Macht – Ohnmacht, Sadomasochismus (Unterwerfung, Unterwerfen), Quälen und Töten von “unwerten Leben”, vor allem auch “Schuldübernahmerituale” als geheime Initiationsrituale scheinen den Reiz für diese Gruppierungen auszumachen. Aufgrund der bestialischen Verbrechen an vor allem Kindern kann man sich vorstellen, wie auch in der Fachliteratur dokumentiert, wie viele TäterInnen selbst aus diesem Kreislauf ausbrechen möchten, allerdings nicht können, da sie über Fotos und Videoaufnahmen in der Hand der Satanisten/Psychopaten sind, und eher versuchen diese Festtage “spirituell” zu begehen, andere dazu einladen, mitzumachen.

In weiterer Folge zeigt sich der Männlichkeitswahn des Netzwerkes, in dem wiederum lediglich die bewährten Stereotype von Weiblichkeit zugelassen sind (Hexe-Hure-Heilige), das Weibliche vernichtet oder unterworfen werden soll, als auch die Besessenheit von Satanisten/Psychopaten, „Interbreeding“ durchzuführen, also intergenerationell „Dynastien“ mitunter verdeckt aufzubauen, wobei hier die Frauen lediglich als „Breeder“ verwendet werden und sind damit über mögliche verdeckten Vaterschaften, weitere Personenkreise erpressbar. Durch das in der Fachliteratur ebenso oftmals erwähnte “Vertauschen der eigenen Kindern”, von dem alle ehemaligen Illuminati und Illuminati nahestehenden Personen – allen voran Fritz Springmeier, John Todd oder Svali berichten – ist auch das intergenerationelle Breeding besser zu verstehen: Bande aus Fleisch und Blut werden so den “satanischen” Zielen untergeordnet, selbst erlebter Herzensbruch, bleibt er unbearbeitet, läßt es leichter zu, andere zu entmenschlichen, also zu quälen oder quälen zu lassen. Und, um nochmals an Englische SpezialistInnen zu erinnern: “No one wants to know that it happens next door”, es sich also um keine Verbrechen handelt, die “irgendwo” mit “armen Waisenkindern” auf einem „fernen Kontinent“ oder bei „primitiven Völkern“ begangen werden, sondern eben bei uns in unserer westlichen Welt in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft.

Die bestialischen Gräuel, die Menschen an anderen Menschen verüben können, vor allem an Kindern lässt einem den Atem stocken und führt auch der amerikanische Psychologe Colin A. Ross in seinem Buch „Satanic Ritual Abuse“ aus, dass dieser rituelle Missbrauch, das furchtbarste ist, was einem Kind geschehen kann, die Schäden irreversibel sind und erklärt auch, warum diese Gräuel um jeden Preis verschwiegen und negiert werden müssen, Opfer wie Zeugen „entsorgt“ werden müssen, „Tod dem Verräter“ das oberste Gebot solcher Gruppen ist.


[1] Quellen (Auswahl):

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011 enthält einen Ritualkalender, etliche andere wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur ebenso.










Notes: Every culture/nation/circle has different holidays – here is an old, in the sense not updated, list of such possible additional festive days. The experience is, that many of these festive days, still are hidden, for example, „Adolph Hitler´s real death date on 13th of February“ etc.:

Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ


Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu


Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia

Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/

[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM



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Festen 2023


„Wie die Mutter zu ihren sexualbezogenen Phantasien kommt ist unklar“

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, Familienrichter am BG Hernals/Wien zu den Schilderungen des damals 2 1/2jährigen Luki Dara Sadegh, obwohl er die Fachliteratur zu (satanisch/sadistisch) rituellem Missbrauch vor sich liegen hatte. 


Die „satanischen“ Feiertage samt den dabei begangenen Gräueln haben bereits Einzug in die wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur [1] zu trauma based mind control und ritual abuse gehalten haben, einerseits durch Berichte von Opfern, andererseits durch das erhöhte Aufkommen von registrierten Verbrechen (Entführung, Vergewaltigung, Verstümmelung von Kindern), also von ritual abuse (physische, psychische und spiritueller Missbrauch) genau rund um diese Zeitpunkte.

Satanisten sind besessen von Ritualen, genauso wie von Symbolen, von Numerologie und decken sich die Feiertage mit denen von allen Religionsgemeinschaften, was auch die oberste satanische/psychopatische Tugend, neben der Infiltration und dem Schweigen beschreibt: die Täuschung: Während man in gut bürgerlichen Berufen tätig ist, durchaus in die jeweiligen – offiziellen Kirchen – geht, feiert man danach, seine eigenen „Feiertage“, wie im Detail von Svali und etlichen anderen beschrieben.



1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
3 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
6 Vollmond Full Moon
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
9 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
21 Neumond New Moon
23 Rosh Chodesh Sh´vat (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sh´vat (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 Laylat al Raghaib (muslimisch) Laylat al Raghaib (muslim)
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
4 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
5 Vollmond Full Moon
6 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
17 – 18 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
20 Rosenmontag (Karneval) Rose Monday (German Carnival)
20 Neumond New Moon
21 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
22 – 8 (4.) Beginn der Fastenzeit (christlich) Days of Fasting (Christian)
22 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 3.4 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 4/3 (Christian)
22 Rosh Chodesh Adar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga (AD 779); Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga (AD 779); communion of blood and dismemberment
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
6 Ta´anit Esther – Estherfasten bis Purim zu Sonnenuntergang beginnt Ta´anit Ester – Fast until the beginning of Purim at sunset.
7 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
7 Vollmond Full Moon
7 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
8 Internationaler Frauentag International Women´s Day
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
16 Tag von Montsegur (AD 1244), Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day (AD 1244), persecution of the Cathars
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
21 Neumond New Moon
23 Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Nisan (Jewish; beginning of month)
23 – 22 (4.) Ramaadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
25 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
1 Yom HaAliyah (Jüdisch): „das jüdische Volk in das Land Israel kommt“ Yom HaAliyah (Jewish): „the Jewish people come to the land of Israel”
2 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
5 – 13 (4.) Passover/Pessach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pessach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
6 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
6 Vollmond Full Moon
7 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
8 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
9 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
10 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
16 Sonntag der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit (christlich) Divine Mercy Sunday (Christian)
17 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
20 Neumond New Moon
18 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
20 Chaand Raat (moslimisch) Chaand Raat (muslim)
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants
21 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
22 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Iyyar (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
26 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
5 Vollmond Full Moon
9 Lag B´Omer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag B´Omer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
18 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
19 Yom Yerushelayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushelayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
19 Neumond New Moon
21 Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sivan (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 Aldersgate oder Wesley Tag (Methodistisch) Aldersgate Day, or Wesley Day (Methodist)
25 Vorabend zu Shavuot Eve before Shavuot
26 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
28 – 29 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
3 Vollmond Full Moon
4 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
8 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
16 Herz Jesu Fest (Christlich) Feast of the Sacred Heart (Christian)
18 Neumond New Moon
20 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tamuz (Jewish; beginning of month)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
26 – 1 (7) Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
27 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
28 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
3 Vollmond Full Moon
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
6 Schiwa Assar beTammus (Fasten zur Erinnerung an den Mauerdurchbruch in Jerusalem, auf den die Zerstörung des Tempels folgte; Trauertage bis Tisha B´Av) Shiwa Assar beTammus (fasting to remember the breaking of the wall in Jerusalem, following the destruction of the Temple; Days of Mourning until Tisha B´Av)
6 Eid al-Ghadeer (muslimisch) Eid al-Ghadeer (moslim)
12 Eid al-Mubahala (muslimisch) Eid al-Mubahala (moslim)
17 Neumond New Moon
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
18 – 19 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
19 Rosh Chodesh Av (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Av (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
27 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
28 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
1 Vollmond Full Moon
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
2 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
16 Neumond New Moon
18 Rosh Chodesh Elul (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Elul (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
30 Vollmond Full Moon
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
6 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
14 Neumond New Moon
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
16 Rosh Chodesh Tischri (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tischri (Jewish; beginning of month)
16. – 17. (9.) Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
18 Zom Gedalja (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an Ermordung Gedaljas) Zom Gedalja (Jewish: Remembrance of murder of Gedalja, which led to )
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
24 Eid-e-Shuja‘ (Muslimisch): ritueller Festtag, Ende der Trauerzeit nach dem Karbala Massaker Eid-e-Shuja‘ (Moslem): ritual festival, end of mourning after the events of the Karbala massacre
25 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
27 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
29 Vollmond Full Moon
29 Vorabend zu Sukkot (Jüdisch) Evening before Sukkot (Jewish)
30. – 6. (10.) Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
1 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
6 Hoschana Rabba (Jüdisch: „Hilf mir doch“ – beten für „a gutt kwittel“) Hoschana Rabba (Jewish: „Help me” – praying for “a gutt kwittel”)
7 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
8 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
14 Neumond New Moon
16 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Cheshvan (Jewish; beginning of month)
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
28 Vollmond Full Moon
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
13 Neumond New Moon
13 Sigd (Jüdisch: Gott offenbart sich Mose) Sigd (Jewish: God reveals Himself to Mose)
14 Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Kislev (Jewish; beginning of month)
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
22 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
23 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
26 Totensonntag (Evangelisch) Sunday of the Dead (Protestant, Germany)
26 Christkönig (Christlich) Feast of Christ the King (Christian)
27 Vollmond Full Moon
30 Heiliger Andreas (Christlich) St. Andrew’s Day (Christian)
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s „Greater Feast“ – Death of Crowley
3 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
5 Krampus / St. Nikolaus Full Moon
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
8 – 15 Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
10 2.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
12 Neumond New Moon
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
13 Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tevet (Jewish; beginning of month)
16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice
17 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
22 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
26 Vollmond Full Moon
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve



Die Feiertage als auch die „Sprache“ der jeweiligen Kalender ist „alt“ und unterstreicht nochmals die Jahrhundert alte Tradition, diese Festtage, samt bestialischen Kindesopferungen zu begehen. Die TäterInnen, man erinnere sich an XAVAS und etliche andere, zeigen sich in der Regel nicht mit Teufelshörnern, sondern sind „in Anzug und Robe“, also in hochanständigen bürgerlichen Berufen. Auch zeigt sich an diesen Kalendern nochmals, wie bereits in der wissenschaftlichen Fachliteratur ausgeführt, wie besessen Satanisten teilweise zu sein scheinen von „Sexualität“, besser S/M – BDSM [2], genauso wie von Körperflüssigkeiten (Blut, Sperma, Urin), wie ausführlich in der Fachliteratur zu ritual abuse beschrieben oder von KünstlerInnen wie Kim Noble, selbst ein trauma based mind control und ritual abuse Opfer künstlerisch verarbeitet. Auch Paolo Coelho skizziert in seinem Roman „11 Minuten“ am Beispiel der Lebensgeschichte der brasilianischen Prostituierten Maria nicht nur BDSM, sondern lässt auch die „heilige Prostitution/Opferung“ im Detail aufleben: Macht – Ohnmacht, Sadomasochismus (Unterwerfung, Unterwerfen), Quälen und Töten von “unwerten Leben”, vor allem auch “Schuldübernahmerituale” als geheime Initiationsrituale scheinen den Reiz für diese Gruppierungen auszumachen. Aufgrund der bestialischen Verbrechen an vor allem Kindern kann man sich vorstellen, wie auch in der Fachliteratur dokumentiert, wie viele TäterInnen selbst aus diesem Kreislauf ausbrechen möchten, allerdings nicht können, da sie über Fotos und Videoaufnahmen in der Hand der Satanisten/Psychopaten sind, und eher versuchen diese Festtage “spirituell” zu begehen, andere dazu einladen, mitzumachen.

In weiterer Folge zeigt sich der Männlichkeitswahn des Netzwerkes, in dem wiederum lediglich die bewährten Stereotype von Weiblichkeit zugelassen sind (Hexe-Hure-Heilige), das Weibliche vernichtet oder unterworfen werden soll, als auch die Besessenheit von Satanisten/Psychopaten, „Interbreeding“ durchzuführen, also intergenerationell „Dynastien“ mitunter verdeckt aufzubauen, wobei hier die Frauen lediglich als „Breeder“ verwendet werden und sind damit über mögliche verdeckten Vaterschaften, weitere Personenkreise erpressbar. Durch das in der Fachliteratur ebenso oftmals erwähnte “Vertauschen der eigenen Kindern”, von dem alle ehemaligen Illuminati und Illuminati nahestehenden Personen – allen voran Fritz Springmeier, John Todd oder Svali berichten – ist auch das intergenerationelle Breeding besser zu verstehen: Bande aus Fleisch und Blut werden so den “satanischen” Zielen untergeordnet, selbst erlebter Herzensbruch, bleibt er unbearbeitet, läßt es leichter zu, andere zu entmenschlichen, also zu quälen oder quälen zu lassen. Und, um nochmals an Englische SpezialistInnen zu erinnern: “No one wants to know that it happens next door”, es sich also um keine Verbrechen handelt, die “irgendwo” mit “armen Waisenkindern” auf einem „fernen Kontinent“ oder bei „primitiven Völkern“ begangen werden, sondern eben bei uns in unserer westlichen Welt in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft.

Die bestialischen Gräuel, die Menschen an anderen Menschen verüben können, vor allem an Kindern lässt einem den Atem stocken und führt auch der amerikanische Psychologe Colin A. Ross in seinem Buch „Satanic Ritual Abuse“ aus, dass dieser rituelle Missbrauch, das furchtbarste ist, was einem Kind geschehen kann, die Schäden irreversibel sind und erklärt auch, warum diese Gräuel um jeden Preis verschwiegen und negiert werden müssen, Opfer wie Zeugen „entsorgt“ werden müssen, „Tod dem Verräter“ das oberste Gebot solcher Gruppen ist.

Die Psychologin Ellen Lacter beschreibt auf ihrer Webseite http://endritualabuse.org/about/overview-of-the-differences-between-satanism-and-witchcraft/ sogar die unterschiedlichen Arten des Missbrauchs bei Satanisten und Hexern (satanism vs. witchcraft): Noch habe ich keine (Fach)Literatur finden können, wie vor allem die Schwüre, Gelübte, Eide und Schuldübernahmeversprechen aufgelöst werden können, dieses Wissen verschollen zu sein scheint. Meiner Meinung nach ist dieses Wissen um die Auflösung dieser rituellen Schuldübernahme, Gelübde und Eide „der heilige Gral“ beim Thema „ritual abuse“, da Satanisten/Psychopathen durch die Rituale offensichtlich in der Lage sind karmische/spirituelle Gesetze zu verändern also umzudrehen, jemanden anderen die eigenen Lasten aufzubürden. Interessanterweise sind sich die meisten, die sich mit dem Thema beschäftigen, vom hochrangigen Illuminati bis zum Hobby-Esoteriker, sicher, dass man sein/ihr „Karma“ eben verdient hätte, sich das selbst ausgesucht hätte: Diese Argumente finden sich auf satanischen NWO-Seiten (argumentiert von hochrangigen Illuminati), und wird auch in esoterischen Kreisen bis zum Institut Kutschera propagiert und haben mir auch etliche MittäterInnen das Verbrechen an meinem Sohn und in weiterer Folge an mir genauso gerechtfertigt, und scheint neben dem Umstand, jemand anderen bequem Schuld zuschieben zu können ein weiteres Ziel zu erreichen, nämlich die “moralische” Legitimation zu erhalten, die Opfer (noch mehr) entmenschlichen zu können, denn:

Niemand hat das Recht oder dir Erlaubnis, (Klein)Kinder zu foltern. Kein Kind auf der ganzen Welt, egal welche Hautfarbe, welche Nationalität oder welches Glaubensbekenntnis es hat, hat dieses Leid verdient. Kein Kind auf dieser Welt darf sexuell, spirituell, psychisch benutzt werden. Jedes einzelne Kind muss vor solchen Verbrechen geschützt werden.


[1] Quellen (Auswahl):

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011 enthält einen Ritualkalender, etliche andere wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur ebenso.











Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ


Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu


Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia


Australia 1/26 –  Australia Day 3/6 –  Labour Day (Western Australia) 3/13 – Labour Day (Victoria, Tasmania) 3/13 –  Canberra Day (ACT) 4/25 –  Anzac Day 5/1  – Labour Day (Northern Territory, Queensland) 5/14 –  Mothers’ Day 6/12 –  Queen’s Birthday (all except Western Australia and Queensland) 9/3 –  Fathers’ Day 9/25 – Queen’s Birthday (Western Australia) 10/2 – Queen’s birthday (Queensland) 10/2 – Labour Day (most regions) 11/11 – Remembrance Day 12/26 – Boxing Day

Canada Holidays that are celebrated by all provinces are listed in the main calendar. Additional holidays: 2/20– Islander Day – PE 2/20 (2/13 in BC) – Family Day – BC, AB, SK, ON 2/20 – Louis Riel Day – MB 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day – NL 4/23 – St George’s Day – NL 5/22 – Victoria Day (National Patriots’ Day in QC) – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 6/21 – National Aboriginal Day NT 6/24 – Fete Nationale (St. Jean Baptiste Day) QC 6/24 – Discovery Day – NL 7/1 S Canada Day 7/9 – Nunavut Day – NT 8/7 – Civic/Provincial Day – AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU 10/10 – Thanksgiving – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 11/11 – Remembrance Day – Nationwide except ON, QC, NS, NL 12/26 – Boxing Day – ON Mexico 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 1/6 –  Dia de los Santos Reyes (Three Kings): exchange of Christmas presents 2/2 –  Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas) 2/5 –   Constitution Day 2/24 – Flag Day 2/22 – 2/28 Carnaval 2/1 – Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent 3/18  –  Oil Expropriation of 3/18/1938 3/20 – Benito Juarez’ Birthday Memorial 4/10 – 4/16 – Holy Week (end of Lent) 4/9 – Palm Sunday 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/30 –  Children’s Day 5/1 –  Labor Day 5/3 – Holy Cross Day 5/5 – Battle of Puebla 5/5 – Cinque de Mayo 5/10 –  Mothers’ Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/15 – Corpus Christi 6/18 – Father’s Day 8/15 – Assumption of Mary   9/16 –  Independence Day 10/12 – Dia de la Raza (arrival of Columbus to the Americas) 10/31 – Halloween 11/1 – 11/2 – Day of the Dead 11/20 – Revolution Day Memorial 11/26 – Christ the King Day 12/8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception 12/12 – Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe 12/25 – Christmas 12/28 – Day of the Holly Innocents 12/31 – New Year’s Eve South Africa 1/1 – New Years Day 3/21 – Human Rights Day 3/28 – Family Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/17 – Family Day 4/27 – Freedom Day 5/1 – Workers’ Day (Labour Day) 5/10 – Mothers’ Day 5/26 – Easter Sunday 6/26 – Youth Day 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/18 – Nelson Mandela’s Birthday 8/9 – Women’s Day 9/24 – Heritage Day (celebrated 9/25) 12/16 – Day of Reconciliation 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – Day of Goodwill The Netherlands 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 
4/27 – King’s Birthday 
5/4 – Remembrance Day 
5/5 – Liberation Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 12/5 -St. Nicholas Eve (Sinterklaas) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/25 – Second Day of Christmas 12/31 – New Year’s Eve United Kingdom 1/1 –  New Year’ Day (2/2 – Bank Holiday) 1/25 – Burns Night (Scotland) 3/1 – St. David’s Day (Wales) 3/6 – Mothering Sunday 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 4/23 – St. George’s Day 5/1 – May Day (Bank Holiday) 5/29 – Spring Bank Holiday 6/4 – Pentecost 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/12 – Battle of the Boyne 8/28 – Summer Bank Holiday 11/5 – Guy Fawkes Day 11/13 – Remembrance Sunday 11/30 – St Andrew’s Day (Scotland) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – St Stephen’s Day (Scotland, Ireland 12/26 – Boxing Day



Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/


[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM


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Festen 2022

„Wie die Mutter zu ihren sexualbezogenen Phantasien kommt ist unklar“

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, Familienrichter am BG Hernals/Wien zu den Schilderungen des damals 2 1/2jährigen Luki Dara Sadegh, obwohl er die Fachliteratur zu (satanisch/sadistisch) rituellem Missbrauch vor sich liegen hatte. 


Die „satanischen“ Feiertage samt den dabei begangenen Gräueln haben bereits Einzug in die wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur [1] zu trauma based mind control und ritual abuse gehalten haben, einerseits durch Berichte von Opfern, andererseits durch das erhöhte Aufkommen von registrierten Verbrechen (Entführung, Vergewaltigung, Verstümmelung von Kindern), also von ritual abuse (physische, psychische und spiritueller Missbrauch) genau rund um diese Zeitpunkte.

Satanisten sind besessen von Ritualen, genauso wie von Symbolen, von Numerologie und decken sich die Feiertage mit denen von allen Religionsgemeinschaften, was auch die oberste satanische/psychopatische Tugend, neben der Infiltration und dem Schweigen beschreibt: die Täuschung: Während man in gut bürgerlichen Berufen tätig ist, durchaus in die jeweiligen – offiziellen Kirchen – geht, feiert man danach, seine eigenen „Feiertage“, wie im Detail von Svali und etlichen anderen beschrieben.



1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
2 Neumond New Moon
3 Rosh Chodesh Sh´vat (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sh´vat (Jewish; beginning of month)
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, the sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
9 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
17 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
18 Vollmond Full Moon
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: the sacrifice of children
1 Neumond New Moon
1 Rosh Chodesh Adar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar (Jewish; beginning of month)
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
14 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
16 Vollmond Full Moon
22 – 16 (4.) Beginn der Fastenzeit (christlich) Days of Fasting (Christian)
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga (AD 779); Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga (AD 779); communion of blood and dismemberment
28 Rosenmontag (Karneval) Rose Monday (German Carnival)
28 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
1 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
2 Neumond New Moon
2 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 3.4 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 4/3 (Christian)
3 Rosh Chodesh Adar II (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar II (Jewish; beginning of month)
8 Internationaler Frauentag International Women´s Day
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
16 Tag von Montsegur (AD 1244), Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day (AD 1244), persecution of the Cathars
16 Vorabend zu Purim Evening of Purim
17 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
18 Vollmond Full Moon
18 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
25 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
27 Muttertag in UK Mother´s Day in UK
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
1 Neumond New Moon
2 Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Nisan (Jewish; beginning of month)
2 – 2 (5.) Ramadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
10 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
11 Yom HaAliyah (Jüdisch): „das jüdische Volk in das Land Israel kommt“ Yom HaAliyah (Jewish): „the Jewish people come to the land of Israel”
14 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
15 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
15 Vorabend zu Pessach Evening before Passover
16 – 23 (4.) Passover/Pessach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pessach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
16 Vollmond Full Moon
16 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
17 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
18 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anesthetizing plants
24 Sonntag der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit (christlich) Divine Mercy Sunday (Christian)
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
27 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
28 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
30 Neumond New Moon
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
30 Partielle Sonnenfinsternis (Süd/West Südamerikas, Pazifik, Atlantik, Antarkis) Partial Solar Eclipse (South/West South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica)
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Iyyar (Jewish; beginning of month)
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
2 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
4 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
5 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
8 Muttertag (USA, Kanada, Südamerika, Afrika, etc, Deutschland, Österreich) Mothers´ Day (USA, Canada, South America, Africa, etc, Germany, Austria)
15 – 16 Totale Mondfinsternis (Süd/Westeuropa, Süd/West-Asien, Afrika, Großteil von Nordamerika, Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis) Total Lunar Eclipse (South/West Europe, South/West Asia, Africa, Much of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica)
19 Lag B´Omer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag B´Omer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
20 Vollmond Full Moon
24 Aldersgate oder Wesley Tag (Methodistisch) Aldersgate Day, or Wesley Day (Methodist)
26 Vatertag (Austria, Germany) Father´s Day (Austria, Germany)
26 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
29 Yom Yerushelayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushelayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
30 Neumond New Moon
31 Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sivan (Jewish; beginning of month)
4 Vorabend zu Shavuot Eve before Shavuot
5 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
5 – 6 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
12 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
12 Vatertag (Österreich, Belgien) Father´s Day (Austria, Belgium)
14 Vollmond Full Moon, Supermoon
16 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
19 Vatertag (USA, UK, Frankreich, Irland, Japan, Indien, Philippinen, Südafrika, China) Father´s Day (USA, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Japan, India, Philippines, South Africa, and China)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
24 Herz Jesu Fest (Christlich) Feast of the Sacred Heart (Christian)
26 Vatertag (Deutschland) Father´s Day (Germany)
29 Neumond New Moon
29 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tamuz (Jewish; beginning of month)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
7 – 12 Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
8 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
9 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
13 Vollmond Full Moon
17 Schiwa Assar beTammus (Fasten zur Erinnerung an den Mauerdurchbruch in Jerusalem, auf den die Zerstörung des Tempels folgte; Trauertage bis Tisha B´Av) Shiwa Assar beTammus (fasting to remember the breaking of the wall in Jerusalem, following the destruction of the Temple; Days of Mourning until Tisha B´Av)
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
28 Neumond New Moon
29 Rosh Chodesh Av (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Av (Jewish; beginning of month)
30 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
7 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
8 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
12 Vollmond Full Moon
12 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
27 Neumond New Moon
27 Rosh Chodesh Elul (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Elul (Jewish; beginning of month)
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
10 Vollmond Full Moon
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
25 Neumond New Moon
25 Vorabend zu Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch) Evening before Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)
26 – 27 Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
26 Rosh Chodesh Tischri (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tischri (Jewish; beginning of month)
27 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
2 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
5 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
5 Eid-e-Shuja‘ (Muslimisch): ritueller Festtag, Ende der Trauerzeit nach dem Karbala Massaker Eid-e-Shuja‘ (Moslem): ritual festival, end of mourning after the events of the Karbala massacre
8 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
9 Vollmond Full Moon
9 Vorabend zu Sukkot (Jüdisch) Evening before Sukkot (Jewish)
10 – 16 Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
16 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
16 Vatertag in Russland Father´s Day in Russia
17 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
25 Neumond New Moon
25 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Cheshvan (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Partielle Sonnenfinsternis (Europa, Süd/West Asien, Nord/Ost Afrika, Atlantik) Partial Solar Eclipse (Europe, South/West Asia, North/East Africa, Atlantic)
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
7 – 8 Totale Mondfinsternis (Nord/Osteuropa, Asien, Australien, Nordamerika, Großteil von Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Arktis, Antarktis) Total Lunar Eclipse (North/East Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica)
8 Vollmond Full Moon
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
20 Christkönig (Christlich) Feast of Christ the King (Christian)
20 Totensonntag (Evangelisch) Sunday of the Dead (Protestant, Germany)
23 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
24 Neumond New Moon
24 Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Kislev (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
27 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
27 Muttertag in Russland Mother´s Day in Russia
30 Heiliger Andreas (Christlich) St. Andrew’s Day (Christian)
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s „Greater Feast“ – Death of Crowley
4 2. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent
5 Krampus / St. Nikolaus Krampus / St. Nicholas´ Day
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
8 Vollmond Full Moon
11 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
14 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice
19 – 26 Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
18 4.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 4th Sunday of Advent (Christian)
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
23 Neumond New Moon
24 Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tevet (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve


Die Feiertage als auch die „Sprache“ der jeweiligen Kalender ist „alt“ und unterstreicht nochmals die Jahrhundert alte Tradition, diese Festtage, samt bestialischen Kindesopferungen zu begehen. Die TäterInnen, man erinnere sich an XAVAS und etliche andere, zeigen sich in der Regel nicht mit Teufelshörnern, sondern sind „in Anzug und Robe“, also in hochanständigen bürgerlichen Berufen. Auch zeigt sich an diesen Kalendern nochmals, wie bereits in der wissenschaftlichen Fachliteratur ausgeführt, wie besessen Satanisten teilweise zu sein scheinen von „Sexualität“, besser S/M – BDSM [2], genauso wie von Körperflüssigkeiten (Blut, Sperma, Urin), wie ausführlich in der Fachliteratur zu ritual abuse beschrieben oder von KünstlerInnen wie Kim Noble, selbst ein trauma based mind control und ritual abuse Opfer künstlerisch verarbeitet. Auch Paolo Coelho skizziert in seinem Roman „11 Minuten“ am Beispiel der Lebensgeschichte der brasilianischen Prostituierten Maria nicht nur BDSM, sondern lässt auch die „heilige Prostitution/Opferung“ im Detail aufleben: Macht – Ohnmacht, Sadomasochismus (Unterwerfung, Unterwerfen), Quälen und Töten von “unwerten Leben”, vor allem auch “Schuldübernahmerituale” als geheime Initiationsrituale scheinen den Reiz für diese Gruppierungen auszumachen. Aufgrund der bestialischen Verbrechen an vor allem Kindern kann man sich vorstellen, wie auch in der Fachliteratur dokumentiert, wie viele TäterInnen selbst aus diesem Kreislauf ausbrechen möchten, allerdings nicht können, da sie über Fotos und Videoaufnahmen in der Hand der Satanisten/Psychopaten sind, und eher versuchen diese Festtage “spirituell” zu begehen, andere dazu einladen, mitzumachen.

In weiterer Folge zeigt sich der Männlichkeitswahn des Netzwerkes, in dem wiederum lediglich die bewährten Stereotype von Weiblichkeit zugelassen sind (Hexe-Hure-Heilige), das Weibliche vernichtet oder unterworfen werden soll, als auch die Besessenheit von Satanisten/Psychopaten, „Interbreeding“ durchzuführen, also intergenerationell „Dynastien“ mitunter verdeckt aufzubauen, wobei hier die Frauen lediglich als „Breeder“ verwendet werden und sind damit über mögliche verdeckten Vaterschaften, weitere Personenkreise erpressbar. Durch das in der Fachliteratur ebenso oftmals erwähnte “Vertauschen der eigenen Kindern”, von dem alle ehemaligen Illuminati und Illuminati nahestehenden Personen – allen voran Fritz Springmeier, John Todd oder Svali berichten – ist auch das intergenerationelle Breeding besser zu verstehen: Bande aus Fleisch und Blut werden so den “satanischen” Zielen untergeordnet, selbst erlebter Herzensbruch, bleibt er unbearbeitet, läßt es leichter zu, andere zu entmenschlichen, also zu quälen oder quälen zu lassen. Und, um nochmals an Englische SpezialistInnen zu erinnern: “No one wants to know that it happens next door”, es sich also um keine Verbrechen handelt, die “irgendwo” mit “armen Waisenkindern” auf einem „fernen Kontinent“ oder bei „primitiven Völkern“ begangen werden, sondern eben bei uns in unserer westlichen Welt in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft.

Die bestialischen Gräuel, die Menschen an anderen Menschen verüben können, vor allem an Kindern lässt einem den Atem stocken und führt auch der amerikanische Psychologe Colin A. Ross in seinem Buch „Satanic Ritual Abuse“ aus, dass dieser rituelle Missbrauch, das furchtbarste ist, was einem Kind geschehen kann, die Schäden irreversibel sind und erklärt auch, warum diese Gräuel um jeden Preis verschwiegen und negiert werden müssen, Opfer wie Zeugen „entsorgt“ werden müssen, „Tod dem Verräter“ das oberste Gebot solcher Gruppen ist.

Die Psychologin Ellen Lacter beschreibt auf ihrer Webseite http://endritualabuse.org/about/overview-of-the-differences-between-satanism-and-witchcraft/ sogar die unterschiedlichen Arten des Missbrauchs bei Satanisten und Hexern (satanism vs. witchcraft): Noch habe ich keine (Fach)Literatur finden können, wie vor allem die Schwüre, Gelübte, Eide und Schuldübernahmeversprechen aufgelöst werden können, dieses Wissen verschollen zu sein scheint. Meiner Meinung nach ist dieses Wissen um die Auflösung dieser rituellen Schuldübernahme, Gelübde und Eide „der heilige Gral“ beim Thema „ritual abuse“, da Satanisten/Psychopathen durch die Rituale offensichtlich in der Lage sind karmische/spirituelle Gesetze zu verändern also umzudrehen, jemanden anderen die eigenen Lasten aufzubürden. Interessanterweise sind sich die meisten, die sich mit dem Thema beschäftigen, vom hochrangigen Illuminati bis zum Hobby-Esoteriker, sicher, dass man sein/ihr „Karma“ eben verdient hätte, sich das selbst ausgesucht hätte: Diese Argumente finden sich auf satanischen NWO-Seiten (argumentiert von hochrangigen Illuminati), und wird auch in esoterischen Kreisen bis zum Institut Kutschera propagiert und haben mir auch etliche MittäterInnen das Verbrechen an meinem Sohn und in weiterer Folge an mir genauso gerechtfertigt, und scheint neben dem Umstand, jemand anderen bequem Schuld zuschieben zu können ein weiteres Ziel zu erreichen, nämlich die “moralische” Legitimation zu erhalten, die Opfer (noch mehr) entmenschlichen zu können, denn:

Niemand hat das Recht oder dir Erlaubnis, (Klein)Kinder zu foltern. Kein Kind auf der ganzen Welt, egal welche Hautfarbe, welche Nationalität oder welches Glaubensbekenntnis es hat, hat dieses Leid verdient. Kein Kind auf dieser Welt darf sexuell, spirituell, psychisch benutzt werden. Jedes einzelne Kind muss vor solchen Verbrechen geschützt werden.


[1] Quellen (Auswahl):

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011 enthält einen Ritualkalender, etliche andere wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur ebenso.











Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ


Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu


Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia


Australia 1/26 –  Australia Day 3/6 –  Labour Day (Western Australia) 3/13 – Labour Day (Victoria, Tasmania) 3/13 –  Canberra Day (ACT) 4/25 –  Anzac Day 5/1  – Labour Day (Northern Territory, Queensland) 5/14 –  Mothers’ Day 6/12 –  Queen’s Birthday (all except Western Australia and Queensland) 9/3 –  Fathers’ Day 9/25 – Queen’s Birthday (Western Australia) 10/2 – Queen’s birthday (Queensland) 10/2 – Labour Day (most regions) 11/11 – Remembrance Day 12/26 – Boxing Day

Canada Holidays that are celebrated by all provinces are listed in the main calendar. Additional holidays: 2/20– Islander Day – PE 2/20 (2/13 in BC) – Family Day – BC, AB, SK, ON 2/20 – Louis Riel Day – MB 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day – NL 4/23 – St George’s Day – NL 5/22 – Victoria Day (National Patriots’ Day in QC) – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 6/21 – National Aboriginal Day NT 6/24 – Fete Nationale (St. Jean Baptiste Day) QC 6/24 – Discovery Day – NL 7/1 S Canada Day 7/9 – Nunavut Day – NT 8/7 – Civic/Provincial Day – AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU 10/10 – Thanksgiving – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 11/11 – Remembrance Day – Nationwide except ON, QC, NS, NL 12/26 – Boxing Day – ON Mexico 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 1/6 –  Dia de los Santos Reyes (Three Kings): exchange of Christmas presents 2/2 –  Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas) 2/5 –   Constitution Day 2/24 – Flag Day 2/22 – 2/28 Carnaval 2/1 – Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent 3/18  –  Oil Expropriation of 3/18/1938 3/20 – Benito Juarez’ Birthday Memorial 4/10 – 4/16 – Holy Week (end of Lent) 4/9 – Palm Sunday 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/30 –  Children’s Day 5/1 –  Labor Day 5/3 – Holy Cross Day 5/5 – Battle of Puebla 5/5 – Cinque de Mayo 5/10 –  Mothers’ Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/15 – Corpus Christi 6/18 – Father’s Day 8/15 – Assumption of Mary   9/16 –  Independence Day 10/12 – Dia de la Raza (arrival of Columbus to the Americas) 10/31 – Halloween 11/1 – 11/2 – Day of the Dead 11/20 – Revolution Day Memorial 11/26 – Christ the King Day 12/8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception 12/12 – Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe 12/25 – Christmas 12/28 – Day of the Holly Innocents 12/31 – New Year’s Eve South Africa 1/1 – New Years Day 3/21 – Human Rights Day 3/28 – Family Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/17 – Family Day 4/27 – Freedom Day 5/1 – Workers’ Day (Labour Day) 5/10 – Mothers’ Day 5/26 – Easter Sunday 6/26 – Youth Day 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/18 – Nelson Mandela’s Birthday 8/9 – Women’s Day 9/24 – Heritage Day (celebrated 9/25) 12/16 – Day of Reconciliation 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – Day of Goodwill The Netherlands 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 
4/27 – King’s Birthday 
5/4 – Remembrance Day 
5/5 – Liberation Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 12/5 -St. Nicholas Eve (Sinterklaas) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/25 – Second Day of Christmas 12/31 – New Year’s Eve United Kingdom 1/1 –  New Year’ Day (2/2 – Bank Holiday) 1/25 – Burns Night (Scotland) 3/1 – St. David’s Day (Wales) 3/6 – Mothering Sunday 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 4/23 – St. George’s Day 5/1 – May Day (Bank Holiday) 5/29 – Spring Bank Holiday 6/4 – Pentecost 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/12 – Battle of the Boyne 8/28 – Summer Bank Holiday 11/5 – Guy Fawkes Day 11/13 – Remembrance Sunday 11/30 – St Andrew’s Day (Scotland) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – St Stephen’s Day (Scotland, Ireland 12/26 – Boxing Day



Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/


[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM


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TIP 2021 report


network against torture on toddlers and children: ww.traumabasedmindcontrol.com

@Mag. Andrea Riegler: riegler@traumabasedmindcontrol.com  +43(664)4182488 – Vienna, Austria | Document: TIP report 2021 | Pages: 137 | Document Date: 12/05/2020 |

Current Government of Austria: Minister of Justice: Dr. Alma Zadić, LL.M. | Minister for the EU and the Constitution: Mag. Karoline Edtstadler | Home Secretary: Karl Nehammer | Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counter-Terrorism (BVT): Mag. Peter Gridling | Chief of Police: Dr. Gerhard Pürstl | Minister of Defence: Mag. Klaudia Tanner | Secretary of State: Mag. Alexander Schallenberg | Minister of Health: Rudolf Anschober | President of the Medical Association: Dr. Thomas Szekeres | Vice-Chancellor: Mag. Werner Kogler | Chancellor: Sebastian Kurz | President: Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen




2021 Trafficking in Persons Report, Austria |

Mag. Andrea Riegler:

www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com – (nongovernmental, non-government funded, private) network against torture on toddlers and children, dedicated to my beloved son Dara Rubens Sadegh




  1. p. 3 Preamble
  2. p. 6 Summary
  3. p. 9 Excursus: Socio-Cultural Background
  4. p. 17 Austria & the Sadegh/Riegler Case
  5. p. 18 Preamble or “the child has nothing”
  6. p. 22 Excursus: Scientific Literature | MK ultra
  7. p. 52 The case of Sadegh Dara Rubens & Riegler Andrea in a nutshell
  8. p. 62 Conclusions about the situation in Austria
  9. p. 63 TIP 2021 Questionnaire
  10. p. 137 About me.




“There is no initial suspicion in this case, therefore an investigation of the case as well of the alleged perpetrator(s) is declined” is the most common – one-sentence – reaction protective parents receive from prosecution offices in Austria on extreme abuse, MK ultra and SRA related trafficking crimes. Therefore, no wonder, the government of Austria is still in TIP report TIER 1 also stressing, that The government identified relatively few child and labor trafficking victims and has not identified any Austrian trafficking victims in recent years. (out of TIP report 2020):

This would be bad enough, nonetheless, the common practice is even worse: Thousands of protective parents of tortured toddlers and children in Austria are thrown out of hospitals (prevented from the urgently needed medical care of the little ones), police stations, governmental child help centers, most often are hunted down by intelligence agencies and CPS (Child Welfare Department), separated from their beloved children in case they are not willing or able to keep silent about the horrendous acts of torture the little ones had to endure, declared mentally ill and destroyed systematically from any field of government and its sub-contractors. Many of the protective parents got suicided or killed themselves “willingly” in due course, not able to bear the many forms of bestial “Zersetzung” (i.e. erosion on a soul level[1]), intimidation, threats, and open violence (including – mass – rapes, burglaries, destruction of private property, manhunts, poisonings, electroshocks from outside the house, gang-stalking, cyber torture[2] or even forced to witness the suffering of their tortured children, etc.)

The recipe is quite easy, as where there is no investigation, there is no case, while fulfilling officially the international standards against child trafficking, as a so-called first world country:




Those who are daring to collect cases systematically got murdered or suicided, especially to warn others, never ever to even think of reporting such crimes to anyone, therefore this report will focus on the generally available literature, newspaper articles, etc. and the own Sadegh/Riegler case. To speak out not generally but in detail for others, would make my beloved son an orphan, within a few days[3].



Despite several references in the scientific literature[4], as well directly from (inter)national whistleblowers[5], researchers[6] and survivors[7], besides horrible cases[8] pointing directly to SRA, MK ultra, pedo-porn, and trafficking-related crimes (Jack Unterweger, Josef Fritzl, Natascha Kampusch, Dara Rubens Sadegh/Andrea Riegler), the Austrian government and its judiciary, backed up by supranational intelligence agencies is not only going on to murder or silence those who speak out about the horrible crimes against babies, toddlers, and children on a daily basis but now also start to MUTILATE publicly children in foster care (here my beloved son, Sadegh Dara Rubens, whose adult teeth were taken out completely not even 9 years old; this after his reproductive organs got destroyed, aged 2years old[9]/[10]), in order to punish them for their protective parents, who speak out, as well to threaten and intimidate everyone who finds out about SRA and MK ultra networks in detail.

Over the decades if not centuries, compromising material from all disciplines is piling up in mile-long shelves about the trafficking situation in this country, the Austrian government and its judiciary still feels free to silence everyone up to now, in the “Alpenfestung” (alpine fortress) – a country that seems more to be an open MK ultra and trafficking hub than a country itself – either by killing, hospitalizing, mutilating, or forcing survivors and whistleblowers to leave the country. In sum, Austria is well established and appreciated by any intelligence agency worldwide for their knowledge on torture and their “initiation center for future world politicians” (Griggs, 1998) as well their willingness to produce MK-ed super soldiers on gigantic scales, teaching these techniques to other countries (latest since the Nazi physicians[11]), using the general populations´ brutalization towards children to strategically entangle more and more people, ongoingly still hiding behind the CIA coined term of “plausible deniability”.




In a country where general population has been silenced for centuries, murdered for collecting cases of extreme torture and abuse of babies, toddlers, and children, one has to consider to search in other disciplines, here history, high literature and fine arts, or research the “blind spots[12]”:


The oldest source for the German speaking countries is the infamous Malleus maleficarum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malleus_Maleficarum from German Dominican Heinrich Kramer (1486) to legitimize to torture women as well their babies, toddlers, and children, stigmatized as “witches”, which happened all over the German speaking countries, so also in Austria; an exhibition is dedicated to this subject at Riegersburg/Styria/Austria, see https://www.dieriegersburg.at/hexenmuseum, besides the long tradition of Catholic societies in Austria, especially the Jesuits. Psychologist and survivor Fiona Barnett in Eyes Wide Open (2018) describes Austria as the military arm of the Jesuit order, especially in terms of (MK-ed) super soldiers.


More spectacular but with less proven – historical – evidence is the satanic ritual abuse within the black nobility of the house of Habsburg, which reigned the country over centuries with a total population of around 50 Million in 1900.


More importantly, because officially available in writings, the police states Metternich created in whole Europe, so in Austria, during and after the time of the Congress of Vienna (1815ff) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klemens_von_Metternich.


O.T.O. – the Ordo Templi Orientis (1903) – and several other powerful lodges have been founded in Vienna, guaranteeing that, especially the educated middle class (lawyers, physicians, authority officials, judges, writers, artists, etc.) gets strategically entangled[13].

Several survivors point out that in Austria, since the times of Sigmund Freud (more than 120 years ago), governmental officials were told, that the first 2 children would belong to the state for (a long and hard torture based) education, in case they would survive, they would get jobs in government[14].


As much as we condemn the Nazis, also they did not grow like apples on a tree – questions here is still, who programmed them over MK ultra/SRA – most probably the Jesuits, see the connections from the Nazis to the Vatican, to the United Nations and back[15]. Despite of millions, if not billions of dollars in research funds, still not the happenings during the Nazi era, against political opponents, free thinkers, Jews, especially against children, are exposed until today,  https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/meditation-fuer-alle-kleinkinder-im-3-reich-22-05-2019/?lang=en, while the SS elite´s academy of physicians, which has been transferred from Berlin to Graz/Styria in 1941 never has been closed, conducting ongoingly bestial human experiments, breeding experiments, etc. in the tradition of the vaguely known Lebensborn e.V procedures.


After WW2 there are many references to Austrian sadism, brutality, and bloodlust, even lately in popular culture one can find many hints: “Inglorious Basterds” (2009) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inglourious_Basterds starring Austrian Christoph Waltz, playing a typical (psychopathic) Austrian; also explaining the soul of this country in Jimmy Kimmel’s show about “Krampus”, see https://youtu.be/VbkGuCozc9M; or Andreas Prochaska´s movie “The dark valley”[16], where an Austrian family clan in the mountains terrorizes and impregnates every single woman of a whole village; as well the descriptions of Austrian comedians, after President Donald J. Trump won the US election in 2016 – “America First, Austria Second” (2017) within the comedian challenge worldwide to “welcome” President Donald J. Trump: https://youtu.be/itfs5G3UpWs pointing to two facts: Violence, child abuse, and incest is normal in Austria, as well to the many MK-ed super soldiers in politics, competitive sports, and military.

Not to forget high literature: Leo Tolstoy´s “War and Peace” (1869) describing Austrians as morally flexible pervs, besides the several native Austrian writers, like Elfriede Jelinek, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2004 and is known for her brutal heart and soul-wrenching texts about violence in Austria; Peter Handke (who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2019), Hans Lebert, Thomas Bernhard, and the many others, actually forming an own Austrian literary tradition within the German speaking countries, describing the horrors of torture, sadism and man-hunts happening in Austria on a daily basis up to present.


Also, in Austrian fine arts one can find references to MK ultra & SRA –

  1. Manfred Deix – here “butterflies” (2000)

Austrian cartoonist Manfred Deix was always known for his mirroring the Austrian (perverted/pathological) soul. Less known he is for his knowledge about MK Ultra / trauma-based mind control /SRA in this country, shown in his artwork „Butterflies“. Butterflies are an international code for programming/torturing children and toddlers into (Baby)prostitutes or into sexual perversions, also known on future politicians.


  1. Gottfried Helnwein – here Epiphanie II (1998)

Mutilated elderly men are standing around a table, where a beautiful young girl in a white dress is laying, either sleeping or already dissociated: the symbolism is clear, to speak with Carmen Holiday: “… programmed robots are programming robots…”


  1. Bruno Gironcoli here “Daphne” (2002)


The main themes of Bruno Gironcoli: abortion, violence, torture, mutilated sexuality. Daphne is something special in international art, containing a detailed map for programming with a chair for children, the snake in the 3rd eye, the blockage in the solar plexus, and the mutilated legs/genitals (…) directly referring to SRA related crimes.

If there is no SRA or MK ultra in Austria, how comes that Austrian artists (these examples are shortened just to give an insight in a nutshell here) in general are describing or depicting torture, child abuse, open bloodlust, even SRA and MK ultra happenings in shocking details, while the Austrian government with its judiciary system pretends not to know about it?

 [End of the Excursus on the SOCIO-CULTURAL BACKGROUND]




Despite of several – urgent – requests Austrian and international judiciary is ignoring the Sadegh/Riegler case since 2011ff[17]:





Despite indications of severe ongoing torture of the minor Sadegh Dara Rubens in the tradition of MK ultra and SRA since 2011ff the following pictures of the beloved child (most probably from September 2018, around sadistic holidays, which – as known from international literature – are used for mutilation purposes[18]) have appeared in July 2020 while being under the care of the Youth Welfare Office Graz:

(Source: Facebook, July 2020)




On exposure, a classroom/lecture room appears in the form of another image that has been placed in the – TOOTHLESS – mouth of the victim, Sadegh Dara Rubens, apparently after ALL OF HIS ADULT TEETH have been REMOVED AND OR DESTRUCTED at the age of 9. The easily deducible message is clear, „Someone is being taught a lesson here“.


(Remark: The overexposed image contains further hidden messages, which are less important at the moment)


If this was „merely“ about child abuse in the Sadegh case, one would not need the „lesson“; rather, the beloved child of the scientist Mag. Riegler Andrea seems to be punished for her educational work against torture on (small) children, MK ultra and SRA www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com as well as for her research and investigations into supranational perpetrators networks on the Sadegh case in general.


The lesson taught is by far not exclusively for the scientist Riegler Andrea, but – especially – for others with babies, toddlers, and children in MK ultra and SRA programs, to warn them: If you dare to speak out about your and your child´s case, this will happen also to your child[19].




Experts have pointed out to Andrea Riegler, that further evidence could be found in the photographic material, specifically that the beloved boy, could have been attached directly through the lungs to a respirator, as known from numerous SNUFF baby and child porn cases, in order to be able to penetrate the affected (small) children orally without interruption, as well to defecate and urinate into their little mouths:


(see blackened area in the rib cage).





  1. Short version:

„Ritual abuse can be defined as a colorful abundance of very different crimes, whose common denominator is ultimately only extreme sadism and a certain continuity and systematic approach. Noblitt & Perskin, quoted after Hans Ulrich Gresch.“


  1. Long version:

“Signs of torture on the body of your child may indicate that your child is potentially a victim of satanic ritual abuse, also called SRA, or is a “training subject” of trauma-based mind control (MK). SRA can be understood as the combined application of physical, psychological and spiritual assaults. MK is mainly used in the military, intelligence and political areas, although the boundary line between these two forms of abuse is relatively fluid.  MK contains an abundance of elaborately devised, complex psychological strategies, ultimately designed to achieve absolute control over the thoughts and feelings of your child. Finally, i.e. at the end of the state-run MK programme, the aim is for your child to be conditioned to such an extent that he/she can be ordered to carry out actions that go against his/her human nature, when “wearing” different fragmented personalities (or “alters”) that are artificially created through torture, ideally without being able to remember carrying out those actions. The means employed to achieve that final state are physical, sexual, psychological and emotional torture. The ability and declared willingness of the perpetrators to subject their child to these kinds of mistreatment and abuse, when ordered to do so by the state, is what distinguishes this group of people from all other living beings on our planet. State-organised torturers are not interested in publicising their criminal actions, which go completely unpunished. MK torture perpetrated on a young child is not the result of a superstitious belief in witchcraft: it is consciously and deliberately planned, organised and continuously perfected. There is basically no part of your child’s body for which a “suitable” torture method does not exist. There is no element (water, air, fire and earth), no ideology and no tool that cannot be used for torturing your child. Clear your mind of the


propagandistic falsehoods propagated by western (criminal) cartel media that the torture of young children is only practiced in designated “rogue states”.

These crimes are of course kept secret. This is why it is ultimately very hard to find a definition that covers the “programming” of your child. Survivors describe it as an act designed to activate physical and psychological reactions to external stimuli. A person conditioned in this way is intended to finally be able to react in an intended way after receiving an auditory, visual or tactile signal (trigger), ideally without noticing anything about it themselves. If the conditioning brought about through torture is successful, the political system or network will have raised the perfect mental slave who carries out orders, without conscience and against all the standards of successful ethical coexistence. As the violence-induced raising of such a multiple personality ultimately involves the most serious violations imaginable of the child’s legal rights, in this area of crime the scientific overlaps between psychology, medicine, social sciences, philosophy, criminology and criminalistics are relatively fluid.

This final construction of a multiple personality outlined above is closely linked to the use of hypnosis. In the respective procedural modules, the programmers used, who are usually conventionally trained physicians, generate a torture-induced, selective intensification of perception in the child victim, whose attention in this respect is ratcheted up through the assaults. Due to the strained attentiveness thus induced, the child’s real state of awareness is clouded. In systematic collaboration, the psychopathic perpetrators described above open a way into the child’s mind by controlling his/her perceptions and memory, and by creating false memories. At the end of several years’ programming, the subject is able to obey like an automaton, receives all instructions uncritically and without question, and can carry out complex orders requiring a high intelligence, but is usually not aware of it all. In order to prevent people who are, from humanitarian motives, on the side of the tortured child from glimpsing the perfidious structures of the state-run torture programmes, false memories are implanted in the child victim and posthypnotic reaction patterns are instilled in order to produce false statements. This is why you should not be surprised if, when asked about the complex sequence of abuse, your child either maintains a consistent silence or behaves in a completely irrational way. The network of perpetrators is fully aware that, due to the ethnic heterogeneity of the police force, at least some police employees would not be indifferent to these severe violations of victims’ legal rights. Even though fully initiated perpetrators within the police ultimately cover up this abuse and actively work to prevent convictions, to


begin with the „Police“ organisation is simply too big for the group of perpetrators to control. One cannot therefore rule out the possibility that, when you initially report the offence to the police, you may get a criminal investigator who takes the concerns of the protecting parent seriously. The more importance this officer accords to the parent’s report, the more quickly they will implement urgent measures to search for and secure clues and to determine the evidence. During this important phase, the ring of perpetrators is not yet able to attain ultimate control of the course of the proceedings. Therefore the perpetrators’ strategy must be to implant the suggestion in the police investigator’s mind, through conditioning the child, that the child or the protecting parent is suffering from mental illness. Where fathers are the protecting parent, a suspicion is usually fabricated that the father is the perpetrator. However, SRA or MK can only be carried out by groups of perpetrators, i.e. by several people, as a single individual could never manage to do it. Usually, these protecting parents are quickly separated from the children concerned – without securing evidence of any kind – in order to remove further traces and to falsify the overall impression, and the young child continues to be used without hindrance – usually lifelong.

The following serve as torture methods before the programme units (quoted from Ellen Lacter, 2017):

  • Rape: vaginal, anal rape, group rape, using sharp objects, weapons, etc.
  • Filming the torture
  • Verbal cruelty, mockery, making child ridiculous, laughing and enthusiasm as reactions to the pain and terror of the victim
  • Hanging the victim up, including with the head hanging downwards, in stress positions, during which they are tortured by spinning, etc.
  • Being fully immersed in water tanks filled with ice
  • Being buried alive with insects, snakes, rats, etc. with an oxygen source that is controlled by the perpetrators
  • Being hung up above fire or extreme heat
  • Extreme thirst and hunger
  • Leaving the victim in urine, excrement and vomit
  • Being forced to ingest poisonous substances
    Control of the victim’s surroundings – painfully hot or cold, dark or intensely bright, being
  • bombarded with loud noise, etc.


  • Mutilation, e.g. removing nails or fingers
  • Removal of body organs and dismemberment of victims kept in complete captivity (Ellen Lacter, 2017)


All the information that the victim receives during these torture sessions (“programming”) is stored in his/her deeper psychobiological levels. Therefore, pay close attention to such statements when questioning the child. One special feature of this crime, not just from the aspect of children’s statement psychology, is that it will be suggested to the child that the adults are able to access his/her body at any time and/or to control the individual environment – and this often corresponds to the unimaginable truth:

Besides the known monitoring technologies in the child’s household, persons are also placed in the child’s immediate vicinity in order to develop a professed emotional relationship with him/her. As soon as this has been firmly established and the child can be successfully deceived into trusting that person, the child is then betrayed. The subsequent messages are clear and unambiguous: “We know everything about you”, “You have betrayed us”, “You won’t escape us”. Other “game versions” involve the child’s being told that an all-hearing microphone has been implanted in his/her tooth, or even a bomb in the stomach, which can explode in the event of betrayal. Adult victims have in fact been able to ascertain the presence of real, i.e. (in)active, implants through conventional medical examinations. Nowadays there is in fact the possibility of ensuring that dementia sufferers or animals can be found by means of (electromagnetic) pulse-controlled implants. An additional – though still less researched – aspect is the assumption that parts of MK programming as well as the use of triggers can meanwhile be carried out via microwaves and radiofrequencies.

As the silence of the young child involved is so important in terms of criminal law, the techniques to ensure it are practically innumerable: threats that their beloved primary caregiver (usually the mother) will be killed; needles in the area of the gums as a “training in keeping silent”; and wiping conscious memories through deliberately caused concussion, electroshock treatment and psychoactive medication. An additional way of ensuring silence is the showing of the pretended or actual liquidation of a “traitor”. Above all, witnessing a real murder makes a particularly devastating impression on the child. Killings in the context


of so-called “snuff pornography” (filmed torture, followed by the death of the victim) are also used for this purpose. It is likewise known that it is suggested to the young children that they have killed a person or else – far more dramatic for the child’s psyche – they have actually been forced to kill someone.

It is thus very easy to understand that you can only achieve a comprehensive account of all these circumstances with endless patience and absolute, benevolent neutrality. The child must deal with his/her shame about the fact that it has been the victim of a series of the most unimaginable acts of emotional, mental and physical violence and has thus displayed accompanying physical reactions and emotions, that no one has helped and that he/she was even laughed at by the group of perpetrators. These things have formed part of the child’s everyday experience. It is therefore your task to remain completely neutral during the questioning process.

Never forget the punishment with which the child has been threatened if he/she speaks out, which usually involves the murder of the primary caregiver or torture. The process of questioning the child must basically be done in several stages, and must therefore be planned to take place over a period of several months. As the investigators are generally left to their own resources when working out the course of the abuse as a whole, they must organise the questioning sessions themselves. If investigators know people with knowledge of criminology knowledge in their personal or professional circle (police detectives, juvenile court representatives, lawyers specialising in criminal law), these can of course be consulted and/or brought in too.

The person concerned must be clear in their mind about what they may ultimately be getting into. Regarding doing it oneself: even a poorly planned questioning session is better than leaving the child alone with the abuse.

Although MK/SRA as a criminal phenomenon has, for obvious reasons, not been made a specific subject of study in criminological research up to now, its individual torture methods have been. Sexual violence perpetrated on a child in a private context has meanwhile been relatively well studied. Because the sexual abuse is a cornerstone in the process of programming the child, one can therefore use it as a starting point. It is of course important


to have an idea of the basic process of questioning a child victim before you start. Nevertheless, the essential difference here is that a child who has been through SRA/MK has undergone unimaginable torture with the aim of splitting their personality. The essential elements of this crime are therefore briefly described below:

Phenomenon of the split personality

The simplest form of split personality consists of a normal state (A) and the hypnotically controlled state (B).

Below: Visible change of personality in a child who is secretly enrolled a torture programme.

Source: “Luki” Dara Sadegh on a supervised visit to his mother Mag. Andrea Sadegh (now Riegler) 2013: Change of personality within 10 seconds. Assumed posthypnotic command: “Whenever you’re near your mother, remember what you’ve done and said: if she knew, she wouldn’t love you anymore.”


The change of the child’s personality is based on a posthypnotic command or a trigger. To do this, planning, a trigger and implementation are needed. An effectively instilled posthypnotic command is not aimed just at generating the outward behaviour of the subject – it also has to create inner mental states in the controlled human tool. Using inculcated key stimuli or codes, it is possible to condition complex operative sequences. The programmer can thereby also command the victim to forget the key signal again as soon as they have carried out the ordered action. This method is intended to undermine the police investigation of the crime outlined above. An additional obfuscation strategy is what is called “posthypnotic amnesia”. Here, the contents of the child’s memory are fragmented through mentally traumatising the child. This perfidious tactic is deemed successful if an outsider does not notice that the victim’s memory is impaired. To achieve this, during the child’s programming the method of fear-based suggestion is used. One technique is to plant the idea that they have a headache when they are inwardly processing the abuse suffered that day.


Below: A child mentally processing the abuse suffered that day – a headache induced by suggestion, also called a “splitting headache”.

Source: “Luki” Dara Sadegh, taken by his mother Mag. Andrea Sadegh (now Riegler), in the summer of 2011, when the child had suffered the first flashbacks.


An observable headache can also be the result of an artificially induced neurosis, consisting of inculcated guilt or inferiority complexes intended to prevent the child from talking about their experiences.

Why is it done at such a young age?

Due to their highly imaginative minds, children can be more easily influenced than adults. In order to prevent prosecution, perpetrators exploit the fact that due to their still limited vocabulary, the child does not feel able to talk about the abusive assaults. Through the MK programming techniques a number of separate identities, called “alters”, are generated in the child. The group of perpetrators that installs, activates and controls these alters can ultimately also communicate with the respective individual alters. So that the child is outwardly able to cope with their everyday life, in addition to the alters, an “apparently normal personality” (ANP) must also be in place. The ANP is, so to speak, the facade for the programmed individual’s future role in the social system. The ANP, functioning as an outer shell, ensures that the multiple personalities finally remain hidden to non-initiates.

If investigators try to get the child to open up by showing him/her affection, a word of warning: perpetrators will deliberately create associations between natural interpersonal actions (kissing, caressing) or words (“love”, pet names, etc.) and dark threats against the child. You must therefore reckon with triggers deliberately implanted in the child to ensure that they are mentally imprisoned by an “inner guard” and their constant fear of the consequences of being a “traitor” i.e. of speaking the truth. The same applies to conditioning and hypnosis in connection with the initial routine procedures in a criminal investigation. In the presence of someone urgently suspected of being involved in the abuse, the child may for example in greet that person with joyful eagerness, while simultaneously rejecting their actual persons of trust, usually the protecting parent. Since enormous financial resources are available for the programming process, props, magic tricks, stage plays, special effects, film screenings, cameras and microphones are also used. The manipulation of the child’s thoughts is activated by means of roleplay and characters from fairy-tales or other adventure worlds (extra-terrestrials, demons). These are stored in the child’s mind linked to certain colours: i.e., during the programme unit concerned, the perpetrators show themselves to the child in identical costumes and colours. Thus, in time, it is possible to forge cross-connections in the mind of the child victim, which are accessible to the programmer through codes. For you, as an outsider, these are usually completely innocuous, everyday words or other triggers. Nevertheless, the child is prepared in such a way that, in the end, the “opening and closing” of the child’s personalities function appropriately. This process is considered successful if the trigger words have a certain rhythm and the treacherous word combination or other trigger chains are selected in such a way that an everyday situation cannot trigger a change of personality.

Multiple personality disorder (MPD), also called “dissociative identity disorder” (DID) is used in the international system for classifying illnesses (ICD 10), in this case concerning the psychiatric illnesses (DSM4). It would thus be a punishable offence for the perpetrator to deliberately create a sick person twice over (knowing the prohibition on simultaneous intention to perpetrate a crime and succeeding in perpetrating that crime).   Consequently, there is a causal connection between dysfunctional family integration, the use of violence, mental trauma and disorders when processing experiences. It is thereby necessary for the child to be placed in the hands of the programmers at regular interviews. The above-described mental trauma of the child is devised based on a process of “internally running away”. Since the physically much weaker child is unable to justifiably defend itself against the assaults and can also see no way of physically escaping from the location of the abuse, it must finally choose the path of mental dissociation. The rule of thumb here is: “The earlier the traumatisation of the child occurs, the greater the probability of multiple personality disorder.” A decisive point is thereby the extent of control over the child’s defence mechanisms. In the specialist literature, one finds different instructions as to the most suitable time for this. After dissociation and violent training, children aged two and a half can already display a completely split personality. Under the supervision of a physician, tortures such as pinching fingers with pincers, violent blows to the head, rapes, and having fingers painfully trapped in a mousetrap while being locked in a room, etc. As soon as the child stops crying and is only whimpering in pain, it is released. Then the child receives their aversion conditioning through commands. Not all stages are the same here. Meanwhile, the following main programming procedures are known:


Alpha: Basic programme – the aims are the unresisting obedience and automatic reflexes of the child

Beta: Sexual programme activated by a key word

Delta: Assassin programme, fighter programme

Theta: Programme for integration in occult groups

Omega: Obscuration programme with the aim of maintaining the split psyche of the child


A typical technical method for creating multiple personalities is “spin programming”, “spinning” or the German term Rädern which (appropriately enough) means “being broken on the wheel”. The child is strapped to a rotating disc, and through extremely painful centrifugal forces, their personalities are polyfragmented. This kind of programming method already begins in earliest childhood. The child can either be spun on their own axis – as on a spit – or turned in a vertical direction.

Here too, one must of course take the rapid development of new technical possibilities into account. Seizure-inducing treatments, CT, as well as the influencing of the mind by means of electromagnetic fields are used here, and are still relatively little researched in relation to young children. The special feature is basically that the programming of the child relates to the generating of personality fragments. Therefore, a specific message is always conveyed to the child during programming. While being questioned, the child may thus give you answers that appear completely incoherent.


The same applies if you thereby observe illogical ways of behaving. However, when you become more familiar with them, these are always connected to commands instilled through violence:

  • You deserve to be punished – we’ll find you wherever you are
  • No one believes what you say
  • You deserve the violence you have experienced
  • We’re watching you and can kill your parents
  • The police will come to get you – you’ll go to prison


Subsequently building on this, in the next stage the victim is usually indoctrinated with the following ideas (cf. Ellen Lacter, 2017):

  • You are evil.
  • You are a murderer.
  • You are an accomplice in crimes (often such scenes are filmed as evidence).
  • You are now one of us.
  • You are now a voluntary member of the network which commits rapes and abuse.
  • No one except us will ever want to have anything to do with you again.
  • The people who have been taking care of you can’t take care of you ever again.
  • No psychotherapist will ever want to help you.
  • The whole of the clergy will condemn you.
  • You are lost in the sight of God.
  • You now belong to: _____ (a god/goddess that demands blood sacrifices).


Certainly, the most ruthless method is brain surgery. Here, the surgeon deliberately damages the healthy tissue of the healthy child. Another possibility is medically influencing the amygdala (the part of the brain important for emotions and feelings) using electrical current. Other surgical interventions (scars on the brain stem, etc.), and the removal and mutilation of glands, are also known methods.

The child often remembers the torture in everyday life in flashbacks, usually triggered by associations while processing the experience. It can thereby quite possibly happen that the child reveals the abuse at this very moment: the young child experiences the torture as if it is happening again.

First of all, some good news: as soon as they have been able to relate one of the events in their entirety, the young child finds greater peace of mind: in every flashback or anxiety state, and in every recounting of the abuse, you are already helping the children to heal their unimaginable experiences to a great extent.

Finding out about the torturers’ world represents a particular challenge for you, but is everyday routine for the children, as is the often-staged, seemingly “fairytale-like” world of Satanism: Satanic rituals and the procedures conducted in an MK programme can definitely overlap. According to Michaela Huber (1995), victims have reported the following methods:

  • Strange smells […]
  • Men in black coats/cloaks, hoods, masks, etc.;
  • Cellars, painted black or their walls hung with black cloths;
  • […]
  • Rituals with oil, blood […]
  • Blood, that runs down one’s naked body […]
  • Eating raw animal or human flesh, or faeces, drinking urine and blood
  • […]
  • Vaginal, oral, anal gang rape; being penetrated with sticks, knives, crucifixes, etc.
  • Blows, kicks, electric shocks
  • Being locked in chests, coffins, water-tanks, etc.;
  • […]
  • Loud, sacral or Wagnerian music, “sacral” chanting […]
  • Extreme feelings of shame and guilt, the feeling of having to “sacrifice” oneself or of “being chosen to die”, to feel like “Satan” (or having “inner alters” who think they are Satan)
  • vow that cannot be broken, otherwise someone will die (either they themselves or someone close to them, or their favourite animal)
  • The exaction of punishments upon them and/or other children or adults who have been “disobedient”


  • Invocations and curses; the feeling of being able to be killed by the words of a spell, etc.

Before starting a questioning session, you should therefore bear in mind the following patterns of reaction, which the child has already able to show an investigator or protecting parent on occasion in the past:

  • Fear of giving blood samples, and of dental examinations
  • Fear of being tied up
  • Ritualistic chanting
  • Nervousness at meals (cocoa: faeces; red fruit-juice: blood; barbecues in summer: burns/scalding)
  • Wanton destruction of toy figures and dolls (mutilations)
  • Fear of “harmless” everyday objects
  • etc.

(quoted from „GUIDELINES FOR QUESTIONING YOUNG CHILDREN IN CASES OF SUSPECTED TORTURE“: Riegler, Andrea et al: 2017: https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/leitfaden-zur-befragung-von-kleinkindern-bei-folterverdacht/?lang=en, copied 20.11.2020)


End of the long version about definitions and procedures in MK ULTRA.


Note: Scientists, therapists and survivors worldwide find new programming and torture techniques, as well as combinations of them, every day. These summaries contain therefore only the status quo of the pioneer research to MK ultra as well as to offenders/inside/torture networks.




  1. Carmen Holiday

man’s inhumanity to children

Alters can also be intentionally induced. This sadistic act is sometimes called “deliberate trauma-based dissociation,” or “trauma-based mind control” and is usually accomplished by the use of torture (although young survivors report having been dissociated through the use of harmonics and other more technical means). People wishing to have total control over another person can use electroshock, water-boarding, drugs, isolation, sensory deprivation and other means to force their victim to radically dissociate, to push them past the limit of integration, leaving what can be seen, essentially, as a blank slate; a kind of place-holder, alternate persona for them to manipulate at will.

Once a victim is “split,” or “dissociated,” that part can be trained and programmed through post-hypnotic suggestion and other more technical means. This cruel art has been refined, over the centuries, to an astonishing level of sophistication.” (Carmen Holiday)

(copied 20.11.2020, published 2011 – https://web.archive.org/web/20150828220227/https://democratizeourknowledge.wordpress.com/)



  1. Hans Ulrich Gresch

„Multiple personalities develop in children as a result of a correspondingly planned approach by adults. True multiple personalities are consciously formed by their parents with the direct and indirect (supervision) participation of professionals. These specialists are very familiar with the psychobiology of child development and adjust their measures to the respective stage of development.

Therefore, these are not illnesses that arise in the course of self-traumatization, such as a cold caused by an infection, but rather conditions during or after a torture-supported mind control.

-According to this alternative theory, the breeding of multiple personalities begins immediately after birth with a „love-bombing“ that far exceeds natural mother love. After all, the children should have a solid basis so that they can endure what follows and not die.

-Then an unspecific dissociation training by torture, often in cages with electrical contacts on the floors, takes place. The torture is sometimes systematic, sometimes random. Central characteristics of the field of perception always vary. Colors can play a role, sounds, costumes, masks.

-If the child is a little older, a dichotomy follows, usually into a „day child“ and a „night child“. These „personalities“ are associated with different self-images and behaviors.

-If this works, there is a „triangulation“ into the true self (personality core), the front personality and a mediating instance between the two, a mediator, who is also the „interface“ for the perpetrators. This is the receiver for the „programming“.

-This is the foundation. Later, when the child is cognitively and affectively capable of doing so, the so-called brickwork is built on this foundation. This consists of derivatives of the mediator, which is split up for special tasks.

-The most important split is a pseudo-personality, which bears the pain of torture for everyone else. It is formed into a „battery of pain“ and provides the psychic energy for the entire „operating system“.

-further split-offs can be, for example, prostitutes (including child prostitutes), soldiers (including suicide bombers) and „psychics“ (for remote viewing experiments); here there are no limits to the imagination.


This educational process takes place in a „virtual total institution“, which is a mixture of torture chamber, cadet school, and drama school and which is externally embedded in an apparently normal family life.

It should also be noted that the dressage would not work if the perpetrators were unable to control the children’s social environment – be it through blackmail, bribery or on the basis of loyalty to the perpetrators or the system they represent“. (Dr. Hans Ulrich Gresch)


(retrieved on 5. September 2017: http://ppsk.de/die-so-genannte-multiple-persoenlichkeitsstoerung)




Dr. Hans Ulrich Gresch „Satanic ritual abuse – facts and fictions“.

„Secret services are not cults, not even political cults, whose actions could or should be explained ideologically alone. This is especially true of the CIA, which is basically not a secret service at all, but the secret army of the President of the United States (Prados 1996). Its main task is not to obtain information, but to carry out covert operations. And the mind control experiments that were carried out on their behalf (Ross 2000) were supposed to help them to increase the efficiency of covert operations. These operations may pursue ideological goals or be justified by ideologies, but on the invisible fronts, facts determine their course and the presence or absence of methods to deal with these facts appropriately. Even the U.S. Army, which also developed mind control methods (Moreno 2000), is not a cult – and tangible military tasks cannot be accomplished with ritual acts. Rather, military leaders with responsibility for soldiers who bend their bones at the front look for methods that ensure victory while keeping their own losses as low as possible. These are universal military goals that are pursued independently of ideologies“.

(retrieved on September 8, 2017: http://ppsk.de/satanisch-ritueller-missbrauch-fakten-und-fiktionen)


At present, all scientists, therapists, survivors are in pioneering research, also changing the terms to date because of the growth in knowledge. At present, MK ultra is used as an umbrella term when secret services are involved in the creation of MK ultra soldiers based on torture, even though the official MK ultra program of the CIA has officially ended, i.e. continues under a different name until today, 2020. Satanic ritual abuse refers to the black magic component during MK ultra programming. The most prominent protagonist here is Michael Aquino, who in addition to his activities in the US military was also the founder of the Temple of Seth. In the USA there is therefore the technical term „military SRA“. Small local satanic cults have been able to carry out stable torture-based programming for centuries and it is known that secret services exchange information with these cults, as well as borrowing children from each other. (…)




Already in 1998 [! ] the American, Kay Griggs, during an interview with Rick Strawcutter, as an academic and wife of a high-ranking NATO officer, reported to the public during a series of interviews lasting almost 6 hours that there was a small group of Harvard professors, people from the Tavistock Institute and a group of sexual perverts in Vienna/Austria, to research perverted sexual techniques & practices on (young) children within these Viennese psychologists and psychiatrists and to pass on this knowledge, on an international level, also mentioning that there is an „initiation center“ for higher lodge degrees in Vienna, for which (young) children are used. Kay Griggs does not yet mention (1998) the keyword MK ultra or SRA, but describes the events in Austria/Vienna in detail[20], (accessed on June 30, 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8ly0c0_Rnk ), as the cases of Jack Unterweger, Fritzl, Natascha Kampusch and most recently Sadegh/Riegler show: all the cases mentioned are MK ultra and SRA cases, not to mention the thousands of cases that have been hushed up (hush money affair Weißer Ring/SPÖ; children’s home scandals, besides the countless „single cases“) as mentioned already with references. Important for Austria is, that many children out of former Yugoslavia got used here in Austria, especially in Vienna and Graz, not only for human trafficking but for – ongoing – MK ultra programming up to today, 2020; also here, no one takes care of them.


Historically, Austria is considered the military arm of the Jesuits (see Fiona Barnett, Eyes Wide Open: 2018), followed by the first systematical human experiments in satanic ritual abuse around Dr. Sigmund Freud, as well as the more well-known bestial human experiments of the Nazi-doctors in the concentration camps, as well in psychiatric asylums, here especially known in the German-speaking area, Dr. Josef Mengele and the native Styrian, Dr. Aribert Heim, who also programmed in the „Alpine Fortress“ torture based MK in a long time after the end of World War II, as well in the US[21].

Not surprisingly, the Lebensborn e.V. facilities were never closed (…), involuntary impregnations, cuckoo children, hidden child pregnancies, etc. can be considered a standard occurrence in Austria, just like the in the meantime well-known manhunts of toddlers and children in former concentration camps.




It is urgent to point out that severe sexual abuse is a fundamental part of every MK ultra programming, therefore the use of serious abuse, as well as serious torture for SNUFF and child pornographic material, is the norm, as known from several international cases, see the academic, Psychotherapist and survivor, Wendy Hoffman („The Enslaved Queen“, „White Witch in a Black Robe“), Cathy O’Brien („Transformation of America“), Brice Taylor („Thanks for the Memories“), Arizona Wilder, the hypnotherapist Miesha Johnston, as well as the psychologist and also survivor Fiona Barnett, to mention only the most famous international cases: in the entire specialist literature worldwide (has been submitted to the court several times), psychologists, psychiatrists as well as therapists repeatedly point out this fact.


Child pornography, as well as torture of (small) children, is a billion-dollar business worldwide, also in Austria, an industry which historically, comes along hand in hand with MK ultra research, at least since the experiments in the concentration camps of the National Socialists, and can easily be proven, and currently worldwide – pedocriminal networks, often with direct reference to SRA and MK ultra are being excavated by police units: Murder of witnesses, secret service targeting and „Zersetzung“ (i.e. erosion on a soul level) of scientists as well as of survivors, however, is still the norm.


To summarize it briefly: Children heal extremely fast. To keep them in a state of shock (DID, PTSD) and therefore programmable, daily physical, psychological, sexual, and spiritual violence is needed. Sexual abuse brings in money and is de facto practicable everywhere.




„We do know, however, that since the beginning of the Cold War, the CIA and the American military have been engaged in brainwashing research, among other things with the aim of developing methods to force people to carry out every order, and if it costs their own lives. It has become customary to refer to people of this kind as „Manchurian Candidates“; however, this is not the official designation of the CIA (Marks 1979).

A CIA dossier dated 25 January 1952 describes the objectives of one of these research programs, Project Artichoke, as follows:

  1. „To evaluate and develop any method by which we can obtain information from a person against his will and without his knowledge.
  2. how can we counter the above-mentioned measures if they are used against us?
  3. can we control an individual to a point where he/she carries out our orders against his/her will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as the instinct of self-preservation?
  4. How can we counter such measures if they are applied against us (Memorandum 1952)?“.

The Manchurian Candidate is the answer to the third question. Were Manchurian Candidates actually created? A connoisseur of the subject, the American psychiatrist Colin Ross writes

„Studies of the Manchurian Candidate lead to the conclusion that the creation of an iatrogenic multiple personality requires much more control and influence than is possible in an outpatient therapy of one or two hours a week (Ross 2000)“. (Hans Ulrich Gresch)

Retrieved October 30, 2017 – http://ppsk.de/mind-control-bewusstseinskontrolle


Systematic and deliberate torture of (young) children is treason, slavery, etc., and therefore no one can commit these crimes without having the „security“ of state institutions, public prosecutors‘ offices, district courts, police commissariats, other authorities, above all from supranationally operating intelligence agencies[22], as backing.


The principle of these serious crimes against humanity is also – freely formulated – „to exaggerate it in such a way that no one can or will believe it“ and is this strategy known as „plausible deniability“, a term coined by the CIA and, as is well known, immensely popular among MK ultra affiliated crimes:

(Wikipedia, retrieved on 28th of October, 2020 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glaubhafte_Abstreitbarkeit in the German Version)


Also, the number of murdered detectives, scientists, politicians, survivors worldwide is countless and unmanageable to count: Lifelong slavery – including sexual abuse, SNUFF, pedoporn – generates billions of dollars in sales worldwide, and the tendency is rising. Even if the victims themselves are no longer „usable“, the „torso porn“ and other amputation scenarios are known as the final step:

(The footage of the woman whose limbs were severed/amputated and who at the same time has a strap around her mouth, which allows her to be orally penetrated while her torso is standing on the limb stumps, has been reported to Interpol several times over the years).


These limb amputations are also known from the MK ultra Breeding procedures (note that the following picture shows a pregnant woman, about 5-6 months pregnant):


„6:30 am: Rounds at the birth mother area are done, with all students and trainers involved in this area present. There are currently 15 birth mothers in private rooms. It is month seven of the prenatal training, and all of the birth mothers look inhuman, with heads and pubic areas shaved; their teeth all missing (pulled out during torture sessions); and missing arms and legs due to the slow removal of digits, then hands and feet, then lower limbs, and finally the cutting off of the entire limb. Because of the healing technology, the stumps have healed well, but the birth mothers have almost completely lost their humanity. They have just finished eating breakfast, a nutritious mush in a bowl, which they eat out of like dogs on the floor since they have no hands to eat with. The birth mothers alternately howl and whimper as we come and assess the fetuses; they have learned to associate the presence of lab coats and trainers with inhuman torture. The fetuses are growing well, and respond positively on the brain scans to hearing the voices of their primary trainers, who they are completely bonded to since the emotional “leaving” of their birth mothers after months of torture which was blamed on the fetus. The fetuses will undergo their celestial city programming today, with visits from actors who represent the main controllers within the city, and a visit from the occultic “messiah” who promises to give them peace, safety and joy as they obey him. Later, “hell” programming with birth mother torture in a simulated hell will be reinforced.“ https://svalispeaksagain.wordpress.com/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-trainer-2/


Several young girls are shown these same amputated pregnant women, who are housed in hidden floors in clinics, military bases, etc. worldwide, so also in Austria, and threatened that if they do not agree with everything, they will end up the same way. The applicant/complainant, Andrea Riegler, was shown such women as a 6-7-year-old girl, here to obtain consent – especially for (child) pregnancies, as well as for genital mutilation. There are several cases known worldwide, the „modus operandi“ always the same: „If you don’t agree to whatever we want, you will end like this“.


There is no need to explain that MK ultra is based on „free will“ of the (young) children, that a „contract“ is obtained for each further step of torture and MK programming[23].


It should also be briefly pointed out here that these circles, directly from the authorities worldwide, make video recordings during these amputations and torture acts, on the one hand in order to be able to blackmail the persons performing them, for life, and on the other hand to intimidate others with the same material: „If you do not do what we want, then we will do exactly the same thing with you/wife/your parents/your children”.


Research suggests so far, that the Sadegh/Riegler case was planned and conducted as a strategic entanglement case for decades[24] – see detailed information to The Hague High Prosecution Officer, out of February 2020: https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/den-haag/




New approaches to PTSD – Dr. Hans Ulrich Gresch

„The victims of the most severe traumatizations of this kind have only one chance to lead a halfway decent life. This consists of learning to live upright with the consequences. The basic prerequisite for this is to admit one’s feelings of hatred and thoughts of revenge.

In the early days of the human race, tribal members who in an emergency violated the commandments of solidarity in an unforgivable manner were mercilessly excluded from the clan and „sent into the desert“. The tendency to react in this way is innate to us. A severely traumatized person must not suppress these impulses. Forgiveness is poison.

If those affected are victims of violently implanted memory blocks, it is crucial that the memory gaps are closed as far as possible. In any case, those affected must try to verify the memories regained through memory work. It is disastrous to record them as so-called „narrative truths“, i.e. to leave them vague in the end. This is tantamount to re-traumatization, because the devaluation of relevant memories was also one of the perpetrators‘ goals.

The lifestyle of severely traumatized people is not a „mental illness“, but a variant of human existence that becomes comprehensible through the history and conditions of this existence. Additional psychopathological assumptions are not only misleading and superfluous, they are also an indirect exculpation of the perpetrators, because they explain part of the effects of the crime by a particular (usually imagined as inherited) vulnerability of the affected individual“. (Dr. Hans Ulrich Gresch)

(accessed on September 7, 2017: http://ppsk.de/posttraumatische-belastungsstoerung)



Another consequence of lifelong – PERMANENT – torture is DID (dissociative personality disorder) and describes the extremely healthy ability to „suppress“ the respective acts of torture in order to remain highly functional. In extreme MK ultra cases, such as the with me, Andrea Riegler, as well with most of Austrians who have been in extreme MK ultra programs since birth, as well as in cases of MK soldiers who are active in the secret space program, one also speaks internally of „DID on steroids“. 


The fact alone that I am writing the report here – in fear for my beloved son, shows the extent of this „DID on steroids“ – compare also the 4-language website against torture on toddlers and children, www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com, which has been operated for years under daily danger to life (see assassination attempts since 2012ff) in horrendous fear concerning the beloved child.


Cure can be found quickly if the survivors are left alone. However, in order to do so, they can no longer be used, no more money can be earned on their backs, and governments worldwide prefer to „keep the survivors in line“ for the rest of their lives, be it through secret service “ subversion „, legal proceedings, forced psychiatry, the use of (further) initiation rituals on their backs based on torture, assassination attempts as well as – if there is no other way – cold-blooded murder.


At the same time, the „keeping in line“ procedures ensures that – as a practical side-effect for the perpetrators/networks that carry this out – the survivors have little chance of recovering their memories, which have usually been erased extremely professionally and repeatedly since the age of 9. Known examples include deliberate concussions, drugs, electric shocks, introduction of false cover memories, further torture, et al., as well as this procedure leads to the fact that survivors usually have little time and energy left to report their tormentors/“handlers“/programmers/trainers/other personnel to courts worldwide.[25]


It is necessary to raise the self-explanatory question generally – of who is mentally ill here: the victims/survivors themselves or those who carry out the crimes, the representatives of the judiciary, politicians, crime commissioners, representatives of authorities and psychiatrists, doctors, teachers, etc. all over the world who cover up or permit these crimes, not to mention those who participate in them, or those who even earn their living from such crimes? (compare in the Sadegh/Riegler case 130+ inactive authorities and judicial representatives including ministers of justice).


Significantly, in the Sadegh case, it came to daylight, that even PREGNANT women (mothers) were torturing the young Sadegh Dara Rubens in 2011, and shows that on MK ultra and SRA related crimes it is not helpful to watch merely out for male perpetrators or classic “Johns”, as the perversion of human beings, when guaranteed no punishment but rewards, is seemingly without limits[26].


Scientific literature suggests, that (most) of governmental officials, politicians, etc. are MK-ed (here in the “perpetrator” role for politicians and governmental officials) themselves or at least “entangled” within the known “initiation rituals”, while they had to torture babies, toddlers, and children, which got documented via video, etc.: Whoever is in control of this material, is ruling the world.





Things I wish I did not know
Have you ever wondered why mind control and ritual abuse survivors all over the world report the same phenomena? (…) Because perpetrator groups collaborate and teach one another techniques of torturing children, splitting the infant mind, and training mind-controlled victims. It is organized crime. It is psychologically sophisticated organized crime. What else should we call it? Like the Mafia, it runs in families; (…) I did not realize the extent of the national and international organization of these groups. (…) I wish I had not learned that politicians are involved, including the world leaders. I wish I had not learned that some of my favorite musicians and film stars may have been involved, that the groups have a hand in deciding who rises to stardom. I wish I had not learned recently that some people who purport to help survivors, including some well-known therapists, religious leaders, and leaders of non-profit groups, are actually members of perpetrator groups with jobs such as spreading disinformation or gathering and silencing survivors who had escaped. I wish that Christianity and Judaism and perhaps other religions had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that various schools of therapy had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that therapists were not teaching self-help techniques which are actually program triggers (…) I wish I did not know all this. (Alison Miller, 2018)

Source: „From the Trenches. A victim and therapist talk about mind control and ritual abuse“ by Wendy Hoffman, Alison Miller (2018, Karnac)




Further information can be obtained from international specialist literature.






  1. Since 2011ff, Andrea Riegler (formerly Sadegh) has urgently requested that her now 12-year-old son, Sadegh Dara Rubens (*20.02.2009), be evidenced-based medically examined via MRI/CT/nuclear-medical scans on the basis of serious suspicions that her son has been subjected to – ongoing – torture since at least 2011.

The reports of Dara Rubens Sadegh, which were sent in writing to the District Court of BG Hernals/Vienna, Judge MMag. Konrad Kubiczek and also the public prosecutor’s office of Vienna, prosecution officer Mag. Petra Freh, and also the police department of Wattgasse/Vienna, Manfred Miksits, Graz Youth welfare Department (CPS) and others – contained reports mostly accompanied by horrendous flashbacks of the then 2 ½-year-old toddler ranging from physical violence and rapes to ritual violence and waterboarding. In detail, these involved: rapes (oral and anal), the hunting of the child, use of drugs, use of medical torture (experiments with light, loud noises, destruction of the inner genitals, drilling/piercing the tooth root), ridicule & mockery (being laughed at during the torture), being buried alive, being subjected to waterboarding, spinning, heat and cold (e.g. forced to wear a ski suit in summer), working as a child prostitute (ballet dress, swimming trunks, makeup, high-heeled shoes, customers, money), being conditioned using torture (the child repeatedly hits himself on the head with one hand, while pulling his hair with the other and practices “looking happy” and “laughing” by saying “ha ha”, while his carotid artery is visible over his entire neck as he tries to grin), sudden changes of personality, vows, pledges, oaths (satanic components) and near-death experiences: in sum, the then 2 ½-year-old victim reported physical, psychic, spiritual and mental abuse. Subsequently, even after the Austrian government took custody of the child, there were further signs of torture on him after 2012, as well as sensory deprivation programming in 2015, all of which became unmistakably evident during the supervised visits of the mother, Andrea Sadegh, to her son, and were brought to court even then – without success. This kind of torture is known in the specialist literature as “ritual abuse” and also as “trauma-based mind control” or “MK-Ultra”. As a definition of this crime, which is always carried out under governmental protection, because of the horrendous lifelong injuries of the children, the following applies: „Ritual abuse can be defined as a colorful abundance of very different crimes, whose common denominator ultimately consists only in extreme sadism and a certain continuity and system. Noblitt & Perskin, quoted after Hans Ulrich Gresch.“ (quoted from https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/chronologie-einer-vertuschung/?lang=en)


  1. In response to these (first) torture crimes, which are known in the technical jargon as „basic mind fracture“, e. the fundamental split of personality of the affected infants, who are usually highly intelligent and which are conducted before the age of 3, the toddler, Sadegh Dara Rubens, who with one and a half years of age was able to recognize and name the letters of the ABCs and began to read his first words, was not only not examined by MRI/CT/nuclear medicine, but was separated from his beloved mother on February 13, 2012, and subsequently subjected to years of MK ultra programming and trafficking, which has lasted until today.


  1. while Andrea Riegler has been stalked, threatened, and declared „lunatic“ by intelligence networks and courts since 2011ff, because of the description of the facts including the names of the torturers present, as well she had to flee abroad several times to escape further, even more, serious assassinations, poisonings, and other attacks, compare London (2013-2014), Asia, Switzerland (2016), Norway (2017-2018).


  1. in between on short – supervised – visits with the beloved child the little one was given electric shocks (Mag. Birgit Rauchegger as supervisor/MK ultra trainer, Pflegeelternverein Steiermark/Styria), visiting protocols were falsified as proven and ignored by the district court BG Hernals (here well-known Laschober, Günter, Niederl Mag, Tanja, Danzinger Anna – Jugend am Werk Steiermark/Styria), while contact loops between lunacy administration initiators, here Mag. Thau, Konstanze from ZRS (civil right court) Vienna, whose husband the psychiatrist, Dr. Kenneth Thau gets promoted from the law firm Gabriel Lansky[27] (who also – by chance – represents perpetrators in the Sadegh/Riegler case at the same time) are completely ignored by all courts, together with proven connections from recognized and named perpetrators to politicians[28], grand lodge masters, etc.


  1. after horrendous assassination attempts and poisonings in Norway (2018), Andrea Riegler – after years of assaults – is no longer able to earn an independent income and must apply for early retirement in Austria as of January 1, 2019. Only a few days later she received the pictures of her TOOTHLESS, then 9-year-old SON.


  1. When asking the District Court Graz-Ost what had happened to the child’s teeth in 2019, Andrea Riegler does not receive an answer as a specialist on torture of toddlers and children, but – just after a year later – finds out that a handwritten application for lunacy because of her asking about the child’s teeth has been submitted to the residence District Court of Innere Stadt by the responsible family judge, Joeinig-Kogler, Dr. Elke.


  1. The pictures, which show without any doubt the minor Sadegh Dara Rubens during SNUFF mutilation Porn, are ignored by every single Austrian Court, by Austrian Federal Police Units as well by CPS and the Supreme Court of Austria, while judge MMag. Johanna Vasak from district court BG Innere Stadt, targets the scientist and child-mother with lunacy assessments, fully ignoring her scientific achievements on torture of toddlers and children, see traumabasedmindcontrol.com.


  1. At the same time, every single appeal, Andrea Riegler is handing into any court – because of a handwritten note – is ignored, so to have the family relationships examined via a family DNA test (Marianne Bretterklieber, formerly Riegler, maiden name Karrer, meaning the official grandma of the minor Sadegh Dara Rubens, is not his grandma, nor is Andrea Riegler the daughter of Marianne Bretterklieber. (compare the notes about hidden adoptions, coocoo children in MK ultra and SRA – more detailed information can be provided anytime). Significantly, Marianne Bretterklieber together with her husband Walter Bretterklieber as well the Uncle of the minor Sadegh Dara Rubens, Ing. (HTL) Riegler Helmut (together with his wife Nicole and their son Sebastian) got reported already in 2011 to the prosecution office Vienna, as perpetrators, present during the toddler´s basic mind fracture. Also, as ignored since 2013ff by Austrian courts Andrea Riegler asked again for a fatherhood test, as the official child´s father – Farrokh Sadegh Eslami – is an intelligence official who was sent into the life of Andrea Riegler to be able to start the strategic entanglement case.


  1. To ensure also, that the appeal for getting back custody of her beloved son, especially with the knowledge of case procedures worldwide, knowing that her son´s life in this highly explosive constellation – as since 2011ff would be in great danger, got fully ignored. In further cause, it was openly to observe that the health state of the minor deteriorated, especially since Christmas 2019, as recognizable for experts without any doubt, merely on pictures and videos, provided from his soccer club, SV Hausmannstätten / Graz, who published them on Facebook.


  1. Andrea Riegler, after 10 years of intense research as well with accompanying therapies with US American experts, is not only specialized in the modus operandi but on deprogramming, urgently needed by her son, in the meantime aged 12.


  1. The strategy of the courts is simple: fatal or deliberate misinterpretations of courts, prosecution offices as well from “certified sworn psychiatric experts” are being – without questioning – kept in the case files and considered as facts, new, additional evidence – as since 2011ff – completely ignored, focusing not on content or crimes, but on court and case procedures, to speak freely with Marshall McLuhan „the medium is the message“.


  1. The beloved son of Andrea Riegler has been therefore for further ongoing 2 years – still – in the hands of perpetrator networks, without interruption – in 8071 Hausmannstätten/Graz, Huehnerbergstraße 51, as since 2011ff without any official evidence-based medical examination over MRI/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically and, according to information from the Youth Welfare Department (CPS) Graz, no examination because of his torture and mutilation injuries are planned. To quote the (new) responsible social worker Karl Martin Pichler via e-mail out of October 2020: „There are no examinations.” – with a Supreme Court in silence since February 2020.


  1. In her last – urgent – appeal to the Supreme Court of Austria, Andrea Riegler, asked for either get back her son (within a witness protection for both of them) or have the case investigated at one court/prosecution office (with its status out of 2011)until today, the Supreme Court of Austria got urgently addressed several times, no answer arrived. It is also easier to stay silent (and do nothing) than to work and ruin the cleaned and cleared statistics, as well one of the main (hidden) businesses in Austria: human trafficking, experimentation, torture against toddlers and children:
  2. Physical injury with serious permanent consequences (§85 StGB)
  3. Slavery (§104 StGB) and human trafficking (§104a StGB)
  4. Coercion (§105 StGB) and severe coercion (§105 StGB)
  5. Dangerous threat (§106 StGB)
  6. Persistent persecution (§107a StGB)
  7. Continued use of force (§107b StGB)
  8. Extortion (§144 StGB)
  9. Marriage deception (§193 StGB)
  10. Child withdrawal (§195 StGB)
  11. Serious sexual abuse of minors (§206 StGB)
  12. Abuse of authority relationships (§212 StGB)
  13. Spread of wrong disturbing rumors (§276 StGB)
  14. Criminal conspiracy (§277 StGB)
  15. Criminal association (§278 StGB)
  16. Criminal organization (§278a StGB)
  17. Abuse of official authority (§302 StGB)
  18. Torture (§ 312a StGB)
  19. Et al.



  1. Actual case appeals[29] can be found under

https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/den-haag/?lang=en (The Hague, February 2020)


Old appeals see, Human Rights Court Strasbourg



Summary of the modus operandi of the happenings between 2011 and 2015






This procedure is generally known worldwide – on child abuse cases alone, compare Catherine Ni Mhuillin, 2014:

  1. The child talks about abuse – usually sexual abuse. The police conduct an inadequate investigation, claiming that there is not enough evidence to pass the case to the public prosecutor’s office, and close the case. The youth welfare office conducts an inadequate investigation, labelling everything as unfounded and refers the case to the family court, recommending the child be taken into “care”.
    2. Family judges appoint child advocates and/or psychologists to lay the blame on the mother by maliciously claiming that she is a liar/stirrer and/or mentally ill, and to recommend that custody be transferred to the father, who is – in their opinion – the “loving parent”.
    3. Judges minimise, ignore and conceal the evidence of abuse and rule that the mother is either lying/out to stir up trouble or mentally ill, and transfer custody to the abusive father.
    4. The judge isolates the child from the mother and from anyone who could confirm the truth about the abuse, while the children are conditioned to develop Stockholm syndrome and brainwashed by the abuser or by a “reunification/deprogramming therapist”, or at a foreign base, until they have either forgotten the abuse or withdrawn their accusations and consented to live with the abusive father.
    5. The judge ensures that the mother and her children can only see one another on supervised visits, during which neither she nor the children are allowed to speak about past or present abuse. As soon as anyone mentions the abuse, the supervisors send reports to the courts and immediately put an end to the visits.
    6. The judge issues directives forbidding the children to receive the kind of professional help that could support them in their disclosures, and also forbids the mothers to take their children to see doctors or therapists, thereby giving the abuser control over whom the children are allowed to see.
    7. The judge imposes a gagging order on the mother to prevent the public from finding out anything about the abuse, including its cover-up and threatens the mother with never being allowed to see her children again if she does not keep silent about the case and accept the cover-up.
    8. The judge disempowers the mother by driving her into bankruptcy through the judicial proceedings, by traumatizing her through separating her from her children, and by enabling the abuse to continue. („When His Eyes Turned White“, 2014, Catherine Ni Mhuillin)




Supranational intelligence operations and trafficking networks are operating worldwide and are well connected with each other – see the many actual cases like Epstein, Hunter Biden, etc. who are very well connected internationally to – also – Austria and cannot be dealt with statistics on human trafficking, ignoring bestial sadistic crimes against babies, toddlers, and children in the tradition of MK ultra and SRA, committed on a gigantic scale, against native as well on foreign/asylum seeker´s children – worldwide.


The Palermo Protocol seems to be extremely weak, if not combined with the Istanbul Protocol[30], as babies, infants, toddlers, and young children are not able to express themselves or at least not like adults. Therefore, evidence-based forensic medical examinations are needed worldwide to investigate the many forms of white and hidden (or not so hidden) plain horrendous torture against the little ones worldwide.


See one of the many happenings caught on camera (TRIGGER) and posted on Facebook: https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/english-torture-in-mksraextreme-abuse/?lang=en





  1. Describe the country’s trafficking situation, including the forms of trafficking that occur, industries and sectors in which traffickers exploit victims, countries/regions in which traffickers recruit victims, locations and regions in which trafficking occurs, and recruitment methods. What groups are at particular risk of human trafficking? Are citizens of the country identified as victims of human trafficking abroad? Does child sex tourism occur in the country or involve its nationals abroad, and if so, in which countries? Have trafficking methods and trends changed in the past 12 months, including as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?

As outlined Austria is a trafficking hub, specialized in crimes in the tradition of SRA and MK ultra, committed against the native population´s children as well against children of foreigners/asylum seekers. The center of these crimes is focused on Vienna and Graz, but actually taking place all over Austria. Recruitment methods are “Romeo” marriages, meaning intelligence agencies are sending out male officials to marry women, impregnate them to then deliver the babies to MK programming. The Sadegh/Riegler case is by far not the only one. Also known are the threatening, bribing, entangling or buying potential parents and invite them to join, often combined with the promise, their children – in case they survive – would get high positions in government. Usual human trafficking with victims out of the former Eastern European countries (especially Bulgaria and Romania) is known, also here women are targeted to become mothers with children, usable for MK ultra and SRA. The pandemic lockdowns were massively used to ongoingly torture and abuse the children in MK ultra and SRA programs (compare pictures of Dara Rubens Sadegh).


  1. What was the extent of official complicity in trafficking crimes? Were officials—including police, immigration officials, diplomats, peacekeepers, military personnel—government contractors, or government grantees directly or indirectly facilitating or enabling trafficking in persons? Did they operate as traffickers, enable traffickers, or take actions that may facilitate trafficking (including accepting bribes to allow undocumented border crossings or suspending active investigations of suspected traffickers, etc.)?

See the known perpetrators, governmental officials, politicians, and physicians as reported to The Hague since 2011ff, not stopping, ignoring, or mocking about the suffering of the child (and me as a mother) in their (court) rulings, estimations, and assessments:


Quotation from the appeal to The Hague Prosecution Officer (February 2020):



Name What is researched about them so far Committed crimes as told by Sadegh Dara Rubens (Former) Address/

Working place

(if known)

Angelo-Drapal Mag., Katharina Psychologist, most probably under MK ultra[33] and SRA related crimes herself. Katharina Angelo-Drapal is known to have beaten Sadegh Dara Rubens while pregnant with her son, Maximilian, born 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal Mag., Martin Worked for the Austrian Conservative Party (ÖVP, now Liste Sebastian Kurz) as a lobbyist. Most probably under MK ultra. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal, Sarah Their daughter, born around 2009, who had to join the torture crimes against the young Sadegh Dara Rubens (“perpetrator programming”) – under total MK ultra. Was a “friend” from Sadegh Dara Rubens from pre-school “Waldhuette”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Albrecht dipl. Päd., Ulli Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Barthholomay, Ernest Neighbor in 2011 – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Bartl Mag., Irmgard Wife of Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav sen. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav jun. Physician and (former) drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in Austrian famous rehab “Grüner Kreis” – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Both – he and Farrokh Sadegh – stayed in contact with each other. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bartl Dr. med, Gustav sen. University professor and Eye specialist. Most probably under MK ultra himself, most probably directly programmed by the Nazi doctors, even more probable that he is a MK ultra-programmer himself, as eye specialists are massively needed (compare research of Dr. Josef Mengele) Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA as well tortured him with a kind of lawnmower – the happenings with the lawnmower never could get fully revealed A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Mag., Nicole Wife of Bartl Dr. med, Gustav jun. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bretterklieber, Marianne Official mother of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea, therefore official grandmother of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Fully under total MK. Unclear family roots, seemingly out of a Nazi post war Lebensborn institution. All of her children /grandchildren are under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, as well according to the child, she always told him, that he will have to live with his father, he will not be allowed to live with the appellant, ie. his mother A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Bretterklieber, Walter Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Rapes and group penetration orally and anally –also reported of having smashed semen into the face of the child, while beating the child “cumpanda” A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Brueckner-Sernetz dipl. Päd, Petra Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Niece of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Dalsasso, Doris Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Dolezal, Franziska & daughter Anna Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Seemingly is working for Austrian intelligence, veiled as a single mother working in the social field. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Torture-based convincing the child, that she would be his mum, also done via placing the young child in the back of a car (dissociation training), then “saving” him, etc. waterboarding, forcing the child to cunnilingus, etc. A-1220 Vienna, Rudolf Nurejev Promenade 1/4/7
Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Marguerite Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active members of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. She together with her husband, Scheer Prof. Dr. med Peter was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT / CT / nuclear medically / psychiatrically. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Ender, Thomas Works or worked for Austrian Green Party in Vorarlberg (West Austria) – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Erker-Kutschera MA, Stefanie Fully under total MK. Secret Service official, working for US, Austrian and supra-national services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Gartlgruber Mag., Georg Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Carat Austria, A-1020 Vienna, Trabrennstraße 2A
Glawar DI, Gunther Nephew of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working place: Knapp AG, A-8075 Hart bei Graz, Günter-Knapp-Strasse 5-7
Glawar-Fuchsgruber Mag. Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as Sadegh Dara Rubens fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Felber, Ursula Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Fries Mag. Johannes Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Presented himself as the legitimate “grandpa” of the young Sadegh Dara A-3494 Brunn im Felde, Loiserstrasse 52a
Hausar Mag., Birgit Lawyer and teacher – Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Kanzlei Dr. Gerald Hausar, A-1010 Kärntner Ring 2
Hoell, Corinna Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1180 Vienna, Gentzgasse 14/5/1-2
Hofmann-Kutschera, Mag. Andrea Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Gudrun Fully under total MK in the Jesuit tradition. Gave several hints. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Sarah Fully under total MK. Daughter of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Benjamin Fully under total MK. Son of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Käfer, Claudia & daughter Anna Fully under total MK. Less is known about her daughter Anna. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: A-8054 Graz, Bahnhofstraße 1
Kathlein, Elisabeth Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kathlein´s friend and neighbor – name unknown Fully under total MK. Retired authority official. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kaufmann, Hubert Fully under total MK. Programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Has been working as a janitor. Baby prostitution client – so of the 2year old Sadegh Dara Working Place: Janitor in A-8054 Graz, Martinghofstraße 10
Klocker Mag., Walter MK-ed Austrian intelligence official – Fully under total MK. He was captured several times from the appellant, also conducting health damaging murder attempts. According to his type of programming, he seemingly is a torture knight, responsible for extreme brutal intelligence “jobs”. Gave hints to the appellant. Is not able to hold his personalities – his programming is extreme visible. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Official working address: www.goslow.at, A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 3/3/16
Kloihofer Mag., Silvia Fully under total MK, most probably connected to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Koch, Victor Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Koch, Robert Fully under total MK. Teacher and friend of Farrokh Sadegh. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Austrian Society for Systemic Family Therapy (ÖAS), A-1010 Vienna, Esslinggasse 17/2
Kratky Dr. DI, Alexander Nephew, most probably son, of grand lodge master and university professor, Dr. Hartmut Beister, Munic/Germany – Fully under total MK in the Nazi/Thule tradition – “high level programming”. At least one of their children with Kratky Dr. med Irene died seemingly due to MK ultra-torture. Targeted the appellant via E-Mail. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Technical University Vienna, A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Kratky Dr. med., Irene Fully under total MK, her parents are physicians from infamous Graz/Styria/Austria, known to be the dependence of the SS academy of Nazi-physicians. Wife of Alexander. Lost at least one child to MK ultra-programming. Is or has been working at infamous Lainz Hospital/Vienna known for underground MK facilities. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: Lainz Hospital Vienna, A-1130 Wolkensbergerstraße 1
Kuehboeck, Adriana Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself, as according to her own words, she grew up in a children´s care home in former East Europe. Presented herself as a targeted individual towards the appellant. Seemingly tried to make a deal on the back of the young Dara Sadegh and the appellant to get out of targeting, which she endured for years. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kuehboeck Mag. Gloria Daughter of Kuehboeck Adriana, last name unknown. Master degree in arts (piano) – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kutschera, Dr. Gundl Fully under total MK, programmed directly by the Nazi-elite. Deeply connected to Austrian and US intelligence services as well as to mercenary companies, creating, buying and selling “super soldiers”, therefore also to Russia. All of her 3 children are massively overprogrammed. Opened her institute with alternative coaching and counseling techniques in Austria, after first court trials in the US started in the early 90ies. Deeply involved in programming as well in re-programming of victims/survivors. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Kutschera, Mag. Stephan Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lackner, Hermann Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA/MI6, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. Her father, later Dr. Scholz Anthony, was one of the toddlers landing at Liverpool train station (Jewish children trains flying the Nazis without their parents), who then were MK-ed in Britain by British government, to later go on torture-based programming their own children, so his daughter, Mag. Lauppert-Scholz, Kathrin Ruth. She then took care, that also her own children underwent MK ultra. Was lecturing at university of Graz. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lauppert Mag., Egon Fully under total MK, husband of Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – was reported to have been extremely brutal. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lemaire MBA, Frederick Fully under total MK. His father, a diplomat of Belgian origin, left Belgium after the Dutroux- affair became public to retire in Austria. MBA in business, self-employed, connected to Bulgaria in terms of work. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Naimer, Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Mayerhofer, Christian Drug addict – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – extreme brutal. Working Place: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, A-1010 Vienna, Schillerplatz 3
Mitteräcker Mag., Alexander Son of Oscar Bronner wo is a Mossad/CIA official, veiled as a newspaper publisher, whose best friend is the former Federal President Dr. Fischer Heinz – Fully under total MK in the Israeli tradition. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Mueller, Sabine Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Paril, Cornelia Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Technical University Vienna, Library Programmer; A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Pfleger, Renate Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Tried to delete traces by talking with the appellant as a neighbor, after the happenings became visible in spring/summer 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Pfleger, NN Neighbor in 2011, husband of Pfleger, Renate. Retired authority official, working in infamous district court BG Hernals/Vienna. Most probably under MK ultra or SRA – seemingly programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Prokopetz Ing (HTL), Harald Fully under total MK in post-war programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Rauscher, Gerhard Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Former friend of Sadegh Dara Rubens and the appellant as former neighbors in Neuwaldegger Straße 57. His nickname was “BumBum” because of his knocking on the door. Without having seen a university from inside as a student, he is working with high level physicians within the “implant” technologic sector. The young Dara Sadegh loved him a lot, so the betrayal of him towards the child is beyond imagination. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, according to the child, first the child was beaten because of their friendship, then beaten from him (betrayal training) as well, he was the one who literally “fucked out the letters of the ABC” of the mouth of the young Sadegh Dara i.e. oral penetration to destroy the self-worth of the child, who was before told to present to the group his knowledge of the ABC. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Reiterer, Claudia Short term pre-school teacher of the young Sadegh Dara Rubens – Fully under total MK, most probably in the SRA tradition. Did everything possible to injure the child during his stay in “Kindergarten” to later blame the appellant. Does not have a professional education as a pre-school teacher but was visiting a 6-months course, which is common in Austria. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Private Pre-school “Waldhütte”, A-1170 Vienna, Dornbacherstrasse 93
Rosenauer Mag., Stefan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Riegler Ing. (HTL), Helmut Valentin Fully under total MK, seemingly SSP (secret space program) related. Official brother of the appellant and official uncle of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working place: District Authority Muerzzuschlag, Department for Water; A-8680 Muerzzuschlag, Wiener Strasse 9
Riegler, Nicole Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Riegler, Sebastian Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Schmatz Mag. (FH), Stephan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Danube University Krems, A-3500 Krems, Dr. Karl Dorrek Strasse 30
Sadegh-Eslami, Farrokh Fully under total MK. Intelligence official, officially from Persia, most probably hired by Mossad/CIA/supranational agencies. Is a specialist in torturing during basic mind fracture. He is operating worldwide as a torture knight, specialized in para-psychological aspects of programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; veiled as the official father of the child, he was organizing several happenings ranging from baby prostitution, waterboarding, “cumpanda” -beatings, etc., “experimentations” as well initiating close death experiences with Sadegh Dara Rubens. A-1190 Vienna, Strassergasse 47/9/6
Sapper, Stephanie Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schaller, Sigrun Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Peter Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. He together with his wife, Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med Marguerite was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically. Intimidated the appellant and the child (trigger with “clinic clowns” that were sent into the hospital. Well acquainted with all Jewish perpetrators. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Schmelzer, Alexander Actor – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: https://impulsschuleinternet.com, A-3011 Neu-Purkersdorf
Schuh, Andrea Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schuh Ing (HTL), Hubert Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. A-1220 Vienna, Pilotengasse
Smolik, Renate Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Stöcher, Mathias Son of a “Hofrat” (i.e. title in Austrian authorities, “privy councilor”) in an Austrian Ministry – Fully under total MK, and programmed to be a pedo-criminal, pervert. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, mentioned to have been extremely brutal Working Place: Der Standard, A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Strobl-Jeoulli, Sonja Fully under total MK, most probably connected to intelligence offices, as she was born and raised in Tunisia, according to her own telling. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Tepper Prof. DDr. med., Gabor Fully under total MK, MK ultra-programmer himself, codename “Oka”. Freemason, youngest university professor in Austria, graduated with “summa cum laude” – out of a family of intelligence officials out of former Hungary, veiled as Jewish citizens. Overprogrammed – cannot hold alter personas, massive visible MPD. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; (co)programmer, as the child told about that “Oka” was present at every single event, as well torture of the both front teeth of the young child (destruction of the teeth root canal) Working place: Dental University clinic Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Währinger Straße 25a
Vogl-Lang Mag., Caroline Fully under total MK, grew up close to the infamous psychiatric asylum in Graz, now Sigmund Freud clinic, where MK ultra-programming and experiments took place on an industrial scale. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, A-1010 Vienna, Stubenring 1
Vretscha Mag., Andreas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, reported to have been extremely brutal to the young Sadegh Dara Working place: Mediacom, 1120 Vienna, Wienerbergstraße
Wallner-Tschirk, Ute G. Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wambacher, Thomas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wolff-Suchanek Mag., Alina Fully under total MK. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Very obvious trained to be a “handler”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA – tried to stop the torture crimes at one point. According to the young child, she was “most lovely, lovely, lovely” to him, as she said “stop, Farrokh, stop, stop” during “ouch”, which was the code-word for torture crimes when the child was 2 ½ years old. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Zeisberger, Oliver Fully under total MK. I living close to Marianne and Walter Bretterklieber, most probably he has ongoingly and open access to the child. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Austria Broadcasting Corporation, Styria: A-8042 Graz, Marburger Straße 20
Ziai Mag. (FH), Azra Daughter of an “Iranian diplomat” (i.e. secret service official), former drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in “Grüner Kreis”, were married to him for a few months – Fully under total MK. Contacted the appellant to try to delete traces, also connected to Russian services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA
Zink, Herta Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, presented herself as the legitimate “grandma” of the young Sadegh Dara Working Place: Think Zinc, A-1030 Vienna, Rabenhof
Zwettler, Michael Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14


End of list[34].




To be able to understand the procedure shortly, it is unfortunately necessary to point out that these networks operate within the states worldwide via „fragmentation“, so not only the psyche of the affected toddlers and children is fragmented, but also the petitions for evidence and court proceedings. The Sadegh case is now in the following courts – dismissed, nearly always containing only one single sentence: “there is no initial suspicion in this case”:


List of courts/prosecution offices/authorities/governmentally funded help centers, involved in the cover-up of the case:

Case File Name of Court/Prosecution Office/Authority Responsible Judge/Prosecution Officer/Authority Official
3PS177/09[35]p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad
3PS177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Klammer, Mag. NN (judge in training)
3PU177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Gattermann, Andrea
1C19/10m Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Kohlendorfer, Mag. Beate
24E7811/10v Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Reichmann, Gabriele
D2/297252/2011 Police Inspectorate Vienna, LKA ASt West – EB03, A-1160 Vienna, Wattgasse 15 Miksits, Manfred
September 2011 (no file number available) Youth Welfare Department of the City of Vienna Rötzergasse DSA Vodrazka
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Freh, Mag. Petra
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pulker, Mag. Dagmar
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Abel, Hildegard


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Krumpholz, Wilma


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Sixt, Helmut


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Gilbers Mag (FH), Nadine


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Till, Daniela


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Macho, BA. Katrin


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Knopper-Spari, Waltraud


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Lorenz, Brigitte


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Schabler, Mag. Markus
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – psychologist department Wonisch-Schneider, Mag. Petra
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – Head of CPS Graz Krammer, Mag. Ingrid
A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Juranek Dr., Elisabeth


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Götz, Dr. Barbara


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Neubauer Mag. Sabine
A6-2624/2011/KO/VE Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz – child support department A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Haumann, Dorothea
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Walisch, Gabriella


2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Drees Mag., Renate
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Sollhart Mag. Renata
2011 (no file number known) Die Möwe (child protection center), A-1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 9 Zimmerl, Mag. Johanna
130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Höpler-Salat Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weis Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hautz, Mag. Andreas


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
32St56/11b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weiskopf Mag. Claudia
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Laschober, Günter
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Niederl Mag., Tanja
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Danzinger Anna
12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Heinisch-Hosek, dipl. Päd. Gabriele

Valsky, Dr. Julia

12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Valsky, Dr. Julia
2012 (no file number known) Crisis Foster Carers, Verena Sternat, Untergreith 75, 8453 St. Johann in Saggautal Sternat, Verena (crisis foster carers)
2012 Amnesty International, A-1150 Vienna, Moeringgasse 10 N.N.
2012 Help Center for Parents – Children, Eltern-Kind-Begleitung, SOS Kinderdorf  Pinkafeld, 7423 Pinkafeld, Hermann Gmeiner Straße 6 Kalcher, DSA Bernadette
2012 Victim´s Help Network, Weißer-Ring, A-1090 Vienna, Alserbachstraße 18 N.N.
2012 (no file number) District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Mag. Leitgeb RiAA

Ogertschnig Mag, RP

Krainz, Dr RidBG


9.78.596-12 County Administrative Authority, Bezirkshauptmannschaft Graz-Umgebung, A-8021 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Peper Mag. (FH) Knut (social worker)
S120100/13-STR/2012 Austrian Federal President, A-1014 Vienna, Hofburg Fischer, Dr. Heinz
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef

Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna Kollmann, Dr. Oskar

44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
30St218/13i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Braitenberg-Zennenberg, Mag. Iris


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Strebinger, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Zeitler, Dr. Michaela
2013 Amnesty International, WC1X0DW London, 1, Easton Street N.N.
00741/12910/13 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Gottwald Dr. LL.M, Heidemarie (formerly Mendel Dr LL.M, Heidemarie)
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Vasak, MMag. Johanna
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Jocher, Mag. Rudolf
43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stumvoll, Hofrat Dr. Heinrich


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert


Proscution Office against Corruption, Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft Vienna, A-1030 Vienna, Dampfschiffstraße 4 Judge „5“ (anonymous)
2013-2015 Administration Lawyer – A-1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 30 Weiser Dr. Martin
2013-2015 Foster Care Agency, Pflegeelternverein Steiermark, A-8010 Graz, Hilmteichstraße 110 Rauchegger, Mag. Birgit
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Hannes
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Simone
1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Sailer, Hon-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg, Senatspräsident des OGH


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Bydlinski, Univ. Prof Dr. Peter


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurzer, Mag. Raimund


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurdinger, Mag. Dr. Bernhard


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hofer-Zeni-Rennhofer, Dr. Barbara
44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
32Nc80/15b District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
Jv3023/15g District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
27St399/15p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hochhold, Mag. Christina
47UT77/15g Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pree Mag.Tanja
20St186/15x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Rumpold Mag. Arnulf
23UT73/15a Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Doppelhofer Mag. Katharina
15 St113/15z Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bernat Dr., Andreas


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
LVwG20.32-2600/2015 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
DA120/2015-W Disciplinary Court of the Austrian Chamber of physicians, Disziplinaranwalt der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, A-1010 Vienna, Weihburggasse 10-12 Dr. Oskar Maleczky (Disziplinaranwalt)
104Jv1936/15t Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kainc Mag. Julia
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Klackl Hofrat Dr. Michael
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stadlmayr Mag. Beate
42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Laffranque Dr., Julia


42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Spielmann Prof. Dr., Dean
2015ff Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Brandstetter, Dr. Wolfgang (Minister of Justice)
10St210/15b Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Fauler, Mag. Rudolf
Jv3597/15z Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 – HQ Nittel, Hofrätin Dr. Maria-Luise
2015/2016 Constitutional Court, Verfassungsgerichtshof, A-1010 Vienna, Freyung 8 Answer from this court got lost – but it said that there would be no reason for investigate
2015/2016 Polizeipräsidium Wien, A-1010, Schottenring 7-9 Pürstl, Dr. Gerhard Hofrat
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Rehak, Mag. Renate


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Köhler, Dr. Wolfgang


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Lechner, Mag.a. NN


2015-2019 Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Marianne
2015-2019 Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Walter
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Zens, Dr. Hofrat Heinrich
39UT73/16m Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Lattacher, Mag. Günther
Jv366/16y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
2St39/16y Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bubna-Litic Mag. Johanna
Jv431/16x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Mühlbacher, Dr. Thomas (Head of prosecution office Graz)
Jv52758-33a/16 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Juschitz, Mag. Elisabeth
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Krauß, Birgit
LVwG 20.3-475/2016 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Kundegraber Mag. Dr. Erich
43C314/16p District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Hofbauer Mag. Wilma
221PS29/16a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Joeinig-Kogler, Dr. Elke


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
BMJ-Pr912.574/0001_III5/2016 Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Nogratnig, Mag. LL.M. Gerhard
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger, Dr. Herta
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert
45St191/17k Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pausa, Dr. Andrea
2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Prisching, Dr. Wolfgang


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Hochnetz, Dr. Peter


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Inthaler, Mag. Gabriele
Jv54579-33a/17 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
Ziv002002/17-X (X) Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
19Cg31/17f Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schuhmertl, Mag. Christoph
999Cg739/17t Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Dworak Dr. Elfriede
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Greinert, Mag. Doris
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Amon, Anita


70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Winkler, Mag. Birgit
70E4439/17v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
15St75/17f Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kneidinger Mag. Judith
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Rech, Dr. Elisabeth
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Enzinger, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Michael
002002/17-X (X) Justice Recovery Body, Justiz Einbringungsstelle, A-1011 Vienna, Hansestraße 4 Kolbinger, Petra
2.0N1/13/2018 County Admission Styria, A-8020 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Kulmer, Carmen
42UT64/18p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kainz, Mag. Carmen
64E4581/18h District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
70E477/18v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
21UT64/18h Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Mascha, Mag. Bernhard
32Nc61/19i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
32Nc32/19z District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wagner Dr. Brigitte


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
2019: WLA4/4622201171 Austrian Pensioner´s Insurance, A-1021 Vienna, Friedrich-Hillegeist Str. 1 Anonymous Caseworkers
70E4175/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Müller, Martin
201Nc13/19a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 – Head of Court Korschelt, Dr. Andrea
70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Tader, Doris


70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
14St12/19w Public Prosecution Office Graz Wagner, Mag. Reingard
26UT11/19b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Ertl, Mag. Gudrun
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Czerwenka, DSA Theresa
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Schlerka, Mag. Paul
70E5223/19s District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula”




To insert the actual remaining case numbers in Austria here (December 2020):

  1. 7P25/13y: District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a – VASAK, MMAG, Johanna


  1. 6Nc4/20w: Austrian Supreme Court, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 – SCHRAMM, Dr. Wolfgang


  1. The Federal Criminal Police got informed again in summer, 2020. Until today, no answer was received by them, ignoring the SNUFF PEDO PORN evidence of Sadegh Dara Rubens totally – therefore no case number is available at all.


  1. JAG 26224/2011: Youth Welfare Department Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25, 8010 Graz, both the head of the department, KRAMMER, Mag. Ingrid, as well the new caseworker, PICHLER, Karl Martin saw no reason for a) taking out the child immediately of the perpetrator´s networks, as well see no reason to have the beloved child, Sadegh Dara Rubens, examined in detail over MRI/CT/nuclear medical examination. Their answer, out of October 2020: “There will be no examination.”



To go on with the lists handed over to The Hague in February 2020


List of known physicians involved to cover-up the case:

Name Year Address Description
Gröhs Dr. med. Barbara 2009-2011 A-1170 Vienna, Rupertusplatz 2/1 Child physician of Sadegh Dara before and after his basis mind fracture.
Atteneder-Tischler, Dr. Verena 2010, 2011 A-1170 Vienna General practitioner of Sadegh Dara as well of the appellant Riegler, Andrea.[36]
Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 During a 14 day long stay in the Klinikum Graz in December 2011, Dr. Peter Scheer refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[37]


Dunitz-Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Marguerite 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[38] This physician is specialized on eating disorders on toddlers and children, which are almost always an issue of MK-ed ones, after having had to suffer hunger, eating feces, drinking urine or even eating raw meat of unknown origin, etc.
Stepan, Dr. Alexandra 2011 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Made a first assessment of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea without noticing any psychiatric illnesses[39].
Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga 2011-2012


A-8054 Graz, Kärntner Straße 410/1 Short term local child physician of the minor after leaving Vienna[40].
N.N. 2011, 2012 Regional (governmental) Dental Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 After the Klinikum Graz refused to have the minor examined, the appellant tried to have her son´s front teeth, x-rayed, as the tooth root canals of both teeth, were pricked with a needle, as often in MK ultra and SRA-torture cases[41].
Lenzinger, Dr. Elisabeth 2012 A-1090 Vienna, Van Swietengasse 2 Made a second examination of the appellant, after the child Sadegh Dara Rubens was taken. Diagnosed the appellant, without ordering an examination of the minor as schizophrenic lunatic, with no chance to heal[42].
Breisach, Dr. med. Georg 2012 A-8530 Deutschlandsberg, F. Henriettenstraße 4 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tockner, Dr. Armin 2012 A-8454 Arnfels, Hauptplatz 17 General practicioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tomberger, Dr. Otmar 2012 A- 8455Oberhaag, Oberhaag 200 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family “Sternat”.
Pommer, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8662 St. Barbara im Mürztal, Breitenfeldstraße 9 Dentist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Schalk, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 3 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Maierhofer, Dr. Birgitta 2013 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstr 29 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pinter, Dr. Oliver 2013, 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 21 Eye specialist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Stückler, Dr. Johannes 2013, 2014 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstraße 20a General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pakesch, Dr. med Georg 2013 A-1030 Vienna, Neulinggasse 18/11 Court ordered expert opinion about the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea[43].
Götz, Dr. Georg 2014 A-8682 Mürzzuschlag, Neubaugasse 12 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.


Felbinger, Dr. Michael 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Stadtpl. 2 Eye doctor of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Raith, Dr. Johann 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wienerstraße 21 Radiologist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
No data available 2015 No data available No data available
No data available 2016 No data available No data available
Zotter, Dr. Heinz 2017 A-8042 Graz, St. Peter Hauptstraße 29 Not only a physician for children but also a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz[44].
Sohnle, Dr. Christian 2017 A-8071 Hausmannstätten, Hauptstraße 42 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
N.N. 2017 Regional (governmental) Eye Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 Eye specialists from there were examining Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
No data available 2018 No data available No data available
No data available 2019 No data available No data available
No data available 2020 No data available No data available




Name & Address Known happenings so far (as of February 2020)
Soyer, Dr. Richard

A-1010 Vienna, Kärntner Ring 6

Being a former employer and “friend of the family” Soyer, Dr. Richard refused to overtake the case in summer 2011. Soyer, Dr. Richard was not even willing to talk to the appellant personally. In the meantime, he got his job as an university professor (manus manum lavat) as well, the appellant found out that he was the lawyer of the leading prosecution officers who were reported to courts already in the infamous “Natascha Kampusch” case. He is deeply involved in Austrian masonry/secret service/MK ultra-agenda. Both his children, now adults, underwent MK ultra perpetrator trainings.


Embacher, Mag. Wilfried

A-1040 Vienna

More shocking was the fact, that the former fiancée of the appellant, Embacher, Mag. Wilfried was also denying to overtake the case in summer 2011, even refused to pick up the phone, while the appellant and her beloved son were in imminent danger. Besides being specialized on immigration law, he works for the Austrian Green party as a representative at the governmental broadcasting corporation, ORF: He is – for sure MK-ed himself, his father was a later Nazi doctor – seemingly much longer in the perpetrator role, than assumed by the appellant, but as these happenings were before 2002, they might be not of legal importance.
Lehofer, Dr. Bernhard

Law Firm Dr. Hans Lehofer

A-8010 Graz, Kalchberggasse 8

Recommended in 2011 to the appellant, as this lawyer would be specialized in extreme abuse cases, it soon turned out that one of his best mates has been DI Glawar Gunther, the nephew of Kutschera, Dr. Gundl (both perpetrators in the Sadegh case, recognized by the toddler Sadegh Dara Rubens). After talking to Glawar Gunther, he decided to not overtake the case. His father Lehofer, Dr. Hans, is deeply involved in Nazi MK ultra in the city of Graz, in the meantime Lehofer, Dr. Bernhard, is overtaking cases to defend perpetrators, so of MK-ed sportsman Seisenbacher, Peter, who “accidentally” also “trained” the children of Soyer, Dr. Richard in Judo.
Palkovits, Dr. Manfred

Law Firm Kafka, Dr. Erich and Palkovits, Dr. Manfred

A-1013 Vienna, Rudolfsplatz 12

Took over the court case in 2012, recommended from an employer of the appellant, Matejka, Edith, who herself – as turned out later – is a personal acquaintance of youth welfare case worker Abel, Hildegard, deeply involved in the Sadegh case. Palkovits, Dr. Manfred handed into court – without permission or having talked about it – the waiver of parental custody of the minor. The appellant immediately corrected this “mistake”, then was mocked from Palkovits Dr. Manfred, that it does not matter, as there would be nothing lost, as the case was about nothing of worth [!]. Also, the responsible judge Kubiczek MMag. Konrad was mocking about this situation, while the appellant had to stay focused on her beloved son and his needs, already in the crisis family.


ARAG Law Insurance Company

A-1041 Vienna, Favoritenstraße 36

Insurance Number: R750633727, starting in 2002


This insurance company first denied representation of the appellant in terms of the Sadegh case in 2012, to then cancel the contract – in midst of the several court trials on 13th of April 2013. This unlawful behavior was reported to courts without answer. The founder of the ARAG law insurance company is a proud mason.
Scholz, Mag. Dr. Gerald

A-1010 Vienna, Johannesgasse 2/36A

Before, in 2013 after demanding from the ARAG insurance company to recommend a lawyer as no lawyer dared to overtake the case, Scholz, Mag. Dr. Gerald was recommended: He was extremely eager to get the Sadegh case files, to then – again – bring something to courts, what was not agreed upon: The former employer of the appellant, after the appellant was reporting to courts that Matejka, Edith was acquainted with Hildegard Abel, not only sacked the appellant without notice, but never, until February 2020 paid her the full salary. Scholz, Dr. Gerald was eager to confirm to the law firm of Palkovits/Kafka that the appellant, Riegler, Mag. Andrea would waive on the money, about 1.000,- Euro at least.


Krasser, Dr. Alexander

A-1040 Vienna, Prinz Eugen Straße 76/8

This lawyer was recommended by the father´s rights movement and contacted in early February 2013. Well educated about MK ultra and SRA crimes, he was extremely eager to get all the case files, as well was spending lots of time to talk with the appellant, seemingly to get more detailed information. When a fixed court date was approaching, he suddenly told the appellant, that he was representing Kutschera, Dr. Gundl and her institute, so he could not meet the deadline for the writing. This betrayal, also legally wrongdoing caused the first “lunacy report” from which on, the appellant and her son were outlaws.
Wagner, Dr. Astrid

A-1010 Vienna, Himmelpfortgasse 10

Willing to overtake the case with all its files in 2014, she recommended to meet psychiatrist Prosenz, Dr. Pius a Nazi with a scar all over his face, also known for riding a horse on the motorway filled up from bottom to top with LSD in younger years. Even passing the MMPI-2 test, and knowing that it is about to stop the torture against the beloved son of Riegler, Mag. Andrea, no further steps were made. Wagner, Dr. Astrid was involved in the infamous Jack Unterweger case, also massively related to SRA and child trafficking, as researched by the appellant years later.
Saschenbrecker, Dr. Thomas

D-76275 Ettingen, Friedrichstraße 2

Specialized on psychiatric law, especially on targeted individuals, he offered help for the appellant in 2015/2016, was soon after killed in 2017.
After this murder no lawyer is daring to overtake the case, as well in terms of betrayal, the appellant does not want to have a representative, as proven over all those years, it is far too dangerous, as Austrian lawyers are organized in masonry/secret service.”


Full writing to The Hague: https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/den-haag/?lang=en




  1. Was there a government policy or pattern of human trafficking, such as in government-funded or -affiliated services or programs within the country or abroad? Did government policies, regulations, or agreements relating to migration, labor, trade, and investment facilitate vulnerabilities to, or incidence of, forced labor or sex trafficking? Were there examples of trafficking occurring in state institutions (e.g., prisons, orphanages or child foster homes, institutions for mentally or physically disabled persons, camps, compounds, or outposts)? If so, what measures did the government take to end such practices?

The modus operandi of the Austrian government got outlined in detail. Key strategies were

  1. there is no case
  2. strategically entanglement of further judges, prosecution officers, physicians, general population (the more perpetrators there are, the better it is, as everyone entangled will try to entangle others or try to stop any form of investigation or prosecution)
  3. torturing and mutilating not only my beloved son more and more, but also me (every single assassination was delivered deliberately on my brain, leaving me – as a former intellectual – with severe brain damages up to now).
  4. reports of “alleged” perpetrators remained unanswered, so even their names are kept “clean” which is catastrophic for other potential cases, as they do not get any entries in the governmental databases for alleged perpetrators.
  5. Politicians, judiciary, ministries, media, and perpetrator networks are married or very well acquainted with each other.
  6. in case any problem would occur, perpetrators are handed out “intelligence” identity cards, to provide them with the status of being “untouchables”.
  7. massive targeting, murders, assassinations and “Zersetzung“ within most bestial “psychological operations”.
  8. many protective parents were brought into psychiatric asylums, or are under “lunacy” orders, with psychiatric assessments, more reminiscent of pieces of art, and which do not have anything in common with the statements of protective parents at all during the hearings. In the Sadegh/Riegler case, one psychiatric expertise from Lenzinger, Elisabeth Dr., included also suicide-trigger-commands, while Harvard based psychologists told me, the report about me is of such a bad quality, it cannot even get evaluated or nullified, as the quality of this expert opinion would speak for itself.
  9. Audio recordings of judges, governmental officials, or governmental sub-contractors which prove their rulings or statements totally wrong are ignored.
  10. The suffering of the beloved children – even during “supervised visits” – are ignored by “experts”, giving them electroshocks when desperately trying to tell something to their beloved parents (Mag. Birgit Rauchegger, MK ultra trainer present as supervisor during the visits with the beloved child)
  11. on women it is known, that mass rapes are organized by intelligence officials, besides the common burglaries, destruction of personal property, and cyber torture, pc hacking, etc.
  12. while the suffering of the beloved children is played into the homes of the protective parents over white noises or are “treated” with cyber torture techniques.
  13. Summarizing: “The more harm we do to you and your beloved child, the less anyone will believe it”.



  1. What proactive measures did the government take to prevent official complicity in trafficking in persons crimes? How did the government respond to reports of complicity that arose during the reporting period, including investigations, prosecutions, convictions, and sentencing of complicit officials? Were these efforts sufficient?

Government sent out intelligence officials to target protective parents, as well as CPS to separate the tortured children from their beloved protective parents. After this procedure, the Austrian government – over courts and prosecution offices – systematically destroyed the parent´s lives (“lunacy” orders, hospitalizations, murders, loss of jobs, loss of income, loss of health, crippling them via murder attempts, etc.) while using the beloved children for SRA and MK ultra related crimes and trafficking or as it became visible in the Sadegh case, via further mutilations of the beloved child.


  1. Is there evidence that nationals of the country deployed abroad as part of a diplomatic, peacekeeping, or other similar mission have engaged in or facilitated trafficking, including in domestic servitude? Has the government vigorously investigated, prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced nationals engaged in these activities?

Connections to diplomats (Frederick Lemaire, Azra Ziai), to politicians (Alexander Mitteräcker, the family of Martin Drapal-Angelo, Walter Klocker) or grand lodge masters (Alexander Kratky, Irene Kratky) or to the CIA (Gundl Kutschera, Stefanie Kutschera) or other intelligence networks (Kathrin Lauppert-Scholz, Gabor Tepper, Peter Scheer, Marguerite Dunitz Scheer, Walter Klocker, Johann Bigl) not to speak about the several university professors out of the medical field – just to mention a few – see the full list as known (as of February 2020) above. The government did nothing, as “there would be no case.”




  1. What were the government’s major accomplishments in addressing human trafficking since April 1, 2020? In what significant ways have the government’s efforts to combat trafficking in persons changed in the past year? How have new laws, regulations, policies, or implementation strategies (e.g., substantive criminal laws and procedures, mechanisms for civil remedies, and victim-witness security, generally and in relation to court proceedings) affected its anti-trafficking response?

 Human trafficking was not addressed at all: Reports in the mainstream media were focusing on the minister of justice, Alma Zadic´s, and minister for the constitution, Karoline Edtstadler’s efforts to create laws against “hate speech” in social media, meaning creating an open legal door to prosecute whistleblowers and scientists like me, while mainstream media has been applauding.

Also note, where there are (officially) no cases of trafficking, no proceedings are needed.


  1. Over the past year, what were the greatest deficiencies in the government’s anti-trafficking efforts? What were the limitations on the government’s ability to address human trafficking problems in practice?

The government did not do anything. Shockingly, even the many help and support centers are in complete silence, intimidated, bribed, entangled, or worse. I offered government, police units, courts, CPS several times around 2016-2017 – free lectures on MK ultra, SRA, and trafficking crimes all over Austria, but never received back an answer.


  1. If the government had a national action plan to address trafficking, how was it implemented in practice? Were NGOs and other relevant civil society stakeholders consulted in the development and implementation of the plan? Did the government fund, partially fund, or not fund the plan?

In addition to 6) and 7) my e-mail @traumabasedmindcontrol.com got blacklisted on governmental servers in October 2020.


  1. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the government’s efforts to coordinate, execute, and monitor its anti-trafficking response, if at all? How have anti-trafficking officials, units, and coordinating bodies continued to operate and adapt?

Despite of several warnings towards courts from my side, because of the dangers of child trafficking during the lockdowns, the government did not do anything.


  1. Have investigative agencies and courts adapted to impacts from COVID-19? If so, how? Do police, prosecutors, and courts continue to process trafficking cases and/or has the volume of these cases changed? What has been the impact on officials‘ ability to collect evidence, including victim testimony?

Austrian prosecutors and courts are not collecting the evidence, nor any victim´s testimonies. “There is no case, no need for us to investigate”, not even mentioning the reported perpetrators in their answer.


  1. Please provide additional information and/or recommendations to improve the government’s anti-trafficking efforts overall.

In child abuse cases, no matter how severe or not severe they might seem, FIRST, it is necessary to examine the babies´- infant´s – toddler´s – child´s body from top to toes evidence-based via MRI/CT/nuclear medically: brain (scars on the brain stem), pelvis/tailbone, needles (teeth root canals, fingernails, palates, whole-body skin), beatings (foot soles), eyes, ears, drugs.  

After these procedures, social workers, psychologists, courts can take care of the children as well of the protective parents.


In comparison: After a broken leg, everyone gets an x-ray and a cast. If there is a shock or trauma, one is supported by social workers, nurses, or psychologists afterward. On extreme abuse on babies, toddlers, and children, it is the other way round. First one has to talk to social workers, nurses, psychologists, physicians, often without getting evidence-based examinations over MRI/CT/nuclear medically for the beloved children.


  1. Please highlight effective strategies and practices that other governments could consider adopting.

Separating protective parents from their beloved and loving children, while trafficking them out is soul murder and should be prosecuted accordingly.




  1. Please provide observations regarding the implementation of existing laws, policies and procedures. Are there gaps in anti-trafficking legislation that could be amended to improve the government’s response? Are there any government policies that have undermined or otherwise negatively affected anti-trafficking efforts within that country?

There are no cases officially in Austria, therefore no (additional) anti-trafficking legislation is needed.


  1. Do government officials understand the nature of all forms of trafficking? If not, please provide examples of misconceptions or misunderstandings. Did the government effectively provide or support anti-trafficking trainings for officials? If not, how could they be improved?

When presenting scientific literature about trafficking, SRA and MK ultra, one gets assassinated here in Austria – see the yearlong efforts of myself, leading that I had to leave the country several times: London, UK (2013-2014), Asia, Switzerland (2016), Norway (2017-2018). Not enough I have been targeted (raped, drugged, tortured, impregnated, “zersetzt” (the process of erosion of the soul) within psychological operations) massively even in all of these foreign countries – organized by Austrian intelligence.


  1. Please provide observations on overall anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts and the efforts of police and prosecutors to pursue trafficking cases. Were any trafficking cases investigated and/or prosecuted, and were any traffickers convicted during the reporting period—including under trafficking-specific laws and non-trafficking laws? Is the government equally vigorous in pursuing forced labor and sex trafficking, internal and transnational trafficking, and crimes that involve its own nationals or foreign citizens? If not, why?

The only cases that are investigated from time to time, are cases of forced prostitution with victims out of former East European countries. MK ultra and SRA related crimes are a huge (unofficial) industry here in Austria, with hundreds of thousands of households, who make their living by joining, conducting, or by ignoring these bestial crimes against babies, toddlers, and children. The basic recipe to hide it is “to overdo it to such an extent, no one will believe it”.


  1. Please note any efforts to investigate and prosecute suspects for knowingly soliciting or patronizing a sex trafficking victim to perform a commercial sex act. Does law enforcement pursue trafficking cases that would hold accountable corporations for forced labor in supply chains within the country?

See 15.)


  1. Do judges appear appropriately knowledgeable and sensitized to trafficking cases? Do they implement and encourage trauma-informed practices in their courts?

Courts and prosecution offices as well as every single governmental authority is well trained to deliberately re-traumatize protective parents as well as their beloved children and is part of the (ongoing) MK ultra / SRA program: “As long as you say something, we will knock you down, physically, psychologically, mentally, on a soul level, existentially”, not hesitating to place suicide triggers in our writings to you[45].


  1. What sentences have courts imposed upon traffickers? Are these sentences generally strict enough to reflect the serious nature of the crime, and are they comparable to sentences for other similar crimes, such as rape and kidnapping? How common are fines, suspended sentences, and prison time of less than one year for convicted traffickers?

Traffickers, especially out of government, are rewarded with better jobs (far above their educational level) as well with badges or titles of honor, while those reporting these crimes are hunted over the globe, murdered, assassinated, crippled, or driven into suicide.




  1. Did the government make a coordinated, proactive effort to identify victims of all forms of trafficking? If the government had any written procedures for screening for trafficking, were those procedures sufficient and implemented effectively by officials? What steps do officials take if a potential case of human trafficking is identified? Are those steps sufficient? Did officials effectively coordinate among one another and with relevant nongovernmental organizations to conduct screenings and refer victims to care? Is there any trafficking screening conducted before deportation or when detaining migrants, including unaccompanied minors? Are interpreters available for screening foreign victims? If commercial sex is legalized or decriminalized, how did health officials, labor inspectors, or police identify trafficking victims among persons involved in commercial sex? If commercial sex is illegal, did the government proactively identify trafficking victims during raids or other encounters with commercial sex establishments? How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the government’s victim identification and referral efforts, if at all?

The government is doing everything to collect data (I several times got drugged by intelligence officials in my private flat to then find deleted USB-sticks, etc. besides my 24/7 hacked laptops) to close possible gaps immediately and silence again everyone who even tries to find out more about the trafficking situation. Well known – even private – help organizations, in need of money or MK-ed to act like this – are joining the intelligence agencies, in counter-working against whistleblowers, scientists, activists, while sending out “fake” whistleblowers into the public.


  1. Does the government operate a hotline for potential victims? If so, what are the hours of operation? What languages could it accommodate? Were victims identified and cases referred to law enforcement as a result of calls to the hotline? What did the government do to publicize the hotline? Did it remain in operation during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Hotlines are existing, but social workers and psychologists there are trained to threaten protective parents, to immediately silence them.


  1. What victim services are available and provided (legal, medical, food, shelter, interpretation, mental health care, employment, training, etc.)? Who provides these services? If nongovernment organizations provide the services, does the government support their work either financially or otherwise? Are these service providers required to be trained on human trafficking and victim identification? How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected government and NGO efforts to provide shelter, medical, and psycho-social care to victims?

There are shelters for women with children, known for the procedure that whenever a woman is entering such a shelter, the children will be taken away from CPS within a few days or weeks. Many perpetrators are working in such governmental areas with its sub-contracting agencies: once there, there is no escape.


  1. What was the overall quality of victim care? How could victim services be improved? Was government funding for trafficking victim protection and assistance adequate? Are there gaps in access to victim services? Are services available regardless of geographic location within the country? Are services victim-centered and trauma-informed?

There is no victim care. Not for the children (who get abused, trafficked, MK-ed) in governmental “foster” care, nor for the protective parents (who get raped, hunted over the globe, destroyed existentially with “psychiatric evaluations”, while CPS is demanding – from the officially lunatic parents – child support for their tortured children while trafficking them out[46])



  1. Are services provided adequately to victims of both labor and sex trafficking? Adults and children, including men and boys? Citizens and noncitizens of all ethnic backgrounds or nationalities? LGBTI persons? Persons with disabilities? Were such benefits linked to whether a victim assisted law enforcement or participated in a trial, or whether a trafficker was convicted? Could victims choose independently whether to enter a shelter, and could they leave at will if residing in a shelter? Could adult victims leave shelter premises unchaperoned? Could victims seek employment and work while receiving assistance?

Not known in SRA, MK, and trafficking cases.


  1. Do service providers and law enforcement work together cooperatively, for instance to share information about trafficking trends or to plan for services after a raid? What is the level of cooperation, communication, and trust between service providers and law enforcement?

Service providers and law enforcement is working together, in terms of hiding the trafficking crimes, targeting the protective parents, but are for sure not helping a single child here that has to endure trafficking in Austria.


  1. Were there means by which victims could obtain restitution from defendants in criminal cases or file civil suits against traffickers for damages, and did this happen in practice? Did prosecutors request and/or courts order restitution in all cases where it was required, and if not, why?

Where there is no case, there is no restitution. Also, in my own case – who could restitute 50 years of ongoing torture, bestial sadism, and man-hunts without a break, while destroying my life-long academic career by crippling my brain in several assassinations, and last, but not least, torturing and mutilating my beloved son since birth, hopefully not crippling him even more?


  1. How did the government encourage victims to assist in the investigation and prosecution of trafficking? How did the government protect victims during the trial process? If a victim was a witness in a court case, was the victim permitted to obtain employment, move freely about the country, or leave the country pending trial proceedings? How did the government work to ensure victims were not re-traumatized during participation in trial proceedings? Could victims provide testimony via video or written statements? Were victims‘ identities kept confidential as part of such proceedings? In what ways could the government support increased participation of victims in prosecutions against their traffickers?

Prosecution officer Mag. Freh Petra (prosecution office, Vienna, Austria) was mourning in her ruling in written about the many pages I wrote to the court in 2011ff describing in detail the flashbacks of my beloved son, then 2 ½ years old. I kept writing, but was told, no one would read it. And always got the answer “there is no initial suspicion in this case”. Until today, I am getting many massive aggressive responses from courts, prosecution officers, police officers, CPS, sub-contractors, psychologists, lawyers, from all over the globe for – DARING TO MENTION THE NAMES OF THE PERPETRATORS and their SUPRANATIONAL NETWORKS.

In MK ultra related crimes, it is again necessary to state here, that they are committed in “team-work” globally and are well protected by intelligence agencies as well are protecting each other extremely well. “All for one and one for all”.


  1. Did the government provide, through a formal policy or otherwise, temporary or permanent residency status, or other relief from deportation, for foreign victims of human trafficking who may face retribution or hardship in the countries to which they would be deported? Were foreign victims given the opportunity to seek legal employment while in this temporary or permanent residency? Were such benefits linked to whether a victim assisted law enforcement, participated in a trial or whether there was a successful prosecution? Does the government repatriate victims who wish to return home or assist with third country resettlement? Are victims awaiting repatriation or third country resettlement offered services? Are victims indeed repatriated, or are they deported? Did the government extend additional immigration relief to victims who would otherwise be deported or repatriated to countries with a high risk of COVID-19 infection or who could not return to their home countries due to travel restrictions?

I had to leave Austria several times forcefully and was forced to come back again, always ongoingly targeted by intelligence.


  1. Does the government effectively assist its nationals exploited abroad? Does the government work to ensure victims receive adequate assistance and support for their repatriation while in destination countries? Does the government provide adequate assistance to repatriated victims after their return to their countries of origin, and if so, what forms of assistance?

In Austria, the government takes care that whistleblowers on MK ultra, SRA, and trafficking-related crimes on the run are also targeted in foreign countries.


  1. Does the government arrest, detain, imprison, or otherwise punish trafficking victims (whether or not identified as such by authorities) for unlawful acts their traffickers compelled them to commit (forgery of documents, illegal immigration, unauthorized employment, prostitution, theft, or drug production or transport, etc.)? If so, do these victims disproportionately represent a certain gender, race, ethnicity, or other group or particular type of trafficking? Does law enforcement screen for trafficking victims when detaining or arresting individuals engaged in commercial sex or individuals that may be at particular risk of human trafficking?

Austrian government does arrest, detain or imprison – punish: torture, mutilate – MK ultra, SRA, and trafficking victims for speaking out – see the crippled brain of Andrea Riegler, the adult teeth of Dara Rubens Sadegh, which were taken out, besides many other forms of life-long mutilation injuries for both of them, besides the several murders as enlisted above.




  1. What efforts has the government made to prevent human trafficking? Please describe any government-funded anti-trafficking information or education campaigns or training, whether aimed at the public or at specific sectors or stakeholders/actors. Did these campaigns or trainings target potential trafficking victims, potential first responders or other trusted authorities, known trafficking sectors or vulnerabilities, and/or the demand for human trafficking (e.g., buyers of commercial sex or goods produced with forced labor)? Does the government provide financial support to non-government organizations working to promote public awareness?

Austrian government is doing prevention in the sense, that intelligence officials are sent out as private persons, to shut down whistleblowers after having taken, copied, or destroyed their evidence. All – massive – efforts are ongoingly directed to cover-up the crimes to be able to claim also in further decades to come “There is no initial suspicion, there is no case.”


  1. How did the government regulate, oversee, and screen for trafficking indicators in the labor recruitment process, including for both licensed and unlicensed recruitment and placement agencies, individual recruiters, sub-brokerages, and microfinance lending operations? Did it maintain labor attachés abroad and were they trained on human trafficking indicators? How effective were these efforts in preventing abuse?

Nothing is known, as I am not specialized in labor trafficking.


  1. What did the government do to regulate recruitment practices that are known to contribute to trafficking in persons? Specifically, did the government prohibit (in any context) charging workers recruitment fees? Also indicate if the government prohibited the recruitment of workers through knowingly fraudulent job offers (including misrepresenting wages, working conditions, location, or nature of the job), contract switching, and confiscating or otherwise denying workers access to their identity documents. If there are laws or regulations on recruitment, did the government effectively enforce them?

See 31.


  1. What steps did the government take to minimize the trafficking risks faced by migrant workers departing from or arriving in the country and to raise awareness among potential labor migrants about the risks of human trafficking, legal limits on recruitment fees, or their rights while abroad? Did the government coordinate with other governments (e.g., via bilateral agreements with migrant labor sending or receiving countries) on safe and responsible recruitment that included prevention measures to target known trafficking indicators? To what extent were these implemented? Are workers (both nationals of the country and foreign nationals) in all industries (e.g., domestic work, agriculture, etc.) equally and sufficiently protected under existing labor laws?

See 31.


  1. What did the government do to ensure that its policies, regulations, and agreements relating to migration, labor, trade, and investment did not facilitate trafficking?

See 31.


  1. How did the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic affect the ability of migrant workers to continue earning an income, to enter and exit the country, and to maintain their immigration status? What steps did the government take to mitigate the increased risk of human trafficking some migrant workers may have faced due to the pandemic (job creation or placement for out-of-work labor migrants, extension of immigration relief, etc.)?

See 31.


  1. If the government has entered into bilateral, multilateral, or regional anti-trafficking information-sharing and cooperation arrangements, are they effective and have they resulted in concrete and measurable outcomes? If not, why?

Government is not doing anything: All their efforts, which are done, is to keep the papers clear and clean, to ongoingly claim “there are no cases”.


  1. Did the government provide assistance to other governments in combating trafficking in persons through trainings or other assistance programs?

Despite asking courts and prosecution officers to contact specialists in SRA, MK ultra, and trafficking-related crimes, they always denied to do so, this since 2012 (after I found out myself about SRA and MK, before merely describing the issues. As already stated, I offered in 2016/2017 – all of them – free lectures about symptoms of toddlers and children in SRA, MK ultra, and trafficking cases. No one contacted me back. In the meantime (since October 2020) my domain @traumabasedmindcontrol.com is blocked on governmental servers. Also note, that within the court files, I am described as “white trash” (drug-addicted, lying, lunatic, delusional, child-abusing whore to prevent anyone from looking at the case: I never took drugs, never have been mentally ill, nor abused any child, as well never prostituted myself).



  1. What measures has the government taken to reduce the participation by nationals of the country in international and domestic child sex tourism?

Some Austrian child-torturing perpetrators got caught by brave Thai police forces, after having inserted rusty nails into the vagina of a Thai girl, one of them an Austrian physician. Austrian government is doing everything to protect this perpetrator so far to avoid him being imprisoned in Thailand, allowing him to ongoingly work as a physician in Austria.


  1. Did the government take sufficient measures to establish the identity of local populations, including birth registration and issuance of documentation, citizenship, and nationality?

We are here under total control, see Metternich´s police state. For everything you need your ID card or your passport, etc. – every single step, like renting a room in a flat, has to be reported to the government.



Child Soldiering

  1. Did government officials engage in, support, or otherwise facilitate the unlawful recruitment or use of children in the government’s armed forces, police, or other security forces? [NOTE: This can include combat roles as well as support roles, but please be specific in this regard if possible.] Did the government provide support to any armed groups that recruited and/or used child soldiers in combat or support roles? What was the extent of the support (e.g., in-kind, financial, training, etc.)? Describe the conditions of military detention of child soldiers and/or children accused of association with armed groups, including: (1) The typical length of time the children are held; (2) access to legal aid and rehabilitation services; (3) the conditions of the detention facility including food, sanitation, crowding, etc. and whether children are segregated from adults and by gender; (4) allegations of suspected sexual exploitation while in detention, including of female child soldiers; and (5) allegations children and/or child soldiers are used for labor, intelligence gathering, or to screen other detained persons.

It is known from survivors worldwide, that governments have been using MK-ed/SRA-ed/trafficked children as agents, to either act as information couriers, spies, drug couriers, up to assassination jobs, besides the more known of luring other children from playgrounds into vans (to abduct, torture, rape them to bring these next row of children into trafficking) – Austria is no exception.

 More known is that these children are trained to become super-soldiers (in politics, military, government, health care, universities, etc.).


  1. Please provide observations regarding government efforts to address the issue of unlawful recruitment or use of children by governmental armed groups and/or non-state armed groups. Describe the government’s efforts to disarm and demobilize child soldiers, to provide protection services and reintegrate former child soldiers, and to monitor the wellbeing of such children after reintegration. Does the government have any children held in military detention due to their suspected roles as child soldiers? Do international monitoring organizations (e.g., UN, ICRC, HRW) have unhindered access to interview these detained children and/or child soldiers and monitor the conditions of their detention? Describe the conditions of military detention of child soldiers and/or children accused of association with armed groups. Does the government have and/or use any hand-over procedures to transfer these children to civilian authorities?

Within the MK ultra training, profound training on weapons is obligatory. Many Austrian survivors are wondering about their ability to handle weapons without having been (officially) instructed. Also known are “child training camps” with lots of military training, including forcing them to climb a mountain in the Alps with a heavy backpack at record speed, etc.


Remark: Please note, that Austrian MK ultra psychiatrists, psychologists, and – even – handlers – are masters in mind-wiping. Known techniques here are deliberate electroshocks, concussions, psychopharmaceutics, more severe torture (often used to delete a torture event with an even more severe one), life-long targeting. As many US-based psychiatrists state: MK ultra is a life sentence because the victim´s or even survivors are never let out of the program.





Andrea Riegler

Born 1971, Graz, Styria, Austria

1990: Gymnasium (A-Level)

1992: College for Tourism

1998: Master in Comparative Literature & German

2003: Academically certified market and opinion pollster

2007: Coach, Trainer, Social Councilor

2009: Mum of my beloved son “Luki” Dara Rubens Sadegh


2014: Founder and leader of network against torture on toddlers and children, www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com


Languages: A-level in English, Latin, Italian, French; basic knowledge of Norwegian.





[1] The worst form of “erosion on a soul level”, which I experienced and ever heard of, is when in 2018, while staying in Norway, after I reported a murder attempt during a speech in the UK, with a known Austrian intelligence officer present – Mag. Walter Klocker – to the Viennese prosecution office in May 2018, shortly after the desperate begging, crying and whimpering of my beloved little son – out of 2011 during his basic-mind-fracture – was played into my house via white noises: If I would not have found out what was done, I for sure would have died of a broken heart, unconsciously listening to the sufferings of my beloved boy 24/7 – or to be honest, would have gone insane. As soon as I found out, as well as soon I tried to record these white noises, they stopped immediately. Until today, I ask myself, how many protected parents died because of such forms of bestial “Zersetzung”? Shortly after, in September 2019 all adult teeth of my then 9-year old son were taken out, during satanic/sadistic festive days, known for mutilation torture crimes worldwide. Other bestial forms of “Zersetzung” which are extremely dangerous are, when torturers of your beloved child, veiled as “helpers”, from the intelligence are approaching you – here Johann Bigl – sitting in your home and having coffee with you. If you do not find out, you might break down on a soul level, as the unconsciousness or the soul knows it, and are these strategies known under “psychological operations” out of former East Germany.

[2] For Governmental Cyber Torture, which is common practice in Austria, see https://www.ohchr.org/en/issues/torture/srtorture/pages/nilsmelzer.aspx, retrieved 12/5/2020

[3] Known deaths/murders: A. The Kampusch Case: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/fall-kampusch-der-suizid-des-ermittlers-kroell-a-932107.html (police colonel Kröll allegedly killed himself), https://www.salzburg24.at/news/welt/fall-kampusch-grosse-zweifel-an-priklopil-selbstmord-durch-neues-gutachten-51620167 (alleged single perpetrator Wolfgang Priklopil committed suicide) – the brother of colonel Kröll allegedly died of aggressive cancer a few years ago| B. Private victim´s support centers, lawyers, or bloggers: 1. Angela Kreilinger, Austrian, who allegedly murdered herself and her unborn child in the 7th month of pregnancy, in midst of a busy street during the day, all of a sudden surrounded by several “witnesses” http://mokant.at/1209-interview-kreilinger-html/ – she herself went to court because of human experimentation done on her, founded a “support group for victims of abuse” (2015) | 2. Eva Pichler, Austrian, suicided officially in 2019, after having built up an online blog against psychological violence. Before both of her sons, were brought to psychiatry separately but on the same day [!] around 2016 because both would have gotten “schizophrenia” all of a sudden – one of her sons killed himself after being put on psychopharmaceutic treatment while having to endure most probably cyber torture in 2018 | 3. Thomas Saschenbrecker: Famous German lawyer who offered help to protective parents, who got threatened to become hospitalized, if they would not keep silent about the horrendous suffering of their beloved children, had an “accident” in 2017 and died on the spot. 4. A most famous German blogger about the court corruption in sum in the German-speaking countries “Der Honigmann” died “all of a sudden” in 2018, pointing to grand lodge master Prof. Hartmut Beister, also involved in the Sadegh case, stating that this grand lodge master, would dictate prosecution officers what to write in their final judgments. 5. Angela Masch, fighting for one case of a trafficked boy in Germany, died all of sudden in 2018. 6. Many more got killed, so also at least one witness in the Austrian Sadegh/Riegler case, many more protective parents report about the killing of close family members, here in Austria. 7. Many reports over the last years also show, that potential helpers, witnesses, etc. got killed or intimidated. 8. As collecting data is too dangerous, there are no names, dates available, except those who went public with weblogs or support groups of any kind. 9. Please note, that many – especially German whistleblowers – are defamed to be national socialist right-wing members. 10. As well many – so also in Austriagot bribed, threatened, bought or tricked to work against their former causes: There is no higher governmental intelligence agencies infiltration level than in cases of extreme abuse of toddlers and children, starting with Facebook groups, up to support centers, etc. 11. I am well connected internationally, especially to my beloved US American friends, but not to any German-speaking contacts/groups/support centers anymore.

[4] 1. Barnett, Fiona: Eyes Wide Open (2019) | 2. Rutschky, Katharina: Schwarze Pädagogik. Quellen zur Naturgeschichte bürgerlicher Erziehung (1977): “Poisonous pedagogy. Sources on the natural history of bourgeois education.”, with German, Swiss and Austrian sources of torture-based education recommendations, starting with original texts out of the late 18th century up to the beginning of the 20th century. | 3. Please note that the international scientific literature is often quoting Nazi-Germany (Austria, the birth country of Adolf Hitler) was part of it), especially mentioning Bavarian Dr. Josef Mengele as well Austrian Dr. Aribert Heim – both infamous for their sadism in their concentration camp research, working as MK ultra programmers.

[5] Griggs, Kay (1998) in an interview with Rick Strawcutter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8ly0c0_Rnk (1:07:20 to 1:13:50ff) | Friedman, Harvey in an open speech about 1.000s of toddlers (cautious numbers say up to 4.000 infants and toddlers) that got raped, tortured, abused in not even 5 years between 2010 and 2015, covered up by the victim´s help organization “Weißer Ring” together with the “reigning” party in Vienna, the social democrats: https://youtu.be/qhJoA8wZ7M4 (the parents had to sign gag-orders for a small amount of money, otherwise they were threatened that Youth Welfare Departments would be sent out to fetch the concerned children) | not to forget the former Home´s for Children scandal, where most of the survivors got silenced with the help of Austrian intelligence accepting a 300,- Euro per month in addition to their pension, for not speaking out about SRA and MK ultra, see https://youtu.be/95Z5jjXZckU et al.

[6] Rzeszut, Johann: Der Tod des Kampusch – Kidnappers. Wahrheitsfindung im Würgegriff (2016): “The death of the Kampusch kidnapper. Finding the truth in a choking hold”). Former judge/high prosecution officer Rzeszut points out beside other things, that the famous Natascha Kampusch case most probably also included child pregnancies (here with the victim Natascha Kampusch as a mother, whose child got hidden and unofficially adopted after birth). | Jauffret, Régis: Claustria (2012) about the Josef Fritzl case, who officially had his daughter hidden in a cellar, giving birth to his children (in incest) without any help or other networks.

[7] Swerdlow, Stewart in an interview with Jo Conrad points out that in the Mauthausen concentration camp the “creation” of super-soldiers were perfected by Nazi doctors: https://youtu.be/bxKDLXSds7c

[8] Short Wikipedia entries (if available) for the mentioned cases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Unterwegerhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natascha_Kampuschhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritzl_case – for the Sadegh/Riegler case, please see https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/den-haag/?lang=en

[9] Crushing the testicles of boys is common practice in Austria, known to be conducted from catholic churches, as well as to destroy the inner reproductive organs with needles, of the boys, etc. Especially known is the destruction of the sexual organs (which leads to difficulties in having orgasms as an adult) on women – compare also the Epstein pictures, where girls are depicted with open legs, while fire is coming out of their vaginas. (…). In sum here, I would like to refer to Herman, Judith: Trauma and Recovery (1992), where she points out that torture or extreme torture has its limits, and therefore wherever you find torture, even extreme torture, it is similar, no matter in which country or century.

[10] Severe mutilations torture on teeth, genitals, and brain are most common forms in Austria: Without teeth, it will be difficult for a child to enjoy food, not to speak about the connection of the teeth root canals to the brain. With destroyed genitals, it will be difficult to become children and is close to genocide, as well without sexual organs one will not be able to have orgasms. And last but not least, with a destroyed or deliberately crippled brain one will not be able to work or have an own career, later in life; if brain injuries are committed against adults (I am having severe neurological brain issues because of the ongoing murder attempts always targeting my brain – the latest in October 2020) they will not be able to expand their career and are shut down for good.

[11] Well known are the Nazi physician´s connection to the United States of America, South America, Norway (the NATO leadership got practically replaced by former high ranking Nazis), less is known about the “Israeli-Project”, see http://israelirealities.blogspot.com/2007/03/mk-ultra-israeli-project.html, as well nearly nothing is known (officially) that the Nazi physicians did ongoingly MK ultra programming in their “home countries” so in Austria, in cooperation with intelligence agencies from over the world, including Russia, Muslim brotherhoods, Mossad, the CIA, etc.

[12] These blind spots are referring to the many extreme abuse cases in the Austrian court system, which get archived with the catchphrases “diffuse trauma”, “abuse”, “alleged abuse”, or “mental illnesses”, to ensure no one is able to provide profound statistics. (If someone would try, we can assume that within the common intelligence practice, this person would accidentally die very soon after or in midst of this investigation).

[13] Strategic Entanglement is a term to describe severe (torture) crimes or murder, most often committed against babies, toddlers, and children while being filmed to be in the hands of those who own this material. Formerly known merely in “initiation procedures” of lodges, intelligence, etc. governments worldwide tend to “entangle” also common citizens on gigantic scales at the moment. Most often the reward is a job position, money, or the legal status of becoming an “untouchable”, etc.

[14] Sources can be submitted, if needed. Every single line I write here could endanger my beloved son, as well as other survivors, not to speak about myself.

[15] See here significantly the brother of Wernher von Braun, Sigismund von Braun, who worked as an ambassador in the Vatican during and after WW2, then for the United Nations in New York.

[16] https://www.austrianfilms.com/news/en/i_wanted_to_take_the_opportunity_to_make_a_genre_film

[17] See my complaints to The Hague https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/den-haag/?lang=en (February 2020) |Human Right´s Court https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/strasburg/ (August 2015) | Besides the detailed case description (2011-2015): Chronology of a cover-up: https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/chronologie-einer-vertuschung/ | My urgent plea to the United Nations in 2013 got lost within the several terabytes of databases on the run (here UK, 2013-2014) and was never answered. In case it is important, I can search for these writings in the databases.

[18] https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/festen-2020/?lang=en

[19] Many survivors of MK and SRA are therefore intimidated into silence or focusing on non-dangerous issues like human trafficking, which is socially acceptable in the meantime, or the secret space program or ET´s, as most of the population does not believe it anyhow. Russia disclosed many times over the last years its secret space program, see here a space fleet ship https://youtu.be/OsCn48H80nQ or president Vladimir Putin´s speech about super soldiers, more dangerous than a nuclear bomb: https://youtu.be/E6pD96RRIUQ – no one cared or took notice.

[20] 1:07:20 „small group of Harvard professors, Tavistock Institute & a sexual perversion group in Vienna Austria” are existing

1:13:00 “sexual psychologists & psychiatrists of Vienna/Austria teach and study sexual perversions on an international level”

1:13:50 “there is a teaching center in Vienna/Austria: a lot of guys are making their (initiation) experience in Vienna/Austria – using also boys out of former Yugoslavia (Bosnia) (…) they are training their future leaders in perversion”

[21] Survivor testimonies are available in written, partly private, correspondence.

[22] Many perpetrators recognized by my son in 2011, got identified by adult survivors all over the globe, especially from the USA, here significantly mentioned most often: Dr. Gundl Kutschera, who has been an MK ultra trainer, also in the US. (see name list in the writings to The Hague).

[23] The contracts as well the programming is often sealed with mass (gang) rapes of the (child) victims, worldwide. More information can get provided in detail.

[24] It is assumed, that there have been other “entanglement” cases too, not only in Austria but worldwide.

[25] Andrea Riegler herself needed until 2014/2015 to find out that also she is a victim/survivor of MK ultra, long after she published the website traumabasedmindcontrol.com – network against torture on toddlers and children.

[26] Research suggests that these inhuman crimes of pregnant women might be part of the perpetrator training of their unborn children in their wombs. The Austrian minister of justice, Alma Zadic, a former child refugee out of former Yugoslavia, compare Griggs (1998), is pregnant at the moment, as well is ordering lunacy assessments for Andrea Riegler, instead of finally helping her beloved son or Andrea Riegler, while officially working on laws against “hate speech”, well connected to George Soros´ World Economic Forum´s “Global Shapers Community”.

[27] Gabriel Lansky is known to be deep state and above the law. There is no case he would not win. Courts are overtaking his writings 1:1 in their rulings, horribly afraid and intimidated to make their own rulings according to Austrian law. Many Austrian whistleblower blogs are enlisting the crimes of this law firm.

[28] Here especially to chancellor Sebastian Kurz who is acquainted personally with many of the perpetrators during the infant´s Dara Rubens Sadegh basic mind fracture in 2011 and who is mentioned in whistleblower statements several times by now, him being an MK-ed pedo-sadist/torturer, passionate about sadistic rituals, mass rapes, and orgies on the back of child victims. Also, the former president of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer, is directly or indirectly over contacts massively involved in the Sadegh case and several sources claim he would be a member of the committee of the 300.

[29] In case something happens to me you will receive more detailed information, as well – the deadline is until the 1st of February 2020 – in case more significant research is done, you will be provided with this as well.

[30] https://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/istanbul-protokoll-fuer-kleinkinder-bei-folterverdacht/?lang=en Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

[31] Here it is necessary to stress, that the appellant and mother of the massively injured child, Sadegh Dara Rubens did not know anything about MK ultra or SRA related crimes in 2011f, but realized immediately because of this group of perpetrators, the young Sadegh Dara Rubens was able to name, that something extremely planned and deliberately caused must have happened: Nearly all of the above-mentioned perpetrators do have excellent educations as well nearly all of them are in general highly intelligent. Also, this observation was reported to courts in grand detail, resulting in massive attacks from secret services, starting in 2011, when the young Sadegh, Dara Rubens was still living with his protective mother, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea. Also, because of the massive fear of Sadegh, Dara Rubens it has been clear – even without scientific literature that this group ongoingly will repeat the torture on the child to intimidate and silence him. Also as stated by the child, as well by whistleblower Gudrun Hohenberger-Zwettler, there were many more perpetrators present, seemingly former partners of Mag. Riegler Andrea, therefore the list of perpetrators is far not complete, as due to the shock and panic states of the child, the appellant and mother of the child took (unfortunately) care not to overwhelm the beloved child with more pictures of possible perpetrators. The appellant found about the existence of MK ultra and SRA in late October 2012.

[32] Also, the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea wants to state here, that knowing that these perpetrator networks are ongoingly torturing her beloved son, it is extremely challenging to describe the torture-happenings in 2011ff in more details. All known happenings were reported in detail to Austrian courts and can get fully translated (where, when, how, who).

[33] Every individual who has received torture-based MK Ultra programming has life-long scars – here especially coccyx/pelvis, brain stem, teeth/tooth root canal/palate, eyes, ears, soles of the feet, inner genitals, (missing) glands – which can be proven life-long by MRI/CT/nuclear medical examinations. Therefore, the scientific statements of the appellant, scientist, and mother of the child, Mag. Riegler Andrea, are entirely provable, unfortunately not a conspiracy theory of a lunatic.

[34] As research results like the above led to severe attacks and murder attempts against the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea, from multiple (supra)national agencies, is – without protection within a crown witness program not able to do more and in-depth research at the moment.

[35] As self-explanatory, the bold numbers are the years, when the respective case started. Some of the cases are ongoing up to the present, some do have files up to 1000+ within one case.

[36] According to governmental insurance files, the entries have been faked in terms of the appellant, Riegler Mag. Andrea: Instead of receiving antibiotics in 2010, it was written down, that the appellant has been there because of a beginning mental illness since 2010. Complaints and reports to courts in 2012/2013 (as soon as the appellant found out about it) were never answered. Since then, the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea does not dare to go to any physicians, merely just in case of emergencies, practically she is deprived of health care, for which she has been paying for years, as every single visit with a physician, even for a flu, could trigger the next row of violence against the appellant, un-covering the participation of Austrian physicians within the MK ultra-agenda. The appellant, therefore, specialized even more on alternative medicine, which has to get paid privately, therefore is much more expensive.

[37] Threatened the appellant several times. Is acquainted with several perpetrators, involved physicians, judges, intel officials, etc.

[38] Was present at the opening of the new child protection center Graz in 2012/2013 with the cover-up agents Sollhart, Mag. Roberta, Drees, Mag. Renate, Walisch, Gabriella. Pictures from mainstream media “Kleine Zeitung”.

[39] Stepan, Dr. Alexandra´s short expert opinion was changed and these changes were reported to courts. Nevertheless, she did not see any psychiatric illness on the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea.

[40] Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga later was seen online to be a representative physician for Kutschera, Dr. Jörg (see Kutschera, Dr. Gundl) as well for the child physician from Sadegh Dara from 2015ff, Zotter, Dr. Heinz, who is a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz. Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized in psychic driving.

[41] This from Tepper, Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabor, veiled as “Oka” according to the minor. Both the appellant and the child were thrown out of this dental clinic, the dental specialists refused to have the teeth x-rayed. The most shocking thing actually has been and still is, that the specialized dentists are very well aware of this kind of injuries, caused by needles, pricking the tooth root canals or the palate.

[42] Dr. Lenzinger, Elisabeth is privately acquainted with perpetrators recognized in the Sadegh case as well with district judge Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad and tried to place suicide triggers within her written expert opinion about the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea. If Den Haag would consider investigating, it is recommended to clarify, how many court-ordered expert opinions of this psychiatric expert were driving its victims into committing suicide: Together with “Zersetzung” of the Austrian intelligence agencies, as well the suffering of the beloved child/ren it is for a “normal” protective parent unbearable.

[43] Besides the appellant worked full time as a social counselor in 2013 as well she was able to prove everything she was talking about, backed-up even with scientific literature, he ignored her writings, therefore, she was diagnosed by him as “logically delusional”, which is not a legally valid diagnosis. He is connected to the Austrian secret service/MK ultra and also was eager to hear every single detail of the torture crimes, Sadegh Dara Rubens had to endure.

[44] Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized in psychic driving.

[45] I never have been suicidal, and never will be suicidal. The cause is far too important to leave voluntarily.

[46] See here US state senator Nancy Schaefer, who got killed together with her husband because of her research about the US CPS.

Festen 2021

„Wie die Mutter zu ihren sexualbezogenen Phantasien kommt ist unklar“

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, Familienrichter am BG Hernals/Wien zu den Schilderungen des damals 2 1/2jährigen Luki Dara Sadegh, obwohl er die Fachliteratur zu (satanisch/sadistisch) rituellem Missbrauch vor sich liegen hatte. 


Die „satanischen“ Feiertage samt den dabei begangenen Gräueln haben bereits Einzug in die wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur [1] zu trauma based mind control und ritual abuse gehalten haben, einerseits durch Berichte von Opfern, andererseits durch das erhöhte Aufkommen von registrierten Verbrechen (Entführung, Vergewaltigung, Verstümmelung von Kindern), also von ritual abuse (physische, psychische und spiritueller Missbrauch) genau rund um diese Zeitpunkte.

Satanisten sind besessen von Ritualen, genauso wie von Symbolen, von Numerologie und decken sich die Feiertage mit denen von allen Religionsgemeinschaften, was auch die oberste satanische/psychopatische Tugend, neben der Infiltration und dem Schweigen beschreibt: die Täuschung: Während man in gut bürgerlichen Berufen tätig ist, durchaus in die jeweiligen – offiziellen Kirchen – geht, feiert man danach, seine eigenen „Feiertage“, wie im Detail von Svali und etlichen anderen beschrieben.



1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
8 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
13 Neumond New Moon
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
14 Rosh Chodesh Sh´vat (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sh´vat (Jewish; beginning of month)
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children
28 Vollmond Full Moon
28 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
11 Neumond New Moon
13 Rosh Chodesh Adar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar (Jewish; beginning of month)
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
16 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
17 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 3.4 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 4/3 (Christian)
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga; Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga; communion of blood and dismemberment
25 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
25 Vorabend zu Purim Evening of Purim
26 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
27 Vollmond Full Moon
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
11 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
13 Neumond New Moon
14 Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Nisan (Jewish; beginning of month)
16 Tag von Montsegur, Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day, persecution of the Cathars
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
25 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
27 Vorabend zu Pesach Evening before Passover
28-4/4 Passover/Pesach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pesach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
28 Vollmond Full Moon
28 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
28 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
1 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
2 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
3 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
4 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
5 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
9 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
12 Neumond New Moon
13 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Iyyar (Jewish; beginning of month)
13 – 13 (5.) Ramadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
16 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
17 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
27 Vollmond Full Moon
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
30 Lag B´Omer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag B´Omer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
9 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
9 Muttertag (USA, Germany, Austria) Mothers´ Day (USA, Germany, Austria)
10 Yom Yerushelayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushelayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
11 Neumond New Moon
12 Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sivan (Jewish; beginning of month)
13 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
13 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
16 Vorabend zu Shavuot Eve before Shavuot
17 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
23-24 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
26 Vollmond, totale Mondfinsternis in Süd/Ostasien, Australien, Großteil Nordamerika, Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis Full Moon, total lunar eclipse in South/East Asia, Australia, most of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
30 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
3 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
10 Neumond New Moon
11 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tamuz (Jewish; beginning of month)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Vollmond Full Moon
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
10 Sonnenfinsternis (ringförmig), Großteil von Europa, Asien und Nordamerika, Nord/Westafrika, Atlantik, Arktis

Solar eclipse (annular), most of Europe, Asia and North America, North/West Africa, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean

10 Neumond New Moon
10 Rosh Chodesh Av (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Av (Jewish; beginning of month)
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
18 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
18 – 23 Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
19 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
20 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
24 Vollmond Full Moon
24 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
8 Neumond Vollmond
9 Rosh Chodesh Elul (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Elul (Jewish; beginning of month)
9 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
18 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
22 Vollmond Full Moon
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
6 Vorabend zu Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch) Evening before Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)
7-8 Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
7 Neumond Vollmond
7 Rosh Chodesh Tischri (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tischri (Jewish; beginning of month)
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
16 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
20 Vorabend zu Sukkot (Jüdisch) Evening before Sukkot (Jewish)
21-27 Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
21 Vollmond Full Moon
27 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
28 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
29 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
3 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
6 Neumond New Moon
7 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Cheshvan (Jewish; beginning of month)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
15 Eid-e-Shuja‘ (Muslimisch): ritueller Festtag, Ende der Trauerzeit nach dem Karbala Massaker Eid-e-Shuja‘ (Moslem): ritual festival, end of mourning after the events of the Karbala massacre
18 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
20 Vollmond Full Moon
23 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Shia Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Shia Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
4 Neumond New Moon
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
5 Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Kislev (Jewish; beginning of month)
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
17 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
18-19 Mondfinsternis (partiell), Großteil von Europa, Asien und Nordamerika, Nord/Westafrika, Atlantik, Arktis, Australien, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean Lunar eclipse (partial), most of Europe, Asia and North America, North/West Africa, Atlantic, Arctic, Australia, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean
19 Vollmond Full Moon
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
25 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
28 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
29-6 Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
30 Heiliger Andreas (Christlich) St. Andrew’s Day (Christian)
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s „Greater Feast“ – Death of Crowley
4 Neumond New Moon
4 Sonnenfinsternis (total), Süden von Australien, Afrika, und Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis Solar eclipse (total), south of Australia, Africa, and South America, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Antarctica
5 Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tevet (Jewish; beginning of month)
5 Krampus / St. Nikolaus Krampus / St. Nicholas´ Day
5 2. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
12 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
14 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice
19 Vollmond Full Moon
19 4.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 4th Sunday of Advent (Christian)
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve


Die Feiertage als auch die „Sprache“ der jeweiligen Kalender ist „alt“ und unterstreicht nochmals die Jahrhundert alte Tradition, diese Festtage, samt bestialischen Kindesopferungen zu begehen. Die TäterInnen, man erinnere sich an XAVAS und etliche andere, zeigen sich in der Regel nicht mit Teufelshörnern, sondern sind „in Anzug und Robe“, also in hochanständigen bürgerlichen Berufen. Auch zeigt sich an diesen Kalendern nochmals, wie bereits in der wissenschaftlichen Fachliteratur ausgeführt, wie besessen Satanisten teilweise zu sein scheinen von „Sexualität“, besser S/M – BDSM [2], genauso wie von Körperflüssigkeiten (Blut, Sperma, Urin), wie ausführlich in der Fachliteratur zu ritual abuse beschrieben oder von KünstlerInnen wie Kim Noble, selbst ein trauma based mind control und ritual abuse Opfer künstlerisch verarbeitet. Auch Paolo Coelho skizziert in seinem Roman „11 Minuten“ am Beispiel der Lebensgeschichte der brasilianischen Prostituierten Maria nicht nur BDSM, sondern lässt auch die „heilige Prostitution/Opferung“ im Detail aufleben: Macht – Ohnmacht, Sadomasochismus (Unterwerfung, Unterwerfen), Quälen und Töten von “unwerten Leben”, vor allem auch “Schuldübernahmerituale” als geheime Initiationsrituale scheinen den Reiz für diese Gruppierungen auszumachen. Aufgrund der bestialischen Verbrechen an vor allem Kindern kann man sich vorstellen, wie auch in der Fachliteratur dokumentiert, wie viele TäterInnen selbst aus diesem Kreislauf ausbrechen möchten, allerdings nicht können, da sie über Fotos und Videoaufnahmen in der Hand der Satanisten/Psychopaten sind, und eher versuchen diese Festtage “spirituell” zu begehen, andere dazu einladen, mitzumachen.

In weiterer Folge zeigt sich der Männlichkeitswahn des Netzwerkes, in dem wiederum lediglich die bewährten Stereotype von Weiblichkeit zugelassen sind (Hexe-Hure-Heilige), das Weibliche vernichtet oder unterworfen werden soll, als auch die Besessenheit von Satanisten/Psychopaten, „Interbreeding“ durchzuführen, also intergenerationell „Dynastien“ mitunter verdeckt aufzubauen, wobei hier die Frauen lediglich als „Breeder“ verwendet werden und sind damit über mögliche verdeckten Vaterschaften, weitere Personenkreise erpressbar. Durch das in der Fachliteratur ebenso oftmals erwähnte “Vertauschen der eigenen Kindern”, von dem alle ehemaligen Illuminati und Illuminati nahestehenden Personen – allen voran Fritz Springmeier, John Todd oder Svali berichten – ist auch das intergenerationelle Breeding besser zu verstehen: Bande aus Fleisch und Blut werden so den “satanischen” Zielen untergeordnet, selbst erlebter Herzensbruch, bleibt er unbearbeitet, läßt es leichter zu, andere zu entmenschlichen, also zu quälen oder quälen zu lassen. Und, um nochmals an Englische SpezialistInnen zu erinnern: “No one wants to know that it happens next door”, es sich also um keine Verbrechen handelt, die “irgendwo” mit “armen Waisenkindern” auf einem „fernen Kontinent“ oder bei „primitiven Völkern“ begangen werden, sondern eben bei uns in unserer westlichen Welt in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft.

Die bestialischen Gräuel, die Menschen an anderen Menschen verüben können, vor allem an Kindern lässt einem den Atem stocken und führt auch der amerikanische Psychologe Colin A. Ross in seinem Buch „Satanic Ritual Abuse“ aus, dass dieser rituelle Missbrauch, das furchtbarste ist, was einem Kind geschehen kann, die Schäden irreversibel sind und erklärt auch, warum diese Gräuel um jeden Preis verschwiegen und negiert werden müssen, Opfer wie Zeugen „entsorgt“ werden müssen, „Tod dem Verräter“ das oberste Gebot solcher Gruppen ist.

Die Psychologin Ellen Lacter beschreibt auf ihrer Webseite http://endritualabuse.org/about/overview-of-the-differences-between-satanism-and-witchcraft/ sogar die unterschiedlichen Arten des Missbrauchs bei Satanisten und Hexern (satanism vs. witchcraft): Noch habe ich keine (Fach)Literatur finden können, wie vor allem die Schwüre, Gelübte, Eide und Schuldübernahmeversprechen aufgelöst werden können, dieses Wissen verschollen zu sein scheint. Meiner Meinung nach ist dieses Wissen um die Auflösung dieser rituellen Schuldübernahme, Gelübde und Eide „der heilige Gral“ beim Thema „ritual abuse“, da Satanisten/Psychopathen durch die Rituale offensichtlich in der Lage sind karmische/spirituelle Gesetze zu verändern also umzudrehen, jemanden anderen die eigenen Lasten aufzubürden. Interessanterweise sind sich die meisten, die sich mit dem Thema beschäftigen, vom hochrangigen Illuminati bis zum Hobby-Esoteriker, sicher, dass man sein/ihr „Karma“ eben verdient hätte, sich das selbst ausgesucht hätte: Diese Argumente finden sich auf satanischen NWO-Seiten (argumentiert von hochrangigen Illuminati), und wird auch in esoterischen Kreisen bis zum Institut Kutschera propagiert und haben mir auch etliche MittäterInnen das Verbrechen an meinem Sohn und in weiterer Folge an mir genauso gerechtfertigt, und scheint neben dem Umstand, jemand anderen bequem Schuld zuschieben zu können ein weiteres Ziel zu erreichen, nämlich die “moralische” Legitimation zu erhalten, die Opfer (noch mehr) entmenschlichen zu können, denn:

Niemand hat das Recht oder dir Erlaubnis, (Klein)Kinder zu foltern. Kein Kind auf der ganzen Welt, egal welche Hautfarbe, welche Nationalität oder welches Glaubensbekenntnis es hat, hat dieses Leid verdient. Kein Kind auf dieser Welt darf sexuell, spirituell, psychisch benutzt werden. Jedes einzelne Kind muss vor solchen Verbrechen geschützt werden.


[1] Quellen (Auswahl):

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011 enthält einen Ritualkalender, etliche andere wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur ebenso.











Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ


Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu


Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia


Australia 1/26 –  Australia Day 3/6 –  Labour Day (Western Australia) 3/13 – Labour Day (Victoria, Tasmania) 3/13 –  Canberra Day (ACT) 4/25 –  Anzac Day 5/1  – Labour Day (Northern Territory, Queensland) 5/14 –  Mothers’ Day 6/12 –  Queen’s Birthday (all except Western Australia and Queensland) 9/3 –  Fathers’ Day 9/25 – Queen’s Birthday (Western Australia) 10/2 – Queen’s birthday (Queensland) 10/2 – Labour Day (most regions) 11/11 – Remembrance Day 12/26 – Boxing Day

Canada Holidays that are celebrated by all provinces are listed in the main calendar. Additional holidays: 2/20– Islander Day – PE 2/20 (2/13 in BC) – Family Day – BC, AB, SK, ON 2/20 – Louis Riel Day – MB 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day – NL 4/23 – St George’s Day – NL 5/22 – Victoria Day (National Patriots’ Day in QC) – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 6/21 – National Aboriginal Day NT 6/24 – Fete Nationale (St. Jean Baptiste Day) QC 6/24 – Discovery Day – NL 7/1 S Canada Day 7/9 – Nunavut Day – NT 8/7 – Civic/Provincial Day – AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU 10/10 – Thanksgiving – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 11/11 – Remembrance Day – Nationwide except ON, QC, NS, NL 12/26 – Boxing Day – ON Mexico 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 1/6 –  Dia de los Santos Reyes (Three Kings): exchange of Christmas presents 2/2 –  Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas) 2/5 –   Constitution Day 2/24 – Flag Day 2/22 – 2/28 Carnaval 2/1 – Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent 3/18  –  Oil Expropriation of 3/18/1938 3/20 – Benito Juarez’ Birthday Memorial 4/10 – 4/16 – Holy Week (end of Lent) 4/9 – Palm Sunday 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/30 –  Children’s Day 5/1 –  Labor Day 5/3 – Holy Cross Day 5/5 – Battle of Puebla 5/5 – Cinque de Mayo 5/10 –  Mothers’ Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/15 – Corpus Christi 6/18 – Father’s Day 8/15 – Assumption of Mary   9/16 –  Independence Day 10/12 – Dia de la Raza (arrival of Columbus to the Americas) 10/31 – Halloween 11/1 – 11/2 – Day of the Dead 11/20 – Revolution Day Memorial 11/26 – Christ the King Day 12/8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception 12/12 – Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe 12/25 – Christmas 12/28 – Day of the Holly Innocents 12/31 – New Year’s Eve South Africa 1/1 – New Years Day 3/21 – Human Rights Day 3/28 – Family Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/17 – Family Day 4/27 – Freedom Day 5/1 – Workers’ Day (Labour Day) 5/10 – Mothers’ Day 5/26 – Easter Sunday 6/26 – Youth Day 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/18 – Nelson Mandela’s Birthday 8/9 – Women’s Day 9/24 – Heritage Day (celebrated 9/25) 12/16 – Day of Reconciliation 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – Day of Goodwill The Netherlands 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 
4/27 – King’s Birthday 
5/4 – Remembrance Day 
5/5 – Liberation Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 12/5 -St. Nicholas Eve (Sinterklaas) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/25 – Second Day of Christmas 12/31 – New Year’s Eve United Kingdom 1/1 –  New Year’ Day (2/2 – Bank Holiday) 1/25 – Burns Night (Scotland) 3/1 – St. David’s Day (Wales) 3/6 – Mothering Sunday 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 4/23 – St. George’s Day 5/1 – May Day (Bank Holiday) 5/29 – Spring Bank Holiday 6/4 – Pentecost 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/12 – Battle of the Boyne 8/28 – Summer Bank Holiday 11/5 – Guy Fawkes Day 11/13 – Remembrance Sunday 11/30 – St Andrew’s Day (Scotland) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – St Stephen’s Day (Scotland, Ireland 12/26 – Boxing Day



Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/


[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM


Den Haag


Mag. Riegler Andrea

Margaretenguertel 24-34/1/3

1050 Vienna




Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands





Vienna/Austria, 11.02.2020



  1. Article 6: GENOCIDE
  3. To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES



APPELLANT: RIEGLER MAG. ANDREA (*20.11.1971, Graz), also in behalf of her son SADEGH, DARA RUBENS (*20.02.2009, Vienna)









Article 6: GENOCIDE

  • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
  • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
  • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
  • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group




  • enslavement
  • deportation or forcible transfer of population
  • torture
  • rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity
  • persecution (…)
  • Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health



To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES

  • torture
  • willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to health
  • extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly
  • taking of hostages
  • subjecting persons who are in the power of an adverse party to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind (…)
  • employing poison or poisoned weapons
  • employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases (…)
  • committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment




At first glance, Austrian government/judiciary/intelligence/”deep state” inverted the Rome Statute, committing genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in huge numbers against 2 single citizens (a mother and her beloved son), while “strategically entangling”[1] a whole nation.

Considering the large number of Austrian victims over the last decade, which were either killed, brought to psychiatric asylums, forced to leave the country, driven into suicides or who lost their children due to governmental kidnapping, etc. (…) it becomes visible, that the modus operandi has been used widely and thoroughly in order to destabilize civil rights, gain social and political control, as well threaten and intimidate its citizens to keep them silent.

While the victims of this silent genocide here in Austria most often are living in a kind of diaspora, most often not knowing each other or threatened or intimidated into silence or massive fear, as mentioned above, it became well visible that the performers – here the Austrian government and its mercenary companies – are extremely familiar with every single detail of – especially – international laws, so with Public International laws and the Rome Statute.

Due to especially the Austrian modus operandi in committing all these – bestial – crimes, it is extremely difficult for the victims, out of any social backgrounds, to find each other, to get together as well to take action unified, as infiltration, murder (attempts), intimidation, threats, “Zersetzung” (i.e. “erosion on a soul level”), gag-orders, hush money, etc. are the norm in this country.

Those few who are incorruptible are most often targeted and punished via their beloved offspring – commonly conducted, well known from the Nazi era, via governmental child kidnapping – AND – torture of these children (either for MK ultra[2], SRA[3], medical experimentation, etc.) under “governmental” care.

The Den Haag prosecution office, already overtook cases of German mass governmental child kidnappings in 2015/2016, therefore the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea assumes, that the High Prosecution Office is familiar with these procedures in detail, very aware of the fact that these are no single cases in sum, worldwide, so also in Austria.

It can only be assumed why Austrian government/judiciary/intelligence/”deep state” does need a strategically entangled nation, seemingly for further political and social steps, which cannot get analyzed within this appeal, as for such analysis a longer period of time is needed, no final conclusions can be made up to now. Some international experts who are observing extreme similar happenings worldwide are talking about an asymmetric warfare against the own population, others – specialized on MK ultra-related crimes – see a gigantic raise of MK-ed next generations, by strategically entangling former victims into becoming perpetrators[4], which leads to (beside other facts) that they are deprived of any legal means.


Nevertheless, back to the small and smallest ones: Over the last decade – especially because of the information exchange over the internet with victims, survivors or targeted individuals worldwide – it became massively visible, that more and more babies, toddlers and children have been taken from the governments of the Western World to go on in creating the MK-ed “super soldier” or the “Uebermensch”[5], often taken from former MK ultra-victims or MK ultra survivors.

As victims/survivors of these crimes are deliberately isolated and massively controlled from early childhood on, most often matched with at least one “handler”, if not multiple “handlers”, therefore, it will be extremely challenging, nearly impossible, to find a “group” but thousands, if not millions of single survivors/targeted individuals, who underwent involuntarily MK ultra or SRA from early childhood on – this worldwide.[6] Besides the high-level programming (“high functional MK ultra”) for later jobs in government, authorities, etc., there are common symptoms of the “fortunate” as well of the “not so fortunate”, who might were overprogrammed, lost their health/sanity during programming – meaning for all MK-ed ones: diffuse memories of childhood abuse, dissociative identity (disorder) or the ability to dissociate, Asperger syndrome, post-traumatic stress (disorders), depression, etc. up to severe multiple personality disorders, “schizophrenia”, autism or addictions, besides common health issues in the pelvis/tailbone/sacrum area, etc.

Due to the life-threatening conditions, of those who talk or write about these issues, especially about concerned babies, toddlers, and children, i.e. the next generation of super soldiers later used in governments, in parliaments, in politics, in secret service/intelligence agencies, as future high-level academics in health care, in judiciary, etc. – estimations range from 3 to 30% of the population of any country in the Western world – the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea is merely able to highlight her and her son´s own case at the moment, even though, the pattern or the modus operandi is the same worldwide, especially in involuntary cases[7], over the years many concerned protective parents admitted, that they were massively intimidated by the shocking Sadegh case, leading them to give up their beloved children, in hope their children would survive and be able to life their adult life without mutilations [!].


The “group” mentioned in the Rome Statute, to fulfill this task, is so to say: highly intelligent, intuitive, talented babies, toddlers and children (which often come from highly intelligent, intuitive, talented dissociated mothers and fathers), as well babies, toddlers and children out of intergenerational abuse[8] families, which are there out in millions worldwide, do not have any protection against governmental crimes in terms of MK ultra, as governments worldwide, here Austria, are recruiting their own personnel within these MK ultra-torture-based trainings, to then have fully controllable politicians, judges, prosecutions officers, military forces, teachers, etc. as well governments are working together on a supranational level to hide these crimes, as so proven in the Sadegh case, where the appellant was targeted in every single country she entered (UK,  Switzerland, Germany, Norway). Due to the special history of Austria – Adolf Hitler was Austrian, the SS-ärztliche Akademie, the SS academy for Nazi physicians was transferred from Berlin to Graz in 1941 and never has been closed – there are numerous MK ultra-victims in this country.


To close the preamble:

Things I wish I did not know
Have you ever wondered why mind control and ritual abuse survivors all over the world report the same phenomena? (…) Because perpetrator groups collaborate and teach one another techniques of torturing children, splitting the infant mind, and training mind-controlled victims. It is organized crime. It is psychologically sophisticated organized crime. What else should we call it? Like the Mafia, it runs in families; (…) I did not realize the extent of the national and international organization of these groups. (…) I wish I had not learned that politicians are involved, including the world leaders. I wish I had not learned that some of my favorite musicians and film stars may have been involved, that the groups have a hand in deciding who rises to stardom. I wish I had not learned recently that some people who purport to help survivors, including some well-known therapists, religious leaders, and leaders of non-profit groups, are actually members of perpetrator groups with jobs such as spreading disinformation or gathering and silencing survivors who had escaped. I wish that Christianity and Judaism and perhaps other religions had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that various schools of therapy had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that therapists were not teaching self-help techniques which are actually program triggers (…) I wish I did not know all this. (Alison Miller, 2018)


Over the last decades thousands of therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, witnesses, survivors – here from the age of 2 ½years of age up to 99+years of age – have been speaking out about the atrocities, carried out in any government in the whole world.[10]

Latest here it is (again) necessary to stress, that MK ultra or SRA related crimes are committed by supranational organized groups, most often supranational secret services, even if the victims or perpetrator-victims may identify themselves as “Jews”, “Christians”, “Liberals”, “Right-Wings”, “Left-Wings”, “Nazis”, “Zionists” etc., which is mostly part of their programming, and gets latest visible in the (local) power centers, where all are working together.




Since 2011ff, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea, has urgently requested that her now 10-year-old son, Sadegh Dara Rubens (*20.02.2009), be thoroughly examined via MRI/CT/nuclear-medical scans on the basis of serious suspicions that her son has been subjected to – ongoing – torture since at least 2011.

The reports of Dara Rubens Sadegh, which were sent in writing to the District Court of BG Hernals/Vienna, Judge MMag. Konrad Kubiczek[11] and also the public prosecutor’s office of Vienna, prosecution officer Mag. Petra Freh[12], and also the police department of Wattgasse/Vienna, Manfred Miksits[13], Graz Youth welfare Department (CPS)[14] and others[15] – contained reports mostly accompanied by horrendous flashbacks of the then 2 ½-year-old toddler ranging from physical violence and rapes to ritual violence and waterboarding. In detail, these involved: rapes (oral and anal), the hunting of the child, use of drugs, use of medical torture (experiments with light, loud noises, destruction of the inner genitals, drilling/piercing the tooth root), ridicule & mockery (being laughed at during the torture), being buried alive, being subjected to waterboarding, spinning, heat and cold (e.g. forced to wear a ski suit in summer), working as a child prostitute (ballet dress, swimming trunks, makeup, high-heeled shoes, customers, money), being conditioned using torture (the child repeatedly hits himself on the head with one hand, while pulling his hair with the other and practices “looking happy” and “laughing” by saying “ha ha”, while his carotid artery is visible over his entire neck as he tries to grin), sudden changes of personality, vows, pledges, oaths (satanic components) and near-death experiences: in sum, the then 2 ½-year-old victim reported physical, psychic, spiritual and mental abuse. Subsequently, even after the Austrian government took custody of the child, there were further signs of torture on him after 2012, as well as sensory deprivation programming in 2015, all of which became unmistakably evident during the supervised visits of the mother, Andrea Sadegh[16], to her son, and were brought to court even then – without success. This kind of torture is known in the specialist literature as “ritual abuse” and also as “trauma-based mind control” or “MK-Ultra”.


This crime, which, due to the horrendous lifelong injuries of the children, can only be carried out under state protection, is defined by one expert as follows: “Ritual abuse can be defined as a wide variety of very different crimes, whose common denominator ultimately simply consists of extreme sadism, together with a certain continuity and systematic methods.” Noblitt & Perskin, quoting Hans Ulrich Gresch.“

(Source: http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/fall-sadegh-ueberblick/lang=en – „Sadegh Case Cover-Up“)

  •  [17] This continuity and systematic approach – as outlined by the psychologist Dr. Hans Ulrich Gresch and compared with his book „Unsichtbare Ketten (Invisible Chains)[18]„, which was repeatedly sent to the courts and the authorities – is escalating MK Ultra into the systematic torture-based training of future executives who are prepared for their respective jobs during their entire „childhood“. Regarding the activity profile of these MK Ultra concerned (MK-ed ones), the reading of „Svali“ is recommended. Svali, the writer of several articles and books is a double academic who was active as a trauma trainer, officially as a teacher, in just such criminal networks, describing in detail career paths of MK-ed ones, depicting that MK-ed ones are needed in any level of society, in any profession, etc.[19]. Thus, not surprisingly, one finds world-wide in politics, media, management, authorities, so also in courts and public prosecutor’s offices and secret services an extremely high density of MK-ed ones.


  • Due to the special history of Austria – since the Habsburg Monarchy the country was used as the military arm of the Jesuits[20], alongside countless Masonic lodges (O.T.O. was founded in Vienna, among other happenings) – Austria has been a stronghold of this crime, most lately since the transfer of the SS Medical Academy from Berlin to Graz in 1941. This academy has, of course, never been closed, and therefore Austria enjoys international prestige in secret service circles (…). Austrian sportsmen, politicians, transgender programmed, university professors, priests especially out of the Catholic churches, etc. – there is not one area in which MK Ultra is not applied.


Back to the Sadegh case:

The young Sadegh Dara Rubens, who was able to recognize the letters of the ABC and name them as well was able to read his first words aged 1 1/2year old, identified and named 72+ perpetrators[21] between 2011 and 2012[22], yet the appellant’s intensive research on the perpetrator networks led not only to a „governmental child removal“ without a court order on 13 February 2012, without any examination of the young Sadegh Dara Rubens, as well without a police parade with the recognized and named perpetrators, but also to an „entanglement delirium“ of the Austrian judiciary and school medicine/health care system. These actions were patronized above all by the Austrian secret services[23], while the appellant was repeatedly assassinated in a manner that threatened her life, both at home and abroad. These assassinations are ongoing and keep damaging her health severely[24].


In 2011/12, entanglements (between perpetrator networks and Austrian authorities) were already apparent, all cases and incidents have been fully reported to the Austrian authorities, so far without any result: this form of negligence and complicity is described as common practice in MK ultra-cases in international literature worldwide, more important for the appellant, this led to the fact, that her beloved son Sadegh Dara Rubens was never forensically examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically as asked since 2011ff:

  • Tailbone/Pelvis/Sacrum
  • Brain
  • Inner Genitals
  • Teeth Roots, Palate; Jawbones
  • Scars from pressed out cigarettes on the arm/body of MJ, scars from torture on the soles of feet, hands, fingers/toenails from needles, etc.
  • Examination of the ears (deafness or loss of hearing)
  • Eyes
  • in principle, of the entire body of the child, compare torture protocol for the medical clarification of (covert) torture by the „United Nations“, including internal organs, as specified in the „Istanbul Protocol”
  • as well as for a psychiatric clarification regarding DID/MPD (deliberately induced dissociative identity disorder, multiple personality disorder)




Name Research suggests about them so far Committed crimes as told by Sadegh Dara Rubens (Former) Address/Working place (if known)
Angelo-Drapal Mag., Katharina Psychologist, most probably under MK ultra[27] and SRA related crimes herself. Katharina Angelo-Drapal is known to have beaten Sadegh Dara Rubens while pregnant with her son, Maximilian, born 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal Mag., Martin Worked for the Austrian Conservative Party (ÖVP, now Liste Sebastian Kurz) as a lobbyist. Most probably under MK ultra. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal, Sarah Their daughter, born around 2009, who had to join the torture crimes against the young Sadegh Dara Rubens (“perpetrator programming”) – under total MK ultra. Was a “friend” from Sadegh Dara Rubens from pre-school “Waldhuette”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Albrecht dipl. Päd., Ulli Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Barthholomay, Ernest Neighbor in 2011 – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Bartl Mag., Irmgard Wife of Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav sen. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav jun. Physician and (former) drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in Austrian famous rehab “Grüner Kreis” – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Both – he and Farrokh Sadegh – stayed in contact with each other. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bartl Dr. med, Gustav sen. University professor and Eye specialist. Most probably under MK ultra himself, most probably directly programmed by the Nazi doctors, even more probable that he is a MK ultra-programmer himself, as eye specialists are massively needed (compare research of Dr. Josef Mengele) Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA as well tortured him with a kind of lawnmower – the happenings with the lawnmower never could get fully revealed A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Mag., Nicole Wife of Bartl Dr. med, Gustav jun. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bretterklieber, Marianne Official mother of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea, therefore official grandmother of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Fully under total MK. Unclear family roots, seemingly out of a Nazi post war Lebensborn institution. All of her children /grandchildren are under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, as well according to the child, she always told him, that he will have to live with his father, he will not be allowed to live with the appellant, ie. his mother A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Bretterklieber, Walter Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Rapes and group penetration orally and anally –also reported of having smashed semen into the face of the child, while beating the child “cumpanda” A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Brueckner-Sernetz dipl. Päd, Petra Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Niece of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Dalsasso, Doris Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Dolezal, Franziska & daughter Anna Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Seemingly is working for Austrian intelligence, veiled as a single mother working in the social field. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Torture-based convincing the child, that she would be his mum, also done via placing the young child in the back of a car (dissociation training), then “saving” him, etc. waterboarding, forcing the child to cunnilingus, etc. A-1220 Vienna, Rudolf Nurejev Promenade 1/4/7
Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Marguerite Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active members of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. She together with her husband, Scheer Prof. Dr. med Peter was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT / CT / nuclear medically / psychiatrically. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Ender, Thomas Works or worked for Austrian Green Party in Vorarlberg (West Austria) – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Erker-Kutschera MA, Stefanie Fully under total MK. Secret Service official, working for US, Austrian and supra-national services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Gartlgruber Mag., Georg Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Carat Austria, A-1020 Vienna, Trabrennstraße 2A
Glawar DI, Gunther Nephew of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working place: Knapp AG, A-8075 Hart bei Graz, Günter-Knapp-Strasse 5-7
Glawar-Fuchsgruber Mag. Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as Sadegh Dara Rubens fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Felber, Ursula Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Fries Mag. Johannes Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Presented himself as the legitimate “grandpa” of the young Sadegh Dara A-3494 Brunn im Felde, Loiserstrasse 52a
Hausar Mag., Birgit Lawyer and teacher – Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Kanzlei Dr. Gerald Hausar, A-1010 Kärntner Ring 2
Hoell, Corinna Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1180 Vienna, Gentzgasse 14/5/1-2
Hofmann-Kutschera, Mag. Andrea Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Gudrun Fully under total MK in the Jesuit tradition. Gave several hints. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Sarah Fully under total MK. Daughter of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Benjamin Fully under total MK. Son of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Käfer, Claudia & daughter Anna Fully under total MK. Less is known about her daughter Anna. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: A-8054 Graz, Bahnhofstraße 1
Kathlein, Elisabeth Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kathlein´s friend and neighbor – name unknown Fully under total MK. Retired authority official. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kaufmann, Hubert Fully under total MK. Programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Has been working as a janitor. Baby prostitution client – so of the 2year old Sadegh Dara Working Place: Janitor in A-8054 Graz, Martinghofstraße 10
Klocker Mag., Walter MK-ed Austrian intelligence official – Fully under total MK. He was captured several times from the appellant, also conducting health damaging murder attempts. According to his type of programming, he seemingly is a torture knight, responsible for extreme brutal intelligence “jobs”. Gave hints to the appellant. Is not able to hold his personalities – his programming is extreme visible. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Official working address: www.goslow.at, A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 3/3/16
Kloihofer Mag., Silvia Fully under total MK, most probably connected to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Koch, Victor Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Koch, Robert Fully under total MK. Teacher and friend of Farrokh Sadegh. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Austrian Society for Systemic Family Therapy (ÖAS), A-1010 Vienna, Esslinggasse 17/2
Kratky Dr. DI, Alexander Nephew, most probably son, of grand lodge master and university professor, Dr. Hartmut Beister, Munic/Germany – Fully under total MK in the Nazi/Thule tradition – “high level programming”. At least one of their children with Kratky Dr. med Irene died seemingly due to MK ultra-torture. Targeted the appellant via E-Mail. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Technical University Vienna, A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Kratky Dr. med., Irene Fully under total MK, her parents are physicians from infamous Graz/Styria/Austria, known to be the dependence of the SS academy of Nazi-physicians. Wife of Alexander. Lost at least one child to MK ultra-programming. Is or has been working at infamous Lainz Hospital/Vienna known for underground MK facilities. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: Lainz Hospital Vienna, A-1130 Wolkensbergerstraße 1
Kuehboeck, Adriana Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself, as according to her own words, she grew up in a children´s care home in former East Europe. Presented herself as a targeted individual towards the appellant. Seemingly tried to make a deal on the back of the young Dara Sadegh and the appellant to get out of targeting, which she endured for years. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kuehboeck Mag. Gloria Daughter of Kuehboeck Adriana, last name unknown. Master degree in arts (piano) – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kutschera, Dr. Gundl Fully under total MK, programmed directly by the Nazi-elite. Deeply connected to Austrian and US intelligence services as well as to mercenary companies, creating, buying and selling “super soldiers”, therefore also to Russia. All of her 3 children are massively overprogrammed. Opened her institute with alternative coaching and counseling techniques in Austria, after first court trials in the US started in the early 90ies. Deeply involved in programming as well in re-programming of victims/survivors. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Kutschera, Mag. Stephan Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lackner, Hermann Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA/MI6, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. Her father, later Dr. Scholz Anthony, was one of the toddlers landing at Liverpool train station (Jewish children trains flying the Nazis without their parents), who then were MK-ed in Britain by British government, to later go on torture-based programming their own children, so his daughter, Mag. Lauppert-Scholz, Kathrin Ruth. She then took care, that also her own children underwent MK ultra. Was lecturing at university of Graz. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lauppert Mag., Egon Fully under total MK, husband of Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – was reported to have been extremely brutal. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lemaire MBA, Frederick Fully under total MK. His father, a diplomat of Belgian origin, left Belgium after the Dutroux- affair became public to retire in Austria. MBA in business, self-employed, connected to Bulgaria in terms of work. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Naimer, Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Mayerhofer, Christian Drug addict – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – extreme brutal. Working Place: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, A-1010 Vienna, Schillerplatz 3
Mitteräcker Mag., Alexander Son of Oscar Bronner wo is a Mossad/CIA official, veiled as a newspaper publisher, whose best friend is the former Federal President Dr. Fischer Heinz – Fully under total MK in the Israeli tradition. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Mueller, Sabine Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Paril, Cornelia Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Technical University Vienna, Library Programmer; A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Pfleger, Renate Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Tried to delete traces by talking with the appellant as a neighbor, after the happenings became visible in spring/summer 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Pfleger, NN Neighbor in 2011, husband of Pfleger, Renate. Retired authority official, working in infamous district court BG Hernals/Vienna. Most probably under MK ultra or SRA – seemingly programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Prokopetz Ing (HTL), Harald Fully under total MK in post-war programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Rauscher, Gerhard Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Former friend of Sadegh Dara Rubens and the appellant as former neighbors in Neuwaldegger Straße 57. His nickname was “BumBum” because of his knocking on the door. Without having seen a university from inside as a student, he is working with high level physicians within the “implant” technologic sector. The young Dara Sadegh loved him a lot, so the betrayal of him towards the child is beyond imagination. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, according to the child, first the child was beaten because of their friendship, then beaten from him (betrayal training) as well, he was the one who literally “fucked out the letters of the ABC” of the mouth of the young Sadegh Dara i.e. oral penetration to destroy the self-worth of the child, who was before told to present to the group his knowledge of the ABC. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Reiterer, Claudia Short term pre-school teacher of the young Sadegh Dara Rubens – Fully under total MK, most probably in the SRA tradition. Did everything possible to injure the child during his stay in “Kindergarten” to later blame the appellant. Does not have a professional education as a pre-school teacher but was visiting a 6-months course, which is common in Austria. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Private Pre-school “Waldhütte”, A-1170 Vienna, Dornbacherstrasse 93
Rosenauer Mag., Stefan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Riegler Ing. (HTL), Helmut Valentin Fully under total MK, seemingly SSP (secret space program) related. Official brother of the appellant and official uncle of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working place: District Authority Muerzzuschlag, Department for Water; A-8680 Muerzzuschlag, Wiener Strasse 9
Riegler, Nicole Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Riegler, Sebastian Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Schmatz Mag. (FH), Stephan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Danube University Krems, A-3500 Krems, Dr. Karl Dorrek Strasse 30
Sadegh-Eslami, Farrokh Fully under total MK. Intelligence official, officially from Persia, most probably hired by Mossad/CIA/supranational agencies. Is a specialist in torturing during basic mind fracture. He is operating worldwide as a torture knight, specialized in para-psychological aspects of programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; veiled as the official father of the child, he was organizing several happenings ranging from baby prostitution, waterboarding, “cumpanda” -beatings, etc., “experimentations” as well initiating close death experiences with Sadegh Dara Rubens. A-1190 Vienna, Strassergasse 47/9/6
Sapper, Stephanie Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schaller, Sigrun Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Peter Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. He together with his wife, Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med Marguerite was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically. Intimidated the appellant and the child (trigger with “clinic clowns” that were sent into the hospital. Well acquainted with all Jewish perpetrators. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Schmelzer, Alexander Actor – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: https://impulsschuleinternet.com, A-3011 Neu-Purkersdorf
Schuh, Andrea Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schuh Ing (HTL), Hubert Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. A-1220 Vienna, Pilotengasse
Smolik, Renate Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Stöcher, Mathias Son of a “Hofrat” (i.e. title in Austrian authorities, “privy councilor”) in an Austrian Ministry – Fully under total MK, and programmed to be a pedo-criminal, pervert. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, mentioned to have been extremely brutal Working Place: Der Standard, A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Strobl-Jeoulli, Sonja Fully under total MK, most probably connected to intelligence offices, as she was born and raised in Tunisia, according to her own telling. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Tepper Prof. DDr. med., Gabor Fully under total MK, MK ultra-programmer himself, codename “Oka”. Freemason, youngest university professor in Austria, graduated with “summa cum laude” – out of a family of intelligence officials out of former Hungary, veiled as Jewish citizens. Overprogrammed – cannot hold alter personas, massive visible MPD. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; (co)programmer, as the child told about that “Oka” was present at every single event, as well torture of the both front teeth of the young child (destruction of the teeth root canal) Working place: Dental University clinic Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Währinger Straße 25a
Vogl-Lang Mag., Caroline Fully under total MK, grew up close to the infamous psychiatric asylum in Graz, now Sigmund Freud clinic, where MK ultra-programming and experiments took place on an industrial scale. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, A-1010 Vienna, Stubenring 1
Vretscha Mag., Andreas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, reported to have been extremely brutal to the young Sadegh Dara Working place: Mediacom, 1120 Vienna, Wienerbergstraße
Wallner-Tschirk, Ute G. Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wambacher, Thomas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wolff-Suchanek Mag., Alina Fully under total MK. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Very obvious trained to be a “handler”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA – tried to stop the torture crimes at one point. According to the young child, she was “most lovely, lovely, lovely” to him, as she said “stop, Farrokh, stop, stop” during “ouch”, which was the code-word for torture crimes when the child was 2 ½ years old. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Zeisberger, Oliver Fully under total MK. I living close to Marianne and Walter Bretterklieber, most probably he has ongoingly and open access to the child. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Austria Broadcasting Corporation, Styria: A-8042 Graz, Marburger Straße 20
Ziai Mag. (FH), Azra Daughter of an “Iranian diplomat” (i.e. secret service official), former drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in “Grüner Kreis”, were married to him for a few months – Fully under total MK. Contacted the appellant to try to delete traces, also connected to Russian services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA
Zink, Herta Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, presented herself as the legitimate “grandma” of the young Sadegh Dara Working Place: Think Zinc, A-1030 Vienna, Rabenhof
Zwettler, Michael Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14

End of list[28].




  • A lot of perpetrators are needed, especially for the “basis mind fracture” of the concerned children, most often toddlers. Basis mind fracture subsumes the first torture acts against the children, to receive as many “personality splits” as possible, to then later program these splits into fully functional “alter personas”, which do have different biographies, likes and dislikes, even different native languages, different eye-colors, etc. – a single person will never be able to create MPD (deliberate caused multiple personality disorders) on a child.
  •  Perpetrators from all backgrounds of society guarantee that these perpetrators will infiltrate their personal as well their career networks to either influence general population or to strategically entangle their respective networks.
  • Well known from scientific literature but also from several whistleblowers worldwide is, that some are invited to parties, or huge (local) “celeb events”, where drugs are smuggled into drinks, to then later find out, that these drugs caused them to torture and/or sacrifice babies, toddlers and children. Either they go to the next police station to hand themselves in or – they are entangled for the rest of their lives, as every single act of aggression – mostly – against a baby, toddler or child is filmed in great detail, showing (drugged) perpetrators in action. Most of them will be asked to hand in their offspring for MK ultra later on.
  • Many of the perpetrators are MK-ed or under SRA themselves. From time to time it is necessary to let them commit further crimes, meaning to keep them in the perpetrator role, as without getting triggers in their programmed roles, also perpetrators could find healing.
  • Visible on this short list, representing the average perpetrators, that without the participation from employees from (supra)national intelligence officials – Austrian intelligence, French intelligence, Mossad/CIA, Nazi/CIA, MI6, Iranian, Belgium services – as well from the health care industry no such crime could get hidden in any way, as the affected toddlers and children do show massive signs and symptoms of being tortured – this during their whole childhood.
  • The presence of toddlers and children of perpetrators is used to train them to become perpetrators on their own later on. This is necessary to hold down their victims lifelong, for the perpetrator parents this guarantee, that even at a high age, their offspring will take care, that they will not see courts or jail. So, also Sadegh Dara Rubens has been reporting that children had to injure him.
  • Therefore, whenever MK ultra or SRA torture crimes are committed, one has to search for multiple child-victims (the appellant´s son was mentioning that he was not the only child who suffered torture crimes) as well in terms of the perpetrators, in case they do have children, one can be sure, that these children are almost always MK-ed themselves.
  • It is necessary to state here again, that these crimes are also well-hidden because of their brutality, a “normal” human being is not even able to think of. Therefore, the more brutal these crimes, the better hidden they are. “Normal” human beings will not be able to read this appeal in full, as by just reading this appeal, they might be driven into post-traumatic flashback symptoms, or would rather suggest, that the appellant or any scientist dealing with these issues is totally insane. These reactions are also described by American psychiatrists, stating, that they – as specialists – would need therapy for themselves to be able to help their own adult clients during their childhood reports. On concerned children these happenings are even more difficult to bear, therefore millions of cases are most often merely reported as “sexual” abuse cases to authorities.
  • Also, it is important to state, that these above-mentioned perpetrators almost always are committing ongoingly these crimes against babies, toddlers, and children, the young Sadegh Dara Rubens is merely one of their victims, as already stated. Therefore, it is not about shaming, blaming or “revenge” or similar low motives that drives the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea to mention their participation in the crime, but her duty as a loving mother and citizen to at least make it more difficult for them, to reach out for further babies, toddlers, and children, as well to give their own offspring the chance to break the circle of torture crimes and silence when adults.



The appellant had returned from Norway in early December 2018, where she tried to build up again her existence to be able to support her beloved son, but had to return due to severe multiple murder attempts in Norway, partly conducted by Austrian secret service, partly by unknown supranational intelligence officials. She then received at the beginning of January 2019 pictorial material of her then 10-year-old son sent to her, officially as a letter from the child to his mother in which he wished her a Merry Christmas in January 2019 and further commented that he would be fine with „Grandma and Grandpa“ (Marianne and Walter Bretterklieber), while the attached picture showed the not even 10-year-old child with all of his adult teeth missing. [29]/[30]

In this letter the child also refers to his subsequently deleted YouTube channel[31], which contained videos from Autumn 2018 in which the child, visibly suffering massive pain and shock after torture because of his teeth, is not able to speak age-appropriately, instead of using a „German“ High German. This use of dialect suggests his MK ultra-programmers are from Germany since it can be absolutely excluded that foster parents or even teachers speak a „German“ High German in rural Hausmannstätten near Graz; even the appellant is only able to speak „Austrian“ High German even though she is a Germanist and a literary scholar.

A few days before receiving this letter, the applicant’s repeated research had revealed further close connections between perpetrator groups and the Austrian judiciary[32]. As all of this occurred, further assassination attempts were made against the applicant, a scientist and activist against extreme abuse and torture on toddlers and children worldwide, who has successfully run the network against torture on toddlers and children for years, traumabasedmindcontrol.com.

Whenever Mag. Riegler, Andrea does bring new (massive) evidence to the Austrian jurisdiction, either an “expert administration/expert lunacy” or murder attempts are following, while the Austrian court system is allowing known perpetrators groups to go on with the crimes especially against the child Sadegh, Dara Rubens, while Austrian prosecution offices are merely stating in written, that there would be “no initial suspicion”, therefore no investigation would be conducted – the health state of the child Sadegh, Dara Rubens is deteriorating massively according to pictures found online, most severe after the loss of – all – his adult teeth not even aged 10.

According to the “Istanbul Protocol of the United Nations – Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” – published 2004, “white” torture as well as mutilations – like taking out the teeth or causing the loss of all teeth via electroshocks, castration through the destruction of the inner genitals, etc. – are well-known forms of torture that can get tracked and traced one´s whole life[33].

While the appellant as a scientist was doing intense forensically research for her beloved son, Austrian courts were eager to either ignore her writings or to claim, she would be insane/would need an expert lunacy report – this without having ever examined the child in detail over MRT/CT/nuclear medical examination/psychiatrically:

The first expert lunacy report was ruled as an “error” by the head of district court BG Innere Stadt/Vienna/Austria, Mag. Schmidt Ulrike, in 2015, after being able to prove that judge Dr. Zeitler, Michaela was faking court reports, nevertheless, all further evidence has been ignored so far. This expert administration came about suggestively in 2013, in that the Austrian courts never investigated the child Sadegh, Dara Rubens, and with no genuine evidence concluded that „the child had nothing, it was a well-supported, intelligent child“, and that the scientist and mother of the child, must be „mentally ill“. The child was never examined via MRI/CT/nuclear medicine or psychiatrically, and the countless applications for investigation, providing new evidence by the scientist and mother of the child, here the appellant, Riegler Andrea, were ignored every time. The application for the first assessment came from the Civil Rights Court ZRS Vienna under the judge, Konstanze Thau, who is married to the psychiatrist, Prof. Dr. Kenneth Thau: both also are offering psychologically motivated classes in their spare time and have been mentioned several times by protecting parents as „assessment administrator stimulators” – meaning as soon as a protective parent reports to courts and/or police regarding their tortured children, judge Konstanze Thau recommends an “assessment” of the protective parent:

  • Here it is now indispensable to know that in crimes such as MK Ultra, medical doctors, especially psychiatrists, are always the main perpetrators. Without their professional expertise no torture-based programming, as it is called in specialist jargon, is possible. In the English-speaking world, there are several psychiatrists and psychologists who express their professional opinions on these practices, warning the population and governments worldwide against them. (compare above all the psychiatrist Dr. Colin A. med. Ross, who, in addition to extensively published specialist literature, has also founded his own institute on this subject, see https://www.rossinst.com/).
  •  Contrary to habits of the USA, it should also be noted that in Austria the MK Ultra agendas are less in the hands of the military and the secret services, but directly in the hands of the Austrian medical profession and judiciary. This is to be attributed to the presence of the SS Medical Academy in Graz, as well to Dr. Sigmund Freud, one of the first known “MK Ultra” doctors here in Austria. The unlimited power of these two professional groups became visible in the Nuremberg war crimes trials, where practically not a single conviction of the medical profession was pronounced and not a single judge was convicted.

In the Sadegh case, the suggestive circumstance has now[34] come to light that the mentioned psychiatrist, Dr. Kenneth Thau, is even being promoted by Dr. Lansky Gabriel’s law firm. In the Sadegh case, this law firm represents “Jewish” perpetrators and is also known as the law firm of the deep state with close contacts to Mossad/CIA. Out of the 72 perpetrators identified by Sadegh Dara Rubens, 6 perpetrators are “Jewish” and this law firm represents 4 officially. Six such perpetrators are: Mag. Mitteräcker Alexander (son of the Mossad/CIA secret service agent Oscar Bronner, who is one of the best friends of former Federal President Dr. Fischer Heinz, seemingly in the role of an “Austrian Jeffrey Epstein[35]”); Prof. Dr. med. Tepper Gabor; Prof. Dr. med. Scheer, Peter; and Prof. Dr. med. Dunitz-Scheer, Marguerite; as well as Mag. Scholz-Lauppert Kathrin and her husband, Mag. Lauppert Egon: the latter four suing the applicant under the patronage of and with the official Jewish Congregation of Austria, seemingly to make the appellant look anti-Semitic, what is a further crime, as she herself is at least 10% Jewish, fighting also for Jewish toddlers and children in MK ultra/SRA/child trafficking cases[36].

  • For a better understanding, it has to be pointed out again that in MK Ultra the respective secret services stick together on a supranational level and execute orders from the supranational secret service. In 2011, the child Sadegh Dara Rubens already reported that officially „Jewish“ perpetrators have committed torture on him hand in hand, i.e. together with National Socialist perpetrators – such as the Kutschera Institute, which has ample contacts with American secret services[37]. In her two books „The Enslaved Queen“ and „White Witch in a Black Robe“, Wendy Hoffman, a Jewish therapist and MK Ultra survivor, also describes that, growing up as a Jewish child of a Jewish lawyer in New York/USA, she had already been sold by her father to Dr. Josef Mengele (the infamous concentration camp physician) in the early 1940s as a small child (long before the war ended). The technical jargon speaks of a cooperation between Nazi/CIA and Mossad/CIA, clarifying the cooperation of supranational secret services, since at present the strings always run together at the CIA. Others subsume this organization as „Illuminati“.
  •  Besides the horrendous child abuse of the Catholic Church and the bestial human experiments of the Nazis, it has become internationally known especially in the last months that it is „trendy “ among rich Israelis at present to book „torture vacations“, partly because of their own „MK Ultra revenge programming“ (see „Nakam“), and partly in order to keep up with the “social developments” of a perverted „elite“, as is standard practice worldwide in all (“religious”) belief systems. In 2011, the child Sadegh Dara Rubens already showed signs of having been tortured in a (former) concentration camp; naturally, conclusions are drawn about the lively interest of the Viennese Jewish religious congregation in taking part as a joint plaintiff in the Sadegh case merely because they are named on the website www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com. According to international experts, these toddlers and child torture packages are booked and paid for on a flat-rate basis, and impunity is always guaranteed in the respective country. Hundreds of Jewish whistleblowers are currently desperately trying to draw attention to the MK Ultra programming that is widespread in Judaism worldwide and Jewish victims are regarded as enormously important witnesses, worldwide, who even had their own publishing house – the Karnac Publishing House in London – as their mouthpiece until the sale of this very publishing house in 2017. 


Back to the Sadegh case:

After the government-organized child abduction in 2012 on the grounds of an alleged „danger in progress“, (initiated without the presence of a doctor or judge by employees of the Youth Welfare Office Graz as well as the non-medical staff of the University Clinic Graz), the applicant was not only stalked by secret services but also psychiatrically examined only months later by Dr. Lenzinger, Elisabeth, who was sent from court to check the mental state as well the parenting abilities of the mother, without having seen the applicant together with her beloved son. At the same time, the husband of the certified sworn expert was affected by a repeated company bankruptcy, but more importantly, is precisely this certified sworn expert, Dr. Lenzinger Elisabeth personally known to the perpetrator circles (Mag. Alexander Mitteräcker, Prof. DDr. Gabor Tepper, as well former employers of the appellant) in the Sadegh case and was repeatedly brought to court by Andrea Riegler. Dr. Lenzinger’s expert opinion[38] was submitted to American professors in 2015 and could not even be „nullified “ due to the massively poor quality of the expert opinion since the horrendous quality of the expert opinion would speak for itself, as already brought to court by the applicant in 2012, since the expert opinion is more reminiscent of a creative collage than of an expert opinion.[39]

In 2013 it was proven that Dr. Zeitler Michaela, BG Innere Stadt, had falsified court records. Prof. Dr. Pakesch, Georg[40], a psychiatric expert of the Republic of Austria who is himself affected by MK Ultra, was „sexually“ aroused during the descriptions of the torture injuries of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens in conversation with the child’s mother, a scientist and the applicant for this appeal, while he greedily sucked up all the details about the suffering of the 2 1/2-year-old toddler. All courts and „experts“ have – repeatedly – „accidentally“ failed to verify the assumption that the child’s scientist mother was mentally ill by finally conducting a comprehensive examination of the applicant’s son in conventional medicine, as well as a police confrontation with the identified and named perpetrators.

While the child’s mother and scientist, Mag. Riegler Andrea – who not only has a profound education as a text scientist (master’s degree in Comparative Literature, German Studies), but also as an academically certified market and opinion researcher, trainer, coach as well as a life and social counselor – continued to hand in complaints with descriptions of severe torture committed on the child in governmental care after the boy was taken, as well as about murder attempts, (partly with handing in the names to courts when the secret service officials were recognized), since October 2012 accompanied by scientific literature on this subjects, literally every petition for evidence „stimulated“ a new administration of expert opinions or the new evidence got lost or ignored, while the appellant’s beloved son underwent even more and more bestial torture in the Nazi tradition “The more you speak the more we are going to torture your beloved child.”

The fact that the applicant seamlessly resumed her job as a trainer in adult education – for the Austrian Ministry of Labor – immediately after the child was taken until the end of 2014 is particularly notable: if the applicant had been so severely mentally ill as described by psychiatric sworn experts in 2012/2013, she would not have been able to lead groups with complex backgrounds or to coach them, just as she would not be able to live and work in foreign countries (London/UK: 2013/2014, Asia: 2016, Norway: 2017-2018, etc.).

The background of these “lunacy trials” are necessary to understand, that with them, the appellant – despite she is an excellent and internationally appreciated specialist, scientist and researcher – she was made deliberately an “outlaw” by the Austrian judiciary and health care system: Every act of aggression (rape, torture, murder attack, “Zersetzung”, poisoning, burglaries, etc.) are interpreted that the appellant would have “an episode” within her alleged “mental illness”. More important, as soon as the appellant is reporting to courts about the ongoing torture of her beloved son, so the loss of ALL his adult teeth (causing severe problems on a soul level, on a development level, also on a career level, etc.), courts are – ongoingly – answering with a “lunacy order” for the appellant, without ever having the child Sadegh Dara Rubens examined in great detail over MRT/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically – this since 2011ff – or with the one and only sentence “there would be no initial suspicion in this case”[41]/[42].



To be able to understand the procedure shortly, it is, unfortunately, necessary to point out that these networks operate within the states worldwide via „fragmentation“, so not only the psyche of the affected toddlers and children is fragmented, but also the petitions for evidence and court proceedings. The Sadegh case is now in the following courts – dismissed, nearly always containing only one single sentence: “there is no initial suspicion in this case”:

List of courts/prosecution offices/authorities/governmentally funded help centers, involved in the cover-up of the case:

Case File Name of Court/Prosecution Office/Authority Responsible Judge/Prosecution Officer/Authority Official
3PS177/09[43]p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad
3PS177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Klammer, Mag. NN (judge in training)
3PU177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Gattermann, Andrea
1C19/10m Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Kohlendorfer, Mag. Beate
24E7811/10v Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Reichmann, Gabriele
D2/297252/2011 Police Inspectorate Vienna, LKA ASt West – EB03, A-1160 Vienna, Wattgasse 15 Miksits, Manfred
September 2011 (no file number available) Youth Welfare Department of the City of Vienna Rötzergasse DSA Vodrazka
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Freh, Mag. Petra
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pulker, Mag. Dagmar
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Abel, Hildegard


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Krumpholz, Wilma


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Sixt, Helmut


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Gilbers Mag (FH), Nadine


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Till, Daniela


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Macho, BA. Katrin


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Knopper-Spari, Waltraud


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Lorenz, Brigitte


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Schabler, Mag. Markus
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – psychologist department Wonisch-Schneider, Mag. Petra
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – Head of CPS Graz Krammer, Mag. Ingrid
A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Juranek Dr., Elisabeth


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Götz, Dr. Barbara


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Neubauer Mag. Sabine
A6-2624/2011/KO/VE Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz – child support department A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Haumann, Dorothea
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Walisch, Gabriella


2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Drees Mag., Renate
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Sollhart Mag. Renata
2011 (no file number known) Die Möwe (child protection center), A-1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 9 Zimmerl, Mag. Johanna
130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Höpler-Salat Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weis Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hautz, Mag. Andreas


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
32St56/11b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weiskopf Mag. Claudia
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Laschober, Günter
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Niederl Mag., Tanja
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Danzinger Anna
12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Heinisch-Hosek, dipl. Päd. Gabriele

Valsky, Dr. Julia

12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Valsky, Dr. Julia
2012 (no file number known) Crisis Foster Carers, Verena Sternat, Untergreith 75, 8453 St. Johann in Saggautal Sternat, Verena (crisis foster carers)
2012 Amnesty International, A-1150 Vienna, Moeringgasse 10 N.N.
2012 Help Center for Parents – Children, Eltern-Kind-Begleitunt, SOS Kinderdorf Pinkafeld, 7423 Pinkafeld, Hermann Gmeiner Straße 6 Kalcher, DSA Bernadette
2012 Victim´s Help Network, Weißer-Ring, A-1090 Vienna, Alserbachstraße 18 N.N.
2012 (no file number) District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Mag. Leitgeb RiAA

Ogertschnig Mag, RP

Krainz, Dr RidBG


9.78.596-12 County Administrative Authority, Bezirkshauptmannschaft Graz-Umgebung, A-8021 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Peper Mag. (FH) Knut (social worker)
S120100/13-STR/2012 Austrian Federal President, A-1014 Vienna, Hofburg Fischer, Dr. Heinz
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef

Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna Kollmann, Dr. Oskar

44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
30St218/13i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Braitenberg-Zennenberg, Mag. Iris


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Strebinger, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Zeitler, Dr. Michaela
2013 Amnesty International, WC1X0DW London, 1, Easton Street N.N.
00741/12910/13 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Gottwald Dr. LL.M, Heidemarie (formerly Mendel Dr LL.M, Heidemarie)
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Vasak, MMag. Johanna
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Jocher, Mag. Rudolf
43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stumvoll, Hofrat Dr. Heinrich


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert


Proscution Office against Corruption, Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft Vienna, A-1030 Vienna, Dampfschiffstraße 4 Judge „5“ (anonymous)
2013-2015 Administration Lawyer – A-1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 30 Weiser Dr. Martin
2013-2015 Foster Care Agency, Pflegeelternverein Steiermark, A-8010 Graz, Hilmteichstraße 110 Rauchegger, Mag. Birgit
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Hannes
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Simone
1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Sailer, Hon-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg, Senatspräsident des OGH


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Bydlinski, Univ. Prof Dr. Peter


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurzer, Mag. Raimund


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurdinger, Mag. Dr. Bernhard


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hofer-Zeni-Rennhofer, Dr. Barbara
44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
32Nc80/15b District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
Jv3023/15g District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
27St399/15p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hochhold, Mag. Christina
47UT77/15g Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pree Mag.Tanja
20St186/15x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Rumpold Mag. Arnulf
23UT73/15a Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Doppelhofer Mag. Katharina
15 St113/15z Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bernat Dr., Andreas


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
LVwG20.32-2600/2015 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
DA120/2015-W Disciplinary Court of the Austrian Chamber of physicians, Disziplinaranwalt der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, A-1010 Vienna, Weihburggasse 10-12 Dr. Oskar Maleczky (Disziplinaranwalt)
104Jv1936/15t Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kainc Mag. Julia
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Klackl Hofrat Dr. Michael
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stadlmayr Mag. Beate
42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Laffranque Dr., Julia


42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Spielmann Prof. Dr., Dean
2015ff Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Brandstetter, Dr. Wolfgang (Minister of Justice)
10St210/15b Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Fauler, Mag. Rudolf
Jv3597/15z Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 – HQ Nittel, Hofrätin Dr. Maria-Luise
2015/2016 Constitutional Court, Verfassungsgerichtshof, A-1010 Vienna, Freyung 8 Answer from this court got lost – but it said that there would be no reason for investigate
2015/2016 Polizeipräsidium Wien, A-1010, Schottenring 7-9 Pürstl, Dr. Gerhard Hofrat
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Rehak, Mag. Renate


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Köhler, Dr. Wolfgang


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Lechner, Mag.a. NN


2015-2019 Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Marianne
2015-2019 Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Walter
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Zens, Dr. Hofrat Heinrich
39UT73/16m Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Lattacher, Mag. Günther
Jv366/16y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
2St39/16y Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bubna-Litic Mag. Johanna
Jv431/16x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Mühlbacher, Dr. Thomas (Head of prosecution office Graz)
Jv52758-33a/16 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Juschitz, Mag. Elisabeth
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Krauß, Birgit
LVwG 20.3-475/2016 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Kundegraber Mag. Dr. Erich
43C314/16p District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Hofbauer Mag. Wilma
221PS29/16a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Joeinig-Kogler, Dr. Elke


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
BMJ-Pr912.574/0001_III5/2016 Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Nogratnig, Mag. LL.M. Gerhard
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger, Dr. Herta
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert
45St191/17k Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pausa, Dr. Andrea
2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Prisching, Dr. Wolfgang


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Hochnetz, Dr. Peter


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Inthaler, Mag. Gabriele
Jv54579-33a/17 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
Ziv002002/17-X (X) Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
19Cg31/17f Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schuhmertl, Mag. Christoph
999Cg739/17t Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Dworak Dr. Elfriede
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Greinert, Mag. Doris
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Amon, Anita


70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Winkler, Mag. Birgit
70E4439/17v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
15St75/17f Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kneidinger Mag. Judith
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Rech, Dr. Elisabeth
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Enzinger, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Michael
002002/17-X (X) Justice Recovery Body, Justiz Einbringungsstelle, A-1011 Vienna, Hansestraße 4 Kolbinger, Petra
2.0N1/13/2018 County Admission Styria, A-8020 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Kulmer, Carmen
42UT64/18p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kainz, Mag. Carmen
64E4581/18h District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
70E477/18v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
21UT64/18h Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Mascha, Mag. Bernhard
32Nc61/19i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
32Nc32/19z District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wagner Dr. Brigitte


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
2019: WLA4/4622201171 Austrian Pensioner´s Insurance, A-1021 Vienna, Friedrich-Hillegeist Str. 1 Anonymous Caseworkers
70E4175/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Müller, Martin
201Nc13/19a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 – Head of Court Korschelt, Dr. Andrea
70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Tader, Doris


70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
14St12/19w Public Prosecution Office Graz Wagner, Mag. Reingard
26UT11/19b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Ertl, Mag. Gudrun
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Czerwenka, DSA Theresa
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Schlerka, Mag. Paul
70E5223/19s District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula



More than 130+ government and court employees, i.e. judges and public prosecutors, have been „occupied“ with the Sadegh case since 2011ff, while the child, Sadegh Dara Rubens – who is at the center and has always been – is subjected to further ritual torture as well as to MK Ultra. To this date, the child has never been examined by means of a profound classic medical clarification via MRT/CT/nuclear medicine.


This procedure, (which resembles an unparalleled spectacle of justice in Austria, and has already caused and continues to cause international attention as a „major international case“ in the opinion of international experts), also has a deeper background: the strategic entanglement as already communicated to the courts since 2011ff. Highly educated Austrian judges and medical doctors are not stupid – the case serves to ongoingly entangle judges and authority officials, as well youth welfare employees, police officers to pre-school teachers and schools, further medical doctors, etc.[44]


Years of research and discussions with experts have clearly revealed that in the Sadegh case everything had been planned for decades, which also explains the high proportion of perpetrators from former friends and acquaintances of the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea. These perpetrators had already been recognized and named by the child Sadegh Dara Rubens after being tortured by them in 2011.


A mentally ill patient would have been brought to a psychiatric asylum for good, would not have been able to do excellent research or even writing down the findings on www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com, as well would not have been able to live in foreign countries, work, etc., also, a “normal” citizen, would not have been able to survive these bestial cruelties, as often stated by specialists but also by acquaintances:


The appellant Riegler Andrea is a former MK Ultra victim, who has been used for years – like most of the victims, without knowing it – for top-class secret service operations without payment and without consent, here mainly by the Austrian and US intelligence services and/or their mercenary companies. Afterward, she was used for the creation of an international case of strategic entanglement on the back of the beloved child: she had a childhood in the MK Ultra program, years of torture-based training, especially high-level academic (MK Ultra „Thule programming“ as well as „Wewelsburg programming“), to then be involuntarily inseminated with the semen from an unknown person[45] by an intelligence agent who pretended to be a loving partner/husband, Sadegh-Eslami Farrokh. Subsequently the beloved child of the applicant – as usual – was kidnapped and transferred as „secret service/intel property“ for MK Ultra, which includes torture and years of drill. Multiple applications for paternity tests have already been ignored in the judge’s office of MMag Konrad Kubiczek of BG Hernals/Vienna, who himself is deeply involved in the Sadegh case. The question arises as to why this very judge, who presented himself as the „father“ towards the child in 2011, has strictly refused this paternity test, and since then no other court has wanted to carry out this paternity test.

  • It is important to remember here that these children are filmed during torture and during these „sadistic“ rituals, as are the participants, meaning the perpetrators.
  • It is known from specialist literature that during torture rituals the „real“ biological fathers present themselves to the children as their „fathers“, telling the children the truth about the „real biological genetic“ paternity, which leads to a horrendous confusion of the little ones (…). To add also here, children are exchanged from birth on without any notice on the birth certificate as well as cuckoo children are the norm, most often without the knowing and consent of the mothers.
  • It is well known in the specialist literature that politicians, as well as the leaders of corporations, the media, etc., have to take part in these torture rituals on toddlers and children before they receive these positions and jobs in order to be in the hands of the actual rulers, often called „shadow government“ or „deep state“. (Compare Epstein case, the case of Ronald Bernard, etc.). From these actual cases it is also known that in the upper ranks, children must be fathered as a kind of demonstration of courage and power in order to be accepted into the 33+ degrees.
  •  It is also necessary to remind here, that to keep MK Ultra victims with perpetrator programming in the respective programming again and again – via further crimes – because otherwise, they could find healing. For this, MK Ultra „victims“ are needed, who have to be tortured, stalked and in any case kept existentially low by perpetrators as well as by their offspring for the rest of their lives, and also explains the usual manhunts. It is therefore not surprising that the child Sadegh Dara Rubens also reported on manhunts against him in 2011, as well as on the fact that even toddlers and children known to him personally were present at the torture acts and must have made him „ouch“ (see charges against Riegler Sebastian, Angelo Sarah, as well as against the children of Gudrun Hohenberger Zwettler). Subsequently, the children of the perpetrators as adults are responsible for ensuring that the victims remain silent forever.
  • Many Austrian politicians, judges and public prosecutors are affected by this form of violence in the tradition of MK ultra, as are their international colleagues. The bestial cruelty with which the Austrian judiciary has left the highly talented and intelligent child Sadegh Dara Rubens to himself and to his torturers since his infancy bears witness to the state of MK -ed ones within the Austrian judiciary: Judges and Prosecution officers under MK Ultra either cannot look into the case, because the child’s suffering unconsciously reminds them of their own suffering, or do not want to look, because they have been programmed to be perpetrators.



List of known physicians involved to cover-up the case:

Name Year Address Description
Gröhs Dr. med. Barbara 2009-2011 A-1170 Vienna, Rupertusplatz 2/1 Child physician of Sadegh Dara before and after his basis mind fracture.
Atteneder-Tischler, Dr. Verena 2010, 2011 A-1170 Vienna General practitioner of Sadegh Dara as well of the appellant Riegler, Andrea.[46]
Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 During a 14 day long stay in the Klinikum Graz in December 2011, Dr. Peter Scheer refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[47]


Dunitz-Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Marguerite 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[48] This physician is specialized on eating disorders on toddlers and children, which are almost always an issue of MK-ed ones, after having had to suffer hunger, eating feces, drinking urine or even eating raw meat of unknown origin, etc.
Stepan, Dr. Alexandra 2011 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Made a first assessment of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea without noticing any psychiatric illnesses[49].
Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga 2011-2012


A-8054 Graz, Kärntner Straße 410/1 Short term local child physician of the minor after leaving Vienna[50].
N.N. 2011, 2012 Regional (governmental) Dental Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 After the Klinikum Graz refused to have the minor examined, the appellant tried to have her son´s front teeth, x-rayed, as the tooth root canals of both teeth, were pricked with a needle, as often in MK ultra and SRA-torture cases[51].
Lenzinger, Dr. Elisabeth 2012 A-1090 Vienna, Van Swietengasse 2 Made a second examination of the appellant, after the child Sadegh Dara Rubens was taken. Diagnosed the appellant, without ordering an examination of the minor as schizophrenic lunatic, with no chance to heal[52].
Breisach, Dr. med. Georg 2012 A-8530 Deutschlandsberg, F. Henriettenstraße 4 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tockner, Dr. Armin 2012 A-8454 Arnfels, Hauptplatz 17 General practicioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tomberger, Dr. Otmar 2012 A- 8455Oberhaag, Oberhaag 200 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family “Sternat”.
Pommer, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8662 St. Barbara im Mürztal, Breitenfeldstraße 9 Dentist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Schalk, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 3 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Maierhofer, Dr. Birgitta 2013 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstr 29 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pinter, Dr. Oliver 2013, 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 21 Eye specialist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Stückler, Dr. Johannes 2013, 2014 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstraße 20a General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pakesch, Dr. med Georg 2013 A-1030 Vienna, Neulinggasse 18/11 Court-ordered expert opinion about the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea[53].
Götz, Dr. Georg 2014 A-8682 Mürzzuschlag, Neubaugasse 12 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.


Felbinger, Dr. Michael 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Stadtpl. 2 Eye doctor of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Raith, Dr. Johann 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wienerstraße 21 Radiologist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
No data available 2015 No data available No data available
No data available 2016 No data available No data available
Zotter, Dr. Heinz 2017 A-8042 Graz, St. Peter Hauptstraße 29 Not only a physician for children but also a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz[54].
Sohnle, Dr. Christian 2017 A-8071 Hausmannstätten, Hauptstraße 42 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
N.N. 2017 Regional (governmental) Eye Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 Eye specialists from there were examining Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
No data available 2018 No data available No data available
No data available 2019 No data available No data available
No data available 2020 No data available No data available




Austria is a hotspot of MK Ultra due to the National Socialist home base, as well as the Jesuit military base. There is no other country of the world where the density of people affected by MK Ultra is so high, especially among officials – as numerous witness statements historically prove[55].

In no other country in the world do psychiatrists have such access and influence on the lives and thinking of ordinary citizens, which has led to more and more corruption, open torture of small children (compare, alongside the Sadegh case, the hush money affair of the „Weisser Ring“ and the „SPÖ“ (Austrian Socialist Party) with more than 2.000 infants affected by torture in 2013/2014[56]) and most recently to the dissolution of the Austrian government – see „Ibiza affair[57]„. This country is therefore extremely attractive for international secret services which, as briefly explained, cooperate on a supranational level – in the Sadegh case above all visible as Nazi/CIA and Mossad/CIA, as well as for „child porn torture tourism“.


Nonetheless, torture and slavery are extremely serious crimes that are not subject to a statute of limitations in Austria, therefore the appellant is calling the Den Haag prosecution office as Austrian courts are unlikely to sentence themselves for genocide/crimes against humanity. Also, it is more cost-efficient for the Austrian government to pay for further murder assassinations and torture crimes than to pay for damages and reparations: Lifelong torture, lifelong exploitation and „manhunts“ by secret services or special units of secret services, sabotage of de facto all professional careers, destruction of property, health, insemination with the semen of an unknown person (applications for evidence on the „biological“ father can be submitted in particular, also with names) during upright marriage/partnership with a secret service employee, governmental abduction and destruction of the child for MK Ultra, years of torture, neurological damage by laser weapons and microwave weapons, poisoning, in addition to mental “erosion” via techniques of „operative psychology“ (e.g. the desperate begging for help and the crying for his mum of her beloved son was played even into her short-term home in Norway via white noises), known primarily under „Zersetzung“, which can kill a victim, as it is – for a human being and loving mother – nearly not bearable. Everyone not under MK ultra and programmed for this role, like the appellant, would commit suicide[58].


Some international specialists also suggest, that the role the appellant, Riegler Mag. Andrea is forced to fulfill, because of her beloved son, is also used to “promote” this kind of Austrian MK ultra super-soldier program and later “sell” her type of MK ultra-programming internationally, to force other small toddler girls into the same or similar paths[59].


A complete investigation of the child via MRI/CT/nuclear medicine, including a police parade with the 72+ named and known perpetrators (out of health care, secret service, mainstream media, with close ties to politics), would have solved the case completely as early as 2011. Without detailed examinations of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens, the courts have been turning in circles for years now – at the taxpayers‘ expense – and allowing the further destruction/mutilations of the child (compare – all – the missing adult teeth of the child not even 10 years old) as well as the destruction of the child’s mother and scientist, Mag. Riegler Andrea, who is currently (?) in early retirement for health reasons (neurological issues), after the survival of several murder attempts.


More importantly, however, the appellant would like to explicitly point out again, that every individual who has received torture-based MK Ultra programming has life-long scars – here especially coccyx/pelvis, brain stem, teeth/tooth root canal/palate, eyes, ears, soles of the feet, inner genitals, (missing) glands – which can be proven life-long by MRI/CT/nuclear medical examinations. Therefore, the scientific statements of the appellant, scientist, and mother of the child, Mag. Riegler Andrea, are entirely provable, unfortunately not a conspiracy theory of a lunatic.



SUMMARY (as known by the appellant, February 16th, 2020) | APPEAL FOR INVESTIGATION IN TERMS OF


Article 6: GENOCIDE 
(letter b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Mutilations of the child Sadegh Dara in terms of pelvis/tailbone/sacrum, inner genitals, teeth
Mutilation of the appellant in terms of pelvis/tailbone/sacrum and other torture techniques happened before 2002, but also after 2002 by several murder attempts which led to massive neurological issues on the brain. The scars and injuries of these attacks on the brain, also would get visible during an MRT/CT/nuclear medical examination.
(letter c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Due to the mutilations of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens, alone in terms of the loss of all his adult teeth, he might not be able to have an (academic) career, etc., especially as he is ongoingly tortured until now, 2020.
Due to severe health issues, the appellant is not able to work on a regular basis, therefore, has an average income of 15.600,- Euro a year, while paying full alimony[60] [!] as well while paying damage payments – 20.000, -Euro – for mentioning the Jewish perpetrators on the website www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com. Her monthly income is, therefore, around 760,- Euro.
(letter d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
The child Sadegh Dara Rubens was castrated (destruction of inner genitals, chemically, etc.) and told, that he would never be able to get children on his own, as well he now would be a “girlie”.
The appellant Riegler, Mag. Andrea was not able to give birth to other children after her beloved son was taken, as in Austria it is a rule, that when a mother has lost one child due to governmental kidnapping, all other children will be taken.
(letter e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
The child Sadegh Dara Rubens was always transferred and placed within the perpetrator networks. The crisis foster carers, Verena Sternat is deeply involved in Satanism, the crisis foster carers, family Hartl, are involved in Satanism/Masonry as well, as well the foster carers Bretterklieber, who always had access to the child without any interruption are directly connected to Austrian MK ultra.



(letter c) Enslavement
Sadegh Dara Rubens is enslaved in so many ways, on one hand as an MK ultra-slave, on the other hand, used for child (porn) trafficking.
The appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea has been used as an MK-ed trauma-based mind control slaves over years.
(letter d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population
Sadegh Dara Rubens was deported from his protective mother Riegler, Mag. Andrea and forcible transferred from one “foster” place to the next.
Riegler, Mag. Andrea, who does not know her real parents, has been forced to leave Austria several times, because of murder attempts.
(letter f) Torture
Sadegh Dara Rubens has described many torture events in great detail, mostly within horrible flashbacks. Due to children’s movies (close death experience) or children´s picture dictionaries, he was able to tell his mother, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea as follows:

·        Waterboarding

·        “Sexual” abuse, anally and orally

·        (“cumpanda”) beatings

·        Forced to eat feces and to drink urine

·        Held captive in small cages, back of a car

·        Blunt trauma injuries, caused by various means (pliers, needles, cigarettes, candles)

·        Buried alive

·        Electroshocks

·        Destruction of ears and eyes

·        Deliberate destruction of his abilities, so to know the ABC, by raping him (“fucking out of his mouth the letters”) after proudly presenting his knowledge and his ability to read at that age.

·        Teeth root canal torture at around age 2, then removal of all his adult teeth in 2018

·        Etc.

·        This while being mocked and laughed at partly with perpetrators wearing masks, deprived of his loving mum, and being told, that his mum wants him to suffer, does not love him, etc.

The appellant Riegler, Mag. Andrea (after 2002) experienced a lot of torture, at one hand to “start” the case, on the other hand, to keep her from doing research, writing, etc.

·        Destruction of front teeth in 2003

·        Rapes

·        Insemination with the semen from an unknown person, while being in a relationship/marriage with intel official Sadegh Eslami Farrokh

·        Poisoning

·        Torture endured in terms of “Zersetzung”, on one hand via white noises (the begging and crying of her beloved son was played into her short-term home, even in a hidden Norwegian Fjord town), as well by contacting her as “helpers”: So, one of the torture knights of her son (as well as of herself), Johann Bigl, was sitting in her flat discussing how to help the appellants son. This form of erosion of the soul is the most dangerous form of torture, as it is not visible, but leads to killing its victims on a soul level.

·        Military weapons like microwave and laser weapons, which almost always were directed to the brain of the appellant, as a scientist to destroy her decade-long academic education for good.

·        Both the appellant and her son do have an extremely tight bond, still, so the appellant often realizes, when her son is being tortured. This connection of both of them is known by the perpetrators, and more and more destroyed[61].

(letter g) rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity
Sadegh Dara Rubens was castrated in 2011 as well was forced into baby prostitution on several occasions. In one alter (compare multiple personality disorder) he is or was brilliantly trained to be a “mentally disabled baby prostitute”, who “enjoys” these happenings.
·        The appellant – even after 2002 – was used for breeding experiments, here the 6-week-pregnancies, which are not known in scientific literature so far, but well-known by private researchers and survivors.

·        The appellant was also in the course of 8 years massively drugged, sometimes was waking up with semen between her legs from an unknown person. She now has 2 cameras in her flat, as well as a loft bed, which seemingly makes it more difficult for perpetrators to rape her. Also here is to state, that within supranational agencies, there are high-tech devices, about which, the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea does not want to elaborate here but can get described in detail (according to the knowledge in this point in time) if considered as important by the Den Haag High Prosecution Office.

(letter h) persecution (…)
On one hand, the appellant is persecuted by the Austrian judiciary, on the other hand by Austrian/supra-national intelligence officials.
Most probably, in case the child of the appellant, Sadegh Dara Rubens survives (without being hospitalized for good), he will get even more targeted as an adult, as also here these perpetrator networks are eager to set a cruel example for speaking out.
(letter k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health
All the above-mentioned actions against the appellant and her son are causing body injuries, besides mental and physical health issues: Mental health can get healed, but not mutilations. Also, neurological issues due to unknown military technologies have to be considered as mutilations.



To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES[62]
(letter ii) torture
Sadegh Dara Rubens has described many torture events in great detail, mostly within horrible flashbacks. Due to children’s movies (close death experience) or children´s picture dictionaries, he was able to tell his mother, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea as follows:

·        Waterboarding

·        “Sexual” abuse, anally and orally

·        (“cumpanda”) beatings

·        Forced to eat feces and to drink urine

·        Held captive in small cages, back of a car

·        Blunt trauma injuries, caused by various means (pliers, needles, cigarettes, candles)

·        Buried alive

·        Electroshocks

·        Destruction of ears and eyes

·        Deliberate destruction of his abilities, so to know the ABC, by raping him (“fucking out of his mouth the letters”) after proudly presenting his knowledge and his ability to read at that age.

·        Teeth root canal torture at around age 2, then removal of all his adult teeth in 2018

·        Etc.

·        This while being mocked and laughed at partly with perpetrators wearing masks, deprived of his loving mum, and being told, that his mum wants him to suffer, does not love him, etc.

The appellant Riegler, Mag. Andrea (after 2002) experienced a lot of torture, at one hand to “start” the case, on the other hand, to keep her from doing research, writing, etc.

·        Destruction of front teeth in 2003

·        Rapes

·        Insemination with the semen from an unknown person, while being in a relationship/marriage with intel official Sadegh Eslami Farrokh

·        Poisoning

·        Torture endured in terms of “Zersetzung”, on one hand via white noises (the begging and crying of her beloved son was played into her short-term home, even in a hidden Norwegian Fjord town), as well by contacting her as “helpers”: So, one of the torture knights of her son (as well as of herself), intelligence officer Johann Bigl, was sitting in her flat discussing how to help the appellants son. This form of erosion of the soul is the most dangerous form of torture, as it is not visible, but leads to killing its victims on a soul level.

·        Military weapons like microwave and laser weapons, which almost always were directed to the brain of the appellant, as a scientist to destroy her decade-long academic education for good.

·        Both the appellant and her son do have an extremely tight bond, still, so the appellant often realizes, when her son is being tortured. This connection of both of them is known by the perpetrators, and more and more destroyed.

(letter iii) willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to health
Known injuries/mutilations on Sadegh, Dara Rubens:

·        Pelvis/Tailbone/Sacrum

·        Brain/Brain stem scars

·        Teeth root canals, loss of ALL adult teeth

·        Scars from being pricked with needles (foot soles, fingers, fingernails)

·        Scars from destroyed inner genitals (pricked with needles)

·        Scars from burning cigarettes on his arms, etc.

·        Removal of the bulbourethral gland

·        Scars in the anus

·        Loss of hearing abilities

·        Loss of seeing abilities

·        Loss of intellectual abilities (Sadegh Dara war able to know the ABC with 1 ½ year old, shortly was reading his first word)

·        Damage on inner organs (compare Istanbul Protocol)

Known injuries/mutilations on the appellant (Riegler, Mag. Andrea) after 2002:

·        Severe injuries on the brain due to military weapon systems which led to neurological issues

·        Severe loss of intellectual abilities due to the murder attempts – the appellant was partly just lying in the bed, for healing (…)

(letter iv) extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly
  Acts of sabotage or human hunts of intelligence officials caused the loss of several newly renovated flats (often with its interior decoration)
  Destruction of laptops and PCs (8+ so far)
  Destruction of electronic devices
  Destruction of court files, evidence, etc.
  Destruction of the car of the appellant
  Destruction of theft of private belongings
(letter viii) taking of hostages
  The forced removal of the child Sadegh Dara to delete traces is an internationally known way of taking of hostages, to silence protective parents, as well as their children.
(letter x) subjecting persons who are in the power of an adverse party to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind (…)
  Both the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea but more importantly, her beloved son, Sadegh Dara Rubens are mutilated, used for medical and scientific experiments at the same time. Already in 2011, the appellant´s son reported about having been told, to be “an experiment”. On one hand, this is done to get any self-esteem of the children destroyed, on the other hand, it is the truth, as in any important intergenerational MK ultra cases, many scientific experiments are conducted the same time, according to the abilities of their “research material” (here Sadegh, Dara Rubens, and Riegler Mag. Andrea)
(letter xvii) employing poison or poisoned weapons
  The appellant Riegler, Mag. Andrea was several times poisoned since 2012ff.
(letter xviii) employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases (…)
  While being programmed to keep the dissociative state of the victims it is known that gases are used, which gases is out of the appellant´s knowledge. To mention here is that even the 2 ½-year-old son of the appellant knew mask for anesthesia.
(letter xxi) committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment
  Attacks against personal dignity, humiliation or degrading treatment is the main ingredient in MK ultra-programming. On one hand, the children and toddlers are mocked about and laughed at during severe torture (see Sadegh Dara Rubens reports from 2011), partly even theatres are rented for these procedures, as shaming, blaming, ridiculing is a main tool to keep the programs running – on both the perpetrators as well on the victims/survivors.
  Also see the list of involved courts, partly mocking about the child´s suffering.



To end this appeal for investigation, the appellant would like to quote again Alison Miller, in her article out of the book „From the Trenches. A victim and therapist talk about mind control and ritual abuse“ by Wendy Hoffman, Alison Miller (2018, Karnac)

„Things I wish I did not know
Have you ever wondered why mind control and ritual abuse survivors all over the world report the same phenomena? (…) Because perpetrator groups collaborate and teach one another techniques of torturing children, splitting the infant mind, and training mind-controlled victims. It is organized crime. It is psychologically sophisticated organized crime. What else should we call it? Like the Mafia, it runs in families; (…) I did not realize the extent of the national and international organization of these groups. (…) I wish I had not learned that politicians are involved, including the world leaders. I wish I had not learned that some of my favorite musicians and film stars may have been involved, that the groups have a hand in deciding who rises to stardom. I wish I had not learned recently that some people who purport to help survivors, including some well-known therapists, religious leaders, and leaders of non-profit groups, are actually members of perpetrator groups with jobs such as spreading disinformation or gathering and silencing survivors who had escaped. I wish that Christianity and Judaism and perhaps other religions had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that various schools of therapy had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that therapists were not teaching self-help techniques which are actually program triggers (…) I wish I did not know all this.“ (Alison Miller, 2018)




APPELLANT: RIEGLER MAG. ANDREA (*20.11.1971, Graz), also in behalf of her son SADEGH, DARA RUBENS (*20.02.2009, Vienna)



Article 6: GENOCIDE


To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES


Due to the lack of a lawyer since the beginning of the case in 2011ff the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea, is addressing the Office of the Prosecutor in Den Haag herself as a scientist and concerned mother, not as a person familiar with the lawful procedure, as no lawyer can be found to overtake this huge case[63].


The appellant also points out that this appeal will be published on the network site traumabasedmindcontrol.com to avoid being killed before the Den Haag High Prosecution Court is able to answer, a well to provide other concerned protective parents with their beloved children some information.



Mag. Riegler Andrea


Enclosures mentioned:

List of recognized Perpetrators by the toddler Sadegh Dara Rubens in 2011-2012

List of involved Austrian governmental officials, judiciary, authorities

List of involved physicians

List of lawyers handing into courts completely different things as agreed upon in writing

Short list of suggested scientific literature as well the Istanbul Protocol of the United Nations – Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” (2004) already were handed in to the DEN HAAG High Prosecution Court within the appellant´s first writing.



Appendix – list of known courts/prosecution offices/authorities/governmentally funded help centers, involved in the cover-up of the case:

Case File Name of Court/Prosecution Office/Authority Responsible Judge/Prosecution Officer/Authority Official
3PS177/09[64]p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad
3PS177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Klammer, Mag. NN (judge in training)
3PU177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Gattermann, Andrea
1C19/10m Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Kohlendorfer, Mag. Beate
24E7811/10v Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Reichmann, Gabriele
D2/297252/2011 Police Inspectorate Vienna, LKA ASt West – EB03, A-1160 Vienna, Wattgasse 15 Miksits, Manfred
September 2011 (no file number available) Youth Welfare Department of the City of Vienna Rötzergasse DSA Vodrazka
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Freh, Mag. Petra
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pulker, Mag. Dagmar
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Abel, Hildegard


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Krumpholz, Wilma


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Sixt, Helmut


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Gilbers Mag (FH), Nadine


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Till, Daniela


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Macho, BA. Katrin


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Knopper-Spari, Waltraud


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Lorenz, Brigitte


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Schabler, Mag. Markus
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – psychologist department Wonisch-Schneider, Mag. Petra
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – Head of CPS Graz Krammer, Mag. Ingrid
A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Juranek Dr., Elisabeth


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Götz, Dr. Barbara


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Neubauer Mag. Sabine
A6-2624/2011/KO/VE Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz – child support department A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Haumann, Dorothea
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Walisch, Gabriella


2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Drees Mag., Renate
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Sollhart Mag. Renata
2011 (no file number known) Die Möwe (child protection center), A-1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 9 Zimmerl, Mag. Johanna
130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Höpler-Salat Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weis Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hautz, Mag. Andreas


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
32St56/11b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weiskopf Mag. Claudia
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Laschober, Günter
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Niederl Mag., Tanja
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Danzinger Anna
12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Heinisch-Hosek, dipl. Päd. Gabriele


12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Valsky, Dr. Julia
2012 (no file number known) Crisis Foster Carers, Verena Sternat, Untergreith 75, 8453 St. Johann in Saggautal Sternat, Verena (crisis foster carers)
2012 Amnesty International, A-1150 Vienna, Moeringgasse 10 N.N.
2012 Help Center for Parents – Children, Eltern-Kind-Begleitunt, SOS Kinderdorf Pinkafeld, 7423 Pinkafeld, Hermann Gmeiner Straße 6 Kalcher, DSA Bernadette
2012 Victim´s Help Network, Weißer-Ring, A-1090 Vienna, Alserbachstraße 18 N.N.
2012 (no file number) District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Mag. Leitgeb RiAA

Ogertschnig Mag, RP

Krainz, Dr RidBG


9.78.596-12 County Administrative Authority, Bezirkshauptmannschaft Graz-Umgebung, A-8021 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Peper Mag. (FH) Knut (social worker)
S120100/13-STR/2012 Austrian Federal President, A-1014 Vienna, Hofburg Fischer, Dr. Heinz
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef

Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna Kollmann, Dr. Oskar

44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
30St218/13i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Braitenberg-Zennenberg, Mag. Iris


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Strebinger, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Zeitler, Dr. Michaela
2013 Amnesty International, WC1X0DW London, 1, Easton Street N.N.
00741/12910/13 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Gottwald Dr. LL.M, Heidemarie (formerly Mendel Dr LL.M, Heidemarie)
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Vasak, MMag. Johanna
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Jocher, Mag. Rudolf
43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stumvoll, Hofrat Dr. Heinrich


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert


Proscution Office against Corruption, Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft Vienna, A-1030 Vienna, Dampfschiffstraße 4 Judge „5“ (anonymous)
2013-2015 Administration Lawyer – A-1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 30 Weiser Dr. Martin
2013-2015 Foster Care Agency, Pflegeelternverein Steiermark, A-8010 Graz, Hilmteichstraße 110 Rauchegger, Mag. Birgit
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Hannes
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Simone
1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Sailer, Hon-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg, Senatspräsident des OGH


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Bydlinski, Univ. Prof Dr. Peter


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurzer, Mag. Raimund


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurdinger, Mag. Dr. Bernhard


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hofer-Zeni-Rennhofer, Dr. Barbara
44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
32Nc80/15b District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
Jv3023/15g District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
27St399/15p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hochhold, Mag. Christina
47UT77/15g Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pree Mag.Tanja
20St186/15x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Rumpold Mag. Arnulf
23UT73/15a Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Doppelhofer Mag. Katharina
15 St113/15z Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bernat Dr., Andreas


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
LVwG20.32-2600/2015 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
DA120/2015-W Disciplinary Court of the Austrian Chamber of physicians, Disziplinaranwalt der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, A-1010 Vienna, Weihburggasse 10-12 Dr. Oskar Maleczky (Disziplinaranwalt)
104Jv1936/15t Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kainc Mag. Julia
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Klackl Hofrat Dr. Michael
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stadlmayr Mag. Beate
42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Laffranque Dr., Julia


42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Spielmann Prof. Dr., Dean
2015ff Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Brandstetter, Dr. Wolfgang (Minister of Justice)
10St210/15b Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Fauler, Mag. Rudolf
Jv3597/15z Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 – HQ Nittel, Hofrätin Dr. Maria-Luise
2016 Constitutional Court, Verfassungsgerichtshof, A-1010 Vienna, Freyung 8 Answer from this court got lost – but it said that there would be no reason for investigate
2015/2016 Polizeipräsidium Wien, A-1010, Schottenring 7-9 Pürstl, Dr. Gerhard Hofrat
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Rehak, Mag. Renate


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Köhler, Dr. Wolfgang


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Lechner, Mag.a. NN




Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Marianne


Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Walter
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Zens, Dr. Hofrat Heinrich
39UT73/16m Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Lattacher, Mag. Günther
Jv366/16y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
2St39/16y Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bubna-Litic Mag. Johanna
Jv431/16x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Mühlbacher, Dr. Thomas (Head of prosecution office Graz)
Jv52758-33a/16 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Juschitz, Mag. Elisabeth
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Krauß, Birgit
LVwG 20.3-475/2016 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Kundegraber Mag. Dr. Erich
43C314/16p District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Hofbauer Mag. Wilma
221PS29/16a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Joeinig-Kogler, Dr. Elke


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
BMJ-Pr912.574/0001_III5/2016 Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Nogratnig, Mag. LL.M. Gerhard
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger, Dr. Herta
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert
45St191/17k Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pausa, Dr. Andrea
2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Prisching, Dr. Wolfgang


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Hochnetz, Dr. Peter


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Inthaler, Mag. Gabriele
Jv54579-33a/17 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
Ziv002002/17-X (X) Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
19Cg31/17f Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schuhmertl, Mag. Christoph
999Cg739/17t Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Dworak Dr. Elfriede
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Greinert, Mag. Doris
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Amon, Anita


70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Winkler, Mag. Birgit
70E4439/17v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
15St75/17f Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kneidinger Mag. Judith
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Rech, Dr. Elisabeth
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Enzinger, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Michael
002002/17-X (X) Justice Recovery Body, Justiz Einbringungsstelle, A-1011 Vienna, Hansestraße 4 Kolbinger, Petra
2.0N1/13/2018 County Admission Styria, A-8020 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Kulmer, Carmen
42UT64/18p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kainz, Mag. Carmen
64E4581/18h District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
70E477/18v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
21UT64/18h Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Mascha, Mag. Bernhard
32Nc61/19i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
32Nc32/19z District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wagner Dr. Brigitte


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
2019: WLA4/4622201171 Austrian Pensioner´s Insurance, A-1021 Vienna, Friedrich-Hillegeist Str. 1 Anonymous Caseworkers
70E4175/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Müller, Martin
201Nc13/19a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 – Head of Court Korschelt, Dr. Andrea
70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Tader, Doris


70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
14St12/19w Public Prosecution Office Graz Wagner, Mag. Reingard
26UT11/19b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Ertl, Mag. Gudrun
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Czerwenka, DSA Theresa
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Schlerka, Mag. Paul
70E5223/19s District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula



Appendix: List of known physicians involved to cover-up the case (again with the same foot-notes):

Name Year Address Description
Gröhs Dr. med. Barbara 2009-2011 A-1170 Vienna, Rupertusplatz 2/1 Child physician of Sadegh Dara before and after his basis mind fracture.


Atteneder-Tischler, Dr. Verena 2010, 2011 A-1170 Vienna General practitioner of Sadegh Dara as well of the appellant Riegler, Andrea.[65]


Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 During a 14 day long stay in the Klinikum Graz in December 2011, Dr. Peter Scheer refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[66]




Dunitz-Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Marguerite 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[67] This physician is specialized on eating disorders on toddlers and children, which are almost always an issue of MK-ed ones, after having had to suffer hunger, eating feces, drinking urine or even eating raw meat of unknown origin, etc.
Stepan, Dr. Alexandra 2011 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Made a first assessment of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea without noticing any psychiatric illnesses[68].
Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga 2011-2012


A-8054 Graz, Kärntner Straße 410/1 Short term local child physician of the minor after leaving Vienna[69].
N.N. 2011, 2012 Regional (governmental) Dental Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 After the Klinikum Graz refused to have the minor examined, the appellant tried to have her son´s front teeth, x-rayed, as the tooth root canals of both teeth, were pricked with a needle, as often in MK ultra and SRA-torture cases[70].
Lenzinger, Dr. Elisabeth 2012 A-1090 Vienna, Van Swietengasse 2 Made a second examination of the appellant, after the child Sadegh Dara Rubens was taken. Diagnosed the appellant, without ordering an examination of the minor as schizophrenic lunatic, with no chance to heal[71].
Breisach, Dr. med. Georg 2012 A-8530 Deutschlandsberg, F. Henriettenstraße 4 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tockner, Dr. Armin 2012 A-8454 Arnfels, Hauptplatz 17 General practicioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tomberger, Dr. Otmar 2012 A- 8455Oberhaag, Oberhaag 200 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family “Sternat”.
Pommer, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8662 St. Barbara im Mürztal, Breitenfeldstraße 9 Dentist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Schalk, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 3 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Maierhofer, Dr. Birgitta 2013 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstr 29 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pinter, Dr. Oliver 2013, 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 21 Eye specialist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Stückler, Dr. Johannes 2013, 2014 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstraße 20a General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pakesch, Dr. med Georg 2013 A-1030 Vienna, Neulinggasse 18/11 Court ordered expert opinion about the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea[72].
Götz, Dr. Georg 2014 A-8682 Mürzzuschlag, Neubaugasse 12 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.


Felbinger, Dr. Michael 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Stadtpl. 2 Eye doctor of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Raith, Dr. Johann 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wienerstraße 21 Radiologist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
No data available 2015 No data available No data available
No data available 2016 No data available No data available
Zotter, Dr. Heinz 2017 A-8042 Graz, St. Peter Hauptstraße 29 Not only a physician for children but also a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz[73].
Sohnle, Dr. Christian 2017 A-8071 Hausmannstätten, Hauptstraße 42 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
N.N. 2017 Regional (governmental) Eye Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 Eye specialists from there were examining Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
No data available 2018 No data available No data available
No data available 2019 No data available No data available
No data available 2020 No data available No data available





Name Research suggests about them so far Committed crimes as told by Sadegh Dara Rubens (Former) Address/

Working place

(if known)

Angelo-Drapal Mag., Katharina Psychologist, most probably under MK ultra[76] and SRA related crimes herself. Katharina Angelo-Drapal is known to have beaten Sadegh Dara Rubens while pregnant with her son, Maximilian, born 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal Mag., Martin Worked for the Austrian Conservative Party (ÖVP, now Liste Sebastian Kurz) as a lobbyist. Most probably under MK ultra. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal, Sarah Their daughter, born around 2009, who had to join the torture crimes against the young Sadegh Dara Rubens (“perpetrator programming”) – under total MK ultra. Was a “friend” from Sadegh Dara Rubens from pre-school “Waldhuette”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Albrecht dipl. Päd., Ulli Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Barthholomay, Ernest Neighbor in 2011 – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Bartl Mag., Irmgard Wife of Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav sen. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav jun. Physician and (former) drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in Austrian famous rehab “Grüner Kreis” – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Both – he and Farrokh Sadegh – stayed in contact with each other. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bartl Dr. med, Gustav sen. University professor and Eye specialist. Most probably under MK ultra himself, most probably directly programmed by the Nazi doctors, even more probable that he is a MK ultra-programmer himself, as eye specialists are massively needed (compare research of Dr. Josef Mengele) Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA as well tortured him with a kind of lawnmower – the happenings with the lawnmower never could get fully revealed A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Mag., Nicole Wife of Bartl Dr. med, Gustav jun. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bretterklieber, Marianne Official mother of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea, therefore official grandmother of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Fully under total MK. Unclear family roots, seemingly out of a Nazi post war Lebensborn institution. All of her children /grandchildren are under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, as well according to the child, she always told him, that he will have to live with his father, he will not be allowed to live with the appellant, ie. his mother A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Bretterklieber, Walter Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Rapes and group penetration orally and anally –also reported of having smashed semen into the face of the child, while beating the child “cumpanda” A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Brueckner-Sernetz dipl. Päd, Petra Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Niece of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Dalsasso, Doris Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Dolezal, Franziska & daughter Anna Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Seemingly is working for Austrian intelligence, veiled as a single mother working in the social field. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Torture-based convincing the child, that she would be his mum, also done via placing the young child in the back of a car (dissociation training), then “saving” him, etc. waterboarding, forcing the child to cunnilingus, etc. A-1220 Vienna, Rudolf Nurejev Promenade 1/4/7
Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Marguerite Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active members of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. She together with her husband, Scheer Prof. Dr. med Peter was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT / CT / nuclear medically / psychiatrically. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Ender, Thomas Works or worked for Austrian Green Party in Vorarlberg (West Austria) – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Erker-Kutschera MA, Stefanie Fully under total MK. Secret Service official, working for US, Austrian and supra-national services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Gartlgruber Mag., Georg Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Carat Austria, A-1020 Vienna, Trabrennstraße 2A
Glawar DI, Gunther Nephew of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working place: Knapp AG, A-8075 Hart bei Graz, Günter-Knapp-Strasse 5-7
Glawar-Fuchsgruber Mag. Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as Sadegh Dara Rubens fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Felber, Ursula Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Fries Mag. Johannes Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Presented himself as the legitimate “grandpa” of the young Sadegh Dara A-3494 Brunn im Felde, Loiserstrasse 52a
Hausar Mag., Birgit Lawyer and teacher – Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Kanzlei Dr. Gerald Hausar, A-1010 Kärntner Ring 2
Hoell, Corinna Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1180 Vienna, Gentzgasse 14/5/1-2
Hofmann-Kutschera, Mag. Andrea Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Gudrun Fully under total MK in the Jesuit tradition. Gave several hints. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Sarah Fully under total MK. Daughter of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Benjamin Fully under total MK. Son of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Käfer, Claudia & daughter Anna Fully under total MK. Less is known about her daughter Anna. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: A-8054 Graz, Bahnhofstraße 1
Kathlein, Elisabeth Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kathlein´s friend and neighbor – name unknown Fully under total MK. Retired authority official. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kaufmann, Hubert Fully under total MK. Programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Has been working as a janitor. Baby prostitution client – so of the 2year old Sadegh Dara Working Place: Janitor in A-8054 Graz, Martinghofstraße 10
Klocker Mag., Walter MK-ed Austrian intelligence official – Fully under total MK. He was captured several times from the appellant, also conducting health damaging murder attempts. According to his type of programming, he seemingly is a torture knight, responsible for extreme brutal intelligence “jobs”. Gave hints to the appellant. Is not able to hold his personalities – his programming is extreme visible. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Official working address: www.goslow.at, A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 3/3/16
Kloihofer Mag., Silvia Fully under total MK, most probably connected to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Koch, Victor Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Koch, Robert Fully under total MK. Teacher and friend of Farrokh Sadegh. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Austrian Society for Systemic Family Therapy (ÖAS), A-1010 Vienna, Esslinggasse 17/2
Kratky Dr. DI, Alexander Nephew, most probably son, of grand lodge master and university professor, Dr. Hartmut Beister, Munic/Germany – Fully under total MK in the Nazi/Thule tradition – “high level programming”. At least one of their children with Kratky Dr. med Irene died seemingly due to MK ultra-torture. Targeted the appellant via E-Mail. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Technical University Vienna, A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Kratky Dr. med., Irene Fully under total MK, her parents are physicians from infamous Graz/Styria/Austria, known to be the dependence of the SS academy of Nazi-physicians. Wife of Alexander. Lost at least one child to MK ultra-programming. Is or has been working at infamous Lainz Hospital/Vienna known for underground MK facilities. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: Lainz Hospital Vienna, A-1130 Wolkensbergerstraße 1
Kuehboeck, Adriana Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself, as according to her own words, she grew up in a children´s care home in former East Europe. Presented herself as a targeted individual towards the appellant. Seemingly tried to make a deal on the back of the young Dara Sadegh and the appellant to get out of targeting, which she endured for years. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kuehboeck Mag. Gloria Daughter of Kuehboeck Adriana, last name unknown. Master degree in arts (piano) – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kutschera, Dr. Gundl Fully under total MK, programmed directly by the Nazi-elite. Deeply connected to Austrian and US intelligence services as well as to mercenary companies, creating, buying and selling “super soldiers”, therefore also to Russia. All of her 3 children are massively overprogrammed. Opened her institute with alternative coaching and counseling techniques in Austria, after first court trials in the US started in the early 90ies. Deeply involved in programming as well in re-programming of victims/survivors. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Kutschera, Mag. Stephan Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lackner, Hermann Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA/MI6, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. Her father, later Dr. Scholz Anthony, was one of the toddlers landing at Liverpool train station (Jewish children trains flying the Nazis without their parents), who then were MK-ed in Britain by British government, to later go on torture-based programming their own children, so his daughter, Mag. Lauppert-Scholz, Kathrin Ruth. She then took care, that also her own children underwent MK ultra. Was lecturing at university of Graz. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lauppert Mag., Egon Fully under total MK, husband of Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – was reported to have been extremely brutal. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lemaire MBA, Frederick Fully under total MK. His father, a diplomat of Belgian origin, left Belgium after the Dutroux- affair became public to retire in Austria. MBA in business, self-employed, connected to Bulgaria in terms of work. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Naimer, Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Mayerhofer, Christian Drug addict – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – extreme brutal. Working Place: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, A-1010 Vienna, Schillerplatz 3
Mitteräcker Mag., Alexander Son of Oscar Bronner wo is a Mossad/CIA official, veiled as a newspaper publisher, whose best friend is the former Federal President Dr. Fischer Heinz – Fully under total MK in the Israeli tradition. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Mueller, Sabine Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Paril, Cornelia Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Technical University Vienna, Library Programmer; A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Pfleger, Renate Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Tried to delete traces by talking with the appellant as a neighbor, after the happenings became visible in spring/summer 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Pfleger, NN Neighbor in 2011, husband of Pfleger, Renate. Retired authority official, working in infamous district court BG Hernals/Vienna. Most probably under MK ultra or SRA – seemingly programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Prokopetz Ing (HTL), Harald Fully under total MK in post-war programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Rauscher, Gerhard Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Former friend of Sadegh Dara Rubens and the appellant as former neighbors in Neuwaldegger Straße 57. His nickname was “BumBum” because of his knocking on the door. Without having seen a university from inside as a student, he is working with high level physicians within the “implant” technologic sector. The young Dara Sadegh loved him a lot, so the betrayal of him towards the child is beyond imagination. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, according to the child, first the child was beaten because of their friendship, then beaten from him (betrayal training) as well, he was the one who literally “fucked out the letters of the ABC” of the mouth of the young Sadegh Dara i.e. oral penetration to destroy the self-worth of the child, who was before told to present to the group his knowledge of the ABC. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Reiterer, Claudia Short term pre-school teacher of the young Sadegh Dara Rubens – Fully under total MK, most probably in the SRA tradition. Did everything possible to injure the child during his stay in “Kindergarten” to later blame the appellant. Does not have a professional education as a pre-school teacher but was visiting a 6-months course, which is common in Austria. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Private Pre-school “Waldhütte”, A-1170 Vienna, Dornbacherstrasse 93
Rosenauer Mag., Stefan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Riegler Ing. (HTL), Helmut Valentin Fully under total MK, seemingly SSP (secret space program) related. Official brother of the appellant and official uncle of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working place: District Authority Muerzzuschlag, Department for Water; A-8680 Muerzzuschlag, Wiener Strasse 9
Riegler, Nicole Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Riegler, Sebastian Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Schmatz Mag. (FH), Stephan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Danube University Krems, A-3500 Krems, Dr. Karl Dorrek Strasse 30
Sadegh-Eslami, Farrokh Fully under total MK. Intelligence official, officially from Persia, most probably hired by Mossad/CIA/supranational agencies. Is a specialist in torturing during basic mind fracture. He is operating worldwide as a torture knight, specialized in para-psychological aspects of programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; veiled as the official father of the child, he was organizing several happenings ranging from baby prostitution, waterboarding, “cumpanda” -beatings, etc., “experimentations” as well initiating close death experiences with Sadegh Dara Rubens. A-1190 Vienna, Strassergasse 47/9/6
Sapper, Stephanie Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schaller, Sigrun Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Peter Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. He together with his wife, Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med Marguerite was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically. Intimidated the appellant and the child (trigger with “clinic clowns” that were sent into the hospital. Well acquainted with all Jewish perpetrators. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Schmelzer, Alexander Actor – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: https://impulsschuleinternet.com, A-3011 Neu-Purkersdorf
Schuh, Andrea Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schuh Ing (HTL), Hubert Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. A-1220 Vienna, Pilotengasse
Smolik, Renate Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Stöcher, Mathias Son of a “Hofrat” (i.e. title in Austrian authorities, “privy councilor”) in an Austrian Ministry – Fully under total MK, and programmed to be a pedo-criminal, pervert. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, mentioned to have been extremely brutal Working Place: Der Standard, A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Strobl-Jeoulli, Sonja Fully under total MK, most probably connected to intelligence offices, as she was born and raised in Tunisia, according to her own telling. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Tepper Prof. DDr. med., Gabor Fully under total MK, MK ultra-programmer himself, codename “Oka”. Freemason, youngest university professor in Austria, graduated with “summa cum laude” – out of a family of intelligence officials out of former Hungary, veiled as Jewish citizens. Overprogrammed – cannot hold alter personas, massive visible MPD. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; (co)programmer, as the child told about that “Oka” was present at every single event, as well torture of the both front teeth of the young child (destruction of the teeth root canal) Working place: Dental University clinic Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Währinger Straße 25a
Vogl-Lang Mag., Caroline Fully under total MK, grew up close to the infamous psychiatric asylum in Graz, now Sigmund Freud clinic, where MK ultra-programming and experiments took place on an industrial scale. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, A-1010 Vienna, Stubenring 1
Vretscha Mag., Andreas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, reported to have been extremely brutal to the young Sadegh Dara Working place: Mediacom, 1120 Vienna, Wienerbergstraße
Wallner-Tschirk, Ute G. Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wambacher, Thomas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wolff-Suchanek Mag., Alina Fully under total MK. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Very obvious trained to be a “handler”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA – tried to stop the torture crimes at one point. According to the young child, she was “most lovely, lovely, lovely” to him, as she said “stop, Farrokh, stop, stop” during “ouch”, which was the code-word for torture crimes when the child was 2 ½ years old. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Zeisberger, Oliver Fully under total MK. I living close to Marianne and Walter Bretterklieber, most probably he has ongoingly and open access to the child. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Austria Broadcasting Corporation, Styria: A-8042 Graz, Marburger Straße 20
Ziai Mag. (FH), Azra Daughter of an “Iranian diplomat” (i.e. secret service official), former drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in “Grüner Kreis”, were married to him for a few months – Fully under total MK. Contacted the appellant to try to delete traces, also connected to Russian services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA
Zink, Herta Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, presented herself as the legitimate “grandma” of the young Sadegh Dara Working Place: Think Zinc, A-1030 Vienna, Rabenhof
Zwettler, Michael Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14




As the young Sadegh Dara has been ongoingly used for ritual torture crimes and MK ultra the list of the perpetrators by now is – most probably – outstanding, not even imaginable.





Name & Address Known happenings so far (as of February 2020)
Soyer, Dr. Richard

A-1010 Vienna, Kärntner Ring 6

Being a former employer and “friend of the family” Soyer, Dr. Richard refused to overtake the case in summer 2011. Soyer, Dr. Richard was not even willing to talk to the appellant personally. In the meantime, he got his job as an university professor (manus manum lavat) as well, the appellant found out that he was the lawyer of the leading prosecution officers who were reported to courts already in the infamous “Natascha Kampusch” case. He is deeply involved in Austrian masonry/secret service/MK ultra-agenda. Both his children, now adults, underwent MK ultra perpetrator trainings.


Embacher, Mag. Wilfried

A-1040 Vienna

More shocking was the fact, that the former fiancée of the appellant, Embacher, Mag. Wilfried was also denying to overtake the case in summer 2011, even refused to pick up the phone, while the appellant and her beloved son were in imminent danger. Besides being specialized on immigration law, he works for the Austrian Green party as a representative at the governmental broadcasting corporation, ORF: He is – for sure MK-ed himself, his father was a later Nazi doctor – seemingly much longer in the perpetrator role, than assumed by the appellant, but as these happenings were before 2002, they might be not of legal importance.
Lehofer, Dr. Bernhard

Law Firm Dr. Hans Lehofer

A-8010 Graz, Kalchberggasse 8

Recommended in 2011 to the appellant, as this lawyer would be specialized in extreme abuse cases, it soon turned out that one of his best mates has been DI Glawar Gunther, the nephew of Kutschera, Dr. Gundl (both perpetrators in the Sadegh case, recognized by the toddler Sadegh Dara Rubens). After talking to Glawar Gunther, he decided to not overtake the case. His father Lehofer, Dr. Hans, is deeply involved in Nazi MK ultra in the city of Graz, in the meantime Lehofer, Dr. Bernhard, is overtaking cases to defend perpetrators, so of MK-ed sportsman Seisenbacher, Peter, who “accidentally” also “trained” the children of Soyer, Dr. Richard in Judo.
Palkovits, Dr. Manfred

Law Firm Kafka, Dr. Erich and Palkovits, Dr. Manfred

A-1013 Vienna, Rudolfsplatz 12

Took over the court case in 2012, recommended from an employer of the appellant, Matejka, Edith, who herself – as turned out later – is a personal acquaintance of youth welfare case worker Abel, Hildegard, deeply involved in the Sadegh case. Palkovits, Dr. Manfred handed into court – without permission or having talked about it – the waiver of parental custody of the minor. The appellant immediately corrected this “mistake”, then was mocked from Palkovits Dr. Manfred, that it does not matter, as there would be nothing lost, as the case was about nothing of worth [!]. Also, the responsible judge Kubiczek MMag. Konrad was mocking about this situation, while the appellant had to stay focused on her beloved son and his needs, already in the crisis family.


ARAG Law Insurance Company

A-1041 Vienna, Favoritenstraße 36

Insurance Number: R750633727, starting in 2002


This insurance company first denied representation of the appellant in terms of the Sadegh case in 2012, to then cancel the contract – in midst of the several court trials on 13th of April 2013. This unlawful behavior was reported to courts without answer. The founder of the ARAG law insurance company is a proud mason.
Scholz, Mag. Dr. Gerald

A-1010 Vienna, Johannesgasse 2/36A

Before, in 2013 after demanding from the ARAG insurance company to recommend a lawyer as no lawyer dared to overtake the case, Scholz, Mag. Dr. Gerald was recommended: He was extremely eager to get the Sadegh case files, to then – again – bring something to courts, what was not agreed upon: The former employer of the appellant, after the appellant was reporting to courts that Matejka, Edith was acquainted with Hildegard Abel, not only sacked the appellant without notice, but never, until February 2020 paid her the full salary. Scholz, Dr. Gerald was eager to confirm to the law firm of Palkovits/Kafka that the appellant, Riegler, Mag. Andrea would waive on the money, about 1.000,- Euro at least.


Krasser, Dr. Alexander

A-1040 Vienna, Prinz Eugen Straße 76/8

This lawyer was recommended by the father´s rights movement and contacted in early February 2013. Well educated about MK ultra and SRA crimes, he was extremely eager to get all the case files, as well was spending lots of time to talk with the appellant, seemingly to get more detailed information. When a fixed court date was approaching, he suddenly told the appellant, that he was representing Kutschera, Dr. Gundl and her institute, so he could not meet the deadline for the writing. This betrayal, also legally wrongdoing caused the first “lunacy report” from which on, the appellant and her son were outlaws.
Wagner, Dr. Astrid

A-1010 Vienna, Himmelpfortgasse 10

Willing to overtake the case with all its files in 2014, she recommended to meet psychiatrist Prosenz, Dr. Pius a Nazi with a scar all over his face, also known for riding a horse on the motorway filled up from bottom to top with LSD in younger years. Even passing the MMPI-2 test, and knowing that it is about to stop the torture against the beloved son of Riegler, Mag. Andrea, no further steps were made. Wagner, Dr. Astrid was involved in the infamous Jack Unterweger case, also massively related to SRA and child trafficking, as researched by the appellant years later.
Saschenbrecker, Dr. Thomas

D-76275 Ettingen, Friedrichstraße 2

Specialized on psychiatric law, especially on targeted individuals, he offered help for the appellant in 2015/2016, was soon after killed in 2017.
After this murder no lawyer is daring to overtake the case, as well in terms of betrayal, the appellant does not want to have a representative, as proven over all those years, it is far too dangerous, as Austrian lawyers are organized in masonry/secret service.




[End of Appeal, on page 105]



[1] The term “strategically entanglement” is used to describe the modus operandi prevailing in intelligence agencies, to enable committing a severe crime (murder, torture, mutilations, arson, etc. most often with child victims), guaranteeing that no prosecution will follow, as well – by filming these crimes – to create official and unofficial personnel who will have to follow orders until the rest of their lives. This procedure is known to have started with the Nazis, after the war soon every single agency worldwide was following this strategy. Even before the Nazi era, such procedures were claimed over centuries with hundreds of testimonies, to be conducted either in Freemasonry as well in Satanic groups. In due course, these strategically entangled also do have to hand over their offspring for MK ultra programming.


[2]/3 MK ultra was officially an US-American governmental project to create the “perfect soldier/spy/assassin”, the “Uebermensch” in the Nazi tradition etc. Due to this well-known project, the term is commonly used for trauma-based mind control procedures, conducted by governments themselves, while the term SRA, satanic or sadistic ritual abuse, is commonly used for Satanic or Masonic groups, using the same procedures as in the government projects. It is known, that there is an exchange between governmental groups and “satanic/masonic” groups, as well it is well proven that within MK ultra or trauma-based mind control also black magick/satanic elements are needed, therefore also the term “military SRA” was coined […]

[4] In the Sadegh case this victim-perpetrator circle will become massive visible during the whole case, as many former victims, have been acting as perpetrators as adults. Many of them are even linked to (supra)national agencies, the most horrific example is that of the perpetrator Mag. Lauppert-Scholz, Kathrin Ruth (*born 1972), whose father, later Dr. Scholz Anthony, was one of the toddlers landing at Liverpool train station (Jewish children trains flying the Nazis without their parents), who then were MK-ed in Britain by British government, to later go on torture-based programming their own children, so his daughter, Mag. Lauppert-Scholz, Kathrin Ruth. She then took care, that also her own children underwent MK ultra. In due course, she and her husband, Mag. Lauppert Egon, were recognized as two of the main perpetrators during the torture crimes of Sadegh, Dara Rubens, since age 2. As this family does have double nationalities (Austrian and British) this might be the reason why the appellant was targeted so intensively by British agencies. It can be assumed that Sadegh, Dara Rubens is being or will be targeted by British services as well.


[5] Even Russian president Vladimir Putin was warning that Russia would be able to create “super soldiers” with no mercy, feeling no pain, more terrifying than an atomic bomb. See: https://youtu.be/9v3TNGmbArs, not to mention the loads of scientific literature on this subject.


[6] If the High Prosecution Office in Den Haag would consider to open a bureau for MK ultra and SRA cases worldwide, there would be thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of cases handed in within a few months from all over the world.


[7] Most of the cases are voluntarily, meaning, the parents and/or caregivers are forced or MK-ed to handing over their offspring for torture-based mind control programming, some even before birth […] In Austria as well in the US it is well known, that intelligence agencies are luring the (future) parents into contracts for their children, guaranteeing them, a stellar career in military, judiciary, authorities, etc.


[8] Intergenerational abuse subsumes the fact, that these torture-based mind control programming techniques are handed over from one generation to the next, by torturing their own offspring, to train them, to do so as well with their own offspring later on. Sometimes for programming as well for security reasons, there is a massive exchange of babies, especially within masonic and satanic groups, meaning the babies are transferred from one family into the next, never knowing their biological parents later on, as well the well-known procedure of creating cuckoo children, which on one hand is done for test of courage, demonstration of power within merely freemasonic groups as well for “black magick”/satanic goals. […]

[9] Internationally renowned expert, Alison Miller, in her article out of the book „From the Trenches. A victim and therapist talk about mind control and ritual abuse“ by Wendy Hoffman, Alison Miller (2018, Karnac)

[10] A shortened list of primary and secondary literature on MK ultra, SRA or extreme abuse was already handed into the Den Haag´s High Prosecution Office, together with the “Istanbul Protocol” of the United Nations – Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” (2004).

[11] A full list of courts and judges, dealing with the case will be enlisted in the Appendix. Within the footnotes, only the most important case number will be inserted: district court BG Hernals/Vienna 3 PS 177/09p under judge MMag. Konrad Kubiczek.

[12] Prosecution office Vienna/ 2017 St 124/11-I under prosecution officer Mag. Freh Petra.


[13] Police Inspectorate Vienna, 1160 Vienna, Wattgasse 15 under Police superintendent Manfred Miksits

[14] Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz (CPS): JAG26224/2011 with most involved case workers in 2011: Hildegard Abel, Wilma Krumpholz, now Macho bac., Katrin (since 2019)


[15] Full list of courts/authorities informed about the torture crimes see Appendix “List of courts, prosecution offices and authorities”.


[16] The appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea, took back her birth name in summer 2019 from Sadegh Eslami: After having found out by chance, where her beloved son was “accommodated”, as via a court order from BG Hernals/Vienna – judge MMag. Kubiczek Konrad, she has been not allowed to know, where her son was placed, as this would have endangered the well-being of “foster-careers” as well the well-being of her son, according to the Youth welfare department Graz. The so far known foster families of Sadegh Dara Rubens were found years later in court files, most probably by accident.

[17] Furthermore, italicized contents of this appeal are used to sketch at least brief excerpts from international specialist literature.


[18] Gresch, Hans Ulrich: Unsichtbare Ketten. Der Missbrauch der Hypnose und anderer Trance-Techniken durch Kriminelle, Sekten und Geheimdienste. Eigenverlag: Nürnberg, 2003


[19] For Svali, among other links, see  https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/svali_book_svali_speaks , as well her far-reaching assistance on www.deprogramwiki.com


[20] Compare MK-ed psychologist Barnett, Fiona in her book „Eyes Wide Open“ (free download available online under https://fionabarnettblog.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/2nd-ed.-eyes-wide-open-book-7th-october-2019.pdf)


[21] See full list of recognized/named perpetrators by the young Sadegh, Dara Rubens in 2011/2012, also in the appendix


[22] The named perpetrators recognized by the child are out of health care, physicians, psychologists, therapists, media, secret service with wide and broad connections to Austrian politics, military, ministry of justice, ministry of interior affairs, also well connected to German as well as US-American and British intelligence agencies and universities and have been reported several times since 2011ff. The name list will get described in full detail in a further chapter.


[23] Secret Service officials from Austria, as well numerous intel officials of international agencies are known to the appellant by name and can get fully investigated anytime and will be listed in a separate file in the Appendix. Intelligence officers, that pretend to be civilians, are difficult to spot at first glance. Therefore, the list must be considered as “work in progress”. Also, to mention here, many of the perpetrators recognized by the young Sadegh Dara Rubens, got (in)formal jobs within Austrian intelligence to protect them from prosecution or have been intelligence officials, veiled as civilians even long before the child was even born.


[24] Deliberate electroshocks, poisons, unknown military weapons based on microwave and laser-technologies, etc. have been causing severe neurological damages and injuries, which led to the early pension of the appellant, Riegler Mag. Andrea, so far with beginning of January 2019. Due to ongoing assassinations, the neurological injuries are not able to heal, the appellant is and has been losing a lot of income, which according to her several educations and professional experience should be around at least 90k Euro net a year.

[25] Here it is necessary to stress, that the appellant and mother of the massively injured child, Sadegh Dara Rubens did not know anything about MK ultra or SRA related crimes in 2011f, but realized immediately because of this group of perpetrators, the young Sadegh Dara Rubens was able to name, that something extremely planned and deliberately caused must have happened: Nearly all of the above mentioned perpetrators do have excellent educations as well nearly all of them are in general highly intelligent. Also, this observation was reported to courts in grand detail, resulting in massive attacks from secret services, starting in 2011, when the young Sadegh, Dara Rubens was still living with his protective mother, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea. Also, because of the massive fear of Sadegh, Dara Rubens it has been clear – even without scientific literature that this group ongoingly will repeat the torture on the child to intimidate and silence him. Also as stated by the child, as well by whistleblower Gudrun Hohenberger-Zwettler, there were many more perpetrators present, seemingly former partners of Mag. Riegler Andrea, therefore the list of perpetrators is far not complete, as due to the shock and panic states of the child, the appellant and mother of the child took (unfortunately) care not to overwhelm the beloved child with more pictures of possible perpetrators. The appellant found about the existence of MK ultra and SRA in late October 2012.


[26] Also, the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea wants to state here, that knowing that these perpetrator networks are ongoingly torturing her beloved son, it is extremely challenging to describe the torture-happenings in 2011ff in more details. All known happenings were reported in detail to Austrian courts and can get fully translated (where, when, how, who).


[27] Every individual who has received torture-based MK Ultra programming has life-long scars – here especially coccyx/pelvis, brain stem, teeth/tooth root canal/palate, eyes, ears, soles of the feet, inner genitals, (missing) glands – which can be proven life-long by MRI/CT/nuclear medical examinations. Therefore, the scientific statements of the appellant, scientist and mother of the child, Mag. Riegler Andrea, are entirely provable, unfortunately not a conspiracy theory of a lunatic.

[28] As research results like the above led to severe attacks and murder attempts against the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea, from multiple (supra)national agencies, she is – without protection within a crown witness program not able to do more and in-depth research at the moment.


[29] „Grandma and Grandpa“ Bretterklieber are Walter and Marianne Bretterklieber, both participated in the basic mind fracture torture of the toddler Sadegh Dara Rubens in 2011 and were reported as perpetrators at the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office in 2011, together with other official family members such as Ing. (HTL) Riegler Helmut Valentin and Riegler Nicole as well their son Riegler Sebastian. Since January 2019, an application for a review of the actual family circumstances concerning DNA-tests has been submitted to the Graz Ost District Court, as Marianne Bretterklieber (previously Riegler, official birth name Karrer) is not the biological mother of Riegler Andrea, a procedure which is common practice in MK ultra and SRA cases, well described in international scientific literature. Marianne Bretterklieber, together with her brother Karrer Hans, obviously originates from a post-war Nazi Lebensborn e.V. institution, with extreme similarity to Jutta Horn (the later wife of the National Socialist Chief of Miracle Weapons, Hans Kammler, née 1901 in Stettin/Germany, now Poland) as, now as far as her brother Hans Karrer is concerned, with Otto Skorzeny (born 1908 in Vienna). Both siblings are thus of unclear – National Socialist – origin, both deeply involved in child trafficking rings including torture/drill and keeping (small) children ready for child trafficking networks. All that is known about Bretterklieber Marianne’s second husband, Bretterklieber Walter, is that he had to grow up without his mother, abandoned by his father, which led to massive disturbances and to an extreme proclivity for using violence against his entire family. As this violence was last known to Sadegh Dara Rubens, it can be assumed that there will be further victims.


[30] Teeth, tooth root, gums stand for the warning to remain silent in these satanic ritual perpetrator networks, as well as in MK Ultra networks. The child Sadegh Dara Rubens was obviously „punished“ here for naming perpetrators – in specialist literature, children who name perpetrators and networks of perpetrators are called „martyr children“ because they are severely punished for failing to obey the order of silence. It is known that such torture scenes are recorded on video and are presented to others for intimidation, and these „punishments“ go as far as further partial amputations of the victims‘ limbs, which slowly and painfully lead to death. (compare e.g. SNUFF films). Further mutilations of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens are to be foreseen, therefore as of 2011ff danger has been imminent, as the beloved child could be murdered, or triggered to commit suicide, in order to cover traces of the partly top-class perpetrators.


[31] After a complaint to the district court BG Graz Ost, the YouTube channel was deleted a few days later, but has been copied several times as evidence.

[32] The researcher´s tragedy is, that the whole picture is not visible at first glance in detail. Several “puzzle pieces” of this huge case are revealing themselves up to now and are by far not fully revealed.


[33] The Istanbul Protocol was published in 2004 and it should be shortly stated, that the technologies for profound forensically examinations improved rapidly over the last – actually 2 decades – and all injuries, scars, etc. can get proven without exception over MRT/CT/nuclear medical scan in not even one hour.

[34] The appellant would like to stress here, that as a researcher on her own, she is always behind the provable facts, which to find out would actually be the task of police officers, criminologists and prosecution officers: Her research, therefore, is an ongoing work in progress, especially without interrogations of the perpetrators, their connections, their official and unofficial employees, etc.


[35] The Epstein case is highly connected to the Sadegh case, in terms of the whole modus operandi: Female breeding programs, genetic research, SRA, MK ultra, veiled as a private spleen of a Jewish billionaire, conducted on a remote island, etc. – here just to state, that there are several “Jeffrey Epsteins” placed all over the whole world to strategically entangle any local elite.

[36] Without any investigation of the perpetrators, especially the physicians – Scheer, Dr. Prof Peter and Dunitz-Scheer, Dr. Prof. Marguerite who both prevented a detail examination of the young Sadegh Dara Rubens in 2011/2011 but threatened the appellant – every single court was overtaking the writing of the powerful “deep state” law company Lansky 1:1, even forgetting the academic title of the appellant, which is extremely uncommon in Austria, and depicts – with or without academic title – that the deep state here is ordering what is done from Austrian judiciary.


[37] The director of the Institute Kutschera, Dr. Kutschera Gundl, was recognized by American and German adults affected by MK Ultra and between the ages of 2 ½ (Sadegh Dara Rubens) and 70 as a „MK Ultra trainer“ – perpetrator. The connections of this family clan are extensive, primarily due to the project „Paperclip“, in which former high-ranking National Socialists were able to emigrate to America via the „rat line“ after the war, to pursue their criminal – above all, corrosive – operations without interruption. Dr. Kutschera Gundl is also in contact with private American „mercenary companies“ and there is an international exchange in the matter of „super soldiers“, as „fully programmed MK Ultra slaves“ are referred to as adults. All her three now grown up children are under total MK Ultra programming, as perpetrators.

[38] Here it is necessary to state shortly, that psychiatrist Elisabeth Lenzinger is without any doubt highly intelligent. To create the psychiatrically expert opinion in such a horrible quality, shows the Austrian strategy of pretending to be „stupid“- and this strategy of „pretending to be stupid“ is ongoingly staged by Austrian´s courts as well by the district court BG Innere Stadt.


[39] Dr. Elisabeth Lenzinger declared Mag. Riegler Andrea as completely lunatic paranoid schizophrenic, ignoring all the evidence the appellant was providing already since 2011ff, ignoring that the appellant was working as a social counselor for the ministry of labor even after the child was “taken”. The expert opinion nevertheless, more important for other victims of this psychiatrist, was trying to trigger suicide. It is highly recommended to investigate suicides after expert opinions in Austria in general, as well in governmental child abduction cases.


[40] A complaint against this severely MK-ed psychiatrist, Georg Pakesch, linked to Austrian secret service, which followed a suggestion to have his children examined over MRT/CT/nuclear medical examination as they are surely victims as well, was answered with a murder assassination in March 2016, after which the appellant had to leave Austria for several months, actually lost her whole existence, besides massive health problems.

[41] Some prosecution officers, like Fauler, Dr. Rudolf from Graz prosecution office (10St210/15b) even mocked about the happenings in written, reacting to the child´s suffering concerning “waterboarding” – an international well-known form of white torture – suggesting this would concern “civil law in water right”. Officially of course, most probably an “erratum” of the brave intense working prosecution officials but more obvious – as most of the papers – a huge shock in terms of the brutality and cruelty of the Austrian judiciary towards a highly intelligent and beloved toddler/child, the appellant´s MK-ed son Sadegh, Dara Rubens.

[42] The child psychologist at the Youth Welfare Department (CPS), Wonisch-Scheider Mag. Petra even was mocking in writing about the child´s severe flashbacks when having bowl movements, which reminded him often to the anal rapes and torture crimes, and stated in written, that the child would have problems due to a strict code of behavior demanded from the appellant, his mother, during bowl movements.

[43] As self-explanatory, the bold numbers are the years, when the respective case started. Some of the cases are ongoing up to present, some do have files up to 1000+ within one case.

[44] In the primary school (2015-2019) attended by the child Sadegh Dara Rubens in Hausmannstätten near Graz, a classic MK Ultra school, several children were suffering from (satanic/sadistic) ritual abuse and MK Ultra. The teacher of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens’s class, Mrs. Jutta Matzi, seemed to be handling several MK Ultra children by means of triggers and technical equipment, for further programming on official trips, etc. More details cannot be determined with certainty despite extensive photo and video material, and need a check of police units. The pediatrician of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens, lecturer. Dr. Zotter Heinz from Graz, is closely acquainted with the perpetrator circles: at least, with Dr. Kutschera Jörg (the son of Dr. Kutschera Gundl), whom he recommended as a substitute physician on his pediatrician’s website in 2018/2019. More important, Dr. Zotter Heinz is working as a sleep researcher at the university clinic in Graz, which means he is a MK Ultra programmer with the special field of „psychic driving“, a programming method popular and appreciated in Austria: The concerned children are kept in a kind of deep sleep for days, drugs are sometimes administered, while – depending on the programming of the personality parts – affirmations, etc. are played into their subconscious minds.

[45] Here it is important to note in the footnote that intelligent women who are or have been in an MK Ultra program are extremely often – mostly almost always – used as breeders:  In addition to pregnancies in childhood, usually from the age of 8 onwards, the „6-week pregnancies“ are also known.

[46] According to governmental insurance files, the entries have been faked in terms of the appellant, Riegler Mag. Andrea: Instead of receiving antibiotics in 2010 it was written down, that the appellant has been there because of a beginning mental illness since 2010. Complaints and reports to courts in 2012/2013 (as soon as the appellant found out about it) were never answered. Since then, the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea does not dare to go to any physicians, merely just in case of emergencies, practically she is deprived of health care, for which she has been paying for years, as every single visit with a physician, even for a flu, could trigger a next row of violence against the appellant, un-covering the participation of Austrian physicians within the MK ultra-agenda. The appellant therefore specialized even more on alternative medicine, which has to get paid privately, therefore is much more expensive.


[47] Threatened the appellant several times. Is acquainted with several perpetrators, involved physicians, judges, intel officials, etc.

[48] Was present at the opening of the new child protection center Graz in 2012/2013 with the cover-up agents Sollhart, Mag. Roberta, Drees, Mag. Renate, Walisch, Gabriella. Pictures from mainstream media “Kleine Zeitung”.


[49] Stepan, Dr. Alexandra´s short expert opinion was changed and these changes were reported to courts. Nevertheless, she did not see any psychiatric illness on the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea.


[50] Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga later was seen online to be a representative physician for Kutschera, Dr. Jörg (see Kutschera, Dr. Gundl) as well for the child physician from Sadegh Dara from 2015ff, Zotter, Dr. Heinz, who is a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz. Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized on psychic driving.


[51] This from Tepper, Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabor, veiled as “Oka” according to the minor. Both the appellant and the child were thrown out of this dental clinic, the dental specialists refused to have the teeth x-rayed. The most shocking thing, actually has been and still is, that the specialized dentists are very well aware of this kind of injuries, caused with needles, pricking the tooth root canals or the palate.


[52] Dr. Lenzinger, Elisabeth is privately acquainted with perpetrators recognized in the Sadegh case as well with district judge Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad and tried to place suicide triggers within her written expert opinion about the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea. If Den Haag would consider to investigate, it is recommended to clarify, how many court ordered expert opinions of this psychiatric expert were driving its victims into committing suicide: Together with “Zersetzung” of the Austrian intelligence agencies, as well the suffering of the beloved child/ren it is for a “normal” protective parent unbearable.

[53] Besides the appellant worked full time as a social counsellor in 2013 as well she was able to proof everything she was talking about, backed-up even with scientific literature, he ignored her writings, therefore, she was diagnosed by him as “logically delusional”, which is not a legally valid diagnosis. He is connected to Austrian secret service/MK ultra and also was eager to hear every single detail of the torture crimes, Sadegh Dara Rubens had to endure.

[54] Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized on psychic driving.

[55] To protect whistleblowers, the appellant can hand in to Den Haag´s court more detailed information after the case has been accepted.


[56] The parents of more than 2.000 toddlers were forced into gag-orders by the Austrian Socialist Party (SPÖ) as well by a “child protection center”, named “Weißer Ring”: According to several whistleblowers the parents of the tortured children got 5.000,- Euro each for their silence about what was committed against their children, otherwise, they were threatened to lose their children over governmental youth welfare departments/child snatching.


[57] Within the Ibiza Affair, Vice Chancellor Strache Heinz-Christian was stating in front of a hidden camera, that one of the former leaders of the Austrian Socialist Party – Kern Christian – would have tortured black babies and toddlers in “cape town” – the double meaning of “Cape Town” as a city as well as a code for “rituals, where hooded capes” are worn are obvious. The whole scandal was silenced after the dissolution of the government.

[58] It is known that many Austrian and German protective parents were killing themselves after their child/ren have been taken by Austrian government.


[59] There were many occasions since 2011ff where this strategy became visible, and can get explained in all details, after accepting the case for investigation.

[60] Severely mentally ill persons, who lost their children because of their mental illness, are able to pay alimony in Austria, and describes the bias of the Austrian judiciary, which is implemented to destroy protective parents on any level imaginable, physically, mentally, socially, financially, existentially. The appellant is refusing officially to pay alimony, before her beloved son gets finally examined, therefore is sued from the Austrian Youth Welfare Department/CPS.

[61] Latest torture events of Sadegh Dara Rubens have been taken place during the festive days 2020, according to pictures from his soccer club, his health state is deteriorating massively, this January 2020.

[62] Here the appellant just wants to state shortly, that the Nazi era was well prepared by taking out political opponents as well their beloved children, long before Jewish and gypsy citizens were systematically deported and killed. It is also sadly known, that the first Jewish citizen, reporting in foreign countries about the horrors of the concentration camps were not believed.

[63] List of lawyers who handed in completely different things than agreed upon in written and never were brought to court for these crimes, see list in the appendix.

[64] As self-explanatory, the bold numbers are the years, when the respective case started. Some of the cases are ongoing up to present, some do have files up to 1000+ within one case.

[65] According to governmental insurance files, the entries have been faked in terms of the appellant, Riegler Mag. Andrea: Instead of receiving antibiotics in 2010 it was written down, that the appellant has been there because of a beginning mental illness since 2010. Complaints and reports to courts in 2012/2013 (as soon as the appellant found out about it) were never answered. Since then, the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea does not dare to go to any physicians, merely just in case of emergencies, practically she is deprived of health care, for which she has been paying for years, as every single visit with a physician, even for a flu, could trigger a next row of violence against the appellant, un-covering the participation of Austrian physicians within the MK ultra-agenda. The appellant therefore specialized even more on alternative medicine, which has to get paid privately, therefore is much more expensive.


[66] Threatened the appellant several times. Is acquainted with several perpetrators, involved physicians, judges, intel officials, etc.

[67] Was present at the opening of the new child protection center Graz in 2012/2013 with the cover-up agents Sollhart, Mag. Roberta, Drees, Mag. Renate, Walisch, Gabriella. Pictures from mainstream media “Kleine Zeitung”.


[68] Stepan, Dr. Alexandra´s short expert opinion was changed and these changes were reported to courts. Nevertheless, she did not see any psychiatric illness on the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea.


[69] Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga later was seen online to be a representative physician for Kutschera, Dr. Jörg (see Kutschera, Dr. Gundl) as well for the child physician from Sadegh Dara from 2015ff, Zotter, Dr. Heinz, who is a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz. Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized on psychic driving.


[70] This from Tepper, Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabor, veiled as “Oka” according to the minor. Both the appellant and the child were thrown out of this dental clinic, the dental specialists refused to have the teeth x-rayed. The most shocking thing, actually has been and still is, that the specialized dentists are very well aware of this kind of injuries, caused with needles, pricking the tooth root canals or the palate.


[71] Dr. Lenzinger, Elisabeth is privately acquainted with perpetrators recognized in the Sadegh case as well with district judge Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad and tried to place suicide triggers within her written expert opinion about the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea. If Den Haag would consider to investigate, it is recommended to clarify, how many court ordered expert opinions of this psychiatric expert were driving its victims into committing suicide: Together with “Zersetzung” of the Austrian intelligence agencies, as well the suffering of the beloved child/ren it is for a “normal” protective parent unbearable.

[72] Besides the appellant worked full time as a social counsellor in 2013 as well she was able to proof everything she was talking about, backed-up even with scientific literature, he ignored her writings, therefore, she was diagnosed by him as “logically delusional”, which is not a legally valid diagnosis. He is connected to Austrian secret service/MK ultra and also was eager to hear every single detail of the torture crimes, Sadegh Dara Rubens had to endure.

[73] Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized on psychic driving.

[74] Here it is necessary to stress, that the appellant and mother of the massively injured child, Sadegh Dara Rubens did not know anything about MK ultra or SRA related crimes in 2011f, but realized immediately because of this group of perpetrators, the young Sadegh Dara Rubens was able to name, that something extremely planned and deliberately caused must have happened: Nearly all of the above mentioned perpetrators do have excellent educations as well nearly all of them are in general highly intelligent. Also, this observation was reported to courts in grand detail, resulting in massive attacks from secret services, starting in 2011, when the young Sadegh, Dara Rubens was still living with his protective mother, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea. Also, because of the massive fear of Sadegh, Dara Rubens it has been clear – even without scientific literature that this group ongoingly will repeat the torture on the child to intimidate and silence him. Also as stated by the child, as well by whistleblower Gudrun Hohenberger-Zwettler, there were many more perpetrators present, seemingly former partners of Mag. Riegler Andrea, therefore the list of perpetrators is far not complete, as due to the shock and panic states of the child, the appellant and mother of the child took (unfortunately) care not to overwhelm the beloved child with more pictures of possible perpetrators. The appellant found about the existence of MK ultra and SRA in late October 2012.


[75] Also, the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea wants to state here, that knowing that these perpetrator networks are ongoingly torturing her beloved son, it is extremely challenging to describe the torture-happenings in 2011ff in more details. All known happenings were reported in detail to Austrian courts and can get fully translated (where, when, how, who).


[76] Every individual who has received torture-based MK Ultra programming has life-long scars – here especially coccyx/pelvis, brain stem, teeth/tooth root canal/palate, eyes, ears, soles of the feet, inner genitals, (missing) glands – which can be proven life-long by MRI/CT/nuclear medical examinations. Therefore, the scientific statements of the appellant, scientist and mother of the child, Mag. Riegler Andrea, are entirely provable, unfortunately not a conspiracy theory of a lunatic.






Mag. Riegler Andrea

Margaretenguertel 24-34/1/3

1050 Vienna





Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands





Vienna/Austria, 18.06.2020



OTP-CR-106/20 – Additional Information/Update to the



  1. Article 6: GENOCIDE
  3. To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES



APPELLANT: RIEGLER MAG. ANDREA (*20.11.1971, Graz), also in behalf of her son SADEGH, DARA RUBENS (*20.02.2009, Vienna)


From: February 11th, 2020







The appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea would like to inform the High Prosecution Officer shortly, that according to the written information of the head of the youth welfare department Graz/Styria (CPS), Mag. Krammer Ingrid from 15th of June 2020, the child Sadegh Dara Rubens (*20.02.2009) would not have lost his adult teeth.

(“Don’t worry, Dara hasn’t lost his adult teeth! Of course, there are also regular dental check-ups.”)

Source: E-Mail, 15th of June 2020: Youth Welfare Department (CPS)


This written statement is beyond gas-lighting, as there is clear evidence in form of pictures as well in form of videos of the son of the appellant, therefore, the appellant would like to hand over at least the pictures to the High Prosecution Officer:




Picture I: Sadegh Dara Rubens around 2016 with adult teeth:


Source: Christmas greeting 2016, received via post.


Picture II: Sadegh Dara Rubens, around 2018/2019 with complete loss of his teeth, the upper 4 front teeth replaced by artificial teeth:


Source: Christmas greeting 2018, received January 4th 2019 via post


Picture III: Sadegh Dara Rubens, comparison of both teeth, enlarged:


Statement from an US-American dentist (anonymously):


PICTURE IV: Sadegh Dara Rubens, around October 2019 with complete artificial teeth:


Source: Soccer Club, SV Hausmannstätten bei Graz, October 2019, Facebook


PICTURE V: Sadegh Dara Rubens, around January 2020 with no (?) teeth:


Source: Soccer Club, SV Hausmannstätten bei Graz, January 2020, Facebook




PICTURE VI: Sadegh Dara Rubens, around March 2020 with artificial teeth:


Source: Soccer Club, SV Hausmannstätten bei Graz, March 2020, Facebook






While the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea is ongoingly threatened to be placed under lunacy – merely because of asking what happened to the teeth of the child in January 2019, the head of the youth welfare department Graz/Styria (CPS) is officially stating, that the child would not have lost his adult teeth:

The pictures indicate clearly that the child partly has artificial dental crowns (January 2019), then artificial teeth (October 2019), then seemingly no teeth (January 2020), to end again with different artificial teeth (March 2020).


As stated in the appellants appeal, the loss of teeth can happen either during torture deliberately (punishment, to set an example, torture porn, snuff) as well as unintentionally, if the electroshocks during re-/de-programming are overdone.


Even more alarming, is the fact that the general health state of the child, Sadegh Dara Rubens is more and more deteriorating (massively), experts on MK ultra/SRA/SSP are considering the possibility that the child has been placed into an open MK ultra torture-research program in the meantime: the teeth are just one part of his chronic injuries/ mutilations that have happened since 2011ff.



NOTE: Children in MK ultra programs as well in SRA/trafficking programs cannot be spotted at first glance, as these children are trained from early childhood on to not let anyone know. Therefore, the portrait pictures of Sadegh Dare look “normal” to laymen, over the years the appellant collected many more pictures and films, where the shocked, traumatized Sadegh Dara Rubens is very well visible.




The writing of the Youth Welfare Department is a result of an official inquiry of the appellant about the health state of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens. The inquiry – which got “answered” for the first time after years – can be handed over to DEN HAAG, if the court considers them as interesting.

Most importantly the writing states, that the child would not have lost his teeth, as well, that the child would not have been examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medical examination as

“These examinations were not necessary and were therefore not carried out.”

Source: E-Mail, 15th of June 2020: Youth Welfare Department (CPS)


The reason for this is according to the CPS that

“Dara plays enthusiastically football in the club Hausmannstätten and does a lot of other sports, there are no chronic injuries.”,

ignoring that even with injuries on the tailbone/pelvis children can do “static” sports (football, jogging, skiing, swimming) but not sports where the tailbone/pelvis is challenged (gymnastics, yoga, etc.) – ignoring the fact, that if untreated, the chronic injuries can even lead into invalidity as adults, as the injured pelvis could irreversible damage the spine, as it is common on Austrian victims of SRA/MK ultra. (…)


The other contradictions of CPS can be handed over in full translation, if regarded as important. Here merely the torture-based injuries of Sadegh Dara Rubens are mentioned and quoted.


Because of technical reasons, the appellant will send out this writing first without signatures (to enable an enlarged view of the pictoral material), as well in a signed form and will print out professional pictures within this/the next week and send them over post, to have this part of evidence in DEN HAAG.




Mag. Riegler Andrea





Mag. Riegler Andrea

Margaretenguertel 24-34/1/3

1050 Vienna





Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands





Vienna/Austria, 07/30/2020



OTP-CR-106/20 – Additional Information/Update to the



  1. Article 6: GENOCIDE
  3. To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES



APPELLANT: RIEGLER MAG. ANDREA (*20.11.1971, Graz), also in behalf of her son SADEGH, DARA RUBeNS (*20.02.2009, Vienna)


From: February 11th, 2020






The appellant, Riegler Andrea, wants to provide the Den Haag High Prosecution Officer with further – possible – evidence, about pictures of a “tortured/raped” boy around 9-10 years old, looking extremely similar to the appellant’s son, Sadegh Dara Rubens:



(copied from Facebook, July 2020)




The picture is of a bad quality, and the boy is wearing make-up, but the eyes, the chin, the (inner) ears, the mouth are the same (…) Sadegh Dara Rubens has a birthmark, a little scratch on the top of his nose, exactly here the picture is „pixeled‘, meaning not visible enough.


Also, the boy depicted does not have all his teeth any more – this suggests that the picture could have been taken during the removal of (parts) of the teeth of Sadegh Dara Rubens, as described in detail in the writings from February 2020 and June 2020.


Without being specialized on it, the nose of the depicted boy seems to be swollen, which would correspond to the assumption, that the tortured/sex-trafficked boy is Sadegh Dara Rubens.

The FBI is informed, as well Europol/Interpol, will be informed together with Austrian Supreme Court of Justice.


Please note that child trafficking/human trafficking is a life-long “ingredient” in MK ultra (beta slave) programming: Especially children, but also adults are trafficked their whole life to ensure, they stay “programmed” as well to “monetize” the “MK ultra slaves”, most often for governmental black budgets.




Mag. Riegler Andrea





These pictures will be sent to the Den Haag prosecution officer also via post.



UPDATE – September 2020:

[The Hague/Den Haag High Prosecution Officer refuses to help my severely tortured/mutilated son, like before the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg, not to speak about 130+ Austrian judges and prosecution officers since 2011]
More and more it becomes visible that our (International) justice system represents more a village of Potemkin, meaning a façade than it is about jurisdiction: After the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg refused to overtake the case in 2015, now The Hague is following in 2020 – the evidence for severe crimes against humanity and genocide are piling up, nevertheless, no reason for these so-called “courts” to help at least my beloved son. Pictorial evidence of the loss of all his adult teeth before the age of 10, as well as of severe SNUFF torture (obviously my son was put on a respiratory machine after his – adult – teeth were taken out to be able to sexual abuse him orally without interruption) is no reason for these courts to interfere. The pictorial evidence is manipulated, stressing the fact that it is about to “teach a lesson”: When overexposing the picture, one can see that within the mouth of my son a next picture is inserted, showing a classroom with a teacher (!). The message is clear, sadly also from International Courts: Those who speak out, those who expose governmental MK ultra networks with its MK-ed judges, authority officials, and intelligence employees will get punished even more – this on the back of their beloved children. The psychopathy within these (court?) procedures proves my researches sadly even more right, as no human judge would allow this to happen on the back of a beloved and highly talented child, this ongoingly since 2012.
Therefore as often stated, our international court systems here in Europe are in the hands of MK ultra networks, as without being under MK ultra or at least strategically entangled (often carried out via torture rituals, torturing and killing toddlers and children, while being filmed), there is no position available for judges or prosecution officers, nor for any other government official or politicians.
Significantly the (actual) minister of justice of Austria, Alma Zadic, was not only working at The Hague in younger years but also is a member of the World Economic Forum (Global Shapers Community), while the former minister of justice (in 2015) and law professor at university Wolfgang Brandstetter, under whose “reign” I had to endure several murder attempts, after presenting to him the case, leaving me with neurological issues until today, has close ties to Russia: The risk is growing exponentially on a daily basis, as the main perpetrating networks and courts are less addicted to torture and open sadism in the meantime, what would be worse enough, but are in open bloodlust: Also (MK-ed) psychopaths tend to delete traces to not get caught, so again, the life of my beloved son is in massive danger, not to speak about myself.
The case is now at the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice (…) and I will update you as soon as I know more:
At the moment no Austrian law enforcement (Austrian Federal Criminal Police Office), no court, no authority (CPS) contacted me about the actual health state and well-being of my beloved son, this after having received the most horrendous evidence more than 2 months ago [!].
The „lesson taught“ is now addressing all survivors of MK ultra: If you dare to speak out, if you dare to mention perpetrating networks by name, we are mutilating, openly torturing, and destroying your highly talented and beloved child(ren).
Again, thank you all for standing with me and my beloved son: Please take care when sharing the torture/abuse pictorial evidence, as this could trigger my beloved son into suicide or self-injuring behavior (depending on what is torture based programmed into him).
#endmkultraworldwide #freelukidarasadegh #bringlukibackhome #notsuicidal




If you appreciated my work here or on social media, please consider showing your support through a small (monthly) donation over Paypal: Hosting Fees, Court Fees, while being targeted – which causes by far the highest costs – and to hold this network simultaneously is the most expensive thing I have ever done. Thank you.

Festen 2020

„Wie die Mutter zu ihren sexualbezogenen Phantasien kommt ist unklar“

MMag. Konrad Kubiczek, Familienrichter am BG Hernals/Wien zu den Schilderungen des damals 2 1/2jährigen Luki Dara Sadegh, obwohl er die Fachliteratur zu (satanisch/sadistisch) rituellem Missbrauch vor sich liegen hatte. 


Die „satanischen“ Feiertage samt den dabei begangenen Gräueln haben bereits Einzug in die wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur [1] zu trauma based mind control und ritual abuse gehalten haben, einerseits durch Berichte von Opfern, andererseits durch das erhöhte Aufkommen von registrierten Verbrechen (Entführung, Vergewaltigung, Verstümmelung von Kindern), also von ritual abuse (physische, psychische und spiritueller Missbrauch) genau rund um diese Zeitpunkte.

Satanisten sind besessen von Ritualen, genauso wie von Symbolen, von Numerologie und decken sich die Feiertage mit denen von allen Religionsgemeinschaften, was auch die oberste satanische/psychopatische Tugend, neben der Infiltration und dem Schweigen beschreibt: die Täuschung: Während man in gut bürgerlichen Berufen tätig ist, durchaus in die jeweiligen – offiziellen Kirchen – geht, feiert man danach, seine eigenen „Feiertage“, wie im Detail von Svali und etlichen anderen beschrieben.


1 Neujahr; Druidenfest New Year´s Day; Druid Feast Day
6 Heilige Drei Könige (Christlich) Twelfth Night, Epiphany (Christian)
6/7 Asara B’Tewet (Jüdisch): Zerstörung des Jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem durch Nebukadnezar Asara B’Tewet (Jewish): Destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
7 St. Winebald Tag, Blutfest: Blutrituale, Opfer von Tieren und Menschen. Suche nach menschlichen und tierischen Opfern, um sie zu verstümmeln. St. Winebald´s Day; Blood feast; blood rituals, sacrifice of animals and humans. Search for human and animal victims for mutilation.
8 Taufe Jesu (Christlich) Baptism of the Lord (Christian)
10 Vollmond Full Moon
10-11 Penumbrale Mondfinsternis (Asien, Australien, Europa, Afrika) Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Asia, Australia, Europe, and Africa)
13 Satanisches Neujahr Satanic New Year
17 Satanische Feierlichkeiten; Sexrituale (Opferung auf dem Altar) Feast of Fools/Old Twelfth Night/Satanic and demon revels
20 St. Agnes-Nacht; Hexenfest; Sex- und Blutrituale, Entführungen. St. Agnes´ Eve; witch revels; sex and blood rituals, abductions.
20-27 Zeit der Opfervorbereitung: Entführung, Einsperren und zeremonielle Vorbereitung auf das “Opfer” für Maria Lichtmess Time for preparations for sacrifice: Abduction and pre-arrangement of victims for Candlemas
24 Neumond New Moon
25 Satanisches Hochfest; Grosser Gipfel, Grand Climax: Sexrituale, Menschenopfer; genau fünf Wochen und einen Tag nach Winterbeginn: Opfer von Kindern Satanic climax: sex rituals, human sacrifice, exactly five weeks and one day after winter solstice: sacrifice of children
27 Rosh Chodesh Sh´vat (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sh´vat (Jewish; beginning of month)
2 Maria Lichtmess (Christlich), Hexen Sabbat, Satanische Feierlichkeiten: Menschenopfer Candlemas (Christian), Sabbat, Groundhog/Imbolg day, Satanic Revels: A night requiring human sacrifice
2 Thelemisches Fest: „Aquariusfest“ (Verkündung des neuen Gesetzes) Thelemic feast of “Aquarius” (Proclamation of the New Law)
9 Vollmond Full Moon
10 Tu B´Shvat (Jüdisch; Frühlingsbeginn) Tu B´Shvat (Jewish; celebration of spring)
14 Valentinstag Valentine´s Day; Pagan festival day – celebrated precisely 13 days after Candlemas/Imbolg
23 Neumond New Moon
25 St. Walpurgistag: Blutrituale, Tieropfer, Todestag der heiligen Walburga; Kommunion aus Blut und Verstümmelungen Walpurgis Day: Blood rituals, animal sacrifice, day of death of holy Walburga; communion of blood and dismemberment
25/26 Rosh Chodesh Adar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Adar (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Fastnacht, Faschingsdienstag Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
26 Aschermittwoch, Hexen Sabbat/Beginn der Fastenzeit bis 11.4 (Christlich) Ash Wednesday, Witch Sabbat/Beginning of Lent until 4/11 (Christian)
1 St. Eichhardt-Tag, Blutmesse: Trinken von Menschen- oder Tierblut zur Krafterlangung und Huldigung der Dämonen St. Eichstadt´s Day: Blood Mass: Drinking of Human and Animal blood for power and homage to daemons
8 Geburtstag von Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslimisch) Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muslim)
9 Vollmond Full Moon
9 Vorabend zu Purim Evening of Purim
10-11 Purim (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes in Persien) Purim (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish People from Haman in Persia)
12 Thelemisches Fest der Elemente des Frühlings Thelemic feast of the elements of spring equinox
13 Freitag, der 13. (März) Friday the 13th (of March)
16 Tag von Montsegur, Verfolgung der Katharer Montsegur Day, persecution of the Cathars
17 St. Patrick´s Day (Irisch) St. Patrick´s Day (Irish)
20 Thelemisches Fest: „Kinder des Propheten“ (1904 wurde Crowley das „liber al vel legis“ diktiert und markiert den Beginn des Thelemischen Jahresbeginns) Thelemic feast “Children of the prophet” (1904 Crowley was dictated the “liber al vel legis” – and marks the beginning of the Thelemic New Year)
20 – 21 Frühlingsäquinotikum: Sex- und Blutrituale, Frühlingsbeginn, Großes Fruchtbarkeitsfest: Sexueller Verkehr aller ungeachtet Alter und Geschlecht, Opferung von Tieren und Menschen Spring Equinox: Sex- and Blood-Rituals, spring; Feast of Fertility: sexual rituals; human and animal sacrifice
22 Lailat al Miraj (Muslimisch: Mohammeds Reise von Mekka nach Jerusalem, sein Aufstieg in den Himmel und seine Rückkehr) Lailat al Miraj (Muslim: Prophet Muhammad´s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascent into heaven and return)
24 Neumond New Moon
24 Fest des Tieres: Satans Braut; Hexenfest Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
25 Mariä Verkündigung (Christlich) Annunciation (Christian)
26 Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Nisan (Jewish; beginning of month)
1 Der 1. April April Fool´s Day
5 Palmsonntag (Christlich) Palm Sunday (Christian)
8 Vollmond Full Moon
8 Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslimisch: Nacht der Vergebung); Geburtstag von Muhammad al-Mahdi Lailat al-Bara´s/Nisf Shabaan (Muslim: Night of Absolution); Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi
8 Vorabend zu Pesach Evening before Passover
9-15 Passover/Pesach (Jüdisch, Rettung des Jüdischen Volkes aus der Ägyptischen Sklaverei; Opferfest) Passover/Pesach (Jewish, Deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt; sacrifices)
8-10 Thelemisches Fest: Dreittagesfest im Gedenken, an die drei Tage, an denen Crowley das Buch des Gesetzes, also das liber al vel legis geschrieben hat Thelemic Feast: Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law – liber al vel legis (Crowley)
9 Letzte Abendmahl (Christlich) Last Supper (Christian)
10 Karfreitag (Christlich) Good Friday (Christian)
11 Ostersamstag (Christlich) Holy Saturday (Christian)
12 Ostersonntag (Christlich), Feiern von Hitlers Geburtstag (der am Ostersonntag geboren wurde) Easter Sunday (Christian); Celebration of Hitlers birthday (Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday)
13 Ostermontag (Christlich) Easter Monday (Christian)
20 Hitlers Geburtstag Hitler´s actual birthday
21 Yom HaShoah (Jüdisch: Erinnerung an den Holocaust) Yom HaShoah (Jewish: Holocaust Memorial Day)
21 -26 Vorbereitung auf das große Opfer für Grand Climax: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung der Opfer; Sammlung von Kräutern und betäubenden Pflanzen. Preparation for the great feast; abductions and ritual preparations of the victims; searching for herbs and anaesthetizing plants
23 Neumond New Moon
24 – 23 (5.) Ramadan (Muslimisch: Fastenzeit) Ramadan (Muslim: Period of fasting, self-evaluation and spiritual growth)
24/25 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Iyyar (Jewish; beginning of month)
26 – 1 Grand Climax (De Meur): Das große Opfer Grand Climax (De Meur): The great sacrifice
28 Yom HaZikaron (Jüdisch, Tag der Erinnerung) Yom HaZikaron (Jewish; Day of Memory)
29 Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israelischer Unabhängigkeitstag Yom HaAtzma´ut: Israeli Day of Independence
30 Walpurgisnacht: Blutrituale, Satans Geburtstag: Einer der wichtigsten Feiertage im satanischen Kalender. Opferungen. Hitlers Todestag May Eve: Blood rituals, Birth of Satan: One of the most important days within the satanic calendar. Sacrifices. Anniversary of Hitler´s death
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Nacht des Tieres und seiner Braut“ Thelemic Feast: “Night of the beast and his bride”
1 Beltane: Blutrituale und Feuerfestival, keltischer Festtag, Zeugungsrituale [Samenflüssigkeit wird … in die Vagina eingeführt]; wichtigster Hexenfeiertag Beltane: Blood rituals, Celtic feast, Conception rituals [seminal fluid is … inserted into the vagina]; greatest Witches Sabbat
1 Tag der Arbeit Labour Day in Europe
7  Vollmond Full Moon
10 Muttertag (USA, Germany, Austria) Mothers´ Day (USA, Germany, Austria)
11-22 Laylat al-Qadr (Muslimisch: Nacht der Bestimmung) Laylat al-Qadr (Muslim: Night of Destiny: commemoration of the first revelation of the Qu´an to the Prophet Muhammad)
12 Lag B´Omer: Jüdisch, Feier zur Widerstandskraft der Juden Lag B´Omer: Jewish; symbolizes the resilience of the Jewish people
21 Christi Himmelfahrt (Christlich) Ascension Day (Christian)
22 Neumond New Moon
22 Yom Yerushelayim: Tag Jerusalems (Jüdisch) Yom Yerushelayim: Jerusalem Day (Jewish)
24 Eid al-Fitr (Muslimisch: Ende der Fastenzeit) Eid al-Fitr (Muslim: end of Ramadan)
24 Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Sivan (Jewish; beginning of month)
28 Vorabend zu Shavuot Eve before Shavuot
29-30 Shavuot (Jüdisch: Übergabe der Tora) Shavuot (Jewish: giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai)
30 Verbrennung Jeanne d´ Arcs Memory Day, dedicated to Joan of Arc
31-1 Pfingsten (Christlich) Pentecost (Christian)
5 Vollmond Full Moon
5-6 Penumbrale Mondfinsternis (Asien, Australien, Europa, Afrika) Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Asia, Australia, Europe, and Africa)
7 Dreifaltigkeit (Christlich) Trinity (Christian)
11 Fronleichnam (Christlich) Feast of the Body of Christ/Corpus Christi (Christian)
20 – 21 Sonnenwendfest, Sommeranfang: Sexrituale, d.h. sexueller Verkehr aller, auch Sodomie, Tier- oder Menschenopfer (Folter, Vergewaltigung, Opferung von Verrätern); Verstümmelungen von Kindern Summer Solstice: Sex rituals, even with animals, animal and human sacrifice (torture, mutilation of traitors); mutilation of children
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Ipsissimustag“ (Der Ipsissimus ist der höchste Grad der Erleuchtung im System der Goldenen Dämmerung und in Crowleys Orden. Er ist das vollendete Selbst in seiner absoluten Freiheit) Thelemic Feast “Ipsissimus” (highest degree within the order of the golden dawn and within Crowleys successors, representing the fulfilled self in absolute freedom)
21 Neumond New Moon
21 Ringförmige Sonnenfinsternis (Teile von Afrika, so in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik, Kongo und Äthiopien; Südliches Pakistan und nördliches Indien, China) Annular Solar Eclipse (parts of Africa including the Central African Republic, Congo, and Ethiopia; south of Pakistan and northern India; and China)
22 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Tamuz (Jewish; beginning of month)
23 Mitsommernacht, Feuerfestival, Magische Rituale; Midsummer´s Eve; St John´s Eve Fire Festival; Magic Rituals
24 Johannistag – Höchster Feiertag der modernen Freimaurer (Gründung 1717) St. John´s Day – Highest festive day in modern freemasonry (founded 1717)
1 Satans Festnacht: Satanisches Fest: Blutopfer, Sex mit Dämonen Feast of Satan: Satanic Holiday: Blood Sacrifice, Druid sexual association with demons
4 US-Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag US Independence Day
4-5 Penumbrale Mondfinsternis (Südwesteuropa, große Teile Afrikas, große Teile Nordamerikas, Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis)

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (South/West Europe, Much of Africa, Much of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica)

5 Vollmond Full Moon
17 – 26 Opferung der erstgeborenen männlichen Nachkommen; Kommunion aus Fleisch und Blut; Entführungen, Opfervorbereitung für das Großopfer: Entführung und zeremonielle Vorbereitung Sacrifice of first-born males, communion with flesh and blood; abductions, preparations of the victims and the rituals
20 Neumond New Moon
22 Rosh Chodesh Av (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Av (Jewish; beginning of month)
25 Apostel Jakobus-Tag. Satanischer Feiertag und Vorabend des Opferfestes, Sammeln von betäubenden Kräutern St. James´ Day/Festival of the Horned God; Gathering of herbs
26/27 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach der Sommersonnenwende: Sexuelle Rituale, Opferung von Kindern; Großer Höhepunkt Five Weeks and one day after summer solstice: sex rituals, child sacrifice; grand climax
29/30 Tisha B´Av (Jüdisch: Trauertag) Tisha B´Av (Jewish: Day of Mourning)
29 – 3 (8.) Hajj (Muslimisch: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka) Hajj (Muslim: Pilgrimage to Mecca)
30 Arafah (Muslim) Arafah Day (Muslim)
31 Eid al-Adha (Muslimisch: Opferfest in Gedenken an den Propheten Ibrahim, der bereit war, seinen Sohn zu opfern; Zeit der Vergebung und der Geschenke) Eid al-Adha (Muslim: Feast of Sacrifice in rememberance of the prophet Ibrahim´s willingness to sacrifice his son. A time of forgiveness and gift-giving)
1 Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (Beginn der Erntezeit), Tier und Menschenopfer Lammas, Lughnasadh – Sabbat (beginning of harvest season); animal and human sacrifice;
1 Thelemisches Fest „Fest der Wasser des Lebens“ (Blüte der Fruchtbarkeit) Thelemic Fest “Water of Life” (Fertility)
3 Vollmond Full Moon
3 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic revels
5 Tu B’Av (Jüdisch): Tag der Liebe Tu B’Av (Jewish): Day of Love
12 Thelemisches Fest: Fest für die erste Nacht des Propheten und seiner Braut Thelemic Feast: feast for the First Night for the Prophet and His Bride
15 Maria Himmelfahrt (Christlich, Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel) Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
19 Neumond New Moon
20 Muharram (moslimisch: Neujahr) Muharram (Muslim: New Year)
20/21 Rosh Chodesh Elul (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Elul (Jewish; beginning of month)
24 St. Bartolomäus Tag, Sabbat und Feuerwerk St. Bartholomew’s Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
29 Ashura (Muslimisch: Märtyrertod von Hussein, dem Enkel des Propheten) Ashura (Muslim: Martyrdom of the prophet´s grandson Hussein)
2 Vollmond Full Moon
5 – 7 Satans Hochzeit, Hochzeit des Tieres (Apokalypse), Sex- und Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Verheiratung von Jungfrauen mit Satan Marriage of the Beast: marriage of virgins to Satan; sex- and blood rituals, Mutilations
14 Kreuzerhöhung (Christlich) Holy Cross Day (Christian)
17 Neumond New Moon
18 Vorabend zu Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch) Evening before Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)
19/20 Rosh Hashanah (Jüdisch: Neujahr, Der jüngste Tag) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish: New Year, Day of Judgement)
20 – 21 Mitternachtsmesse/anbetung: Blutrituale, Verstümmelungen, Opferungen, persönliches Blutopfer; Herbstäquinoktium Midnight Host: blood rituals, sacrifices, personal blood sacrifice; Fall Equinox
21 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Thoth“ (Gott der Weisheit und des Wissens Thelemic Feast: „Feast of Thoth“ (God of Wisdom and Knowledge)
27/28 Yom Kippur (Jüdisch: Bußtag) Yom Kippur (Jewish: Day of Atonement)
29 Michaelmas (Christlich), Fest des Erzengel Michael und aller Engel Michealmas (Christian); Feast of Archangel Michael and of all Angels
1 Vollmond Full Moon
2 Vorabend zu Sukkot (Jüdisch) Evening before Sukkot (Jewish)
3-9 Sukkot (Jüdisch: Erntedank) Sukkot (Jewish: harvest festival)
3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit German Unification Day
4 Erntedankfest (Christlich) Thanksgiving (Christian)
8 Arba’een (Muslimisch): Märtyrertod von Husayn ibn Ali Arba’een (Moslim): martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali
10 Shmini Atzeret (Jüdisch) Shmini Atzeret (Jewish: Eighth Day of Assembly)
11 Simchat Torah (Jüdisch: Feiern des vollendeten Zyklus der Thora) Simchat Torah (Jewish: celebration of the annual complete cycle of reading of the Torah)
12 Thelemisches Fest: Geburt Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Birth of Aleister Crowley
13 Verhaftung und Ermordung aller Mitglieder des Templerordens (geschehen am Freitag, 13. Oktober) Imprisonment and Murder of all members of the Order of the temple (happened on Friday, 13th of October)
13 – 29 Vorbereitung des Großopfers: Entführung und zeremonielle Opfervorbereitung Preparations for the great sacrifice: abductions and ritual preparations
16 Neumond New Moon
18/19 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Cheshvan (Jewish; beginning of month)
26 Fünf Wochen und ein Tag nach dem Herbstäquinoktium: Sexueller Verkehr, Opferung von Menschen und Tieren Five Weeks and one Day after Fall Equinox: sexual rituals, sacrifice of humans and animals
26 Eid-e-Shuja‘ (Muslimisch): ritueller Festtag, Ende der Trauerzeit nach dem Karbala Massaker Eid-e-Shuja‘ (Moslem): ritual festival, end of mourning after the events of the Karbala massacre
26 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag National holiday of Austria
29 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Sunni Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
29 – 30 „Heiliger Abend“: Satanische Feierlichkeiten mit Opferungen an jedem Tag “Holy Eve”: Satanic High: human sacrifice each day
30 Thelemisches Fest: „Fest des Feuers und Todes“ (Zeit des Durchschreitens des Abyssos, die Vernichtung des Egos und der Vernunft; die Nacht der Zeit. Alles Existierende wird verbrannt. Zurück bleibt die Asche). Thelemic Feast: “Feast of Fire and Death” (time to walk through Abyssos, Destruction of Ego and Rationality; All Existence is burnt, the ashes remain)
31 Allerheiligen-Nacht; Halloween, Blut- und Sexrituale, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, die Toten kehren in dieser Nacht auf die Erde zurück, Vereinigung von Satan, Dämonen und Mitgliedern, Tierische und menschliche Opfer; Beginn des keltischen Neujahrs. Die dunkle Hälfte des Jahres Halloween: blood and sex rituals, fire festivals, great sabbat, the dead ones come back to earth; Merging of Satan, Daemons and Members; animal and human sacrifices; Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year
31 Vollmond Full Moon
31 Reformationstag (Evangelisch) Reformation Day (Protestant)
1 Allerheiligen (Christlich), Satanisches Hochfest All Saints´ Day (Christian); Satanist High Holy Day
1 – 6 Isis sucht 6 Tage nach Teilen von Osiris/ Wiederauferstehung von Osiris The Isia: six-day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
2 Allerseelen (Christlich, aller Seelen im Fegefeuer), Feier des Todes, Opferung von Menschen All Souls´ Day (Christian; all souls in purgatorial fire); feast of death; human sacrifices
3 Mawlid oder Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Shia Islam): Geburt des Propheten   Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif (Shia Islam): Birth of the Prophet 
4 Allerheiligen (alt) (Old) All Saint´s Day
4 Satanische Feierlichkeiten Satanic Revels
7 Wiedergeburt von Osiris Rebirth of Osiris
9 Kristallnacht Kristallnacht
13 Freitag der 13. (November) Friday the 13th (of November)
15 Neumond New Moon
17 Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn) Rosh Codesh Kislev (Jewish; beginning of month)
18 Buß- und Bettag (Evangelisch) Day of Prayer and Repentance (Protestant Church)
20 – 22 Musemass, Beginn der Nürnberger Prozesse (1945) Musemass, Start of the Nuernberg Trials (1954)
26 Erntedankfest (Amerik.) Thanksgiving (USA)
29 1. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 1st Sunday of Advent (Christian)
29-30 Penumbrale Mondfinsternis (weite Teile Europas und Asien, Australien, Nordamerika, Südamerika, Pazifik, Atlantik, Arktis) Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Much of Europe, Much of Asia, Australia, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic)
30 Heiliger Andreas (Christlich) St. Andrew’s Day (Christian)
30 Vollmond Full Moon
1 Thelemisch: Todestag von Aleister Crowley Thelemic Feast: Crowley’s „Greater Feast“ – Death of Crowley
5/6 Krampus / St. Nikolaus Krampus / St. Nicholas´ Day
6 2. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 2nd Sunday of Advent
8 Maria Empfängnis (Christlich) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)
10-18 Chanukah (Jüdisch: Lichterfest) Chanukah (Jewish: festival of lights)
12 – 19 Tieropfer und Lebendbestattungen von Menschen, um die “dunkle” Zeit zu feiern Animals sacrifice and live burial of victims to celebrate the dark time
13 3.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 3rd Sunday of Advent (Christian)
14 Neumond New Moon
14 Totale Sonnenfinsternis (Südafrika, weite Teile Südamerikas, Pazifik, Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Antarktis)

Total Solar Eclipse (South in Africa, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica)

16 Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Jüdisch; Monatsbeginn)

Rosh Codesh Tevet (Jewish; beginning of month)

16 – 23 Entführung, Opfervorbereitung Abductions, Preparation for victims and sacrifice
20 – 23 Satansanbetung, Sexrituale, Hexenfeiertag, Julfest, Wintersonnenwende Worshipping to Satan, Sex Rituals, Yule/Winter Solstice
20 4.. Adventsonntag (Christlich) 4th Sunday of Advent (Christian)
21 St. Thomastag, Feuerfestival, Großer Sabbat, Winter Solstice, Yuele, fire, Tag an dem Lucifer aus dem Himmel verstoßen worden ist, auch Rauhnacht, um sich vor dem Teufel zu schützen St. Thomas´ Day, Fire Festival, Yule/Winter Solstice; Day when Lucifer was abandoned from heaven, also Dark Night (Rauhnacht) to protect oneself from the devil
22 Thelemisches Fest „Sonnenwende der Götter“ (Horus beendet die Herrschaft der Götter der Finsternis, des Todes und der Spaltung) Thelemic Feast „solstice of the gods“
24 Weihnachten (Christlich) Christmas Eve (Christian)
24 Trauerabend wegen der in dieser Nacht gefeierten Geburt Christi, Sexueller Verkehr aller; tierische und menschliche Opfer; Grand High Climax; Körperteile von männlichen Kindern als Geschenk Grief and sorrow because of birth of Jesus; sex rituals, animal and human sacrifice; Grand High Climax; Receive body parts as Christmas gifts from male infants
25 Christtag (Christlich) Christmas Day (Christian)
26 Stefanitag (Christlich) Boxing Day (Christian)
30 Vollmond Full Moon
31 Silvester New Year´s Eve



Die Feiertage als auch die „Sprache“ der jeweiligen Kalender ist „alt“ und unterstreicht nochmals die Jahrhundert alte Tradition, diese Festtage, samt bestialischen Kindesopferungen zu begehen. Die TäterInnen, man erinnere sich an XAVAS und etliche andere, zeigen sich in der Regel nicht mit Teufelshörnern, sondern sind „in Anzug und Robe“, also in hochanständigen bürgerlichen Berufen. Auch zeigt sich an diesen Kalendern nochmals, wie bereits in der wissenschaftlichen Fachliteratur ausgeführt, wie besessen Satanisten teilweise zu sein scheinen von „Sexualität“, besser S/M – BDSM [2], genauso wie von Körperflüssigkeiten (Blut, Sperma, Urin), wie ausführlich in der Fachliteratur zu ritual abuse beschrieben oder von KünstlerInnen wie Kim Noble, selbst ein trauma based mind control und ritual abuse Opfer künstlerisch verarbeitet. Auch Paolo Coelho skizziert in seinem Roman „11 Minuten“ am Beispiel der Lebensgeschichte der brasilianischen Prostituierten Maria nicht nur BDSM, sondern lässt auch die „heilige Prostitution/Opferung“ im Detail aufleben: Macht – Ohnmacht, Sadomasochismus (Unterwerfung, Unterwerfen), Quälen und Töten von “unwerten Leben”, vor allem auch “Schuldübernahmerituale” als geheime Initiationsrituale scheinen den Reiz für diese Gruppierungen auszumachen. Aufgrund der bestialischen Verbrechen an vor allem Kindern kann man sich vorstellen, wie auch in der Fachliteratur dokumentiert, wie viele TäterInnen selbst aus diesem Kreislauf ausbrechen möchten, allerdings nicht können, da sie über Fotos und Videoaufnahmen in der Hand der Satanisten/Psychopaten sind, und eher versuchen diese Festtage “spirituell” zu begehen, andere dazu einladen, mitzumachen.

In weiterer Folge zeigt sich der Männlichkeitswahn des Netzwerkes, in dem wiederum lediglich die bewährten Stereotype von Weiblichkeit zugelassen sind (Hexe-Hure-Heilige), das Weibliche vernichtet oder unterworfen werden soll, als auch die Besessenheit von Satanisten/Psychopaten, „Interbreeding“ durchzuführen, also intergenerationell „Dynastien“ mitunter verdeckt aufzubauen, wobei hier die Frauen lediglich als „Breeder“ verwendet werden und sind damit über mögliche verdeckten Vaterschaften, weitere Personenkreise erpressbar. Durch das in der Fachliteratur ebenso oftmals erwähnte “Vertauschen der eigenen Kindern”, von dem alle ehemaligen Illuminati und Illuminati nahestehenden Personen – allen voran Fritz Springmeier, John Todd oder Svali berichten – ist auch das intergenerationelle Breeding besser zu verstehen: Bande aus Fleisch und Blut werden so den “satanischen” Zielen untergeordnet, selbst erlebter Herzensbruch, bleibt er unbearbeitet, läßt es leichter zu, andere zu entmenschlichen, also zu quälen oder quälen zu lassen. Und, um nochmals an Englische SpezialistInnen zu erinnern: “No one wants to know that it happens next door”, es sich also um keine Verbrechen handelt, die “irgendwo” mit “armen Waisenkindern” auf einem „fernen Kontinent“ oder bei „primitiven Völkern“ begangen werden, sondern eben bei uns in unserer westlichen Welt in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft.

Die bestialischen Gräuel, die Menschen an anderen Menschen verüben können, vor allem an Kindern lässt einem den Atem stocken und führt auch der amerikanische Psychologe Colin A. Ross in seinem Buch „Satanic Ritual Abuse“ aus, dass dieser rituelle Missbrauch, das furchtbarste ist, was einem Kind geschehen kann, die Schäden irreversibel sind und erklärt auch, warum diese Gräuel um jeden Preis verschwiegen und negiert werden müssen, Opfer wie Zeugen „entsorgt“ werden müssen, „Tod dem Verräter“ das oberste Gebot solcher Gruppen ist.

Die Psychologin Ellen Lacter beschreibt auf ihrer Webseite http://endritualabuse.org/about/overview-of-the-differences-between-satanism-and-witchcraft/ sogar die unterschiedlichen Arten des Missbrauchs bei Satanisten und Hexern (satanism vs. witchcraft): Noch habe ich keine (Fach)Literatur finden können, wie vor allem die Schwüre, Gelübte, Eide und Schuldübernahmeversprechen aufgelöst werden können, dieses Wissen verschollen zu sein scheint. Meiner Meinung nach ist dieses Wissen um die Auflösung dieser rituellen Schuldübernahme, Gelübde und Eide „der heilige Gral“ beim Thema „ritual abuse“, da Satanisten/Psychopathen durch die Rituale offensichtlich in der Lage sind karmische/spirituelle Gesetze zu verändern also umzudrehen, jemanden anderen die eigenen Lasten aufzubürden. Interessanterweise sind sich die meisten, die sich mit dem Thema beschäftigen, vom hochrangigen Illuminati bis zum Hobby-Esoteriker, sicher, dass man sein/ihr „Karma“ eben verdient hätte, sich das selbst ausgesucht hätte: Diese Argumente finden sich auf satanischen NWO-Seiten (argumentiert von hochrangigen Illuminati), und wird auch in esoterischen Kreisen bis zum Institut Kutschera propagiert und haben mir auch etliche MittäterInnen das Verbrechen an meinem Sohn und in weiterer Folge an mir genauso gerechtfertigt, und scheint neben dem Umstand, jemand anderen bequem Schuld zuschieben zu können ein weiteres Ziel zu erreichen, nämlich die “moralische” Legitimation zu erhalten, die Opfer (noch mehr) entmenschlichen zu können, denn:

Niemand hat das Recht oder dir Erlaubnis, (Klein)Kinder zu foltern. Kein Kind auf der ganzen Welt, egal welche Hautfarbe, welche Nationalität oder welches Glaubensbekenntnis es hat, hat dieses Leid verdient. Kein Kind auf dieser Welt darf sexuell, spirituell, psychisch benutzt werden. Jedes einzelne Kind muss vor solchen Verbrechen geschützt werden.


[1] Quellen (Auswahl):

Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph & Rachel Wingfield Schwartz: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011 enthält einen Ritualkalender, etliche andere wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur ebenso.











Eastern Orthodox holidays 
1/6 Theophany/Baptism of Christ 
2/15 The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 
2/27 Beginning of Lent 
3/25 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
4/9 Palm Sunday 
4/13 Holy Thursday 
4/14 Holy Friday 
4/15 Holy Saturday 
4/16 Pascha/Easter 
5/25 Ascension Day 
6/4 Pentecost 
6/26 All Saints Day 
8/6 Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ 
8/15 Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
9/1 Beginning of the liturgical year 
9/14 Elevation of the Cross 
12/25 Nativity of Christ


Hindu holidays 
1/14 Makar Sankranti: Harvest Festival 
2/1 Vasant Panchami/Saraswati Puja: worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 
3/29 Ugadi/Yugadi: New Year 
3/13 Holi: Festival of Colors: Spring festival, celebration of triumph of good over evil: dedicated to Krishna or Kama 
35/5 Rama Navami: Birth of Ram, the seventh avatar of Vishnu 
4/11 Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 
8/7 Raksha Banhan/Rakhi: Celebratation of the bond between brothers and sisters 
8/215 Krishna Janmashtami: Birth of Krishna 
8/25 Ganesh Chaturthi/Anant Chaturdashi: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 
9/5 – 9/19 Pitru Paksha: 16 day period when spirits visit their descendants’ homes 
9/21 – 9/29 – 10/10 Navratri: Fall festival, celebration of the nine forms of Shakti/Devi. 
9/30 Dussehra/Dasera: Celebration of Kali’s victory over Mahishasura, triumph of good over evil 
10/19 Diwali/Dipavali: Festival of Lights: dedicated to Lakshmi or Kali: the end of Lord Rama’s exil: destruction of evil by Vishnu


Pantheistic holidays 1/6 Kore gives birth/manifestation of divinity 1/6 Dionysian Revels 1/18 – 1/22 Dream Festival Pleiades 2/1 – 2/3 Mysteries of Persephone 2/15 Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus and Remus) honoring of Pan 3/20 Feast for the Supreme Ritual/the invocation of Horus/the beginning of the New Year 2/21 – 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia Roman All Souls’/boundary day 3/2 Dionysian Revels 3/9 Festival of Ishtar Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus 3/15 Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis/begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual 3/18 Sheila-na-gig/Sheelah’s Day,/Sheelahis Day/Celtic Creatress:/Jacques De Molay Day/Knights Templar 3/20 – 3/22  Pelusia, Invocation of Isis/Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. 3/24 Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 4/26 – 5/1 Corpus de Baahl 5/ 9 – 5/13 Lemuria: Roman expulsion of evil spirits 8/24 Mania/opening of Nether World Gate 8/24 – 8/27 Fundus Mundi/a three day late-harvest festival 8/28 Feast of Nephthys, wife of Set, Goddess of Death, marks the end of Fundis Mundi 9/23 – 10/2 Mysteries of Eleusis 10/5 Opening of Mundus Cereris 10/31 Preparation for The Isia ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis/ Resurrection of Osiris 11/1 – 11/6 The Isia: six days’ ritual drama/search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania/Opening of Mundus Cereris/rebirth of Osiris 12/17 – 12/22 Saturnalia


Australia 1/26 –  Australia Day 3/6 –  Labour Day (Western Australia) 3/13 – Labour Day (Victoria, Tasmania) 3/13 –  Canberra Day (ACT) 4/25 –  Anzac Day 5/1  – Labour Day (Northern Territory, Queensland) 5/14 –  Mothers’ Day 6/12 –  Queen’s Birthday (all except Western Australia and Queensland) 9/3 –  Fathers’ Day 9/25 – Queen’s Birthday (Western Australia) 10/2 – Queen’s birthday (Queensland) 10/2 – Labour Day (most regions) 11/11 – Remembrance Day 12/26 – Boxing Day

Canada Holidays that are celebrated by all provinces are listed in the main calendar. Additional holidays: 2/20– Islander Day – PE 2/20 (2/13 in BC) – Family Day – BC, AB, SK, ON 2/20 – Louis Riel Day – MB 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day – NL 4/23 – St George’s Day – NL 5/22 – Victoria Day (National Patriots’ Day in QC) – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 6/21 – National Aboriginal Day NT 6/24 – Fete Nationale (St. Jean Baptiste Day) QC 6/24 – Discovery Day – NL 7/1 S Canada Day 7/9 – Nunavut Day – NT 8/7 – Civic/Provincial Day – AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU 10/10 – Thanksgiving – Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL 11/11 – Remembrance Day – Nationwide except ON, QC, NS, NL 12/26 – Boxing Day – ON Mexico 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 1/6 –  Dia de los Santos Reyes (Three Kings): exchange of Christmas presents 2/2 –  Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas) 2/5 –   Constitution Day 2/24 – Flag Day 2/22 – 2/28 Carnaval 2/1 – Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent 3/18  –  Oil Expropriation of 3/18/1938 3/20 – Benito Juarez’ Birthday Memorial 4/10 – 4/16 – Holy Week (end of Lent) 4/9 – Palm Sunday 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/30 –  Children’s Day 5/1 –  Labor Day 5/3 – Holy Cross Day 5/5 – Battle of Puebla 5/5 – Cinque de Mayo 5/10 –  Mothers’ Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/15 – Corpus Christi 6/18 – Father’s Day 8/15 – Assumption of Mary   9/16 –  Independence Day 10/12 – Dia de la Raza (arrival of Columbus to the Americas) 10/31 – Halloween 11/1 – 11/2 – Day of the Dead 11/20 – Revolution Day Memorial 11/26 – Christ the King Day 12/8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception 12/12 – Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe 12/25 – Christmas 12/28 – Day of the Holly Innocents 12/31 – New Year’s Eve South Africa 1/1 – New Years Day 3/21 – Human Rights Day 3/28 – Family Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/17 – Family Day 4/27 – Freedom Day 5/1 – Workers’ Day (Labour Day) 5/10 – Mothers’ Day 5/26 – Easter Sunday 6/26 – Youth Day 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/18 – Nelson Mandela’s Birthday 8/9 – Women’s Day 9/24 – Heritage Day (celebrated 9/25) 12/16 – Day of Reconciliation 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – Day of Goodwill The Netherlands 1/1 –  New Year’ Day 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 
4/27 – King’s Birthday 
5/4 – Remembrance Day 
5/5 – Liberation Day 5/25 – Ascension Day 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 12/5 -St. Nicholas Eve (Sinterklaas) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/25 – Second Day of Christmas 12/31 – New Year’s Eve United Kingdom 1/1 –  New Year’ Day (2/2 – Bank Holiday) 1/25 – Burns Night (Scotland) 3/1 – St. David’s Day (Wales) 3/6 – Mothering Sunday 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) 4/14 – Good Friday 4/16 – Easter Sunday 4/17 – Easter Monday 4/23 – St. George’s Day 5/1 – May Day (Bank Holiday) 5/29 – Spring Bank Holiday 6/4 – Pentecost 6/4 – Whit Sunday 6/5 – Whit Monday 6/19 – Fathers’ Day 7/12 – Battle of the Boyne 8/28 – Summer Bank Holiday 11/5 – Guy Fawkes Day 11/13 – Remembrance Sunday 11/30 – St Andrew’s Day (Scotland) 12/25 – Christmas Day 12/26 – St Stephen’s Day (Scotland, Ireland 12/26 – Boxing Day



Source: http://ra-info.org/mind-control/2014-ritual-dates-and-symbols/


[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM



meditation für alle (klein)kinder im 3. REICH – 22.05.2019

[22. Mai 2019 – Meditation für alle Kleinkinder und Kinder im 3. REICH]
Eine kurze Zusammenfassung in Bezug auf die (un)bekannte Geschichte: Babys, Kleinkinder und Kinder im 3. REICH
Wann immer ich über Jahre – wenn nicht Jahrzehnte – zu diesem Thema recherchiert habe, stellte sich heraus (soweit wie möglich), dass uns bei Kindern mindestens 2 große Lügen erzählt werden: Auf der einen Seite waren die Experimente an jüdischen Kleinkindern und Kindern offensichtlich wesentlich schlimmer, als wir uns vorstellen möchten – auf der anderen Seite das absolute Schweigen über die Hunderttausenden MK ultra programmierten deutschen Kleinkinder und Kinder, die in durchschnittlichen Familien im 3. REICH und seinen besetzten Ländern gelebt haben. Ohne Wahrheit gibt es keine Heilung, also kein Wunder, dass es immer noch einen unsichtbaren (programmierten) Krieg zwischen mindestens diesen beiden Gruppen gibt, der seit Jahrzehnten von den gleichen Drahtziehern in Hass, Zerstörung und Wut weitergeführt wird.
Welche Gruppen von Babys, Kleinkindern und Kindern gab es im 3. REICH?
Gruppe 1: T4 – ab 1933 wurden Babys, Kleinkinder und Kinder aus ihren Familien geholt, teilweise hatten sie Behinderungen, aber wie heute wurden sie ihren Eltern aus vielerlei Gründen weggenommen (politische Gegner, Bedarf an „Menschenmaterial“ für schlichtweg grausame Forschung, etc.). Oft waren die Kinder dieser Gruppe völlig gesund und – nur weil sie um ihre geliebten Eltern weinten – für schwer geisteskrank erklärt. Offiziell waren alle geistig erkrankt und „mussten getötet werden“ – siehe „lebensunwertes Leben“. Sie wurden zwar getötet, allerdings wurden zuvor furchtbare Experimente an ihnen durchgeführt. (siehe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_unwürdig_des_Lebens und https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4)
Gruppe 2: Jüdische Kinder. Auch ab 1933 verließen viele Juden den deutschsprachigen Raum, was sie in Situationen gebracht hat, in denen – sicherlich – viele jüdische Kinder aus verschiedenen Gründen leiden mussten. Bekannt ist auch, dass viele Kinder ohne ihre Eltern nach Großbritannien transportiert wurden („Liverpool Station, London“ – „Kinderzüge“ – siehe http://talkingbeautifulstuff.com/2013/05/23/the-kindertransport-statue-liverpool-street-station-london/) – unbekannt hier ist, dass viele von ihnen während ihres Aufenthalts in England von der britischen Regierung MK ultra „bekommen“ haben. Bekannt ist auch, dass viele der jüdischen Familien nach Israel/Haifa gingen, wo „Nakam“ (siehe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakam) in der Nähe den Hauptsitz hatte. Viele jüdische Kinder wurden dort ebenfalls MK ultra unterzogen (siehe http://israelirealities.blogspot.com/2007/03/mk-ultra-israeli-project.html). Am bekanntesten ist jedoch die große Gruppe in den Konzentrationslagern, in denen offene, furchtbare Forschungen an ihnen durchgeführt wurden. (siehe http://www.auschwitz.dk/Holocaust1.htm). Es gab Überlebende, die darüber berichtet haben, allerdings behaupten viele Quellen zusätzlich, dass die Experimente sogar zu viel für die Nazi-Ärzte waren, also versuchten diese, alle Beweise zu vernichten (siehe Dr. Vladimir Terziski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEe-QGohonU). Neben Zuchtexperimenten, Seelenversuchen, höchstwahrscheinlich Zeitreiseexperimenten und Transhumanismus wissen wir nicht viel über die Ereignisse dort, so dass wir lediglich vermuten können, da jede Information im Moment zensiert zu sein scheint.
Gruppe3: Auch andere Kinder waren von Interesse für die brutal forschenden Nazi-Ärzte in den Konzentrationslagern: Hier sind vor allem die Kleinkinder und Kinder aus Zigeunerfamilien sowie kleinwüchsige Kinder zu erwähnen. (siehe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_im_Holocaust)
Gruppe 4: Die am häufigsten vergessene Gruppe ist – meiner Meinung nach – die größte: Durchschnittliche deutsche Kinder und „germanisierte“ Kinder in den besetzten Ländern, die offen MK ultra und SRA unterzogen wurden, um die arische Herrenrasse, den Übermenschen, zu schaffen. Alles, was wir wissen, sind Adolf Hitlers Absichten für „seine“ Jugend: „“Eine gewalttätige, herrische, unerschrockene, grausame Jugend will ich. Schmerzen muss sie ertragen. Es darf nichts Schwaches und Zärtliches an ihr sein… Stark und schön will ich meine Jugend. So kann ich das Neue schaffen. Ich will keine intellektuelle Erziehung. Mit Wissen verderbe ich mir die Jugend. Am liebsten ließe ich sie nur das lernen, was sie ihrem Spieltrieb folgend sich freiwillig aneignen. Aber Beherrschung müssen sie lernen. Sie sollen mir in den schwierigsten Proben die Todesfurcht besiegen lernen.““ (siehe Adolf Hitler, Reichskanzler in https://www.georg-elser-gedenkstaette.de/app/download/15983951696/04_Hitler+Jugenderziehung+2.pdf?t=1526724481). Wir wissen auch mit Sicherheit, dass die Nazi-MK-Programmierer im deutschsprachigen Raum nie aufgehört haben, tätig zu sein: Programmierer kamen zumindest zurück, wenn sie Urlaub bei ihren Familien machten, wo sie weiterhin ihre „übermenschlichen Wesen“ lange nach Ende des Krieges über Folter „erschufen“ (….).
Gruppe 5: Alle besetzten Länder – – – – Norwegen, Dänemark, Schweden, Niederlande, Frankreich, (Österreich), Belgien, Griechenland, Finnland, Polen, Tschechoslowakei, Ungarn, Jugoslawien, Luxemburg, Teile Russlands (Galizien), Liechtenstein, Ukraine, Nordafrika, Portugal, Spanien, Monaco – teilweise zusammen mit Italien – – – – haben Babys, Kleinkinder und Kinder ins Visier genommen – wir wissen, dass, wo die NS-Ärzte während des Zweiten Weltkriegs stationiert waren, nach wie vor MK ultra-Hotspots sind („Folge den Spuren der NS-Ärzte“). (siehe zum Beispiel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aribert_Heim oder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele#Military_service, um zumindest 2 Beispiele zu nennen – es waren wesentlich mehr Ärzte beteiligt).
Gruppe 6: Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurden etwa 250.000 deutsche Kinder per Zug nach Dänemark geschickt – anstatt diesen Kleinkindern und Kindern zu helfen, wurden sie als eine Art Sündenbock benutzt, von dänischen Behörden missbraucht und getötet. (siehe https://www.spiegel.de/international/denmark-s-myths-shattered-a-legacy-of-dead-german-children-a-355772.html)
Gruppe 7: Norwegische Frauen mit ihren Babys, Kleinkindern und Kindern, die von deutschen Soldaten gezeugt wurden, wurden nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg aus Norwegen vertrieben, was bedeutet, dass sie sogar ihre Nationalität verloren haben. Niemand weiß etwas über den Verbleib dieser Babys, Kleinkinder und Kinder, die in ein – für sie – fremdes Land – Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg geschickt wurden (siehe https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/19/world/europe/norway-lebensborn-german-girls.html).
Gruppe 8: Ähnlich wie in Norwegen gab es Menschenjagden auf Frauen (und deren Babys, Kleinkinder und Kinder), die deutsche Soldaten als Partner, Ehemänner oder sogar als Väter ihrer Kinder hatten. Eine weniger schmerzhafte Reflexion dieser Ereignisse ist Giuseppe Tornatore´s „Der Zauber von Malèna“ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mal%C3%A8na. (Andere Quellen siehe: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/jun/05/women-victims-d-day-landings-second-world-war und https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizontal_collaboration)
Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der ungeschriebenen Geschichte:
All diese offenen, grausamen Experimente und das Töten („Euthanasie“) dieser Babys, Kleinkinder und Kinder im dritten REICH waren wie es scheint eine Fassade, um noch brutalere Experimente und das Leiden der davon betroffenen Kleinen zu verbergen.
In Anbetracht der Möglichkeit von Zeitreisen, Altersregression, (hybriden) Zucht-Experimenten, Transhumanismus und Veränderungen in der Epigenetik (…) werden wir die Meditation für alle Kleinkinder und Kinder des Dritten Reiches durchführen, egal welche religiösen Überzeugungen ihre Eltern hatten, egal welche Ideologien in ihren früheren zu Hause vorhanden waren – um ihnen die Souveränität ihrer Seele sowie ihre Freiheit so weit wie möglich zurückzugeben.
22.05.2019: 19 Uhr PST in Las Vegas
22.05.2019: 22.00 Uhr EST in New York
23.05.2019: 3 Uhr in London
23.05.2019: 4 Uhr morgens in Wien, Berlin, Oslo, Paris, Paris
23.05.2019: 14.00 Uhr in Wellington (NZ)
Source Picture: Jeroen Okkerse, Jeroenpaint.Devantart.com „The boy in the striped Pyjamas“

4.05.2019 Round Table Reality Brief – Andrea Sadegh

Andrea Sadegh zu Gast bei Reality Brief trauma based mind control – aufgenommen am 4. Mai, ausgestrahlt am 8. Mai, 2019 – vollständige Transkription des Interviews:

Dan&Don: Hallo Leute, Mittwochabend hier, ich bin Dan – – – Ich bin Don – – – Ihr seht gerade Reality Brief. Wir haben heute Abend einen speziellen Gast – Andrea. Wie geht es Dir, Andrea?

Andrea: Soweit gut, wie geht es Euch?

Dan&Don: Großartig! Du bist hier mit uns von Österreich aus, oder?

Andrea: Ja, Österreich, Wien.

Dan&Don: Dein Spezialgebiet ist trauma-based mind control – Deine Webseite ist hier bei uns am Bildschirm – www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com.

Andrea: Ja, ich bin vor allem auf die Symptome von den Kleinen und Kleinsten spezialisiert, wenn die Bewusstseinsspaltung und die grundlegende Programmierung beginnen.

Dan&Don: Wie bist Du dazu gekommen? Also, was waren die Umstände, die Dich all das herausfinden haben lassen?

Andrea: Ich bin über meinen Sohn in dieses Thema gestolpert, als er gerade mal 2 1/2 Jahre alt war. Nachdem er an sich nicht einmal ein halbes Jahr bei Besuchen bei seinem „Vater“ war hatte er plötzlich die furchtbarsten Flashbacks in denen er mir über die horrendesten, verrücktesten Dinge berichtet hat, die man noch niemals zuvor gehört hat und innerhalb dieser Flashbacks gab es keinen Zweifel daran, dass er etwas mehr als ernstzunehmendes zu erleiden hatte, daher habe ich versucht – ähnlich einem Puzzle – die Teile zusammenzubringen, was geschehen sein mag – ohne irgendetwas über satanisch rituellen Missbrauch oder Mk ultra zu wissen. Und, ich habe begonnen alles Zeile für Zeile niederzuschreiben, was er mir berichtet hat: Dabei habe ich seine Sprache, seine Körpersprache beschrieben, als auch was ihn getriggert hat, und so fort… und alles an Gerichte geschickt, immer darum ersucht, ihn im Detail über MRT/CT untersuchen zu lassen. Die Gerichte haben abgelehnt, ihn im Detail zu untersuchen und die Österreichische Regierung hat uns dann getrennt. Mittlerweile weiß ich warum: Er hatte 72+ Täter und Täterinnen erkannt und benannt die bei seiner Bewusstseinsspaltung involviert waren, so auch seine Programmierer oder MK ultra Trainer um anschließend zu behaupten „nein, der Junge ist gesund und hätte nichts“. Man hat also die Sache auf mich geschoben als Art Patsy oder Sündenbock und danach hat man mir innerhalb von supervisierten Besuchen meinen hoch traumatisierten Sohn sehr offen präsentiert, der an sich offiziell in einem MK ultra Programm ist. Ohne jegliche Chance Hilfe für ihn zu bekommen, ohne jegliche Chance detaillierte Untersuchungen (über MRT/CT/nuklearmedizinisch) für ihn zu bekommen. Das ist der Status quo jetzt seit 2011, also er ist jetzt (seit der Kindesabnahme 2012) ohne Unterbrechung in einem Programm, das seit 7 Jahren.

Dan&Don: Das ist herzzerreißend – Das ist herzzerreißend und macht Angst, dass das einfach mit der Bevölkerung gemacht werden kann, diese Missbrauchsnetzwerke, ruchlose Mistkerle in Machtpositionen die in der Lage sind, ihren Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft als Ganzes auszuüben.

Andrea: Ja.

Dan&Don: Welche Dinge hat er Dir berichtet, anfangs als es mit den Flashbacks losgegangen ist?

Andrea: Also das erste Flashback hatte er als er in einen Spiegel geschaut hat (während er weinte) – das war atemberaubend – da habe ich realisiert, dass er Gewalt erlebt hatte – das war der Beginn und danach hatte er ein Flashback nach dem anderen – das Beispiel, dass ich immer erwähne – weil es das furchtbarste und gleichzeitig auch das peinlichste ist, alleine schon darüber zu berichten: Er wurde mit einer Klobürste gefoltert. Also, er hatte eine Klobürste in der Hand… und plötzlich hatte er die Erinnerung (den Trigger) „Ich kenne das, ich kenne diese Klobürste“ – er hat stundenlang geweint, geschrien, gezittert, in totaler Panik – hier ist es wichtig darauf hinzuweisen, dass eben Kinder auf unterschiedliche Arten weinen – als Elternteil merkst du, wenn es panisches, furchtbares Weinen ist… aber an sich merkt man es bei allen Kindern – aber zurück, er weinte also wie verrückt und zuerst habe ich gedacht, ja, sie haben ihn wahrscheinlich damit geschlagen, bis ich herausgefunden habe über Stunden oder Wochen, dass der Griff dieser Klobürste dazu benutzt wurde, ihn zu penetrieren, also ihn damit anal zu penetrieren.
Und, auf der einen Seite, weißt Du, hast Du da Dein gefoltertes Kind und Du hast keine Zweifel daran, dass das geschehen ist und auf der anderen Seite – stell Dir das vor – musst Du nun als schützender Elternteil zur Polizei oder zur Staatsanwaltschaft gehen und dort klarstellen, dass es eben geschehen ist. Wer soll Dir das glauben, was wiederum zeigt wie bestialisch brilliant diese Gruppen und Netzwerke agieren und es immer wieder aufs Neue schaffen die Schuld Dir als schützenden Elternteil und den betroffenen Kindern zuzuschieben, weil es eben niemand glauben kann.
Nach all diesen Foltererlebnissen – Waterboarding, … in Teppiche eingerollt werden… dann war er auch trainiert als Babyprostituierte zu arbeiten, usw. hast Du dann als schützender Elternteil die Aufgabe, das alles den Behörden zu melden. Das alles kann nicht nur passieren, es geschieht, praktisch täglich. Dann waren da auch noch viele Täter und Täterinnen, die er „Mama“ oder „Papa“ nennen musste. Wenn Du also mit diesen perversen Geschichten kommst und Du keine Ahnung hast über satanisch rituellen Missbrauch oder rituellen Missbrauch – über Kinderhandelsringe – oder MK ultra dann hast Du praktisch keine Chance, jemanden zu finden, der Dir zuhört (oder hilft).
Und, auch das ist sehr interessant, ich habe den Behörden unzählige Male angeboten, mich psychiatrisch zu untersuchen, auch dass sie meinen Sohn – nach einer detaillierten Untersuchung über CT/MRT/(nuklearmedizinisch) haben könnten, er gerne bei seinem „Vater“ leben könnte, falls er nichts hätte, also keine körperlichen Spuren der Folter aufweisen würde… Also, ich habe wirklich alles angeboten und sie, die Gerichte und Behörden, haben abgelehnt, abgelehnt, und nochmals abgelehnt.
Es ist extrem schwer, wenn Du in dieser Situation bist als schützender Elternteil überhaupt irgendwelche Untersuchungen für diese Kinder zu bekommen. Es gibt sogar das Istanbul Protokoll der UNO (United Nations), also hunderte von Folterspezialisten haben es als Richtlinie bei Fällen von Folter verfasst – eben als Handlungsempfehlung in Folterfällen – was eben nun als offizielle Empfehlung der UNO gilt aber der Punkt ist, keiner weiß etwas darüber oder behauptet nichts darüber zu wissen und wenn Du eben ein gefoltertes Kind hast, hilft auch niemand diesen Kindern.

Dan&Don: Wie war das als das alles begonnen hat, was hast Du gedacht, was es sein könnte oder hast Du bereits gewusst, dass es MK ultra und Folter gewesen ist?

Andrea: Wir hier in Österreich wissen nichts über satanisch rituellen Missbrauch oder MK ultra. Daher, ich hatte keine Ahnung was los war aber Dank der Informationen, die mir mein Sohn über die Täter und Täterinnen geben konnte, habe ich realisiert, dass diese extrem gut ausgebildet sind, Universitätsprofessoren, Ärzte, Psychologen – also mir war klar, dass das keine Idioten sind. In weiterer Folge war mir klar, dass dahinterliegend eine größere Struktur sein muss…. weil sie einerseits nicht solche Risiken eingegangen wären, andererseits sie nicht in der Lage gewesen wären, all das so derartig professionell durchzuführen, weißt Du, alleine die Art und Weise wie sie meinen Sohn als Babyprostituierte ausgebildet haben… das war hoch professionell. Es war herzzerreißend, herzzerreißend, aber eben habe ich erkannt, dass all das auf hochprofessioneller Ebene durchgeführt worden ist.
Oder Situationen, wo er seine Persönlichkeiten gewechselt hat – Ich habe es festgehalten schriftlich mit „er hat seinen (Bewusstseins)Modus gewechselt“, weil, ich eben nicht erkannt hatte, dass er eine gespaltene Persönlichkeit hatte also eine zielgerichtete/absichtlich herbeigeführte Multiple Persönlichkeitsstörung hatte – ich habe es damals nicht gewusst, daher ebenso beschrieben, wie ich es wahrgenommen hatte: Es gab auch einen Persönlichkeitsanteil der mich nicht mehr erkennen konnte oder gesehen hat. Ich war mit ihm auf der Straße draußen und plötzlich hat er in diese Persönlichkeit gewechselt, und hat mich nicht mehr gesehen (obwohl ich vor ihm gestanden bin), und für ihn war es, so als ob er alleine wäre mitten auf der Straße und hat versucht sich anderen Erwachsenen anzuschließen. Und von diesen „kleinen“ – nennen wir sie „klein“ – Dinge habe ich eben erkannt, „ach du meine Güte, da wurde ein extrem komplexes und großes systematisches Prozedere an ihm durchgeführt“

Dan&Don: Also, wenn Du als Elternteil vermutest, dass Dein Kind vielleicht Opfer von solchen Verbrechen geworden ist, auf welche Symptome sollte man achten? Neben alle den Dingen, die Du bereits erwähnt hast.

Andrea: Also die ersten Symptome, die ich vor allem nach den ersten Besuchen wahrgenommen habe, sind, dass er sehr krank nach Hause gekommen ist. Ich war praktisch zweimal in der Woche beim Kinderarzt und es wurden – immer – Antibiotika verschrieben. Mittlerweile weiß ich, dass sie ihm Antibiotika verschrieben haben, um all seine inneren Wunden heilen zu lassen, weil, man fast niemals äußere Wunden oder Abschürfungen sehen kann. Weiße Folter wird angewandt – das bedeutet, man kann Waterboarding nicht bemerken oder nachweisen, genauso wie alle Arten von Weißer Folter – oft werden auch die Kinder in Teppiche gerollt, um sie zu schlagen oder sie fast zu ersticken, auch das hinterlässt keine sichtbaren äußerlichen Spuren…
Und auch, mein Sohn war bereits „sauber“ wie wir auf Deutsch sagen, das heißt er konnte bereits alleine aufs Töpfchen gehen, aus diesem Grund habe ich seine Genitalien und seinen Anus nicht im Detail kontrolliert.
Was auch noch wichtig ist – sie stechen mit Nadeln die Zahnwurzeln an – sie verwenden einfach alles, was keine unmittelbaren sichtbaren Spuren hinterlässt.
Zurück zu den ersten Symptomen, also zuerst werden die betroffenen (Klein)Kinder krank, sehr krank sie hören plötzlich auf zu reden, auch wenn sie bereits dazu in der Lage waren, sie brauchen wieder Schnuller als auch, sie haben massive Stimmungsschwankungen, die anfangs einfach nicht erklärbar sind (in diesem Alter) und nachdem mein Sohn zum Beispiel die Basisprogrammierung erhalten hat also zumindest die ersten Schritte dieser Programmierung durchgeführt worden sind, nach einigen Pausen von den Besuchen bei seinem „Vater“ – sind all diese Erlebnisse aus ihm herausgebrochen, eines nach dem anderen über Monate…
Ein weiteres wichtiges Symptom ist, das ist jetzt genauso wichtig wie herzzerreißend – diese Kinder sind – immer – von Tätern und Täterinnen umgeben – achtet massiv darauf, wenn Dein Kind zuvor einen Freund, ein Familienmitglied, einen Nachbarn (usw.) gemocht hat und dann plötzlich erzählt Dir Dein Kleinkind, dass diese Person nicht nett, sondern böse sei. Passt hier gut auf, vor allem in diesem Alter – wenn es ein 5jähriges Kind ist, können es Stimmungen sein oder das Kind spielt vielleicht nur aber es ist besonders ernst zu nehmen bei Kleinkindern, weil diese Gruppen oder Netzwerke – vergesst nicht, dass eine Einzelperson niemals im Stande ist diesen Schaden alleine anzurichten – operieren in Gruppen, daher hat man involvierte Nachbarn, involvierte Familienmitglieder, involvierte Bekanntschaften, involvierte Freunde und das überzeugt das Kind auch, dass Du mit den Tätern und Täterinnen kooperieren würdest, zumindest unbewusst, weil den Kindern – immer – gesagt wird „Deine Mama“ oder „Dein Papa“… – ich kenne auch viele betroffene schützende Väter – also sie erzählen den Kindern immer „Deine Mama“ – „Dein Papa“ – „will, dass Du „Aua“ hast – er/sie ist damit einverstanden“. Und das ist extrem stressig auch auf Seelenebene, weil als schützender Elternteil, hast Du keine Ahnung was vor sich geht und das Kind, das diese double bind Situation erlebt, dass Du als Elternteil in Kontakt mit den Tätern und Täterinnen bist, also als schützende Mutter oder Vater, ohne es zu wissen.
Mein Sohn war wochenlang überzeugt, dass ich wollte, dass er gefoltert wurde.

Dan&Don: Das ist furchtbar.

Andrea: Ja, ja.

Dan&Don: Waren Familienmitglieder involviert in Eurem Fall?

Andrea: Ja, an sich ist meine gesamte Familie involviert. Ich habe eine Weile gebraucht, um das herauszufinden – weil er mir an sich sehr spät darüber berichtet hat, dass Familienmitglieder involviert sind – da sie sehr nahe waren, also ich habe sogar mit ihnen telefoniert, ihnen über die Foltererlebnisse meines Sohnes erzählt. Er hat gewusst, dass ich mich mit der Familie austausche… ich habe sogar seiner sogenannten „Großmutter“ erlaubt, auf ihn aufzupassen, während ich bei Gerichten war, und versucht habe, für ihn Hilfe zu bekommen (…) und natürlich – war das auch arrangiert, um ihn zumindest zu triggern, (…) Sobald ich es erfahren habe, habe ich das bei Gericht gemeldet, nichtsdestotrotz haben die Gerichte diesen Umstand ignoriert, und mittlerweile weiß ich natürlich, Jahre später, dass ich selbst in einer MK ultra Familie – totalen MK ultra Familie – aufgewachsen bin.

Dan&Don: Also von Deinem Bericht auf Deiner Webseite (www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com) weist alles scheinbar darauf hin, dass die Gerichte verwickelt waren in dem Fall und dafür gesorgt haben, dass der Fall niemals ans Tageslicht kommt.

Andrea: Ja. Ja. Ja. Was ich auch weiß ist, dass – alle – herumtelefoniert haben (um weitere Behördenmitarbeiter zu manipulieren, zu beeinflussen oder zu hintergehen, wo notwendig). Ich hatte auch viele frühere Freunde oder Bekanntschaften, die involviert waren und sind. So wie es scheint, war mein Leben eine Fassade, die ich nicht als solche erkannt habe, weil ich eben nicht realisiert habe, dass ich selbst eine MK ultra Programmierung habe. Daher, es war auf der einen Seite herzzerreißend für mich zu sehen, dass alle Freunde oder Bekannten sich am Verbrechen beteiligt haben, wie mir eben mein Sohn erzählt hat und auf der anderen Seite, fühlte ich mich so derartig frei, es war so viel Heilung alleine in dieser Information enthalten, weißt Du.
Das mag jetzt vielleicht ein wenig seltsam klingen, aber Wahrheit bedeutet – immer – Heilung. Ich habe das auch so mit meinem Sohn wahrgenommen, gleich am Anfang: Alle Geschehnisse, die er in der Lage war, mir zu erzählen, haben – unmittelbare – Heilung für ihn bedeutet – wie mit einem Fingerschnipp. So herzzerreißend es sein mag, bedeutet es gleichzeitig Heilung.

Dan&Don: Das ist zumindest etwas Gutes.

Andrea: Ja, und entschuldige, noch für alle Eltern die vielleicht in dieser Situation sind, was auch extrem herzzerreißend ist, ist, also mein Sohn hat behauptet zum Beispiel, ich wäre nicht mehr seine Mama, … er durfte mich auch nicht mehr „Mama“ nennen sondern durfte mich nur mehr „Andrea“ nennen, also mit meinem Vornamen ansprechen und das ist herzzerreißend, wenn Du als engagierter und begeisterter Elternteil plötzlich von Deinem Kind hörst „Du bist nicht mehr meine Mama – Du bist nicht mehr mein Papa“ – und es hat mich Jahre gekostet herauszufinden, was im Detail vor sich gegangen ist – an sich bis die Researcher von Pizzagate – ein Audio hochgeladen haben – wo man hören kann, wie es zu dem Punkt kommt, dass die (Klein)Kinder zu anderen – zu Fremden – „Mama“ oder „Papa“ sagen müssen – durchgeführt mittels reiner grausamer Folter.

Dan&Don: Und wie alt ist Dein Sohn jetzt?

Andrea: 2 bis 2 1/2 (…)

Dan&Don: Oh, jetzt, meine ich – entschuldige – wie alt ist Dein Sohn gerade jetzt?

Andrea: Er ist jetzt 10 Jahre alt.

Dan&Don: Das geht also schon eine Weile so?

Andrea: Ja, durchgängig, ja. Und, das letzte furchtbare Ereignis war – ich meine bereits 2011, als er 2 1/2 Jahre alt war hat er mir berichtet, dass ihm gesagt wurde, er wäre ein „Mädchen“, und dass er niemals Kinder bekommen wird können und mir im Zuge dessen über eine Kastration berichtet, zumindest wurde es ihm Glauben gemacht und erzählt – das wird oft durchgeführt, meist über Quetschung der Hoden – oder über das Anstechen der inneren Genitalien mittels Nadeln – – oder auch dass die Bulburethraldrüse herausgenommen wird (bei Buben) – aber das ist jetzt etwas fachspezifisches, dass man auf meiner Webseite nachlesen kann – und zu all dem also zusätzlich – wurde mir ein Bild von ihm im Januar 2019 geschickt, also vor wenigen Monaten ohne weiteren Kommentar, wo ich eben gesehen habe, dass er als 10jähriger bereits – ALLE – seine Erwachsenenzähne verloren hat. Das wird oft mittels Folter, Elektroschocks oder mit anderen Mitteln verursacht.
Also, sie zeigen mir – wiederum aufs Neue – offen, dass mein geliebter Sohn gefoltert wird. Ich habe daher wiederum die Gerichte angeschrieben – die Staatsanwaltschaft UND das Familiengericht – und alles was mir – (falls überhaupt) – geantwortet wird ist, dass es „keinen Anfangsverdacht“ gibt. Damit verbunden gibt es keinen Grund sich den Jungen anzusehen, oder ihn im Detail (über MRT/CT/nuklear medizinische Untersuchung) zu untersuchen.

Dan&Don: Also man wundert sich, was Behörden bereit sind zu vertuschen? Weisst Du, weil ja nicht nur eine einzelne Person daran beteiligt ist, weißt Du was ich meine?

Andrea: Ja. Also, ich wurde – es hat mich einige Zeit gekostet das herauszufinden – zumindest im Moment ist das der Status quo meiner Forschung um ehrlich zu sein – ich denke, ich wurde auf diese Rolle sehr lange vorbereitet, als eine Art strategische Verstrickungsmaschinerie, weil jeder einzelne Doktor, Arzt, Psychologe, Therapeut, Lehrer, Kindergärtner, Staatsanwalt, Richter, Polizist (usw.) – jetzt verstrickt ist, weil es wäre deren Pflicht, diesem Kind zu helfen. Indem alles vertuscht wurde, meinem Sohn grundlegende medizinische Versorgung als auch Untersuchungen vorenthalten wurden haben sie ein Verbrechen begangen, auch hier nach Österreichischem Gesetz.
Ein sehr schweres Verbrechen, weil bei Folter – wie Mord – man kann auch in Haft kommen alleine für Beihilfe oder das Zulassen an sich kann man eben in Haft kommen. auch 60 Jahre später.

Dan&Don: Ja, es gibt keine „Verjährungsfrist“ wie wir es nennen, egal wieviel Zeit zwischen dem Zeitpunkt der Begehung des Verbrechens und dem heutigen Tag auch vergangen sein mag.

Andrea: Ja, genau. Danke für den Fachbegriff (auf Englisch). Dasselbe eben auch hier – und ich bin sehr besorgt, extrem in Sorge, dass mein Sohn umgebracht werden wird, danach behauptet wird, er hätte einen Unfall gehabt.

Dan&Don: Was ist Deine Einschätzung, warum wird das den Kindern angetan?

Andrea: Ich meine, wir nennen es eine (eierlegende Wollmilchsau) – also, Du hast an sich, wenn Du ein Psychopath bist und wie einer denkst, also ich bin mit solchen aufgewachsen, daher weiß ich einiges darüber, wie sie denken also du hast an sich nur Vorteile: Zuerst kannst Du diese Kinder als Bestandteil ihrer Persönlichkeitsspaltung als Babyprostituierte benutzen. Je jünger sie sind, umso mehr Geld lässt sich damit machen. An zweiter Stelle haben wir die „satanische“ Komponente: man kann eine Menge schwarzmagischer Rituale, Energietranfers, oder auch (parapsychologische) Experimente innerhalb einiger satanischer Kulte durchführen und dann an dritter Stelle finden sich bereits die Reihen mit Schulmedizinern, die MK ultra (Forschung) durchführen, ihre Programmierungen verbessern oder auch versuchen einen gewissen Typ von Programmierungen zu verkaufen. Dabei verdient jeder aus dem Leid der Kinder, und es ist auch bekannt, die Nazis haben damit begonnen, dass man obendrauf eine gesamte Bevölkerung über diese Verbrechen verstricken kann.
Wir wissen, zum Beispiel von etlichen Whistleblowern, die darüber reden, dass Du zum Beispiel zu einem großen Event eingeladen wirst, und Du vielleicht stolz bist, und Dich freust, weil Du denkst, ja, das könnte für meine Karriere wichtig sein – Dein Ego ist auch geschmeichelt und Du bist aufgeregt dort dabei zu sein – und wir wissen, dass in die Getränke Drogen gemixt werden dort vor Ort und dann lassen sie Dich an einigen der (Folter)Rituale teilnehmen. Alles natürlich wird alles gefilmt und von diesem Zeitpunkt an, wenn Du nicht zur Polizei, zur Staatsanwaltschaft gehst und über die Drogen, die Folter berichtest, also Dich nicht selbst anzeigst, bist Du verstrickt.
Und als nächsten Schritt, können diese Gruppierungen auch Deine Kinder anfordern wie auch Deine Enkelkinder.

Dan&Don: Wir wissen das seit einiger Zeit an sich, dass genau diese Dinge zur Erpressung benutzt werden.

Andrea: Ja.

Dan&Don: Man muss auch nicht zwangsläufig daran teilnehmen, ein Bild von Dir in einem Raum ist genug.

Andrea: Ja. Was ich damit sagen will, ist, dass dies der häufigste Mechanismus zur Verstrickung ist, für all jene, die nicht von SRA oder MK ultra betroffen sind. Allerdings hier in Österreich wie es scheint – also wir hier haben den alten Stammsitz der Nazis – also Adolf Hitler war Österreicher – die SS-ärztliche Akademie wurde 1940 nach Österreich gebracht, nach Graz eine Stadt 2 Autostunden entfernt von Wien – also eben diese SS-ärztliche Akademie ist nach wie vor in Betrieb hier – wurde also niemals zugesperrt, daher haben wir hier auch so eine derartig hohe Dichte an SRA und MK ultra Betroffenen in der durchschnittlichen Bevölkerung.

Dan&Don: Du sagst, es wird grundsätzlich vom 4. REICH betrieben?

Andrea: Ja, das ist interessant, wir haben hier das 4. REICH allerdings haben wir hier auch also zumindest ist das der Status quo meiner Recherchen derzeit, ich denke, dass wir hier auch eine extrem starke THULE Gesellschaft haben. Unter THULE verstehe ich die Kombination von VRIL, dem 4. REICH und dem Vatikan. Mittlerweile haben wir auch – unglücklicherweise in Wien – extrem flächendeckende Kooperationen mit dem MOSSAD wie auch mit den Russischen Diensten. Wien, zum Beispiel, galt immer als Schmelztiegel der Geheimdienste aus Ost und West, da das Land, also die Hauptstadt, genau an der früheren Grenze zwischen Ost und West liegt. Also, wir haben hier jedweden Geheimdienst vor Ort und sie sitzen – auch wenn sie uns immer als (oft feindliche) Gruppen präsentiert werden, hier die Nazis, dort die Juden, da die Moslems – also wir wissen, dass sie in ihren Freimaurerlogen oder in ihren Machtzentren gemeinsam an einem Tisch zusammensitzen und zusammenarbeiten.

Dan&Don: Ja, wow! Weisst Du, innerhalb unserer eigenen Recherchen haben wir entdeckt, dass die THULE hinter dem Aufstieg der Nazis steckt?

Andrea: Ja.

Dan&Don: Sie installierten im Grunde genommen Hitler.

Andrea: Sie haben ihn installiert, ihn finanziert. Ich frage mich, woher all das Geld gekommen ist für deren Forschung, für deren militärische Ausstattung, für deren unbekannten Flugobjekte und so weiter … Wenn Du Dir alleine deren Kleidung ansiehst, die vom späteren Nobeldesigner Hugo Boss stammt. Sie hatten also sogar Designerunformen. Wer hat das alles bezahlt, in einem Land in dem es nach dem 1. Weltkrieg kein Geld gab?

Dan&Don: Sie wurden von der Schweiz aus finanziert. Ich habe darüber alles gelernt, als ich selbst in einer Militärstadt gelebt habe – Du musst einfach immer nur danach suchen, woher die Leute ihre Sponsoren auftreiben für Dinge – und – yeah – die Finanzierung ist König. Es ist auch seltsam, weil als ich das erste Mal überhaupt von diesen Dingen gehört habe über das gesamte Konzept von SRA, über satanisch rituellen Missbrauch, das war als ich darüber von der Mutter einer befreundeten Mitschülerin am Gymnasium erzählt bekommen habe, dass sie einer Verschwörungstheorie nachgegangen ist, über dieses weltweit agierende Pädophilen Netzwerk, das an sich vom Vatikan betrieben wurde.

Andrea: Wow.

Dan&Don: und in dem der Jesuitenorden im Mittelpunkt stand.

Andrea: Ja, genauso ist es – Auch ich lande immer wieder bei meinen Recherchen bei den Jesuiten. Ein interessantes Detail, zum Beispiel, ist, dass der Bruder von Wernher von Braun – Wernher von Braun, der Raketenwissenschaftler und Chef der NASA usw. – also sein Bruder- Sigismund (von Braun) – als Diplomat im Vatikan gearbeitet hat.

Dan&Don: Wirklich?

Andrea: Ja.

Dan&Don: Das habe ich nicht gewusst.

Andrea: Ja, diese Verbindungen werden mit einem Klick (online) sichtbar. Und naturgemäß haben wir hier meistens Nazis oder (frühere) Nazis aber gerade in unserem eigenen Fall, hat mein Sohn Täter und Täterinnen aus Nazi-Familien erkannt genauso wie Täter und Täterinnen aus Jüdischen Familien, die Hand in Hand, also gemeinsam das Verbrechen begangen haben. An sich macht das die Situation nicht einfacher, und wann immer ich gegen eine Gruppe Maßnahmen ergreife, kommt die andere und attackiert mich… sie schützen einander.

Dan&Don: Ja, ich denke es ist ein Fehler anzunehmen, dass die Nazis dahinter waren, weil die auch die Nazis lediglich eine Schaffung der okkulten Gesellschaften und der THULE waren im Grunde all jene die in Deutschland aktiv waren und alle absorbiert haben in Form eines Super-Kults. Also, auch wenn die Nazi Partei schon lange verschwunden ist, ist die eigentlich treibende Kraft im Hintergrund nach wie vor hochaktiv, und tanzt sich die Seele aus dem Leib [im Original: rock n rolling]. Und dann gibt es die Verbindung zum O.T.O. – Möchtest Du etwas dazu sagen Dan?

Andrea: O.T.O – ich habe das jetzt nicht ganz verstanden?

Dan&Don: Also soweit ich weiß hat Aleister Crowley den O.T.O gegründet

Andrea: Ahh – O.T.O – ja natürlich

Dan&Don: während des 2. Weltkrieges waren das magische Verbindungen zwischen den Britischen Logen und den Überresten des „Golden Dawn“ dann der VRIL, die grundsätzlich alle aus den Lehren der Blavatsky entstanden sind… soweit ich das verstehen kann – – – Genau- – –

Andrea: Ja. Der O.T.O wurde sogar in Wien, Österreich gegründet.

Dan&Don: Yeah, das glaube ich Dir sofort. Das nächste Büro von hier ist, denke ich, in Baltimore. Ja, das ist circa 6-8 Stunden von uns hier entfernt.

Andrea: Wow. Und weißt Du, eine interessante Sache, zumindest für mich, aber es könnte auch interessant sein für Euch: die Täter und Täterinnen, die mein Sohn erkennen konnte, vor allem die älteren, also zum Beispiel, haben amerikanische Betroffene in ihren 30ern, in ihren 40ern oder in ihren 60ern eben dieselben Leute als Täter und Täterinnen erkannt als ihre Programmierer, Handler, vor allem Trainer. Diese Gruppe operiert weltweit und ist nicht so groß wie es scheint. Mein Eindruck ist, dass das Kernteam der Programmierer nach wie vor am Leben ist – also Josef Mengele ist nach wie vor am Leben, genauso wie Aribert Heim und mein Eindruck ist, dass sie ihr grundlegendes Wissen nicht und niemals aus der Hand gegeben haben.

Dan&Don: Also, wo glaubst Du versteckt sich jemand wie Mengele, in Brasilien oder — Argentinien?

Andrea: Es gibt zahlreiche Berichte darüber, dass Mengele in New York ist, und aussieht wie in seinen 50ern oder 60ern.

Dan&Don: Echt?

Andrea: Ja, und ich nehme das auch an. Also zuerst, weißt Du, ich habe ja vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft studiert und mich eingehend mit dem 3. Reich und den Jüdischen Berichten von Überlebenden der Konzentrationslager beschäftigt. Einige von ihnen haben behauptet, „Sie sind noch immer hier“ – das haben sie in den 90ern gesagt – „sie sind hier und attackieren uns nach wie vor“ – und ich habe mich gewundert was mit ihnen los ist, warum sie so derartige Angst hatten. Also es gab etliche Jüdische Überlebende, die das behauptet haben, dann genauso mit der Amerikanischen MK ultra Überlebenden (und Therapeutin) Wendy Hoffman, die auch Jüdin ist. Sie berichtet darüber – und das ist mehr als interessant – dass Josef Mengele ihre MK ultra Programmierung Anfang der 40er Jahre – in New York – begonnen hat lange bevor der Krieg zu Ende war.
Also, das alles scheint eine Vertuschung zu sein, da alles bereits von langer Hand vorbereitet war, dass die Nazis (nach dem Krieg) nach Amerika transferiert werden sollten und wurden, meiner Meinung nach.

Dan&Don: Ja, offiziell lesen wir in den Geschichtsbüchern von der Operation Paperclip – – – Projekt paperclip – – – Ja, entschuldige – – – aber, weißt Du, was ich über den O.T.O gesagt habe und all diese okkulten Gemeinschaften, alle haben den selben Kern im Innersten (…) es macht also keinen wirklichen Unterschied, es geschieht alles im okkulten Auftrag. Es ist für diese Bruder/Schwesternschaften sehr einfach – weißt Du – wir haben hier jetzt in Amerika denselben Gesellschaftstyp den wir auch zu jener Zeit hatten – das sind die von uns gesuchten Netzwerke.

Andrea: Ja, ja. Ich denke sie haben einerseits Regressionstechnologien, die sie für sich selber nutzen und auf der anderen Seite spielen sie sehr viel mit Zeitreisen. Also ich habe mittlerweile konkrete Erinnerungen an meine eigene Programmierung. Auch Erinnerungen daran, dass ich vor nicht einmal langer Zeit, also vor einem Jahr, mit meinem (Nazi) Programmierer geredet habe.

Dan&Don: Wie ist dieses Gespräch (abge)gelaufen?

(alle lachen)

Andrea: Also, von meiner eigenen Geschichte her, nur um hier einen Rahmen zu geben: Ich habe auch nach den Geschehnissen mit meinem Sohn Jahre gebraucht zu verstehen, dass ich selbst unter totaler MK ultra Programmierung (gewesen) bin weil meine Programmierung einerseits extrem gut gemacht wurde und auf der anderen Seite extrem gut verdeckt ist. Also, zum Beispiel wenn ich Alters wechsle, kann im Prinzip niemand auch nur den geringsten Unterschied wahrnehmen. Auch eine Freundin von mir, Miesha Johnston, sie arbeitet auch seit Jahren mit mir, hat bemerkt, dass praktisch kein Unterschied wahrnehmbar ist (wenn ich Alters wechsle). Das nur um einen Rahmen zu geben. Allerdings über die Jahre habe ich einige Anhaltspunkte bekommen und, an sich als ich in Norwegen gelebt habe, habe ich bemerkt, während einer tiefen Meditation, dass sich ein Art Portal geöffnet hat – es hat sich angefühlt, als ob mein Bett Räder bekommen hätte, das Bett in einen anderen Raum gerollt worden wäre, sich eine Luke an einer Militärbasis geöffnet hätte … – Ich war im totalen Schock und habe nur gerufen „Nein, ich bin damit nicht einverstanden. Ich gebe dazu nicht mein Einverständnis, ich stimme nicht zu“ – und wurde prompt zurückgerollt – auf diese Weise habe ich mitbekommen, dass ich über Portaltechnologie geholt worden bin.

Dan&Don: Also, wenn Du von Portaltechnologie sprichst, meinst Du damit Leute von einem secret space Programm (geheimes Weltraumprojekt) oder von einer losgelösten eigenständigen Zivilisation, also sprechen wir hier über dieselbe Portaltechnologie?

Andrea: Nein, viel praktischer. Wenn sie (weltliche Geheimdienstgruppierungen im Besitz von offiziell unbekannter Hochtechnologie) Dich holen möchten brauchen sie lediglich eine Art elektromagnetische Frequenz, wie ich es nenne – ich bin leider keine Technikerin – aber, sie holen Dich einfach, unabhängig davon, wo Du gerade bist. Also das habe ich eben erlebt, Du liegst im Bett oder schläfst und sie holen Dich, während es sich für Dich anfühlt, als ob Dein Bett Räder bekommt und Du – entweder hier auf der Erde oder auf einen anderen Planeten transportiert wirst. Sie bringen dich an einen völlig anderen Ort und, auf dieselbe Art und Weise wirst Du zurückgebracht.
Und da, habe ich zum Beispiel Erinnerungen, dass ich mit einem der nicht so gut bekannten Nazi Programmierern, Aribert Heim, geredet habe, der allerdings ein enger Kollege von Joseph Mengele war oder ist.

Dan&Don: Denkst Du, dass es irgendeine andere Möglichkeit gibt und dass die Portaltechnologie suggerierte Erinnerungen (über das Ansehen von filmartigen Szenen) sind?

Andrea: Nein – nein, weil ich hatte nicht nur eine, sondern etliche davon… … Ich glaube nicht, dass das eine suggerierte Erinnerung war, nein. Auch weil es während einer Rückführung bestätigt worden ist. Ich habe also eigene Erinnerungen, also ich habe die Erfahrung während einer tiefen Meditation gemacht – einige Male – und sie wurde in Rückführungen bestätigt.
Aber wenn wir über suggerierte Erinnerungen reden, ich meine, dass alles generell suggerierte Erinnerungen sein könnten, aber es wäre ein ziemlich enormer Aufwand in Summe für suggerierte Erinnerungen, weißt Du. Ich habe auch während einer Rückführung erfahren, dass ich in der Wewelsburg in Deutschland programmiert worden bin.

Dan&Don: Und das ist genau dort, wo die Schwarze Sonne und das 4. Reich angesiedelt sind, richtig?

Andrea: Ja, es ist Himmlers okkulte Burg. Und ich habe später herausgefunden, also nach der Rückführung, dass viele dieselbe Geschichte erzählen, dass sie eben auf dem Symbol der Schwarzen Sonne in der Wewelsburg gelegen wären… und dort eben programmiert oder gefoltert oder was auch immer geworden sind. Also, es kann keine suggerierte Erinnerung von allen von uns sein, weißt Du.

Dan&Don: Stimmt. Weißt Du, es sollte auch nicht anklagend rüberkommen.

Andrea: Das habe ich so verstanden. Ich hinterfrage mich selbst sehr viel an sich, vielleicht, ich denke oft zu viel und zu lange.

(alle lachen)

Dan&Don: Weißt Du, es wurde gerade diskutiert, dass einige Gruppierungen nun in der Lage sind, Dir falsche Erinnerungen einzupflanzen – im Stil von „dark city“. Weisst Du, sie können mittlerweile auch Erinnerungen von einer Person in eine andere Person hineinpflanzen.

Andrea: Ja, natürlich können sie das. Aber weißt Du, es gibt immer – wie nennt man das – Verletzungen oder Narben an Deinem Körper. Warum habe ich diese lebenslangen chronischen Beschwerden mit meinem Steißbein? – ohne irgendeine Erinnerung an einen Unfall darüber zu haben. Warum habe ich ziemlich verkrüppelte Zeigefinger ohne Erinnerungen an eine Verletzung zu haben? Natürlich aufgrund von Folterhandlungen. Warum habe ich ein Erinnerungsvermögen (das weit über die Norm hinausgeht) – an sich hatte ich die Fähigkeit Ereignisse wie ein Audio- oder Videorekorder zu speichern – das in meinem Gehirn. (Bei Untersuchungen über MRT/CT würde man – wie bei allen mit dieser Fähigkeit – Narben am Hirnstamm feststellen können).
Zuviele Dinge, die nicht über Bewusstseinstransfer oder implantierte Erinnerungen erklärt werden können, weißt Du. Allerdings ich bin mir sehr darüber im Klaren, dass nicht alles wahr ist. Und ich aus diesem Grund extrem vorsichtig bin in meinen Recherchen.

Dan&Don: Richtig.

Andrea: Und, ich rede lediglich über Dinge, von denen ich mir 100% sicher bin.

Dan&Don: Wir machen das Gegenteil – (alle lachen) – wir sind einmal die Woche auf Sendung und wir sprechen über alles. Ich meine, in unserer Show haben wir auch keine Angst, wilde Verbindungen zu knüpfen und durchzudenken. – – – Wir spekulieren dabei auch oft. An sich, das ist so ziemlich der Sinn unserer Show – es ist eine wilde Spekulation. Aber weißt Du, wir versuchen, eine Plattform zu schaffen, auf der jeder in einer unvoreingenommenen Atmosphäre kommen kann und das Publikum selbst entscheiden kann. Und, ich möchte Dir danken, dass Du aufstehst und über all das sprichst – – – Und mir ist auch klar, dass du ein unglaublich hohes Risiko auf Dich nimmst, das zu tun, allerdings das Risiko es nicht zu tun, noch größer ist.

Andrea: Ich habe eine Entscheidung getroffen, also kurz bevor mein Sohn und ich voneinander getrennt wurden, habe ich ihn gefragt – wir beide wussten um die immanente Gefahr und das es passieren konnte natürlich – also ich habe ihn gefragt, was ich in so einem Fall tun sollte, ob ich den Fokus auf ihn oder auf ihn und all seine kleinen Freunde legen soll und er hat gemeint, – natürlich in seiner Sprache – bitte kämpfe für mich und all die anderen Kinder. Er hat mir also gesagt im Prinzip was ich tun soll, und ich mache da auch weiter.

Dan&Don: Welchen Ansatz würdest Du anwenden – falls es überhaupt empfehlenswert ist – wenn Du gespaltene Persönlichkeitsanteile zusammenführst?

Andrea: Du, meinst jetzt was Heilung anbelangt?

Dan&Don: Ja.

Andrea: Ich meine, dass es einerseits ein extrem langer Prozess ist und auf der anderen Seite es extrem schnell geht. Abhängig davon, ob die Geheimdienste oder die Kulte, die ja der Meinung sind, sie würden Dich besitzen, Dich in Ruhe lassen oder eben nicht. Zum Beispiel, führt Miesha Johnston großartige Sitzungen mit mir als Hypnotherapeutin durch aber, praktisch nach jeder einzelnen Sitzung werde ich geholt und meine Erinnerungen werden wiederum aufs Neue gelöscht. Ich habe zwar die Audioaufnahmen, aber es ist extrem schwierig in den automatischen Erinnerungsfluss zu kommen. Heilung kann extrem schnell vor sich gehen, wenn man eben in Ruhe gelassen wird.
Das ist meine Botschaft, weißt Du, und bedenke noch, dass viele von uns, wie wir von den anderen secret space Whistleblowern wie Penny Bradley wissen, die auch eine Freundin und Kollegin von mir ist – sie wird auch attackiert. Und der Hauptpunkt ist: Wirst Du in Ruhe gelassen oder wirst Du über DEW attackiert, wirst du vergiftet, gibt es Mordanschläge auf Dich oder wirst Du sogar geholt und Deine Erinnerungen immer wieder aufs Neue gelöscht?
Und was keinesfalls geheilt werden kann – bitte entschuldige, nur ein Satz noch – was nicht geheilt werden kann, sind Verstümmelungen, zum Beispiel, die können eben nicht geheilt werden und – selbst, wenn ich meinen Sohn zurückbekommen würde, kann ich ihm nicht seine Kindheit zurückgeben.

Dan&Don: Sicher.

Andrea: Dasselbe hier mit mir, allerdings Alters (abgespaltene und programmierte Persönlichkeitsanteile) können integriert werden, sie können gefunden werden, das ist nicht so eine große Sache, aber viele von uns werden nicht in Ruhe gelassen, diese Netzwerke lassen uns nicht in Frieden leben und das ist – für die meisten von uns – das Problem, denke ich.

Dan&Don: Im Zuge der Heilung, hast Du herausgefunden, was die Intention war für Deine Persönlichkeitsspaltung?

Andrea: Die Intention für meine Persönlichkeitsspaltung?

Dan&Don: Ja, wofür haben sie Dich benutzt?

Andrea: Was ich bislang herausgefunden habe, aber dieser Teil ist am meisten blockiert, ist, dass ich – also ich habe Erinnerungen, dass ich für kleine und kleinste Intel Jobs verwendet wurde. Dann in Montauk wie es scheint ist meine Fähigkeit, oder war sie zumindest, nach Dingen zu suchen und zu finden (Gold, Mineralien) – sie haben diese Fähigkeit massiv verwendet

Dan&Don: Also, war das wie Astralreisen oder Remote-Viewing oder etwas anderes?

Andrea: Meine Erinnerungen basieren hauptsächlich auf Remote-Viewing

Dan&Don: okay, sie haben Dich als Remote-Viewer eingesetzt

Andrea: das zumindest weiß ich im Moment und – es ist derzeit schwer, mehr herauszufinden (…). Und wie es scheint, ab einem gewissen Zeitpunkt habe sie begonnen mich für die Rolle zu benutzen, die ich jetzt hier ausfülle, weil für mich kann das kein Zufall sein, weißt du… also alle meine Studien, meine gesamte Ausbildung, Ich meine, warum habe ich Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft studiert? Ein Studium, wo Du extrem gut im Beobachten wirst, darin Textteile oder Textfragmente zusammenzusetzen. Dann, habe ich eine Ausbildung in der Wirtschaft, in Statistik… und dann auch als Lebens- und Sozialberaterin, Trainerin und Coach – daher denke ich nicht, dass es ein Zufall ist: Ich bin überzeugt davon, sie haben mich sehr intensiv ausgebildet, um die Rolle, die ich jetzt innehabe, überhaupt ausführen zu können
An sich ist das eine bestialisch zynisches Spiel, weißt Du?

Dan&Don: Ja, das ist es anscheinend.

Andrea: Und Anfangs, weißt Du, habe ich noch gedacht, wow, Du hast so ein Glück all diese Ausbildungen zu haben und nach all den Jahren tendiere ich dazu, zu fragen, gut, was davon war tatsächlich meine Entscheidung? Weißt Du was ich meine?

Dan&Don: Ja, und zuvor hast Du darüber gesprochen, dass wenn Du von einer Persönlichkeit in die andere wechselst und es nicht unterscheidbar wäre, also das ist für mich beängstigend – wie weißt dann Du selbst, wieviel von dem was Du machst gewollt ist und wieviel davon programmiert ist? Wie auch zum Beispiel Du ja jetzt auch hier bei uns bist, weißt Du was ich meine?

Andrea: Ich meine, ich bin daran gewöhnt, jeder der programmiert ist, ist daran gewöhnt. Es ist normal (für Programmierte). Ich erkenne es jetzt besser, wenn ich in einem Programm laufe, also ich habe – den klassischen „Kampf oder Flucht“ Modus, wenn das passiert. Das sind alles Zeichen für mich, dass ich in einem Programm oder Alter bin, der eben vorschlägt, dass es jetzt keinen anderen Weg gibt. Oder auch, in den frühen Jahren habe ich herausgefunden, dass wann immer ich extrem krank war, ich begonnen habe, am umwerfendsten auszusehen… Ich beginne dann zu strahlen, weißt Du. Das wird über massive und extreme Folter herbeigeführt. „Niemand darf etwas merken vor allem nicht wie Du Dich wirklich fühlst“.

Dan&Don: Ja, das ist schlimm. Das Gefühl der Isolation ist überwältigend.

Andrea: Isolation?

Dan&Don: Ja, das Geheimnis mit sich zu tragen, nicht imstande zu sein, der Welt zu darüber zu berichten, was geschieht und geschehen ist.

Andrea: Ich meine, ich kann es der Welt erzählen.

Dan&Don: Ich denke hier generell an Opfer.

Andrea: Also, Isolation ist ein sehr großer Teil in meinem Leben, daher habe ich nachgefragt: Ich werde massiv isoliert, lebe hier in einem kleinen Studio in Wien und ich werde im Prinzip unter kompletter Isolation gehalten – Ich habe zum Glück Freunde auf der ganzen Welt, die ich über das Internet treffe, aber es gibt hier keine Freunde vor Ort, kein lokales Netzwerk und über die Jahre – das ist vielleicht interessant – also auch nachdem die Dinge mit Luki, meinem Sohn passiert sind, wurde ich mehr und mehr in eine immer tiefere Isolation gebracht über Geheimdienstagenten: Sie kommen als Helfer, sie kommen als Freunde (etliche werden nachträglich abgeworben) und, über die Monate und Jahre, bemerkst Du, okay jetzt bin ich in der totalen Isolation.

Dan&Don: Hast Du Dein gesamtes Leben in Österreich verbracht?

Andrea: Meistens, ja. Ich habe einige Monate in London gelebt, Anfang 2013, wo ich verzweifelt versucht habe, Hilfe für meinen Sohn aufzutreiben, deshalb habe ich an die 6-9 Monate in London gelebt und gearbeitet. Dann, nach einem Mordanschlag, war ich einige Zeit in Asien, in einem Buddhistischem Kloster, um etwas Heilung zu finden, danach war ich einige Monate in der Schweiz, dann in Norwegen – und die meiste Zeit davon wurde ich von Geheimdienstmitarbeitern begleitet, dabei sind sie sehr bestrebt Dich vom Arbeiten abzuhalten einerseits, Dich zu triggern, Dich zu re-programmieren oder Dich für was auch immer bereit zu halten, dann natürlich um Dir nachzusetzen und, was sie auch machen, vor allem in den frühen Jahren:
Sie betreiben unendlich intensiv – das ist vielleicht wichtig für das Publikum – was wir hier „operative Psychologie“ nennen das Bedeutet „Zerstörung der Seele“ – „ZERSETZUNG“. Sie versuchen Dich wirklich umzubringen auf diese Art, indem sie versuchen, Deine Seele zu töten oder die Seele so derartig zu verletzen, sodass Du entweder wirklich verrückt wirst, Selbstmord begehst, oder Du selbst freiwillig um Aufnahme in einer Psychiatrie bittest, um dort den Rest Deines Lebens zu verbringen.
Und das ist extrem gefährlich – das ist kein Witz – zum Beispiel einer der ersten Helfer, der hier war, war vom Geheimdienst – offiziell wollte er mir und meinem Sohn helfen – und als wir da im Wohnzimmer gesessen sind und Kaffee getrunken haben, habe ich mich plötzlich gefühlt, als ob ich „verrückt“ werden würde, es war da so derartig viel kognitive Dissonanz in diesem Treffen bis ich herausgefunden habe, dass er einer der Folterknechte meines Sohnes war.
Und das klingt sehr einfach hier, wenn ich es erzähle, aber wenn Du in dieser Situation bist, ist es beinahe unerträglich.
Und die Dienste lieben es zum Beispiel, Dir Agenten zu schicken, die in die Folter (Deines Kindes) involviert waren – und das ist extrem wichtig um Dich auf Seelenebene zu brechen, weil Dein Unbewusstsein ja all das weiß – lediglich Du als Person keine Ahnung hast und – nachdem das nicht mehr funktioniert hat – weil wenn Du es einmal herausfindest, Du es die anderen Male wesentlich schneller herausfindest, usw., daher funktioniert es nicht mehr:
Was sie also gemacht haben, das kann jetzt für das Publikum interessant sein, sie haben die Folter, die an meinem Sohn begangen worden ist – damit meine ich sein verzweifeltes Weinen, sein Flehen um Hilfe, das Rufen nach mir, seiner Mama – aufgenommen und mir dann all das über „white noises“ (mit dem normalen Hörvermögen unhörbar) in mein Wohnzimmer eingespielt.
Hier passiert dasselbe: Unbewusst auf Seelenebene hörst du all das aber Du hörst es eben nicht direkt, weil es eben „white noises“ sind und ich verspreche Dir, wenn Du es nicht herausfindest, drehst Du durch, denn es ist unerträglich. Sobald Du es herausfindest, kann es Dich nicht mehr derartig verletzen und sobald Du versuchst, diese Einspielungen mit einem Rekorder aufzunehmen, hört es in der Regel sofort auf.

Dan&Don: Denkst Du das ist es, was den Diplomaten in Kuba passiert sein könnte? Und auch an anderen Orten, ich glaube in China haben Diplomaten davon berichtet akustisch attackiert worden zu sein.

Andrea: Das kann ich mir vorstellen, ja, weil auch wenn es nicht Dein eigenes Kind ist bringt es jedes fühlende Wesen an die Grenze. Es ist unerträglich, wirklich unerträglich.
Weil eben auf Seelenebene es Deine Seele zersetzt, es schwächt Dich und Du hast keine Ahnung, was vor sich geht, weil Du eben nichts bewusst hören kannst, weißt Du. Also, ja, meiner Meinung nach könnte das so gewesen sein.

Dan&Don: Also gibt es irgendeine Art und Weise wie man sich möglicherweise schützen kann, jenseits von der Option in einer Reizentzugskammer zu leben?

(alle lachen)

Andrea: Ich bin der Meinung, dass es am wichtigsten ist, über all das Bescheid zu wissen, weil, was Du weißt, kann Dich nicht umbringen oder in den Wahnsinn treiben, Du kannst etwas dagegen unternehmen. Genereller Schutz ist sehr schwierig, weil zum Beispiel auch als ich in einem kleinen norwegischen Fjord gesessen bin, sind sie gekommen und haben mir von Draußen in mein Wohnzimmer Elektroschocks gejagt.

Dan&Don: Was? Das ist furchtbar.

Andrea: und diese Geräte kann man einfach in Geschäften auf der ganzen Welt kaufen. Also es gibt sie auch für Privatpersonen, sogar wir könnten sie kaufen, wenn wir es wollen würden, weißt Du.
Daher, ist es wichtiger herauszufinden, was vor sich geht und über den Mechanismus Bescheid zu wissen, wie die Geheimdienste samt ihren satanischen Mannschaften operieren und Dich dann zu schützen, denn Du kannst nicht so gut geschützt sein, weil meistens finden sie einen neuen Weg, weißt Du.

Dan&Don: Stimmt – Immer eine weitere Maßnahme.

Andrea: Ja, und zum Beispiel hier in der Siedlung, wo ich in Wien lebe, glaubt die halbe Siedlung, ich hätte versucht Selbstmord zu begehen, weil ein Geheimdienstler es ihnen so gesagt hat…

Dan&Don: echt?

Andrea: Ja, das andere Drittel denkt, ich wäre geisteskrank (und die, die noch überbleiben haben selbst Kinder in MK ultra und SRA/Kinderhandelsprogrammen)

Dan&Don: Nur um das zu klären, wenn Du vom Geheimdienst sprichst, meinst Du damit einen von Europa oder sprichst Du vom US Geheimdienst?

Andrea: Ach so, nein, hier in Österreich spreche ich über unseren lokalen Geheimdienst.

Dan&Don: Okay.

Andrea: Und, einmal nach einem Mordanschlag habe ich der Staatsanwaltschaft sogar den Namen, die Adresse, das Foto des dafür verantwortlichen Geheimdienstmitarbeiters geschickt, aber es ist ihnen egal.

Dan&Don: Also in Österreich, was ist der Aufgabenbereich vom Geheimdienst? Was ist deren hauptsächliches Aufgabengebiet? Hier in Amerika ist es lediglich, den Präsidenten zu schützen.

Andrea: Aha, okay, das habe ich nicht gewusst.

Dan&Don: yeah, wir haben hier den CIA und NSA das sind alles Nachrichtendienste. Die (…) Verteidigungsbehörden in Summe nennen wir Alphabet Behörden … aber der Geheimdienst ist grundsätzlich und ausschließlich dafür zuständig, den Präsidenten zu schützen… Ja, der CIA und das FBI sind die zwei großen Nachrichtendienste, die die meisten Leute kennen.

Andrea: Okay. Hier in Österreich haben wir die Situation, dass die durchschnittliche Bevölkerung nicht einmal weiß, dass es Geheimdienste gibt. Also wenn Du beginnst von Geheimdiensten zu reden, vermuten sie eher, Du bist geisteskrank, da sie so derartig gehirngewaschen wurden – in Summe bedeutet das, dass der Österreichische Geheimdienst exzellent ist, weil eine Bevölkerung die an sich keine Ahnung hat, dass diese Dienste existieren, zeigt, dass die Dienste ihren Job mehr als gut gemacht haben.

Dan&Don: Also das wäre dann mehr ein „men in black“ („Männer in schwarzen Anzügen“) Dienst, weniger der CIA! Die Männer in schwarzen Anzügen, die nicht existieren, daher man nicht nachforschen kann, die kommen und recherchieren wie bei UFO, (…) oder Beweismaterial einsammeln bei Themen die fachspezifisch offiziell nicht existieren? – – – Yeah – sie sind Teil einer Organisation, die so geheim ist, dass es dafür keinen Namen gibt.

Andrea: Ja, so etwas in der Art (haben wir hier). Und weißt Du, sie sehen wie wir aus… sie sind Hausmeister, Hausfrauen, Pensionisten, Invalide, … die haben sich wirklich eine großartige Mannschaft zusammengestellt, weißt Du – es ist nicht – wir alle haben ja nach wie vor das Bild von James Bond in unseren Köpfen – dieser Typ wie James Bond.

Dan&Don: Richtig

(alle lachen)

Andrea: Und wenn jemand nicht so aussieht wie dieser James Bond Typ, dann kann es nicht sein, weißt Du.

Dan&Don: Sie müssen also auf Ihre Uhr schauen, und ich bin sicher, dass sich ein großer Teil des alten Europas an die Geheimpolizei erinnert.

(alle lachen)

Andrea: Also ist die Situation hier in Österreich äußerst schwierig. Wir hier dürfen auch nicht über UFOs sprechen und an sich nicht einmal an Außerirdische denken.

Dan&Don: Echt?

Andrea: Ja, wir sind so massiv einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogen, selbst ich bin es, das muss ich zugeben. Ich habe wirklich Schwierigkeiten, über Außerirdische zu reden…. weil es so verboten ist hier, dass Du Dich nicht einmal traust daran zu denken.

Dan&Don: Ja, die amerikanische Kultur ist ziemlich besessen von Außerirdischen und es gibt einen Staat in den USA, der ein Gesetz erlassen hat, dass es illegal machte, entführt zu werden.

(alle lachen)

Andrea: Echt?

Dan&Don: Kannst Du das glauben?

Andrea: Ja, aber das ist eben die Redefreiheit und wir dürfen nicht vergessen, dass wir hier in der nationalsozialistischen Heimatbasis sind. Also warum geben sie der Bevölkerung eine Gehirnwäsche, damit diese es nicht einmal wagt, darüber nachzudenken? Natürlich haben wir viele außerirdische Kontakte, viele (informelle) Basen, viele UFOs, aber es ist der beste Schutz, oder?

Dan&Don: Ja, ich denke das ist es. Man gibt dem Thema ein riesiges Stigma. Also auch hier war es früher massiv stigmatisiert, aber im Lauf der letzten 20, 30 Jahre hat es sich aufgelöst. – – – Und weil wir hier über den CIA reden: Darüber wurde gesagt, dass alles was Du im Fernsehen siehst oder im Radio hörst alles was auch nur irgendwie den Weg ins Bewusstsein der Massen schafft, oder auch die Kultur verändern könnte weißt du – im Grunde genommen die Kräfte, die diese Ideen nehmen und sie in den amerikanischen Zeitgeist einbinden – werden gesteuert und kontrolliert.
Bist Du in Österreich mit dem Tavistock-Institut vertraut?

Andrea: Ja, natürlich.

Dan&Don: Etliche der Techniken zur Steuerung der Massen kommt von dort. Und wiederholen den Müll, der auf die Psyche der Massen (übergestülpt wird) – – – Also, ich denke die Art und Weise wie es funktioniert ist, dass sie eine Art Unterverdrahtung installiert haben, also sobald jemand über gewisse Themen spricht, wie UFOs oder Außerirdische, läuft die Verdrahtung auf „der ist verrückt“ – – – da wir allerdings so derartig viele Sichtungen hier haben, ist es praktisch unmöglich … und nur mehr übrig bleibt, „nicht darüber zu sprechen“ oder „es Teil der Kultur zu machen“

Andrea: Ich meine trotzdem, ihre habt Redefreiheit, das dürft ihr nicht vergessen.

Dan&Don: Ja, bis jetzt.

Andrea: Und ihr hattet extrem gute Whistleblower, Aktivisten, Wissenschaftler im Lauf der letzten 60 Jahre, die so derartig viel aus allen Blickwinkeln und Angelpunkten der jetzigen Wahrheitsbewegung vorbereitet haben – grundsätzlich Feldforschung – Anthony J. Hilder, Cooper – ich weiß jetzt nicht seinen Vornamen

Dan&Don: Bill Cooper – – – Milton William „Bill“ Cooper – – –

Andrea: dann all jene die sich mit SRA und MK ultra beschäftigt haben, also ohne Euch Amerikaner, denke ich, wäre ich nicht mehr am Leben, weil ich glaube, ich wäre zerbrochen.

Dan&Don: Gut, im Namen von Amerika, Danke.

(alle lachen)

Andrea: Danke Dir, Amerika.

Dan&Don: Weißt du, ich meine, ich habe das Gefühl, dass all das in den Hinterhöfen aufbricht, da wir kürzlich ein paar Geschichten in der Gruppe erzählt haben… – das ist erst vor zwei Tagen passiert – dass zwei große Kinderhandelsringe zerstört wurden, einer in Detroit und einer in Georgia.

Andrea: Kinderhandelsringe?

Dan&Don: Ja, und wir sind hier in Virginia.

Andrea: Ich meine, diese Nachricht mit Schmugglerringen, das ist toll für die betroffenen Kinder, aber dann rettest du vielleicht einige Hundert, weißt Du. Aber meiner Meinung nach ist es wichtiger, das Ganze rauszufinden und aufzudecken: Was wurde an den Kindern durchgeführt was Programmierungen anbelangt? Weil, oft werden sie aus den Kinderhandelsringen geholt und direkt in Pflegefamilien gegeben wo sie weiter programmiert und für was auch immer benutzt werden. Daher bin ich der Meinung, wir müssen das Bewusstsein dafür schaffen wie dieses Prozedere an Kleinkindern und Kindern durchgeführt wird, weil nur wenn wir es erkennen, können wir es stoppen. And diese Kinder werden später zu Täter und Täterinnen, nicht alle von ihnen, aber sehr viele.
Die Anzahl steigt kontinuierlich, also die Anzahl der Täterinnen und Täter steigt.

Dan&Don: Nun, es gibt ein unendliches Leck von Horrorgeschichten, die rund um das Jugendamt geschehen und geschehen sind. – Kinderschutzbehörden, das gesamte Pflegesystem. Weißt du, Jugendgerichte, es gibt eine endlose Liste mit Horrorgeschichten, die beschönigt wurden, die aus diesen Bereichen kommen.

Andrea: Ja, Nancy Schaefer, ich glaube sie war Amerikanische Senatorin… hat Material über das CPS (Jugendamt) gesammelt und wurde gemeinsam mit ihrem Ehemann verselbstmordet, ich glaube 1 oder 3 Tage vor der Anhörung

Dan&Don: Etwas dem wir nachgehen sollten – – – Yeah.

Andrea: Es ist sehr viel über sie und ihre Arbeit publiziert, also Ihr könnt sie leicht unter ihrem Namen finden – Nancy Schaefer ist/war ihr Name. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Schaefer)

Dan&Don: Klingt irgendwie bekannt. Hat Sie die Fälle in Haiti auch recherchiert?

Andrea: Sie hat vor allem das CPS recherchiert.

Dan&Don: Also nur das CPS, keine Untersuchungen zu Kinderhandelsringen in Haiti?

Andrea: Nicht Haiti soweit ich weiß – aber Kinderhandelsringe und CPS und Geldwäsche ebendort mit Geldern aus Kinderprostitution. (…)

Dan&Don: Nun, es ist allgemein bekannt, zumindest in Verschwörungstheoriekreisen, dass es schreckliche Dinge gibt, die hinter verschlossenen Türen von den Eliten verbrochen werden. So engagiert sich die Clinton-Stiftung in Haiti… dieser Typ Jeff Epstein, was auf den US Virgin Islands als „Vergewaltigungsinsel“ bezeichnet wird… weißt du, dass die Clintons mehrere Reisen dorthin unternommen haben, wahrscheinlich doppelt so häufig wie Trump. Aber – ja – er war da, dann Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein – – – – Erst vor kurzem, dann haben wir diesen Nxivm-Kult. Diese Dinge werden gerade aufgebrochen – ich habe nichts über Kinder gehört, die in diese Sache dort verwickelt gewesen wären, aber das war Menschenhandel – – – – Keith Raniere wurde eingesperrt, weil er mit 15jährigen Mädchen Fotos gemacht hat (neben anderen Dingen).
Die ganze Pizzagate-Sache, und weisst Du, es gibt Leute, die sich über die Behauptung „Pizzagate ist nicht passiert“ lustig machen wollen – und die denken, es ginge nur um den Kerl, der das Pizzarestaurant besitzt (…) Was auch immer es damit auf sich hat, (…)

Andrea: Das ist extrem wichtig und ich bin so froh, dass andere Leute diese Recherchen machen. Aber was ich, was für mich interessanter ist, all die Leute, die du erwähnt hast, Weinstein, Clintons, etc. – all diese Leute sind selbst durch MK ultra gegangen (so wie ihre Eltern und Kinder). Also, auch mein Sohn sagte mir – das war extrem interessant – wenn auch herzzerreißend, herzzerreißend: er erzählte mir, dass andere Kleinkinder anwesend waren bei der Folter und sie waren gezwungen, ihm „AUA“ zu machen – „AUA“ war unser Code für Folter, weißt du. Also die Kleinen, die Täter, zwangen ihre eigenen Kinder meinen Sohn und andere Kinder zu foltern als Teil ihres MK ultra Programms und sie müssen das anderen Kindern antun. Und wenn man sie dann aufwachsen sieht, dann hat man die erwachsenen Versionen von Weinstein, Clinton, und wie auch immer sie heißen, oder Bush – das gleiche hier in Österreich, kein Unterschied – Übrigens, Arnold Schwarzenegger – ist auch daran beteiligt, er ist Österreicher.

Dan&Don: Weißt du, du hast erwähnt, dass Bill Clinton MK programmiert ist. Ich habe Bill Clinton einmal getroffen, er hat für seine Frau in deren Wahlkampf geworben, 2008 oder so etwas in der Art. Und er hielt eine Rede für sie in einer Turnhalle und zu der Zeit war ich in einer Art Schauspielergruppe und wir standen dort und haben Fragen gestellt (…) – ambush journalism [Überfallsjournalismus wortwörtlich übersetz] im Grunde genommen – (…) also jemand hat es gewagt, ihn nach dem Bohemian Grove zu fragen. Und als ich zu ihm kam, war es so seltsam – die Energie im Raum war, als wäre er ein Rockstar – er hielt seine Rede und er macht die Meet and Greet-Sache und er war einfach leer: ES war leer. Weißt du – ich schüttelte seine Hand und stellte eine Frage und er war einfach nur da mit einem leeren Gesicht und alles was dazugehört: Es schien, als wäre er nicht einmal da. Es war einfach „toll“.

Andrea: Also es gibt da dieses berühmte Video online von ihm – Ich weiß nicht, ob ihr es kennt – aber wo er Make-up bekommt – vor einer Rede glaube ich und dort sieht man, dass er nicht da ist, es ihn nicht gibt, lediglich eine Hülle existiert.

Dan&Don: Genau den Eindruck hat er auf mich gemacht. Also die Rede hat er gut gemeistert weißt du – er hat auch lebendig ausgesehen und es ging ihm scheinbar gut während der Rede, aber danach war da praktisch nichts mehr – als ob er durch alle durchsehen würde. Weißt Du er hat keinen im Raum wahrnehmen können – im ganzen Raum.

Andrea: Ich denke es ist wichtiger, also für mich ist es wichtiger auf die Tatsache hinzuweisen, dass ebensolche Leute selbst programmiert wurden als Kinder. Das bedeutet nicht, dass sie ohne Schuld sind. Natürlich müssen sie ihre persönliche Verantwortung und Verantwortlichkeit zurückerlangen, weißt Du. Aber es ist wichtig, dass wir wissen, dass sie selbst programmiert sind, so wie sie für ebendiese Rollen und Aufgaben programmiert wurden. Also hast Du all diese pervertierten Folterveranstaltungen mit kleinen Kindern – ich spreche nicht vom Sex, denn für ein Kind ist es immer Folter – wenn man nur an die Körpermaße denkt …. eines Kindes oder eines Kleinkindes und eines erwachsenen Mannes oder sogar einer Frau – es ist Folter, aber sie sind programmiert, das zu tun.
Und natürlich liegt die Verantwortung bei ihnen selbst – auch wenn sie programmiert sind – vor allem sich Hilfe zu holen und damit aufzuhören und eben damit beginnen endlich wieder Verantwortung und die Haftung zu übernehmen. Wir müssen sehen, dass sie selbst Opfer sind und dass auch deren Kinder programmiert sind, auf die Rolle als Täter oder Täterin getrimmt. Solange wir das nicht sehen, nicht erkennen, wird es niemals aufhören.

Dan&Don: Und, ja, das ist irgendwie eine verbreitete Sache mit Missbrauchsfällen und dergleichen, die nicht unbedingt mit SRA oder MK ultra etwas zu tun haben müssen, weil es einfach von Leuten begangen wird, die eben das tun. Und die Kinder selbst wiederholten das an anderen Kindern, wobei sie vielleicht dachten, es sei normal, weil es bei ihnen selbst so durchgeführt wurde.
Weißt du, dass völlig jenseits von dem ganzen rituellem Missbrauchsthema, und nun, ja, wenn die ganze Programmierung noch dazukommt, kein Wunder.

Andrea: Ja. Also, viele Überlebende sprechen darüber und sagen, dass sie das beenden wollen – also, jeder hat hier seine oder ihre Entscheidung zu treffen – ich habe die Entscheidung getroffen, viele andere haben sie getroffen. Daher, nicht alle „Opfer“ werden „Täter“.

Dan&Don: Richtig. Was denkst Du, wie viele sind – statistisch gesehen – betroffen? (….)

Andrea: Millionen.

Dan&Don: Also, ich schätze, wenn wir sozusagen über den Tellerrand hinübersehen wollen, müssen wir zuerst erkennen, dass es einem selbst passiert ist. Ich wünschte, es gäbe nur einen einzigen Lichtstrahl, mit dem wir alles enthüllen könnten – womöglich gibt es einen bereits. Ich denke es ist ein massives Vergehen (…) vor allem wenn Du in diesem Sumpf gefangen bist (…)

Andrea: Ja, wir dürfen auch nicht vergessen, dass es unterschiedliche Stufen in der Tiefe der Programmierungen gibt. Nicht jeder bekommt das großartige – ich bin jetzt zynisch – Regierungs-MK ultra Programm vom Geheimdienst mit lebenslanger Folter inklusive. Es existieren viele Schritte vom grundlegenden Kindesmissbrauch zu einer MK ultra Programmierung und unendlich viele Grauzonen, weißt Du. Und das ist der Grund, warum ich überzeugt bin, dass Millionen betroffen sind.

Dan&Don: Um hier nicht zu viel Informationen preiszugeben wo ich arbeite… – jeder weiß, wo Du arbeitest, Dan – – – Ah, gut, ich arbeite hier in (….) und dieses Kind sagt dort „Mama, Ich möchte diesen „starbust““ und die Mutter sagt „nein, du bekommst jetzt „skittles“ um die Truppen zu unterstützen“ – kannst Du Dich erinnern, dass es diese weiß-blauen „skittles“ einmal gegeben hat? – und gut, was ich damit sagen möchte, die Gehirnwäsche beginnt zu Hause. Das war nur eine Anekdote, nun, ich meine kulturelle Konditionierung, diese Art der Programmierung. Weißt du, es sind kleine Dinge wie diese, die sich zur Gesamtprogrammierung addieren. Ein Computerprogramm besteht aus vielen Bits von Codes. Richtig, und dieses Stück Code genau hierher, usw.

Andrea: Ja, natürlich (…)

Dan&Don: Also, uns läuft hier die Zeit davon. Also wollen wir uns noch einmal bei dir bedanken, dass du gekommen bist. Ihre Webseite – www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com – wenn ihr daran interessiert seid, sie zu besuchen – es gibt eine Menge cooles Zeug darauf und wir werden es später in der Gruppe veröffentlichen. Also, geht und schaut euch das an. Andrea, hast du etwas zum Schluss, dass Du sagen möchtest?

Andrea: Ja, den Eltern da draußen möchte ich nur sagen, ich habe viel an traumabasedmindcontrol.com gearbeitet, die wichtigsten Informationen sind im Kapitel Forensik. Und wenn Du in der Situation bist, versuche sofort einen Anwalt zu finden, und geht zusammen mit dem Anwalt in ein Krankenhaus, vielleicht bezahlt Ihr sogar privat dafür, und lasst ein MRT/CT/eine nuklearmedizinische Untersuchung Eures Kindes durchführen, dokumentiert dabei ALLES auch die Reaktion des Kindes auf die Krankenhausausstattung und die Atmosphäre, weil diese Untersuchungen meist von Flashbacks begleitet werden.
Wenn Ihr das nicht macht, habt Ihr keine Beweise in der Hand und meistens wird Euch Euer Kind weggenommen. Und wenn Ihr Fragen habt, könnt Ihr mich auf Facebook oder über die Website traumabasedmindcontrol.com erreichen.

Dan&Don: Fantastisch. Danke Dir fürs kommen. Wir hoffen, bald wieder mit Dir reden zu können – es war eine großartige Diskussion.

Andrea: Danke, dass Ihr mich eingeladen habt und ich wünsche Euch dann einen schönen Abend in Virginia.

Dan&Don: Dir auch. Danke fürs Kommen und danke für die Portion an Tapferkeit, die es braucht, um auf all das hinzuweisen (….) und das ist die Art von Mut, die wir brauchen um diesen reichen und ruchlosen Eliten Einhalt zu gebieten die die Menschheit aus dem Hinterhalt manipuliert (….) und das ist wo alles beginnt.

Andrea: Ja, danke auch für Eure Arbeit, ich denke, wir sind alle tapfer hier, tun etwas, wir alle haben unser Thema gewählt, ich habe meines gewählt, Ihr habt Eures gewählt. Danke Euch.

Dan&Don: Danke Dir.

Andrea: Bye!

[Andrea Sadegh im Gespräch mit Reality Brief – 4.5.2019, ausgestrahlt am 8.5.2019 – mit DEUTSCHEN UNTERTITELN vollständig übersetzt]

Erwähnte Links/Personen/Videos:
Pizzagate Folter an Kleinkind (TRIGGER): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0A1Kb30IN0
Nancy Schaefer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Schaefer
Sigismund von Braun: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigismund_von_Braun
Bill Clinton:

Kapitel Forensik – traumabasedmindcontrol.com:
Symptome: http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/presentation-of-symptoms-of-toddlers-and-children
Istanbul Protokoll: http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/istanbul-protokoll-fuer-kleinkinder-bei-folterverdacht/
Richtlinien zur Befragung von Kleinkindern und Kindern bei Verdacht auf Folter: http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/leitfaden-zur-befragung-von-kleinkindern-bei-folterverdacht/

Andrea Sadegh ist Gründerin und Inhaberin von traumabasedmindcontrol.com – Netzwerk gegen Folter an Kleinkindern und Kindern, und ist über ihren Sohn in das Thema MK ultra gekommen, der von der österreichischen Regierung noch nicht einmal 3 Jahre alt in staatliche Obhut genommen wurde, nachdem seine Persönlichkeitsspaltung und Basisprogrammierung in schrecklichen Flashbacks sichtbar wurden.
Spätestens seitdem wurde Andrea von internationalen Geheimdiensten ins Visier genommen, da der Junge über 72+ Täter mit engen Verbindungen zu (inter)nationalem Geheimdiensten und Politik benennen und erkennen konnte: Eine gefährliche Konstellation im Geburtsland von Adolf Hitler, in dem noch immer Nazi-Agenten im Einsatz sind und mit Mossad, CIA und russischen Diensten in großem Umfang zusammenarbeiten.

Anstatt das Kind im Detail über MRT/CT/nuklear-medizinisch/psychiatrisch zu untersuchen, beschloss die österreichische Regierung, das Problem im Nazi-Stil zu lösen: „Je mehr Schaden wir dem Kind und seiner schützenden Mutter zufügen, desto weniger wird es jemand glauben können.“

Während der Kleine also seit Februar 2012 jeden Tag gefoltert wird, im Zuge der MK ultra Programmierung, wurde Andrea von Geheimdienstlern auf der ganzen Welt verfolgt, überlebte mehrere Mordanschläge. Im Januar 2019 wurde ihr ein Bild von ihrem Sohn geschickt, das ihn ohne Zähne zeigt, was bedeutet, dass der Junge durch Folter – alle – seine Erwachsenenzähne verloren hat, nicht einmal 10 Jahre alt. Dies neben anderen bereits 2011 zu Gericht gebrachten Verletzungen, wie die Zerstörung seiner inneren Genitalien (Kastration), Nadeln in seinem Zahnwurzelkanal, Steißbein, Hirnstamm, etc. neben seinem massiven DID/MPD (absichtlich verursachte multiple Persönlichkeitsstörung). Anstatt – zumindest dem Jungen zu helfen – war die österreichische Regierung bestrebt, tausende strategisch zu verstricken, indem sie sich der rituellen Folter des Jungen anschlossen oder einfach indem das Verbrechen mit allen Mitteln fortgesetzt wie auch vertuscht wurde.

Andrea hat einen Master-Abschluss in Komparatistik und Germanistik sowie einen Abschluss in Statistik. Sie ist ausgebildete Trainerin, Coach, Lebens- und Sozialberaterin und ist eine der weltweiten Expertinnen für Kleinkinder und Kinder in MK/SRA/Kinderhandels Programmen sowie auch für den Modus operandi in unfreiwilligen Fällen. Sie ist auf Facebook sowie auf www.traumabasedmindcontrol.com und www.andreasadegh.com zu finden.

Leitfaden zur Befragung von Kleinkindern bei Folterverdacht

„Jetzt werde ich eine kleine Geschichte erzählen. Ich hörte sie selbst vor langer Zeit, eine alte Dame erzählte sie mir, und ich habe sie niemals vergessen. Sie ging so-wenn ich mich recht erinnere:

„Ich war jung zu jener Zeit, als fast alle Kinder oft geschlagen wurden. Man hielt es für nötig, sie zu schlagen, denn sie sollten artig und gehorsam sein. Alle Mütter und Väter sollten ihre Kinder schlagen, sobald sie etwas getan hatten, von dem Mütter und Väter meinten, dass Kinder es nicht tun sollten. Mein kleiner Junge, Johan, war ein artiger und fröhlicher kleiner Kerl und ich wollte ihn nicht schlagen. Aber eines Tages kam die Nachbarin zu mir herein und sagte, Johan sei in ihrem Erdbeerbeet gewesen und habe Erdbeeren geklaut, und bekäme er jetzt nicht seine Schläge, würde er wohl ein Dieb bleiben, sein Leben lang. Mit Müttern ist es nun einmal so, dass ihnen Angst und Bange wird, wenn jemand kommt und sich über ihre Kinder beschwert. Und ich dachte: Vielleicht hat sie Recht, jetzt muss ich Johan wohl eine Tracht Prügel verpassen.

Johan saß da und spielte mit seinen Bausteinen-er war ja damals erst fünf Jahre alt-als ich kam und sagte, dass er nun Prügel bekäme und er selbst hinausgehen solle, um eine Rute abzuschneiden. Johan weinte, als er ging. Ich saß in der Küche und wartete. Es dauerte lange, bis er kam, und weinen tat er noch immer, als er zur Tür hereinschlich. Aber eine Rute hatte er keine bei sich.

„Mama“, sagte er schluchzend, „ich konnte keine Rute finden, aber hier hast Du einen Stein, den Du werfen kannst!“. Er reichte mir einen Stein, den größten, der in seiner Hand Platz fand. Da begann auch ich zu weinen, denn ich verstand auf einmal, was er sich gedacht hatte: „Meine Mama will mir also weh tun und das kann sie noch besser mit einem Stein.“ Ich schämte mich. Und ich nahm ihn in die Arme, wir weinten beide, soviel wir konnten, und ich dachte bei mir, dass ich niemals, niemals, mein Kind schlagen würde. Und damit ich es nicht vergessen würde, nahm ich den Stein und legte ihn in ein Küchenregal, wo ich ihn jeden Tag sehen konnte, dort lag er so lange, bis Johan groß war. Ein Dieb wurde keiner aus ihm. Das hätte ich gerne meiner Nachbarin erzählt, aber sie war fortgezogen.“

Ja, so sprach die alte Dame, die mir das erzählte, als ich noch sehr jung war. Und ich weiß noch, dass ich mir dachte: Ich werde meine Kinder auch nicht schlagen, sollte ich welche bekommen. Ich bekam zwei Kinder und schlug sie niemals. Trotzdem wurden gute Menschen aus ihnen. Und auch sie schlagen ihre Kinder nicht.

Warum erzähle ich ihnen das alles? Es sollte ja von Frieden die Rede sein. Und wie sollte es Frieden geben in der Welt, wenn es keine friedfertigen Menschen gibt? Ich glaube, es wäre gut, wenn ein Stein in den Küchenregalen läge, fast überall, auf der Welt, als Erinnerung.“ 

(Astrid Lindgren: Über den Frieden)


Dieses Vorwort von Astrid Lindgren beschreibt die Reaktion eines gesunden Kindes und einer durchschnittlich gesunden Mutter. Wenn Sie die Aufgabe haben, ein (Klein)Kind zu befragen, das aufgrund schulmedizinischer Untersuchungsergebnisse über MRT/CT/nuklearmedizinische Untersuchung Folterspuren (vergleiche Istanbul-Protokoll http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/istanbul-protokoll-fuer-kleinkinder-bei-folterverdacht/) aufweist, dann geraten  Sie in ein Terrain, das nicht nur dunkel sondern hochgradig pathologisch und krank ist.



Folteranzeichen am Körper Ihres Kindes können damit zusammenhängen, dass Ihr Kind als Tatopfer satanisch-ritueller Gewalt, auch bekannt als sogenannte SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), oder als „Trainingssubjekt“ von traumabasiertem Mind-Control (MK, trauma-based mind control) in Frage kommt. SRA können Sie als eine kombinierte Anwendung körperlicher, psychischer und spiritueller Angriffe verstehen. MK kommt meist im militärischen, nachrichtendienstlichen und politischen Spektrum zum Einsatz, wobei sich die Übergänge zwischen diesen beiden Deliktsfeldern relativ fließend darstellen. MK beinhaltet eine Fülle an ausgetüftelten und komplexen psychologischen Strategien, mit denen letztlich eine Dominanz über Gedanken und Gefühle Ihres Kindes erzeugt werden soll. Final, also am Ende des staatlichen MK-Programms, soll Ihr Kind soweit konditioniert sein, dass es entgegen seiner menschlichen Natur befohlene Handlungen in künstlich über Folter erschaffenen Persönlichkeitsanteilen verrichtet, ohne sich im Idealfall an etwas erinnern zu können. Als Mittel auf dem Wege zu diesem Endstadium dienen körperliche, sexuelle, seelische und emotionale Folter. Die Fähigkeit und erklärte Bereitschaft der Täterinnen und Täter, Ihrem Kind in staatlichem Auftrag derartige Misshandlungen zuzufügen, unterscheidet diesen Personenkreis von allen anderen Lebewesen auf unserem Planeten. Staatliche Folterer sind nicht an einer Veröffentlichung ihrer völlig straffrei gestellten Delinquenz interessiert. Eine MK-Folter an einem Kleinkind ist kein Ergebnis eines irrationalen Hexenwahns, sie wird bewusst und gewollt genauso geplant, organisiert und fortlaufend perfektioniert. Der Körper Ihres Kindes kennt dabei grundsätzlich keine Stelle, für das keine passende Foltermethode existiert. Es findet sich kein Element (Wasser, Luft, Feuer und Erde), keine Ideologie und kein Werkzeug, das sich nicht zum Foltern Ihres Kindes verwenden lässt. Lösen Sie Ihre Gedanken von den propagandistischen Winkelzügen westlicher (krimineller) Kartellmedien, dass Folter an Kleinkindern nur in den dort auserkorenen „Schurkenstaaten“ praktiziert wird.

Natürlich werden diese Verbrechen geheim gehalten. Daher kann man auch kaum eine Definition darüber finden, was letztlich die „Programmierung“ Ihres Kindes umfasst. Überlebende bezeichnen sie als einen Akt zur Aktivierung körperlicher und psychischer Reaktionen auf externe Stimuli. Eine so konditionierte Person soll final in der Lage sein, nach Wahrnehmung eines auditiven, visuellen oder taktischen Signals (Trigger) in beabsichtigter Weise zu reagieren, im Idealfall ohne selbst etwas davon zu bemerken. Sofern die durch Folter herbeigeführte Konditionierung von Erfolg gekrönt ist, hat das politische System oder Netzwerk seinen passenden mentalen Sklaven herangezüchtet, der entgegen aller Maßstäbe eines gedeihlichen ethischen Zusammenlebens seine Befehle gewissenlos verrichtet. Da letztlich die gewaltsame Aufzucht einer solch multiplen Persönlichkeit mit schwersten Rechtsgutverletzungen am Kind verknüpft ist, sind in diesem Deliktsfeld die wissenschaftlichen Überschneidungen zwischen Psychologie, Medizin, Sozialwissenschaften, Philosophie, Kriminologie und Kriminalistik relativ fließend.


Diese bereits skizzierte finale Konstruktion einer multiplen Persönlichkeit ist eng an das Mittel der Hypnose gekoppelt. Die eingesetzten Programmierer, meist Schulmediziner, erzeugen in den jeweiligen Handlungsmodulen eine durch Folter gestützte selektive Steigerung der Wahrnehmung beim kindlichen Tatopfer, dessen Aufmerksamkeit durch die Übergriffe hierzu gesteigert wird. Das Kind ist somit aufgrund seiner angespannten Aufmerksamkeit in seiner realen Bewusstseinslage getrübt. Die arbeitsteilig vorgehenden Delinquenten eröffnen sich den Weg in die Psyche des Kindes durch Kontrolle über dessen Empfindung, Gedächtnis und über Erinnerungsverfälschung. Am Ende der mehrjährigen Programmierung kann das Subjekt wie ein Automat gehorchen, hinterfragt unkritisch jede Anweisung und kann komplexe Befehle mit hoher Intelligenzanforderung ausführen, ist sich dessen aber meist nicht bewußt. Um denjenigen Menschen, die aus humanistischen Motiven auf der Seite des gefolterten Kindes stehen, Einblicke in die perfiden Strukturen der staatlichen Folterprogramme zu vereiteln, werden dem kindlichen Tatopfer falsche Erinnerungen eingepflanzt und posthypnotische Reaktionsmuster für Falschaussagen eingetrichtert. Daher muss es Sie nicht wundern, wenn das Kind in einer Frage zum Tatkomplex entweder konsequent schweigt, oder sich völlig irrational verhält. Den Täternetzwerken ist genau bewusst, dass sich zumindest im Polizeidienst aufgrund der Heterogenität des dortigen Personenstamms auch Beschäftigte finden, denen diese schweren Rechtsgutverletzungen nicht gleichgültig sind. Wenn auch am Ende eingeweihte Mittäter in der Polizei diese Übergriffe letztlich decken und aktive Strafvereitelung betreiben – die Organisation „Polizei“ ist für die Tätergruppierung zunächst erst einmal ganz einfach zu groß. Es ist demzufolge anfänglich nicht auszuschließen, dass Sie bei der Erstattung Ihrer Strafanzeige zunächst an einen Kriminalisten geraten, welcher das Anliegen des schützenden Elternteils ernst nimmt. Je wichtiger dieser die Meldung des schützenden Elternteils bewertet, umso schneller veranlasst er unaufschiebbare Maßnahmen der Spurensuche/Sicherung und Beweismittelfestlegung. In dieser wichtigen Phase kann der Täterkreis noch keine endgültige Kontrolle über den Verfahrensverlauf erlangen. Daher muss durch die Täter durch Konditionierung des Kindes einem solchen Kriminalisten  suggeriert werden, dass das Kind oder eben der schützende Elternteil unter einer psychischen Störung leidet. Bei Vätern als schützende Elternteile wird meist der Verdacht lanciert, der Vater wäre der Täter. SRA oder MK kann allerdings nur von Tätergruppen, also von mehreren durchgeführt werden, eine Einzelperson ist dazu niemals imstande. Meist werden diese schützenden Elternteile schnell – ohne Spurensicherung jeglicher Art – von den betroffenen Kindern getrennt, um weitere Spuren zu verwischen, den Gesamteindruck zu verfälschen, das (Klein)Kind ungestört weiter benutzt – das meist lebenslang.


Als Foltermethoden vor den Programmeinheiten dienen wie folgt, zitiert aus Ellen Lacter (2017):

  • Vergewaltigung: vaginale, rektale Vergewaltigung, Gruppenvergewaltigung, mit scharfen Gegenständen, Waffen usw.
  • Filmaufnahmen während der Folter
  • Verbale Grausamkeit, Spott, Lächerlichmachen, Gelächter und Begeisterung als Reaktion auf den Schmerz und den Terror des Opfers
  • Aufhängen, auch mit dem Kopf nach unten hängend, in Stresspositionen, während sie gerädert (spinning) werden usw.
  • Untertauchen in mit Eis gefüllten Wassertanks
  • Lebendig begraben werden mit Insekten, Schlangen, Ratten usw. mit einer Sauerstoffquelle, die von den Tätern kontrolliert wird
  • Aufhängen über Feuer oder extremer Hitze
  • Extremer Durst und Hunger
  • Zurücklassen der Opfer in Urin, Exkrementen und Erbrochenem
  • Erzwungene Einnahme von giftigen Substanzen
    Kontrolle der Umgebung – schmerzhaft heiß oder kalt, dunkel oder intensiv hell, Schallbeschuss usw.
  • Verstümmelung, z. B. Entfernen von Nägeln oder Fingern
  • Entfernung von Körperorganen und Zerstückelung von Opfern in völliger Gefangenschaft (Ellen Lacter, 2017)

Alle Informationen, die das Tatopfer in diesen Folterdekaden („Programmierung“) bekommt, werden in seiner tiefen psychobiologischen Schicht gespeichert. Achten Sie daher in einer Befragung des Kindes auf derartige Aussagen. Eine kriminalistische Besonderheit, nicht nur im Aspekt der kindlichen Aussagepsychologie ist, dass dem kleinen Zeugen suggeriert wird, jederzeit auf dessen Körper zugreifen zu können bzw. das individuelle Umfeld zu kontrollieren – oft entspricht dies auch der unvorstellbaren Wahrheit:

Neben den bereits bekannten Überwachungstechnologien im Haushalt des Kindes werden auch Personen im Nahbereich des Kindes installiert, welche vorgeblich eine emotionale Beziehung zu ihm aufbauen. Sobald diese gefestigt ist und dem Kind erfolgreich eine Vertrauensbasis vorgegaukelt werden konnte, wird es verraten. Die anschließenden Botschaften sind eindeutig: „Wir wissen alles über Dich“, „Du hast uns verraten“, „Du entkommst uns nicht“. Andere „Spielvarianten“ beinhalten, dass dem Kind eingeredet wird, es sei ein alleshörendes Mikrofon im Zahn eingesetzt, oder sogar eine Bombe im Magen eingepflanzt, welche bei Verrat explodieren könne. Tatsächlich haben erwachsene Tatopfer bei sich schon echte, bzw. (in)aktive Implantate schulmedizinisch ausmachen können. Immerhin ist heutzutage in der Tat die Möglichkeit gegeben, Demenzkranke oder Tiere durch (elektromagnetisch) impulsgesteuerte Implantate ausfindig machen zu können. Ein zusätzlicher – wenn noch wenig erforschter – Aspekt ist die Vermutung, dass Teile der MK Programmierung als auch das Abrufen von Trigger mittlerweile über Mikrowellen und Radiofrequenzen erfolgen kann.


Da das Schweigen der betroffenen (Klein)Kinder das wichtigste ist bei diesem strafrechtlich mehr als relevanten Verbrechen, sind die Techniken dazu schier endlos: Drohungen, die geliebte Bezugsperson (meist die Mama) wird umgebracht; Nadeln im Gaumenbereich als „Schweigetraining“; Löschen der bewussten Erinnerungen durch absichtlich herbeigeführte Gehirnerschütterungen, Elektroschocks und Psychopharmaka. Eine zusätzliche Möglichkeit zur Sicherung der Verschwiegenheit wird in der Vorspiegelung einer vorgetäuschten oder tatsächlichen Liquidierung eines „Verräters“ praktiziert. Vor allem die Beobachtung eines realen Tötungsdelikts ist für das Kind besonders einschneidend. Hierzu dienen auch Tötungen im Tatzusammenhang mit sogenannter „Snuff-Pornografie“ (gefilmte Folter mit anschließendem Todeseintritt). Bekannt ist ebenfalls, dass den (Klein)Kindern suggeriert wird, sie hätten einen Menschen getötet oder auch – weit dramatischer für die kindliche Seele – sie wurden tatsächlich dazu gezwungen jemanden zu töten.   

Es ist somit mehr als verständlich, dass Sie eine umfassende Schilderung solcher Gesamtumstände nur mit unendlich viel Geduld und absoluter, wohlwollender Neutralität erreichen können. Das Kind muss mit der Beschämung über die Tatsache umgehen, dass es Opfer von einer Reihe von unvorstellbarsten seelisch, mentalen, physischen Gewalthandlungen wurde und damit verbundene Körperreaktionen als auch Emotionen gezeigt hat, niemand geholfen hat als auch noch von der ausführenden Gruppe verlacht worden ist. Für Kinder sind diese Erlebnisse alltäglich gewesen. Der Ball ist bei Ihnen, auch während der Befragung komplett neutral zu bleiben.

Vergessen Sie nie, die dem Kind angedrohte Strafe, falls das Kind nicht schweigen sollte, die meist die Ermordung der Bezugsperson oder Folter beinhaltet. Eine Befragung des Kindes muss grundsätzlich in mehreren Schritten erfolgen, diese ist daher auf Monate zu planen. Da die Ermittler in der Aufarbeitung des gesamten Tatgeschehens mehr oder weniger auf sich gestellt sind, müssen diese die Befragungen selbst organisieren. Sofern die Ermittler im privaten oder beruflichen Umfeld über Personen mit kriminalistischen Kenntnissen verfügen (Kriminalbeamte, Jugendgerichtshelfer, Juristen mit Interessenschwerpunkt Strafrecht) können diese natürlich hinzugezogen werden.

Die entsprechende Person muss sich genau darüber im Klaren sein, worauf sie sich in letzter Konsequenz einlässt. Sofern Sie selbst handeln gilt: Auch methodisch schlechte Befragungen sind immer noch besser als das Kind im Stich zu lassen.

Zwar wurde in der kriminologischen Forschung das Deliktsphänomen MK/SRA selbsterklärenderweise bisher nicht zum Thema gemacht, dessen einzelne Foltermethoden hingegen schon. Sexuelle Gewalt an einem Kind in privatem Umfeld ist mittlerweile relativ gut untersucht. Weil die sexuelle Misshandlung ein Grundbaustein der Programmierung des Kindes ist, kann man daher hier ansetzen. Natürlich ist es zuvor wichtig zu wissen, wie die generellen Grundzüge der Befragung eines kindlichen Tatopfers aussehen. Gleichwohl liegt der wesentliche Unterschied darin, dass ein Kind, das SRA/MK erlebt hat, mit dem Ziel der Persönlichkeitsspaltung unter unvorstellbarer Folter bearbeitet wurde. Die wesentlichen Elemente dieses Verbrechens werden Ihnen daher kurz aufgeführt:


Phänomen der Persönlichkeitsspaltung

Die einfachste Form der Persönlichkeitsspaltung besteht in einem Normalzustand (A) und dem hypnotisch kontrollierten Zustand (B).


Foto unten: erzielter Persönlichkeitswechsel bei einem, in einem Folterprogramm befindlichen Kind


Quelle: „Luki“ Dara Sadegh beim supervisierten Treffen mit seiner Mutter Mag. Andrea Sadegh, 2013: Persönlichkeitswechsel innerhalb von 10 Sekunden. Vermuteter posthypnotischer Befehl: „Wenn Du Deiner Mama Nahe bist, erinnere Dich, was Du gemacht, gesagt, getan hast – wenn sie das wüßte, hat sie Dich nicht mehr lieb.“


Der Persönlichkeitswechsel des Kindes fußt auf einem posthypnotischen Befehl oder einem Trigger. Erforderlich sind dabei dessen Planung, Auslöser und Umsetzung. Ein gut eingetrichterter posthypnotischer Befehl soll nicht nur das äußerlich handelnde Subjekt generieren, er muss in dem gesteuerten Humanwerkzeug auch innere Zustände erzeugen. Durch antrainierte Schlüsselreize oder Codes ist es möglich, komplexe operative Sequenzen zu konditionieren. Der Programmierer kann hierbei dem Tatopfer auch befehlen, dass Schlüsselsignal wieder zu vergessen, sobald es die befohlene Handlung ausgeführt hat. Diese Methode soll die bereits skizzierte kriminalistische Untersuchung des Verbrechens unterminieren. Eine zusätzliche Verdunkelungsstrategie liegt in der sogenannten posthypnotischen Amnesie. Hierzu ist zu sagen, dass durch psychische Traumatisierung des Kindes eine Fragmentierung seiner Gedächtnisinhalte erzeugt wird. Diese perfide Taktik gilt dann als vollkommen, wenn der Außenstehende nicht bemerkt, dass das Tatopfer in seiner Gedächtnisfähigkeit eingeschränkt ist. Hierzu wird sich während der Programmierung des Kindes der Methode der Angstsuggestion bedient. Eine Technik liegt in der gedanklichen Suggestion von Kopfschmerz bei innerlicher Verarbeitung des erlittenen Tatgeschehens.


Foto unten: gedankliche Verarbeitung des Tatgeschehens am Kind, durch Suggestion erzeugter Kopfschmerz, auch „Spaltungskopfschmerz“ genannt.


Quelle: „Luki“ Dara Sadegh aufgenommen von seiner Mutter Mag. Andrea Sadegh, im Sommer 2011, als die ersten Flashbacks aus dem Kleinen herausgebrochen sind.


Der zu beobachtende Kopfschmerz kann sich auch aus einer künstlich erzeugten Neurose ableiten, welche infolge einzementierter Schuld- bzw. Minderwertigkeitskomplexe verhindern soll, dass das Kind über seine Erlebnisse spricht.


Warum gerade im kindlichen Alter?

Kinder lassen sich durch ihre stark phantasiegeleitete Psyche viel leichter beeinflussen als erwachsene Menschen. Zur Verfolgungsvereitelung wird täterseitig ausgenutzt, dass sich das Kind in seinem entwicklungsbedingten Wortschatz nicht in der Lage sieht, die Übergriffe mitzuteilen. Durch die MK-Programmierungen wird im Kind eine Anzahl getrennter Identitäten erzeugt, welche als „Innenpersonen“ bezeichnet werden. Derjenige Täterkreis, der diese Innenpersonen installiert, aktiviert und beherrscht, kann im Endeffekt auch mit der jeweiligen einzelnen Innenperson kommunizieren. Damit das Kind im Stande ist, äußerlich seinen Alltag zu meistern, muss neben den Innenpersonen auch ein „anscheinend normaler Persönlichkeitsanteil“ (ANP) vorhanden sein. Der ANP ist sozusagen die Fassade für die künftige Rolle des Programmierten im gesellschaftlichen System. Mit der ANP-Hülle wird gewährleistet, dass die multiplen Persönlichkeitsanteile allen nicht eingeweihten Personen am Ende verborgen bleiben.

Sofern der Ermittler durch emotionale Zuwendung versuchen sollte, die Öffnung des Kindes zu erzeugen, muss hier gewarnt werden: Selbstverständliche zwischenmenschliche Handlungen (küssen, streicheln) oder Worte („Liebe“, Kosenamen) werden von den Tätern ganz gezielt dem Kind in Verbindung mit düsteren Bedrohungen beigebracht. Sie müssen daher mit bewusst gelegten Triggern beim Kind zur Sicherstellung seines antrainierten „Wächtersystems“ und seiner ständigen Angst vor den Folgen seines Verrats, also dem Ansprechen der Wahrheit, rechnen. Gleiches gilt für Konditionierung und Hypnose im Zusammenhang mit ersten notwendigen kriminalistischen Handlungsalternativen. Das Kind kann beispielsweise in Anwesenheit eines dringend Tatverdächtigen diesen in freudiger Erwartung begrüßen und gleichzeitig seine tatsächlichen Vertrauenspersonen, meist den schützenden Elternteil, ablehnen. Weil für die Programmierung enorme finanzielle Mittel zur Verfügung stehen, kommen auch Requisiten, Zaubertricks, Bühnenschauspiel, Spezialeffekte, Filmvorführungen, Kameras und Mikrofone zum Einsatz. Die Gedankenmanipulation des Kindes wird durch Rollenspiele und Charaktere der Märchenwelt oder anderen Erlebniswelten (Außerirdische, Dämonen) aktiviert. Diese wird farbenbezogen in der kindlichen Psyche gespeichert, d.h. die Täter präsentieren sich dem Kind in der betreffenden Programmeinheit in einheitlicher Kleidung. So gelingt es mit der Zeit, dem kindlichen Opfer gedankliche Querverbindungen einzuhämmern, welche dem Programmierer über Codes zugänglich sind. Für Sie als außenstehende Person sind das üblicherweise völlig alltägliche, unverfängliche Wörter oder sonstige Reize. Trotzdem ist das Kind so vorbereitet, dass am Ende „Eröffnung und Verschluss“ passen. Das gilt dann als gelungen, wenn die Schlüsselwörter einen gewissen Rhythmus besitzen und die perfide Wortkombination oder andere Triggerketten so gewählt sind, dass eine Alltagssituation einen Persönlichkeitswechsel nicht auslösen kann.

Eine multiple Persönlichkeitsstörung (MPS), auch genannt als „dissoziative Persönlichkeitsstörung“ ist dem international gebräuchlichen System zur Klassifizierung von Krankheiten (ICD 10) zugeordnet, hier über die psychiatrischen Krankheiten (DSM4). Strafbar wäre somit, dass die Täter doppelt vorsätzlich (in Kenntnis des Verbots bei gleichzeitigem Willen zu Täterschaft und tatbestandlichem Erfolg) einen kranken Menschen erzeugen. Es besteht demzufolge ein Kausalzusammenhang zwischen gestörter familiärer Integration, Gewaltanwendung, psychischem Trauma und Störungen in der Erlebnisverarbeitung. Hierbei ist es erforderlich, dass sich das Kind in regelmäßiger Folge in den Händen der Programmierer befindet. Das o.g. psychische Trauma des Kindes wird durch den Weg des „innerlichen Weglaufens“ konzipiert. Weil das körperlich völlig unterlegene Kind gegen die notwehrgerechten Angriffe keine adäquaten Verteidigungshandlungen entgegensetzen kann und sich auch nicht im Stande sieht, vom Tatort zu fliehen, muss es letztlich den Weg in die Dissoziation suchen. Hier gilt die Faustregel: „Je früher das kindliche Trauma, umso höher die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer multiplen Persönlichkeitsstörung“. Ein entscheidender Punkt liegt dabei im Ausmaß der Kontrolle über die Abwehrmechanismen des Kindes. Im Schrifttum finden sich unterschiedliche Hinweise darauf, wann nun der geeignetste Moment dafür ist. Kinder im Alter von zweieinhalb Jahren können nach erfolgter Dissoziierung und gewaltsamer Dressur schon eine fest gespaltene Persönlichkeit aufweisen. Unter ärztlicher Aufsicht werden u.a. Fingerquetschungen mit einer Zange, wuchtige Schläge auf den Kopf, Vergewaltigungen, sowie das Zuschnappen mit einer Mausefalle an den Fingern bei gleichzeitigem Einschließen in einen Raum u.a. vollzogen. Sobald das Kind aufhört zu weinen und nur noch schmerzvoll wimmert, wird es ins Freie gelassen. Danach bekommt das Kind durch Befehle seine aversive Konditionierung. Nicht alle Etappen sind hier gleich. Bekannt sind mittlerweile folgende Hauptprogrammierungen:


Alpha: Grundprogramm, Ziel sind sowohl widerspruchsloser Gehorsam und automatische Reflexe des Kindes

Beta: Schlüsselwort indiziertes sexuelles Programm

Delta: Attentatsprogramm, Kämpferprogramm

Theta: Eingliederungsprogramm in okkulte Gruppen

Omega: Verdunkelungsprogramm mit Ziel der Aufrechterhaltung der gespaltenen Psyche des Kindes


Eine typische, technische Methode zur Erzeugung multipler Persönlichkeiten ist die „Spin-Programmierung“, in unseren Kreisen auch als „Rädern“ bekannt. Dem auf einer drehenden Scheibe angeschnallten Kind werden durch äußerst schmerzvolle Zentrifugalkräfte Persönlichkeitsanteile polyfragmentiert. Eine solche Programmierungsmethode beginnt schon in frühester Kindheit. Das Kind kann entweder- wie auf einem „Dönerspieß“ – um die eigene Achse, oder auch vertikal gedreht werden.

Natürlich ist auch hier die rasante Fortentwicklung anderer technischer Möglichkeiten in Betracht zu ziehen. Krampfbehandlungen, CT, sowie Beeinflussungen der Psyche durch elektromagnetische Felder kommen hier zum Einsatz und sind noch relativ wenig gesichert in Bezug auf (Klein)Kinder erforscht. Die Besonderheit liegt jedoch grundsätzlich darin, dass sich die Programmierung des Kindes auf eine Erzeugung von Persönlichkeitsfragmenten bezieht. Daher wird in den Programmen immer eine konkrete Botschaft an das Kind übertragen. Das Kind kann Ihnen daher in einer Befragung völlig zusammenhangslos anmutende Antworten liefern. Gleiches gilt, wenn Sie hierbei unlogische Verhaltensweisen beobachten. Diese sind aber bei näherer Kenntnis immer mit gewaltsam eingetrichterten Befehlen verbunden:

  • Du verdienst Strafe, wir finden Dich überall
  • Kein Mensch glaubt Dir, wenn Du etwas erzählst
  • Deine Gewalterlebnisse hast Du Dir selbst verdient
  • Wir beobachten Dich und können Deine Eltern töten
  • Die Polizei kommt Dich holen, Du kommst ins Gefängnis


In weiterer Folge als Ausbaustufe, werden meist folgende Dinge indoktriniert, vergleiche Ellen Lacter (2017):

  • Du bist böse.
  • Du bist ein Mörder.
  • Du bist ein Komplize krimineller Handlungen (oft werden solche Szenen als Beweismaterial gefilmt).
  • Du bist jetzt einer/eine von uns.
  • Du bist jetzt ein freiwilliges Mitglied des Netzwerkes, das Schändungen und Missbrauch begeht.
  • Niemand außer uns will jemals wieder etwas mit dir zu tun haben.
  • Die Leute, die sich um dich gekümmert haben, können sich nie mehr um dich kümmern.
  • Kein Psychotherapeut wird dir jemals helfen wollen.
  • Der gesamte Klerus wird dich verurteilen.
  • Du bist in den Augen Gottes verloren.
  • Du gehörst jetzt zu: _____ (ein Gott / Göttin, die Blutopfer fordert).“


Die wohl rücksichtloseste Methode ist der chirurgische Eingriff ins Gehirn. Hierbei beschädigt ein Chirurg absichtlich das gesunde Gewebe des Nervensystems des gesunden Kindes. Eine weitere bekannte Möglichkeit besteht in der ärztlichen Beeinflussung der Amygdala (der für Emotionen und Gefühle bedeutsame Teil des Gehirns) mittels elektrischer Ströme. Auch andere chirurgische Eingriffe (Narben am Stammhirn, etc.) als auch das Entfernen und Verstümmeln von Drüsen sind bekannt.

Eine Wiedererinnerung des Kindes an die Foltererlebnisse ist im Alltag, meist hervorgerufen durch assoziative Verarbeitung, oftmals mit Flashbacks verbunden. Dabei ist die Tatsache nicht von der Hand zu weisen, dass das Kind sich in diesem Moment offenbart: Das (Klein)Kind erlebt die erlittene Folter nochmals dergestalt, als ob sie eben gerade nochmals passieren würde.

Eine gute Nachricht vorab: Das (Klein)Kind findet Ruhe, sobald es eines der Ereignisse vollständig erzählen hat können: Bei jedem Flashback oder Angstzustand als auch bei jeder Erzählung, helfen Sie den Kleinen dabei, ihre unvorstellbaren Erlebnisse, zu ordnen, damit großteils bereits zu heilen.

Die Welt der Folterknechte ist vor allem für Sie eine Herausforderung, die allerdings für die betroffenen (Klein)Kinder Alltag ist, wie die oft inszenierte „märchenhaft“ anmutende Welt des Satanismus: Satanische Rituale und Tathergänge in einem MK-Programm können sich gleichwohl überschneiden. Tatopfer berichteten laut Michaela Huber (1995) über folgende Methoden:

  • „merkwürdigen Gerüche […]
  • Männer in schwarzen Mänteln, Kapuzen, Masken, etc.;
  • Keller, schwarz gemalte oder mit schwarzen Tüchern zugehängte Wände;
  • […]
  • Rituelle Handlungen mit Öl, Blut […]
  • Blut, das den eigenen entblößten Körper herunterläuft […]
  • Das Essen von rohem Tier- oder Menschenfleisch oder Kot, das Trinken von Urin und Blut
  • […]
  • Vaginale, orale, anale Massenvergewaltigung; pentetriert werden mit Stöcken, Messern, Kreuzen, etc.
  • Schläge, Tritte, Elektroschocks
  • Eingesperrtsein in Kisten, Särgen, Wassertanks, etc.;
  • […]
  • Laute, sakrale oder Wagner-Musik, „sakralen“ Gesängen […]
  • Extreme Scham- und Schuldgefühle, Gefühl, sich „opfern“ zu müssen oder „für den Tod auserwählt zu sein“, sich wie „Satan“ fühlen (oder eine „Innenperson“ haben, die sich dafür hält“)
  • Ein Gelübde, das nicht gebrochen werden darf, sonst stirbt jemand (sie selbst oder eine nahe stehende Person bzw. das Lieblingstier)
  • „Bestrafungsaktionen“ an sich und/oder anderen Kindern bzw. Erwachsenen, die „ungehorsam“ waren
  • Beschwörungs- und Fluch-Formeln; das Gefühl, durch einen Satz getötet werden zu können, etc.“

Daher sollten Sie sich vor einer Befragung folgende Reaktionsmuster vor Augen führen, welche das Kind einem Ermittler oder schützenden Elternteil in der Vergangenheit schon einmal zeigen konnte:

  • Angst vor Blutentnahme, zahnärztliche Untersuchung
  • Angst vor Fesselungen
  • rituell anmutende Gesänge
  • Nervosität bei Mahlzeiten (Kakao: Kot, rote Limonade: Blut, Grillen im Sommer: Verbrennungen/Verbrühungen)
  • Mutwilliges Zerstören von Spielfiguren (Verstümmelungen)
  • Angst vor „harmlosen“ Alltagsgegenständen
  • Etc.


Die Befragung

Die Befragung von betroffenen (Klein)Kindern ist die Königsdisziplin bei dem Verdacht auf Folter: (Klein)Kindern wird auf unterschiedlichste Arten über Folter, extremen Drill und Drohungen klargemacht, keinesfalls über die Geschehnisse zu sprechen als auch keinesfalls Namen zu nennen. Die Netzwerke sind sich dieser Gefahr mehr als bewusst und haben meist innerstaatliche Stellen, wie Kinderhilfszentren, Ärzteschaft, Psychiaterschaft oder Therapeutenschaft infiltriert, um mögliche weiteren Untersuchungen des (Klein)Kindes zu verhindern, meist das Kind von seiner schützenden Hauptbezugsperon (meist der Mutter, in etlichen Fällen aber auch der Vater) wegzureißen: Wird die Folter am (Klein)Kind über Verletzungen oder Flashbacks sichtbar wurde bereits jahrelang in eben dieses Kind investiert – der Verlust des (Klein)Kindes aus den Täternetzwerken bedeutet also nicht nur die Gefahr, dass Teile des erkannten und benannten Netzwerkes strafrechtlich und das massiv belangt werden, sondern eben auch ein enormer finanzieller Verlust. Da die Täter dieser Netzwerke in der Regel als (Klein)Kinder selbst durch diese Art von auf Folter basierenden Programmen gegangen sind, ist es mittels radiologischer Technologien über MRT/CT/nuklearmedizinische Untersuchung auch bei Erwachsenen ein Leichtes, diese anhand eindeutiger Merkmale (gestörtes Empathiezentrum, dissoziative Neigungen, Narben am Stammhirn, etc.) auszumachen.


Trigger bei Befragungen

Vor einer Befragung sollten Sie sich darüber bewusst sein, dass beim Kind Berührungstrigger installiert sein könnten, seien sie daher vorsichtig mit Berührungen und berühren Sie das Kind nur mit seiner oder ihrer Erlaubnis. Am bekanntesten ist hier die Schweigeberührung: Für diese schmerzvolle Lektion wird das Kind zunächst zum Plappern gebracht. Anschließend wird dem Kind ein Elektroschock verabreicht, oder es wird in den Gaumen oder in die Zunge gestochen. Eine andere Methode liegt in einem Schweigetrigger, welcher durch das Streicheln des Kindes ausgelöst wird. Es darf daher nicht verwundern, wenn sich das Kind nach einer Streicheleinheit bzw. emotionaler Zuwendung sofort seinem Gegenüber verschließt. Weitere Trigger, die oft und gerne von den Täternetzwerken angewendet werden sind Druck (Stress, strenge Stimme, vorwurfsvoller Blick, Handzeichen). Achten Sie darauf, dass Ihre Körpersprache kongruent ist und erklären Sie dem Kind, wenn Sie etwas irritiert. Offenheit, Wahrheit und das wichtigste die absolute wohlwollende Neutralität des Ermittlers sind der einzige Weg reliable Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

In weiterer Folge braucht es zwei Kameras, eine Kamera soll auf das Kind gerichtet sein als auch eine Kamera auf denjenigen der die Befragung durchführt – im Idealfall gibt es noch eine dritte Kamera, die Sie beide zeitgleich aus der Vogelperspektive aufnimmt. Aus dem traurig berühmten Hampstead Fall existieren Filmaufzeichnungen, in denen der polizeiliche Ermittler, der auf privater Basis Verhaltenstrainings anbietet, die Kinder während der „Befragung“ mit Handzeichen „triggert“ – vergleiche:


Quelle und Kurzfassung: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSOa6Siko-8


Bleiben sie daher unbedingt neutral, egal was sie hören oder erleben sollten während der Befragung. Geben Sie dem Kind so viel Freiraum wie möglich, jeglicher Druck kann das Kind sofort in Angstzustände, damit zum Schweigen bringen oder dazu bringen, Ihnen „eingeübte Geschichten“ zu servieren.



Jede Befragung sollte eben grundsätzlich videogestützt vorgenommen werden, wichtig ist darauf zu achten, dass eben auch die Körperreaktionen aufgezeichnet werden – sowohl vom Ermittler als auch die vom Kind. Gleiches gilt, wenn das Kind durch eine Frage ein Flashback erleidet. Es ist daher zum Zwecke der Beweisführung wichtig zu eruieren und festzuhalten, ob und wie das Flashback mit der Fragestellung korrespondiert. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit darüber nachzudenken, was Sie gehört haben. Schließen Sie keine Hypothese aus und haben Sie keine Angst davor, das Kind in einem Flashback nicht wieder beruhigen zu können: Nur das Kind sich selbst, damit den Täternetzwerken zu überlassen, ist ein unverzeihlicher Fehler. Wenn die Befragung gefilmt wird, haben sowohl die Fortsetzung der Befragung nach dem „Beruhigen“ des Kindes, wie auch ein vollumfänglich dokumentiertes Flashback einen Beweiswert. Zu berücksichtigen ist, dass auf sämtliche protokollierten Verletzungen (Istanbul-Protokoll) in der Befragung eingegangen werden sollte.


Exkurs Personalbeweis und Sachbeweis

Die Aussage des Kindes kann unterschiedliche Beweiskraft haben, dazu im Überblick

A: Personalbeweis

Ein Personalbeweis kann sich aus einer Aussage eines gerichtlich bestellten Sachverständigen, eines Beschuldigten/Angeklagten oder eines Zeugen (Ihres Kindes) ergeben.


B: Sachbeweis

Ein Sachbeweis kann aus einer Urkunde oder einem sogenannten Augenscheinsobjekt bestehen. Die Urkunde ist eine verkörperte Gedankenerklärung (z.B. ein Schriftstück). Das Augenscheinsobjekt enthält keine Gedanken, kann aber bestimmte Schlussfolgerungen zulassen (z.B. Der Ermittler findet aufgrund der Aussage des Kindes ein Tatmittel).


Der Sachbeweis ist daher so bedeutsam, weil losgelöst vom Tathergang er für sich selbst spricht und unbeteiligten Personen Rückschlüsse auf Tathergang und Tatbeteiligte ermöglicht. Somit ist der Sachbeweis grundsätzlich objektiv und prinzipiell dem Personalbeweis vorziehen. Er ist mit naturwissenschaftlichen Methoden zwar überprüfbar, kann jedoch durch Fehler in der Spurensicherung, Untersuchung, Lagerung und Auswertung eine falsche Spur zu beweiserheblichen Tatsachen liefern. Ein Personalbeweis ist grundsätzlich subjektiv beeinflusst. Daher sollten Sie versuchen, den Wirklichkeitsgehalt der Aussagen des Kindes zu überprüfen und Hinweisen des Kindes über potentielle Sachbeweise mit dem erforderlichen Ernst nachgehen. Die Befragung des Kindes soll Ihnen u.a. erleichtern:

  • die Identifizierung von Tatverdächtigen
  • die Bestimmung der Gruppenzugehörigkeit von Tatverdächtigen
  • die Rekonstruktion der Übergriffe
  • die Suche/Sicherung von Beweismitteln.



Wenn Sie das Kind einer Befragung unterziehen, so handelt es sich um einen Erhebungsvorgang privater Natur, nicht um eine Vernehmung. In einer Vernehmung hat der Vernehmende eine amtliche Eigenschaft, gibt diese zu erkennen und äußert ein behördliches Auskunftsverlangen.

Wie bereits dargelegt, sollten Sie alle Befragungen des Kindes doppelseitig im Idealfall dreifach videogestützt vornehmen. Nach jeder Befragung sollten Sie den Inhalt vollständig transkribieren. Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie in jeder Befragung mindestens einen Zeugen mit einwandfreiem Leumund bei sich haben. Fertigen Sie zu jeder Videoaufzeichnung und Niederschrift entsprechende Sicherungskopien. [!] Der Zeuge sollte sich zusätzlich je nach Zulässigkeit der Rechtsordnung des betreffenden Staates überlegen, von der Möglichkeit einer Versicherung an Eides statt Gebrauch zu machen. Die Videoaufzeichnung sollte Ihnen den kompletten Gesprächsverlauf dokumentieren und auch alle nonverbalen Reaktionen des Kindes – samt Sie selbst abbilden. Die Befragung selbst sollte keine Unterbrechungen haben. Platzieren Sie das Kind so, dass es im Video durchweg gut sichtbar ist. Auch die Arme, Hände und Füße müssen vollständig erkennbar sein. Berücksichtigen Sie die erforderlichen Lichtverhältnisse und schalten Sie Ihre Mobiltelefone aus. Verhindern Sie Störungen durch Dritte (Schild „nicht stören“ an der Tür). Sorgen Sie dafür, dass das betroffene Kind ausgeschlafen ist und zuvor ausreichende Mahlzeiten eingenommen hat. Kommen mehrere Kinder als Geschädigte in Frage, so sollten diese getrennt voneinander befragt werden.


Checkliste & Ablauf

Fragen Sie nicht ohne Konzept, sondern erstellen Sie sich zuvor eine Checkliste. Jede einzelne Befragung sollte bei sexueller Schändung nicht länger als 30 Minuten dauern, Pausen sind zu dokumentieren. Folgen Sie bei Befragungen bei SRA oder MK Ihrer Intuition, und lassen Sie die Befragung auch länger andauern. Seien Sie sich darüber bewusst, dass Sie einen derartigen Handlungskomplex auf keinem Fall in kurzer Zeit aufklären können. Seien Sie sich ebenfalls darüber bewusst, dass wenn Täternetzwerke nach wie vor auf das (Klein)Kind zugreifen, das (Klein)Kind relativ einfach für 30-45 Minuten präpariert, also gezielt vorbereitet werden kann.

Alle bedeutsamen Fakten sollten anschließend Punkt für Punkt abgearbeitet werden. Die Checkliste sollte die wesentlichen Punkte beinhalten, wie:

  • Was ist an Übergriffen, Tatzeitpunkten und Tatbeteiligten schon bekannt?
  • Anfahrtswege zum Tatort, Transportmittel des Kindes, Tatwerkzeuge?
  • Welche Verletzungsmuster wurden in der Inaugenscheinnahme des Kindes (Istanbul-Protokoll) festgestellt?


Neben den Besonderheiten eines Kindes in einem MK-Programm bestehen jedoch noch Grundzüge, die für alle kindlichen Opfer gelten. Kinder sind oft wortkarg und benutzen kurze Sätze. Sie sollten daher in der Befragung auch deren Sprachstil und sprachliche Defizite – oft durch das erlittene komplexe Trauma – berücksichtigen. Den Aussagen fehlt es an Vokabular, es mangelt aufgrund der geringen Lebenserfahrung an Analogien und Metaphern. Es ist daher möglich, dass das Kind für eine Tathandlung im Wege der Assimilation und seines Verständnishorizonts ein bereits vorhandenes Schema zuordnet („hat nass gemacht“ für Samenerguss). Wenn Sie dem Kind intime Fragen stellen, erklären Sie zuvor, weshalb es notwendig ist. Das Kind hat noch immer eine Spielwelt, welche mit der Erwachsenenlogik nicht vereinbar ist, die Erwachsenenlogik wiederum kann die Erlebnisse des Kindes kaum erfassen. Das Sprachverständnis beginnt sich erst nach ca. 24 Monaten langsam zu entwickeln. Das Kind ist dabei von der Vorstellung beseelt, dass alle Handlungen und Abläufe zweckgerichtet sind („Es kommt schönes Wetter, wenn ich meinen Teller leer esse“). Kleinkinder sind nicht in der Lage mit Vorsatz zu lügen, da ihnen hierzu die erforderlichen kognitiven Voraussetzungen fehlen. Sofern das Kind nicht im Stande ist, Ihnen Angaben zu zeitlichen Abläufen, Objekten, Personenbeschreibungen und Entfernungen zu geben, so ist das keine Lüge. Es hat auch noch keine pubertierenden Eigeninteressen, wie beispielsweise Rachsucht oder Geltungsdrang. Bedenken Sie, dass die Tätergruppen vor allem bei (Klein)Kindern ebenfalls „Phantasievokabular“ benutzen – hinterfragen Sie Begrifflichkeiten, die Ihnen nicht klar sind.

Natürlich kommt noch dazu, dass Ihnen ein Kind aus einem MK-Programm in der Befragung die gewaltsam eingetrichterten falschen Antworten liefert. Oder zwischenzeitlich unechte Reaktionsmuster offenbart. Gleichwohl kann es aufgrund seines Alters diese „Legende“ nicht stringent durchhalten. Denken Sie immer an dessen konditionierte Loyalitätskonflikte und Bestrafungsängste. Es kann daher Fragen ablehnen oder ausweichend antworten. Nutzen Sie die Spielmotivation des Kindes. Die Verwendung von Bildwörterbüchern und Spielewürfeln können bei der Befragung ebenfalls sehr hilfreich sein. Spielewürfel vor allem bei bereits „schweigenden“ Kindern.



Quelle: Andrea Sadegh – „Story Cubes von © Gigamic“ (2017)


Jenseits des Vorstellbaren

Auch wenn Ihnen das Kind eine Verletzung schildert, die Ihnen in der vorangegangenen Inaugenscheinnahme (vergleiche Istanbul-Protokoll http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/index.php/istanbul-protokoll-fuer-kleinkinder-bei-folterverdacht/) entgangen ist, so haben Sie keinen Anlass, diese Information anzuzweifeln. Berücksichtigen Sie, dass Sie nach einer Aussage des Kindes auf anderem Feld zu reagieren haben (Aufsuchen eines Tatorts, Suche nach Spuren und Beweismitteln). Bedenken Sie immer, dass sich in Ihrem unmittelbaren Umfeld noch Spuren befinden können, welche Sie übersehen haben. Bedenken Sie auch, dass der Phantasie der Folterer keine Grenzen gesetzt sind. So hat im Fall Sadegh das 2 1/2jährige Kind beim Anblick einer Klobürste massive Flashbacks bekommen. Mit der Zeit hat sich herausgestellt, dass das Kind nicht damit geschlagen worden ist, sondern mit dem Stiel anal penetriert worden ist. Daher versuchen Sie keinesfalls in den Erzählfluss des Kindes einzugreifen, ziehen Sie zur Not nach der dokumentierten Befragung einen auf SRA oder MK spezialisierten Experten hinzu, auch Textwissenschaftler sind vor allem bei kleinen Kindern extrem versiert, die Versatzstücke ordnen zu helfen.


Spurenkunde, in Kürze

Spuren sind materielle Objekte und Erscheinungen im Makro- und Mikrobereich. Diese entstehen durch den Tathergang und können Rückschlüsse zum Modus Operandi und zu den Tätern zulassen. Besteht kein Zusammenhang zwischen einer materiellen Veränderung und dem kriminalistisch relevanten Ereignis, so spricht man von einer Trugspur. Im Zusammenhang mit MK müssen Sie jedoch mit vorsätzlich herbeigeführten Veränderungen rechnen. Hier handelt es sich jedoch um eine sogenannte falsche Spur und nicht um eine Trugspur. Die für die kindliche Folterung bedeutsamen Spuren können sein:

Tatspuren: also Spuren, die durch die Tat am Tatort, am Kind selbst oder am Täter entstanden sind. Solche Spuren können Ihnen die Rekonstruktion des Tatgeschehens erleichtern. Als Beispiele gelten u.a. Abwehrverletzungen am Kind, Sekretspuren und Blutspuren im Zusammenhang mit dem geschilderten Handlungsablauf.

Täterspuren: also Spuren, die der Täter an Tatmitteln, am Kind oder am Tatort hinterlassen hat (Sperma, Blut, Scheidensekret, Haare, Texteilfasern).

Eine Spurenverursachung ist interaktiv. Sie müssen davon ausgehen, dass auch die Täterseite diese Spuren findet.



„Blut ist ein besonderer Saft“. Dieser Aussage kommt in der Kriminalistik eine gewisse Bedeutung zu. Die Besonderheit liegt darin, dass sich die Merkmale des Blutes beim Menschen erhalten, nach naturgesetzlichen Regeln vererben und es serologisch nachweisbar und klassifizierbar ist. Blut ist jedoch nach dem Körperaustritt durch Bakterien, Schimmelpilze und Umwelteinflüsse von Zersetzung bedroht. Somit engt sich die Auswertbarkeit einer Blutspur im Verlauf der Zeit immer mehr ein. Das Blut ändert schnell die Farbe und ist mithin schwer sichtbar. Gleichwohl ist in einem Labor der Nachweis, dass es sich bei einer aufgefundenen Substanz um Blut handelt, auch bei kleinsten Mengen möglich. Das menschliche Blut ist Träger unveränderlicher Merkmale.

Ein solches Merkmal ist die statistische Aufgliederung nach Blutgruppen. Man zieht hierbei das sogenannte ABO-System zu Rate

A: 44%

B: 11%

AB: 5%

0: 40%


Eine Blutspur eignet sich demzufolge dazu, einen Tatverdächtigen gegenüber anderen Personen abzugrenzen. Daher ist es wichtig, dass Sie nach einer Aussage des Kindes das betreffende Tatmittel oder dessen Kleidung sichern. Nachdem Sie nach diesem Ausschlussmechanismus ein Mittel in der Hand halten, einen potentiellen Tatverdächtigen gegenüber anderen Personen zu separieren, erlaubt die Blutspur aufgrund der DNS-Aussage noch deutlich mehr. Die DNS (sogenannte Desoxyribonukleinsäure) beinhaltet eine Erbinformation des Tatverdächtigen. Das gilt vor allem dann, wenn Sie unmittelbar nach einem Übergriff am Kind Blut oder Sperma an dessen Körper entdecken. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein Zell-Strichmuster der DNS bei 2 Menschen übereinstimmt, ist kleiner als 1 zu 30 Milliarden. Insofern steigt bei mehreren gefundenen DNS-Informationen eines Tatverdächtigen die Aussage praktisch ins unermessliche. Mittlerweile kann die DNS auch aus Haarwurzeln und Vaginalsekret bestimmt werden.

Eine Laboruntersuchung kann eine Unterscheidung nach Geschlechterblut und Herkunft des Blutes (Nasenblut, Anusblut) liefern. Da in MK-Ultra Folterungen auch Hunde gegen die Kinder als Tatmittel eingesetzt werden, könnte eine Blutspur auch von einem Hund herrühren. Die Unterscheidung zwischen Menschenblut und Blut eines Tieres (sogenannte Uhlenhaut-Methode) ist im Labor ebenfalls möglich. Neben der möglichst keimfreien Sicherung des Spurenträgers sollten sie die Spur zuvor fotografisch (Nahaufnahme mit Längenmaßstab) sichern.


Da die Folterungen am Kind die Aspekte der Demütigung und Erniedrigung umfassen, müssen Sie auch mit Urinspuren rechnen. Der Nachweis von Urin wird durch die Harnstoffkonzentration in der Spur bestimmt. Allerdings werden hierfür größere Mengen für die Untersuchung benötigt. Der Nachweis erfolgt mikroskopisch und auf biochemischer Basis.

Die sexuelle Folterung kann dafür kausal sein, dass sich Speichelspuren eines Verdächtigen finden lassen. Hier erfolgt der Nachweis über das im Körper produzierte Enzym Ptyalin. Speichel kann trotz anschließender Reinigung des Kindes nach einem Übergriff trotzdem an den Schleimhautzellen des Kindes anhaften.


Die Umstände, unter denen Haare und Schuppen eines Tatverdächtigen zurückbleiben, bzw. übertragen werden, sind faktisch unbegrenzt. Selbst wenn man nach einer Folterung das Kind nachkonserviert. Durch mikroskopische Untersuchungen und biologische Vergleiche lassen sich menschliche Haare von haarähnlichen Wollfasern und Kunststofffasern unterscheiden. Einschränkend ist hier anzumerken, dass eine sichere Zuordnung von Haaren zu einem Täter nicht generell möglich ist. Anders verhält es sich, wenn das gefundene Haar besondere Merkmale auf sich vereint. Das können pathologische Veränderungen durch Pilzbefall oder Pflegereste sein. Allerdings kann durch Vergrößerungen an der Trennstelle eines Haares festgestellt werden, ob es auf natürliche Weise ausfiel oder gewaltsam ausgerissen wurde. Das wäre dann bedeutsam, wenn Kinder an den Haaren über den Boden geschleift oder über die Haare heftig am Kopf gezogen werden.

Neben menschlichen Spuren besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie textile Faserstoffe finden. Hierunter fallen Pflanzenfasern (Baumwolle), Tierfasern (Wolle), Mineralfasern (Glasfasern) und Chemiefasern (Nylon). Eine solche Faserübertragung findet im Alltag faktisch überall statt. Vor allem textile Fasern zeichnen sich durch lange Beständigkeit aus. Solche Fasern sind äußerst hartnäckig und können kaum restlos beseitigt werden. Nach Untersuchungen (u.a. Aldermasten/GBR) gehen ungefähr 80% aller übertragenen Fremdfasern innerhalb von 48 Stunden verloren. Der Rest zeigt sich in der Anhaftung hartnäckig. Vergleichen Sie daher die Aussagen des Kindes darauf, ob Sie nach jeder Befragung entsprechende Spurenträger finden lassen können bzw. welche Personen Ihnen das Kind als etwaige Tatverdächtige benennt.


Befragungsintervalle & -techniken

Auch wenn Sie das Kind in zeitlichen Intervallen befragen, sollten Sie die Videoaufzeichnung nicht unterbrechen. Die Täterseite würde Ihnen hier leicht die Möglichkeit der Manipulation zuweisen können. Beachten Sie, dass das Kind aufgrund der erlittenen Folterungen in seiner Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit eingeschränkt war, sehr wahrscheinlich dissoziiert oder eben bereits in seiner oder ihrer Persönlichkeit gespalten ist. Das menschliche Gehirn speichert traumatische Ereignisse im Gegensatz zu normalen Wahrnehmungen in ungeordnetem Erinnerungsteil. Sie müssen daher Ihre bisherigen Erkenntnisse zum Tathergang fortlaufend und lagebedingt anpassen.

Dem Kind sollten Sie verständlich machen, dass es nicht zu seiner Befragung gezwungen wird. Es sollte klar sein, dass es nur das berichten soll, was es tatsächlich erlebt hat.


„Bevor Du mir etwas erzählst, kannst Du in Ruhe überlegen, was Du sagen möchtest. Es ist aber wichtig, dass Du mir die Wahrheit sagst. Aber es ist nicht schlimm, wenn Du etwas nicht sagen kannst. Du kannst mir einfach sagen, dass Du es nicht weißt.“

Zeigen Sie dem Kind, dass Sie hohes Interesse an ihm haben und schärfen Sie das kindliche Erinnerungsvermögen auf Örtlichkeiten, Personen und Handlungen.


„Warst Du schon einmal auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt? –Oh, im letzten Jahr warst Du dort.“


Hierdurch wird die Wahrnehmung des Kindes auf eine Örtlichkeit gestärkt.

„Waren noch andere Menschen mit Dir auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt?

Aha, mit der Oma warst Du auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt.

Wie sieht denn Deine Oma aus? – Aha, eine Brille hat sie und kurze Haare hat die Oma.“


Hierdurch wird die Aufmerksamkeit des Kindes auf eine Person geschärft.

„Was habt Ihr auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt zusammen gemacht? – Mensch Klasse, in einem Feuerwehrauto hast Du gesessen! Aber doch die Oma nicht? Nein, die ist doch schon viel zu alt. Da hast Du Recht! Würdest Du das denn lustig finden, wenn alle Omas immer mit der Feuerwehr kommen? – Weißt Du denn, was die Feuerwehr so alles macht? Und eine Zuckerwatte hast Du sogar bekommen? Wann bekommst Du denn noch immer eine Zuckerwatte oder andere Süßigkeiten?“

Hierdurch wird die Aufmerksamkeit auf Handlungen gestärkt. Achten Sie schon hier auf den positiven Beziehungsaufbau zum Kind. So bekommt das Kind über Schilderungen bekannter Umgebungen, Personen und Handlungen die Sicherheit für eine anschießende Befragung zum Tatort, Tatverdächtigen und Tathandlungen.

Nun beginnen Sie die Befragung zum Tatgeschehen. Lassen Sie sich so genau wie möglich den Tatort, die Tathandlungen und die Tatverdächtigen beschreiben. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit.

Die Antworten dürfen nicht für das Kind vorformuliert sein, treffen Sie keinesfalls Annahmen.

„Der X. legte sich auf dann auf Dich und stieß Dir schmerzvoll sein Geschlechtsteil in den After?“ – Das ist keine Aussage eines Kleinkindes.


Sie sollten auch fragen, was das Kind mit den Tathandlungen und jeweiligen Körperteilen meint.


„Was meinst Du, mit „seinem Lulu?“

„Was meinst Du, mit „hat mir eine Banane in den Popo gemacht?“

„Was meinst Du mit, „nass gemacht und gehaut?“


Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie dem Kind keine Informationen geben, die es zuvor nicht geäußert hat. Gleichwohl sollten Sie Ihre Fragen schon durchgängig am Ausgangssachverhalt orientieren. Vermeiden Sie Konditionierungen des Kindes und gehen Sie immer sparsam mit Lob um, bleiben Sie in der wohlwollend neutralen aber wertschätzenden Haltung.


Es liegt in Ihren Händen, wie Sie eine gute Beziehung zum Kind gestalten. Ein Beziehungsaufbau könnte so aussehen:


„Was schaust Du für Kinderfilme im Fernsehen?“

 „Was ist Dein Lieblingsspielzeug?“

 „Gehst Du schon in den Kindergarten?“


Dann können Sie langsam zum Tathergang kommen.

„Kannst Du mir erzählen, warum Du so böse Träume hast?“


Vermeiden Sie suggestive Fragen, auch wenn Sie den zugrundeliegenden Sachverhalt schon erahnen. Die Aussagen des Kindes sollten selbständig und unabhängig verfasst sein.



Leerfragen: Solche Fragen sind unverdächtig, dem Kind werden keine Antworten mitgeliefert.

Was? Wo? Wie? Wie oft? Wer?


Konträr-Fragen: Solche Fragen haben zwar eine suggestive Lenkung, gleichwohl kann man Ihnen am Ende kaum den Vorwurf der Beeinflussung machen.

„Hat die Frau K. gesagt, dass Du Deiner Mama alles erzählen darfst?“ (Sie erahnen ein Schweigegebot)

„Aber wie konnte der X. Dich dort anfassen, Du hattest doch eine Hose an?“ (Wenn Sie davonausgehen, dass das Kind sich entkleiden musste)


Mehrfachwahlfragen: hier können Sie eingrenzen

„Hast Du gestanden, gesessen oder gelegen?“

„War es auf dem Bett oder auf dem Sofa?“


Vorhaltfragen (suggestiver Charakter, zu vermeiden):

„Dann hat Dich der X. im Auto mit dem Gurt am Hals gewürgt?“


Nutzen Sie zusätzlich Redewendungen zur Untermauerung wichtiger Aussagen. Oder verwenden Sie eine Gegenprobe durch Gegensuggestion.

„Das habe ich jetzt nicht ganz verstanden. Kannst Du mir das einmal genauer erklären?“


Sofern Sie an einem Punkt ankommen, an dem das Kind Affekte verraten kann, besteht die Gefahr eines emotionalen Ausbruchs bzw. eines Flashbacks. Sie haben an dieser Stelle zwei Lösungsmöglichkeiten. Da Sie ja die Befragung videogestützt vollziehen, hat das gefilmte Flashback natürlich seinen entsprechenden Beweiswert. Oder Sie lenken das Kind sofort ab und tun so, als ob Sie den Erregungszustand nicht bemerkt haben.

Möglichkeit: Das Kind steht vor einem Tränenausbruch. Sie regieren mit folgendem Muster

„Was ich Dich noch unbedingt fragen wollte. Du hast mir doch vorhin erzählt, dass Du gerne mit Deiner Indianerburg spielst. Hast Du auch kleine Indianer zum Spielen? – Was ganz viele? Die musst Du mir aber einmal zeigen!“


Stellen Sie die Fragen so, dass Sie immer ein möglichst lückenloses Bild zu jedem einzelnen Übergriff haben. Erst wenn Sie eine Tathandlung vollständig erfragt haben, wechseln Sie zum nächsten Tatablauf. Beachten Sie aber dabei, dass das Kind Freiraum braucht beim sich öffnen und darüber reden.


Zu beobachten ist auch der sogenannte „handelnde Nachvollzug“ des Kindes. Das hat sowohl mit seinem sprachlichen Unvermögen zu tun, entspricht aber auch der kindlichen Nacherlebensweise. Es kann Ihnen also vorkommen, dass der kleine Zeuge anstelle einer Aussage eine Körperposition, einen Bewegungsablauf oder ein mimisches Begleitgeschehen darbietet. Nutzen Sie diese kindliche Eigenschaft.



„Kannst du mir einmal zeigen, wie der X. Dich geschlagen hat?“


In Fragen zur Tatidentität eines Verdächtigen kann das Kind in Schwierigkeiten geraten. Eine Aussage wie „der war es“ kann hier nicht ausreichen. Das Kind muss im Stande sein, Ihnen personenbezogene Merkmale liefern zu können. Lassen Sie sich daher eine möglichst angemessene Personenbeschreibung. Gleiches gilt für Tatzeiträume. Hier müssen Sie dem Kind helfen. In weiterer Folge können Sie dem Kind Fotos unterschiedlicher Personen, darunter Täter/innen, zeigen.

Bedenken Sie, dass das „Wiedererkennen“ von Täter/innen für die (Klein)Kinder überlebenswichtig geworden ist, diese Kinder in der Regel jedes Detail der Folterknechte wiedererkennen als auch – abhängig vom Alter – wiedergeben können. Im Fall Sadegh hat das 2 ½ jährige Kleinkind beim Durchsehen von privaten Fotos beim sofortigen Erkennen einer ehemaligen Bekannten der Mutter gerufen: „Lieb! Lieb!“ und war freudig überrascht, diese Person auf einem Foto am Laptop wiederzusehen. Auf die Frage „Hey super, was hat A. denn Liebes gemacht, dass Du so begeistert bist, mein Schatz?“ – „Farrokh Stopp sagt. Stopp. Bei Aua.“ – zweifelsfrei war Frau A. bei zumindest einem Folterritual anwesend und ist dazwischengegangen. Derartig komplexe Handlungsabläufe kann man zwar dem (Klein)Kind vortäuschen, allerdings kann man diese Abläufe in diesem Alter dem Kleinkind nicht über Programmierungen suggerieren.


Gestiftete/Programmierte Verwirrung

Überprüfen Sie bei einfachsten Aussagen des Kindes wie „meine Mama/mein Papa“ oder „meine Oma/mein Opa“ über wen das Kind spricht: Einerseits wird über Folter den Kindern indoktriniert, wer „Mama“, „Papa“ usw. ist, andererseits geben sich Fremde als „Oma“ oder „Opa“ aus. Hier ein aktuelles Beispiel, wie (Klein)Kinder über Folter dazu gebracht werden, andere Personen „Papa“ oder „Mama“ zu nennen:


Quelle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0A1Kb30IN0

So ähnlich, teilweise noch intensiver hören sich auch Flashbacks der Kleinen an, also wenn sie sich an die Folter erinnern und alles nochmals 1:1 wiedererleben.


Dem Personenverwirrspiel sind keine Grenzen gesetzt, ähnlich wie den Folterhandlungen als auch den Triggern. Auch Ortsauskünfte werden bewusst über Folter trainiert:


 „Wo warst Du?“ „Bei Papa zu Hause.“

– hier ist nachzufragen, im Kontext, ob es sich um den bekannten „Papa“ handelt oder ob eben jemand anderer „Papa“ genannt werden könnte, als auch ist der Ort zu hinterfragen – „Wie hat es dort ausgesehen?“. Aus dem Fall Sadegh ist bekannt geworden, dass „Bei Papa zu Hause sein“ mitunter auch geheißen hat, in fremden Wohnungen von anderen „Pädokriminellen“ in der Reihe gefoltert und geschändet zu werden. Es hat sich im Laufe von knapp 9 Monaten herausgestellt, dass es etliche Papas, aber auch etliche Mamas gegeben hat. „Bei Papa zu Hause“ konnte in der väterlichen Wohnung bedeuten, aber auch um den Kinderstrich in Gemeindebauwohnungen, als auch auf einem Dachboden der offensichtlich in der Wiener Innenstadt, Nahe dem Wiener Naschmarkt handeln.

Weitere Verwirrspiele mit Namen sind auch aus dem kultischen Bereich bekannt: Programmierer tragen manchmal Namen von Gottheiten (im Fall Sadegh hat sich einer der Hauptprogrammierer gegenüber dem Kleinkind als „Oka“ ausgegeben), aus amerikanischen Programmierungen sind Dr. White, Dr. Green usw. bekannt.



Denken Sie daran, dass das Kind die Folterhandlungen überlebt hat, vor Ihnen sitzt und in jungem Alter relativ rasch Heilung oder massive Linderung finden kann, vorausgesetzt, es wird vor den Täternetzwerken geschützt und von seinem schützenden Elternteil nicht getrennt. Das (Klein)Kind hat durch seine oder ihre Erlebnisse mehr (über)erlebt, als wahrscheinlich Sie jemals erleben werden, mögen Sie auch noch so alt sein. Daher bedenken Sie, dass Sie nichts „falsch“ machen können, solange Sie in wohlwollender wertschätzende Neutralität und Offenheit agieren, außer das Kind sich selbst und damit den Täternetzwerken, die meist mitunter aus dem unmittelbaren Familienumfeld stammen, zu überlassen.



Verwendete Literatur (Auswahl)

Ackermann, Rolf; Clages, Horst; Roll, Holger: Handbuch der Kriminalistik: Für Ausbildung und Praxis. Boorberg Verlag: Stuttgart, München, 2007 (2. Auflage)

Arntzen, Dr. Friedrich: Psychologie der Kindervernehmung. Bundeskriminalamt 1970/1, Wiesbaden, 1970

Artkämper, Heiko; Schilling, Karsten: Vernehmungen: Taktik – Psychologie – Recht. Verlag Deutsche Polizeiliteratur: Hilden, 2012

Füllkrug, Michael; Schmidt, Volker; Burghard, Waldemar; Hamacher, Hans-Werner: Lehr- und Studienbriefe Kriminalistik 10. Sexualdelikte, Kindesmißhandlung. Verlag Deutsche Polizeiliteratur: Hilden,1998

Gresch, Hans Ulrich: Unsichtbare Ketten. Der Missbrauch der Hypnose und anderer Trance-Techniken durch Kriminelle, Sekten und Geheimdienste. Eigenverlag: Nürnberg, 2003: http://www.orwell-staat.de/cms/files/mindcontrol.pdf

Habschick, Klaus: Erfolgreich Vernehmen: Kompetenz in der Kommunikations-, Gesprächs- und Vernehmungspraxis (Grundlagen der Kriminalistik, Band 46). Kriminalistik Verlag: Heidelberg, 2016

Hamacher, Hans-Werner: Naturwissenschaftliche Kriminalistik. Verlag Deutsche Polizeiliteratur: Hilden, 1989, (2.Auflage)

Hermanutz, Max; Hahn, Jürgen; Jorda, Lena: Leitfaden zur strukturierten Anhörung von Kindern im forensischen Kontext. Hochschule für Polizei: Baden-Württemberg, 2015

Hermanutz, Max; Litzcke, Sven Max; Kroll, Ottmar: Polizeiliche Vernehmung und Glaubhaftigkeit: ein Trainingsleitfaden. Boorberg Verlag: Stuttgart, München, 2005

Herrmann, Bernd; Saternus, Klaus-Steffen (Hg): Kriminalbiologie (Band 1 der Reihe Biologische Spurenkunde). Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006

Herrmann, Horst: Die Folter: eine Enzyklopädie des Grauens. Eichborn Verlag: Frankfurt am Main, 2004

 Hofmann, Anja: Personenidentifizierung durch Zeugen im Strafverfahren: Anforderungen an die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung von Wiedererkennungsverfahren und Beurteilung des Beweiswerts von Identifizierungsleistungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung rechtspsychologischer und kriminalistischer Aspekte. Verlag Duncker & Humblot: Berlin, 2013

Huber, Michaela: Multiple Persönlichkeiten. Seelische Zersplitterung nach Gewalt. Durchgesehene Neuauflage. Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn 2010. (Überarbeitete Neuauflage, Erstauflage 1995, Fischer)

Lacter, Ellen: For Those Who Condemn Themselves for Acts Coerced Under Torture. Eigenverlag: http://endritualabuse.org, 2017

Miller, Alison: Healing the Unimaginable. Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London: 2012

Sadegh, Andrea: Originalprotokolle mit Luki Dara Sadegh. 2011ff. Wien, Graz: http://traumabasedmindcontrol.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Beilage1_protokolle-interaktionen-2011-2012_strassburg2.pdf



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