Den Haag


Mag. Riegler Andrea

Margaretenguertel 24-34/1/3

1050 Vienna



Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands




Vienna/Austria, 11.02.2020



  1. Article 6: GENOCIDE
  3. To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES



APPELLANT: RIEGLER MAG. ANDREA (*20.11.1971, Graz), also in behalf of her son SADEGH, DARA RUBENS (*20.02.2009, Vienna)









Article 6: GENOCIDE

  • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
  • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
  • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
  • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group




  • enslavement
  • deportation or forcible transfer of population
  • torture
  • rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity
  • persecution (…)
  • Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health



To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES

  • torture
  • willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to health
  • extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly
  • taking of hostages
  • subjecting persons who are in the power of an adverse party to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind (…)
  • employing poison or poisoned weapons
  • employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases (…)
  • committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment




At first glance, Austrian government/judiciary/intelligence/”deep state” inverted the Rome Statute, committing genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in huge numbers against 2 single citizens (a mother and her beloved son), while “strategically entangling”[1] a whole nation.

Considering the large number of Austrian victims over the last decade, which were either killed, brought to psychiatric asylums, forced to leave the country, driven into suicides or who lost their children due to governmental kidnapping, etc. (…) it becomes visible, that the modus operandi has been used widely and thoroughly in order to destabilize civil rights, gain social and political control, as well threaten and intimidate its citizens to keep them silent.

While the victims of this silent genocide here in Austria most often are living in a kind of diaspora, most often not knowing each other or threatened or intimidated into silence or massive fear, as mentioned above, it became well visible that the performers – here the Austrian government and its mercenary companies – are extremely familiar with every single detail of – especially – international laws, so with Public International laws and the Rome Statute.

Due to especially the Austrian modus operandi in committing all these – bestial – crimes, it is extremely difficult for the victims, out of any social backgrounds, to find each other, to get together as well to take action unified, as infiltration, murder (attempts), intimidation, threats, “Zersetzung” (i.e. “erosion on a soul level”), gag-orders, hush money, etc. are the norm in this country.

Those few who are incorruptible are most often targeted and punished via their beloved offspring – commonly conducted, well known from the Nazi era, via governmental child kidnapping – AND – torture of these children (either for MK ultra[2], SRA[3], medical experimentation, etc.) under “governmental” care.

The Den Haag prosecution office, already overtook cases of German mass governmental child kidnappings in 2015/2016, therefore the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea assumes, that the High Prosecution Office is familiar with these procedures in detail, very aware of the fact that these are no single cases in sum, worldwide, so also in Austria.

It can only be assumed why Austrian government/judiciary/intelligence/”deep state” does need a strategically entangled nation, seemingly for further political and social steps, which cannot get analyzed within this appeal, as for such analysis a longer period of time is needed, no final conclusions can be made up to now. Some international experts who are observing extreme similar happenings worldwide are talking about an asymmetric warfare against the own population, others – specialized on MK ultra-related crimes – see a gigantic raise of MK-ed next generations, by strategically entangling former victims into becoming perpetrators[4], which leads to (beside other facts) that they are deprived of any legal means.


Nevertheless, back to the small and smallest ones: Over the last decade – especially because of the information exchange over the internet with victims, survivors or targeted individuals worldwide – it became massively visible, that more and more babies, toddlers and children have been taken from the governments of the Western World to go on in creating the MK-ed “super soldier” or the “Uebermensch”[5], often taken from former MK ultra-victims or MK ultra survivors.

As victims/survivors of these crimes are deliberately isolated and massively controlled from early childhood on, most often matched with at least one “handler”, if not multiple “handlers”, therefore, it will be extremely challenging, nearly impossible, to find a “group” but thousands, if not millions of single survivors/targeted individuals, who underwent involuntarily MK ultra or SRA from early childhood on – this worldwide.[6] Besides the high-level programming (“high functional MK ultra”) for later jobs in government, authorities, etc., there are common symptoms of the “fortunate” as well of the “not so fortunate”, who might were overprogrammed, lost their health/sanity during programming – meaning for all MK-ed ones: diffuse memories of childhood abuse, dissociative identity (disorder) or the ability to dissociate, Asperger syndrome, post-traumatic stress (disorders), depression, etc. up to severe multiple personality disorders, “schizophrenia”, autism or addictions, besides common health issues in the pelvis/tailbone/sacrum area, etc.

Due to the life-threatening conditions, of those who talk or write about these issues, especially about concerned babies, toddlers, and children, i.e. the next generation of super soldiers later used in governments, in parliaments, in politics, in secret service/intelligence agencies, as future high-level academics in health care, in judiciary, etc. – estimations range from 3 to 30% of the population of any country in the Western world – the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea is merely able to highlight her and her son´s own case at the moment, even though, the pattern or the modus operandi is the same worldwide, especially in involuntary cases[7], over the years many concerned protective parents admitted, that they were massively intimidated by the shocking Sadegh case, leading them to give up their beloved children, in hope their children would survive and be able to life their adult life without mutilations [!].


The “group” mentioned in the Rome Statute, to fulfill this task, is so to say: highly intelligent, intuitive, talented babies, toddlers and children (which often come from highly intelligent, intuitive, talented dissociated mothers and fathers), as well babies, toddlers and children out of intergenerational abuse[8] families, which are there out in millions worldwide, do not have any protection against governmental crimes in terms of MK ultra, as governments worldwide, here Austria, are recruiting their own personnel within these MK ultra-torture-based trainings, to then have fully controllable politicians, judges, prosecutions officers, military forces, teachers, etc. as well governments are working together on a supranational level to hide these crimes, as so proven in the Sadegh case, where the appellant was targeted in every single country she entered (UK,  Switzerland, Germany, Norway). Due to the special history of Austria – Adolf Hitler was Austrian, the SS-ärztliche Akademie, the SS academy for Nazi physicians was transferred from Berlin to Graz in 1941 and never has been closed – there are numerous MK ultra-victims in this country.


To close the preamble:

Things I wish I did not know
Have you ever wondered why mind control and ritual abuse survivors all over the world report the same phenomena? (…) Because perpetrator groups collaborate and teach one another techniques of torturing children, splitting the infant mind, and training mind-controlled victims. It is organized crime. It is psychologically sophisticated organized crime. What else should we call it? Like the Mafia, it runs in families; (…) I did not realize the extent of the national and international organization of these groups. (…) I wish I had not learned that politicians are involved, including the world leaders. I wish I had not learned that some of my favorite musicians and film stars may have been involved, that the groups have a hand in deciding who rises to stardom. I wish I had not learned recently that some people who purport to help survivors, including some well-known therapists, religious leaders, and leaders of non-profit groups, are actually members of perpetrator groups with jobs such as spreading disinformation or gathering and silencing survivors who had escaped. I wish that Christianity and Judaism and perhaps other religions had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that various schools of therapy had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that therapists were not teaching self-help techniques which are actually program triggers (…) I wish I did not know all this. (Alison Miller, 2018)


Over the last decades thousands of therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, witnesses, survivors – here from the age of 2 ½years of age up to 99+years of age – have been speaking out about the atrocities, carried out in any government in the whole world.[10]

Latest here it is (again) necessary to stress, that MK ultra or SRA related crimes are committed by supranational organized groups, most often supranational secret services, even if the victims or perpetrator-victims may identify themselves as “Jews”, “Christians”, “Liberals”, “Right-Wings”, “Left-Wings”, “Nazis”, “Zionists” etc., which is mostly part of their programming, and gets latest visible in the (local) power centers, where all are working together.




Since 2011ff, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea, has urgently requested that her now 10-year-old son, Sadegh Dara Rubens (*20.02.2009), be thoroughly examined via MRI/CT/nuclear-medical scans on the basis of serious suspicions that her son has been subjected to – ongoing – torture since at least 2011.

The reports of Dara Rubens Sadegh, which were sent in writing to the District Court of BG Hernals/Vienna, Judge MMag. Konrad Kubiczek[11] and also the public prosecutor’s office of Vienna, prosecution officer Mag. Petra Freh[12], and also the police department of Wattgasse/Vienna, Manfred Miksits[13], Graz Youth welfare Department (CPS)[14] and others[15] – contained reports mostly accompanied by horrendous flashbacks of the then 2 ½-year-old toddler ranging from physical violence and rapes to ritual violence and waterboarding. In detail, these involved: rapes (oral and anal), the hunting of the child, use of drugs, use of medical torture (experiments with light, loud noises, destruction of the inner genitals, drilling/piercing the tooth root), ridicule & mockery (being laughed at during the torture), being buried alive, being subjected to waterboarding, spinning, heat and cold (e.g. forced to wear a ski suit in summer), working as a child prostitute (ballet dress, swimming trunks, makeup, high-heeled shoes, customers, money), being conditioned using torture (the child repeatedly hits himself on the head with one hand, while pulling his hair with the other and practices “looking happy” and “laughing” by saying “ha ha”, while his carotid artery is visible over his entire neck as he tries to grin), sudden changes of personality, vows, pledges, oaths (satanic components) and near-death experiences: in sum, the then 2 ½-year-old victim reported physical, psychic, spiritual and mental abuse. Subsequently, even after the Austrian government took custody of the child, there were further signs of torture on him after 2012, as well as sensory deprivation programming in 2015, all of which became unmistakably evident during the supervised visits of the mother, Andrea Sadegh[16], to her son, and were brought to court even then – without success. This kind of torture is known in the specialist literature as “ritual abuse” and also as “trauma-based mind control” or “MK-Ultra”.


This crime, which, due to the horrendous lifelong injuries of the children, can only be carried out under state protection, is defined by one expert as follows: “Ritual abuse can be defined as a wide variety of very different crimes, whose common denominator ultimately simply consists of extreme sadism, together with a certain continuity and systematic methods.” Noblitt & Perskin, quoting Hans Ulrich Gresch.“

(Source: – „Sadegh Case Cover-Up“)

  •  [17] This continuity and systematic approach – as outlined by the psychologist Dr. Hans Ulrich Gresch and compared with his book „Unsichtbare Ketten (Invisible Chains)[18]„, which was repeatedly sent to the courts and the authorities – is escalating MK Ultra into the systematic torture-based training of future executives who are prepared for their respective jobs during their entire „childhood“. Regarding the activity profile of these MK Ultra concerned (MK-ed ones), the reading of „Svali“ is recommended. Svali, the writer of several articles and books is a double academic who was active as a trauma trainer, officially as a teacher, in just such criminal networks, describing in detail career paths of MK-ed ones, depicting that MK-ed ones are needed in any level of society, in any profession, etc.[19]. Thus, not surprisingly, one finds world-wide in politics, media, management, authorities, so also in courts and public prosecutor’s offices and secret services an extremely high density of MK-ed ones.


  • Due to the special history of Austria – since the Habsburg Monarchy the country was used as the military arm of the Jesuits[20], alongside countless Masonic lodges (O.T.O. was founded in Vienna, among other happenings) – Austria has been a stronghold of this crime, most lately since the transfer of the SS Medical Academy from Berlin to Graz in 1941. This academy has, of course, never been closed, and therefore Austria enjoys international prestige in secret service circles (…). Austrian sportsmen, politicians, transgender programmed, university professors, priests especially out of the Catholic churches, etc. – there is not one area in which MK Ultra is not applied.


Back to the Sadegh case:

The young Sadegh Dara Rubens, who was able to recognize the letters of the ABC and name them as well was able to read his first words aged 1 1/2year old, identified and named 72+ perpetrators[21] between 2011 and 2012[22], yet the appellant’s intensive research on the perpetrator networks led not only to a „governmental child removal“ without a court order on 13 February 2012, without any examination of the young Sadegh Dara Rubens, as well without a police parade with the recognized and named perpetrators, but also to an „entanglement delirium“ of the Austrian judiciary and school medicine/health care system. These actions were patronized above all by the Austrian secret services[23], while the appellant was repeatedly assassinated in a manner that threatened her life, both at home and abroad. These assassinations are ongoing and keep damaging her health severely[24].


In 2011/12, entanglements (between perpetrator networks and Austrian authorities) were already apparent, all cases and incidents have been fully reported to the Austrian authorities, so far without any result: this form of negligence and complicity is described as common practice in MK ultra-cases in international literature worldwide, more important for the appellant, this led to the fact, that her beloved son Sadegh Dara Rubens was never forensically examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically as asked since 2011ff:

  • Tailbone/Pelvis/Sacrum
  • Brain
  • Inner Genitals
  • Teeth Roots, Palate; Jawbones
  • Scars from pressed out cigarettes on the arm/body of MJ, scars from torture on the soles of feet, hands, fingers/toenails from needles, etc.
  • Examination of the ears (deafness or loss of hearing)
  • Eyes
  • in principle, of the entire body of the child, compare torture protocol for the medical clarification of (covert) torture by the „United Nations“, including internal organs, as specified in the „Istanbul Protocol”
  • as well as for a psychiatric clarification regarding DID/MPD (deliberately induced dissociative identity disorder, multiple personality disorder)




Name Research suggests about them so far Committed crimes as told by Sadegh Dara Rubens (Former) Address/Working place (if known)
Angelo-Drapal Mag., Katharina Psychologist, most probably under MK ultra[27] and SRA related crimes herself. Katharina Angelo-Drapal is known to have beaten Sadegh Dara Rubens while pregnant with her son, Maximilian, born 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal Mag., Martin Worked for the Austrian Conservative Party (ÖVP, now Liste Sebastian Kurz) as a lobbyist. Most probably under MK ultra. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal, Sarah Their daughter, born around 2009, who had to join the torture crimes against the young Sadegh Dara Rubens (“perpetrator programming”) – under total MK ultra. Was a “friend” from Sadegh Dara Rubens from pre-school “Waldhuette”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Albrecht dipl. Päd., Ulli Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Barthholomay, Ernest Neighbor in 2011 – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Bartl Mag., Irmgard Wife of Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav sen. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav jun. Physician and (former) drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in Austrian famous rehab “Grüner Kreis” – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Both – he and Farrokh Sadegh – stayed in contact with each other. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bartl Dr. med, Gustav sen. University professor and Eye specialist. Most probably under MK ultra himself, most probably directly programmed by the Nazi doctors, even more probable that he is a MK ultra-programmer himself, as eye specialists are massively needed (compare research of Dr. Josef Mengele) Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA as well tortured him with a kind of lawnmower – the happenings with the lawnmower never could get fully revealed A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Mag., Nicole Wife of Bartl Dr. med, Gustav jun. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bretterklieber, Marianne Official mother of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea, therefore official grandmother of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Fully under total MK. Unclear family roots, seemingly out of a Nazi post war Lebensborn institution. All of her children /grandchildren are under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, as well according to the child, she always told him, that he will have to live with his father, he will not be allowed to live with the appellant, ie. his mother A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Bretterklieber, Walter Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Rapes and group penetration orally and anally –also reported of having smashed semen into the face of the child, while beating the child “cumpanda” A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Brueckner-Sernetz dipl. Päd, Petra Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Niece of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Dalsasso, Doris Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Dolezal, Franziska & daughter Anna Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Seemingly is working for Austrian intelligence, veiled as a single mother working in the social field. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Torture-based convincing the child, that she would be his mum, also done via placing the young child in the back of a car (dissociation training), then “saving” him, etc. waterboarding, forcing the child to cunnilingus, etc. A-1220 Vienna, Rudolf Nurejev Promenade 1/4/7
Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Marguerite Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active members of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. She together with her husband, Scheer Prof. Dr. med Peter was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT / CT / nuclear medically / psychiatrically. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Ender, Thomas Works or worked for Austrian Green Party in Vorarlberg (West Austria) – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Erker-Kutschera MA, Stefanie Fully under total MK. Secret Service official, working for US, Austrian and supra-national services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Gartlgruber Mag., Georg Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Carat Austria, A-1020 Vienna, Trabrennstraße 2A
Glawar DI, Gunther Nephew of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working place: Knapp AG, A-8075 Hart bei Graz, Günter-Knapp-Strasse 5-7
Glawar-Fuchsgruber Mag. Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as Sadegh Dara Rubens fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Felber, Ursula Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Fries Mag. Johannes Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Presented himself as the legitimate “grandpa” of the young Sadegh Dara A-3494 Brunn im Felde, Loiserstrasse 52a
Hausar Mag., Birgit Lawyer and teacher – Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Kanzlei Dr. Gerald Hausar, A-1010 Kärntner Ring 2
Hoell, Corinna Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1180 Vienna, Gentzgasse 14/5/1-2
Hofmann-Kutschera, Mag. Andrea Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Gudrun Fully under total MK in the Jesuit tradition. Gave several hints. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Sarah Fully under total MK. Daughter of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Benjamin Fully under total MK. Son of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Käfer, Claudia & daughter Anna Fully under total MK. Less is known about her daughter Anna. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: A-8054 Graz, Bahnhofstraße 1
Kathlein, Elisabeth Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kathlein´s friend and neighbor – name unknown Fully under total MK. Retired authority official. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kaufmann, Hubert Fully under total MK. Programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Has been working as a janitor. Baby prostitution client – so of the 2year old Sadegh Dara Working Place: Janitor in A-8054 Graz, Martinghofstraße 10
Klocker Mag., Walter MK-ed Austrian intelligence official – Fully under total MK. He was captured several times from the appellant, also conducting health damaging murder attempts. According to his type of programming, he seemingly is a torture knight, responsible for extreme brutal intelligence “jobs”. Gave hints to the appellant. Is not able to hold his personalities – his programming is extreme visible. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Official working address:, A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 3/3/16
Kloihofer Mag., Silvia Fully under total MK, most probably connected to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Koch, Victor Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Koch, Robert Fully under total MK. Teacher and friend of Farrokh Sadegh. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Austrian Society for Systemic Family Therapy (ÖAS), A-1010 Vienna, Esslinggasse 17/2
Kratky Dr. DI, Alexander Nephew, most probably son, of grand lodge master and university professor, Dr. Hartmut Beister, Munic/Germany – Fully under total MK in the Nazi/Thule tradition – “high level programming”. At least one of their children with Kratky Dr. med Irene died seemingly due to MK ultra-torture. Targeted the appellant via E-Mail. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Technical University Vienna, A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Kratky Dr. med., Irene Fully under total MK, her parents are physicians from infamous Graz/Styria/Austria, known to be the dependence of the SS academy of Nazi-physicians. Wife of Alexander. Lost at least one child to MK ultra-programming. Is or has been working at infamous Lainz Hospital/Vienna known for underground MK facilities. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: Lainz Hospital Vienna, A-1130 Wolkensbergerstraße 1
Kuehboeck, Adriana Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself, as according to her own words, she grew up in a children´s care home in former East Europe. Presented herself as a targeted individual towards the appellant. Seemingly tried to make a deal on the back of the young Dara Sadegh and the appellant to get out of targeting, which she endured for years. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kuehboeck Mag. Gloria Daughter of Kuehboeck Adriana, last name unknown. Master degree in arts (piano) – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kutschera, Dr. Gundl Fully under total MK, programmed directly by the Nazi-elite. Deeply connected to Austrian and US intelligence services as well as to mercenary companies, creating, buying and selling “super soldiers”, therefore also to Russia. All of her 3 children are massively overprogrammed. Opened her institute with alternative coaching and counseling techniques in Austria, after first court trials in the US started in the early 90ies. Deeply involved in programming as well in re-programming of victims/survivors. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Kutschera, Mag. Stephan Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lackner, Hermann Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA/MI6, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. Her father, later Dr. Scholz Anthony, was one of the toddlers landing at Liverpool train station (Jewish children trains flying the Nazis without their parents), who then were MK-ed in Britain by British government, to later go on torture-based programming their own children, so his daughter, Mag. Lauppert-Scholz, Kathrin Ruth. She then took care, that also her own children underwent MK ultra. Was lecturing at university of Graz. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lauppert Mag., Egon Fully under total MK, husband of Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – was reported to have been extremely brutal. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lemaire MBA, Frederick Fully under total MK. His father, a diplomat of Belgian origin, left Belgium after the Dutroux- affair became public to retire in Austria. MBA in business, self-employed, connected to Bulgaria in terms of work. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Naimer, Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Mayerhofer, Christian Drug addict – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – extreme brutal. Working Place: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, A-1010 Vienna, Schillerplatz 3
Mitteräcker Mag., Alexander Son of Oscar Bronner wo is a Mossad/CIA official, veiled as a newspaper publisher, whose best friend is the former Federal President Dr. Fischer Heinz – Fully under total MK in the Israeli tradition. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Mueller, Sabine Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Paril, Cornelia Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Technical University Vienna, Library Programmer; A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Pfleger, Renate Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Tried to delete traces by talking with the appellant as a neighbor, after the happenings became visible in spring/summer 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Pfleger, NN Neighbor in 2011, husband of Pfleger, Renate. Retired authority official, working in infamous district court BG Hernals/Vienna. Most probably under MK ultra or SRA – seemingly programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Prokopetz Ing (HTL), Harald Fully under total MK in post-war programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Rauscher, Gerhard Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Former friend of Sadegh Dara Rubens and the appellant as former neighbors in Neuwaldegger Straße 57. His nickname was “BumBum” because of his knocking on the door. Without having seen a university from inside as a student, he is working with high level physicians within the “implant” technologic sector. The young Dara Sadegh loved him a lot, so the betrayal of him towards the child is beyond imagination. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, according to the child, first the child was beaten because of their friendship, then beaten from him (betrayal training) as well, he was the one who literally “fucked out the letters of the ABC” of the mouth of the young Sadegh Dara i.e. oral penetration to destroy the self-worth of the child, who was before told to present to the group his knowledge of the ABC. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Reiterer, Claudia Short term pre-school teacher of the young Sadegh Dara Rubens – Fully under total MK, most probably in the SRA tradition. Did everything possible to injure the child during his stay in “Kindergarten” to later blame the appellant. Does not have a professional education as a pre-school teacher but was visiting a 6-months course, which is common in Austria. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Private Pre-school “Waldhütte”, A-1170 Vienna, Dornbacherstrasse 93
Rosenauer Mag., Stefan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Riegler Ing. (HTL), Helmut Valentin Fully under total MK, seemingly SSP (secret space program) related. Official brother of the appellant and official uncle of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working place: District Authority Muerzzuschlag, Department for Water; A-8680 Muerzzuschlag, Wiener Strasse 9
Riegler, Nicole Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Riegler, Sebastian Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Schmatz Mag. (FH), Stephan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Danube University Krems, A-3500 Krems, Dr. Karl Dorrek Strasse 30
Sadegh-Eslami, Farrokh Fully under total MK. Intelligence official, officially from Persia, most probably hired by Mossad/CIA/supranational agencies. Is a specialist in torturing during basic mind fracture. He is operating worldwide as a torture knight, specialized in para-psychological aspects of programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; veiled as the official father of the child, he was organizing several happenings ranging from baby prostitution, waterboarding, “cumpanda” -beatings, etc., “experimentations” as well initiating close death experiences with Sadegh Dara Rubens. A-1190 Vienna, Strassergasse 47/9/6
Sapper, Stephanie Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schaller, Sigrun Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Peter Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. He together with his wife, Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med Marguerite was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically. Intimidated the appellant and the child (trigger with “clinic clowns” that were sent into the hospital. Well acquainted with all Jewish perpetrators. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Schmelzer, Alexander Actor – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place:, A-3011 Neu-Purkersdorf
Schuh, Andrea Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schuh Ing (HTL), Hubert Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. A-1220 Vienna, Pilotengasse
Smolik, Renate Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Stöcher, Mathias Son of a “Hofrat” (i.e. title in Austrian authorities, “privy councilor”) in an Austrian Ministry – Fully under total MK, and programmed to be a pedo-criminal, pervert. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, mentioned to have been extremely brutal Working Place: Der Standard, A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Strobl-Jeoulli, Sonja Fully under total MK, most probably connected to intelligence offices, as she was born and raised in Tunisia, according to her own telling. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Tepper Prof. DDr. med., Gabor Fully under total MK, MK ultra-programmer himself, codename “Oka”. Freemason, youngest university professor in Austria, graduated with “summa cum laude” – out of a family of intelligence officials out of former Hungary, veiled as Jewish citizens. Overprogrammed – cannot hold alter personas, massive visible MPD. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; (co)programmer, as the child told about that “Oka” was present at every single event, as well torture of the both front teeth of the young child (destruction of the teeth root canal) Working place: Dental University clinic Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Währinger Straße 25a
Vogl-Lang Mag., Caroline Fully under total MK, grew up close to the infamous psychiatric asylum in Graz, now Sigmund Freud clinic, where MK ultra-programming and experiments took place on an industrial scale. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, A-1010 Vienna, Stubenring 1
Vretscha Mag., Andreas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, reported to have been extremely brutal to the young Sadegh Dara Working place: Mediacom, 1120 Vienna, Wienerbergstraße
Wallner-Tschirk, Ute G. Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wambacher, Thomas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wolff-Suchanek Mag., Alina Fully under total MK. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Very obvious trained to be a “handler”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA – tried to stop the torture crimes at one point. According to the young child, she was “most lovely, lovely, lovely” to him, as she said “stop, Farrokh, stop, stop” during “ouch”, which was the code-word for torture crimes when the child was 2 ½ years old. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Zeisberger, Oliver Fully under total MK. I living close to Marianne and Walter Bretterklieber, most probably he has ongoingly and open access to the child. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Austria Broadcasting Corporation, Styria: A-8042 Graz, Marburger Straße 20
Ziai Mag. (FH), Azra Daughter of an “Iranian diplomat” (i.e. secret service official), former drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in “Grüner Kreis”, were married to him for a few months – Fully under total MK. Contacted the appellant to try to delete traces, also connected to Russian services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA
Zink, Herta Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, presented herself as the legitimate “grandma” of the young Sadegh Dara Working Place: Think Zinc, A-1030 Vienna, Rabenhof
Zwettler, Michael Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14

End of list[28].




  • A lot of perpetrators are needed, especially for the “basis mind fracture” of the concerned children, most often toddlers. Basis mind fracture subsumes the first torture acts against the children, to receive as many “personality splits” as possible, to then later program these splits into fully functional “alter personas”, which do have different biographies, likes and dislikes, even different native languages, different eye-colors, etc. – a single person will never be able to create MPD (deliberate caused multiple personality disorders) on a child.
  •  Perpetrators from all backgrounds of society guarantee that these perpetrators will infiltrate their personal as well their career networks to either influence general population or to strategically entangle their respective networks.
  • Well known from scientific literature but also from several whistleblowers worldwide is, that some are invited to parties, or huge (local) “celeb events”, where drugs are smuggled into drinks, to then later find out, that these drugs caused them to torture and/or sacrifice babies, toddlers and children. Either they go to the next police station to hand themselves in or – they are entangled for the rest of their lives, as every single act of aggression – mostly – against a baby, toddler or child is filmed in great detail, showing (drugged) perpetrators in action. Most of them will be asked to hand in their offspring for MK ultra later on.
  • Many of the perpetrators are MK-ed or under SRA themselves. From time to time it is necessary to let them commit further crimes, meaning to keep them in the perpetrator role, as without getting triggers in their programmed roles, also perpetrators could find healing.
  • Visible on this short list, representing the average perpetrators, that without the participation from employees from (supra)national intelligence officials – Austrian intelligence, French intelligence, Mossad/CIA, Nazi/CIA, MI6, Iranian, Belgium services – as well from the health care industry no such crime could get hidden in any way, as the affected toddlers and children do show massive signs and symptoms of being tortured – this during their whole childhood.
  • The presence of toddlers and children of perpetrators is used to train them to become perpetrators on their own later on. This is necessary to hold down their victims lifelong, for the perpetrator parents this guarantee, that even at a high age, their offspring will take care, that they will not see courts or jail. So, also Sadegh Dara Rubens has been reporting that children had to injure him.
  • Therefore, whenever MK ultra or SRA torture crimes are committed, one has to search for multiple child-victims (the appellant´s son was mentioning that he was not the only child who suffered torture crimes) as well in terms of the perpetrators, in case they do have children, one can be sure, that these children are almost always MK-ed themselves.
  • It is necessary to state here again, that these crimes are also well-hidden because of their brutality, a “normal” human being is not even able to think of. Therefore, the more brutal these crimes, the better hidden they are. “Normal” human beings will not be able to read this appeal in full, as by just reading this appeal, they might be driven into post-traumatic flashback symptoms, or would rather suggest, that the appellant or any scientist dealing with these issues is totally insane. These reactions are also described by American psychiatrists, stating, that they – as specialists – would need therapy for themselves to be able to help their own adult clients during their childhood reports. On concerned children these happenings are even more difficult to bear, therefore millions of cases are most often merely reported as “sexual” abuse cases to authorities.
  • Also, it is important to state, that these above-mentioned perpetrators almost always are committing ongoingly these crimes against babies, toddlers, and children, the young Sadegh Dara Rubens is merely one of their victims, as already stated. Therefore, it is not about shaming, blaming or “revenge” or similar low motives that drives the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea to mention their participation in the crime, but her duty as a loving mother and citizen to at least make it more difficult for them, to reach out for further babies, toddlers, and children, as well to give their own offspring the chance to break the circle of torture crimes and silence when adults.



The appellant had returned from Norway in early December 2018, where she tried to build up again her existence to be able to support her beloved son, but had to return due to severe multiple murder attempts in Norway, partly conducted by Austrian secret service, partly by unknown supranational intelligence officials. She then received at the beginning of January 2019 pictorial material of her then 10-year-old son sent to her, officially as a letter from the child to his mother in which he wished her a Merry Christmas in January 2019 and further commented that he would be fine with „Grandma and Grandpa“ (Marianne and Walter Bretterklieber), while the attached picture showed the not even 10-year-old child with all of his adult teeth missing. [29]/[30]

In this letter the child also refers to his subsequently deleted YouTube channel[31], which contained videos from Autumn 2018 in which the child, visibly suffering massive pain and shock after torture because of his teeth, is not able to speak age-appropriately, instead of using a „German“ High German. This use of dialect suggests his MK ultra-programmers are from Germany since it can be absolutely excluded that foster parents or even teachers speak a „German“ High German in rural Hausmannstätten near Graz; even the appellant is only able to speak „Austrian“ High German even though she is a Germanist and a literary scholar.

A few days before receiving this letter, the applicant’s repeated research had revealed further close connections between perpetrator groups and the Austrian judiciary[32]. As all of this occurred, further assassination attempts were made against the applicant, a scientist and activist against extreme abuse and torture on toddlers and children worldwide, who has successfully run the network against torture on toddlers and children for years,

Whenever Mag. Riegler, Andrea does bring new (massive) evidence to the Austrian jurisdiction, either an “expert administration/expert lunacy” or murder attempts are following, while the Austrian court system is allowing known perpetrators groups to go on with the crimes especially against the child Sadegh, Dara Rubens, while Austrian prosecution offices are merely stating in written, that there would be “no initial suspicion”, therefore no investigation would be conducted – the health state of the child Sadegh, Dara Rubens is deteriorating massively according to pictures found online, most severe after the loss of – all – his adult teeth not even aged 10.

According to the “Istanbul Protocol of the United Nations – Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” – published 2004, “white” torture as well as mutilations – like taking out the teeth or causing the loss of all teeth via electroshocks, castration through the destruction of the inner genitals, etc. – are well-known forms of torture that can get tracked and traced one´s whole life[33].

While the appellant as a scientist was doing intense forensically research for her beloved son, Austrian courts were eager to either ignore her writings or to claim, she would be insane/would need an expert lunacy report – this without having ever examined the child in detail over MRT/CT/nuclear medical examination/psychiatrically:

The first expert lunacy report was ruled as an “error” by the head of district court BG Innere Stadt/Vienna/Austria, Mag. Schmidt Ulrike, in 2015, after being able to prove that judge Dr. Zeitler, Michaela was faking court reports, nevertheless, all further evidence has been ignored so far. This expert administration came about suggestively in 2013, in that the Austrian courts never investigated the child Sadegh, Dara Rubens, and with no genuine evidence concluded that „the child had nothing, it was a well-supported, intelligent child“, and that the scientist and mother of the child, must be „mentally ill“. The child was never examined via MRI/CT/nuclear medicine or psychiatrically, and the countless applications for investigation, providing new evidence by the scientist and mother of the child, here the appellant, Riegler Andrea, were ignored every time. The application for the first assessment came from the Civil Rights Court ZRS Vienna under the judge, Konstanze Thau, who is married to the psychiatrist, Prof. Dr. Kenneth Thau: both also are offering psychologically motivated classes in their spare time and have been mentioned several times by protecting parents as „assessment administrator stimulators” – meaning as soon as a protective parent reports to courts and/or police regarding their tortured children, judge Konstanze Thau recommends an “assessment” of the protective parent:

  • Here it is now indispensable to know that in crimes such as MK Ultra, medical doctors, especially psychiatrists, are always the main perpetrators. Without their professional expertise no torture-based programming, as it is called in specialist jargon, is possible. In the English-speaking world, there are several psychiatrists and psychologists who express their professional opinions on these practices, warning the population and governments worldwide against them. (compare above all the psychiatrist Dr. Colin A. med. Ross, who, in addition to extensively published specialist literature, has also founded his own institute on this subject, see
  •  Contrary to habits of the USA, it should also be noted that in Austria the MK Ultra agendas are less in the hands of the military and the secret services, but directly in the hands of the Austrian medical profession and judiciary. This is to be attributed to the presence of the SS Medical Academy in Graz, as well to Dr. Sigmund Freud, one of the first known “MK Ultra” doctors here in Austria. The unlimited power of these two professional groups became visible in the Nuremberg war crimes trials, where practically not a single conviction of the medical profession was pronounced and not a single judge was convicted.

In the Sadegh case, the suggestive circumstance has now[34] come to light that the mentioned psychiatrist, Dr. Kenneth Thau, is even being promoted by Dr. Lansky Gabriel’s law firm. In the Sadegh case, this law firm represents “Jewish” perpetrators and is also known as the law firm of the deep state with close contacts to Mossad/CIA. Out of the 72 perpetrators identified by Sadegh Dara Rubens, 6 perpetrators are “Jewish” and this law firm represents 4 officially. Six such perpetrators are: Mag. Mitteräcker Alexander (son of the Mossad/CIA secret service agent Oscar Bronner, who is one of the best friends of former Federal President Dr. Fischer Heinz, seemingly in the role of an “Austrian Jeffrey Epstein[35]”); Prof. Dr. med. Tepper Gabor; Prof. Dr. med. Scheer, Peter; and Prof. Dr. med. Dunitz-Scheer, Marguerite; as well as Mag. Scholz-Lauppert Kathrin and her husband, Mag. Lauppert Egon: the latter four suing the applicant under the patronage of and with the official Jewish Congregation of Austria, seemingly to make the appellant look anti-Semitic, what is a further crime, as she herself is at least 10% Jewish, fighting also for Jewish toddlers and children in MK ultra/SRA/child trafficking cases[36].

  • For a better understanding, it has to be pointed out again that in MK Ultra the respective secret services stick together on a supranational level and execute orders from the supranational secret service. In 2011, the child Sadegh Dara Rubens already reported that officially „Jewish“ perpetrators have committed torture on him hand in hand, i.e. together with National Socialist perpetrators – such as the Kutschera Institute, which has ample contacts with American secret services[37]. In her two books „The Enslaved Queen“ and „White Witch in a Black Robe“, Wendy Hoffman, a Jewish therapist and MK Ultra survivor, also describes that, growing up as a Jewish child of a Jewish lawyer in New York/USA, she had already been sold by her father to Dr. Josef Mengele (the infamous concentration camp physician) in the early 1940s as a small child (long before the war ended). The technical jargon speaks of a cooperation between Nazi/CIA and Mossad/CIA, clarifying the cooperation of supranational secret services, since at present the strings always run together at the CIA. Others subsume this organization as „Illuminati“.
  •  Besides the horrendous child abuse of the Catholic Church and the bestial human experiments of the Nazis, it has become internationally known especially in the last months that it is „trendy “ among rich Israelis at present to book „torture vacations“, partly because of their own „MK Ultra revenge programming“ (see „Nakam“), and partly in order to keep up with the “social developments” of a perverted „elite“, as is standard practice worldwide in all (“religious”) belief systems. In 2011, the child Sadegh Dara Rubens already showed signs of having been tortured in a (former) concentration camp; naturally, conclusions are drawn about the lively interest of the Viennese Jewish religious congregation in taking part as a joint plaintiff in the Sadegh case merely because they are named on the website According to international experts, these toddlers and child torture packages are booked and paid for on a flat-rate basis, and impunity is always guaranteed in the respective country. Hundreds of Jewish whistleblowers are currently desperately trying to draw attention to the MK Ultra programming that is widespread in Judaism worldwide and Jewish victims are regarded as enormously important witnesses, worldwide, who even had their own publishing house – the Karnac Publishing House in London – as their mouthpiece until the sale of this very publishing house in 2017. 


Back to the Sadegh case:

After the government-organized child abduction in 2012 on the grounds of an alleged „danger in progress“, (initiated without the presence of a doctor or judge by employees of the Youth Welfare Office Graz as well as the non-medical staff of the University Clinic Graz), the applicant was not only stalked by secret services but also psychiatrically examined only months later by Dr. Lenzinger, Elisabeth, who was sent from court to check the mental state as well the parenting abilities of the mother, without having seen the applicant together with her beloved son. At the same time, the husband of the certified sworn expert was affected by a repeated company bankruptcy, but more importantly, is precisely this certified sworn expert, Dr. Lenzinger Elisabeth personally known to the perpetrator circles (Mag. Alexander Mitteräcker, Prof. DDr. Gabor Tepper, as well former employers of the appellant) in the Sadegh case and was repeatedly brought to court by Andrea Riegler. Dr. Lenzinger’s expert opinion[38] was submitted to American professors in 2015 and could not even be „nullified “ due to the massively poor quality of the expert opinion since the horrendous quality of the expert opinion would speak for itself, as already brought to court by the applicant in 2012, since the expert opinion is more reminiscent of a creative collage than of an expert opinion.[39]

In 2013 it was proven that Dr. Zeitler Michaela, BG Innere Stadt, had falsified court records. Prof. Dr. Pakesch, Georg[40], a psychiatric expert of the Republic of Austria who is himself affected by MK Ultra, was „sexually“ aroused during the descriptions of the torture injuries of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens in conversation with the child’s mother, a scientist and the applicant for this appeal, while he greedily sucked up all the details about the suffering of the 2 1/2-year-old toddler. All courts and „experts“ have – repeatedly – „accidentally“ failed to verify the assumption that the child’s scientist mother was mentally ill by finally conducting a comprehensive examination of the applicant’s son in conventional medicine, as well as a police confrontation with the identified and named perpetrators.

While the child’s mother and scientist, Mag. Riegler Andrea – who not only has a profound education as a text scientist (master’s degree in Comparative Literature, German Studies), but also as an academically certified market and opinion researcher, trainer, coach as well as a life and social counselor – continued to hand in complaints with descriptions of severe torture committed on the child in governmental care after the boy was taken, as well as about murder attempts, (partly with handing in the names to courts when the secret service officials were recognized), since October 2012 accompanied by scientific literature on this subjects, literally every petition for evidence „stimulated“ a new administration of expert opinions or the new evidence got lost or ignored, while the appellant’s beloved son underwent even more and more bestial torture in the Nazi tradition “The more you speak the more we are going to torture your beloved child.”

The fact that the applicant seamlessly resumed her job as a trainer in adult education – for the Austrian Ministry of Labor – immediately after the child was taken until the end of 2014 is particularly notable: if the applicant had been so severely mentally ill as described by psychiatric sworn experts in 2012/2013, she would not have been able to lead groups with complex backgrounds or to coach them, just as she would not be able to live and work in foreign countries (London/UK: 2013/2014, Asia: 2016, Norway: 2017-2018, etc.).

The background of these “lunacy trials” are necessary to understand, that with them, the appellant – despite she is an excellent and internationally appreciated specialist, scientist and researcher – she was made deliberately an “outlaw” by the Austrian judiciary and health care system: Every act of aggression (rape, torture, murder attack, “Zersetzung”, poisoning, burglaries, etc.) are interpreted that the appellant would have “an episode” within her alleged “mental illness”. More important, as soon as the appellant is reporting to courts about the ongoing torture of her beloved son, so the loss of ALL his adult teeth (causing severe problems on a soul level, on a development level, also on a career level, etc.), courts are – ongoingly – answering with a “lunacy order” for the appellant, without ever having the child Sadegh Dara Rubens examined in great detail over MRT/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically – this since 2011ff – or with the one and only sentence “there would be no initial suspicion in this case”[41]/[42].



To be able to understand the procedure shortly, it is, unfortunately, necessary to point out that these networks operate within the states worldwide via „fragmentation“, so not only the psyche of the affected toddlers and children is fragmented, but also the petitions for evidence and court proceedings. The Sadegh case is now in the following courts – dismissed, nearly always containing only one single sentence: “there is no initial suspicion in this case”:

List of courts/prosecution offices/authorities/governmentally funded help centers, involved in the cover-up of the case:

Case File Name of Court/Prosecution Office/Authority Responsible Judge/Prosecution Officer/Authority Official
3PS177/09[43]p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad
3PS177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Klammer, Mag. NN (judge in training)
3PU177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Gattermann, Andrea
1C19/10m Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Kohlendorfer, Mag. Beate
24E7811/10v Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Reichmann, Gabriele
D2/297252/2011 Police Inspectorate Vienna, LKA ASt West – EB03, A-1160 Vienna, Wattgasse 15 Miksits, Manfred
September 2011 (no file number available) Youth Welfare Department of the City of Vienna Rötzergasse DSA Vodrazka
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Freh, Mag. Petra
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pulker, Mag. Dagmar
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Abel, Hildegard


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Krumpholz, Wilma


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Sixt, Helmut


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Gilbers Mag (FH), Nadine


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Till, Daniela


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Macho, BA. Katrin


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Knopper-Spari, Waltraud


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Lorenz, Brigitte


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Schabler, Mag. Markus
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – psychologist department Wonisch-Schneider, Mag. Petra
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – Head of CPS Graz Krammer, Mag. Ingrid
A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Juranek Dr., Elisabeth


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Götz, Dr. Barbara


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Neubauer Mag. Sabine
A6-2624/2011/KO/VE Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz – child support department A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Haumann, Dorothea
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Walisch, Gabriella


2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Drees Mag., Renate
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Sollhart Mag. Renata
2011 (no file number known) Die Möwe (child protection center), A-1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 9 Zimmerl, Mag. Johanna
130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Höpler-Salat Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weis Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hautz, Mag. Andreas


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
32St56/11b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weiskopf Mag. Claudia
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Laschober, Günter
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Niederl Mag., Tanja
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Danzinger Anna
12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Heinisch-Hosek, dipl. Päd. Gabriele

Valsky, Dr. Julia

12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Valsky, Dr. Julia
2012 (no file number known) Crisis Foster Carers, Verena Sternat, Untergreith 75, 8453 St. Johann in Saggautal Sternat, Verena (crisis foster carers)
2012 Amnesty International, A-1150 Vienna, Moeringgasse 10 N.N.
2012 Help Center for Parents – Children, Eltern-Kind-Begleitunt, SOS Kinderdorf Pinkafeld, 7423 Pinkafeld, Hermann Gmeiner Straße 6 Kalcher, DSA Bernadette
2012 Victim´s Help Network, Weißer-Ring, A-1090 Vienna, Alserbachstraße 18 N.N.
2012 (no file number) District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Mag. Leitgeb RiAA

Ogertschnig Mag, RP

Krainz, Dr RidBG


9.78.596-12 County Administrative Authority, Bezirkshauptmannschaft Graz-Umgebung, A-8021 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Peper Mag. (FH) Knut (social worker)
S120100/13-STR/2012 Austrian Federal President, A-1014 Vienna, Hofburg Fischer, Dr. Heinz
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef

Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna Kollmann, Dr. Oskar

44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
30St218/13i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Braitenberg-Zennenberg, Mag. Iris


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Strebinger, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Zeitler, Dr. Michaela
2013 Amnesty International, WC1X0DW London, 1, Easton Street N.N.
00741/12910/13 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Gottwald Dr. LL.M, Heidemarie (formerly Mendel Dr LL.M, Heidemarie)
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Vasak, MMag. Johanna
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Jocher, Mag. Rudolf
43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stumvoll, Hofrat Dr. Heinrich


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert


Proscution Office against Corruption, Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft Vienna, A-1030 Vienna, Dampfschiffstraße 4 Judge „5“ (anonymous)
2013-2015 Administration Lawyer – A-1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 30 Weiser Dr. Martin
2013-2015 Foster Care Agency, Pflegeelternverein Steiermark, A-8010 Graz, Hilmteichstraße 110 Rauchegger, Mag. Birgit
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Hannes
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Simone
1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Sailer, Hon-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg, Senatspräsident des OGH


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Bydlinski, Univ. Prof Dr. Peter


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurzer, Mag. Raimund


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurdinger, Mag. Dr. Bernhard


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hofer-Zeni-Rennhofer, Dr. Barbara
44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
32Nc80/15b District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
Jv3023/15g District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
27St399/15p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hochhold, Mag. Christina
47UT77/15g Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pree Mag.Tanja
20St186/15x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Rumpold Mag. Arnulf
23UT73/15a Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Doppelhofer Mag. Katharina
15 St113/15z Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bernat Dr., Andreas


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
LVwG20.32-2600/2015 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
DA120/2015-W Disciplinary Court of the Austrian Chamber of physicians, Disziplinaranwalt der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, A-1010 Vienna, Weihburggasse 10-12 Dr. Oskar Maleczky (Disziplinaranwalt)
104Jv1936/15t Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kainc Mag. Julia
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Klackl Hofrat Dr. Michael
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stadlmayr Mag. Beate
42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Laffranque Dr., Julia


42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Spielmann Prof. Dr., Dean
2015ff Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Brandstetter, Dr. Wolfgang (Minister of Justice)
10St210/15b Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Fauler, Mag. Rudolf
Jv3597/15z Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 – HQ Nittel, Hofrätin Dr. Maria-Luise
2015/2016 Constitutional Court, Verfassungsgerichtshof, A-1010 Vienna, Freyung 8 Answer from this court got lost – but it said that there would be no reason for investigate
2015/2016 Polizeipräsidium Wien, A-1010, Schottenring 7-9 Pürstl, Dr. Gerhard Hofrat
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Rehak, Mag. Renate


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Köhler, Dr. Wolfgang


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Lechner, Mag.a. NN


2015-2019 Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Marianne
2015-2019 Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Walter
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Zens, Dr. Hofrat Heinrich
39UT73/16m Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Lattacher, Mag. Günther
Jv366/16y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
2St39/16y Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bubna-Litic Mag. Johanna
Jv431/16x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Mühlbacher, Dr. Thomas (Head of prosecution office Graz)
Jv52758-33a/16 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Juschitz, Mag. Elisabeth
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Krauß, Birgit
LVwG 20.3-475/2016 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Kundegraber Mag. Dr. Erich
43C314/16p District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Hofbauer Mag. Wilma
221PS29/16a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Joeinig-Kogler, Dr. Elke


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
BMJ-Pr912.574/0001_III5/2016 Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Nogratnig, Mag. LL.M. Gerhard
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger, Dr. Herta
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert
45St191/17k Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pausa, Dr. Andrea
2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Prisching, Dr. Wolfgang


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Hochnetz, Dr. Peter


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Inthaler, Mag. Gabriele
Jv54579-33a/17 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
Ziv002002/17-X (X) Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
19Cg31/17f Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schuhmertl, Mag. Christoph
999Cg739/17t Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Dworak Dr. Elfriede
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Greinert, Mag. Doris
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Amon, Anita


70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Winkler, Mag. Birgit
70E4439/17v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
15St75/17f Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kneidinger Mag. Judith
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Rech, Dr. Elisabeth
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Enzinger, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Michael
002002/17-X (X) Justice Recovery Body, Justiz Einbringungsstelle, A-1011 Vienna, Hansestraße 4 Kolbinger, Petra
2.0N1/13/2018 County Admission Styria, A-8020 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Kulmer, Carmen
42UT64/18p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kainz, Mag. Carmen
64E4581/18h District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
70E477/18v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
21UT64/18h Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Mascha, Mag. Bernhard
32Nc61/19i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
32Nc32/19z District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wagner Dr. Brigitte


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
2019: WLA4/4622201171 Austrian Pensioner´s Insurance, A-1021 Vienna, Friedrich-Hillegeist Str. 1 Anonymous Caseworkers
70E4175/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Müller, Martin
201Nc13/19a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 – Head of Court Korschelt, Dr. Andrea
70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Tader, Doris


70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
14St12/19w Public Prosecution Office Graz Wagner, Mag. Reingard
26UT11/19b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Ertl, Mag. Gudrun
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Czerwenka, DSA Theresa
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Schlerka, Mag. Paul
70E5223/19s District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula



More than 130+ government and court employees, i.e. judges and public prosecutors, have been „occupied“ with the Sadegh case since 2011ff, while the child, Sadegh Dara Rubens – who is at the center and has always been – is subjected to further ritual torture as well as to MK Ultra. To this date, the child has never been examined by means of a profound classic medical clarification via MRT/CT/nuclear medicine.


This procedure, (which resembles an unparalleled spectacle of justice in Austria, and has already caused and continues to cause international attention as a „major international case“ in the opinion of international experts), also has a deeper background: the strategic entanglement as already communicated to the courts since 2011ff. Highly educated Austrian judges and medical doctors are not stupid – the case serves to ongoingly entangle judges and authority officials, as well youth welfare employees, police officers to pre-school teachers and schools, further medical doctors, etc.[44]


Years of research and discussions with experts have clearly revealed that in the Sadegh case everything had been planned for decades, which also explains the high proportion of perpetrators from former friends and acquaintances of the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea. These perpetrators had already been recognized and named by the child Sadegh Dara Rubens after being tortured by them in 2011.


A mentally ill patient would have been brought to a psychiatric asylum for good, would not have been able to do excellent research or even writing down the findings on, as well would not have been able to live in foreign countries, work, etc., also, a “normal” citizen, would not have been able to survive these bestial cruelties, as often stated by specialists but also by acquaintances:


The appellant Riegler Andrea is a former MK Ultra victim, who has been used for years – like most of the victims, without knowing it – for top-class secret service operations without payment and without consent, here mainly by the Austrian and US intelligence services and/or their mercenary companies. Afterward, she was used for the creation of an international case of strategic entanglement on the back of the beloved child: she had a childhood in the MK Ultra program, years of torture-based training, especially high-level academic (MK Ultra „Thule programming“ as well as „Wewelsburg programming“), to then be involuntarily inseminated with the semen from an unknown person[45] by an intelligence agent who pretended to be a loving partner/husband, Sadegh-Eslami Farrokh. Subsequently the beloved child of the applicant – as usual – was kidnapped and transferred as „secret service/intel property“ for MK Ultra, which includes torture and years of drill. Multiple applications for paternity tests have already been ignored in the judge’s office of MMag Konrad Kubiczek of BG Hernals/Vienna, who himself is deeply involved in the Sadegh case. The question arises as to why this very judge, who presented himself as the „father“ towards the child in 2011, has strictly refused this paternity test, and since then no other court has wanted to carry out this paternity test.

  • It is important to remember here that these children are filmed during torture and during these „sadistic“ rituals, as are the participants, meaning the perpetrators.
  • It is known from specialist literature that during torture rituals the „real“ biological fathers present themselves to the children as their „fathers“, telling the children the truth about the „real biological genetic“ paternity, which leads to a horrendous confusion of the little ones (…). To add also here, children are exchanged from birth on without any notice on the birth certificate as well as cuckoo children are the norm, most often without the knowing and consent of the mothers.
  • It is well known in the specialist literature that politicians, as well as the leaders of corporations, the media, etc., have to take part in these torture rituals on toddlers and children before they receive these positions and jobs in order to be in the hands of the actual rulers, often called „shadow government“ or „deep state“. (Compare Epstein case, the case of Ronald Bernard, etc.). From these actual cases it is also known that in the upper ranks, children must be fathered as a kind of demonstration of courage and power in order to be accepted into the 33+ degrees.
  •  It is also necessary to remind here, that to keep MK Ultra victims with perpetrator programming in the respective programming again and again – via further crimes – because otherwise, they could find healing. For this, MK Ultra „victims“ are needed, who have to be tortured, stalked and in any case kept existentially low by perpetrators as well as by their offspring for the rest of their lives, and also explains the usual manhunts. It is therefore not surprising that the child Sadegh Dara Rubens also reported on manhunts against him in 2011, as well as on the fact that even toddlers and children known to him personally were present at the torture acts and must have made him „ouch“ (see charges against Riegler Sebastian, Angelo Sarah, as well as against the children of Gudrun Hohenberger Zwettler). Subsequently, the children of the perpetrators as adults are responsible for ensuring that the victims remain silent forever.
  • Many Austrian politicians, judges and public prosecutors are affected by this form of violence in the tradition of MK ultra, as are their international colleagues. The bestial cruelty with which the Austrian judiciary has left the highly talented and intelligent child Sadegh Dara Rubens to himself and to his torturers since his infancy bears witness to the state of MK -ed ones within the Austrian judiciary: Judges and Prosecution officers under MK Ultra either cannot look into the case, because the child’s suffering unconsciously reminds them of their own suffering, or do not want to look, because they have been programmed to be perpetrators.



List of known physicians involved to cover-up the case:

Name Year Address Description
Gröhs Dr. med. Barbara 2009-2011 A-1170 Vienna, Rupertusplatz 2/1 Child physician of Sadegh Dara before and after his basis mind fracture.
Atteneder-Tischler, Dr. Verena 2010, 2011 A-1170 Vienna General practitioner of Sadegh Dara as well of the appellant Riegler, Andrea.[46]
Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 During a 14 day long stay in the Klinikum Graz in December 2011, Dr. Peter Scheer refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[47]


Dunitz-Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Marguerite 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[48] This physician is specialized on eating disorders on toddlers and children, which are almost always an issue of MK-ed ones, after having had to suffer hunger, eating feces, drinking urine or even eating raw meat of unknown origin, etc.
Stepan, Dr. Alexandra 2011 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Made a first assessment of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea without noticing any psychiatric illnesses[49].
Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga 2011-2012


A-8054 Graz, Kärntner Straße 410/1 Short term local child physician of the minor after leaving Vienna[50].
N.N. 2011, 2012 Regional (governmental) Dental Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 After the Klinikum Graz refused to have the minor examined, the appellant tried to have her son´s front teeth, x-rayed, as the tooth root canals of both teeth, were pricked with a needle, as often in MK ultra and SRA-torture cases[51].
Lenzinger, Dr. Elisabeth 2012 A-1090 Vienna, Van Swietengasse 2 Made a second examination of the appellant, after the child Sadegh Dara Rubens was taken. Diagnosed the appellant, without ordering an examination of the minor as schizophrenic lunatic, with no chance to heal[52].
Breisach, Dr. med. Georg 2012 A-8530 Deutschlandsberg, F. Henriettenstraße 4 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tockner, Dr. Armin 2012 A-8454 Arnfels, Hauptplatz 17 General practicioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tomberger, Dr. Otmar 2012 A- 8455Oberhaag, Oberhaag 200 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family “Sternat”.
Pommer, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8662 St. Barbara im Mürztal, Breitenfeldstraße 9 Dentist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Schalk, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 3 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Maierhofer, Dr. Birgitta 2013 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstr 29 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pinter, Dr. Oliver 2013, 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 21 Eye specialist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Stückler, Dr. Johannes 2013, 2014 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstraße 20a General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pakesch, Dr. med Georg 2013 A-1030 Vienna, Neulinggasse 18/11 Court-ordered expert opinion about the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea[53].
Götz, Dr. Georg 2014 A-8682 Mürzzuschlag, Neubaugasse 12 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.


Felbinger, Dr. Michael 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Stadtpl. 2 Eye doctor of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Raith, Dr. Johann 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wienerstraße 21 Radiologist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
No data available 2015 No data available No data available
No data available 2016 No data available No data available
Zotter, Dr. Heinz 2017 A-8042 Graz, St. Peter Hauptstraße 29 Not only a physician for children but also a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz[54].
Sohnle, Dr. Christian 2017 A-8071 Hausmannstätten, Hauptstraße 42 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
N.N. 2017 Regional (governmental) Eye Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 Eye specialists from there were examining Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
No data available 2018 No data available No data available
No data available 2019 No data available No data available
No data available 2020 No data available No data available




Austria is a hotspot of MK Ultra due to the National Socialist home base, as well as the Jesuit military base. There is no other country of the world where the density of people affected by MK Ultra is so high, especially among officials – as numerous witness statements historically prove[55].

In no other country in the world do psychiatrists have such access and influence on the lives and thinking of ordinary citizens, which has led to more and more corruption, open torture of small children (compare, alongside the Sadegh case, the hush money affair of the „Weisser Ring“ and the „SPÖ“ (Austrian Socialist Party) with more than 2.000 infants affected by torture in 2013/2014[56]) and most recently to the dissolution of the Austrian government – see „Ibiza affair[57]„. This country is therefore extremely attractive for international secret services which, as briefly explained, cooperate on a supranational level – in the Sadegh case above all visible as Nazi/CIA and Mossad/CIA, as well as for „child porn torture tourism“.


Nonetheless, torture and slavery are extremely serious crimes that are not subject to a statute of limitations in Austria, therefore the appellant is calling the Den Haag prosecution office as Austrian courts are unlikely to sentence themselves for genocide/crimes against humanity. Also, it is more cost-efficient for the Austrian government to pay for further murder assassinations and torture crimes than to pay for damages and reparations: Lifelong torture, lifelong exploitation and „manhunts“ by secret services or special units of secret services, sabotage of de facto all professional careers, destruction of property, health, insemination with the semen of an unknown person (applications for evidence on the „biological“ father can be submitted in particular, also with names) during upright marriage/partnership with a secret service employee, governmental abduction and destruction of the child for MK Ultra, years of torture, neurological damage by laser weapons and microwave weapons, poisoning, in addition to mental “erosion” via techniques of „operative psychology“ (e.g. the desperate begging for help and the crying for his mum of her beloved son was played even into her short-term home in Norway via white noises), known primarily under „Zersetzung“, which can kill a victim, as it is – for a human being and loving mother – nearly not bearable. Everyone not under MK ultra and programmed for this role, like the appellant, would commit suicide[58].


Some international specialists also suggest, that the role the appellant, Riegler Mag. Andrea is forced to fulfill, because of her beloved son, is also used to “promote” this kind of Austrian MK ultra super-soldier program and later “sell” her type of MK ultra-programming internationally, to force other small toddler girls into the same or similar paths[59].


A complete investigation of the child via MRI/CT/nuclear medicine, including a police parade with the 72+ named and known perpetrators (out of health care, secret service, mainstream media, with close ties to politics), would have solved the case completely as early as 2011. Without detailed examinations of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens, the courts have been turning in circles for years now – at the taxpayers‘ expense – and allowing the further destruction/mutilations of the child (compare – all – the missing adult teeth of the child not even 10 years old) as well as the destruction of the child’s mother and scientist, Mag. Riegler Andrea, who is currently (?) in early retirement for health reasons (neurological issues), after the survival of several murder attempts.


More importantly, however, the appellant would like to explicitly point out again, that every individual who has received torture-based MK Ultra programming has life-long scars – here especially coccyx/pelvis, brain stem, teeth/tooth root canal/palate, eyes, ears, soles of the feet, inner genitals, (missing) glands – which can be proven life-long by MRI/CT/nuclear medical examinations. Therefore, the scientific statements of the appellant, scientist, and mother of the child, Mag. Riegler Andrea, are entirely provable, unfortunately not a conspiracy theory of a lunatic.



SUMMARY (as known by the appellant, February 16th, 2020) | APPEAL FOR INVESTIGATION IN TERMS OF


Article 6: GENOCIDE 
(letter b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Mutilations of the child Sadegh Dara in terms of pelvis/tailbone/sacrum, inner genitals, teeth
Mutilation of the appellant in terms of pelvis/tailbone/sacrum and other torture techniques happened before 2002, but also after 2002 by several murder attempts which led to massive neurological issues on the brain. The scars and injuries of these attacks on the brain, also would get visible during an MRT/CT/nuclear medical examination.
(letter c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Due to the mutilations of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens, alone in terms of the loss of all his adult teeth, he might not be able to have an (academic) career, etc., especially as he is ongoingly tortured until now, 2020.
Due to severe health issues, the appellant is not able to work on a regular basis, therefore, has an average income of 15.600,- Euro a year, while paying full alimony[60] [!] as well while paying damage payments – 20.000, -Euro – for mentioning the Jewish perpetrators on the website Her monthly income is, therefore, around 760,- Euro.
(letter d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
The child Sadegh Dara Rubens was castrated (destruction of inner genitals, chemically, etc.) and told, that he would never be able to get children on his own, as well he now would be a “girlie”.
The appellant Riegler, Mag. Andrea was not able to give birth to other children after her beloved son was taken, as in Austria it is a rule, that when a mother has lost one child due to governmental kidnapping, all other children will be taken.
(letter e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
The child Sadegh Dara Rubens was always transferred and placed within the perpetrator networks. The crisis foster carers, Verena Sternat is deeply involved in Satanism, the crisis foster carers, family Hartl, are involved in Satanism/Masonry as well, as well the foster carers Bretterklieber, who always had access to the child without any interruption are directly connected to Austrian MK ultra.



(letter c) Enslavement
Sadegh Dara Rubens is enslaved in so many ways, on one hand as an MK ultra-slave, on the other hand, used for child (porn) trafficking.
The appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea has been used as an MK-ed trauma-based mind control slaves over years.
(letter d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population
Sadegh Dara Rubens was deported from his protective mother Riegler, Mag. Andrea and forcible transferred from one “foster” place to the next.
Riegler, Mag. Andrea, who does not know her real parents, has been forced to leave Austria several times, because of murder attempts.
(letter f) Torture
Sadegh Dara Rubens has described many torture events in great detail, mostly within horrible flashbacks. Due to children’s movies (close death experience) or children´s picture dictionaries, he was able to tell his mother, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea as follows:

·        Waterboarding

·        “Sexual” abuse, anally and orally

·        (“cumpanda”) beatings

·        Forced to eat feces and to drink urine

·        Held captive in small cages, back of a car

·        Blunt trauma injuries, caused by various means (pliers, needles, cigarettes, candles)

·        Buried alive

·        Electroshocks

·        Destruction of ears and eyes

·        Deliberate destruction of his abilities, so to know the ABC, by raping him (“fucking out of his mouth the letters”) after proudly presenting his knowledge and his ability to read at that age.

·        Teeth root canal torture at around age 2, then removal of all his adult teeth in 2018

·        Etc.

·        This while being mocked and laughed at partly with perpetrators wearing masks, deprived of his loving mum, and being told, that his mum wants him to suffer, does not love him, etc.

The appellant Riegler, Mag. Andrea (after 2002) experienced a lot of torture, at one hand to “start” the case, on the other hand, to keep her from doing research, writing, etc.

·        Destruction of front teeth in 2003

·        Rapes

·        Insemination with the semen from an unknown person, while being in a relationship/marriage with intel official Sadegh Eslami Farrokh

·        Poisoning

·        Torture endured in terms of “Zersetzung”, on one hand via white noises (the begging and crying of her beloved son was played into her short-term home, even in a hidden Norwegian Fjord town), as well by contacting her as “helpers”: So, one of the torture knights of her son (as well as of herself), Johann Bigl, was sitting in her flat discussing how to help the appellants son. This form of erosion of the soul is the most dangerous form of torture, as it is not visible, but leads to killing its victims on a soul level.

·        Military weapons like microwave and laser weapons, which almost always were directed to the brain of the appellant, as a scientist to destroy her decade-long academic education for good.

·        Both the appellant and her son do have an extremely tight bond, still, so the appellant often realizes, when her son is being tortured. This connection of both of them is known by the perpetrators, and more and more destroyed[61].

(letter g) rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity
Sadegh Dara Rubens was castrated in 2011 as well was forced into baby prostitution on several occasions. In one alter (compare multiple personality disorder) he is or was brilliantly trained to be a “mentally disabled baby prostitute”, who “enjoys” these happenings.
·        The appellant – even after 2002 – was used for breeding experiments, here the 6-week-pregnancies, which are not known in scientific literature so far, but well-known by private researchers and survivors.

·        The appellant was also in the course of 8 years massively drugged, sometimes was waking up with semen between her legs from an unknown person. She now has 2 cameras in her flat, as well as a loft bed, which seemingly makes it more difficult for perpetrators to rape her. Also here is to state, that within supranational agencies, there are high-tech devices, about which, the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea does not want to elaborate here but can get described in detail (according to the knowledge in this point in time) if considered as important by the Den Haag High Prosecution Office.

(letter h) persecution (…)
On one hand, the appellant is persecuted by the Austrian judiciary, on the other hand by Austrian/supra-national intelligence officials.
Most probably, in case the child of the appellant, Sadegh Dara Rubens survives (without being hospitalized for good), he will get even more targeted as an adult, as also here these perpetrator networks are eager to set a cruel example for speaking out.
(letter k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health
All the above-mentioned actions against the appellant and her son are causing body injuries, besides mental and physical health issues: Mental health can get healed, but not mutilations. Also, neurological issues due to unknown military technologies have to be considered as mutilations.



To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES[62]
(letter ii) torture
Sadegh Dara Rubens has described many torture events in great detail, mostly within horrible flashbacks. Due to children’s movies (close death experience) or children´s picture dictionaries, he was able to tell his mother, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea as follows:

·        Waterboarding

·        “Sexual” abuse, anally and orally

·        (“cumpanda”) beatings

·        Forced to eat feces and to drink urine

·        Held captive in small cages, back of a car

·        Blunt trauma injuries, caused by various means (pliers, needles, cigarettes, candles)

·        Buried alive

·        Electroshocks

·        Destruction of ears and eyes

·        Deliberate destruction of his abilities, so to know the ABC, by raping him (“fucking out of his mouth the letters”) after proudly presenting his knowledge and his ability to read at that age.

·        Teeth root canal torture at around age 2, then removal of all his adult teeth in 2018

·        Etc.

·        This while being mocked and laughed at partly with perpetrators wearing masks, deprived of his loving mum, and being told, that his mum wants him to suffer, does not love him, etc.

The appellant Riegler, Mag. Andrea (after 2002) experienced a lot of torture, at one hand to “start” the case, on the other hand, to keep her from doing research, writing, etc.

·        Destruction of front teeth in 2003

·        Rapes

·        Insemination with the semen from an unknown person, while being in a relationship/marriage with intel official Sadegh Eslami Farrokh

·        Poisoning

·        Torture endured in terms of “Zersetzung”, on one hand via white noises (the begging and crying of her beloved son was played into her short-term home, even in a hidden Norwegian Fjord town), as well by contacting her as “helpers”: So, one of the torture knights of her son (as well as of herself), intelligence officer Johann Bigl, was sitting in her flat discussing how to help the appellants son. This form of erosion of the soul is the most dangerous form of torture, as it is not visible, but leads to killing its victims on a soul level.

·        Military weapons like microwave and laser weapons, which almost always were directed to the brain of the appellant, as a scientist to destroy her decade-long academic education for good.

·        Both the appellant and her son do have an extremely tight bond, still, so the appellant often realizes, when her son is being tortured. This connection of both of them is known by the perpetrators, and more and more destroyed.

(letter iii) willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to health
Known injuries/mutilations on Sadegh, Dara Rubens:

·        Pelvis/Tailbone/Sacrum

·        Brain/Brain stem scars

·        Teeth root canals, loss of ALL adult teeth

·        Scars from being pricked with needles (foot soles, fingers, fingernails)

·        Scars from destroyed inner genitals (pricked with needles)

·        Scars from burning cigarettes on his arms, etc.

·        Removal of the bulbourethral gland

·        Scars in the anus

·        Loss of hearing abilities

·        Loss of seeing abilities

·        Loss of intellectual abilities (Sadegh Dara war able to know the ABC with 1 ½ year old, shortly was reading his first word)

·        Damage on inner organs (compare Istanbul Protocol)

Known injuries/mutilations on the appellant (Riegler, Mag. Andrea) after 2002:

·        Severe injuries on the brain due to military weapon systems which led to neurological issues

·        Severe loss of intellectual abilities due to the murder attempts – the appellant was partly just lying in the bed, for healing (…)

(letter iv) extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly
  Acts of sabotage or human hunts of intelligence officials caused the loss of several newly renovated flats (often with its interior decoration)
  Destruction of laptops and PCs (8+ so far)
  Destruction of electronic devices
  Destruction of court files, evidence, etc.
  Destruction of the car of the appellant
  Destruction of theft of private belongings
(letter viii) taking of hostages
  The forced removal of the child Sadegh Dara to delete traces is an internationally known way of taking of hostages, to silence protective parents, as well as their children.
(letter x) subjecting persons who are in the power of an adverse party to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind (…)
  Both the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea but more importantly, her beloved son, Sadegh Dara Rubens are mutilated, used for medical and scientific experiments at the same time. Already in 2011, the appellant´s son reported about having been told, to be “an experiment”. On one hand, this is done to get any self-esteem of the children destroyed, on the other hand, it is the truth, as in any important intergenerational MK ultra cases, many scientific experiments are conducted the same time, according to the abilities of their “research material” (here Sadegh, Dara Rubens, and Riegler Mag. Andrea)
(letter xvii) employing poison or poisoned weapons
  The appellant Riegler, Mag. Andrea was several times poisoned since 2012ff.
(letter xviii) employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases (…)
  While being programmed to keep the dissociative state of the victims it is known that gases are used, which gases is out of the appellant´s knowledge. To mention here is that even the 2 ½-year-old son of the appellant knew mask for anesthesia.
(letter xxi) committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment
  Attacks against personal dignity, humiliation or degrading treatment is the main ingredient in MK ultra-programming. On one hand, the children and toddlers are mocked about and laughed at during severe torture (see Sadegh Dara Rubens reports from 2011), partly even theatres are rented for these procedures, as shaming, blaming, ridiculing is a main tool to keep the programs running – on both the perpetrators as well on the victims/survivors.
  Also see the list of involved courts, partly mocking about the child´s suffering.



To end this appeal for investigation, the appellant would like to quote again Alison Miller, in her article out of the book „From the Trenches. A victim and therapist talk about mind control and ritual abuse“ by Wendy Hoffman, Alison Miller (2018, Karnac)

„Things I wish I did not know
Have you ever wondered why mind control and ritual abuse survivors all over the world report the same phenomena? (…) Because perpetrator groups collaborate and teach one another techniques of torturing children, splitting the infant mind, and training mind-controlled victims. It is organized crime. It is psychologically sophisticated organized crime. What else should we call it? Like the Mafia, it runs in families; (…) I did not realize the extent of the national and international organization of these groups. (…) I wish I had not learned that politicians are involved, including the world leaders. I wish I had not learned that some of my favorite musicians and film stars may have been involved, that the groups have a hand in deciding who rises to stardom. I wish I had not learned recently that some people who purport to help survivors, including some well-known therapists, religious leaders, and leaders of non-profit groups, are actually members of perpetrator groups with jobs such as spreading disinformation or gathering and silencing survivors who had escaped. I wish that Christianity and Judaism and perhaps other religions had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that various schools of therapy had not been corrupted and misused by perpetrators. I wish that therapists were not teaching self-help techniques which are actually program triggers (…) I wish I did not know all this.“ (Alison Miller, 2018)




APPELLANT: RIEGLER MAG. ANDREA (*20.11.1971, Graz), also in behalf of her son SADEGH, DARA RUBENS (*20.02.2009, Vienna)



Article 6: GENOCIDE


To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES


Due to the lack of a lawyer since the beginning of the case in 2011ff the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea, is addressing the Office of the Prosecutor in Den Haag herself as a scientist and concerned mother, not as a person familiar with the lawful procedure, as no lawyer can be found to overtake this huge case[63].


The appellant also points out that this appeal will be published on the network site to avoid being killed before the Den Haag High Prosecution Court is able to answer, a well to provide other concerned protective parents with their beloved children some information.



Mag. Riegler Andrea


Enclosures mentioned:

List of recognized Perpetrators by the toddler Sadegh Dara Rubens in 2011-2012

List of involved Austrian governmental officials, judiciary, authorities

List of involved physicians

List of lawyers handing into courts completely different things as agreed upon in writing

Short list of suggested scientific literature as well the Istanbul Protocol of the United Nations – Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” (2004) already were handed in to the DEN HAAG High Prosecution Court within the appellant´s first writing.



Appendix – list of known courts/prosecution offices/authorities/governmentally funded help centers, involved in the cover-up of the case:

Case File Name of Court/Prosecution Office/Authority Responsible Judge/Prosecution Officer/Authority Official
3PS177/09[64]p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad
3PS177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Klammer, Mag. NN (judge in training)
3PU177/09p District Court BG Hernals/Vienna, A-1172 Vienna Kalvarienberggasse 31 Gattermann, Andrea
1C19/10m Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Kohlendorfer, Mag. Beate
24E7811/10v Civil Court BG Döbling, 1190 Vienna, Obersteinergasse 20-22 Reichmann, Gabriele
D2/297252/2011 Police Inspectorate Vienna, LKA ASt West – EB03, A-1160 Vienna, Wattgasse 15 Miksits, Manfred
September 2011 (no file number available) Youth Welfare Department of the City of Vienna Rötzergasse DSA Vodrazka
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Freh, Mag. Petra
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pulker, Mag. Dagmar
207St124/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Abel, Hildegard


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Krumpholz, Wilma


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Sixt, Helmut


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Gilbers Mag (FH), Nadine


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Till, Daniela


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Macho, BA. Katrin


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Knopper-Spari, Waltraud


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Lorenz, Brigitte


JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Schabler, Mag. Markus
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – psychologist department Wonisch-Schneider, Mag. Petra
JAG26224/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – Head of CPS Graz Krammer, Mag. Ingrid
A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Juranek Dr., Elisabeth


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Götz, Dr. Barbara


A6-2624/2011 Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 – law department Neubauer Mag. Sabine
A6-2624/2011/KO/VE Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz – child support department A-8010 Graz, Kaiserfeldgasse 25 Haumann, Dorothea
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Walisch, Gabriella


2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Drees Mag., Renate
2011 (no file number known) Kinderschutz-Zentrum (child protection center) Graz (A-8010 Graz, Mandelstraße 18/II, now A-8010, Griesplatz) Sollhart Mag. Renata
2011 (no file number known) Die Möwe (child protection center), A-1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 9 Zimmerl, Mag. Johanna
130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Höpler-Salat Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weis Mag. Sonja


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hautz, Mag. Andreas


130 Bl 82/11i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Müller-Dachler, Dr. Gabriele
32St56/11b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Weiskopf Mag. Claudia
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Laschober, Günter
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Niederl Mag., Tanja
2012 Foster Care Agency, Jugend am Werk Steiermark, A-8020 Graz, Lendplatz 35 Danzinger Anna
12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Heinisch-Hosek, dipl. Päd. Gabriele


12/2012 Ministry for Women, Bundeskanzleramt, A-1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 3 Valsky, Dr. Julia
2012 (no file number known) Crisis Foster Carers, Verena Sternat, Untergreith 75, 8453 St. Johann in Saggautal Sternat, Verena (crisis foster carers)
2012 Amnesty International, A-1150 Vienna, Moeringgasse 10 N.N.
2012 Help Center for Parents – Children, Eltern-Kind-Begleitunt, SOS Kinderdorf Pinkafeld, 7423 Pinkafeld, Hermann Gmeiner Straße 6 Kalcher, DSA Bernadette
2012 Victim´s Help Network, Weißer-Ring, A-1090 Vienna, Alserbachstraße 18 N.N.
2012 (no file number) District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Mag. Leitgeb RiAA

Ogertschnig Mag, RP

Krainz, Dr RidBG


9.78.596-12 County Administrative Authority, Bezirkshauptmannschaft Graz-Umgebung, A-8021 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Peper Mag. (FH) Knut (social worker)
S120100/13-STR/2012 Austrian Federal President, A-1014 Vienna, Hofburg Fischer, Dr. Heinz
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef

Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna Kollmann, Dr. Oskar

44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R325/12p Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
30St218/13i Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Braitenberg-Zennenberg, Mag. Iris


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Strebinger, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kießwetter, Mag. Susanna
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Ingemarsson, Mag. Iris


44R234/13g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Zeitler, Dr. Michaela
2013 Amnesty International, WC1X0DW London, 1, Easton Street N.N.
00741/12910/13 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Gottwald Dr. LL.M, Heidemarie (formerly Mendel Dr LL.M, Heidemarie)
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Vasak, MMag. Johanna
7P25/13y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Jocher, Mag. Rudolf
43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stumvoll, Hofrat Dr. Heinrich


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R488/13b Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert


Proscution Office against Corruption, Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft Vienna, A-1030 Vienna, Dampfschiffstraße 4 Judge „5“ (anonymous)
2013-2015 Administration Lawyer – A-1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 30 Weiser Dr. Martin
2013-2015 Foster Care Agency, Pflegeelternverein Steiermark, A-8010 Graz, Hilmteichstraße 110 Rauchegger, Mag. Birgit
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Hannes
2013-2015 Foster Carers, A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Grautschenhof 17d Hartl, Simone
1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Sailer, Hon-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg, Senatspräsident des OGH


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Bydlinski, Univ. Prof Dr. Peter


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurzer, Mag. Raimund


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wurdinger, Mag. Dr. Bernhard


1Ob214/14y Supreme Court of Justice, Oberster Gerichtshof (OGH), A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hofer-Zeni-Rennhofer, Dr. Barbara
44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Mangi, Dr. Josef


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Thau, Mag. Konstanze


44R388/14f Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kollmann, Dr. Oskar
32Nc80/15b District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
Jv3023/15g District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
27St399/15p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Hochhold, Mag. Christina
47UT77/15g Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pree Mag.Tanja
20St186/15x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Rumpold Mag. Arnulf
23UT73/15a Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Doppelhofer Mag. Katharina
15 St113/15z Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bernat Dr., Andreas


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea


State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
LVwG20.32-2600/2015 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Rotschädel Dr. Andrea
DA120/2015-W Disciplinary Court of the Austrian Chamber of physicians, Disziplinaranwalt der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, A-1010 Vienna, Weihburggasse 10-12 Dr. Oskar Maleczky (Disziplinaranwalt)
104Jv1936/15t Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Kainc Mag. Julia
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Klackl Hofrat Dr. Michael
038Jv8958/15k Chief Public Prosecutor´s Office, Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien, A-1011 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Stadlmayr Mag. Beate
42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Laffranque Dr., Julia


42610/15 European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, 67075 Strassbourg Cedex. France Spielmann Prof. Dr., Dean
2015ff Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Brandstetter, Dr. Wolfgang (Minister of Justice)
10St210/15b Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Fauler, Mag. Rudolf
Jv3597/15z Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 – HQ Nittel, Hofrätin Dr. Maria-Luise
2016 Constitutional Court, Verfassungsgerichtshof, A-1010 Vienna, Freyung 8 Answer from this court got lost – but it said that there would be no reason for investigate
2015/2016 Polizeipräsidium Wien, A-1010, Schottenring 7-9 Pürstl, Dr. Gerhard Hofrat
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Rehak, Mag. Renate


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Köhler, Dr. Wolfgang


Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Lechner, Mag.a. NN




Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Marianne


Foster Carers, A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51 Bretterklieber, Walter
Ra2015/12/0079 Supreme Administrative Court, Verwaltungsgerichtshof, A-1010, Judenplatz 11 Zens, Dr. Hofrat Heinrich
39UT73/16m Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Lattacher, Mag. Günther
Jv366/16y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike (Head of Court)
2St39/16y Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Bubna-Litic Mag. Johanna
Jv431/16x Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Mühlbacher, Dr. Thomas (Head of prosecution office Graz)
Jv52758-33a/16 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Juschitz, Mag. Elisabeth
11Bl2/16w Public Prosecution Office Graz, A-8010 Graz, Conrad v. Hötzendorf Str. 41-45 Krauß, Birgit
LVwG 20.3-475/2016 State Administrative Court, Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark, A-8010, Salzamtsgasse 3 Kundegraber Mag. Dr. Erich
43C314/16p District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Hofbauer Mag. Wilma
221PS29/16a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 Joeinig-Kogler, Dr. Elke


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter




Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta


Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger Dr. Herta
43R573/16g Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
BMJ-Pr912.574/0001_III5/2016 Ministry of Justice, A-1070 Vienna, Museumstraße 7 Nogratnig, Mag. LL.M. Gerhard
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch, Dr. Peter


43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Hanglberger, Dr. Herta
43R252/17z Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner, Dr. Gert
45St191/17k Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Pausa, Dr. Andrea
2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Prisching, Dr. Wolfgang


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Hochnetz, Dr. Peter


2R57/17t Civil Court for Justice ZRS Graz, 8010 Graz, Marburger Kai 49 Inthaler, Mag. Gabriele
Jv54579-33a/17 Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
Ziv002002/17-X (X) Higher Regional Court, Oberlandesgericht Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 11 Jelinek, Dr. Gerhard
19Cg31/17f Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schuhmertl, Mag. Christoph
999Cg739/17t Commercial Court, Handelsgericht Wien, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Dworak Dr. Elfriede
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Greinert, Mag. Doris
70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Amon, Anita


70E3548/17i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Winkler, Mag. Birgit
70E4439/17v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
15St75/17f Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kneidinger Mag. Judith
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Rech, Dr. Elisabeth
06/032017/2547 Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, A-1010 Vienna, Wollzeile 1/3 Enzinger, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Michael
002002/17-X (X) Justice Recovery Body, Justiz Einbringungsstelle, A-1011 Vienna, Hansestraße 4 Kolbinger, Petra
2.0N1/13/2018 County Admission Styria, A-8020 Graz, Bahnhofgürtel 85 Kulmer, Carmen
42UT64/18p Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Kainz, Mag. Carmen
64E4581/18h District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Lassan, Michaela
70E477/18v District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
21UT64/18h Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Mascha, Mag. Bernhard
32Nc61/19i District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
32Nc32/19z District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Schmidt Mag. Ulrike
43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schuch Dr. Peter


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Wagner Dr. Brigitte


43R452/19t Civil Court of Justice ZRS Wien, 1011 Wien, Schmerlingplatz 11 Schernthanner Dr. Gert
2019: WLA4/4622201171 Austrian Pensioner´s Insurance, A-1021 Vienna, Friedrich-Hillegeist Str. 1 Anonymous Caseworkers
70E4175/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Müller, Martin
201Nc13/19a District Court BG Graz Ost, A-8010 Graz, Radetzkystraße 27 – Head of Court Korschelt, Dr. Andrea
70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Tader, Doris


70E1948/19y District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula
14St12/19w Public Prosecution Office Graz Wagner, Mag. Reingard
26UT11/19b Public Prosecution Office Vienna, A-1080 Vienna, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 Ertl, Mag. Gudrun
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Pöschl, DSA Franz
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Czerwenka, DSA Theresa
05912/12910/19 Administrative Network for Disabled; Vertretungsnetz Erwachsenenvertretung, A-1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 33/2/5 Schlerka, Mag. Paul
70E5223/19s District Court BG Innere Stadt, A-1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 1a Düh, Ursula



Appendix: List of known physicians involved to cover-up the case (again with the same foot-notes):

Name Year Address Description
Gröhs Dr. med. Barbara 2009-2011 A-1170 Vienna, Rupertusplatz 2/1 Child physician of Sadegh Dara before and after his basis mind fracture.


Atteneder-Tischler, Dr. Verena 2010, 2011 A-1170 Vienna General practitioner of Sadegh Dara as well of the appellant Riegler, Andrea.[65]


Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 During a 14 day long stay in the Klinikum Graz in December 2011, Dr. Peter Scheer refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[66]




Dunitz-Scheer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Marguerite 2011, 2012 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Refused to have the child Sadegh Dara examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medically as well was recognized by the minor as one of the perpetrators present at his mind fracture.[67] This physician is specialized on eating disorders on toddlers and children, which are almost always an issue of MK-ed ones, after having had to suffer hunger, eating feces, drinking urine or even eating raw meat of unknown origin, etc.
Stepan, Dr. Alexandra 2011 University hospital, Klinikum Graz, A-8036 Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 1 Made a first assessment of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea without noticing any psychiatric illnesses[68].
Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga 2011-2012


A-8054 Graz, Kärntner Straße 410/1 Short term local child physician of the minor after leaving Vienna[69].
N.N. 2011, 2012 Regional (governmental) Dental Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 After the Klinikum Graz refused to have the minor examined, the appellant tried to have her son´s front teeth, x-rayed, as the tooth root canals of both teeth, were pricked with a needle, as often in MK ultra and SRA-torture cases[70].
Lenzinger, Dr. Elisabeth 2012 A-1090 Vienna, Van Swietengasse 2 Made a second examination of the appellant, after the child Sadegh Dara Rubens was taken. Diagnosed the appellant, without ordering an examination of the minor as schizophrenic lunatic, with no chance to heal[71].
Breisach, Dr. med. Georg 2012 A-8530 Deutschlandsberg, F. Henriettenstraße 4 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tockner, Dr. Armin 2012 A-8454 Arnfels, Hauptplatz 17 General practicioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family.
Tomberger, Dr. Otmar 2012 A- 8455Oberhaag, Oberhaag 200 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in crisis family “Sternat”.
Pommer, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8662 St. Barbara im Mürztal, Breitenfeldstraße 9 Dentist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Schalk, Dr. Andreas 2013 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 3 Child physician of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Maierhofer, Dr. Birgitta 2013 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstr 29 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pinter, Dr. Oliver 2013, 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Str. 21 Eye specialist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Stückler, Dr. Johannes 2013, 2014 A-8684 Spital am Semmering, Bundesstraße 20a General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Pakesch, Dr. med Georg 2013 A-1030 Vienna, Neulinggasse 18/11 Court ordered expert opinion about the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea[72].
Götz, Dr. Georg 2014 A-8682 Mürzzuschlag, Neubaugasse 12 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.


Felbinger, Dr. Michael 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Stadtpl. 2 Eye doctor of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
Raith, Dr. Johann 2014 A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wienerstraße 21 Radiologist of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Hartl”.
No data available 2015 No data available No data available
No data available 2016 No data available No data available
Zotter, Dr. Heinz 2017 A-8042 Graz, St. Peter Hauptstraße 29 Not only a physician for children but also a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz[73].
Sohnle, Dr. Christian 2017 A-8071 Hausmannstätten, Hauptstraße 42 General practitioner of Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
N.N. 2017 Regional (governmental) Eye Clinic; Steiermärkische GKK Zahnambulatorium Graz, A-8010 Graz, Friedrichgase 18 Eye specialists from there were examining Sadegh, Dara Rubens in foster family “Bretterklieber”.
No data available 2018 No data available No data available
No data available 2019 No data available No data available
No data available 2020 No data available No data available





Name Research suggests about them so far Committed crimes as told by Sadegh Dara Rubens (Former) Address/

Working place

(if known)

Angelo-Drapal Mag., Katharina Psychologist, most probably under MK ultra[76] and SRA related crimes herself. Katharina Angelo-Drapal is known to have beaten Sadegh Dara Rubens while pregnant with her son, Maximilian, born 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal Mag., Martin Worked for the Austrian Conservative Party (ÖVP, now Liste Sebastian Kurz) as a lobbyist. Most probably under MK ultra. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Angelo-Drapal, Sarah Their daughter, born around 2009, who had to join the torture crimes against the young Sadegh Dara Rubens (“perpetrator programming”) – under total MK ultra. Was a “friend” from Sadegh Dara Rubens from pre-school “Waldhuette”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Vienna, Seeböckgasse
Albrecht dipl. Päd., Ulli Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Barthholomay, Ernest Neighbor in 2011 – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Bartl Mag., Irmgard Wife of Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav sen. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Prof. Dr. med, Gustav jun. Physician and (former) drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in Austrian famous rehab “Grüner Kreis” – most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Both – he and Farrokh Sadegh – stayed in contact with each other. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bartl Dr. med, Gustav sen. University professor and Eye specialist. Most probably under MK ultra himself, most probably directly programmed by the Nazi doctors, even more probable that he is a MK ultra-programmer himself, as eye specialists are massively needed (compare research of Dr. Josef Mengele) Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA as well tortured him with a kind of lawnmower – the happenings with the lawnmower never could get fully revealed A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan Straße 49
Bartl Mag., Nicole Wife of Bartl Dr. med, Gustav jun. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-7203 Wiesen, Hauptplatz 14
Bretterklieber, Marianne Official mother of the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea, therefore official grandmother of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Fully under total MK. Unclear family roots, seemingly out of a Nazi post war Lebensborn institution. All of her children /grandchildren are under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, as well according to the child, she always told him, that he will have to live with his father, he will not be allowed to live with the appellant, ie. his mother A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Bretterklieber, Walter Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Rapes and group penetration orally and anally –also reported of having smashed semen into the face of the child, while beating the child “cumpanda” A-8071 Hausmannstätten near Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 51
Brueckner-Sernetz dipl. Päd, Petra Pre-school teacher and coach, trainer, consultant. Niece of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Dalsasso, Doris Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Dolezal, Franziska & daughter Anna Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Seemingly is working for Austrian intelligence, veiled as a single mother working in the social field. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Torture-based convincing the child, that she would be his mum, also done via placing the young child in the back of a car (dissociation training), then “saving” him, etc. waterboarding, forcing the child to cunnilingus, etc. A-1220 Vienna, Rudolf Nurejev Promenade 1/4/7
Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Marguerite Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active members of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. She together with her husband, Scheer Prof. Dr. med Peter was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT / CT / nuclear medically / psychiatrically. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Ender, Thomas Works or worked for Austrian Green Party in Vorarlberg (West Austria) – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Erker-Kutschera MA, Stefanie Fully under total MK. Secret Service official, working for US, Austrian and supra-national services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Gartlgruber Mag., Georg Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Carat Austria, A-1020 Vienna, Trabrennstraße 2A
Glawar DI, Gunther Nephew of Kutschera Dr. Gundl. Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Nazi/CIA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working place: Knapp AG, A-8075 Hart bei Graz, Günter-Knapp-Strasse 5-7
Glawar-Fuchsgruber Mag. Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as Sadegh Dara Rubens fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Felber, Ursula Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-8071 Hausmannstätten bei Graz, Hühnerbergstraße 53
Fries Mag. Johannes Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Presented himself as the legitimate “grandpa” of the young Sadegh Dara A-3494 Brunn im Felde, Loiserstrasse 52a
Hausar Mag., Birgit Lawyer and teacher – Fully under total MK, most probably linked to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Kanzlei Dr. Gerald Hausar, A-1010 Kärntner Ring 2
Hoell, Corinna Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1180 Vienna, Gentzgasse 14/5/1-2
Hofmann-Kutschera, Mag. Andrea Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Gudrun Fully under total MK in the Jesuit tradition. Gave several hints. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Sarah Fully under total MK. Daughter of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Hohenberger-Zwettler, Benjamin Fully under total MK. Son of Hohenberger-Zwettler Gudrun Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14
Käfer, Claudia & daughter Anna Fully under total MK. Less is known about her daughter Anna. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: A-8054 Graz, Bahnhofstraße 1
Kathlein, Elisabeth Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kathlein´s friend and neighbor – name unknown Fully under total MK. Retired authority official. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kaufmann, Hubert Fully under total MK. Programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Has been working as a janitor. Baby prostitution client – so of the 2year old Sadegh Dara Working Place: Janitor in A-8054 Graz, Martinghofstraße 10
Klocker Mag., Walter MK-ed Austrian intelligence official – Fully under total MK. He was captured several times from the appellant, also conducting health damaging murder attempts. According to his type of programming, he seemingly is a torture knight, responsible for extreme brutal intelligence “jobs”. Gave hints to the appellant. Is not able to hold his personalities – his programming is extreme visible. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Official working address:, A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 3/3/16
Kloihofer Mag., Silvia Fully under total MK, most probably connected to Austrian intelligence. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Koch, Victor Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Koch, Robert Fully under total MK. Teacher and friend of Farrokh Sadegh. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Austrian Society for Systemic Family Therapy (ÖAS), A-1010 Vienna, Esslinggasse 17/2
Kratky Dr. DI, Alexander Nephew, most probably son, of grand lodge master and university professor, Dr. Hartmut Beister, Munic/Germany – Fully under total MK in the Nazi/Thule tradition – “high level programming”. At least one of their children with Kratky Dr. med Irene died seemingly due to MK ultra-torture. Targeted the appellant via E-Mail. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Technical University Vienna, A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Kratky Dr. med., Irene Fully under total MK, her parents are physicians from infamous Graz/Styria/Austria, known to be the dependence of the SS academy of Nazi-physicians. Wife of Alexander. Lost at least one child to MK ultra-programming. Is or has been working at infamous Lainz Hospital/Vienna known for underground MK facilities. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: Lainz Hospital Vienna, A-1130 Wolkensbergerstraße 1
Kuehboeck, Adriana Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself, as according to her own words, she grew up in a children´s care home in former East Europe. Presented herself as a targeted individual towards the appellant. Seemingly tried to make a deal on the back of the young Dara Sadegh and the appellant to get out of targeting, which she endured for years. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kuehboeck Mag. Gloria Daughter of Kuehboeck Adriana, last name unknown. Master degree in arts (piano) – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Kutschera, Dr. Gundl Fully under total MK, programmed directly by the Nazi-elite. Deeply connected to Austrian and US intelligence services as well as to mercenary companies, creating, buying and selling “super soldiers”, therefore also to Russia. All of her 3 children are massively overprogrammed. Opened her institute with alternative coaching and counseling techniques in Austria, after first court trials in the US started in the early 90ies. Deeply involved in programming as well in re-programming of victims/survivors. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Kutschera, Mag. Stephan Fully under total MK, not related to Dr. Kutschera, Gundl, but working for her. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lackner, Hermann Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA/MI6, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. Her father, later Dr. Scholz Anthony, was one of the toddlers landing at Liverpool train station (Jewish children trains flying the Nazis without their parents), who then were MK-ed in Britain by British government, to later go on torture-based programming their own children, so his daughter, Mag. Lauppert-Scholz, Kathrin Ruth. She then took care, that also her own children underwent MK ultra. Was lecturing at university of Graz. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lauppert Mag., Egon Fully under total MK, husband of Lauppert-Scholz Mag., Kathrin. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – was reported to have been extremely brutal. A-8045 Graz, Rossegg 41
Lemaire MBA, Frederick Fully under total MK. His father, a diplomat of Belgian origin, left Belgium after the Dutroux- affair became public to retire in Austria. MBA in business, self-employed, connected to Bulgaria in terms of work. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1190 Vienna, Döblinger Hauptstraße 30
Naimer, Claudia Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Mayerhofer, Christian Drug addict – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. The young Sadegh Dara Rubens got panic attacks because of severe torture, including “cumpanda” (beating and torture of a child while releasing semen on the face of the child) – extreme brutal. Working Place: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, A-1010 Vienna, Schillerplatz 3
Mitteräcker Mag., Alexander Son of Oscar Bronner wo is a Mossad/CIA official, veiled as a newspaper publisher, whose best friend is the former Federal President Dr. Fischer Heinz – Fully under total MK in the Israeli tradition. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Mueller, Sabine Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Paril, Cornelia Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, in detail mentioned by Sadegh Dara Rubens because of the brutality. Working Place: Technical University Vienna, Library Programmer; A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Pfleger, Renate Neighbor in 2011 – Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes herself. Tried to delete traces by talking with the appellant as a neighbor, after the happenings became visible in spring/summer 2011. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Pfleger, NN Neighbor in 2011, husband of Pfleger, Renate. Retired authority official, working in infamous district court BG Hernals/Vienna. Most probably under MK ultra or SRA – seemingly programmed to be a pedo-criminal. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 55
Prokopetz Ing (HTL), Harald Fully under total MK in post-war programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Rauscher, Gerhard Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Former friend of Sadegh Dara Rubens and the appellant as former neighbors in Neuwaldegger Straße 57. His nickname was “BumBum” because of his knocking on the door. Without having seen a university from inside as a student, he is working with high level physicians within the “implant” technologic sector. The young Dara Sadegh loved him a lot, so the betrayal of him towards the child is beyond imagination. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, according to the child, first the child was beaten because of their friendship, then beaten from him (betrayal training) as well, he was the one who literally “fucked out the letters of the ABC” of the mouth of the young Sadegh Dara i.e. oral penetration to destroy the self-worth of the child, who was before told to present to the group his knowledge of the ABC. A-1170 Vienna, Neuwaldegger Straße 57
Reiterer, Claudia Short term pre-school teacher of the young Sadegh Dara Rubens – Fully under total MK, most probably in the SRA tradition. Did everything possible to injure the child during his stay in “Kindergarten” to later blame the appellant. Does not have a professional education as a pre-school teacher but was visiting a 6-months course, which is common in Austria. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Private Pre-school “Waldhütte”, A-1170 Vienna, Dornbacherstrasse 93
Rosenauer Mag., Stefan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Riegler Ing. (HTL), Helmut Valentin Fully under total MK, seemingly SSP (secret space program) related. Official brother of the appellant and official uncle of Sadegh Dara Rubens. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working place: District Authority Muerzzuschlag, Department for Water; A-8680 Muerzzuschlag, Wiener Strasse 9
Riegler, Nicole Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Riegler, Sebastian Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. A-8650 Kindberg, Ungerfeldgasse
Schmatz Mag. (FH), Stephan Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA. Working Place: Danube University Krems, A-3500 Krems, Dr. Karl Dorrek Strasse 30
Sadegh-Eslami, Farrokh Fully under total MK. Intelligence official, officially from Persia, most probably hired by Mossad/CIA/supranational agencies. Is a specialist in torturing during basic mind fracture. He is operating worldwide as a torture knight, specialized in para-psychological aspects of programming. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; veiled as the official father of the child, he was organizing several happenings ranging from baby prostitution, waterboarding, “cumpanda” -beatings, etc., “experimentations” as well initiating close death experiences with Sadegh Dara Rubens. A-1190 Vienna, Strassergasse 47/9/6
Sapper, Stephanie Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schaller, Sigrun Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Scheer Prof. Dr. med., Peter Fully under total MK, connected to Mossad/CIA, veiled as active member of the “Austrian Jewish congregation”. He together with his wife, Dunitz-Scheer Prof. Dr. med Marguerite was responsible for not having the young Sadegh Dara examined in great detail over MRT/CT/nuclear medically/psychiatrically. Intimidated the appellant and the child (trigger with “clinic clowns” that were sent into the hospital. Well acquainted with all Jewish perpetrators. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working place: University clinic, children´s department Graz, A-8036 Auenbrugger Platz 1
Schmelzer, Alexander Actor – Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place:, A-3011 Neu-Purkersdorf
Schuh, Andrea Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Schuh Ing (HTL), Hubert Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. A-1220 Vienna, Pilotengasse
Smolik, Renate Fully under total MK, with more focus on SRA. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Stöcher, Mathias Son of a “Hofrat” (i.e. title in Austrian authorities, “privy councilor”) in an Austrian Ministry – Fully under total MK, and programmed to be a pedo-criminal, pervert. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, mentioned to have been extremely brutal Working Place: Der Standard, A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Strobl-Jeoulli, Sonja Fully under total MK, most probably connected to intelligence offices, as she was born and raised in Tunisia, according to her own telling. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Tepper Prof. DDr. med., Gabor Fully under total MK, MK ultra-programmer himself, codename “Oka”. Freemason, youngest university professor in Austria, graduated with “summa cum laude” – out of a family of intelligence officials out of former Hungary, veiled as Jewish citizens. Overprogrammed – cannot hold alter personas, massive visible MPD. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA; (co)programmer, as the child told about that “Oka” was present at every single event, as well torture of the both front teeth of the young child (destruction of the teeth root canal) Working place: Dental University clinic Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Währinger Straße 25a
Vogl-Lang Mag., Caroline Fully under total MK, grew up close to the infamous psychiatric asylum in Graz, now Sigmund Freud clinic, where MK ultra-programming and experiments took place on an industrial scale. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, A-1010 Vienna, Stubenring 1
Vretscha Mag., Andreas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, reported to have been extremely brutal to the young Sadegh Dara Working place: Mediacom, 1120 Vienna, Wienerbergstraße
Wallner-Tschirk, Ute G. Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wambacher, Thomas Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, extremely brutal torture against the child, according to Sadegh Dara Rubens, as he fainted seeing pictures of this perpetrator. Working Place: Institut Kutschera, A-1060 Vienna, Eisvoglgasse 1
Wolff-Suchanek Mag., Alina Fully under total MK. Lycée Francais de Vienne (intel) network. Very obvious trained to be a “handler”. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA – tried to stop the torture crimes at one point. According to the young child, she was “most lovely, lovely, lovely” to him, as she said “stop, Farrokh, stop, stop” during “ouch”, which was the code-word for torture crimes when the child was 2 ½ years old. Working Place: A-1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 19-21
Zeisberger, Oliver Fully under total MK. I living close to Marianne and Walter Bretterklieber, most probably he has ongoingly and open access to the child. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA Working Place: Austria Broadcasting Corporation, Styria: A-8042 Graz, Marburger Straße 20
Ziai Mag. (FH), Azra Daughter of an “Iranian diplomat” (i.e. secret service official), former drug addict, met Farrokh Sadegh in “Grüner Kreis”, were married to him for a few months – Fully under total MK. Contacted the appellant to try to delete traces, also connected to Russian services. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA
Zink, Herta Fully under total MK. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA, presented herself as the legitimate “grandma” of the young Sadegh Dara Working Place: Think Zinc, A-1030 Vienna, Rabenhof
Zwettler, Michael Most probably under MK ultra and SRA related crimes himself. Torturer during his basic mind fracture i.e. SRA A-1160 Wien, Gaullachergasse 61/14




As the young Sadegh Dara has been ongoingly used for ritual torture crimes and MK ultra the list of the perpetrators by now is – most probably – outstanding, not even imaginable.





Name & Address Known happenings so far (as of February 2020)
Soyer, Dr. Richard

A-1010 Vienna, Kärntner Ring 6

Being a former employer and “friend of the family” Soyer, Dr. Richard refused to overtake the case in summer 2011. Soyer, Dr. Richard was not even willing to talk to the appellant personally. In the meantime, he got his job as an university professor (manus manum lavat) as well, the appellant found out that he was the lawyer of the leading prosecution officers who were reported to courts already in the infamous “Natascha Kampusch” case. He is deeply involved in Austrian masonry/secret service/MK ultra-agenda. Both his children, now adults, underwent MK ultra perpetrator trainings.


Embacher, Mag. Wilfried

A-1040 Vienna

More shocking was the fact, that the former fiancée of the appellant, Embacher, Mag. Wilfried was also denying to overtake the case in summer 2011, even refused to pick up the phone, while the appellant and her beloved son were in imminent danger. Besides being specialized on immigration law, he works for the Austrian Green party as a representative at the governmental broadcasting corporation, ORF: He is – for sure MK-ed himself, his father was a later Nazi doctor – seemingly much longer in the perpetrator role, than assumed by the appellant, but as these happenings were before 2002, they might be not of legal importance.
Lehofer, Dr. Bernhard

Law Firm Dr. Hans Lehofer

A-8010 Graz, Kalchberggasse 8

Recommended in 2011 to the appellant, as this lawyer would be specialized in extreme abuse cases, it soon turned out that one of his best mates has been DI Glawar Gunther, the nephew of Kutschera, Dr. Gundl (both perpetrators in the Sadegh case, recognized by the toddler Sadegh Dara Rubens). After talking to Glawar Gunther, he decided to not overtake the case. His father Lehofer, Dr. Hans, is deeply involved in Nazi MK ultra in the city of Graz, in the meantime Lehofer, Dr. Bernhard, is overtaking cases to defend perpetrators, so of MK-ed sportsman Seisenbacher, Peter, who “accidentally” also “trained” the children of Soyer, Dr. Richard in Judo.
Palkovits, Dr. Manfred

Law Firm Kafka, Dr. Erich and Palkovits, Dr. Manfred

A-1013 Vienna, Rudolfsplatz 12

Took over the court case in 2012, recommended from an employer of the appellant, Matejka, Edith, who herself – as turned out later – is a personal acquaintance of youth welfare case worker Abel, Hildegard, deeply involved in the Sadegh case. Palkovits, Dr. Manfred handed into court – without permission or having talked about it – the waiver of parental custody of the minor. The appellant immediately corrected this “mistake”, then was mocked from Palkovits Dr. Manfred, that it does not matter, as there would be nothing lost, as the case was about nothing of worth [!]. Also, the responsible judge Kubiczek MMag. Konrad was mocking about this situation, while the appellant had to stay focused on her beloved son and his needs, already in the crisis family.


ARAG Law Insurance Company

A-1041 Vienna, Favoritenstraße 36

Insurance Number: R750633727, starting in 2002


This insurance company first denied representation of the appellant in terms of the Sadegh case in 2012, to then cancel the contract – in midst of the several court trials on 13th of April 2013. This unlawful behavior was reported to courts without answer. The founder of the ARAG law insurance company is a proud mason.
Scholz, Mag. Dr. Gerald

A-1010 Vienna, Johannesgasse 2/36A

Before, in 2013 after demanding from the ARAG insurance company to recommend a lawyer as no lawyer dared to overtake the case, Scholz, Mag. Dr. Gerald was recommended: He was extremely eager to get the Sadegh case files, to then – again – bring something to courts, what was not agreed upon: The former employer of the appellant, after the appellant was reporting to courts that Matejka, Edith was acquainted with Hildegard Abel, not only sacked the appellant without notice, but never, until February 2020 paid her the full salary. Scholz, Dr. Gerald was eager to confirm to the law firm of Palkovits/Kafka that the appellant, Riegler, Mag. Andrea would waive on the money, about 1.000,- Euro at least.


Krasser, Dr. Alexander

A-1040 Vienna, Prinz Eugen Straße 76/8

This lawyer was recommended by the father´s rights movement and contacted in early February 2013. Well educated about MK ultra and SRA crimes, he was extremely eager to get all the case files, as well was spending lots of time to talk with the appellant, seemingly to get more detailed information. When a fixed court date was approaching, he suddenly told the appellant, that he was representing Kutschera, Dr. Gundl and her institute, so he could not meet the deadline for the writing. This betrayal, also legally wrongdoing caused the first “lunacy report” from which on, the appellant and her son were outlaws.
Wagner, Dr. Astrid

A-1010 Vienna, Himmelpfortgasse 10

Willing to overtake the case with all its files in 2014, she recommended to meet psychiatrist Prosenz, Dr. Pius a Nazi with a scar all over his face, also known for riding a horse on the motorway filled up from bottom to top with LSD in younger years. Even passing the MMPI-2 test, and knowing that it is about to stop the torture against the beloved son of Riegler, Mag. Andrea, no further steps were made. Wagner, Dr. Astrid was involved in the infamous Jack Unterweger case, also massively related to SRA and child trafficking, as researched by the appellant years later.
Saschenbrecker, Dr. Thomas

D-76275 Ettingen, Friedrichstraße 2

Specialized on psychiatric law, especially on targeted individuals, he offered help for the appellant in 2015/2016, was soon after killed in 2017.
After this murder no lawyer is daring to overtake the case, as well in terms of betrayal, the appellant does not want to have a representative, as proven over all those years, it is far too dangerous, as Austrian lawyers are organized in masonry/secret service.




[End of Appeal, on page 105]



[1] The term “strategically entanglement” is used to describe the modus operandi prevailing in intelligence agencies, to enable committing a severe crime (murder, torture, mutilations, arson, etc. most often with child victims), guaranteeing that no prosecution will follow, as well – by filming these crimes – to create official and unofficial personnel who will have to follow orders until the rest of their lives. This procedure is known to have started with the Nazis, after the war soon every single agency worldwide was following this strategy. Even before the Nazi era, such procedures were claimed over centuries with hundreds of testimonies, to be conducted either in Freemasonry as well in Satanic groups. In due course, these strategically entangled also do have to hand over their offspring for MK ultra programming.


[2]/3 MK ultra was officially an US-American governmental project to create the “perfect soldier/spy/assassin”, the “Uebermensch” in the Nazi tradition etc. Due to this well-known project, the term is commonly used for trauma-based mind control procedures, conducted by governments themselves, while the term SRA, satanic or sadistic ritual abuse, is commonly used for Satanic or Masonic groups, using the same procedures as in the government projects. It is known, that there is an exchange between governmental groups and “satanic/masonic” groups, as well it is well proven that within MK ultra or trauma-based mind control also black magick/satanic elements are needed, therefore also the term “military SRA” was coined […]

[4] In the Sadegh case this victim-perpetrator circle will become massive visible during the whole case, as many former victims, have been acting as perpetrators as adults. Many of them are even linked to (supra)national agencies, the most horrific example is that of the perpetrator Mag. Lauppert-Scholz, Kathrin Ruth (*born 1972), whose father, later Dr. Scholz Anthony, was one of the toddlers landing at Liverpool train station (Jewish children trains flying the Nazis without their parents), who then were MK-ed in Britain by British government, to later go on torture-based programming their own children, so his daughter, Mag. Lauppert-Scholz, Kathrin Ruth. She then took care, that also her own children underwent MK ultra. In due course, she and her husband, Mag. Lauppert Egon, were recognized as two of the main perpetrators during the torture crimes of Sadegh, Dara Rubens, since age 2. As this family does have double nationalities (Austrian and British) this might be the reason why the appellant was targeted so intensively by British agencies. It can be assumed that Sadegh, Dara Rubens is being or will be targeted by British services as well.


[5] Even Russian president Vladimir Putin was warning that Russia would be able to create “super soldiers” with no mercy, feeling no pain, more terrifying than an atomic bomb. See:, not to mention the loads of scientific literature on this subject.


[6] If the High Prosecution Office in Den Haag would consider to open a bureau for MK ultra and SRA cases worldwide, there would be thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of cases handed in within a few months from all over the world.


[7] Most of the cases are voluntarily, meaning, the parents and/or caregivers are forced or MK-ed to handing over their offspring for torture-based mind control programming, some even before birth […] In Austria as well in the US it is well known, that intelligence agencies are luring the (future) parents into contracts for their children, guaranteeing them, a stellar career in military, judiciary, authorities, etc.


[8] Intergenerational abuse subsumes the fact, that these torture-based mind control programming techniques are handed over from one generation to the next, by torturing their own offspring, to train them, to do so as well with their own offspring later on. Sometimes for programming as well for security reasons, there is a massive exchange of babies, especially within masonic and satanic groups, meaning the babies are transferred from one family into the next, never knowing their biological parents later on, as well the well-known procedure of creating cuckoo children, which on one hand is done for test of courage, demonstration of power within merely freemasonic groups as well for “black magick”/satanic goals. […]

[9] Internationally renowned expert, Alison Miller, in her article out of the book „From the Trenches. A victim and therapist talk about mind control and ritual abuse“ by Wendy Hoffman, Alison Miller (2018, Karnac)

[10] A shortened list of primary and secondary literature on MK ultra, SRA or extreme abuse was already handed into the Den Haag´s High Prosecution Office, together with the “Istanbul Protocol” of the United Nations – Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” (2004).

[11] A full list of courts and judges, dealing with the case will be enlisted in the Appendix. Within the footnotes, only the most important case number will be inserted: district court BG Hernals/Vienna 3 PS 177/09p under judge MMag. Konrad Kubiczek.

[12] Prosecution office Vienna/ 2017 St 124/11-I under prosecution officer Mag. Freh Petra.


[13] Police Inspectorate Vienna, 1160 Vienna, Wattgasse 15 under Police superintendent Manfred Miksits

[14] Youth Welfare Department of the City of Graz (CPS): JAG26224/2011 with most involved case workers in 2011: Hildegard Abel, Wilma Krumpholz, now Macho bac., Katrin (since 2019)


[15] Full list of courts/authorities informed about the torture crimes see Appendix “List of courts, prosecution offices and authorities”.


[16] The appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea, took back her birth name in summer 2019 from Sadegh Eslami: After having found out by chance, where her beloved son was “accommodated”, as via a court order from BG Hernals/Vienna – judge MMag. Kubiczek Konrad, she has been not allowed to know, where her son was placed, as this would have endangered the well-being of “foster-careers” as well the well-being of her son, according to the Youth welfare department Graz. The so far known foster families of Sadegh Dara Rubens were found years later in court files, most probably by accident.

[17] Furthermore, italicized contents of this appeal are used to sketch at least brief excerpts from international specialist literature.


[18] Gresch, Hans Ulrich: Unsichtbare Ketten. Der Missbrauch der Hypnose und anderer Trance-Techniken durch Kriminelle, Sekten und Geheimdienste. Eigenverlag: Nürnberg, 2003


[19] For Svali, among other links, see , as well her far-reaching assistance on


[20] Compare MK-ed psychologist Barnett, Fiona in her book „Eyes Wide Open“ (free download available online under


[21] See full list of recognized/named perpetrators by the young Sadegh, Dara Rubens in 2011/2012, also in the appendix


[22] The named perpetrators recognized by the child are out of health care, physicians, psychologists, therapists, media, secret service with wide and broad connections to Austrian politics, military, ministry of justice, ministry of interior affairs, also well connected to German as well as US-American and British intelligence agencies and universities and have been reported several times since 2011ff. The name list will get described in full detail in a further chapter.


[23] Secret Service officials from Austria, as well numerous intel officials of international agencies are known to the appellant by name and can get fully investigated anytime and will be listed in a separate file in the Appendix. Intelligence officers, that pretend to be civilians, are difficult to spot at first glance. Therefore, the list must be considered as “work in progress”. Also, to mention here, many of the perpetrators recognized by the young Sadegh Dara Rubens, got (in)formal jobs within Austrian intelligence to protect them from prosecution or have been intelligence officials, veiled as civilians even long before the child was even born.


[24] Deliberate electroshocks, poisons, unknown military weapons based on microwave and laser-technologies, etc. have been causing severe neurological damages and injuries, which led to the early pension of the appellant, Riegler Mag. Andrea, so far with beginning of January 2019. Due to ongoing assassinations, the neurological injuries are not able to heal, the appellant is and has been losing a lot of income, which according to her several educations and professional experience should be around at least 90k Euro net a year.

[25] Here it is necessary to stress, that the appellant and mother of the massively injured child, Sadegh Dara Rubens did not know anything about MK ultra or SRA related crimes in 2011f, but realized immediately because of this group of perpetrators, the young Sadegh Dara Rubens was able to name, that something extremely planned and deliberately caused must have happened: Nearly all of the above mentioned perpetrators do have excellent educations as well nearly all of them are in general highly intelligent. Also, this observation was reported to courts in grand detail, resulting in massive attacks from secret services, starting in 2011, when the young Sadegh, Dara Rubens was still living with his protective mother, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea. Also, because of the massive fear of Sadegh, Dara Rubens it has been clear – even without scientific literature that this group ongoingly will repeat the torture on the child to intimidate and silence him. Also as stated by the child, as well by whistleblower Gudrun Hohenberger-Zwettler, there were many more perpetrators present, seemingly former partners of Mag. Riegler Andrea, therefore the list of perpetrators is far not complete, as due to the shock and panic states of the child, the appellant and mother of the child took (unfortunately) care not to overwhelm the beloved child with more pictures of possible perpetrators. The appellant found about the existence of MK ultra and SRA in late October 2012.


[26] Also, the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea wants to state here, that knowing that these perpetrator networks are ongoingly torturing her beloved son, it is extremely challenging to describe the torture-happenings in 2011ff in more details. All known happenings were reported in detail to Austrian courts and can get fully translated (where, when, how, who).


[27] Every individual who has received torture-based MK Ultra programming has life-long scars – here especially coccyx/pelvis, brain stem, teeth/tooth root canal/palate, eyes, ears, soles of the feet, inner genitals, (missing) glands – which can be proven life-long by MRI/CT/nuclear medical examinations. Therefore, the scientific statements of the appellant, scientist and mother of the child, Mag. Riegler Andrea, are entirely provable, unfortunately not a conspiracy theory of a lunatic.

[28] As research results like the above led to severe attacks and murder attempts against the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea, from multiple (supra)national agencies, she is – without protection within a crown witness program not able to do more and in-depth research at the moment.


[29] „Grandma and Grandpa“ Bretterklieber are Walter and Marianne Bretterklieber, both participated in the basic mind fracture torture of the toddler Sadegh Dara Rubens in 2011 and were reported as perpetrators at the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office in 2011, together with other official family members such as Ing. (HTL) Riegler Helmut Valentin and Riegler Nicole as well their son Riegler Sebastian. Since January 2019, an application for a review of the actual family circumstances concerning DNA-tests has been submitted to the Graz Ost District Court, as Marianne Bretterklieber (previously Riegler, official birth name Karrer) is not the biological mother of Riegler Andrea, a procedure which is common practice in MK ultra and SRA cases, well described in international scientific literature. Marianne Bretterklieber, together with her brother Karrer Hans, obviously originates from a post-war Nazi Lebensborn e.V. institution, with extreme similarity to Jutta Horn (the later wife of the National Socialist Chief of Miracle Weapons, Hans Kammler, née 1901 in Stettin/Germany, now Poland) as, now as far as her brother Hans Karrer is concerned, with Otto Skorzeny (born 1908 in Vienna). Both siblings are thus of unclear – National Socialist – origin, both deeply involved in child trafficking rings including torture/drill and keeping (small) children ready for child trafficking networks. All that is known about Bretterklieber Marianne’s second husband, Bretterklieber Walter, is that he had to grow up without his mother, abandoned by his father, which led to massive disturbances and to an extreme proclivity for using violence against his entire family. As this violence was last known to Sadegh Dara Rubens, it can be assumed that there will be further victims.


[30] Teeth, tooth root, gums stand for the warning to remain silent in these satanic ritual perpetrator networks, as well as in MK Ultra networks. The child Sadegh Dara Rubens was obviously „punished“ here for naming perpetrators – in specialist literature, children who name perpetrators and networks of perpetrators are called „martyr children“ because they are severely punished for failing to obey the order of silence. It is known that such torture scenes are recorded on video and are presented to others for intimidation, and these „punishments“ go as far as further partial amputations of the victims‘ limbs, which slowly and painfully lead to death. (compare e.g. SNUFF films). Further mutilations of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens are to be foreseen, therefore as of 2011ff danger has been imminent, as the beloved child could be murdered, or triggered to commit suicide, in order to cover traces of the partly top-class perpetrators.


[31] After a complaint to the district court BG Graz Ost, the YouTube channel was deleted a few days later, but has been copied several times as evidence.

[32] The researcher´s tragedy is, that the whole picture is not visible at first glance in detail. Several “puzzle pieces” of this huge case are revealing themselves up to now and are by far not fully revealed.


[33] The Istanbul Protocol was published in 2004 and it should be shortly stated, that the technologies for profound forensically examinations improved rapidly over the last – actually 2 decades – and all injuries, scars, etc. can get proven without exception over MRT/CT/nuclear medical scan in not even one hour.

[34] The appellant would like to stress here, that as a researcher on her own, she is always behind the provable facts, which to find out would actually be the task of police officers, criminologists and prosecution officers: Her research, therefore, is an ongoing work in progress, especially without interrogations of the perpetrators, their connections, their official and unofficial employees, etc.


[35] The Epstein case is highly connected to the Sadegh case, in terms of the whole modus operandi: Female breeding programs, genetic research, SRA, MK ultra, veiled as a private spleen of a Jewish billionaire, conducted on a remote island, etc. – here just to state, that there are several “Jeffrey Epsteins” placed all over the whole world to strategically entangle any local elite.

[36] Without any investigation of the perpetrators, especially the physicians – Scheer, Dr. Prof Peter and Dunitz-Scheer, Dr. Prof. Marguerite who both prevented a detail examination of the young Sadegh Dara Rubens in 2011/2011 but threatened the appellant – every single court was overtaking the writing of the powerful “deep state” law company Lansky 1:1, even forgetting the academic title of the appellant, which is extremely uncommon in Austria, and depicts – with or without academic title – that the deep state here is ordering what is done from Austrian judiciary.


[37] The director of the Institute Kutschera, Dr. Kutschera Gundl, was recognized by American and German adults affected by MK Ultra and between the ages of 2 ½ (Sadegh Dara Rubens) and 70 as a „MK Ultra trainer“ – perpetrator. The connections of this family clan are extensive, primarily due to the project „Paperclip“, in which former high-ranking National Socialists were able to emigrate to America via the „rat line“ after the war, to pursue their criminal – above all, corrosive – operations without interruption. Dr. Kutschera Gundl is also in contact with private American „mercenary companies“ and there is an international exchange in the matter of „super soldiers“, as „fully programmed MK Ultra slaves“ are referred to as adults. All her three now grown up children are under total MK Ultra programming, as perpetrators.

[38] Here it is necessary to state shortly, that psychiatrist Elisabeth Lenzinger is without any doubt highly intelligent. To create the psychiatrically expert opinion in such a horrible quality, shows the Austrian strategy of pretending to be „stupid“- and this strategy of „pretending to be stupid“ is ongoingly staged by Austrian´s courts as well by the district court BG Innere Stadt.


[39] Dr. Elisabeth Lenzinger declared Mag. Riegler Andrea as completely lunatic paranoid schizophrenic, ignoring all the evidence the appellant was providing already since 2011ff, ignoring that the appellant was working as a social counselor for the ministry of labor even after the child was “taken”. The expert opinion nevertheless, more important for other victims of this psychiatrist, was trying to trigger suicide. It is highly recommended to investigate suicides after expert opinions in Austria in general, as well in governmental child abduction cases.


[40] A complaint against this severely MK-ed psychiatrist, Georg Pakesch, linked to Austrian secret service, which followed a suggestion to have his children examined over MRT/CT/nuclear medical examination as they are surely victims as well, was answered with a murder assassination in March 2016, after which the appellant had to leave Austria for several months, actually lost her whole existence, besides massive health problems.

[41] Some prosecution officers, like Fauler, Dr. Rudolf from Graz prosecution office (10St210/15b) even mocked about the happenings in written, reacting to the child´s suffering concerning “waterboarding” – an international well-known form of white torture – suggesting this would concern “civil law in water right”. Officially of course, most probably an “erratum” of the brave intense working prosecution officials but more obvious – as most of the papers – a huge shock in terms of the brutality and cruelty of the Austrian judiciary towards a highly intelligent and beloved toddler/child, the appellant´s MK-ed son Sadegh, Dara Rubens.

[42] The child psychologist at the Youth Welfare Department (CPS), Wonisch-Scheider Mag. Petra even was mocking in writing about the child´s severe flashbacks when having bowl movements, which reminded him often to the anal rapes and torture crimes, and stated in written, that the child would have problems due to a strict code of behavior demanded from the appellant, his mother, during bowl movements.

[43] As self-explanatory, the bold numbers are the years, when the respective case started. Some of the cases are ongoing up to present, some do have files up to 1000+ within one case.

[44] In the primary school (2015-2019) attended by the child Sadegh Dara Rubens in Hausmannstätten near Graz, a classic MK Ultra school, several children were suffering from (satanic/sadistic) ritual abuse and MK Ultra. The teacher of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens’s class, Mrs. Jutta Matzi, seemed to be handling several MK Ultra children by means of triggers and technical equipment, for further programming on official trips, etc. More details cannot be determined with certainty despite extensive photo and video material, and need a check of police units. The pediatrician of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens, lecturer. Dr. Zotter Heinz from Graz, is closely acquainted with the perpetrator circles: at least, with Dr. Kutschera Jörg (the son of Dr. Kutschera Gundl), whom he recommended as a substitute physician on his pediatrician’s website in 2018/2019. More important, Dr. Zotter Heinz is working as a sleep researcher at the university clinic in Graz, which means he is a MK Ultra programmer with the special field of „psychic driving“, a programming method popular and appreciated in Austria: The concerned children are kept in a kind of deep sleep for days, drugs are sometimes administered, while – depending on the programming of the personality parts – affirmations, etc. are played into their subconscious minds.

[45] Here it is important to note in the footnote that intelligent women who are or have been in an MK Ultra program are extremely often – mostly almost always – used as breeders:  In addition to pregnancies in childhood, usually from the age of 8 onwards, the „6-week pregnancies“ are also known.

[46] According to governmental insurance files, the entries have been faked in terms of the appellant, Riegler Mag. Andrea: Instead of receiving antibiotics in 2010 it was written down, that the appellant has been there because of a beginning mental illness since 2010. Complaints and reports to courts in 2012/2013 (as soon as the appellant found out about it) were never answered. Since then, the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea does not dare to go to any physicians, merely just in case of emergencies, practically she is deprived of health care, for which she has been paying for years, as every single visit with a physician, even for a flu, could trigger a next row of violence against the appellant, un-covering the participation of Austrian physicians within the MK ultra-agenda. The appellant therefore specialized even more on alternative medicine, which has to get paid privately, therefore is much more expensive.


[47] Threatened the appellant several times. Is acquainted with several perpetrators, involved physicians, judges, intel officials, etc.

[48] Was present at the opening of the new child protection center Graz in 2012/2013 with the cover-up agents Sollhart, Mag. Roberta, Drees, Mag. Renate, Walisch, Gabriella. Pictures from mainstream media “Kleine Zeitung”.


[49] Stepan, Dr. Alexandra´s short expert opinion was changed and these changes were reported to courts. Nevertheless, she did not see any psychiatric illness on the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea.


[50] Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga later was seen online to be a representative physician for Kutschera, Dr. Jörg (see Kutschera, Dr. Gundl) as well for the child physician from Sadegh Dara from 2015ff, Zotter, Dr. Heinz, who is a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz. Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized on psychic driving.


[51] This from Tepper, Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabor, veiled as “Oka” according to the minor. Both the appellant and the child were thrown out of this dental clinic, the dental specialists refused to have the teeth x-rayed. The most shocking thing, actually has been and still is, that the specialized dentists are very well aware of this kind of injuries, caused with needles, pricking the tooth root canals or the palate.


[52] Dr. Lenzinger, Elisabeth is privately acquainted with perpetrators recognized in the Sadegh case as well with district judge Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad and tried to place suicide triggers within her written expert opinion about the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea. If Den Haag would consider to investigate, it is recommended to clarify, how many court ordered expert opinions of this psychiatric expert were driving its victims into committing suicide: Together with “Zersetzung” of the Austrian intelligence agencies, as well the suffering of the beloved child/ren it is for a “normal” protective parent unbearable.

[53] Besides the appellant worked full time as a social counsellor in 2013 as well she was able to proof everything she was talking about, backed-up even with scientific literature, he ignored her writings, therefore, she was diagnosed by him as “logically delusional”, which is not a legally valid diagnosis. He is connected to Austrian secret service/MK ultra and also was eager to hear every single detail of the torture crimes, Sadegh Dara Rubens had to endure.

[54] Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized on psychic driving.

[55] To protect whistleblowers, the appellant can hand in to Den Haag´s court more detailed information after the case has been accepted.


[56] The parents of more than 2.000 toddlers were forced into gag-orders by the Austrian Socialist Party (SPÖ) as well by a “child protection center”, named “Weißer Ring”: According to several whistleblowers the parents of the tortured children got 5.000,- Euro each for their silence about what was committed against their children, otherwise, they were threatened to lose their children over governmental youth welfare departments/child snatching.


[57] Within the Ibiza Affair, Vice Chancellor Strache Heinz-Christian was stating in front of a hidden camera, that one of the former leaders of the Austrian Socialist Party – Kern Christian – would have tortured black babies and toddlers in “cape town” – the double meaning of “Cape Town” as a city as well as a code for “rituals, where hooded capes” are worn are obvious. The whole scandal was silenced after the dissolution of the government.

[58] It is known that many Austrian and German protective parents were killing themselves after their child/ren have been taken by Austrian government.


[59] There were many occasions since 2011ff where this strategy became visible, and can get explained in all details, after accepting the case for investigation.

[60] Severely mentally ill persons, who lost their children because of their mental illness, are able to pay alimony in Austria, and describes the bias of the Austrian judiciary, which is implemented to destroy protective parents on any level imaginable, physically, mentally, socially, financially, existentially. The appellant is refusing officially to pay alimony, before her beloved son gets finally examined, therefore is sued from the Austrian Youth Welfare Department/CPS.

[61] Latest torture events of Sadegh Dara Rubens have been taken place during the festive days 2020, according to pictures from his soccer club, his health state is deteriorating massively, this January 2020.

[62] Here the appellant just wants to state shortly, that the Nazi era was well prepared by taking out political opponents as well their beloved children, long before Jewish and gypsy citizens were systematically deported and killed. It is also sadly known, that the first Jewish citizen, reporting in foreign countries about the horrors of the concentration camps were not believed.

[63] List of lawyers who handed in completely different things than agreed upon in written and never were brought to court for these crimes, see list in the appendix.

[64] As self-explanatory, the bold numbers are the years, when the respective case started. Some of the cases are ongoing up to present, some do have files up to 1000+ within one case.

[65] According to governmental insurance files, the entries have been faked in terms of the appellant, Riegler Mag. Andrea: Instead of receiving antibiotics in 2010 it was written down, that the appellant has been there because of a beginning mental illness since 2010. Complaints and reports to courts in 2012/2013 (as soon as the appellant found out about it) were never answered. Since then, the appellant Riegler Mag. Andrea does not dare to go to any physicians, merely just in case of emergencies, practically she is deprived of health care, for which she has been paying for years, as every single visit with a physician, even for a flu, could trigger a next row of violence against the appellant, un-covering the participation of Austrian physicians within the MK ultra-agenda. The appellant therefore specialized even more on alternative medicine, which has to get paid privately, therefore is much more expensive.


[66] Threatened the appellant several times. Is acquainted with several perpetrators, involved physicians, judges, intel officials, etc.

[67] Was present at the opening of the new child protection center Graz in 2012/2013 with the cover-up agents Sollhart, Mag. Roberta, Drees, Mag. Renate, Walisch, Gabriella. Pictures from mainstream media “Kleine Zeitung”.


[68] Stepan, Dr. Alexandra´s short expert opinion was changed and these changes were reported to courts. Nevertheless, she did not see any psychiatric illness on the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea.


[69] Prehsfreund, Dr. Olga later was seen online to be a representative physician for Kutschera, Dr. Jörg (see Kutschera, Dr. Gundl) as well for the child physician from Sadegh Dara from 2015ff, Zotter, Dr. Heinz, who is a specialist on “sleep”-research at the Klinikum Graz. Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized on psychic driving.


[70] This from Tepper, Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabor, veiled as “Oka” according to the minor. Both the appellant and the child were thrown out of this dental clinic, the dental specialists refused to have the teeth x-rayed. The most shocking thing, actually has been and still is, that the specialized dentists are very well aware of this kind of injuries, caused with needles, pricking the tooth root canals or the palate.


[71] Dr. Lenzinger, Elisabeth is privately acquainted with perpetrators recognized in the Sadegh case as well with district judge Kubiczek, MMag. Konrad and tried to place suicide triggers within her written expert opinion about the appellant, Riegler Mag., Andrea. If Den Haag would consider to investigate, it is recommended to clarify, how many court ordered expert opinions of this psychiatric expert were driving its victims into committing suicide: Together with “Zersetzung” of the Austrian intelligence agencies, as well the suffering of the beloved child/ren it is for a “normal” protective parent unbearable.

[72] Besides the appellant worked full time as a social counsellor in 2013 as well she was able to proof everything she was talking about, backed-up even with scientific literature, he ignored her writings, therefore, she was diagnosed by him as “logically delusional”, which is not a legally valid diagnosis. He is connected to Austrian secret service/MK ultra and also was eager to hear every single detail of the torture crimes, Sadegh Dara Rubens had to endure.

[73] Sleep researchers are often MK ultra-programmers, specialized on psychic driving.

[74] Here it is necessary to stress, that the appellant and mother of the massively injured child, Sadegh Dara Rubens did not know anything about MK ultra or SRA related crimes in 2011f, but realized immediately because of this group of perpetrators, the young Sadegh Dara Rubens was able to name, that something extremely planned and deliberately caused must have happened: Nearly all of the above mentioned perpetrators do have excellent educations as well nearly all of them are in general highly intelligent. Also, this observation was reported to courts in grand detail, resulting in massive attacks from secret services, starting in 2011, when the young Sadegh, Dara Rubens was still living with his protective mother, the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea. Also, because of the massive fear of Sadegh, Dara Rubens it has been clear – even without scientific literature that this group ongoingly will repeat the torture on the child to intimidate and silence him. Also as stated by the child, as well by whistleblower Gudrun Hohenberger-Zwettler, there were many more perpetrators present, seemingly former partners of Mag. Riegler Andrea, therefore the list of perpetrators is far not complete, as due to the shock and panic states of the child, the appellant and mother of the child took (unfortunately) care not to overwhelm the beloved child with more pictures of possible perpetrators. The appellant found about the existence of MK ultra and SRA in late October 2012.


[75] Also, the appellant Mag. Riegler Andrea wants to state here, that knowing that these perpetrator networks are ongoingly torturing her beloved son, it is extremely challenging to describe the torture-happenings in 2011ff in more details. All known happenings were reported in detail to Austrian courts and can get fully translated (where, when, how, who).


[76] Every individual who has received torture-based MK Ultra programming has life-long scars – here especially coccyx/pelvis, brain stem, teeth/tooth root canal/palate, eyes, ears, soles of the feet, inner genitals, (missing) glands – which can be proven life-long by MRI/CT/nuclear medical examinations. Therefore, the scientific statements of the appellant, scientist and mother of the child, Mag. Riegler Andrea, are entirely provable, unfortunately not a conspiracy theory of a lunatic.






Mag. Riegler Andrea

Margaretenguertel 24-34/1/3

1050 Vienna




Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands




Vienna/Austria, 18.06.2020



OTP-CR-106/20 – Additional Information/Update to the



  1. Article 6: GENOCIDE
  3. To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES



APPELLANT: RIEGLER MAG. ANDREA (*20.11.1971, Graz), also in behalf of her son SADEGH, DARA RUBENS (*20.02.2009, Vienna)


From: February 11th, 2020







The appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea would like to inform the High Prosecution Officer shortly, that according to the written information of the head of the youth welfare department Graz/Styria (CPS), Mag. Krammer Ingrid from 15th of June 2020, the child Sadegh Dara Rubens (*20.02.2009) would not have lost his adult teeth.

(“Don’t worry, Dara hasn’t lost his adult teeth! Of course, there are also regular dental check-ups.”)

Source: E-Mail, 15th of June 2020: Youth Welfare Department (CPS)


This written statement is beyond gas-lighting, as there is clear evidence in form of pictures as well in form of videos of the son of the appellant, therefore, the appellant would like to hand over at least the pictures to the High Prosecution Officer:




Picture I: Sadegh Dara Rubens around 2016 with adult teeth:


Source: Christmas greeting 2016, received via post.


Picture II: Sadegh Dara Rubens, around 2018/2019 with complete loss of his teeth, the upper 4 front teeth replaced by artificial teeth:


Source: Christmas greeting 2018, received January 4th 2019 via post


Picture III: Sadegh Dara Rubens, comparison of both teeth, enlarged:


Statement from an US-American dentist (anonymously):


PICTURE IV: Sadegh Dara Rubens, around October 2019 with complete artificial teeth:


Source: Soccer Club, SV Hausmannstätten bei Graz, October 2019, Facebook


PICTURE V: Sadegh Dara Rubens, around January 2020 with no (?) teeth:


Source: Soccer Club, SV Hausmannstätten bei Graz, January 2020, Facebook




PICTURE VI: Sadegh Dara Rubens, around March 2020 with artificial teeth:


Source: Soccer Club, SV Hausmannstätten bei Graz, March 2020, Facebook






While the appellant, Mag. Riegler Andrea is ongoingly threatened to be placed under lunacy – merely because of asking what happened to the teeth of the child in January 2019, the head of the youth welfare department Graz/Styria (CPS) is officially stating, that the child would not have lost his adult teeth:

The pictures indicate clearly that the child partly has artificial dental crowns (January 2019), then artificial teeth (October 2019), then seemingly no teeth (January 2020), to end again with different artificial teeth (March 2020).


As stated in the appellants appeal, the loss of teeth can happen either during torture deliberately (punishment, to set an example, torture porn, snuff) as well as unintentionally, if the electroshocks during re-/de-programming are overdone.


Even more alarming, is the fact that the general health state of the child, Sadegh Dara Rubens is more and more deteriorating (massively), experts on MK ultra/SRA/SSP are considering the possibility that the child has been placed into an open MK ultra torture-research program in the meantime: the teeth are just one part of his chronic injuries/ mutilations that have happened since 2011ff.



NOTE: Children in MK ultra programs as well in SRA/trafficking programs cannot be spotted at first glance, as these children are trained from early childhood on to not let anyone know. Therefore, the portrait pictures of Sadegh Dare look “normal” to laymen, over the years the appellant collected many more pictures and films, where the shocked, traumatized Sadegh Dara Rubens is very well visible.




The writing of the Youth Welfare Department is a result of an official inquiry of the appellant about the health state of the child Sadegh Dara Rubens. The inquiry – which got “answered” for the first time after years – can be handed over to DEN HAAG, if the court considers them as interesting.

Most importantly the writing states, that the child would not have lost his teeth, as well, that the child would not have been examined via MRT/CT/nuclear medical examination as

“These examinations were not necessary and were therefore not carried out.”

Source: E-Mail, 15th of June 2020: Youth Welfare Department (CPS)


The reason for this is according to the CPS that

“Dara plays enthusiastically football in the club Hausmannstätten and does a lot of other sports, there are no chronic injuries.”,

ignoring that even with injuries on the tailbone/pelvis children can do “static” sports (football, jogging, skiing, swimming) but not sports where the tailbone/pelvis is challenged (gymnastics, yoga, etc.) – ignoring the fact, that if untreated, the chronic injuries can even lead into invalidity as adults, as the injured pelvis could irreversible damage the spine, as it is common on Austrian victims of SRA/MK ultra. (…)


The other contradictions of CPS can be handed over in full translation, if regarded as important. Here merely the torture-based injuries of Sadegh Dara Rubens are mentioned and quoted.


Because of technical reasons, the appellant will send out this writing first without signatures (to enable an enlarged view of the pictoral material), as well in a signed form and will print out professional pictures within this/the next week and send them over post, to have this part of evidence in DEN HAAG.




Mag. Riegler Andrea





Mag. Riegler Andrea

Margaretenguertel 24-34/1/3

1050 Vienna




Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands




Vienna/Austria, 07/30/2020



OTP-CR-106/20 – Additional Information/Update to the



  1. Article 6: GENOCIDE
  3. To prepare for/conduct further Article 8: WAR CRIMES



APPELLANT: RIEGLER MAG. ANDREA (*20.11.1971, Graz), also in behalf of her son SADEGH, DARA RUBeNS (*20.02.2009, Vienna)


From: February 11th, 2020






The appellant, Riegler Andrea, wants to provide the Den Haag High Prosecution Officer with further – possible – evidence, about pictures of a “tortured/raped” boy around 9-10 years old, looking extremely similar to the appellant’s son, Sadegh Dara Rubens:



(copied from Facebook, July 2020)




The picture is of a bad quality, and the boy is wearing make-up, but the eyes, the chin, the (inner) ears, the mouth are the same (…) Sadegh Dara Rubens has a birthmark, a little scratch on the top of his nose, exactly here the picture is „pixeled‘, meaning not visible enough.


Also, the boy depicted does not have all his teeth any more – this suggests that the picture could have been taken during the removal of (parts) of the teeth of Sadegh Dara Rubens, as described in detail in the writings from February 2020 and June 2020.


Without being specialized on it, the nose of the depicted boy seems to be swollen, which would correspond to the assumption, that the tortured/sex-trafficked boy is Sadegh Dara Rubens.

The FBI is informed, as well Europol/Interpol, will be informed together with Austrian Supreme Court of Justice.


Please note that child trafficking/human trafficking is a life-long “ingredient” in MK ultra (beta slave) programming: Especially children, but also adults are trafficked their whole life to ensure, they stay “programmed” as well to “monetize” the “MK ultra slaves”, most often for governmental black budgets.




Mag. Riegler Andrea





These pictures will be sent to the Den Haag prosecution officer also via post.



UPDATE – September 2020:

[The Hague/Den Haag High Prosecution Officer refuses to help my severely tortured/mutilated son, like before the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg, not to speak about 130+ Austrian judges and prosecution officers since 2011]
More and more it becomes visible that our (International) justice system represents more a village of Potemkin, meaning a façade than it is about jurisdiction: After the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg refused to overtake the case in 2015, now The Hague is following in 2020 – the evidence for severe crimes against humanity and genocide are piling up, nevertheless, no reason for these so-called “courts” to help at least my beloved son. Pictorial evidence of the loss of all his adult teeth before the age of 10, as well as of severe SNUFF torture (obviously my son was put on a respiratory machine after his – adult – teeth were taken out to be able to sexual abuse him orally without interruption) is no reason for these courts to interfere. The pictorial evidence is manipulated, stressing the fact that it is about to “teach a lesson”: When overexposing the picture, one can see that within the mouth of my son a next picture is inserted, showing a classroom with a teacher (!). The message is clear, sadly also from International Courts: Those who speak out, those who expose governmental MK ultra networks with its MK-ed judges, authority officials, and intelligence employees will get punished even more – this on the back of their beloved children. The psychopathy within these (court?) procedures proves my researches sadly even more right, as no human judge would allow this to happen on the back of a beloved and highly talented child, this ongoingly since 2012.
Therefore as often stated, our international court systems here in Europe are in the hands of MK ultra networks, as without being under MK ultra or at least strategically entangled (often carried out via torture rituals, torturing and killing toddlers and children, while being filmed), there is no position available for judges or prosecution officers, nor for any other government official or politicians.
Significantly the (actual) minister of justice of Austria, Alma Zadic, was not only working at The Hague in younger years but also is a member of the World Economic Forum (Global Shapers Community), while the former minister of justice (in 2015) and law professor at university Wolfgang Brandstetter, under whose “reign” I had to endure several murder attempts, after presenting to him the case, leaving me with neurological issues until today, has close ties to Russia: The risk is growing exponentially on a daily basis, as the main perpetrating networks and courts are less addicted to torture and open sadism in the meantime, what would be worse enough, but are in open bloodlust: Also (MK-ed) psychopaths tend to delete traces to not get caught, so again, the life of my beloved son is in massive danger, not to speak about myself.
The case is now at the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice (…) and I will update you as soon as I know more:
At the moment no Austrian law enforcement (Austrian Federal Criminal Police Office), no court, no authority (CPS) contacted me about the actual health state and well-being of my beloved son, this after having received the most horrendous evidence more than 2 months ago [!].
The „lesson taught“ is now addressing all survivors of MK ultra: If you dare to speak out, if you dare to mention perpetrating networks by name, we are mutilating, openly torturing, and destroying your highly talented and beloved child(ren).
Again, thank you all for standing with me and my beloved son: Please take care when sharing the torture/abuse pictorial evidence, as this could trigger my beloved son into suicide or self-injuring behavior (depending on what is torture based programmed into him).
#endmkultraworldwide #freelukidarasadegh #bringlukibackhome #notsuicidal




If you appreciated my work here or on social media, please consider showing your support through a small (monthly) donation over Paypal: Hosting Fees, Court Fees, while being targeted – which causes by far the highest costs – and to hold this network simultaneously is the most expensive thing I have ever done. Thank you.

Kein Fotoromanzo

… programmed robots are programming robots …“

(Carmen Holiday)

Weltweit sind die Fallverläufe gleich. Selten wird ritueller Missbrauch oder trauma based mind control im (Klein)Kindalter entdeckt. Hier ein Fallverlauf als Foto/Filmdokumentation, stellvertretend für 1.000e von Fällen – weltweit für hunderttausende von Fällen – mitten im hier und jetzt, in der westlichen Welt.

1. Romeo-Strategie

Die Romeo-Strategie: Verliebt, verlobt, verheiratet – das in Rekordtempo und entspricht den meisten (internationalen) – unfreiwilligen – Fällen.

  • Kennzeichen: intensives Umwerben, schnelle Heirat, plötzliche (manchmal offen) ungeklärte Schwangerschaft
  • Ab dem Zeitpunkt der Schwangerschaft/Ehe ist der Auftrag erledigt.
  • Hauptsächliche Zielpersonen: Weiblich, (verdeckte oder offene) Blutlinie, dissoziativ/dissoziiert/Parapsychologische Fähigkeiten/Fälle von Entführung/Adoptionen in der Familiengeschichte & Familienmitglieder in Geheimdiensten/Logenbruder.schwesternschaften/Kulten/Behörden/Militär.


2. Geburt

Spätestens hier ist alles vorbereitet:

  • Ärzt/innen als auch Behörden sind bereits „vorinformiert“, dass mit Ihnen „etwas nicht stimmen“ würde, während sie selbst keine Ahnung zu haben, ins Radar der internationalen „Kinder-Sex“-Mafia geraten zu sein – die nicht nur aus einigen, wenigen Pädosadisten bestehet, sondern hinter der Staaten samt geheimdienstlichen Mitarbeiter/innen stehen, Teile der Ärzte/innen- und Psychologenschaft bereits darauf warten, gemeinsam mit den Pädosaditen und Teilen der Logenbruder/schwestern/schaft mit ihrem Kind einerseits Rituale durchzuführen, andererseits Humanexperimente im Sinne von trauma based mind control.
  • Während Sie also die Zeit als frischgebackene Mama genießen, arbeiten zahllose Menschen am Projekt „Kindesentzug“


keinfoto_2(Andrea & Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2009)


3. Aktion

Nun beginnt der zweite Teil der kultischen/geheimdienstlichen Aktion: Auf die Mütter als auch auf die Kinder wird massiver Terror ausgeübt. Sei es, dass die Kinder traumatisiert werden (selbstredend in Ihrer Abwesenheit) oder eben Sie offen attackiert werden – am besten zur Stillzeit. Auch beginnt offen, für dieses Kind „Werbung“ gemacht zu werden für die Pädosadist/innen: Je mehr und hochkarätigere Wesen aus dem Establishment „anbeißen“, desto mehr Geld. Deshalb werden „seltsame“ Bilder vom Kind geschossen, „eigenartige“ Filme gemacht. Verloren haben Sie im Prinzip bereits im Punkt 1.

  • Spätestens hier ist es extrem wichtig, die Stadt zu wechseln, am besten das Land oder zumindest mit Therapeuten, die auf rituellen Missbrauch spezialisiert sind, Kontakt aufzunehmen. Da bereits hier extrem viel Zeit und Mühe in Sie investiert worden ist, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass woimmer sie auftauchen, versucht wird, auf Sie und das Kind zuzugreifen.
  • Wir wissen mittlerweile um die Möglichkeiten der Dienste im Sinne von „gas-lightening“ oder von elektromagnetischen/Skalar-Waffen, von den anderen Mobbing- und Gang-Stalking Strategien ganz zu schweigen.
  • Für die einzelnen Agents/Kultmitglieder ist es lediglich „business as usual“ oder ein „Machtkitzel“, eine Mutprobe – erwarten Sie keinesfalls eine Kursumkehr – die Entlohnung erfolgt nach Auslieferung des Kindes an Pädosadist/innen und der an Humanexperimenten interessierten Ärzt/innenschaft.
  • & vergessen Sie nicht welche Höchstpreise man für ein (Klein)Kind in diesem Alter erzielen kann.

[Pädo-Teaser Filme auf Youtube folgen]


4. Reaktion

Ohne es zu bemerken, werden Sie in die Situation gebracht, zu reagieren. Egal was sie tun, man wird versuchen, Unruhe zu stiften, meist von immer mehreren Seiten. Ziel ist bereits hier im Idealfall Obdachlosigkeit, Arbeitslosigkeit, Isolation. Nach wie vor haben Sie in der Regel keine Ahnung welche Gruppierung hinter der Aktion steht. Das, während Sie nichtsahnend und überglücklich die ersten Schritte Ihres Kindes begleiten.

keinfoto_3keinfoto_4keinfoto_5(Andrea & Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2009/2010)


5. Finale

Während Sie denken, es wäre nun Ruhe eingekehrt, beginnt das eigentliche Finale: Das geliebte und geförderte Kind (laut Crowley geben diese die meiste Energie her bei der Opferung, also: geliebt/gefördert/blond/männlich) muss den Täter/innen übergeben werden: Die Humanmediziner warten darauf, genauso wie die PsychologInnenschaft, die BehördenmitarbeiterInnen, etc. – vor allem die vorauszahlenden Pädosadist/innen. Jeder verdient daran, in weiterer Folge verdienen auch unzählige Helfershelfer daran, was den Personenkreis täglich wachsen lässt. Dadurch, dass dieses Verbrechen fast unbekannt ist, weiß wahrscheinlich nicht einmal Ihr Hausarzt ums Eck etwas davon.

Hier vor dem ersten Besuch beim Papa alleine, 25.10.2010:


keinfoto_6Nach den Besuchen beim Papa alleine:

Vierundzwanzig bis achtundvierzig Stunden später brechen jeweils die Verletzungen aus den Kindern heraus. Oft werden sie zusätzlich unter Drogen gesetzt. In weiterer Folge regessieren diese Kinder sprachlich massiv versuchen einzelne Dinge zu erzählen, die scheinbar keinen Sinn machen. Das ist in weiterer Folge die Phase, in der mir der Bub erzählen versucht, beim Papa gäbe es ein Ballettkleid, Oma würde ihm sagen der Papa wäre lieber, wo er mir – sprachlich massiv regressiv – versucht zu erzählen, dass alle aus unserem Umfeld ihm „Aua“ machen beim Papa und „böse“ wären.

Die Kinder werden meist schwer psychosomatisch krank (also die Krankheiten mit hohem Fieber, verbunden mit Ohrenproblemen, kurzzeitigen Augenproblemen, massive Stimmungsschwankungen mit Persönlichkeitswechsel, Zornanfälle, Traurigkeit, die Sie sich nicht erklären können) – für alle Ärzt/innen angeblich kein Problem. Auch wird das Umfeld diese Kinder „triggern“, das heißt, durch deren Anwesenheit, erinnert sich das Kind an das „Aua“, also die Folter und – schweigt.





(Andrea & Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2010/11)


Nach einer Zeit der gezielten Abrichtung über rituellen Missbrauch und trauma based mind control Programmierungen wird Ihr Kind über Nacht praktisch „gesund“: Marrionettenhaft und in Momentaufnahmen. Im Langzeitzeitraum folgen Flashbacks, Persönlichkeitswechsel, etc.

  • Erste Programmierungen machen sich sichtbarkeinfoto_11

(Andrea & Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2011)

Dazwischen aber – vor allem wenn es zu lange Pausen zwischen der Gewalt gibt, brechen immer und immer Dinge aus dem Kind heraus – in Form von Flashbacks. Glauben Sie jeden einzelnen Satz. Egal wie absurd es Ihnen erscheinen mag. Protokollieren Sie (Film-, Tonbandaufnahmen, schriftlich).

  • Spaltungskopfschmerz/Persönlichkeitswechselkeinfoto_12

(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2011)

  • Kinderbaby-Porno-Bilder (die nebenbei mit meinem Fotoapparat gemacht wurden – die Bilder sind nach wie vor nicht in der Kinderbabypornodatenbank der Interpol)


(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2011 – unbekannter „Fotograph“)

  • Zeichnungen, die weit das Niveau von 2jährigen übersteigen, werden gemacht, wo mehr als offensichtlich das Trauma verarbeitet wird.



(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2011)


6. Heilung

Durch Besuchspausen, unendlich viel Geduld uns Liebe, beginnt ein „Heilungsprozess“. Hier geht es darum, den Kindern wieder ihren Willen zu lassen. Das ist wörtlich zu nehmen. Nach einiger Zeit können Sie wieder beginnen zu verhandeln oder zu diskutieren. Ein paar Tage oder Wochen darf das Kind alles tun und lassen, was es möchte (vorausgesetzt es gefährdet nicht seine oder Ihre Gesundheit)


(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2011)

Auflösung der Gelübde und Eide […]


(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2012)

Langsam Normalität schaffen versuchen – bleiben Sie unbedingt in dieser Zeit bei Ihrem Kind und lassen sie es wortwörtlich nicht aus den Augen. Heilung in diesem Alter geht extrem rasch vor sich – unabhängig von bleibenden Verletzungen (meist sind die inneren Genitalien – verursacht durch Verstümmelung, Quetschung oder Amputation der Bulbourethraldrüse, die Ohren, die Nase, die Augen, etc. betroffen). Ein CT/MT schafft Klarheit – mittlerweile ist es außerdem ratsam, nach Chips (meist über die Nase eingeführt) zu suchen. Kurzfristig sind auch Bluttests auf Drogen, etc. zu empfehlen, da die (Klein)Kinder bereits unter Drogen gesetzt werden.


7. Post-Finale

Wenn Sie bis jetzt niemand gefunden haben, der das Kind und Sie – auch mit seinem/ihrem Leben – schützt, kommt es zur Kindesabnahme, allen Beweisen, Dokumentationen, etc. zum Trotz. Das Kind wird nun bestraft – Märtyrerkinder werden sie genannt. Sie berichten alles, erzählen über alles und werden anschließend vom pädosadistischen Behördenapparat abgeholt und massiv gefoltert und dienst auch der Programmierung von Täter/innen-Kinder, niemals, wirklich niemals, etwas zu sagen.

Es folgen Vergewaltigungen, rituelle Kreuzigungen, Elektroschocks, sensory deprivation, spinning, etc. – vor allem geht es nun darum, die Erinnerungen komplett auszulöschen eine neues, komplett künstliches Persönlichkeitsprofil zu schaffen.

Die einzelnen Schritte der Folter hat niemand derartig gut auf den Punkt gebracht, wie die selbst betroffene Künstlerin Lynn Schirmer:

keinfoto_lynn_1 keinfoto_lynn_2 keinfoto_lynn_3 keinfoto_lynn_4 keinfoto_lynn_5 keinfoto_lynn_6 keinfoto_lynn_7 keinfoto_lynn_8 keinfoto_lynn_9


8. Ende

Während also schützende Elternteile bis dahin entsorgt worden sind in der Regel – vergleiche Human Hunt – wurde und wird das Kind systematisch auf Monate und Jahre programmiert, also gefoltert. Die Techniken sind mittlerweile massiv fortgeschritten und es wird vermutet, dass im Alter von 7-8 Jahren, die Kinder mittleweile „fertigprogrammiert“ sind, das Ende der Programmierungen nicht mehr bis zum 13. Lebensjahr dauert.

Eines der Ergebnisse, 2013: ein über alles geliebte Kind, das niemals ausführlich über MR/CT/Schwarzlicht/psychiatisch untersucht worden ist, das innerhalb von 10 Sekunden seine Persönlichkeit wechselt. Den beiden (Krisen)Pflegefamilien des Pflegevereins Steiermark ist selbstredend (vermeintlich) niemals etwas aufgefallen. Sämtlichen Ärzt/innen, Jugendamtspsycholog/innen, Kindergärtner/innen ebenfalls nicht. Es fließen Gelder, immense Gelder, in das Schweigen.


(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2013 – in Obhut des Jugendamtes Graz – bei einer Pflegefamilie)


Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“ wurde seit 2011 niemals ausführlich über MR/CT/Schwarzlicht/psychiatrisch untersucht. Diese Untersuchungen wären nicht notwendig. Das Kind wäre kerngesund. Aus diesem Grund gibt es auch keinen Anfangsverdacht gegen die erkannten und angezeigten Täter/innen.


TBC. [weiters Material – vor allem Audio- und Filmmaterial – nach Abgabe des Falles in Den Haag – folgt]

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