Sadegh Case Cover-Up


In the Sadegh case, all the evidence submitted since 2011 by the humanitarian and social scientist and mother Andrea Sadegh M.A. concerning the horrendous flashbacks suffered by her then two-and-a-half-year-old son Dara Rubens Sadegh (born 20.02.2009), which in expert circles present undoubted and unambiguous indications of SRA (satanic/sadistic) ritual abuse and trauma based mind control / MK Ultra, have been ignored, watered down and ridiculed by the Austrian judiciary, as these crimes, which are often committed in the course of human experiments conducted by medical doctors and protected by the secret services, do not officially exist in Austria.

The reports and accounts outlined by Andrea Sadegh since 2011 – which were sent in writing to the Local Court of BG Hernals/Vienna, Judge MMag. Konrad Kubiczek and also the public prosecutor’s office of Vienna, prosecution officer Mag. Petra Freh, and also the police department of Wattgasse/Vienna, Manfred Miksits, and others – contained reports ranging from physical violence and rapes to ritual violence and waterboarding. In detail, these involved: rapes (oral and anal), the hunting of the child, use of drugs, use of medical torture (experiments with light, loud noises, destruction of the inner genitals, drilling/piercing the tooth root), ridicule & mockery (being laughed at during the torture), being buried alive, being subjected to waterboarding, spinning, heat and cold (e.g. forced to wear a ski suit in summer), working as a child prostitute (ballet dress, swimming trunks, makeup, high-heeled shoes, customers, money), being conditioned using torture (the child repeatedly hits himself on the head with one hand, while pulling his hair with the other and practises “looking happy” and “laughing” by saying “ha ha”, while his carotid artery is visible over his entire neck as he tries to grin), sudden changes of personality, vows, pledges, oaths (satanic components) and near-death experiences: in sum, the then two-and-a-half-year-old victim reported physical, psychic, spiritual and mental abuse. Subsequently, even after the Austrian government took custody of the child, there were further signs of torture after 2012, as well as sensory deprivation programming in 2015, all of which became unmistakably evident during the supervised visits of the mother, Andrea Sadegh, to her son, and were brought to court even then – without success.

This kind of torture is known in the specialist literature as “ritual abuse” and also as “trauma-based mind control” or “MK-Ultra”. This crime, which, due to the horrendous lifelong injuries of the children, can only be carried out under state protection, is defined by one expert as follows: “Ritual abuse can be defined as a wide variety of very different crimes, whose common denominator ultimately simply consists of extreme sadism, together with a certain continuity and systematic methods.” Noblitt & Perskin, quoting Hans Ulrich Gresch.



What we see happening in the following case was also the focus of an article in the Austrian magazine Profil (Title story: “Unsere Justiz Hilflos, Überfordert, Träge? Schlampige Verfahren, Endlose Ermittlungen, Hass im Netz, Promibonus” (Engl. trans.: “Are our judiciary helpless, overburdened or lazy? Sloppy proceedings, endless investigations, hate on the net and celebrity perks”) 5th edition, 30.01.2017:


As a two-and-a-half-year-old child, Dara Rubens Sadegh never underwent any MR/CT/ nuclear medical /psychiatric examinations, while the fact that the mother and claimant was declared completely sane in a psychiatric examination on 23.12.2011 was totally ignored: the child was taken into state custody (without either a court order or an advance warning of exigent circumstances) on 13.02.2012, on the grounds that the mother “had suddenly become mentally ill”. Since then, the child has continued to be subjected to this form of violence (SRA, trauma-based mind control) – and the fact that the mother (who has a Master´s degree in Comparative Literature, a post graduate degree in Statistics and is also a fully qualified, licensed trainer, coach and counsellor) has submitted multiple written reports to the authorities since 2011, including further appeals, has likewise been ignored.


As legal recourse against her loss of custody of her child on 19.12.2012, Andrea Sadegh described the modus operandi of this crime in detail – with reference to the specialist scientific literature; As a result, the Court for Civil Matters of Vienna instigated a psychiatric assessment of the mother and claimant to decide whether she should be given a state-appointed guardian (to manage her affairs for her, as a supposedly mentally incapacitated person). Subsequently, court orders were falsified by the Regional Civil Court of BG Innere Stadt under Judge Dr. Michaela Zeitler – and after a complaint was lodged against that judge, were officially declared an “error”. Prof. Dr. Georg Pakesch, a sworn court expert who was trained at the Diplomatic Academy and is himself a victim of MK Ultra, carried out an examination of the mental state of the mother and claimant Andrea Sadegh. Either due to lack of knowledge or to being bound to professional secrecy, this expert/secret service asset reached the classic false conclusion: i.e. that humanitarian and social scientist Andrea Sadegh was mentally ill.

Lacter & Lehmann (2008) have already warned that “Reports or methods on mind control, secret service operations, and spiritual or parapsychological experiences that do not fall within the experience of clinical psychologists do not constitute a valid basis for diagnosing “Schizophrenia”: a) most clinical psychologists are not authorities on this complex subject; b) some perpetrators programme the victim with bizarre ideas (e.g. of abductions by aliens) to make them appear noncredible or mentally ill, both to themselves and to society at large, and c) extreme post-traumatic stress caused by ritual abuse and trauma-based mind control can lead to irrational fears and beliefs, particularly if the victims are socially isolated and/or receive information from unreliable sources – and in severe cases, this can lead to acute psychosis or to reactive psychosis brought on by chronic traumatic stress.”

Meanwhile, the mother and humanitarian and social scientist Andrea Sadegh has become one of the leading experts on this systematic crime, and is mentioned, for example, in an article by the psychologist Dr Rainer Kurz: (, who – quite rightly – puts the Sadegh case on a par with those of Kampusch and Fritzl – Austria’s two most notorious child abuse cases.


Without going into details, the modus operandi – specifically in cases of child abuse – is described in incisive detail in the book When His Eyes turned White by Catherine Ni Mhuillin (2014):

  1. The child talks about abuse – usually sexual abuse. The police conduct an inadequate investigation, claiming that there is not enough evidence to pass the case to the public prosecutor’s office, and close the case. The youth welfare office conducts an inadequate investigation, labelling everything as unfounded and refers the case to the family court, recommending the child be taken into “care”.
  2. Family judges appoint child advocates and/or psychologists to lay the blame on the mother by maliciously claiming that she is a liar/stirrer and/or mentally ill, and to recommend that custody be transferred to the father, who is – in their opinion – the “loving parent”.
  3. Judges minimise, ignore and conceal the evidence of abuse and rule that the mother is either lying/out to stir up trouble or mentally ill, and transfer custody to the abusive father.
  4. The judge isolates the child from the mother and from anyone who could confirm the truth about the abuse, while the children are conditioned to develop Stockholm syndrome and brainwashed by the abuser or by a “reunification/deprogramming therapist”, or at a foreign base, until they have either forgotten the abuse or withdrawn their accusations and consented to live with the abusive father.
  5. The judge ensures that the mother and her children can only see one another on supervised visits, during which neither she nor the children are allowed to speak about past or present abuse. As soon as anyone mentions the abuse, the supervisors send reports to the courts and immediately put an end to the visits.
  6. The judge issues directives forbidding the children to receive the kind of professional help that could support them in their disclosures, and also forbids the mothers to take their children to see doctors or therapists, thereby giving the abuser control over whom the children are allowed to see.
  7. The judge imposes a gagging order on the mother to prevent the public finding out anything about the abuse, including its cover-up, and threatens the mother with never being allowed to see her children again if she does not keep silent about the case and accept the cover-up.
  8. The judge disempowers the mother by driving her into bankruptcy through the judicial proceedings, by traumatising her through separating her from her children and by enabling the abuse to continue.


In the case of victims of SRA, MK Ultra (trauma-based mind control) or similar series of medical experiments on human beings, as in (among others) the Sadegh case, further systematic crimes are involved – such as the secret services’ attacks on victims, on parents protecting their children and on whistleblowers, as strikingly demonstrated by the murder attempt in March 2016, due to which Andrea Sadegh was forced to leave Austria for several months (and almost lost her entire means of livelihood). Besides this, we also find the misuse of office and authority typically organised by the courts to perpetuate the cover-up into the future and to continue using the child Dara Rubens Sadegh for those series of human experiments:

Through severe torture involving extreme psychological, physical and spiritual violence, (small) children are brought to the point where their personality splits into fragments. These personality fragments are then compartmentalised and programmed: through repeating this torture (as is known from international manuals on the subject), artificial personality profiles can be created.

These children are used by the paedo-criminal Establishment for sexual / mental / spiritual abuse, and later on, as adults, likewise used to carry out countless assignments, irrespective of their programming, for military purposes, in the secret services, as politicians, etc. – to work as “slaves” (as they are called in the specialist literature) for the groups who have created them, or to already work as child prostitutes during their “childhood” and to be simply disposed of afterwards. This crime has become known due, above all, to the “research” carried out by the CIA under the name “MK-Ultra”: in fact, the CIA imported the most famous scientist in the field of mind control, Dr Joseph Mengele, directly from Auschwitz Concentration Camp (where huge numbers of “experiments” were carried out, particularly on Jewish and growth-restricted children) via the ratline to America, from where this crime has rapidly spread throughout the world – particularly within the secret services and among doctors and psychologists eager to conduct human experiments.

As this type of crime can only be committed and covered up by the Establishment, and is usually concealed and protected by politicians, the crime as such is easily verifiable, including the subsequent crimes committed by the judiciary and authorities (to perpetuate the cover-up), as the irreversible injuries of the children (MPD, DID, autism and severe physical injuries verifiable through MR/CT) remain for a lifetime.


You can find further information at:


More on forensics in SRA & MK Ultra: (Forensics in sexual abuse, SRA & MK Ultra) (Istanbul Protocol for toddlers and children) (no lie mri)

More on the symptoms of (small) children & the modus operandi: (presentation of symptoms of toddlers and children)

& at (not a fotoromanzo)


Lectures and interviews: (Children Mind Control Rings – Andrea Sadegh – Marc Gray Project Camelot) (Andrea Sadegh Shares Her Story of Witnessing Her Young Son Revealing His Trauma Based Mind Control – Jo Lomax)


Original files on the Sadegh case can be found at:




Sources (a selection)

Braun, Christina von; Dietze, Gabriele: Multiple Persönlichkeiten. Krankheit, Medium oder Metapher? (Multiple Personalities. Illness, medium or metaphor?) Verlag Neue Kritik, 1999

Darnell, John: Satanic Strategies in the 21st Century Exposed. Satanic Ritual Abuse. Nephilim. UFOs. Second Heaven. How Churches are Being Infiltrated. And More… Self-published, Canberra: 2013

DeCamp, John W.: The Franklin Cover-Up. Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska. AWT: 1996 (2nd Edition)

Deichgräber, Karl: Der hippokratische Eid : Text griechisch und deutsch, Interpretation, Nachleben. (The Hippocratic Oath, text in Greek and German, interpretation, legacy) N.N.: 1983

Epstein, Orit Badouk and Wingfield Schwartz, Joseph & Rachel: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011.

Fliß, Claudia und Igney, Claudia (Hg.): Handbuch rituelle Gewalt. Erkennen. Hilfe für Betroffene. (Handbook of ritual abuse. Recognising it. Help for victims) Pabst Science Publishers: Lengerich 2012. (2nd edition)

Freyd, Jennifer J.: Betrayal Trauma. The Logic of Forgetting Childhood Abuse. Harvard University Press, Cambridge: 1996

Freyd, Jennifer & Birrell, Pamela: Blind to Betrayal. Why we fool ourselves – We aren´t beeing fooled. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey: 2013

Fröhling, Ulla: Vater unser in der Hölle: Durch Inzest und den Missbrauch in einer satanistischen Sekte zerbrach Angelas Seele. (Our Father in hell: Angela’s mind was broken by incest and abuse in a Satanic sect) Bastei Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach: 2008

Gresch, Hans Ulrich: Unsichtbare Ketten. Der Missbrauch der Hypnose und anderer Trance-Techniken durch Kriminelle, Sekten und Geheimdienste. (Invisible chains. The misuse of hypnosis and other trance-inducing techniques by criminals, sects and secret services) Self-published: Nürnberg, 2003:

Hedges, Lawrence: Remembering, Repeating, and Working Through Childhood Trauma: The Psychodynamics of Recovered Memories, Multiple Personality, Ritual Abuse, Incest, Molest and Abduction. Jason Aronson Inc, London: 1994

Herman, Judith: Die Narben der Gewalt. Traumatische Erfahrungen verstehen und überwinden. (The scars of violence. Understanding and overcoming traumatic experiences) Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn 2010. (3rd edition)

Hirigoyen, Marie-France: Die Masken der Niedertracht. (The masks of perfidy) Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, München 2011 (12th edition)

Hoffman, Wendy: The Enslaved Queen. A Memoir about Electricity and Mind Control. Karnac, London 2014

Hoffman, Wendy: White Witch in a Black Robe: A True Story about Criminal Mind Control. Karnac, London 2015

Huber, Michaela: Multiple Persönlichkeiten. Seelische Zersplitterung nach Gewalt. (Multiple personalities: fragmentation of the mind through violence) Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn 2010. (Revised new edition, first edition 1995, Fischer)

Karriker, W., Becker, T., Overkamp, B., & Rutz, C. (2015): Findings from the 2007 Extreme Abuse Survey (EAS) Series. Online at

Kramer, Heinrich, Der Hexenhammer. Malleus Maleficarum, (Hammer of the Witches, originally published in 1486)

Lacter, Ellen and K Lehman, K. Guidelines to diagnosis of ritual abuse/mind control traumatic stress. Attachment 2 (2) 2008 pp.159-81.

Lacter, Ellen:

Lacter, Ellen:

Simple to Moderately Complex Programming

Moderately to Very Complex Programming

Some Indicators of Mind Control Programming.

Lacter, Ellen: A Coloring Book of Healing Images for Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Self-published, San Diego: 2015

Luukanen Kilde, Rauni-Leena: Bright Light on Black Shadows. Infonurt2 Bohdan Szewczyk, Georgetown: 2015

Miller, Alice: Der gemiedene Schlüssel. (The Untouched Key) Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, 1991

Miller, Alice: Am Anfang war Erziehung. (For Your Own Good) Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, 1980

Miller, Alison: Healing the Unimaginable. Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London: 2012

Miller, Alison: Becoming Yourself. Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse. Karnac, London: 2014

Nathan, Debbie: Satan’s Silence: Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modern American Witch Hunt. Basic Books Publisher, New York: 1998

Noble, Kim: All of Me. Piatkus, London, 2011

Noblitt, Randy & Perskin, Pamela: Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social, and Political Considerations, Reed, 2011

Noblitt, Randy & Perskin, Pamela: Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America. Greenwood Press, Westport: 2000

O’Brien, Cathy; Phillips Mark: Die Tranceformation Amerikas. Die wahre Lebensgeschichte einer CIA-Sklavin unter Mind-Control. (Trance Formation of America. The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave) Mosquito Verlag, Potsdam: 2005 (3rd edition)

Reijden, Joël van der: Beyond the Dutroux Affair: The reality of protected child abuse and snuff Networks, 2007:

Ryder, Daniel: Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Recognizing and Recovering from the Hidden Trauma. CompCare Publishers, Mineapolis: 1992

Ross, Colin A.: Satanic Ritual Abuse. Principles of Treatment. University of Toronto Press, Toronto et al., 2013 (3rd edition).

Ross, Colin A.: The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists. Manitou Communications, Richardson: 2005

Ross, Colin A.: The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the Manchurian Candidate. Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and Dissociation, 18 April 1996

Ross, Colin A.: The Osiris Complex. Case-Studies in Multiple Personality Disorder. University of Toronto Press, Toronto et al., 1994

Rutschky, Katharina: Schwarze Pädagogik. Quellen zur Naturgeschichte der bürgerlichen Erziehung. (Poisonous pedagogy. Sources on the natural history of middle-class education) Ullstein, München: 2001

Rutschky, Katharina, Wolff Reinhart: Handbuch sexueller Missbrauch. (Handbook of sexual abuse) Ingrid Klein Verlag, Hamburg: 1994

Sanford, Doris: Don’t Make Me Go Back, Mommy: A Child’s Book about Satanic Ritual Abuse (Hurts of Childhood Series) Multnomah Press, Portland: 1990

Sanford, Doris: Helping Kids Through Tough Times. Standard Publishing, Ohio: 1995

Sanford, Doris: Within a Yard of Hell. The Story of an Abnormal Family. Self-Publishing: 1995

Salter, Michael: Organised Sexual Abuse. Taylor & Francis Ltd, UK: 2012

Scott, Sara: The politics and experience of ritual abuse beyond disbelief. Open University Press, Buckingham: 2001

Sinason, Valerie: Treating Survivors of Ritual Abuse. Routledge, London: 1994

Smith, Margaret: Ritual Abuse. What it is. Why it happens. How to help. Harper Collins Publishers, New York et al, 1993 (1st edition)

Springmeier, Fritz & Cisco Wheeler:

Springmeier, Fritz & Cisco Wheeler: Bloodlines of the Illuminati

Springmeier, Fritz & Cisco Wheeler: Be wise as serpents

Springmeier, Fritz & Cisco Wheeler: The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

Springmeier, Fritz & Cisco Wheeler: The Watchtower & The Masons

Springmeier, Fritz & Cisco Wheeler: They Know Not What They Do

Springmeier, Fritz & Cisco Wheeler: An Illustrated Guide to Monarch Programming-Mind Control

Springmeier, Fritz & Cisco Wheeler: Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

“Svali”: Die Illuminaten. Wie der Kult Menschen programmiert. (The Illuminati. How the cult programmes people) &

Taylor, Brice: Thanks for the Memories. Brice Taylor Trust: 1999

The Vigilant Citizen Articles Compilation. Discover the Hidden Symbolism found in Music Videos, Movies and Famous Monuments. E-Book, 3rd Edition, May 2014

Van der Hart, Onno, Nijenhuis, Ellert R.S, Steele, Kathy: Das verfolgte Selbst. Strukturelle Dissoziation und die Behandlung chronischer Traumatisierung. (The persecuted self. Structural dissociation and the treatment of chronic traumatisation) Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn 2008.





Sadegh Case Cover-Up


In the Sadegh case, all the evidence submitted since 2011 by the humanitarian and social scientist and mother Andrea Sadegh M.A. concerning the horrendous flashbacks suffered by her then two-and-a-half-year-old son Dara Rubens Sadegh (born 20.02.2009), which in expert circles present undoubted and unambiguous indications of SRA (satanic/sadistic) ritual abuse and trauma based mind control / MK Ultra, have been ignored, watered down and ridiculed by the Austrian judiciary, as these crimes, which are often committed in the course of human experiments conducted by medical doctors and protected by the secret services, do not officially exist in Austria.

The reports and accounts outlined by Andrea Sadegh since 2011 – which were sent in writing to the Local Court of BG Hernals/Vienna, Judge MMag. Konrad Kubiczek and also the public prosecutor’s office of Vienna, prosecution officer Mag. Petra Freh, and also the police department of Wattgasse/Vienna, Manfred Miksits, and others – contained reports ranging from physical violence and rapes to ritual violence and waterboarding. In detail, these involved: rapes (oral and anal), the hunting of the child, use of drugs, use of medical torture (experiments with light, loud noises, destruction of the inner genitals, drilling/piercing the tooth root), ridicule & mockery (being laughed at during the torture), being buried alive, being subjected to waterboarding, spinning, heat and cold (e.g. forced to wear a ski suit in summer), working as a child prostitute (ballet dress, swimming trunks, makeup, high-heeled shoes, customers, money), being conditioned using torture (the child repeatedly hits himself on the head with one hand, while pulling his hair with the other and practises “looking happy” and “laughing” by saying “ha ha”, while his carotid artery is visible over his entire neck as he tries to grin), sudden changes of personality, vows, pledges, oaths (satanic components) and near-death experiences: in sum, the then two-and-a-half-year-old victim reported physical, psychic, spiritual and mental abuse. Subsequently, even after the Austrian government took custody of the child, there were further signs of torture after 2012, as well as sensory deprivation programming in 2015, all of which became unmistakably evident during the supervised visits of the mother, Andrea Sadegh, to her son, and were brought to court even then – without success.

This kind of torture is known in the specialist literature as “ritual abuse” and also as “trauma-based mind control” or “MK-Ultra”. This crime, which, due to the horrendous lifelong injuries of the children, can only be carried out under state protection, is defined by one expert as follows: “Ritual abuse can be defined as a wide variety of very different crimes, whose common denominator ultimately simply consists of extreme sadism, together with a certain continuity and systematic methods.” Noblitt & Perskin, quoting Hans Ulrich Gresch.



What we see happening in the following case was also the focus of an article in the Austrian magazine Profil (Title story: “Unsere Justiz Hilflos, Überfordert, Träge? Schlampige Verfahren, Endlose Ermittlungen, Hass im Netz, Promibonus” (Engl. trans.: “Are our judiciary helpless, overburdened or lazy? Sloppy proceedings, endless investigations, hate on the net and celebrity perks”) 5th edition, 30.01.2017:


As a two-and-a-half-year-old child, Dara Rubens Sadegh never underwent any MR/CT/ nuclear medical /psychiatric examinations, while the fact that the mother and claimant was declared completely sane in a psychiatric examination on 23.12.2011 was totally ignored: the child was taken into state custody (without either a court order or an advance warning of exigent circumstances) on 13.02.2012, on the grounds that the mother “had suddenly become mentally ill”. Since then, the child has continued to be subjected to this form of violence (SRA, trauma-based mind control) – and the fact that the mother (who has a Master´s degree in Comparative Literature, a post graduate degree in Statistics and is also a fully qualified, licensed trainer, coach and counsellor) has submitted multiple written reports to the authorities since 2011, including further appeals, has likewise been ignored.


As legal recourse against her loss of custody of her child on 19.12.2012, Andrea Sadegh described the modus operandi of this crime in detail – with reference to the specialist scientific literature; As a result, the Court for Civil Matters of Vienna instigated a psychiatric assessment of the mother and claimant to decide whether she should be given a state-appointed guardian (to manage her affairs for her, as a supposedly mentally incapacitated person). Subsequently, court orders were falsified by the Regional Civil Court of BG Innere Stadt under Judge Dr. Michaela Zeitler – and after a complaint was lodged against that judge, were officially declared an “error”. Prof. Dr. Georg Pakesch, a sworn court expert who was trained at the Diplomatic Academy and is himself a victim of MK Ultra, carried out an examination of the mental state of the mother and claimant Andrea Sadegh. Either due to lack of knowledge or to being bound to professional secrecy, this expert/secret service asset reached the classic false conclusion: i.e. that humanitarian and social scientist Andrea Sadegh was mentally ill.

Lacter & Lehmann (2008) have already warned that “Reports or methods on mind control, secret service operations, and spiritual or parapsychological experiences that do not fall within the experience of clinical psychologists do not constitute a valid basis for diagnosing “Schizophrenia”: a) most clinical psychologists are not authorities on this complex subject; b) some perpetrators programme the victim with bizarre ideas (e.g. of abductions by aliens) to make them appear noncredible or mentally ill, both to themselves and to society at large, and c) extreme post-traumatic stress caused by ritual abuse and trauma-based mind control can lead to irrational fears and beliefs, particularly if the victims are socially isolated and/or receive information from unreliable sources – and in severe cases, this can lead to acute psychosis or to reactive psychosis brought on by chronic traumatic stress.”

Meanwhile, the mother and humanitarian and social scientist Andrea Sadegh has become one of the leading experts on this systematic crime, and is mentioned, for example, in an article by the psychologist Dr Rainer Kurz: (, who – quite rightly – puts the Sadegh case on a par with those of Kampusch and Fritzl – Austria’s two most notorious child abuse cases.


Without going into details, the modus operandi – specifically in cases of child abuse – is described in incisive detail in the book When His Eyes turned White by Catherine Ni Mhuillin (2014):

  1. The child talks about abuse – usually sexual abuse. The police conduct an inadequate investigation, claiming that there is not enough evidence to pass the case to the public prosecutor’s office, and close the case. The youth welfare office conducts an inadequate investigation, labelling everything as unfounded and refers the case to the family court, recommending the child be taken into “care”.
  2. Family judges appoint child advocates and/or psychologists to lay the blame on the mother by maliciously claiming that she is a liar/stirrer and/or mentally ill, and to recommend that custody be transferred to the father, who is – in their opinion – the “loving parent”.
  3. Judges minimise, ignore and conceal the evidence of abuse and rule that the mother is either lying/out to stir up trouble or mentally ill, and transfer custody to the abusive father.
  4. The judge isolates the child from the mother and from anyone who could confirm the truth about the abuse, while the children are conditioned to develop Stockholm syndrome and brainwashed by the abuser or by a “reunification/deprogramming therapist”, or at a foreign base, until they have either forgotten the abuse or withdrawn their accusations and consented to live with the abusive father.
  5. The judge ensures that the mother and her children can only see one another on supervised visits, during which neither she nor the children are allowed to speak about past or present abuse. As soon as anyone mentions the abuse, the supervisors send reports to the courts and immediately put an end to the visits.
  6. The judge issues directives forbidding the children to receive the kind of professional help that could support them in their disclosures, and also forbids the mothers to take their children to see doctors or therapists, thereby giving the abuser control over whom the children are allowed to see.
  7. The judge imposes a gagging order on the mother to prevent the public finding out anything about the abuse, including its cover-up, and threatens the mother with never being allowed to see her children again if she does not keep silent about the case and accept the cover-up.
  8. The judge disempowers the mother by driving her into bankruptcy through the judicial proceedings, by traumatising her through separating her from her children and by enabling the abuse to continue.


In the case of victims of SRA, MK Ultra (trauma-based mind control) or similar series of medical experiments on human beings, as in (among others) the Sadegh case, further systematic crimes are involved – such as the secret services’ attacks on victims, on parents protecting their children and on whistleblowers, as strikingly demonstrated by the murder attempt in March 2016, due to which Andrea Sadegh was forced to leave Austria for several months (and almost lost her entire means of livelihood). Besides this, we also find the misuse of office and authority typically organised by the courts to perpetuate the cover-up into the future and to continue using the child Dara Rubens Sadegh for those series of human experiments:

Through severe torture involving extreme psychological, physical and spiritual violence, (small) children are brought to the point where their personality splits into fragments. These personality fragments are then compartmentalised and programmed: through repeating this torture (as is known from international manuals on the subject), artificial personality profiles can be created.

These children are used by the paedo-criminal Establishment for sexual / mental / spiritual abuse, and later on, as adults, likewise used to carry out countless assignments, irrespective of their programming, for military purposes, in the secret services, as politicians, etc. – to work as “slaves” (as they are called in the specialist literature) for the groups who have created them, or to already work as child prostitutes during their “childhood” and to be simply disposed of afterwards. This crime has become known due, above all, to the “research” carried out by the CIA under the name “MK-Ultra”: in fact, the CIA imported the most famous scientist in the field of mind control, Dr Joseph Mengele, directly from Auschwitz Concentration Camp (where huge numbers of “experiments” were carried out, particularly on Jewish and growth-restricted children) via the ratline to America, from where this crime has rapidly spread throughout the world – particularly within the secret services and among doctors and psychologists eager to conduct human experiments.

As this type of crime can only be committed and covered up by the Establishment, and is usually concealed and protected by politicians, the crime as such is easily verifiable, including the subsequent crimes committed by the judiciary and authorities (to perpetuate the cover-up), as the irreversible injuries of the children (MPD, DID, autism and severe physical injuries verifiable through MR/CT) remain for a lifetime.


You can find further information at:


More on forensics in SRA & MK Ultra: (Forensics in sexual abuse, SRA & MK Ultra) (Istanbul Protocol for toddlers and children) (no lie mri)

More on the symptoms of (small) children & the modus operandi: (presentation of symptoms of toddlers and children)

& at (not a fotoromanzo)


Lectures and interviews: (Children Mind Control Rings – Andrea Sadegh – Marc Gray Project Camelot) (Andrea Sadegh Shares Her Story of Witnessing Her Young Son Revealing His Trauma Based Mind Control – Jo Lomax)


Original files on the Sadegh case can be found at:




Sources (a selection)

Braun, Christina von; Dietze, Gabriele: Multiple Persönlichkeiten. Krankheit, Medium oder Metapher? (Multiple Personalities. Illness, medium or metaphor?) Verlag Neue Kritik, 1999

Darnell, John: Satanic Strategies in the 21st Century Exposed. Satanic Ritual Abuse. Nephilim. UFOs. Second Heaven. How Churches are Being Infiltrated. And More… Self-published, Canberra: 2013

DeCamp, John W.: The Franklin Cover-Up. Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska. AWT: 1996 (2nd Edition)

Deichgräber, Karl: Der hippokratische Eid : Text griechisch und deutsch, Interpretation, Nachleben. (The Hippocratic Oath, text in Greek and German, interpretation, legacy) N.N.: 1983

Epstein, Orit Badouk and Wingfield Schwartz, Joseph & Rachel: Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Karnac, London, 2011.

Fliß, Claudia und Igney, Claudia (Hg.): Handbuch rituelle Gewalt. Erkennen. Hilfe für Betroffene. (Handbook of ritual abuse. Recognising it. Help for victims) Pabst Science Publishers: Lengerich 2012. (2nd edition)

Freyd, Jennifer J.: Betrayal Trauma. The Logic of Forgetting Childhood Abuse. Harvard University Press, Cambridge: 1996

Freyd, Jennifer & Birrell, Pamela: Blind to Betrayal. Why we fool ourselves – We aren´t beeing fooled. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey: 2013

Fröhling, Ulla: Vater unser in der Hölle: Durch Inzest und den Missbrauch in einer satanistischen Sekte zerbrach Angelas Seele. (Our Father in hell: Angela’s mind was broken by incest and abuse in a Satanic sect) Bastei Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach: 2008

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Istanbul Protocol for toddlers and children

The Istanbul Protocol (full title: Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment) represents the United Nations’ standard for training professionals to appraise persons who make allegations of having been tortured or mistreated, for examining cases of alleged torture and for reporting such findings to the judiciary and other investigative authorities.

75 doctors, psychotherapists, lawyers and human rights activists, together representing forty organisations from fifteen different countries, worked on the protocol. In August 1999, they gave the fully worked out Istanbul Protocol to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The numerous authors include, among others, amnesty international, Human Rights Watch, the International Red Cross, Physicians for Human Rights, the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, the Treatment Centre for Torture Victims in Berlin, as well as other therapy centres in South Africa, Chile and the USA, various university institutes, the Turkish, Danish, British, Indian and German Chambers of Medicine, as well as the World Medical Association, and, last but not least, the IRCT.

In mid-2004, the Istanbul Protocol was published as part of the UN’s Professional Training Series at the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights as a manual for effective medical examination, and is meanwhile available in several languages. The Istanbul Protocol presents the current possibilities for verifying the traces of torture, thereby differentiating between methods of diagnosing physical symptoms of the skin, face, teeth, chest, abdomen, muscles, skeletal system, urogenital tract and nervous system resulting from various forms of abuse, and the verification of the psychological consequences of torture.

Despite the painstakingly compiled, well laid-out and detailed information which it contains, this manual for conducting examinations is virtually never used in cases (of suspicion) of the rape and torture of (very young) children. Having combed through the Protocol in detail, the network has compiled a rapidly readable document offering procedural guidelines for lawyers, doctors and parents protecting their children.


Recommended procedure for conducting a visual examination of the child in a case of suspected torture/sexual abuse

Before beginning a thorough visual examination of the child’s body, you should take the following steps:

First, acquire a precise overview of any illnesses, medical interventions or accidents that the child has had before you definitely suspect an assault. Safeguard the relevant documents, as pieces of evidence that will be needed later on, from being accessed by outside parties.

Think about what clothes the child was wearing during the abuse. Keep safe any pieces of clothing that the child may have been wearing.

If you suspect that your child has been abused using specific everyday objects from your home, you should likewise safeguard these pieces of evidence from getting lost and manipulated.

Having taken the above steps, you can now examine the child in an unclothed state. You should conduct this examination in a systematic way, and thereby try to convey a sense of calm to the child. Record the entire examination on video. In addition, take photographs of any signs of abuse found on the child’s body in a full-body shot and a close-up shot.

Bring in at least one witness of as impeccable repute as possible. For example, persons with expertise in the field of medicine (doctors, nurses) or in criminalistics (police, lawyers) will, as expert witnesses, be regarded as particularly credible when they later testify in court.


Examining the Skin

Bear in mind that generalised skin diseases in a child can be caused by torture, heat, the effects of deliberate exposure to very strong light or the forced consumption of toxic substances. As soon as you discover a skin disease, take a close-up photograph of it. Measure the skin anomaly. Record a detailed description of the location, shape, size and surface structure of the findings. Look out for injury patterns such as grazes, abrasions, contusions, lacerations, puncture wounds and burns (which can be caused by cigarettes, heated instruments and electrical diodes). Examine the scalp of your child for hair loss, and inspect their fingers for pulled-out fingernails. Take into account that skin damage can heal in 6-8 weeks.

Changes in the skin show up in the form of scratches and abrasions. If, on the other hand, contusions and bruises are visible, these are signs of burst blood vessels. Contusions may have a visible pattern and may thus even show the outlines of the object used to abuse the child. As soon as contusions cause bruises and subside, they go through a series of changes in colour. Most bruises initially appear dark blue, violet or crimson. If the child attests to having been abused, but you cannot yet establish the existence of a contusion during the visual examination of the child, then examine the child again a few days later: because contusions that lie deeper under the tissues of the skin surface do not become visible until later on.

If the abuse of a child has caused a laceration, it will usually be possible to verify scarring. The same applies to burns.

This is the type of torture which most frequently leaves permanent changes in the skin. Burns caused by cigarettes often leave 5-10 millimetre circular or oval scars with indistinct edges. A burns inflicted with a pre-heated object causes a scar which frequently reflects the shape of the instrument of torture. If the nail bed has been burned, that will cause the subsequent growth of thin, striated and deformed nails.

Traumatic injuries from skin punctures or cuts come about when the surface of the skin is pierced or slit open with a sharp object. Look out for even the tiniest puncture wounds, deep scratches or cuts.









Examining the face

Palpate the tissue of the face to find evidence of a possible fracture, swelling or the crunching of bones (crepitation). If the child complains of pain anywhere, document the site concerned with photographs, accompanied by measurements. A subsequent computer tomography (CT) is the best way of diagnosing broken bones in the face.


Examining the ears

Eardrum injuries, in particular, are the subsequent result of violent blows to the child’s head. One form of this type of torture is the so-called “telefono”, in which both ears are simultaneously dealt a blow with the palms of both hands. The pressure on the outer ear canal can thereby cause the eardrum to burst. Liquid may be found in the middle ear or the outer ear of the child. An ear specialist can diagnose such a discharge from the ear through a laboratory analysis and offer diagnostic confirmation of the suspicious nature of these injury patterns. At the same time, it is essential to test the child for possible hearing loss. The fracture site can be located later on through MRT or CT.

Examining the eyes

A wide variety of eye injuries can occur during the torture of the child. Look out for bleeding and redness, and to a possible dislocation of the lens.

Document this suspicion and then get it confirmed through a diagnosis from an eye specialist. In addition, a computer tomography (CT) can diagnose eye-socket fractures. Magnet resonance tomography (MRT) can verify injury to the soft parts of the eyeball through a high-resolution sonogram.



You should carefully examine the child’s nose for any misalignment, crunching and displacement of the nasal cartilage. In a case where there is suspicion of a simple nasal fracture, having a standard X-ray done can provide firm proof. In the case of a complicated nasal fracture, you should at least have a CT carried out.


Jaw, oral cavity and neck

Fractures and dislocations of the lower jaw can be caused by violent blows to the child’s head. If blows have been inflicted on the lower half of the face or the jaw, the result can be a jaw joint syndrome (disorder of the masticatory apparatus). Indicators of this are headaches, toothache or cracking sounds when chewing. Look into the open mouth of the child, watching out for any injuries in the oral cavity and any bleeding of the gums. In particular, the pain caused by the electrical current may have made the child bite their tongue, gums or lips.

In case of suspicion, one should then get a dental anamnesis drawn up. Fractures of the lower jaw can be precisely diagnosed through X-rays and MRT.


Ribcage and abdomen

Carefully palpate the ribcage and abdomen, both in front and over the back. Blows and kicks can cause not only injuries and tearing of the inner organs, but also internal haematomas. In case of suspicion, you should get an ultrasonic test, CT and bone scintigraphy (examination of areas with increased bone metabolism by a medical specialist) carried out.


Musculoskeletal system

Carefully carry out a mobility test on each of the child’s joints. Complaints of pain when moving, as well as any suspicion of dislocations and fractures, justify subsequently getting an X-ray done. Injuries to tendons, ligaments and muscles, on the other hand, are best verified through an MRT.


Central and peripheral nervous System

If possible, you should document any disruptions of motor function, gait and coordination that you detect. The same applies to wristdrop and to weakness of the arms (caused by disorders of the tendon reflexes). Arrange for a radiological examination of the brain and the posterior cranial fossa to be carried out through MRT.



Any fractures found involve injury to the bone substance caused by a blunt mechanical force. An x-ray examination of newly fractured sites should be carried out by a specialist in trauma radiology.


Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury is one of the most common consequences of the use of violence.

Signs of this are, for example, bruises on the scalp. After a child has been subjected to blows to the head, they may subsequently complain of prolonged headaches. Carefully palpate the child’s scalp and the nape of the neck to detect local swelling. Swelling of soft tissue can be diagnosed through CT or MRT.

Violently shaking a child’s body can cause brain injuries, although it usually leaves no visible signs of injury. Try to recall whether, in the past, the child ever complained of recurring headaches or whether you noticed any deficits, for example in the form of disorientation. Document the period(s) concerned. If these types of symptoms recur, record them on video. As far as possible, you should ensure that you always have your video camera ready to hand for this purpose. Bear in mind the risk of a cerebral oedema, subdural haematoma (bleeding between the meninges and the brain) or retinal bleeding caused by the use of violence.


Trauma to the chest and Abdomen

Fractured ribs in the child can be a sign of blows to the chest. Here, tears in the lungs or what is called “pneumothorax” (air in the pleural cavity) can arise. Violence inflicted on this region of the body can also cause fractures of the spine. A CT can diagnose bleeding caused by a lung fracture, or an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. Other potential injuries to the abdomen are haematomas of the spleen or acute kidney failure. An ultrasonic examination is particularly helpful for verifying any haematomas of the spleen.


Blows to the feet

Blows to the feet are often inflicted by means of a club or cane. As applying blunt force to the feet is meanwhile a recognised method of torture, the technical term “falanga” (trauma to the feet) has become established. The most severe consequence of falanga is compartment syndrome (disordered blood flow to the tissue) in the foot. Damage to muscles or vascular obstruction can, however, also occur. As these injuries are usually limited to soft tissue, CT or MRT represent the surest methods for carrying out a subsequent radiological documentation of such injuries. Blows to the feet can ultimately cause chronic disability. As a result, not only can walking itself be chronically painful, but the tarsal bones themselves can also become either fixed and immobile (spastic) or too loose. You should therefore carefully palpate the sole of each foot, paying attention to any hardened areas in the foot, as well as to any tearing, scarring and discolouration of the skin. Document all your findings. Try to recall whether, in the past, the child ever complained of pain when walking, or wanted to be carried to an abnormal extent, and whether you noticed any injuries to the soles of the feet.




Torture by Suspension

Suspending (hanging up) victims is a frequently encountered method of torture that causes extreme pain but leaves hardly any visible evidence. Different forms of this torture are practised. Often, victims are thereby hit or mistreated in other ways. Possible complications that can subsequently arise include weakness of muscles of the arms or hands, deafness, loss of tendon reflexes, pain sensitivity or insensitivity to touch. In addition to neurological injury, torn ligaments in the shoulder joints, dislocation of the shoulder blade or injury to the shoulder muscles can also occur. Similar patterns of injury can result if the victim is not suspended but is instead held fast to force them to hold a certain position (bent over, overstretched) for a prolonged period.

Source: Lynn Schirmer

Carefully move the shoulders, arms and wrists of the child. Look out for any disruptions of motor function and any swelling. In case of suspicion, arrange for a neurological examination of the muscle tissue to be carried out.


Torture by electric shock

Here, an electrical current is passed through electrodes that are attached to a place on the body. The most usual points of contact used for this purpose are the hands, feet, fingers, toes, ears, nipples, the mouth, the lips and the genital area. Particularly in the genital area, the resulting pain is known to be unbearable. As all the muscles located along the flow of the current contract in a cataleptic-like manner, shoulder dislocations and diseases of the nerve roots (radiculopathy) can occur. However, the type and time of the torture, the strength of the current and the electric power cannot be determined with certainty through physically examining the victim. The traces of burns caused by electrical current are usually reddish-brown, circular wounds with a diameter of only 1-3 mm. You should therefore pay particularly close attention to the surface of the child’s skin.

Torture inflicted on the teeth

Torture inflicted on the teeth can take the form of tooth fracture, drilling the roots of teeth or pulling teeth out. It can also take the form of electric shocks to the teeth. Basically, when examining the child, you should always check the oral cavity. Use a torch or other additional source of light for doing this. Take photographs of any injuries to the gum and inflammations of the oral mucosa that you discover. Try to recall whether, in the past, the child ever complained of pain while chewing. Violent blows to the head can cause restrictions of jaw movement and muscle spasms.



Torture by near-suffocation (“submarino“)

This method of torture normally leaves no visible traces and the child recovers physically from it quite quickly. Common methods include:


– Putting a plastic bag over the head

– Forcibly blocking the nose and mouth

– Strangulation, with subsequent inhalation of pepper, dust or cement

This torture can cause various subsequent complications. Known complications in this context are nosebleeds, bleeding from the ears, facial bleeding due to congestion, acute or chronic respiratory problems. Look out for what are called “petechiae” (pinhead-sized spots of bleeding) on the surface of the skin. Forcibly ducking the head under water, which is often intentionally contaminated with faeces or vomit, can likewise be the cause of a child fearing suffocation. The inhalation of water can subsequently lead to pneumonia. You should therefore pay close attention to any skin abrasions, strangulation marks and contusions on the neck.




Sexual torture, including rape

Sexual torture already begins with the forced nakedness of the child. Furthermore, verbal sexual threats, verbal abuse and mockery are likewise one component of sexual torture, as they debase the victim still more as a human being. Subsequent penetration of the child always involves the risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases. In the event of sexual violence, electric shocks and blows are specifically inflicted on the genitals of male children.

Remember that the sexual assault may also have occurred a considerable time ago. Look out for any bleeding in the anal area, to pain when the child passes stool, to sudden incontinence (weakness of the bladder/intestine), and to the occurrence of dysuria (pain when passing urine), diarrhoea or constipation.


It is a different story if you are unexpectedly faced with the suspicion of a recent assault. In such a case, you should additionally look out for bruises and petechiae, which can be caused by sucking or biting the child. If sexual torture is perpetrated using relatively large objects, particularly in order to penetrate the anus, the probability of verifiable injury is very strong.

Contact a forensic laboratory and have a smear test carried out. Sperm can be identified for up to five days on materials, and for up to three days using material obtained from the rectum. Take photographs of any patterns of injury that you discover and, above all, safeguard these records from being accessed by outside parties.


Examining the genitals of male children

Torture in the genital region by pinching, twisting (torsion) of the scrotum, or by directly inflicting trauma in this region, is always particularly painful for the child. Here, vasodilation (hyperaemia), visible swelling and bleeding of the skin over larger areas (ecchymosis) can be observed.

Accumulations of fluid due to decreased drainage of the urine around the testicles (hydrocele) may also occur. Try to recall whether, in the past, your child ever experienced severe pain when passing urine or had to have medical treatment for a urinary tract infection. Remember that scars on the skin of the scrotum and the penis may be difficult to discern. The presence of scarring thus usually indicates that the child has suffered considerable trauma. Take photographs of the scarring and later get these indications confirmed through a urological diagnosis by a children’s urologist.


Examining the anal region

After an anal rape or the introduction of objects into the anus, the child can suffer bleeding for days or weeks. This can subsequently lead to constipation and other gastrointestinal problems for the child. Look out for any tearing of the mucus membrane in the child’s anus (known as “anal fissures”).



Further signs of past anal penetration are also rectal tearing, with or without bleeding. Pay close attention to any scarring and a purulent discharge from the child’s anus. Take photographs of these findings and, in the event of significant indications, get a diagnosis from a dermatologist and a doctor who specialises in gastroenterology.


Evidence of psychological damage to the child

A child who has been tortured can experience vivid flashbacks, both when fully conscious and in their sleep. Where possible, record these by video and get a witness to be present.


Bear in mind that witness statements have markedly more power if the persons concerned are not members of your family. If you are ready to consider having an unknown person as a witness to a flashback, try to ascertain their identity and to ensure their willingness to make a subsequent statement. Consider further whether your child has displayed any behavioural changes such as:


– Flat affect (social withdrawal, memory gaps, avoidance of certain places and people)

– Extreme excitability (sleep disorders, irritability, outbreaks of rage, startle responses)

– States of fear and sudden concentration problems

– Shortness of breath, feelings of dizziness, sweating

– Appetite disorders, sudden loss of interest in hitherto regular activities

– Feelings of worthlessness and personal guilt

– Tiredness, loss of energy, deficits in motor function and a general slowing-down

– Somatic complaints (headaches, backache)

– Psychotic reactions (delusions, auditory, optical and olfactory hallucinations)

– Having bizarre ideas, paranoia, fear of being stalked or pursued

– PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)




It is important to be aware that torturers may try to conceal their actions. In order to avoid leaving physical evidence of blows, the torture is often inflicted using wide, blunt objects, and torture victims are sometimes covered with a carpet or, in the case of falanga, are wearing shoes in order to distribute the force of individual blows. The twisting of limbs, crushing injuries and suffocation are likewise forms of torture intended to create maximum pain and maximum suffering with minimum detectability. This is also the reason why wet handkerchieves are used when administering electric shocks.





Andreas Frewer; Holger Furtmayr; Kerstin Krása; Thomas Wenzel (Ed.)

Istanbul Protocol. The Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Human Rights Violations. Published by V&R unipress: Göttingen, 2015 (2nd revised edition)

Wikipedia: (Accessed on 31.07.2017)

Photographs: Internet



Translation by Verity Speedwell.

Children Mind Control Rings – Andrea Sadegh & Marc Gray Project Camelot




M: Marc Gray (Camelot TV Network)

A: Andrea Sadegh (



M: hello folks – good morning, good evening, good afternoon – wherever you are


We are here live from Normandy France


with us today is Andrea Sadegh live from Vienna Austria


You have probably heard


or not heard of the following names


in the mind control programs


as well in child abuse affairs


on top Arizona Wilder, Cathy O´ Brian, Kelly Sullivan, Fritz Springmeier, Jimmy Savile in England, Svali, John Todd, Cisco Wheeler


and in the show biz recently you have heard of Corey Feldman, and Elijha Wood, Miley Cyrus, and Lady Gaga talks about PTSD, and of course Marylin Monroe – a vintage classic – and


believe it or not – the king of pop himself – Michael Jackson – in the midst of


several breaking stories


from the US


Europe, Norway and


everywhere – major child trafficking and abuse affairs


trauma based mind control


and mass satanic rituals on children like the pizzagate case in the US


involving the Clintons, John Podesta – so much for ET disclosure, right? – Marina Abramovic even involved in cannibalism


British UEFA Players testified about the pedophile-ring operating the football clubs


The Millenium Report, last summer in 2016, involved the largest pedophile ring in history: 70000


70.000 members


head of states etc. etc. – has become part of it.


France has become a dictatorship recently after Manuel Valls passed a law on December 5th stating that


the highest Court known as “breaking court” is now under governmental jurisdiction, which means there is no


separation of power or independence of justice. Not that there


had been much of any before. Tonight, we discover


the world of the occult, secret societies, freemasonry and black magic, law and


enforcement, politics, secret intelligence agencies and


Show-business and media, daemon and Satan worshipers


they are closely connected and are covering


and protecting each other. No matter


their ideology, race, origins or religions. Religions are highly ranked


in the child abuse hierarchy on this planet actually.


So tonight, I am pleased to welcome Andrea Sadegh


live from Austria


Hi, Andrea. How are you?


A: Hello Marc. I am fine, how are you?


M: I am great. I am great. This is a very dramatic topic tonight. We are going


to do our best to disclose everything you have experienced and gone through


I know that your son Luki has been heavily used for human experimentation in terms of trauma based mind control. – – –

A: Yes.


M: What can you tell us about it? You founded


and you have let a network against torture on toddlers and children since


2013/2014, right? – – –

A: Well, I came into this topic


when my son was 2 1/2 years old, coming back from visits from his “daddy”


and he told me the most horrific things but he did not tell me the things, he showed me within


flashbacks, meaning horrible


horrible horrible pains, he was crying, shouting going through again and again


through these crimes and within these scenes or happenings I found out much about the system of the crime and


So, for example he was talking about waterboarding, he was talking about dissociation, meaning leaving the body, he was showing me how


the was hit, how he was trained to laugh when he was beaten. He had to be on his knees


he had to do some kind of ritualistic movements


It was horrible and all his pains, his suffering, his tears. And, I was so lucky or unlucky


– still I am not convinced – he was able


to show me perpetrators, by chance and he was able to recognize them and name them


And partly he was afraid, he was shocked, he was crying but partly he even was fainting when he saw them.


So, I soon had a picture that this are not just pedophiles


as we saw them before: I saw that these are psychologists, physicians, psychiatrists, high ranked people in our society and partly I knew them personally


so, I knew they are quite clever


and I soon found out


that they have done something on a systematic bases


you know? So, I tried to … over courts I tried to have him examined in detail because I knew that the only way to


to proof all of his suffering is to put him into an MRI/CT or have him examined via a nuclear medical examination in great detail


And of course, they refused everything, and in these days


I had no glue about satanic ritual abuse, I had no idea that trauma based mind control would exist, but what I did


I wrote down line by line as my son Luki told me everything, partly I made audio-tapes and handed it in to court


Short story: I passed a psychiatric exam without any problems, 3 weeks later


they took him away because the child protection center claimed I would be insane


ignoring the exam and then they just went on programming on him and again 6 months later I found the terms satanic ritual abuse and trauma based mind control


And, for this reason I decided to inform others, to inform psychiatrists, parents, nursery teachers, teachers, people in the social field, that they can recognize


the symptoms of toddlers and children, because it is


quite difficult and you really have to look at the symptoms and you have to listen what they are telling you. So was founded then.


M: Okay, so you have been the only Austrian woman and mother


who has been fighting and taking her case to court, right? – – –

A: No, there are many court cases, but


they are avoiding the catch-phrase: Meaning if you say, my child has had to suffer


satanic ritual abuse they are just writing the child would have been abused.


So, actually someone – I do not know who has time for that – if we would look closely to the child abuse cases we soon would find over thousands and thousands ritual abuse cases


then for the next step trauma based mind control cases. So, it is all covered up by the term child abuse.


M: Okay, but it is more than “regular” just “simple” child abuse – it is really


satanic ritual abuse


it is torture, it is crucifixion – you have told me about.


A: Yes. Yes.


M: Tell us about the dissociation phenomenon they are triggering within the kids – what is this all about?


A: I mean, their main aim via torture is to get a dissociated child, a broken child. The mind should get


broken, so they have many parts of the mind which they can program. We all have heard of the stories


a child then can have even as an adult 5, 6 to hundreds of personalities.


So, this is the result they want to have. And these personalities should not know something from each other.


And for this you need deliberate torture and you need exact torture. So, it is cynical but the torture knights


within these groups or also from governmental side are highly appreciated, because you need to know what you are doing.


M: And the soul, their purpose is to make … from trauma – the trauma based torture event one the child- is to make the soul leave the physical body, the container


And, what do they do then? That has to do with daemons and Satan? They possess the physical container of the child, right?


A: yes. partly definitely yes.


I met over the last years quite a lot of programmed – heavily programmed – survivors and


many of them had personalities that are completely accessed by entities or however we want to call them or name them.


I also realized in those days, this I did not report to courts, because it was in those days far too dangerous


to report it, but also my son with 2 1/2 years showed me one personality and this personality had completely black eyes


with no white inside and I found out later, many years later, in an interview with David Icke to report it, but also my son with 2 1/2 years showed me one personality and this personality had completely black eyes


M: wow.

A: with no white inside and I found out later, many years later, in an interview with David Icke


he was saying that, when this


is happening then the entity is very strong within this personality.


You know, I was a loving mother, taking care of my child and all of a sudden


you have the child with the flashbacks, with the highly traumatization and all of a sudden within such a personality you see your child with completely black eyes.


So, it is really a shock


one shock after the next.


and what I decided


is, I decided not to go into my feelings on this topic because I would not have been able


to help my son


and I would not have been able to talk about and help others


M: Right, right.


So, your situation basically


is that you have no access to your son and the last time they let you see him was last summer, right?


A: No, it was in summer 2015.


M: 2015.


One and a half year?


A: Yes. Last year.


And what they did on our visits – I would be allowed to see him every 2 months for 2 hours –


and in summer 2015 I realized that they are using these visits for his programming.


On one hand to show me the further steps (in programming) they are doing on him.


so, they showed me openly that he was crucified, I saw the wounds on his feet.


all his sufferings.


and in summer 2015 he had 100% clear signs – I checked this with specialists too –


that he has had to suffer sensory deprivation.


So, they are putting him into the sensory deprivation tank


and afterwards he is allowed to see me, his mummy.


So, I decided


I am fighting for him at court


to get custody back


and also, at least, to see him over the weekends because this is


incredible torture


to see your tortured child


and you cannot help him.


M: Right.


So, basically all this trauma based mind control, the satanic ritual abuse, those are the terms the acronyms that we need to know. SRA is satanic ritual abuse…


and the SCA is the systematical chronic abuse


and MK Ultra


Some of us are very familiar with the mind control program of the CIA


You can acknowledge and see the symptoms on toddlers and children. What can you tell us about SRA and SCA?


A: There are many terms around for these crimes over the last centuries


the term most common now is Satanic


or Sadistic Ritual Abuse, but we found out that this is just one part of the whole thing.


The term trauma based mind control and MK Ultra is more precise in my opinion


because for centuries they are going on with satanic ritual abuse and those in power are not doing anything


against it. So, this is governmentally wished


accepted and highly appreciated.


And when you look into the trauma based mind control agenda, you see clearly


that the governments


on their own are interested in these crimes, because they are producing staff


for their own personnel, meaning as politicians, as secret service officials, as military stuff


even judges are programmed.


So, they need this trauma based mind control agenda to have their stuff which they can trust and manipulate like marionettes even judges are programmed.


And a new term, I found first in Slater´s work


is systematic chronic abuse, and


several scientists are trying to find an umbrella term for all these crimes


inclusive severe chronic trauma.


M: Right. So, they are basically breaking down their ego


they are fragmenting, they are dissociating


the personalities creating obedient broken down children who later on become their


agents in the field in all types of


of all fields of society – black spirituality, military & governmental, entertainment industry & Hollywood, academia & physicians, right?


A: Yes. Exactly. – – –

M: Right


This is the picture we are actually looking at.


A: Yes. And we are often asked who are “they”, so this chart is depicting who are “they”!


And Carmen Holiday, a brilliant scientist, just put it together in one sentence: “…programmed robots are programming robots….”


M: Yes. They are duplicating and replicating.


what they are victims of.




They have been mind controlled and are duplicating and replicating what they experienced. It is just like the father…


who was abused as a child and who abuses his own children, right? – – –

A: Yes, yes. – – –

M: That is terrible. It is all trauma based. Trauma is the most


I guess the most reminiscent or


trauma is one of the emotional states, remaining in the mind, in the consciousness of the people, right?


For various lives and incarnations and that´s why they have been using trauma to control people, basically. – – –

A: Yes.


M: But there is mass mind control, but this is like on an individual basis. There are many children


around the world that have been


triggering some major cases and affairs, let´s see if we can discuss


chart number 3


Yes – the slide 3 where you see a few famous cases, right?


The Vogue-model


we see Deborah


A: Yes. These are cases that were uncovered actually but nearly all the children


are still in the hands of the perpetrators.


So, the German cases of Aaron for example – he still is in the hands of the perpetrators


my son is still in the hands of the perpetrators


Kian is still in the hand of perpetrators, so


there are dramatic stories behind them, Kian for example


was taken from his mother after birth, so


they were then using him for satanic ritual abuse as it seems


the evidence is very clear


still he is in the hands of a foster family and his mum is refused to see him


M: Right, right, right. And also, let´s see there are more famous children that have become very famous as adults


A: Yes.


I mean, I put into (these cases), I wanted to make them visible, because we were told or learned from mainstream media or school or from wherever


that sexual abuse would happen in the


lower social classes they would abuse their children


and this is one of the biggest lies, because all the children


who are born into freemasonic families


into military families


even into families out of the monarchies


are going through programs like trauma based mind control programs


So, I put into pictures where it is quite obvious. So, we have Barack Obama (….)




And for sure Suri Cruise is a child who is going through these programs (…)


She shows every sign a child can have depicted on


pictures or short videos about here. Next one: The adopted daughter from Sir Bob Geldorf (Tiger Lili Geldorf)


No one was taking care of her signs, you know.


I mean it is incredible what happened in this family


there were rumors that he was killing his ex-wife and her new husband, then adopting the child


So, within a satanic family belonging to the OTO – ordo templis orientis – it is quite it is incredible


that this child was left with this father in this adoption family


Then we know since Machiavelli “Il Principe”


we know the monarchs are programming their children


they are drilled


they should not have any feelings they just should function as marionettes


so of course also the British line is concerned of this crime


And it is not just a crime that is done in l lower social classes


as it is claimed or on drug addicts or on orphans – even they should not suffer, but we have to face


that it is done in the elite families. We have so many reports


about the Rothschild family, their offspring are talking about the torture the rapes


they had to suffer.


M: Right. – – –

A: We have to face the reality


that actually those in powers – our elite – went through such programs


M: Well. You call them elite, I call them psychopaths


A: But they had been programmed to be exactly like that.


So, I don´t want to blame the victims


but we have to realize that they are victims too. I don´t like what they are doing


I don´t like that they are just doing the same with children what they have suffered, but they are adults, they should stop it


of course, but


They went through these programs, so they are very dependent on


the system


that is feeding them


M: Right. – – –

A: Because without their families


without their freemasonic groups


they are “nothing” – In my opinion they would find it hard to find the way to the next bus station on their own, you know.


They are so dependent.


M: Right, right.


Let´s try talk about the various steps of programming.


How does this programming go on? There is this American artist and survivor Lynn Schirmer who depicted


the programming in 9 steps.


You tell us about it? It starts as baby in the mother’s womb?


A: Yes. – – –

M: That´s insane! Tell us about it! – – –

A: Yes


The torture of the babies already starts in the mother’s womb.


Why? They need in general as a kind of recipe


they need mothers who are able to dissociate or are dissociated


I use exactly both terms, because I have the ability to dissociate


and I always felt it as a gift, you know.


Not as a burden.


So, it is maybe both sides, but


for me it was a gift. So, they need


at the moment, they still need mothers who are dissociated or are able to dissociate – why:


In the mother’s womb, the baby should learn this ability


Because they need it later for the torture because if a child is not able to dissociate


quickly, it just would die.


And we know that they are loosing hundreds over hundreds of children worldwide


in thousands, because they are not quickly out of their body so they are dying because of the torture.


So, they start with the “training” as it is called


in the mother’s womb.


meaning torturing the child.


M: It allows them to


step out of their body so it is an out of body trigger through torture and trauma


So, it is an out of body experience? – – –

A: Yes, right. And you have to have


this ability to survive the torture as a child. We adults would not survive


anymore the torture the toddlers and babies go through


We could not stand it.


But they can stand it, when they have the ability to dissociate.


M: Right, right. – – –

A: So, the training


“dissociation training” as it is called – the term is horrible but


you also have to see it on a scientific level otherwise you don´t understand their system


already starts in the mother’s womb.


And this is done by several means:


We know that the mothers, the womb is pushed


they are inserting needles to hurt the baby


Most important is also to traumatize the mother, meaning shouting at her, bossing her around


hurting her feelings and for example the mother should also drink bitter fluids, so in our own case, my ex-husband told me “well,


listen, this is a fine herbal tea, you should drink it, because it is healthy for pregnant women”


So, I drank bitter herbal tea because I thought it would be healthy because you are very thirsty being pregnant and I had no idea that this was already part of the


dissociation training of my son in the womb. – – –

M: Right – – –

A: And very often


if a mother would never be willing to torture her child


or to have it tortured, then they are just drugging the mother


and then are beating the baby and so on.


M: Wow. Right, they drug the mothers as well? – – –

A: Yes, also during pregnancy.


M: So, let´s see – after the baby is being dissociated inside the mother’s womb


and the mother is also traumatized between the age of 1 1/2 and before the age of 3


the toddlers and children are also abused and tortured? – – –

A: Yes.


M: Right. How does that happen?


A: It is very important that the


mind of the child is already broken, because at age 3


the trauma based mind control training and programming is starting.


So, I always say to everyone “just take care of the child until the age of 3,


stay with him or her, don´t give it away, don´t give it to nursery schools


or whatever, just stay with the child until the age of 3″ – Because after that horrible things can happen


but trauma based mind control training will be quite hard.


or nearly impossible to do. So, they do several kinds of abuse


they are preferring “sexual” abuse


because this is the best method for them


to split the mind of a child


because it is so painful on the soul level, the mind level and the body level. So, they are doing this


because it is the most efficient way to


to so, you know.


Then of course they are tortured, meaning


they have to – my son told me about it that he had to – eat feces




he had to swallow and lap up urine


or vomited things. Most important during they get tortured there is a group that is laughing at them and mocking on them


This is also very important because the child should loose and has to lose his inner self, his self-confidence, it is very important to break down the child completely.


M: Right. – – –

A: That is also why they love these kinds of rituals where are doing this


One single person


would never be able to


to do it.


M: Right. So, he looses his own sovereignty as a human being from early on and he becomes obedient and a slave.


and – yes. That is totally sick. It is actually similar to the hazing going on


in maybe sports clubs and sporting teams or in high schools.


It is a sick type of ceremony, except that is does not go so far, maybe sometimes it goes so far. – – –

A: Yes. It is the same mechanism


and it is very painful, especially for the soul, every kind of betrayal or being mocked in groups


or just being treated so unfairly.


No one is helping. It is even heartbreaking just to listen.


So, this makes the children very open for manipulation and further programming and that´s why they love it.


That is why they are accepting all these rituals, because within these rituals this is done there.


And this was exactly also described – without having scientific literature about that in those days – by my son, then 2 1/2 years’ old


M: Wow. Okay. He has split personalities from this. How did this happen concretely?


His father who is not his father, right, you say he is not his father, was put into a marriage with you


in order to watch over the pregnancy and take him every Friday to do rituals on him?


A: Yes, every Saturday. – – –

M: Right, right. Is there a specific reason, why was it Saturday?


Is there a specific meaning, an occult meaning? – – –

A: No in these days I still was in maternity leave


and he was working so it was fair to – I wanted to have a nice patchwork family, I wished to have a big family with many children


nevertheless, we divorced and I had no clue what was planned


and then I decided, that they both should be happy together, he should have his daddy, so I accepted willingly that he could fetch him every Saturday.


So, Saturday was the day where it happened. But in this phase, they have so much personnel


it is such an important phase. Even if I would have told have him you can have him on Tuesday, they would have done it on Tuesdays


because it is so important to get the child to break him or her down.


To break apart the mind. So, Saturday was just the date because my ex-husband was working.


M: Right, right, right. I guess we get in a question in French that does not mean anything.


There are many French trolls out there, I can tell you.


They are trying to mess with our topic here tonight.


So, you think your ex-husband was part of the secret service intelligence?


A: He told me, that he would have worked in the Iran for the military.


He told me that he is educated for that. But, he told me that he now is not working any more for them.


But it was also very clear that he also has had the ability the training, the education for that, because he spoke several languages


perfectly, on a perfect level, he was very very familiar with doing sabotage and he also went into a Suffi School he told me


so, he was really great at black magic – I just realized it sometimes, so he really showed (all signs of intelligence) and then of course as a psycho-therapist, so he really was highly educated, you know


M: So, highly educated, highly trained and highly initiated into the occult. – – –

A: Yes. – – –

M: You said he also was part of the Mossad?


A: Yes. – We have here scientific literature


that is saying that the secret services as a whole are working together.


It is hard for us to understand


But I can confirm this at least in our case – We have secret service from Iran, from Persia


we have the Mossad involved


we have the CIA, we have Austrian secret service, we have British MI5 & MI6


and we also have connections to Russia. So, you really see that this kind of crime is done internationally. And we know in terms of trauma based mind control, that they are working together


they are exchanging information, they are doing research together, because they still want to create this kind of “Uebermensch”/superhuman. – – –

M: Yes. Like super soldier


A: Yes, but the Nazi “Uebermensch/superhuman” – they still want to create it and based on this it still makes sense, that they are all working together.


M: Right. It all derives from the old Nazi-programs as well. – – –

A: Yes – – –

M: What I called the Nazi programs as they worked together in the death camps, as you told me before.


The Jewish were turning in other Jews into the death camps to the Nazis and they were Zionists already – so they all work together, so there is no duality in this word, all the assholes are working together, all the psychopaths.


A: Yes. – – –

M: There is no duality – – –

A: Yes, like in inquisition times, you know the good ones are slaughtered, the others get the power, the rest in silence is allowed to survive.


Very simple trick, used for centuries.


And now they really perfected it.


And even during the Nazi-times, before they killed so many Jews, they got rid of their own population, meaning many (Christian) Germans and Austrians were brought into psychiatric hospitals


were brought into concentration camps – they did also research on them.


But of course, main target group were the Jews


And to go on with their human experimentation but even there we got to know at the moment that even Jewish physicians from underground were working with the Nazis doing programming


M: Of course, – – –

A: And also, nowadays, we hear from Israel, that the state


the government is stealing children doing programming on them. So, it is really done in every single culture, in every religious group


and we have to stop thinking, “these are the good ones, these are the bad ones” – we have the good ones and the bad ones as our neighbors.


M: Somewhere at the top of the pyramid, and they are programming children who are programming other children and it goes on forever, as they are so many new children with psychic abilities, and new abilities that have been activated, they are not able to keep up – so that´s my optimistic point of view.


So, in the meantime that has to stop. So, what were the first signs that made you notice the situation with Luki and at what age?


A: When he was 2 years old, after a few visits he got ill, serious ill. High fever, no doctor, no physician was able to tell me what he had.


and it was like as if he was dying, you know


but he was not able to tell me in these days, because he regressed


with the ability to talk of course within this trauma, and then actually like overnight after 4 months, he was then 2 years and 2 months’ old


he pretended to be happy. There really was this personality ready


that was “smiling” all the time, you know, and between he had flashbacks and this and this and this. So, I got very worried what was happening.


And two further months later, I got to know this, this, this and everything broke out of him, piece by piece by piece


I was so lucky, because I studied comparative literature, so I am specialized on texts and text-analysis.


And this was very helpful for me because I remembered every single line he was telling me and then puzzling together everything within the chronology.


It was very helpful for me to be able to do that.


And even to be able to express what he was telling me, because partly there were weird things that he was talking about.


Within a flashback, he told me that he would have been tortured with a toilet brush…


So, you have the problem of getting told weird things and on the same time you think o my god that can´t be but on the same time you see your tortured child within a flashback and you have no doubt that it has happened.


M: yes. Right. I know. So basically. You told me about the connections to various intell agencies.


It seems to bother some viewers or listeners about the connection to the Mossad. Maybe there are Mossad agents or Zionists out there watching us – I don´t care – hello


it is not a religion


it is just a psychopath ideology


like Nazism – it is the same thing


And also, those programs, you said your family was derived from, maybe your mother was manufactured or conceived…


in a Nazi program during the war, right? – – –

A: Yes.


M: Can you tell us about that? Because it seems to be just like the ET- experiencers or abductees like inter-racional issue, you know? You are picked because your genetics, your genes or there is something on a soul level?


A: Yes. – – –


What I can add to the Mossad theme or Israel. Luki, my son, recognized perpetrators on one hand out of former Nazi families


who were committing this crime hand in hand with high ranked Jewish families, so they are working together.


And we know that Israel are asking every single Jew if they want to join Mossad – we know this from the 90ies


They were asked “Do you want to help informally” and they said “yes” – I always thought that this would be a great idea, so they could protect themselves better


I am not about that opinion any more. But it´s like it is. It is nothing against the Jews. I have heavily programmed friends out of the Jewish communities. So, they are victimizing their own people, it is not to be against each other, it is just to


stand up against this crime altogether and not against a special group.


And your question with my family…. – – –

M: Maybe there is a thing with blood type as well or not?


A: I think we don´t know enough at the moment. There is claimed that there would be interesting blood types. I have 0 positive,


my son too, so this is the type of the long-distance runners, this we know. They need this kind of soldiers for long term jobs. Blood type A is said to be for short intensive powerful


operations, where you put out all the energy within 5 minutes and then you are having a break. But I think they know much more what is within our blood, within our DNA and I believe these criteria we do not know now.


M: Okay. Right. Right. You told me your mother was sort of like totally emotionless when you asked her about your son it looked like she had no emotions.


towards you or she was not sympathetic or she was laughing when you questioned her about Luki? – – –

A: Well, I mean, I am convinced that she herself is programmed


she has typical programming for female perpetrators, they are kind of narcissist sadistic type


And they need this kind of women to raise children. Because the mother has to handle the child and as a mother you have to be very cruel to the child. If the child is crying, and if you have to not comfort it, or you have to leave the child alone, so you have heartbreaking situations


all over every single day – so you need this type of programmed mother and specially on my mother, I did not realize how insane she is actually, I just knew well she is weird.


but I had no idea – Luki told me that she is involved. I really, I nearly could not believe it, but


of course, I believed it then and she seems to be directly programmed by the Nazi-doctors herself.


Like many in Austria. Austria is very unknown on this topic, but you must not forget, that the SS-Academy for physicians (SS-ärztliche Akademie) doing human experimentation was located in Styria, in Graz


M: Mengele was there too? – – –

A: Mengele was there, Aribert Heim went to school there. He is “doctor death”. He is the second famous


physician after Mengele. There are books about him. He did enormous research in Mauthausen, in the concentration camp there.


We here have deep 4th or 3rd REICH programmers. And also, American whistle blowers like Kay Griggs,


in an interview in 1998 with Rick Strawcutter, said that psychologists and psychiatrists here out of Vienna/Austria are teaching how to program


M: Right. Actually, in slides – the next slide we are looking at, we can see, how


biofeedback training blocks access to certain parts of the brain and alters and alter teams and this is how it works deliver shocks like electroshocks


It actually creates alters in your brain. And this is what Mengele was working on in the death camps and all the all the Nazi mind control programmers were working on in the death camps, right? – – –

A: Yes.


Yes. They also started the connection with the soul. Here are obviously the Satanists coming into the game, because the need the betrayal of the soul, to stop the soul from development to try to split the soul.


The combination is very important. These are the connections from satanic ritual abuse to trauma based mind control, meaning governmental human experimentation, actually.


M: And also, the kind of report we are getting symptoms – they are also being raped not only by adults as well from animals? This is bestiality.


A: Yes. I did research on this topic, because my son Luki before he loved dogs, and after that he got panic, just seeing them


and I interviewed some survivors about that topic who have lots of memories and they were so kind to tell me, that it is done quite often


because it is so hurting, so hurting the soul, you are so humiliated


because when a kind of different being – meaning a dog has its fur and you feel it on your skin and it hurts so much and the others are laughing and not helping and you must not forget


just imagine then, the child lives in a family that has dogs – the child will be triggered just seeing the dogs, the child will always function just seeing the dogs


because of the fear. They love such triggers. So, the German “Schäferhund” – this is highly intelligent, bestial brilliant intelligence, no?


M: Right, right.


And also, what they do to dissociate the children from their physical body, the container


and they lock them in basements, cages, coffins and water tanks, etc.?


A: yes. – – –

M: In the dark for a long period of time. We have had a few affairs that came out. Wasn´t it in Austria that it came out that a young lady who was


locked in the basement for years, I think? – – –

A: Yes, it was Natascha Kampusch


and she is a classical cover-up, she is a classical trauma based mind control case, because authorities claim, that


it would be a single perpetrator


who would have kept her in this basement, I think for years (…)


And the second case we have here in Austria, is the case of Fritzl, who kept his daughter also in a kind of basement


and he had 7 children with her. And a whole village would not have realized what this guy was doing. So, these are really cover-up cases


and the Fritzl case is 100% a satanic ritual abuse case.


Because they love to impregnate women, so they have to give birth and they also love to play with genetics, they love to play with who the father is, also there are rumors that Natascha Kampusch


has given birth to a child which is now adopted and is living somewhere else.


So, there are so many politicians or those in power who love to create unofficial dynasties, you know?


M: Right. We are going to talk about these rings and circles in power.


And the perpetrators in a few minutes. We now just have to finish with the symptoms of the toddlers and children


In the slide 10 you mention on your website that some of the symptoms are having seen devils and ETs


You mean as an experiencer or an abductee – have they been encountering those


creatures or beings or was it some type of holograms or holographic projections?


A: I mean, many children report of having seen devils or even ETS – Luki has not told me about it – but I know it from other cases.


The problem we have now is that they can create with this 3D, 4D, 7D animations so perfect pictures, so the new generation


can be so heavily manipulated by this kind of technique


because what will they tell us, whom they have met, because they think it is real and there are even experiments, you know Marc, I have the information from you actually


that they can even now touch the hologram


M: Yes. Right. They can touch it.


A: So, the new generation will really have a hard time to find out the truth


Because the pictures, the scenes they have seen can be manipulated.


M: Yes, they get also materialized. I have seen in hypnotic regressions. where people talk about real meetings with daemons and extraterrestrials and sometimes they leave physical traces behind.


So, before I mean for the past 20 years there have been holograms but prior to that this had been going on


trauma based mind control on children since the antiquity, since the Sumerians, since old Egypt


and we will talk about the ancient language you heard from your child yourself when he was a toddler


– and there was officially no hologram – maybe we are living in a total holographic illusion ourselves.


in the material world, we are connected with and we are dealing with


there seems to be also material physical encounters


not only holograms, hallucinations or synthetic telepathy


What can you tell us about the ancient language you heard Luki talk and speak?


And how old was he? – – –

A: He was 4-5 months in these days. He was not able to talk in German in those days.


But all of a sudden, he started to talk to me – smiling at me – he had the energy of a young men in his 20ies then –


and talked and talked talked talked for about 3 minutes – and I was thinking, wow, what is going on here. And I nearly never told someone before, but one year ago, doing research, I found material that they did this experimentation, meaning the group…


the predecessors of the Thule group or the Vril group – Madame Blavatsky and Hartman and all those – especially here in Vienna and they did


experiments with babies with newborn babies and smallest toddlers and they also reported that these babies or toddlers would start to talk in different languages


So, it is scientifically proofed, before I did not dare to talk about. Because tell your general practitioner around the corner that your son would have talked to you as a 4-month-old baby in an ancient language listening with his soother in his mouth


They take away the child immediately. – – –

M: right. You mentioned that you saw him with black eyes?


A: Yes, this was after the traumatization. Meaning being 4 months old, he started to talk in a different language to me and I found all scientific literature


from 150 years ago.


And after traumatization, with 2 1/2 years old, he had one personality that had this personality with black eyes without any white inside.


It was like in a horror movie


And I accept everyone who does not believe it, because I would not believe it if I would not have seen it.


M: Right. Right, I understand. And you said, he was telling you those words “mummy evil, mummy evil”? – – –

A: Yes. It was like a mantra he said “mummy is evil, mummy is evil, mummy is evil”


then he was falling asleep and I was standing there and thinking “o my god” – and I have never watched “Rosemarie´s Baby” before, because I could not stand watching these kind of horror movies


but afterwards, after they took him away I had to see the movie and the energy was very similar to that movie


And also, Roman Polansky knew more, because he would face jail, so he is hiding somewhere because of pedophilia, he knew exactly what he was talking about in this film, you know


M: Yes, for sure. You think he was a perpetrator as well? – – –

A: Just look at the pictures.


M: yes. – – –

A: You have no doubt. But not just look at the pictures but on the energy, the vibration that comes out of this thing


M: Right. Right. We gonna finalize about the symptoms of the children and then talk about these rings


Basically, they are being administered drugs or alcohol via injections or suppositories or drinks or being sedated with a mask and are also injured with dazzling lights…


and shrill noises? What you mean by dazzling lights? – – –

A: Dazzling lights are lights that are just blinding your eyes. – – –

M: Like stroboscopic lights?


A: It is just to flash the eyes to confuse everything – this we know, same with sounds that hurt in the ear…


M: Because I do know 2 Austrian physicians and researchers who were MDI experts who came with stroboscopic lights which they later called Lucia lights…


whom they sold to French Ufologists to trigger out-of-body-experiences.


So, that´s why I mentioned it – the stroboscopic lights – they were researched by Austrian physicians. – – –

A: The Austrian, that´s cynical, but Austrians are brilliant researchers


but the problem is, that their research is often based on bestial human experimentation.


M: Right, right, right, Exactly. What do you mean with shrill noises?


A: Shrill noises…


meaning hurting noises. You can hurt the ears with noises.


And they are also putting into the ears noises with different frequencies.


they are even working on programming with the frequencies – the child is tortured and someone is trying to put the whole situation into a frequency


that can acoustically be repeated. So, whenever you are listening to these frequencies, you are (un)consciously shocked or triggered, even if you have no memories.


M: Right, right. So, it is also all about trauma and shock. You worked on a statistics … what happened next?


A: Tammi Stefano, she is an American psychologist


doing a lot of work for children for uncovering also. She said one perpetrator will rape


meaning one pedophile will rape around 100-130 children in his whole lifetime in average. So, I took this number, and said okay, one perpetrator is raping 100 children, and I say 10% of these children will become perpetrators of their own. then I did some kind of statistic forecast, ….


and I found out – I checked the numbers 10 times because I could not believe it on myself, but after 5 generations this one perpetrators caused 1 million victims (and 10.000 perpetrators)


M: You mean he would generate? – – –

A: Yes, generate, because there is a point, where these crime is raising exponentially.


And you can change the numbers as you wish, but you have the same effect – it is raising exponentially and in this situation, we are now.


Everywhere the child-trafficking-rings, pedophilia, open trauma based mind control in governments – we are already in this exponential curve now, where you can see it is done, you know.


In such a huge extend that you just can ask “Wow, what is going on here?”


M: Yes, and you mentioned a list of perpetrators Luki acknowledged which you put on your website. Which functions do they hold in society in general?


A: Well, they are out of the branch of physicians, they are psychiatrists, lots of them are psycho-therapists


And then of course the usual family members – because you always need the family involved in such crimes


This is mainly the list


Why I put it on the website, to show it openly I was hoping that they would go to the prosecution office and say listen, I am on this list, I am on this website


I have nothing to do with this crime and I want you to investigate now. But no one went to the prosecution officer


So, it is highly interesting. So, they don´t mind or they are so involved in this crime. – – –

M: They don´t make a noise.


They don´t want to go against your list.


A: No! I would go immediately to the prosecution office


say, dear prosecution officer you investigate now, because I do not want to be on this list. So, this is for me self-explaining, no?


M: Yes. No kidding. So, they are mainly living in Austria but have connections to CIA, to Russia, to intell in Belgium, there are diplomats involved, powerful politicians… – – –

A: Yes.


M: Who else? You mentioned the perpetrators in Austria are obviously connected to the old Nazi-families and some of them are high ranked freemasons, and one of them is the chief of the freemasons on Munich connected to the CIA, right?


A: No, the chief in Munich I do not know, it is just the Großlogenmeister, master of the grand lodge in Munich, his nephew was involved with his wife.


This I know. The former Nazis have the contacts with the CIA and they have contacts to Russia. So, it is very interesting, you can see the whole network.


M: Yes, since operation paperclip they are all working together. – – –

A: Yes – – –

M: 4th REICH is in the US – – –

A: Then we have connections to very important politicians


very powerful ones – for example the son of the Federal President´s best friend the son was recognized by my son as a perpetrator – – –

M: You mean Sarkozy, let´s name him!


A: No, no here it is Heinz Fischer. But mentioning Sarkozy –


they are all connected via the Grand Lodge in France via the (grand) chevaliers and


the French legion. – – –

M: Yes, they are all connected. You mentioned something about the former president´s son, right?


In France – – –

A: Yes, and part of the group also seem to have close contacts to the presidents (Sarkozy´s) son – it is like a party of the elite.


The programmed children of the elite are enjoying to program and torture children on their own.


So they just repeat what they have suffered on their own.


M: Nazi-Programming’s, rituals, the perpetrators were also the victims on their own, you said and the governmental programming


did not succeed, so some of them are not well programmed


They get out of programming and start talking, right?


A: Yes. They could talk, of course but they don´t want, actually. – – –

M: So, it is just the Mafia blackmail pressure they are being threatened as usual


but there is so much money involved you said?


so much intell? and secret intelligence? – – –

A: You must not forget, that even my son with 2 1/2 years told me


that they filmed everything – everywhere were cameras, pictures taken films were made


So, if you torture a child, and get filmed, you are forever in the hands of


a kind of secret service or shadow government or whoever, you are forever in the hands of those who are in possession of these films.


So, they don´t dare to speak, because this is a kind of strategic entanglement.


secret services worldwide are doing and the German secret service is specialized on that – the Nazi started to do that on a grand scale.


M: Right, right. Why do you think they need the children to get them dissociated?


From age 0 to 3 years old? When they are so connected to maybe source? And they do experiments with babies, channeling with babies?


And I mentioned to you that they did teleportation testings with children as well, Andrew Basagio was talking about it…


A: The Montauk boys… – – –

M: yes, yes, the Montauk project.


This is why, basically? That the soul and the body of the child can be dissociated easily and can be controlled from early on? Like Freud and Jung


used to say: You control the childhood and you control the whole being for life.


A: Yes. – After the age of 3 it is nearly impossible to split the personality of the child in this way.


You can injure the child, you can torture the child, of course. But they need the broken


mind of the child before the age of 3 because


afterwards it is not breaking the way they want, because they can heavily use this broken parts mind of the child before the age of 3 because


They need big parts and they want to program into one person at least 5-6 personalities, even much more, but at least


5 active personalities, and that is the reason. – – –

M: Right, and they also look for children with special abilities, you told me, like Luki with 1 1/2 years old was able to recognize the ABC and was able to read his first words


A: Yes, yes. I mean this comes also from Aleister Crowley, he said – “intelligent, boys, blond, fostered meaning beloved” – would give out the most energy. So, this comes also out of this satanic corner.


And what I found out, very important – it was very hard to understand from my son:


He always told me he had to promise something and I was always wondering, what did he promise and what was the problem on that….


And time after time after time he told me – and I found it in the scientific literature – this is very important, this is the most important piece of it –


he had to overtake the burdens of the perpetrators, meaning their karmic guilt was handed over to him


And I saw him and I saw parts of the perpetrators and they were all of a sudden released happy and relaxed, before they were (embittered), and my son – it was so heavy on his shoulders and his soul


And also in scientific literature it is mentioned that they are handing over a lot to the children, are doing contracts with the children


“You will allow me to go into your system and fetch out energy or hand out energy” or whatever…


And I think this is also the


main motivation for many of them, taking part in such rituals – and it is also discussed in a Hollywood movie – the The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus –


because they also mention this kind of energetic transfer


quite openly. – – –

M: So, let us go back to their motivations and what their goals and objectives are


You told me they are looking for children with special abilities. The group behind knew perfectly who he was. So, they are looking for some type of…


Christ figures, for children that could have these abilities, potentially. You told me they are looking for children with special abilities. The group behind knew perfectly who he was. So, they are looking for some type of…


And they always take the bright children. Some parents are happy to deliver the children to the trauma programs in Austria


So, you saw him in 2015 at a foster home or was it a child protection


service they used also in a movie about abused children, right? – – –

A: Yes. It nearly looked the same – I was so shocked when I was seeing their rooms,


because it looked like out of the scene of the


child abuse/child trafficking movie (Operation Zucker) that was on television in the German speaking countries and the hall of the child protections center (Pflegeverein Steiermark, Graz, Styria) just looked the same because it looked like out of the scene of the


child abuse/child trafficking movie that was on television in the German speaking countries and the hall of the child protections center (Pflegeverein Steiermark, Graz, Styria) just looked the same


That is very obvious because they need this kind of torture via sexual abuse


to keep on having the child dissociated for their programming that they are just selling the children there. And I have no proof for that, but the similarities are very shocking.


And why does a child protection center needs a huge hall with a piano and all that stuff? Where does the money come from? Why do they have so much money?


M: child trafficking is pretty intense everywhere – from Africa to Europe to America – everywhere.


So, you said they were looking for mothers who were able to dissociate or dissociated and also are gifted or talented, so these mothers or women are really targeted


And the babies are learning the abilities from the traumatized mothers during pregnancy, so the baby learns it automatically, right?


Like you described earlier. To keep them already dissociated. They always try to construct a scenario when you talk in public or you take it to court or you bring it to a lawyer or psychiatrists, they always are saying the mother is so traumatized so she is making up everything, is that right?


A: Yes. But this is the problem. They are trying to do in most of the cases: They are hunting the mothers, they are depriving them, they are trying to make them homeless or unemployed and after a while when


when the mother is breaking down, then they come and say: “Look, we have told you from the beginning, she is crazy!” – This is a really cynical and bestial game and you have to very strong not to play it


Point is, the mother is traumatized during pregnancy – so the trauma should start then or at least a kind of re-traumatization –


But it is always their aim: because psychiatrists and psychologists are always involved in programming so of course the just claim the mother would be insane. We have cases, we know about cases, where mothers, pregnant mothers…


woke up in a kind of hospital, told they have made a caesarian and the child would be away for adoption, because the mother would be insane – can you imagine?


Imagine: You wake up in a state hospital, you have no idea about a kind of insanity you have no idea what happened you just know you are not pregnant anymore because your baby is away. And, authorities claim you would be insane.


So, you must be so strong not to get crazy with all this pain. you need so enormous power to stay on the ground and fight for your baby.


to not give up, not to start to get insane or crazy, then, they love to do gas-lightening, group-stalking…


mobbing, human hunts: They are breaking into your flat, they are drugging you, they are destroying something on your car, so you have to be really strong and keep your nerves


and not to get crazy because this is exactly the path they want you to have in.


Then they claim: “We were right, she cannot raise her child.” – – –

M: Right. I know. You are so traumatized


you have to stay operational


and raise your child, you are right – – –

A: This they want to have, so you really have to calm down and stay centered


always try to get back the centered state, have a rest, then fight again, because of course they want to present you as an insane lunatic


M: You also talked about some healing workshops you are working on for 2017 because this is crucial and you mentioned something about Germany….


There are over 50.000 governmental child abductions a year – it is official – right – toddlers plus babies – you think they are building up armies, the child protection services are coming…


to take away the children from parents, they claim you are a bad parent, they are taking away newly born babies from hospitals, even with caesarian, no chance to get back the baby and…


there are mothers, that have been testifying – one mother has been in prison for 14 years because she protected her daughter, right?


A: Yes.


M: Wow. – – –

A: This is standard, when you are in this situation this is standard


also, to get to know about such cases. And we have this situation worldwide in every single western country – in every single western country it is done, you know


And we see they need youth welfare department stuff, they need child protection stuff, they are building one foster home after the next…


There is money, enormously money going to them and to get this money – greed is – we know what greed can lead to


There are really human beings willing to do this on other human beings, meaning on children


and parts of the children then go partly to human experimentation, to satanic ritual abuse, some are lost, some are transferred to foreign countries


And they don´t mind. They don´t mind, even – they don´t mind – for them it is just a business.


And they don´t mind to do this on children. Then we have the pharmaceutical experiments, too – on them


And everyone is getting so much money and they cannot resist or they are too silly I have now idea or are too cruel or whatever


But they are just following this agenda. We have this figures from Norway down to Italy and it is done in every single country – also daddies are concerned –


as a parent, you are so broken and shocked. You have to have the ability to talk or to write.


Without this ability – you must be very strong to do that – so without this ability – no one will listen to you and many say, no I will loose the game, so I give up the child.


M: Exactly. So, you said there are some children hunts and men hunts are going on – some listeners think this is science fiction? – – –

A: No, unfortunately not – my own son had severe symptoms showing me that he had to take part on a hunt….


M: okay.


A: He was hunted with cars. He got crazy when a car was starting close to him


and he was trying to run away it was like all of a sudden – out of the blue – and it took time to realize what was going on what triggered him, and why he was just running like a deer in a hunt


And we have the stories from the royalty, there are so many witnesses testifying I had to take part on such a hunt


And we have detailed descriptions, detailed witness confessions – and from Africa we know that they loved to do so, and I told you Marc, whenever thinking of Africa I get so shocked what they have done on them, because it must


… excel everything we have heard before – – –

M: Yes. They are duplicating what they have experienced on their own…


You told me that daemons were an important topic they are really working with them learning from the bible – the Vatican really being really part of this whole…


pedophile ring, they priest´s-entanglement and the remain silent – they were abused themselves and then they abuse children, right?


A: Yes. Most of them are programmed to become perpetrators. You must not forget that they are drilled to become perpetrators.


Even young girls are programmed: “You will bring us every single child. Your children, your grand-children and your grand-grand-children.” (for torture programming)


So, we so often have this crime within families. And the problem is, that the most of the perpetrators cannot find healing cannot find resilience, and of course they are doing what they are programmed for. And those in power hardly can see that they are programmed, because for them everything is fine: They have power, they have money


they have good jobs, they have high reputation, so it is hard for them to understand that they went through such programs themselves.


M: Right. Right. Right. A listener is asking he said he was “a watcher” – he targeted and marked children, you know?


during his flights – I guess – out of body experiences?


What was it meant for? What purpose does it serve?


A: I did not catch it? What did he say? – – –

M: He is a listener – he says he was a watcher. – – –

A: Observer?


M: And he selected them marked them and all this during his out-of-body missions?


A: I mean what I realized with my own son but also found in scientific literature:


We know that the children that are telling something, talking about something, it does not matter the age


then they are brought back to the governmental programming and we know that these children are punished severely.


To educate the others. So, if I got it right with the watcher, it could be that he had to watch what was done to other children so he would be silent for the rest of his life.


M: Right. Right. So, he was abused himself, then – maybe? – – –

A: Of course. And, they are working often with cover-up memories, so you have a memory that is very disgusting, very painful, but you have to look behind, behind, behind, …


because in the most cases there are even more important or even more cruel stories hidden, than you can imagine.


And then you can find out the purpose. And as soon as you have the purpose, it is a kind of way to heal because truth is always healing – you are through these programs, it is not happening anymore, so as soon as you know the truth…


there is an enormous healing process starting. And I found out even with my son with 2 1/2 years – every story he was able to tell me, every story he was able to understand….


The healing went on so quickly it was amazing even for me, how fast it went – step by step by step


M: Right. Your own case – you have no memories from when you were born until you were 10 years old, right?


A: Yes. Actually, I have a huge memory trouble – I can recollect everything from age 15 but from my early childhood I nearly have no memories.


M: Wow. Okay. You are now trying regress hypnotically to find out more about it, right? – – – A: Yes – I started to do this kind of research now. Before I did not want to look into my things


before I did not want to mix up my story or potential story with the story of my son or the other children


But now it is time for me to go into healing work.


on several ways. – – –

M: But you said, family members are part of this crime, your family is part of this crime, your mother seems to be 400% part of this crime – you say. So, it seems …


she was coming out of a Nazi-facility she was a genetic breeder, out of Lebensborn e.V., one of these children born in 1948 – and it did not stop after she was born, right?


A: Yes. –


No, they did not stop of course. Everyone thinks because they closed officially the concentrations camps they would have stopped all programs – No, they did not stop!


The main programmer besides Josef Mengele – Aribert Heim – was living in Germany close to Karlsruhe, meaning in Baden-Baden


and they just were going on with their work – with their breeding facilities, their genetic research and so on…


M: Right, right, right. Tell us the case from this lady in Strasbourg, that is from Estonia that is also an abused person as a child now defending the perpetrators, right?


A: Yes. This is very interesting: After you go a long way at courts in your own country from France, Italy, Norway, from where ever – then there


are not many possibilities left, and you are landing at the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg of course. Strasbourg, France


M: We are going to name her – Julia Laffranque – she is from Estonia and she is working at the Strasbourg court and her father was working partly for the Russian secret service.


A: Yes. So, I wrote them and I got the letter, no everything was done well, the Austrian Republic decided brilliantly right


and then I was doing research about her and then I found out that her father was working for the Russian secret service as a psychiatrist


I looked through pictures of her – she is 100% trauma based mind control programmed – and she got the title of a chevalier of the French legion with the age of 30…


So, that is not possible, because the rules of the legion say you have to serve for 15 or 20 years then you can get this title – no, out of freemasonic families you get the title as soon as possible because they needed her in Strasbourg…


M: I did not get it either but I am much older – – –

A: On one hand, it is very funny, on the other hand it is of course dramatically on all sides…


she refused to look at the torture case of my son and also, she went through a trauma based mind control program


– Dr. Julia Laffranque – and also there were pictures online of her own children in the age of toddlers. You could see easily that these children also were going through a program


So, you have the whole drama, that this programmed judges are programming their own children are refusing to investigate…


and this is- in sum – if you go in a distance – you just can say this is a brilliant bestial system, no?


M: Right, right. It is like the Ouroboros, the infinity sun, you just go in a circle – – –

A: Yes, I call it the perpetuum mobile of evil. And I wrote to the president of the Strasbourg court, …


to Dean Spielmann, I have never received an answer, but shortly afterwards I had to fly from Austria, because they wanted to kill me…


via radiation and poison – maybe this was the response, I don´t know. – – –

M: Right, right. You are lucky to be alive. How come you think they keep you alive and well?


A: At the moment – yes. Let´s see what will follow next. What we know from several cases worldwide, you nearly never get out your own children.


They would prefer to kill them before. I hope and pray that my son comes back to me, but I don´t know if this will happen before he is 18 years old…


M: He is gonna be 8 years old, right? – – –

A: Yes, in February he will become 8 – – –

M: You said Luki had to take oaths, swear a lot, he was telling you one


horrific stories one after the next. And the battle was on a soul contract and that is where the solution maybe is, and they were trying to put pressure on his soul, they are doing this quite often that karmic transfer – that is important and the key; then Sandra Fecht and the karmic revocation workshop, that might be a solution


A: Well, even being targeted I had to do a lot of healing work on my own, meaning to be functional, to stay functional to be able to do research to be able to


write, because you saw the website – it is quite – they are many pages at least in German and do research, under radiation, do research when being hunted and targeted, even writing to courts, so I did a lot of…


healing work, actually. So, first I found out that these contract revocations are a powerful tool – my son told me, or better, I saw it, when I did them on him…


I also published pictures of him after I had done a whole night revocations for him and it was releasing his soul, his whole being, he was peacefully inside him, you know


So, I went on from time to time doing these revocations, now many many many are dealing with revocations and they are recommending that you should


do them at least for one month or even longer every single day – – –

M: Is this on your website? Or can you give us the link…? – – –

A: Yes.


I love the ones from Veronica Keen – it is on the Montague-Keen website, but I will also publish them on tonight, in English and in German, because I think they are most powerful, but every


revocation is a good thing – also Andrew Bartzis has great great revocations – and you feel them immediately if they are working you feel it (immediately).


And you should do them every single day – this is most important – because many say “just do it once – and everything is fine” – no – they are playing with time-lines, they are playing with


the automatic renewal of these contracts – we still have not found out how they are doing it, we just know do them every day – this is a great remedy actually.


And a second thing is, you can do on your own, because I prefer things you can do on your own, because when you are targeted, when you have to leave the country, you have to do everything on your own, so I found it very helpful to work with healing stones, with crystals


because you can carry them with you. (…) Then do meditation, meditations to go into your heart is very helpful.


And I was so happy to meet Sandra Fecht this summer in Switzerland actually and she as a psychologist, now as a counselor, she has been working for decades with experiencers of satanic ritual abuse and she developed


very helpful methods in terms of healing. And her way is, to do it via regressions, so also, she prefers that you find out the truth


and when you have the truth the rest of healing goes very fast. – – –

M: So basically, finding the truth is a liberating technique, is setting yourself free and balance yourself…


Get back your memories for healing, and once you discern the system of what you have done…


the thing is, they are sort of stupid, because they have been always repeating themselves through ages, we are more creative – we are still in the loop


of this mind control trauma based karma thing – and they are not very creative – so from the middle ages to torture from the middle ages to ancient times it is always the same thing – to traumatize people – so raising awareness…


get people to know about child abuse or satanic ritual abuse or mind control programs makes a big difference. There is a checklist, where you could find out if you are concerned or your child is concerned you told me


If you are in danger, if you are an experiencer…. – – –

A: Yes, this is my special field, I did enormous research about the modus operandi of the crime so you can find out, is somebody maybe involved or for 100% involved…


Is the child in a program? Is the child used for SRA or for something different? Is the child traumatized? This is my special topic – make complex research, complex thoughts easy


I put them into a kind of check-lists to have something in your hand


Otherwise you cannot work, because it takes you I think


half a year, one year, two years to see the whole modus operandi – so I love to work with this kind of informational checklists.


M: Fritz Springmeier does some excellent work, right? – – –

A: Yes! – – –

M: Also, US psychologist Ellen Lacter, you told me who has the website


A: Yes! – – –

M: And support groups can be helpful. Do you have any support groups in Austria?


A: I had some support groups but they were messed up by some secret service stuff or some satanic groups


So, I decided to join Miesha´s groups, Miesha Johnston American support groups


and I am translating there for the German speaking ones – – –

M: Greetings to Miesha – she is in Las Vegas I interviewed her – – –

A: Yes. And I am translating on Thursday, there is the official group but also on Sunday nights.


And I am translating there – because if I would do the support groups I would just spend my whole energy on them, you know.


And I need to do some research and some general awareness-raising things, because in the German speaking countries no one is talking about it or nearly no one.


So, I decided to be Miesha´s assistant in translation. – – –

M: Right, right. And in your case, after you saw your son last time, you told me, you would communicate telepathically with him?


From time to time, right? Since you have not seen him since August 2015. Last time you saw him, you took your case to court, again, right?


Okay, what happened then? – – –

A: They just write me that there would be no initial suspicion – “In your case Ms. Sadegh there is no initial suspicion, so we don´t do anything. Best regards, your prosecution officer”


And the telepathically thing I just started a few months or weeks ago


before I needed help, but now I am able to do it on my own – but of course I would prefer to have him with me and ask him directly – you know – – –

M: Yes, you told me that in your Sadegh file you had about 10.000 pages…?


And the like to sabotage you a lot – the secret service intell…?


anything – your car, your printer, your heater is breaking down, you do not have much money, so it is hard to buy ink for example…


A: Yes, I had times where I had nothing to eat, yes.


M: Yes, and there we go. And when you have to print out 400 pages to get the court to look on your case; and this summer you told me you sent out about 300 job applications from Switzerland and Austria –


and all the German speaking countries and without result – it is the same in the US and France – when you are on the black list you cannot find a job either – you said, you put your computer in a bank safe, is this right?


A: Yes, and after


they took Luki away I just put the laptop and an audio-device where I recorded enormously important meetings into a bank safe…


and after a few days I got nervous, because I said to myself, Andrea you are silly – if they are really from the secret services


they have access to it. So, I ran into the bank and found my laptop deleted – completely deleted


and the audio tape – this is very interesting – partly they deleted it and partly they changed it and for the changes I have witnesses


M: Wow. – – –

A: So, but the prosecution office, the corruption office, the highest court is not interested, because there would be no initial suspicion.


concerning the Sadegh case, so they just keep on covering-up


M: Right, Right, Right. – – –

A: So, when you have important data – my recommendation I maybe was also a bit clumsy, you know


I was more a mother in those days, I was not so fit in computers I just had to re-learn it again, because


you have other topics with children, you know. And best thing is, just to duplicate duplicate duplicate everything, and bring it to


thousands of friends – or even better to publish everything because it is hard for them


as soon as you have published it is much harder to manipulate it. – – –

M: What can you tell us about the current state of Luki right now? He is in custody officially?


He is in the hands of his perpetrators, right?


A: I do not know – I am not allowed to know. I am not allowed to look in to the files of the Sadegh case.


I am not allowed to see my son without supervision, and the supervisor is just there to destroy every beginning talk between a mother and son – not about this horrible topic –


They are just destroying – they are stopping you, they are shouting at the child, when the child has a flashback or a personality switch, they are just looking the other way


They are just there to trigger the child. One of the supervisors of Luki I am convinced that she is a trauma based mind control trainer, so they send this


trainer to the visits with me – so whenever Luki starts to tell me something she is immediately to trigger him, so you are always surrounded by the secret service stuff.


And I also asked authorities officially – how is my son, how is he in school, how is he physically, psychically, mentally, from soul state? What is he doing? What is he loving? No answer. Nothing.


But they are asking me to pay alimony. – – –

M: Wow. that is 100% torture there. – – –

A: And until 2 years ago, this is maybe also important for the audience


until 2 years ago, meaning until December 2014, my child was taken in early in 2012 I was working officially – governmentally allowed – as a social councilor, helping unemployed to find of jobs in some kind of governmental programs


So, until 2014 I was allowed to work as a social councilor, but I was to insane to be the mother of my son in the eyes of the government.


M: I know, it is almost like they are teasing your case. But your ultimate goal would be to make a precedent case


legal speaking and you would like to build up a database of perpetrators – like we have a pedophile database round the world to get to know if there are some pedophiles in your neighborhood…


This is your goals, right? – – –

A: Yes – – –

M: the programmers group is not so big you said


They work in all countries Germany, Austria, UK, the US, France, Israel and so forth… – – –

A: Yes, and there are perpetrators of Luki, Luki told me they would have


tortured him, and the same guys – this is really interesting – then a 30-year-old woman also told me – “yes I also partly recognize them as my perpetrators”


and I think a 40-50-year-old American survivor was confirming, “yes, me too” – So you see that they trauma based mind control programmers/torturers are really working on an international level.


And at least between neighboring countries – that´s why there are always so close connections to Belgium and France to the Dutroux case but also to Germany and Austria – they are all connected.


M: Right, right. But how about their ethics? Is anyone of them sane-minded?


Are they all under mind control? Or is there any agent out there that is ethical or sane enough to work for the mothers who lost their children?


A: Also, I have the impression that the good ones are dismissed or killed easily


And we have so many cases where policemen killed themselves


or it is claimed that they would have killed themselves… so, they love to set examples, so everyone is frightened


And I have the feeling that all those in silence have to stand up against it worldwide and just protect the children


in your surroundings but also others, because this group is getting bigger and bigger – and worldwide we are at the same opinion with these enormous child abductions from governmental side


they are creating armies out of these children and if we don´t stand up now against it, it will be nearly impossible to stand up against it in 20 years.


M: right, but why do they need an army? With all these mind control, hyper frequency weapons?


The masses worldwide are experiencing all these hyper-frequencies waves, micro-waves and scalar-waves?


and the Tesla technologies on mind control so it is everywhere in the media, in your TV screens, in your cell-phone, in your all technology, your computer, so why are they raising an army if everyone is under fire already?


Because there is more and more awakening?


A: More and more are just concerned, Marc


They realize we are the next, now we are concerned. In sum, to hold them down


to go on cover-up the crime – in my opinion it is needed to suppress them via police forces via military forces, and this is my humble impression that they need it for their own folks, actually.


M: right – – –

A: Maybe there are even further reasons but this is my impression.


M: So, the agents of “them”? Who do you think is behind this occult ring and the shadow government that needs this energy extraction?


… all this mind control on new born babies and toddlers and the children that are gifted actually….


… they always target the most gifted ones, right? Some are more gifted than the others and they are targeted, right?


A: I mean every child is gifted and every child is brilliant but I think sometimes the parents can´t see it, you know.


But nevertheless, the question: This is what I am also doing in intensive research, and we also talked about it Marc, I am always landing at the former Nazis and the Vatican, meaning the 4th REICH agents.


But I have no idea for whom they are working, is this the top or are behind


… is there behind another group hiding – I have no idea – but these are the most important ones I can see, I can realize – Wernher von Braun still is in action with their successors


These are the ones really, they got visible, they are highest hierarchy. There are famous pictures from Wernher on Braun besides Adolf Hitler


where you can see that Wernher von Braun is the boss. And after a few years you see the picture of Wernher von Braun besides John F. Kennedy and again Wernher von Braun is the boss. It is so amazing from the body language, you know.


And the Vatican with the black pope. This is what I realize these are the highest hierarchies I can see – if there are behind more hierarchies I don´t know, but I would love to know.


M: Yes. Well, in hypnotic regressions we noticed a few testimonies


that there is real, not 100% real but there are so many common points and case figures between testimonies and hypnosis that we can tell that there is a lot of archonic


connection with daemons, devils, some Draco’s, some reptilian species, and some greys so there are some interdimensional beings involved with it, so there is a whole connection that is not human


And you are seeing that they are trying to trigger possessions among kids, evil possessions, even on your own kid, he said “evil” and you saw him with black eyes.


And talk in ancient languages. So, it is all about possession but possession of whom and this energy profits well


this energy is geared towards control and the top of the pyramid, the archonic powers have taken over this matrix


for hundreds of thousands of years and the way of do it to get beyond that is to raise awareness and get everyone connected that has


come to the conclusion that we have to build a new society and foundations need to be


build up from the ground up, not based on the corrupt elites – well elites are psychopaths that are ruling us – well, we have a few minutes left, Andrea


I give you the final word – what are your dreams for 2017?


For your own case? Your own son? Your own family? Your own sanity? If I may say so.


A: Okay.


Well my dream is that I get Luki back, meaning the full custody for him (…)


I would immediately and officially leave with him Austria.


and settle down in another country – this is my personal dream I would prefer, you know.


But, being realistic, he would be the first child given out of a trauma based mind control program


I just hope that awareness is raising, that people are facing what is going on there.


because now we also face the situation that everyone is more intelligent than the next. It is good to have this self-confidence, but it is very important to also work hard and doing research


because it is not coming by sitting and listening to a view YouTube- videos. It is reading books, reading documents, going back to the origin, even reading the “Book of Death” from old Egypt


doing profound research – I am talking now about trauma based mind control, there are many topics, you know. And the next thing is, we have to stop watching others


uncovering, we have to help them, we have to stand next to them, we have to support them. Because they are just killing them in the first row, so what is going on when we all are killed – next generation can start at zero. Protect the knowledge.


Save copies of interviews, save copies of websites, save copies of books even, we don´t know what will be here in 5 years. And, share the information, talk about it, discuss it. And if you have any questions to me I am prepared to answer them – even if you have doubts – just ask me – I take the time to answer your questions. Of course, I am not willing to answer any faked hoax “bla-bla” emails, but if you have serious questions I will answer them.


This is my ending and my hopes for the next year and I hope more are joining,


more are seeing the need we are living in, so I hope they are donating something for Christmas


This would be my wish for 2017.


M: Well that would be great a Christmas gift and for the upcoming year and all those cases


that are out there in Germany, the UK, America, Austria, France, etc. and mothers need to come forward out of the closed and not be scared to talk publicly about those cases instead of handing over their babies to these psychopaths so they can extract energy out of them


and also, slow down our awakening – because by attacking and molesting children they are also slowing down our awakenings as a species and this is what is going on and these are our stakes for 2017


Everything revolves around the mind control basically, so who controls the mind control the whole planet and the whole species and thanks


to ladies like you, Andrea, children have hope to come out of their molestation and abuse


they have been experiencing for 1000 of years now. So, thank you Andrea and happy holidays (…)

A: Thank you Marc for having me, Marc, and happy holidays (….) Bye.





You have found the relaunch website from Soon we will present our network with a new layout, fresh texts, (…) – until finished please be patient!

Trauma Based Mind Control & (satanic) Ritual Abuse is a network against torture on toddlers and children:

Through severe torture involving extreme psychological, physical and spiritual violence, (small) children are brought to the point where their personality splits into fragments. These personality fragments are then compartmentalised and programmed: through repeating this torture (as is known from international manuals on the subject), artificial personality profiles can be created.

These children are used by the paedo-criminal Establishment for sexual / mental / spiritual abuse, and later on, as adults, likewise used to carry out countless assignments, irrespective of their programming, for military purposes, in the secret services, as politicians, etc. – to work as “slaves” (as they are called in the specialist literature) for the groups who have created them, or to already work as child prostitutes during their “childhood” and to be simply disposed of afterwards. This crime has become known due, above all, to the “research” carried out by the CIA under the name “MK-Ultra”: in fact, the CIA imported the most famous scientist in the field of mind control, Dr Joseph Mengele, directly from Auschwitz Concentration Camp (where huge numbers of “experiments” were carried out, particularly on Jewish and growth-restricted children) via the ratline to America, from where this crime has rapidly spread throughout the world – particularly within the secret services and among doctors and psychologists eager to conduct human experiments.

As this type of crime can only be committed and covered up by the Establishment, and is usually concealed and protected by politicians, the crime as such is easily verifiable, including the subsequent crimes committed by the judiciary and authorities (to perpetuate the cover-up), as the irreversible injuries of the children (MPD, DID, autism and severe physical injuries verifiable through MR/CT) remain for a lifetime.




Buchen | Booking

“The key to creating an effective spy or assassin

rests in splitting a man’s personality, or creating multipersonality,

with the aid of hypnotism …

This is not science fiction. This has and is being done.

I have done it.”

(Dr. G. H. Estabrooks, as quoted in a 1968 article in the Providence Evening Bulletin)



Lectures, counseling, consulting & training

Extreme abuse, trauma-based mind control, (satanic) ritual abuse, severe chronic abuse is happening more often as it seems as well we are able to realize at this point in time. After having researched for years I am convinced that three ways – simultaneously are leading to healing or resilience: To have profound knowledge about the crime to be able to see and recognize; coaching and analytical techniques to realize, as well healing techniques for being able to heal. For this reason, I offer training, coaching, counseling and consulting, as well as lectures and workshops, specialized in this highly complex topic, in cooperation with international specialists out of different fields.

Specialized in

  • severe chronic abuse
  • (satanic/sadistic) ritual abuse
  • trauma-based mind control programmings
  • Signs and symptoms of severe chronic abuse, SRA, trauma-based mind control on toddlers and children
  • trauma and trigger(chains)
  • Identification of survivors – even as adults
  • Targeted Individuals
  • Self-protection
  • How to Support yourself
  • Modus operandi of these crimes under governmental protection
  • Healing & Relief
  • Case analyses


Counseling & Consulting: Single Session/Single Consulting:

Single sessions over Zoom or Skype.



30 minutes 90,- EURO 100,- USD 75,- GBP
60 minutes 180,- EURO 200,- USD 150,- GBP
90 minutes 270,- EURO 300,- USD 225,- GBP
120 minutes 360,- EURO 400,- USD 300,- GBP

Note. A single session needs most often at least 90 minutes. 

Free of charge for protective parents of concerned toddlers and children but please send me – without exception – some (court) documents in advance so that I can learn more about your case. These documents will be destroyed immediately after the online meeting.


Note: For legal as well as personal reasons I would like to point out that I do not offer any therapeutic, psychological or medical help, do not carry out any healing, but can only provide advice on the above-mentioned topics. A consultation with me, therefore, does not replace a visit to a doctor, neither does it replace a therapeutic-psychological discussion or a visit to an alternative practitioner.


Lectures, Workshops, Speeches:

Individual Packages and prices on request 

Booking & more information either via phone 0043 (0)664 4182 488 or via e-mail or



Coaching, Training, Beratung, Consulting & Vorträge.

1050 Wien, Margaretenguertel 24-34/1/3


E-mail: oder

Phone: + 0043 664 418 24 88

Revocations | Auflösungen


Revocation of baptismal vows – ©Tom Ryan 2012


Auflösung von Taufgelübden – ©Tom Ryan 2012



I now and from this time forth formally and of my own free will renounce my baptismal vows.



Jetzt und von heute an basierend auf meinen eigenen freien Willen, widerrufe ich formell meine Taufgelübde.

I proclaim my sovereignty. Ich erkläre meine Souveränität.
I renounce their renewal at confirmation and I renounce my admission and confirmation into the Christian Church. Ich widerrufe deren automatische Erneuerung zur Konfirmation als auch meine Zugehörigkeit und Einsegnung in die christliche Kirche.
I proclaim my sovereignty. Ich erkläre meine Souveränität.
I renounce allegiance to any and all churches, denominations, cult’s priests, teachers, minister’s gurus or so called masters ascended or otherwise. Ich widerrufe die Zugehhörigkeit oder Treueverpflichtung zu allen möglichen Kirchen, Glaubensgemeinschaften, Kulten und deren Priestern, Lehrern, Ministern und deren Gurus oder so genannten aufgestiegenen Meistern oder anderen.
I proclaim my sovereignty. Ich erkläre meine Souveränität.
I proclaim my independence and sovereignty as a human being and from this time forth I declare and proclaim my right to decide my own spiritual path or journey. Ich erkläre meine Unabhängigkeit und Souveränität als Mensch und von jetzt an verkünde und erkläre ich mein Recht, selbst meinen eigenen spirituellen Pfad oder spirituelle Reise festzulegen.
I proclaim my sovereignty. Ich erkläre meine Souveränität.
Of my own free will I proclaim that this is my birth right as a sovereign human being. Basierend auf meinen freien Willen erkläre ich, dass dies mein Geburtsrecht als souveräner Mensch ist.
I proclaim my sovereignty. Ich erkläre meine Souveränität.
I renounce all outside rituals and belief systems. Ich widerrufe alle Rituale und Glaubenssysteme, die von außerhalb kommen.
I proclaim my sovereignty. Ich erkläre meine Souveränität.
I renounce allegiance to all temporal powers. Ich widerrufe jegliche Zugehörigkeit zu weltlichen Machthabern.
I proclaim my sovereignty. Ich erkläre meine Souveränität.
I now connect with “The Infinite Power Within” according to the only true law, Universal Law. Ich verbinde mich nun mit “Der unendlichen Kraft im Inneren” gemäß dem einzig gültigen Gesetz, dem Universellen Gesetz.
I proclaim my sovereignty. Ich erkläre meine Souveränität.
Of my own free will and as an assertion of it I proclaim my sovereignty now and SO BE IT. Basierend auf meinen eigenen freien Willen und als eine Bestätigung davon erkläre ich jetzt meine Souveränität und SO IST ES.
Note: If you wish to proclaim your sovereignty you will need to do it in front of two or more witnesses. That is because you need to assert it with the same number of or more witnesses than you had at baptism to give it the same weight and effect or more. This is something that should only be done after due consideration from and with your own free will.  Anmerkung: Möchte man seine Souveränität erklären, dann ist es notwendig, es vor zwei oder mehr Zeugen durchzuführen. Das deshalb, da an sich dieselbe Anzahl an Zeugen oder mehr anwesend sein sollten, wie bei der Taufe, um der Erklärung dasselbe Gewicht oder mehr Gewicht zu geben. Diese Erklärung ist auch etwas, was lediglich nach reiflicher Überlegung basierend auf den eigenen freien Willen durchgeführt werden sollte.









Connecting with your ‘Higher Self’ and developing Unity Consciousness Verbindung herstellen mit Deinem “Höheren Selbst” und Bewußtsein mit dem Einssein entwickeln
(…) (…)
Exercise After relaxing and clearing your mind of all other thoughts, move your awareness into your heart and from therein ask yourself “Do I have:

• Enslaving belief systems

• Mind Control Scripts

• Drama Programmes

• Nightmares

• Inappropriate contracts

• Binding Obligations

• Attack receptors

• Influences that entrap or harm me in any way me?



Listen for your answers from within the peace and quiet of the sacred space in your heart mind. IF YES, CONTINUE

Übung nach Entspannung und Reinigung des Bewusstseins von allen anderen Gedanken durchführen, das Bewusstsein ins Herz lenken und von dort sich selbst fragen: “Habe ich:

• Unterjochende Glaubenssätze

• Mind Control Skripte

• Drama Programme

• Alpträume

• zweckwidrige Verträge

• bindende Verpflichtungen

• Rezeptoren für Attacken

• Einflüsse, die mich verstricken oder mir sonst auf irgendeine Art und Weise Schaden zufügen?


Höre die Antworten in Dir in dem friedlichen und stillen heiligen Raum Deines Herzen Bewusstseins. FALLS JA, MACH WEITER

From within my heart/mind I now request my Higher Self to identify any or all of the above for complete and permanent removal from all areas and levels of my consciousness and my being. Von innerhalb meines Herzens Bewusstseins ersuche ich mein Höheres Selbst genau zu bestimmen, ob eines der obenstehenden Punkte zutrifft um sie dauerhaft und vollständig von allen Ebenen meines Bewusstseins und meines Seins zu löschen.
From within my heart mind I invite My Higher Self to:

• Locate,

• Terminate

• Remove

• Repair and renew

the following and to fully re-establish my sovereignty:

Von innerhalb meines Herzens Bewusstseins lade ich mein Höheres Selbst ein, das Folgende:

• aufzufinden

• aufzulösen

• zu reparieren und zu erneuern um meine Souveränität vollständig wiederherzustellen:

From within my heart mind I invite my Higher Self to: Von innerhalb meines Herzens Bewusstseins lade ich mein Höheres Selbst ein:
1. Terminate all belief systems that stand between me my inner truth and my sovereignty. 1. Alle Glaubenssysteme aufzulösen, die zwischen mir meiner inneren Wahrheit und meiner Souveränität stehen.
2. Terminate all Mind Control Programmes, processes and their triggers from every level of my being. 2. Alle mind control Programme, Prozesse und ihre Trigger aufzulösen, in jeder einzelnen Ebene meines Seins.
3. Terminate all distorting post-hypnotic suggestions, scripts, commands and their triggers from every level of my being. 3. Alle verzerrten posthypnotischen Suggestionen, Skripte, Kommandos und deren Trigger aufzulösen, in jeder einzelnen Ebene meines Seins.
4. Terminate Sleep distortion, deprivation, disturbance commands and distorting programmes so I may sleep restfully and function optimally. 4. Schlafstörungen, Schlafmangel, störende Kommandos und verzerrte Programme aufzulösen, damit ich entspannt schlafen kann und optimal arbeiten kann.
5. Terminate all Script Identifiers, Locators, Triggers and Content from every level of my being 5. Alles Skript Identifikatoren, Positionsgeber, Trigger und Inhalte von jeder einzelnen Ebene meines Seins aufzulösen.
6. Terminate All Script Time Codes and Script Duration Codes. 6. Alle Skript Zeitcodes und Skript Dauercodes aufzulösen.
7. To align and harmonise the flow of energy to and from my chakras and have them spin as designed for optimum energetic flow and healing function. 7. Den Energiefluß von und zu meinen Chakren auszurichten und zu harmonisieren damit sie so rund laufen, wie sie geschaffen wurden für den optimalen Energiefluss und den Heilungsprozess.
8. Terminate all Karma and karmic contracts or obligations that I have accepted or in any taken responsibility for, or agreed to, at any time or for any reason. 8. Alles Karma und karmische Verträge oder Verpflichtungen, aufzulösen, die ich akzeptiert habe oder für die ich Verantwortung übernommen habe, oder denen ich zugestimmt habe, wann auch immer aus welchen Grund auch immer.
9. Correct the energy flow to and through my spine; strengthen my coccyx, the energy flow from there through my Spinal Cord and realign my atlas or first cervical vertebra to free the energy leading to my Brain. 9. Korrektur des Energieflusses von und durch meine Wirbelsäule; stärken meines Steißbeines, als auch den Energiefluss von dort durch mein Rückenmark; als auch neu ausrichten meines Atlas oder ersten Halswirbels um die Energie, die zu meinem Gehirn führt, von Blockaden zu befreien.
10. Cleanse and renew all systems and strengthen or renew my connections to the perfection of my Higher Self and to my contract in this and all lifetimes. 10. Reinigen und Erneuerung aller Systeme oder Stärkung oder Erneuerung meiner Verbindungen zur Vollkommenheit meines Höheren Selbst und zu meinen Verträgen in diesem und allen Lebenszeiten.
11. To create and maintain full connection and communication with my higher self. 11. Schaffung und Erhaltung der vollständigen Verbindung und Kommunikation mit meinem Höheren Selbst.
12. To proclaim and enable me to maintain my sovereignty in all my thoughts, words and actions. 12. Meine Souveränität zu erklären und sie in allen meinen Gedanken, Worten und Handlungen aufrechtzuerhalten.
Affirm the following three times from within your heart mind: I am Sovereign. I am free; I am one with Source/God. Bestätige das Folgende dreimal von innerhalb Deines Herzens Bewusstseins: Ich bin Souverän. Ich bin frei; ich bin eins mit der Quelle/Gott.
To lock in ‘Repair Sequences’ state the following from within your heart/mind:  Um “Reparatur-Sequenzen” einzubauen, gib Folgendes von innerhalb Deines Herzens/Bewusstseins an:
1. I now keep my mind, my consciousness and my life clear and clean of the contaminating influences of all internal and external drama at every level of my being. 1. Von nun an halte ich meinen Geist, mein Bewusstsein und mein Leben klar und rein von verunreinigenden Einflüssen von allen internen und externen Drama in jeder einzelnen Ebene meines Seins.
2. I repudiate and let go of all related miasmas, beliefs, memories, imprints and their influences on my mind, my central nervous system and my brain at every level of my being and so be it. (Repetition of this will free you from miasmas, beliefs, memory imprints, programmes, their residual influences and disconnect their source from your nervous system.) 2. Ich verwerfe als ich auch alle damit verbundenen Verunreinigungen, Glaubenssätze, Erinnerungen, Prägungen und deren Einflüsse auf meinen Geist, mein zentrales Nervensystem und mein Gehirn in jeder einzelnen Ebene meines Seins loslasse; und so ist es jetzt. (Wiederholungen werden Dich von Verunreinigungen, Glaubenssätzen, prägende Erinnerungen und Programmen samt deren verbleibenden Einflüsse befreien und ihren Ausgangspunkt vom Nervensystem entkoppeln)
3. I now reset the original perfection of my creation at all levels of my being. 3. Nun stelle ich die ursprüngliche Vollkommenheit meiner eigenen Schöpfung wieder her, in allen einzelnen Ebenen meines Seins.
End of Session Ende der Sitzung.


not a fotoromanzo

„… programmed robots are programming robots …“

(Carmen Holiday)


We have similar case procedures worldwide. It is rare that ritual abuse or trauma based mind control perpetrated on toddlers and children is uncovered. What follows is the classic unfolding of a case with film and picture documentation that is representative of thousands – and worldwide, for hundreds of thousands – of cases within our western world, here and now.

1. Romeo Strategy

The Romeo Strategy: Enamoured – Engaged – Married – (and all this at record speed) corresponds to most of the (international) – involuntary – cases.

  • Indicators: intensive courtships, quick marriage, sudden (partly) unexplainable pregnancy.
  • At this specific time of being pregnant/married the order is often fulfilled.
  • Main targeted individuals: females stemming (covertly or overtly) from certain bloodlines, dissociative/dissociated/para-psychic abilities/cases of abduction/adoption within the family & family members with a background in the military/secret services/secret societies/cults/authorities.

 2. Birth

By this point, at the latest, everything is well prepared:

  • Doctors as well as authorities have already been informed “informally” that “something is wrong with you”, whilst you have no clue about having got into the radar of the international child trafficking scene – which does not merely consist of a few paedo-sadists, but also of entire governments with their secret service officials, including members of the medical and psychological fraternities, who are waiting, together with the paedo-sadists and groups within the freemasons to conduct rituals with your child, as well as to conduct human experiments in the tradition of trauma-based mind control or MK Ultra.
  • While you are enjoying your time with your baby as a mummy, endless numbers of governmental officials are working on the “child abduction” Project.



(Andrea & Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2009)


3. Action

Now the second part of the cultic/intelligence action is starting: terrorising mothers and their babies. On one hand, to traumatise the babies (naturally, when you as a mummy are absent) or you yourself as a mummy are openly attacked – the ideal moment being when you are breast-feeding. Also, open advertising and teasers for selling the child are made: the more the most powerful beings of the establishment would like to have your child, the more money is paid. Therefore “weird” pictures of your baby are shot, and “even more weird” films are made. In principle, you have already lost in Phase 1.

  • At this point and no later, it is extremely important to change city or country, or to contact a therapist who specialises in ritual abuse: as, by this time, enormous efforts have aleady been made concerning you or the project, and it is more than probable that wherever you go “they” will try to access you or your baby.
  • In the meantime, we know about the possibilities open to the intelligence agencies in terms of “gas-lighting” or electronic harassment, besides the classical bullying and gang-stalking strategies.
  • For the particular agents/cult members it is simply “business as usual”, a way to gain power or a trial of courage: never expect a change of policy – they get paid after the child has been delivered to paedo-sadists or to a fraternity of physicians interested in human experimentation.

·         & do not forget the premium price that one can receive for a toddler/child this young.

 [More material will be published soon]


4. Reaction

Without noticing it, you are being increasingly driven to react to the situation. No matter what you do, “they” will try to create chaos and disturbance, usually from as many sides as possible. Already, the main aim here is to produce homelessness, unemployment, isolation. Even now, as a general rule, you have no idea what group is behind this process. It is done while you are unsuspecting and extremely happy, accompanying your baby’s first steps.




(Andrea & Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2009/2010)


5. Finale

While you are thinking, now you and your child would have peace, the real finale is beginning: Your beloved and fostered child (according to Crowley they are giving the most energy during sacrifice, so: beloved/fostered/blond/male) has to get handed over to the perpetrators: Physicians are waiting for it, side by side with the psychologists and the officials from authorities, etc. – above all the pedo-sadists who paid in advance. Everyone is earning money on it, in succession legions of helpers are earning on it, which leads to the situation that the group of people involved is growing steadily. Because of the fact that this crime is nearly unknown, most probable that even your general practitioner around the corner does not know anything about it.


Seen here before his first visit to Daddy on his own, 25.10.2010:


After the visits on his own to Daddy:

Twenty-four to forty-eight hours afterwards, the injuries and trauma start to break out of the children. Quite often they have also been drugged. In consequence, these children regress in their ability to communicate and try to tell you about individual events in ways which do not apparently make any sense. This is the phase in which my son tried to tell me that at Daddy’s home there was a ballet dress, and his grandmother would tell him that Daddy was much nicer than Mummy; in this phase, he tried to tell me – massively blocked and regressed in communication – that almost all the surroundings at Daddy’s made him “ouch” and were “bad”.

These children most often get psychosomatically ill (they get illnesses with high fever, connected with ear problems, sudden eye problems, massive mood swings with personality changes, fits of rage, bouts of sadness, which you will not be able to explain) – all of which are apparently no problem as far as the doctors are concerned. Also, the environment will trigger these children, meaning that due to their participation in the rituals the child is remembering their presence there and is therefore recalling the “ouch” – meaning the torture – and will therefore be… silent.





(Andrea & Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki “, 2010/11)

After a short period of training and drilling in ritual abuse and trauma based mind control programming, your child suddenly becomes healthy overnight: like a string puppet in a theatre for short moments . From a long-term point of view, there are flashbacks and personality changes.

The first effects of programming are becoming visible:


(Andrea & Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki “, 2011)

In between – especially if there are longer breaks between the visits and the violence – more and more things are breaking out of the child, mostly in form of flashbacks. Believe every word you are told, no matter how perverted it might sound to you. Keep a log (make audio and video recordings).

Headaches because of personality split/personality change:


(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2011)

  • Child pornography shots (which were made with my own camera): Interpol refused to store these pictures at their child trafficking database:


(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2011 – unbekannter „Fotograph“)

  • Paintings were made that excel the level of a 2-year-old, in which the trauma was being processed in an extremely obvious way:



(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2011)


6. Healing

Thanks to stopping the visits, and to endless patience and love, a “healing process” begins. Here, the most important thing is to give the child their free will back. Take this literally. After a short time, you can start to negotiate or to discuss things. For a few days or weeks, the child should be allowed to do whatever they want to (without, of course, being allowed to harm themselves  or you).


(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2011)

Revocation of Oaths and contracts […]


(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. „Luki“, 2012)

Start to slowly go back to normal – and at all costs, stay with your child at all times and don’t let them out of your sight. At this age, healing takes place rapidly – despite lifelong injuries (often to the inner genitals, caused by mutilation, violent pressure or amputation of the bulbourethral gland, and ears, nose, eyes, etc. are also affected). A CT/MRI can clarify the situation – and in the meantime, it is also advisable to search for chips or implants (usually inserted over the nostril). In the short term, it does make sense to test for drugs in the blood, as these children and toddlers are often drugged.


7. Post-Finale

If you haven’t found anybody who is willing to protect the child and you – even with his or her life – then your child will be taken into state care, despite all the evidence and documentation. The child will now be severely punished – they are called “martyr children”: they tell everything, talk about what they have had to suffer and are therefore taken away by the authorities and massively tortured. This also serves to programme perpetrator children – to impress on their minds to never, never, ever speak about anything.

There follow rapes, ritualistic crucifixion, electroshocks, sensory deprivation, spinning, etc. The main point of the electroshock treatment is to delete the memories completely, and to create a new, totally artificial personality.

The individual stages of torture in ritual abuse and trauma-based mind control are precisely depicted by an artist and survivor of this crime, Lynn Schirmer:









8. End

While protective parents have, in the meantime, already been removed – due to various ways of human hunts  – the child is now being deliberately programmed, i.e. tortured, for months and years. In the meantime, the techniques have become highly sophisticated, and it is assumed that the children´s programming is complete by the age of 7-8; the programming then ceases until the age of 13.

One of the outcomes in 2013: a beloved child, who was never examined in detail over MRI/CT/black light/psychiatrically, is switching their personality within a period of 10 seconds. The foster family (Pflegeverein Steiermark) claim not to have noticed any disturbing behaviour. All doctors, psychologists from the state child protection centres, teachers at nursery schools, etc. likewise claim to have noticed nothing.  Sums are invested, gigantic sums, for this silence.


(Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. “Luki“, 2013 – in the custody  of the youth welfare department of the city of Graz, in the care of a foster family)


Since 2011, Dara Rubens Sadegh a.k.a. “Luki” has never been examined in detail using MRI/CT/black light/psychiatrically. According to the Austrian courts, these examinations were not necessary. The child was considered to be healthy. For this reason, there would not even be an initial suspicion regarding the perpetrators who were recognized and reported.


TBC. [more material is following soon]

Thanks  to Miesha Johnston who helped me so much to find out about the modus operandi of the involuntary cases –

Translation by Verity Speedwell

presentation of symptoms of toddlers and children

“Luki auch. Bei Papa. […]”

“Luki too. At daddies. […]”

(“Luki” Dara Rubens Sadegh, watching a child movie about Close death experience, then agend 2 1/2 yr.)

Symptoms of toddlers and children | Presentation Mag. Andrea Sadegh, Switzerland/Dornach & UK/Watford, September & October 2016 & Perth, May 2017













To get an idea how it Comes to the Point, your toddler is assuming you are NOT the genuine Mummy or Daddy please listen here:


Audio von einem (Klein)Kind, das gefoltert wird – so ähnlich (teilweise noch intensiver) hören sich auch Flashbacks dieser (Klein)Kinder in diesem Alter an, also genauso habe ich meinen Sohn in Panik-, Wein- und Schreikrämpfen teilweise mehrmals täglich erlebt.
Legt sich diese Phase, mit enorm viel Einfühlungsvermögen, Trost und Schutz möchten die (Klein)Kinder erzählen, was sie erlebt haben. Auch hier ist absolute Neutralität und (innere) Ruhe Grundvoraussetzung, da sich das (Klein)Kind sonst sofort wieder verschließt.
Suchen Sie lediglich einen Radiologen (MR/CT/nuklearmedizinische Untersuchung) zur Beweissicherung – am besten auf private Kosten, im Beisein eines Anwalts, der alles filmisch (!) dokumentiert. Alles andere – ist in diesen Fällen – derzeit – fast – aussichtslos.
Auch hochinteressant: “From now on I am your daddy” – ich habe mich monatelang nicht ausgekannt, warum mein Sohn mit 2 1/2 Jahren von so vielen Papis und anderen Mamis (!) berichtet hat. Nun weiß ich, wie es dazu gekommen ist. So erschütternd das ist, so heilsam ist es, dass die Wahrheit zu diesen Folterprogrammierungen endlich herauskommt. Ein wichtiges Element bei SRA/MK Ultra oder Trauma based mind Control ist, nebenbei nachzufragen, “von welcher Mama sprichst Du?”, auch “welchen Papa meinst Du?” – komplexere Verdrehungen oder Manipulationen sind in diesem Alter kaum programmierbar – man kommt schnell an die Wahrheit und hilft zur lückenlosen Aufklärungung, damit den (Klein)Kindern.

Audio from a tortured toddler: quite similar (partly even more intensive) they sound while having a flashback, meaning I heard my son crying like this within daily panic or other attacks within his flashbacks. Comfort the child with highest sensibility possible, stay calm and neutral, when they afterwards want to share their experiences. Otherwise the toddler will stop immediately to tell you something.
Look for a radiologist (MRI/CT/nuclear medical examination) for further steps best on private basis with a lawyer accompanying you, also to document everything (!) on a camera. Everything else – within such cases – is at the Moment without any chance. Highly interesting is also “From now on I am your Daddy” – I was thinking for months, why my then 2 1/2years old son was reporting about so many other daddies or even mummies (!). Now I know how it came to this point technically. An important element on SRA/MK Ultra or trauma based mind control is to question without any pressure, “which mummy you are talking about?”, “which daddy?” – complex manipulations are nearly not programmable in this age – you get faster close to truth and to exposure, which helps the toddlers and children.







Here 2017 version as a PDF. Hier die Version aus 2017 als pdf: symptoms of toddler and children_jolomax interview_april 2017

Here 2016 version as a pdf. Hier die Version aus 2016 als pdf: symptoms_presentation_andrea Sadegh

Translation checked  by Verity Speedwell

About me

Mummy, master degree in philosophy, trainer, coach, counselor, speaker.


Specialized on:

severe chronic abuse

(satanic/sadistic) ritual abuse

trauma based mind control programmings

Signs and symptoms of severe chronic abuse, SRA, trauma based mind control on toddlers and children

trauma and trigger(chains)

Identification of survivors – even as adults

Targeted individuals

Self protection

How to Support yourself

Modus operandi of These crimes under governmental protection

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